In what year was the saxophone invented? The amazing story of the creator of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax


One of the famous copper tools counts saxophone. The history of the saxophone is about 150 years old. The instrument was invented by Belgian-born Antoine-Joseph Sax, who became known as Adolphe Sax, in 1842. Initially, the saxophone was used only in military bands. After some time, such composers as J. Bizet, M. Ravel, S. V. Rachmaninov, A. K. Glazunov and A. I. Khachaturian became interested in the instrument. Tool not included symphony orchestra. But despite this, when sounding, he added rich colors to the melody. In the 18th century, the saxophone began to be used in the jazz style.

In the manufacture of the saxophone, metals such as brass, silver, platinum or gold are used. By overall structure The saxophone is similar to the clarinet. The instrument has 24 sound holes and 2 valves that produce an octave. On this moment 7 types of this instrument are used in the music industry. Among them, the most popular are alto, soprano, baritone and tenor. Each of the types sounds in a different range from C - flat to Fa of the third octave. The saxophone has a different timbre, which resembles the sound of musical instruments from the oboe to the clarinet.

In the winter of 1842, Sachs, sitting at home, put the mouthpiece of the clarinet to the ophicleide and tried to play. Hearing the first notes, he named the instrument after himself. According to some reports, Sachs invented the instrument long before this date. But the inventor himself did not leave any records. Soon after the invention, he met the great composer Hector Berlioz. To meet Sachs, he specially came to Paris. In addition to meeting the composer, he wanted to introduce the musical community to the new instrument. Hearing the sound, Berlioz was delighted with the saxophone. The instrument produced unusual sounds and timbre. The composer did not hear such a timbre in any of the available instruments. Sachs was invited by Berlioz to the conservatory for an audition. After he played his new instrument in front of the musicians present, he was immediately offered to play bass clarinet in the orchestra, but he did not perform.

The inventor created the first saxophone by connecting a conical trumpet to a clarinet reed. An oboe valve mechanism was also added to them. The ends of the instrument had bends and looked like the letter S. The saxophone combined the sound of brass and woodwind instruments.

During his development, he faced numerous obstacles. In the 1940s, when Nazism dominated Germany, legislation forbade the use of the saxophone in an orchestra. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the saxophone has taken important place among the most famous musical instruments. A little later, the instrument became the "king of jazz music."

The romantic sound of melodies with the saxophone is achieved through the harmonious interaction of the tongue, lips, breath, fingers and posture of the performer. For those who are fascinated by this instrument, it will be interesting to get to know it better. Further in the article we will learn all the details about the saxophone.

Historical reference

This is an instrument that was invented back in 1842 in Belgium by a musician named Adolphe Sax, whose name, in fact, served as the name for his brainchild. But it was not the idea of ​​the inventor himself, but of his friend - French composer

His articles, in which he pointed out the advantages of the novelty, literally advertised the saxophone. The beautiful instrument was presented to the public in detail. This could not but lead to his instant popularity among the most famous composers that time. However, here the story does not complete its story about the saxophone (this would be a very big loss for the modern chronicle).

The instrument acquired special honor at the beginning of the 20th century, when jazz began to emerge on the streets of America.

Even the creator of the saxophone himself could not imagine such incredible success- the instrument became widespread almost 200 years after its invention. However, despite rich history saxophone, it can be seen that its general structure has remained unchanged since its inception.

Saxophone is...

Saxophone - a word that consists of the following phrase: sax - the name of the musician-inventor, phone - sound. This instrument is officially considered a woodwind instrument and belongs to the wooden ones according to the principle of sound production, although it is never made of wood.

Its inventor, Adolphe Sax, called his first designed offspring "mouthpiece ophicleid", and Berlioz later changed compound name to something simpler and more pleasing to the ear.

From the middle of the 19th century, the saxophone, whose music began to appear more often in brass bands (much less often in symphony ones, and solo parts were not practiced at all), began to gradually and confidently emerge from the shadow of other popular instruments. We can say that its distribution occurred in leaps and bounds in close dependence on cultural movements.

The saxophone is the main instrument of jazz and its derivatives, and is also often found in pop music.

It has a powerful and full sound, great technical mobility and a melodious timbre.

