Visiting Santa Claus: the interior of the main wizard of the country, which is worth a look. Scenario of the event "Visiting grandfather Korney


IN Visiting Santa Claus

(Fairy tale) V. Odoevsky

Masha sleeps in bed and sees a wonderful dream. She walks like a dense forest. She looks: in front of her sits an old man, Moroz Ivanovich, gray-haired. He sits on an ice bench and eats snowballs; shakes his head - frost falls from his hair; breathes in the spirit - thick steam pours out.

Ah, - he said, - great, dear girl! Thanks for coming to visit. Help me. And then it’s time for me, the old man, to rest; go ahead and make a bed for me, but look, fluff up the feather bed well.

He brought her like a grandfather to his house and ordered the bed to be prepared. Moroz Ivanovich's house was made entirely of ice: the doors, the windows, and the floor were icy, and all the walls were covered with snow stars. On his bed instead of a feather bed lay fluffy snow. Masha began to churn the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and her hands, the poor thing, became stiff and her fingers turned red.

Nothing, - said Moroz Ivanovich, - it's great. And look what a curiosity I have.

Here he lifted his snowy feather bed with a blanket, and Masha saw that green grass was breaking through under the feather bed. Masha felt sorry for the grass.

Why do you keep green grass under a snowy feather bed, why don't you let white grass out into the world? she asked.

I don’t release it because it’s not time yet: the weed hasn’t come into force yet. If it had stretched out, then winter would have captured it and by the summer the grass would not have ripened. So I covered the young greenery with my snowy featherbed, and spring will come - my snowy featherbed will melt, the grass will look out into the light, and then it will sprout, and there will be glorious rye. No wonder they say: a lot of snow - a lot of bread.

Here Masha woke up.


The door quietly opened

And the mustachioed beast entered.

Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly,

And washed with a soft paw. (Cat)

All furry

Mustachioed herself,

Sleep during the day and tells fairy tales,

And wanders at night

He goes hunting. (Cat)

This beast lives only at home,

Everyone is familiar with this animal.

He has a mustache like knitting needles

He, purring, sings a song.

Only the mouse is afraid of him.

Guessed? It's a cat)

Grumbled a living castle,

Lie down at the door across -

Two medals on the chest.

Better not come into the house! (Dog)

There is a house in the yard,

On the chain is the owner in it. (Dog in the kennel)

Finds all traces accurately

Guards warehouses at night,

Sensitive ears and nose -

This is our faithful friend ... (dog)

Who wags his tail merrily?

Who knows how to take care of the house?

Who's chewing on the big bone in the corner?

Who is curled up on the floor?

Who drove the cat out of the kitchen away?

Who barked all night long?

Woof! Woof! Woof! (Dog)

Early in the morning he woke up

He got up, yawned and stretched.

Washed the muzzle with a paw

And he asked for food. (Kitty)

red dairy

Day chews and night chews:

After all, the grass is not so easy

Convert to milk. (Cow)

In the middle of the yard stands a mop:

In front - a pitchfork, behind - a broom.

Itself motley, eats green,

Gives white. (Cow)

Horned, tailed

She stood and was silent.

tailed, horned

Suddenly mumbled.

Who is tailed?

Who is horny?

Who mumbled it?

Well, guess what? (Cow)

I am slim and handsome

I shake my mane

And hooves - top-top,

And on the stone - tsok-tsok-tsok.

On a gallop and fast

Curling my golden tail. (Horse)

Four dirty hooves

They climbed right into the trough. (piggy)

We have three friends:

One is feeding

The other is drinking

And the third courtyard guards. (Horse, cow, dog).

Who has horns longer than a tail? (At the goat)

Goes, goes

Shaking beard.

Travki asks:

“Me-ee! Dike delicious to me!" (Goat)

Weaved thick grasses

Meadows curled up.

Yes, and I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn. (Ram)

He does not spin, does not weave, but dresses people. (Sheep)

fast jump,

warm fluff,

Red eye.

Here, guess

Whose fluff on sweatshirts

For hats, gloves

Does it suit you guys? (Rabbit)

pet animal,

But he doesn't live in the house

And the cargo and the person,

Wherever you need it, it will take you. (Horse)

And eared, and big-eyed,

And much to be afraid.

Climb into the bush and sleep

Eat a stump and be full.

Who is this? (Hare)

The animal runs jumping

Gnawing bark or cabbage with teeth.

