The most powerful mythical creatures list. Ancient mythical female creatures


The world is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Scientists have repeatedly said that somewhere there are Parallel Worlds from which come various mythical creatures previously unknown to man. It turns out that fairy tales, legends and myths are not fiction, they can most likely be called epics.

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There is a certain bestiary - a medieval collection, which presents detailed description various fictional mythical creatures. Below in the article a description of mythical creatures will be presented - a list with pictures and names.


If we talk about "good" mythical creatures, then we cannot fail to mention such like a unicorn. But what are they, unicorns? Most often, beautiful white horses are depicted in photos and pictures in the form of a unicorn, in the forehead of which there is one sharp horn. Unicorns have always been considered a symbol of chastity and the struggle for justice. Esotericists also argue that they should be with blue eyes, a red head and a white body. Previously, unicorns were depicted with the body of a bull or a goat, and only recently their body has taken on the form of a horse.

If you believe the myths, then these creatures have an incredible supply of energy. It is very difficult to tame them, but they can obediently lie down on the ground if a virgin approaches them. In order to ride a unicorn, you need to get a golden bridle.

As for the life of such a mythical creature, it is also very complex. Unicorns eat only flowers and drink only morning dew. They bathe only in clean forest reservoirs, in which after that the water becomes healing properties. Main strength unicorns is concentrated in their horn, which is also attributed healing powers. Esotericists say that a person who has met a unicorn will become insanely happy.


Pegasus is another mythical creature which is similar to a horse. Many encyclopedias write that this winged horse is the son of Medusa Gargona and Poseidon - the God of the seas, who lived in Ancient Greece. The main function of Pegasus was to be on Olympus, where he transmitted lightning and thunder to his father. When Pegasus descended to the ground, he knocked out Hippocrene with his hoof. Hippocrene is called the source of the muses, which served as an inspiration for all creative people for beneficial actions.


Special attention is paid to female mythical creatures, among which it is worth mentioning the Valkyries. Valkyries are called some warrior maidens, who also play the role of companions and performers of the will of Odin, the supreme God in German-Scandinavian mythology. Valkyries can be called symbols of honorable death in battles. When a warrior died during the fighting, the Valkyries flew to him on winged horses and took the deceased to the heavenly castle of Valhalla, in which they begin to serve him at the table. These creatures have another distinctive ability - they can predict the future.

Names of other female mythical creatures:

  • Norns are spinning women who can determine the birth, life and death of a person;
  • Parks are three sisters and daughters of the night, who also have the ability to predetermine the life of any person. The first daughter's name is Clota. She spins the thread of life. The second daughter, Lachesis, is the guardian of life. Atropos is the third daughter who cuts the thread of life;
  • Erinnia - Goddess of vengeance. As a rule, in photos and pictures they are always depicted with torches in their hands. Such creatures push a person to commit vindictive actions for any offense;
  • Dryads are women who guard the trees. They spend all their lives in trees, and also die with them. Dryads have their own wards who help them plant and grow trees;
  • Graces are mythical creatures that are the personification of youthful charm and beauty. The main purpose of the graces is to excite love in young girlish hearts. In addition, graces have always brought joy to those who come across them on the way.

mythical birds

Speaking of mythical creatures, birds must be mentioned, since they also occupied leading places in various tales and legends.

Griffins and the like

Monsters continue the list of mythical creatures, resulting from the crossing of two or more powerful animals.

  • Griffins - winged creatures, which have the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. Griffins guarded the gold and treasures of the Riphean mountains. Their cry is very dangerous for all living things. From the sound that the griffins make, everything in the area dies, even a person;
  • Hippogriffs are the result of crossing a vulture and a horse. Hippogriffs also had wings;
  • Manticore is a creature with human face. The manticore has three rows of teeth, a lion's body and a scorpion's tail. Her eyes are filled with blood. Manticores move with lightning speed. Only human bodies are eaten;
  • The Sphinx has a female head, chest and lion's body. His main task was to guard Thebes. To everyone who passed by the Sphinx, he asked a riddle. If a person could not guess it, then the sphinx killed him.


Monsters are also included in the list of mythical creatures which look very much like dragons.

Russian mythical creatures

Now it is worth considering the mythical creatures that lived in Russia.