Beautiful music with a saxophone can stir up in a person memories of all the good things that happened to him in life, touch the strings of the soul and revive a whole ocean of extinct emotions.

Saxophone device

The tool is a conical tube, which is usually made of special alloys: pakfong (an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel), tompak (an alloy of zinc and copper), and brass. The compact shape of the saxophone tube is achieved due to the curvature in the form of a chibouk. Sopranos and sopraninos (higher varieties of the instrument) are of short length and usually do not flex. Modern manufacturers usually produce straight bass saxophones and curved sopranos (however, this is most likely for experimental purposes).

The saxophone, the sheet music for which is widely available, traditionally consists of three parts: the body, the bell and the “esa” (a thin tube that is a continuation of the body). A mouthpiece is placed on a thin tube. Its structure resembles the structure of a clarinet mouthpiece: it has a beak-like shape, is made of plastic or black ebonite, in tenor and lower varieties it can be made of metal.

The variety of directions and genres (songs for saxophone can be written both for pop and orchestras, and for solo parts) led to the emergence a large number options for the structure of the mouthpiece, depending on the desired sound.

Mouthpieces are distinguished by the following parameters:

  • openness (that is, the distance from the end of the reed to the top edge of the mouthpiece);
  • notch length (that is, the length of the free part that is pressed against the mouthpiece).

Classical performances require the use of closed mouthpieces, while other genres are fine with more open versions.

The reed (or tongue), the structure of which is similar to the reed of a clarinet, plays the role of a sound-producing element. For its manufacture, reeds are usually used, but some models are also made from synthetic materials. Reeds can be of different sizes, depending on the type of instrument.

The reed is attached to the mouthpiece using a special device - a ligature (a small collar with two screws). For the classical saxophone, it is made of metal, and in jazz and other musical genres rather, a leather ligature is welcome, which gives the reed a freer swing.

To protect the reed from accidental damage, a special plastic or metal cap is used, which is put on the mouthpiece if the saxophone is not used for a long time.

The instrument in question has a complex system of valves that close and open holes on its body. The number of valves can vary from 19 to 22, according to the type of saxophone.

Saxophone family, varieties

In general, Sachs designed 14 varieties of instrument, but in currently only 7 of them are used.

Of the presented varieties, only three are widely used. These include alto, tenor and soprano saxophones. This is a kind of saxophone trio, which is used in jazz and classical music. The use of baritone jazz is noted mainly in jazz, in its derivatives and related genres.

The range of the saxophone is made up of three registers: low, medium and high. It covers two and a half octaves. Some contemporary writings are characterized by the use of a "falsetto" register (which is considered higher than the high one), achieved through special fingering, which is used to obtain "harmonic" harmonic sounds.

Alto saxophone

Is the most popular view saxophone. Brings zest to classical works and is also the unparalleled ruler of modern jazz. This saxophone has a wide sound range: it includes low, medium and high registers.

The instrument has been used by musicians such as Paul Desmond and Charlie Parker.

tenor saxophone

Able to produce a deeper and richer sound, in comparison with alto and soprano. He received his recognition thanks to the juicy, husky and such a cozy timbre. Among jazz performers competes in popularity with the viola.

Those who already know how to play the clarinet can easily master playing this type of saxophone, because, in fact, these two instruments differ in a similar principle of operation.

soprano saxophone

If a person is not particularly versed in music, he usually confuses it with the clarinet. The reason for this confusion is the small shape and size of the tool compared to previous versions. While the tenor and alto saxophones are S-shaped, the soprano saxophone is a straight body without a curved tube. In terms of sound, the instrument is the most expressive and noble type of saxophone.

Playing the saxophone - how to master?

The instrument is quite capricious: its sound goes against the notes. This means that it sounds an interval higher or lower, in accordance with its system. Therefore, you can play the saxophone only if you have confident basic knowledge in musical area. Having passed special education, a person can directly start playing the instrument.

Features on the saxophone

To play this musical instrument while standing, you need to stand as evenly as possible, trying to line up your torso in one line. At the same time, the chest and shoulders of the musician should be relaxed. Air should freely “tour” into the lungs and freely exit back.

In the sitting position, it is necessary to hold the saxophone slightly obliquely - this will allow the extreme bend to rest on the right thigh of the performer. It is best not to lean on the back of a chair, as this can lead to difficulty breathing.