It is gray in color

But it also happens to be white.

The eyes are large, oblique,

Ears are long and straight. (Hare)

Now red, now grey,

And the name is white. (Squirrel)

From branch to branch

Jumping, frolicking

light, nimble,

But not a bird. (Squirrel)

In the dense forest under the tree,

strewn with leaves,

Lies a ball with needles,

Spiny and alive. (Hedgehog)

big beast,

The animal is fat.

The animal is clumsy and furry.

Eyes like slits

The tail is only short.

Spends the winter in a den

In the summer he wanders in the forest. (Bear)

redhead herself,

sly muzzle,

She doesn't need a pie

She would eat a cockerel. (Fox)

He looks like a sheepdog

Every tooth is a sharp knife.

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

Like a deer, like a horse

He climbed into the village and lay down by the wattle fence.

There were no friends in the immense forest,

And he came to visit the guys ... (moose)

Answers to pages 69 - 70

Vladimir Odoevsky
Visiting Santa Claus

Masha sleeps and sees a wonderful dream.
It goes like a dense forest. She looks - in front of her sits an old man Moroz Ivanovich, gray-haired. He sits on an ice bench and eats snowballs. He shakes his head - frost falls from his hair, he breathes in spirit - thick steam pours out.
“Ah,” he said, “great, dear girl! Thank you for visiting and helping me. And then it’s time for me, the old man, to rest: go ahead and prepare a bed for me, but look - fluff up the feather bed well.

As if Grandfather Frost brought Masha to his home and orders the bed to be prepared. Moroz Ivanovich's house is made entirely of ice: the doors, the windows, and the floor are icy, and there are snow stars all over the walls. On his bed instead of a feather bed lay fluffy snow. Masha began to churn the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and her hands, the poor thing, were stiff and her fingers turned red.
- Nothing, - said Moroz Ivanovich, - that's good. And look what a curiosity I have.

Then he lifted his snowy feather bed with a blanket, and Masha saw that green grass was breaking through under the feather bed. Masha felt sorry for the green grass.
- Why do you keep green grass under a snowy feather bed, do not let white light into the world? she asked.
- I don’t release it because it’s not time yet: the weed hasn’t come into force yet. If it had stretched out, then winter would have captured it and by the summer the grass would not have ripened. So I covered the young greenery with my snowy featherbed, spring will come, my snowy featherbed will melt, the grass will look out into the light, and then it will sprout, and there will be glorious rye. No wonder they say: a lot of snow - a lot of bread.
Here Masha woke up.

1. How did Moroz Ivanovich call Masha when they met? Write it down.

The girl is cute.

2*. Re-read the description of Moroz Ivanovich. What words say what's in front of us fairy tale hero? Emphasize.

She looks - in front of her sits an old man Moroz Ivanovich, gray-haired. He sits on an ice bench yes eating snowballs. He shakes his head - frost falls from his hair, breathes with spirit - thick steam pours.

3. What kind of girl do you imagine? Choose and indicate the answer + or write your own.

+ industrious + bold + independent
lazy rude + patient

Literary reading lesson, grade 2
Developer: teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 16 of Achinsk Zyryanova Larisa Pavlovna
Lesson topic: the image of frost in V. Odoevsky's fairy tale "Visiting Santa Claus."
Purpose: to form the ability to identify the character traits of the character to create positive image hero.
Expected result: each student identifies the features of the character's character based on the text of the fairy tale.
Equipment: textbook by L. Efrosinina " Literary reading» Grade 2, workbook, slide presentation, cards for pair work.

Lesson stages
Teacher actions
Student activities
Time, notes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

3. Learning new things

goal setting

4. Learning new material.

5. The result of the lesson.
Greets children.

Offers to check in pairs homework and evaluate each other's answer in the table.
Summarizing the test:
- Comment on the answers of your classmates.
-Who told without mistakes?

Wonderful artist
I visited the window.
Guess it guys
Who painted the glass?
What kind of works about Frost were not invented by different authors.
As soon as he was not called.
The game "From what work is an excerpt?"
1. Tried on, took aim - bang! - and a thick ice cover lay on the lake.
(Ae Shim "Cover for all of you")
What was the name of the frost in this fairy tale? (Morozko)
2. “Okay, kids. You all helped people. And you, Snowflake, helped the most.”
(R.s. "Children of Santa Claus")
Task in pairs: remember how frost is called in other fairy tales.
Why is it called so differently?

Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Reading the text piece by piece.
Part 1: children read "in a chain."
- What kind of person Moroz Ivanovich do you think? Or not human at all?
(Moroz is a fabulous name, Ivanovich is a common patronymic). The name itself is truth and fiction.
- What did Moroz Ivanovich look like? Read.
- What is the title of part 1? Discuss in pairs.
Part 2: independent reading.
-What did Moroz Ivanovich's house look like? Read.
- How shall we name part 2?
Part 3: reading by roles.
- What did Masha see?
Why does Moroz Ivanovich not let the grass grow?
How will she grow up?

-Find in the text a sentence that contains the main idea fairy tales.
-How do you understand it?

Offers a task on the cards.
We learn the character of Moroz Ivanovich.
-Choose the words that fit the description of the character of our hero.
Summarize what kind of character our hero is.

What words were not taken and why?
-How did Moroz Ivanovich turn out in our fairy tale? Use the picture and the chosen words.

What piece did you work on today?
-Determine the genre of this work. Why is this a fairy tale?
- How in different fairy tales called frost?
Frost is loved by both adults and children. This one lives in Veliky Ustyug good wizard and under New Year comes to visit us with gifts.
Optional homework:
- draw a picture of how you imagine Santa Claus;
- Write a letter to Santa Claus.

Welcome teachers and guests.

They check in pairs and evaluate each other's answers.

Children comment on the answers.

Solve the riddle.

They guess, they call.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

The children are called.
(It depends on the affairs of Santa Claus)


Children's statements.

Read an excerpt.

Independent reading.

Children's suggestions

They read the proverb: there is a lot of snow, a lot of bread.
Explain the meaning of the proverb.

Children work in pairs with cards. Discuss, choose the right words.

Children name and explain their choice.
Children's answers.

They make a conclusion.

5 minutes. They recite by heart a poem by I. Belyakov “What are you thinking about, bullfinch?”
Evaluate in the table

Children are offered excerpts from the studied works.

Different names of frost appear on the board: Morozko, Santa Claus, Moroz Ivanovich, Frost-Red Nose, Santa Claus

Record on the board (In Odoevsky. Visiting Grandfather Frost")
(Bye slides)

Children of the 1st row read, the rest follow the text.

A plan appears on the board:
Frost Ivanovich.
House of Moroz Ivanovich.
Miracle under the feather.

Variants of words: caring, affectionate, angry, diligent, smart, harsh, attentive, kind-hearted.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational institution Kindergarten of the combined type N 61 "Alyonushka"

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

"Visiting Santa Claus"

prepared by the educator

Konovalova Liliya Atlasovna

Naberezhnye Chelny


Program content:

    To teach children to coherently, consistently and expressively tell a fairy tale, without the help of questions from the educator,

    Choose appropriate definitions for the given words,

    Clarify and consolidate the pronunciation of the sound "K", exercise children in finding the place of the sound in the word, develop the ability to change the rate of speech and the strength of the voice,

    Cultivate interest in the sounding word, curiosity, desire to learn new things.

Methodical methods:

    Usage artistic word(poems, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters),

    inventing means of expression to the words

    fairy tale reading,


    didactic game,


Materials for the lesson:

Didactic cards

Lesson progress:

I part.


- Guys, listen to an excerpt from the poem "Winter":

White snow fluffy

spinning in the air

and the earth is quiet

falling, falling...

(I. Surikov)

- Did you like how beautiful words the poet described the snow?

You can also choose different words to be interesting to listen to. Can you tell me what kind of snow it is?

Children's answers: white, fluffy, silver, sparkling, soft, clean, shiny, creaking.

- What words can you say about winter, what is it like?

Children's answers: snowy, frosty, beautiful, sparkling, cheerful, magical, cold.

- And what proverbs, sayings about winter do you know?

Children's answers:

    Winter has two friends - a blizzard and a blizzard,

    Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat,

    The sun is warm in summer and cold in winter.

II part.


    Once in the winter with the girl Masha happened amazing story. Do you want to listen? The tale is called

Visiting Santa Claus.

Masha sleeps in bed and sees a dream. She walks in the forest and sees: a gray-haired Santa Claus is sitting. He sits and eats snowballs.

— Hello, Masha! Thanks for coming to visit. Help me. Prepare a bed for me, fluff up the feather bed well.

