Tasks development attention memory 7 years. The game "Four Elements". Game "What has changed?"


Love for order

Equipment: toys and various items.

One player looks carefully at the objects and toys placed in the children's corner in order to remember what is where. Then he goes out the door. The teacher takes some toys from children's corner and puts them on the table. The child is back. You need to put the toys in their original places. Children take turns. Objects, toys and places where they are taken from are changing. This continues until all children have played.

You need to start the game with 2-3 toys, in the future their number is increased to 5-6 pieces. The size of the toys should be different. A small toy is harder to spot.

notice changes

Children are divided into groups (3-5 people each). The room can be conditionally divided into several sections. Children carefully examine a certain area. The teacher tells you what to pay attention to. The children leave the room. The teacher rearranges, changes, adds or removes objects, furniture. Children come back and say what changes have taken place. Then plays next group, she explores another area. This continues until all groups have played.

What am I talking about?

caregiver. I'll tell you about the person here. Try to guess who it is. The teacher describes one of the children: hair color, eyes, height, character (cheerful, calm, silent or noisy and cocky; he is friends with everyone or not), voice, what he likes to do. Children guess what in question. To do this, they ask counter questions. For example: “Is it a boy?”, “Girl?”, “In a dress?”, “In trousers?”, “Dressed in red?”, “In a white blouse?”, “Are there brown shoes on your feet?” socks?”, “Does she have bows?”, “Stands first?”, “Last?”, “Stands in the middle?” and so on. The teacher answers the questions of the children briefly: yes, no, maybe.

The winner is the one who first guesses who they are talking about. The winner is offered to play by himself - to guess and describe one of the children.

memorize items

Equipment: 10 - 12 items.

There are 10-12 items on the table that children must memorize. The teacher closes them. Children list what they remember.

You can divide the children into several small groups.


1. Children turn away from the table. The teacher, together with one or two assistants, removes 1-3 items, and swaps 2-3. Children turn around and talk about change.

2. The teacher shows a reproduction of the picture, then removes it. Children tell what is shown in the picture: first in in general terms, then in detail.


Children walk one after another. The teacher pronounces the words "bumps", "shock", "path", "ravine". Children stop and depict the named object.

At the word “bumps”, children squat down, lower their heads and wrap their arms around their knees; “mop” - everyone converges in a circle, raises and joins hands above their heads; "ravine" - they stand in two rows, bend down a little, join their hands together, lowering them closer to the floor; "path" - stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The one who makes a mistake 5 times is out of the game.


1. The teacher names only 2 items.

2. The teacher tells (children show objects in the course of the story): “We all walk along the path (children show the path), but suddenly bumps began to come across. First, one bump, and then three bumps in a row (children are divided into 4 groups and depict bumps). We cheerfully walk along the path and slide into the ravine (children first depict the path, and then the ravine). In the ravine we found a lot of mushrooms, they were collected (children collect cones scattered on the floor). Who collected the most mushrooms?

Note. Before the start of the game, you should practice a little - make a “bump”, “mop”, “track”, “ravine”.

Teams have their own color

Equipment: multi-colored cubes, chips, sticks, balls.

Children are divided into teams, each has its own color. The teacher throws colorful objects on the floor. On a signal, two participants (one participant) from each team collect scattered cubes, chips, sticks, balls of their color. You can take as many items as you want, but you can't drop them. You need to take the items to your team. Then the task is done the following contributors commands. This continues until the teams have collected all the items of their color. The first team to collect items of their color wins.

We walk - we count

Children are divided into teams (5-10 people each). On a signal, the participants of the first team stand in a line, step forward and with each step say the numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. together. Anyone who has lost count remains in place. The first command has passed, the task is started by the next one. This continues until all teams have played.

The teacher determines the most attentive team and the most collected participant.

Options. Say numbers through one digit ("1", "3", "5", "7", "9"), in reverse order ("10", "9", "8", "7" ...) . Options are chosen by the teacher based on the preparedness of the children.

Elena Chuvilina
Consultation for parents "Games and tasks for the development of memory for children 6-7 years old"

For successful adaptation of the child to school, to learning activities, to mental stress, the child needs not only to be helped to memorize, but also to be taught the correctness of memorization. Children younger age remember very little material, because they still do not know how to use pictures, tips, and questions only prevent the child from remembering. Older children, on the contrary, more often use not only pictures for memorization, but also other aids (games, tasks, exercises, questions, etc.). Games, tasks, exercises will help develop our children's memory and make it more effective.

Here are a few games for you:

1. Game "Complete the offer".

For example, the original word "Bird":

flew bird;

flew big bird;

a big one flew in the sky bird;

a big one flew in the blue sky bird;

in the blue sky flew a large migratory bird;

a large migratory bird flew and screamed in the blue sky bird.

For example, the original word "Snow"

falls snow;

falling white snow;

cold white falls snow;

cold white falls to the ground snow;

cold white falls to the ground and whirls snow.

2. Word game.

Invite the child to memorize a few words that you will name. Do not demand the correct answer from the child. Do not prompt, but give him time to think, feel the word.

For example, suggest the following series of words: Snow, falcon, pine, glass, snowflake, old man.

Say the words you remember.