  • Sinister - lived in swamps and molested people. They had the ability to move into an old person who has no children. Sinister people were the personification of darkness, poverty and poverty. In the house, these creatures settled behind the stove, jumped on the man's back and rode him;
  • Khukhlik is a disguised water devil. This unclean spirit lives in water bodies and loves to play tricks on people and arrange various dirty tricks for them. Khukhlik is most active during Christmas time.

Cradle of human civilization.

Having considered such a list of mythical creatures, it should be noted that they are all fictional. And it will be considered that way until some facts are provided that testify to their actual existence.

Mythical creatures in pictures

In the mythology of all the peoples of the world, there are always ancient female mythical creatures.

In ancient Greece, there were both female goddesses and demons. The ancient Greeks especially revered the goddess of hunting Artemis, who personified such qualities as authority, justice and straightforwardness. The goddess of wisdom, Athena, was loved for her sharp mind and ability to find a way out of any situation. The Greeks also revered the goddess of justice Themis for her justice and morality. Thanks to Themis, moira appeared in mythology - mythical creatures that were responsible for the fate of each person. The embodiment of universal beauty and love was the goddess Aphrodite, who was helped by her eternal companions of the nymph.

For all scientists and artists, the mythical creatures of the Muses were especially revered, each of which patronized a certain type of creativity and science.

In addition to the kind and beautiful mythical female creatures, there were those that the Greeks were afraid of and wary of. For example, it was believed that harpies were disgusting creatures half women and half birds that stole human souls. Gorgon monsters with snakes instead of hair turned people into stone with just a glance, and a girl with the body of a snake Lamia was considered a devourer of other people's children.

IN Ancient Rome a special place was occupied by such creatures as the Graces. They personified joy, kindness, eternal youth, the beginning of life. The Three Graces, who were in the retinue of the goddess of love Venus, personified love, beauty and pleasure.

The most terrible, fearful of all the inhabitants of Scandinavia was the creature Hel. She was the perfect hostess realms of the dead, sent diseases to people, and she herself looked like a corpse. The angels of death in Scandinavia were also women. They were called Valkyries, were militant and bloodthirsty beings who were respected for their service to Odin. It was believed that during the battles, the Valkyries carried away the soldiers who fell in battle from the battlefield. In Scandinavian mythology, female creatures were representatives of everything evil and unkind, because even undines (mermaids) having incredible beauty brought only harm, because they destroyed the souls of men.

In Japan, the ancient female mythical creatures, unlike Scandinavia, personified only the positive. So, for example, they revered the sun goddess Amaterasu, the progenitor of all the priestesses of Ame no Uzume, and most of all revered the goddess of mercy Kannon. According to legend, Kannon had thousands of hands, each of which she helped people.

In all ancient countries, women personified not only kindness, beauty and creativity, but were the embodiment of everything negative and evil in people's lives. But, one way or another, these mythical creatures played a significant place in the life of ancient people.

In addition to Christian and Jewish demons, pagan demons and pagan deities, man filled his world with numerous amazing creatures who copulated with mortals - with or without their consent.

Erotic creatures

Half people, half horses. To a much greater extent than satires, they are distinguished by debauchery, cruelty, and a penchant for drunkenness. Constantly fueled by lust, they often resort to violence.


Lemurs- creatures like kaballi.

Basilisk- a monster that is born as a result of perverted sexual intercourse, most often sodomy.

A monster cannot harm a person, but victims of psychosis can. Moreover, in their violent actions, features of sadism, necrophilia and other perversions are manifested.


wendigo- a huge and terrible creature with a heart of ice, which settles in the wilds of northeastern Canada. Wendigo can be both male and female. Obviously, he is related in many ways to vampires, werewolves and other cannibal monsters, and belief in wendigo (like belief in vampires and werewolves) leads to psychoses that mimic behavior mythical monster. The nature of psychosis is explained by the hypothesis that the concept of wendigo (or windigo, vi-ti-to, windigoag) is based on a repressed desire for incest.

Werewolves. Werewolf (or lycanthrope) - a man in wolf form, sometimes copulates with people and animals, but his main desire is to maim, kill and devour. This also happens when the werewolf is not a person, but an evil spirit (much less often) that has inhabited the body of a real wolf. Like the idea of ​​a vampire, the image of a werewolf is associated with sexual perversions: sadism, necrophagy, necrophilia, etc.