Grandfather's house is icy, and there are snow stars on the walls. Instead of a feather bed lies fluffy snow. Masha began to beat the snowball, and under it - green grass.

- Why are you, grandfather, keeping green grass under a snowy feather bed? Masha asked.

- You can't let her out. Winter will take over and freeze the grass. So I covered the greens with snow. In spring, the snowy feather bed will melt, the grass will grow, and there will be glorious rye.

Here Masha woke up.


    Now children answer the questions:

    Where did Mashenka end up in a dream?

Answer: Masha ended up in the forest.

    To whom did the girl go to visit?

Answer: Masha went to visit Santa Claus.

    What did Santa Claus do?

Answer: Santa Claus ate snowballs.

    What did Santa Claus ask Masha for?

Answer: Grandfather Frost asked Masha to fluff up the feather bed.

    What is the house of Santa Claus?

Answer: Santa Claus's house is icy, and there are snow stars on the walls.

    What did Santa Claus hide under the feather bed?

Answer: Santa Claus hid green grass under the feather bed.


- Now I will read the fairy tale again, and then you will retell it (the teacher re-reads the fairy tale).

Who wants to retell this fairy tale? (three retellings).

Children retell the story.


    Whose story did you like best? Why?

The kids are in charge.


    And now we will rest. Let's do breathing exercises:

We blow high

we blow low

we blow far

we blow close.

III part.


    Guess what sound we're talking about today.

Now I will read a poem, in the words of which one sound is very often heard. Listen carefully and tell me what this sound is?

Egorki bought a slide for a slide,

All winter Egorka ride on the hill.

What sound is most common in this poem?

That's right, the "K" sound. Name the words from the poem with the sound "K".

Children answer: Egorka, bought, sled, ride, slide.


    I will teach you a tongue twister:

There was a cuckoo with a cuckoo,

Cuckoo in a vest.

And now let's play a game: "Find the place of the sound in the word." I will distribute a card to each, color the box on the diagram corresponding to the position of the letter in the word - if the sound is at the beginning, the first cell is painted over, in the middle of the word, the second cell is painted over, at the end of the word, the third cell is painted over).









Lesson analysis.


    Our lesson has come to an end.

    What story are we telling today? Tell a fairy tale at home, with your family, in the evening be sure to draw Mashenka's fabulous dream.

    What games did we play with words?

    Who did what, who was active, answered all my questions?

Come to the "How We Do" booth and evaluate yourself.

List of used literature:

    O.S. Ushakova "Classes on the development of speech in kindergarten." Program and notes. Book for educators kindergarten. - M .: Publishing house "Perfection", 2001.

    L.N. Arefieva " Lexical Topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old. Toolkit- M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

    E. Maliovanova "Development of speech abilities" - M .: Knigolyub, 2005.

    V.F. Odoevsky "Tales and stories" - M .: Knigolyub, 1990.

    O.E. Gromova "Poems about the seasons and games" - M .: Sphere, 2004.

Masha sleeps and sees a wonderful dream.
It goes like a dense forest. She looks - in front of her sits an old man Moroz Ivanovich, gray-haired. He sits on an ice bench and eats snowballs. He shakes his head - frost falls from his hair, he dies in spirit - thick steam pours out.
“Ah,” he said, “great, dear girl! Thank you for visiting and helping me. And then it’s time for me, the old man, to rest: go ahead and prepare a bed for me, but look - fluff up the feather bed well.

As if Grandfather Frost brought Masha to his home and orders the bed to be prepared. Moroz Ivanovich's house is made entirely of ice: the doors, the windows, and the floor are icy, and there are snow stars all over the walls. On his bed instead of a feather bed lay fluffy snow. Masha began to churn the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and her hands, the poor thing, were stiff and her fingers turned red.
- Nothing, - said Moroz Ivanovich, - that's good. And look what a curiosity I have.

Then he lifted his snowy feather bed with a blanket, and Masha saw that green grass was breaking through under the feather bed. Masha felt sorry for the green grass.
- Why do you keep green grass under a snowy feather bed, do not let white light into the world? she asked.
- I don’t release it because it’s not time yet: the weed hasn’t come into force yet. If it had stretched out, then winter would have captured it and by the summer the grass would not have ripened. So I covered the young greenery with my snowy featherbed, spring will come, my snowy featherbed will melt, the grass will look out into the light, and then it will sprout, and there will be glorious rye. No wonder they say: a lot of snow - a lot of bread.
Here Masha woke up.

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