What do these words have in common? (all words start with the same letter)

If you know how to spell the letter C, then write it.

Think of words that start with the letter S.

Can you remember the words I asked you to remember. Repeat them!

3 Game with verses.

If a child quickly memorizes a poem, then he has a good memory. For memory training, they suggest using games with verses, here is one of them.

First, explain to the child that you will read the poem once and therefore he must listen very carefully.

For example: The poem "Beaver"

Look at the beaver

No saw, no ax

He brings down aspen in the forest -

Building a dam in the backwater!

Strong beaver teeth

Sharper than an axe. (N. Kostarev)

After reading the poem, ask the following questions:

1. What does a beaver do?

2. Draw what the poem is about? (Help with the drawing if you need help)

When the drawing is finished, ask the child:

Tell me what did you draw?

What is the beaver doing?

Why does a beaver build a dam?

Discuss with the child his drawing: size, color, shape, etc. After the questions and answers, start learning the poem. After several repetitions, the child will remember it easily and simply.

4. Tongue twisters.(arranged by G. Naumenko)

Tongue twisters are also of great benefit in the development of a child’s memory.

Suggested first short, simple and easy to pronounce tongue twisters.

For example:

A gray cat is sitting on the window.

Our bear has big bumps in the bag.

You, mother, do not look for us: we pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.

A hat and a fur coat - that's the whole Mishutka.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

Yegor walked across the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.

Then complex tongue twisters are offered.

For example:

How good is the pie - inside the curd.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have needles.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood, in the hood the cuckoo is ridiculous.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

These games develop not only memory, but also speech, mental abilities.

Related publications:

Consultation for parents "Games and exercises for the development of visual attention and memory" Games and exercises for the development of visual attention and memory Tasks: Development of concentration of attention, increase in the amount of attention, development.

Consultation for parents "How to spend time with a child: games for the development of attention, memory, speech" The preschooler spends most of the day in kindergarten. He acquires his knowledge and skills in playing activities, communicating with peers.

Consultation for parents "Finger games for child development" There are widespread sayings among the people that note the close connection between the activity of the hand and the mental state: “everything falls out of hand”.

Annotation: consultation for parents of a senior speech therapist DOW groups having the conclusion of the OHP. The event is aimed at improving the quality.

Consultation for educators "Games for the development of voluntary behavior in children 3-4 years old" Improving the quality of preschool education at present stage is confirmed by the state's interest in education issues.

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in preschoolers of the older group

City Travel game.

Target: develop attention, observation.

: pictures with images of city residents (mothers with children, schoolchildren, grandmother with a basket, students), people different professions(drivers, postmen, builders, painters), modes of transport (bus, trolley bus, tram, bicycle), buildings, city decorations (post office, shop (dishes, books), fountain, square, sculpture).

Description: pictures are laid out in different places rooms. With the help of a counter, children are divided into 4 groups of 2-3 people. They are "travelers". Each group is given a task: one - to see who lives in the city, to collect pictures of people; the other is what people ride, collect pictures depicting Vehicle; the third - pictures on which the various labor of people is reproduced; fourth - to consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations. At the signal of the driver, the “travelers” walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest are waiting for their return, watching them. Returning to their places, the "travelers" put pictures on stands. Participants of each group tell why they took these pictures. The winner is the group whose players did not make a mistake and put their pictures correctly.

Game "What has changed?".

Target: develop attention.

game material and visual aids : 3 to 7 toys.

Description: the teacher puts toys in front of the children, gives a signal to close their eyes, and removes one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy is hidden.

The game "Be careful!".

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children walk in a circle. Then the leader pronounces a word, and the children must begin to perform a certain action: on the word “bunny” - jump, on the word “horses” - hit the “hoof” (foot) on the floor, “crayfish” - back away, “birds” - run with arms spread out to the sides, "stork" - stand on one leg.

The game "Listen to the clap!"

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children walk in a circle. For one clap of their hands, they should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, the second is tucked in, arms to the sides), for two claps - the “frog” pose (squat down), for three claps - resume walking.

The game "Four Elements".

Target: develop attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description: Players sit in a circle. If the host says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their hands forward, the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate their hands in the wrist and radial joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Game "Draw a figure".

Target: develop memory.

Game material and visual aids: paper, colored pencils, 5-6 geometric shapes.

Description: children are shown 5-6 geometric shapes, then they are asked to draw on paper those that they remember. A more difficult option is to ask to draw figures, given their size and color. The winner is the one who reproduces all the figures faster and more accurately.

Game "Forest, sea".

Target: develop attention.


Description: throw the ball to the child, naming any animal habitat (forest, desert, sea, etc.). Returning the ball, the child must name the animal of the area.

Game "Color it right".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: paper, red, blue and green pencils.

Description: write letters and numbers large print by alternating them with each other. Invite the child to circle all the letters in red pencil, and all the numbers in blue. Complicating the task, offer to circle all vowels in red pencil, all consonants in blue, numbers in green.

The game "I'll show, and you guess."

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: toys.

Description: invite the child to alternately depict any actions by which one of these toys can be recognized. For example, they thought of a teddy bear. You need to walk around the room, imitating the clumsy gait of a bear, show how the beast sleeps and “sucks” its paw.

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