Vukodlak- a somnambulist (sometimes possessed by demons), who kidnaps girls and drinks their hot young blood. Being in a trance, vukodlak is extremely dangerous, with teeth and claws he sticks into any living creature he meets (with the exception of the veshchitsa, his beloved).

Except the wolf- werewolf There are many more werewolf animals. Their behavior and roles are different. Chinese werewolf foxes, for example, are closer to Western pncubi and succubi than to werewolves. Foxes - werewolves of both sexes in the form of people or animals enter into a relationship with men and women, respectively. Werebears are another variant of succubi: during the day they are huge black beasts, and at night they turn into beautiful women who sometimes strangle their loved ones in a frenzy of passion. Some believe that werewolves are driven by parthenophagy, a desire for the flesh of young girls that can be both sexual and cannibalistic.

Russian goblins of disgusting appearance, living in the mountains of the Caucasus, are unusually voluptuous in relation to young girls.


Goblins. This word is often used as a synonym for incubi or other spirits entering into love affair with people. Goblins can take on a variety of forms. Like the poltergeist, the goblin is utterly defying the efforts of the people trying to banish it.


satires- creatures physically similar to fauns. They are unusually lustful, copulating with women, nymphs and animals. There is a magnificent statue of a satyr copulating with a goat, in National Museum Naples. Some believe that this is a depiction of Pan himself.

Creatures whose lower body is that of a goat, plus a tail, horns, and furry ears. In other words, they look like satyrs. Fauns copulate with mortal women.


elves- in the Teutonic tradition, they court mortal women, seduce them, and sometimes, if a woman does not give in to courtship, they become rapists and kidnappers of children. Elves are the offspring of the unions of demons with mortals, and the period of pregnancy by them can be from a month to a year. They can be born alone, like twins, or as a whole litter. They are prone to mischief of any kind and often help their witch mothers harm their rivals.


Wizards. The belief that wizards and sorceresses enter into marriage or a love union with people of the opposite sex was widespread in the Middle Ages and later. No problems of anatomical mismatch interfered with such a union. Wizards and sorceresses are similar to humans in physique and about the same height as mortals. As Marguerite Murray notes, only after the appearance of "Sleep in midsummer night Shakespeare, the wizards and sorceresses in our imagination began to decrease in size to the present, tiny ones.

Perfume various kinds living in forests, along the banks of streams, etc., able to take the form of people and even dress like people and live among them without revealing their supernatural origin. They often enter into a love affair with people, as well as with satyrs, fauns, lords, etc.

water spirits

Beautiful, but cruel Slavic spirits, in whose eyes green lights burn. People die in their arms, but it is believed that death is not too high price for the love of a mermaid.


Water- Slavic water spirits. They are able to take on various forms, in particular, a beautiful naked girl. In this guise, mermen lure people into the water and drown them.

Having a special passion for handsome young men, they drag them into the depths of ponds and lakes and keep them there as their lovers. When a handsome youth bends down to a pond to drink water or look at his own reflection, he always runs the risk of attracting the attention of some water nymph, who may lean out of the water and drag him away; she can appear in the middle of the pond, sitting on a large leaf of a water lily, and captivate him with her beauty towards death. Some believe that young men, idly looking at their reflection and attracting the attention of loving water nymphs, do not deserve a better fate.


Naiad- in some respects the double of the water nymph, who lures men into the water to drown them, and the siren, who also lures men to death with her beauty and (or) singing. The upper part of the naiad's body is unusually beautiful, and the lower part is like that of a fish. However, some experts argue that her body ends with two fish tails (like legs) with a vagina between them.


Undines- spirits that can live with men and even marry them. The children of such unions inherit from their fathers human soul and can be considered human beings.

Undine is a type of water nymph, she is related to the goddesses of water. Undine is beautiful, arouses passion in a man and is known for her jealousy. If her husband or lover cheats on her even once, she disappears forever.


Sirens- engaged in seducing men and killing them.


Triton- the male analogue of the naiad (currently more famous). Some argue that newts are born as a result of copulation of people with big fish and as a result of the fact that fish become pregnant from the semen of drowned people, giving birth to newts and naiads, as well as terrible sea monsters. Newts are believed to be attractive to women, although their body is below the waist - like that of fish, and usually does not have the organ necessary for copulation.


Nixie- creatures like water nymphs, undines, etc. They tend to sit naked by ponds and rivers, combing their long golden hair, and drag men after them into the water, from which they never return.

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