Those who are trying to comprehend the laws of playing the saxophone need to familiarize themselves with an important concept called "embouchure" (with French- "put to the mouth"). This concept encompasses the correct functioning of the labial and facial muscles in contact with the mouthpiece.

When playing, the lower lip is inside the mouthpiece and is a support for the reed: the teeth clamp the cut of the mouthpiece, and it is tightly pressed to its edge. upper lip which makes it impossible for precious air to escape.

As practice shows, it is far from being so simple - to make your fingers run freely and easily over the keys, while observing well-coordinated work respiratory system and ear cushion. At first, a saxophone fingering table can come to the rescue of a musician.

Can perfection be achieved?

The fact is that the ideal technique of playing the saxophone is unique for every professional musician. As experts say, the experiment is the road to the future. Don't be afraid to experiment.

It is necessary to develop your own breathing pattern and the optimal operation of the embouchure, as well as to find the desired body position. All this can only be achieved through years of long and hard practice.

The moment of extracting the sound, called the attack, is of three types. The attack is soft, hard and auxiliary, depending on the force with which the tongue is retracted from the mouthpiece during performance. Saxophonists help themselves by imitating various syllables as they play.

Now we have found out that playing an instrument requires not only certain knowledge, but also constant work. But this is really a worthwhile thing, because it is the melodies with this instrument that are called delight for the soul. The saxophone is a receptacle for a variety of feelings that make a person feel alive and, at the same time, vulnerable and romantic.

Musical Instrument: Saxophone

If you ask someone a question, what musical instrument do you consider the most sensual? Undoubtedly, you will hear in response - the saxophone is an instrument for the soul, as many music lovers call it. Him witha passionate and expressive timbre, able to convey tenderness and passion, can take a person into the most hidden memories. It is not for nothing that poets in their lyrical poems often associate the singing and weeping voice of the saxophone with the romantic experiences of the characters. But not only tears and sadness are characteristic of this instrument, which has great expressive possibilities. He is very many-sided and can be a serious philosopher in the works I.S. Bach, gentle and lyrical in romantic composers, bold and free in jazz. In this genre, the saxophone is king, as it is in fact the voice of the performer, with which he speaks to the audience. It is impossible not to note the improvisational capabilities of the instrument, which made it into jazz art unsurpassed leader.


Silvery, velvet, magical, magical - such beautiful words usually describe the voice of the saxophone. Its melodious and juicy timbre enchants from the first notes. The sound of the instrument is easily recognizable.

His expressive possibilities are very large, the saxophone is distinguished not only by its melodiousness and melody, but also by its technicality, being one of the most virtuoso in the group of wind instruments, because it is capable of various performing tasks. Smooth legato with glissanded sound transitions, distinct staccato, frullato, sound vibration with a large amplitude, as well as the use of a very high register with a harmonic sound - this is just a small list of techniques used by saxophonists.

Range the instrument, which is more than two octaves, is divided into three registers: low, medium, and high sounding. Their choice depends on the nature of the work laid down by the composer.

The sound-producing element on the instrument is the reed, which the performer makes vibrate by blowing air into the saxophone. The principle of sound extraction is close to sound extraction on clarinet, but the fingering of the saxophone is similar to the fingering oboe.


Interesting Facts

  • The citizens of Belgium are very proud that the person who created the saxophone is their compatriot. In recognition of the great inventor, even before the introduction of a single currency for the countries of the Eurozone, national bank The country issued a banknote of 200 francs with the image of Adolphe Sax.
  • Sachs' childhood was very dramatic, his mother called him a child doomed to failure. At the age of two, he fell from the second floor, hitting hard on a stone. The parents thought that the son would not survive. At the age of three, Adolf poisoned himself with sulfuric acid and swallowed a pin. Then there was a broken leg, measles and three days in a coma, burns from a powder explosion, a broken arm, severe poisoning from spoiled wine and other unpleasant situations.
  • The envy of A. Sax's competitors after the invention of the saxophone had no boundaries. Haters have created a whole community to fight him. It was bankrupted three times in 1852, 1873 and 1877. Workers were poached from him, blueprints were stolen, musicians were forbidden to use his instruments, his workshops were robbed, slanderous articles were published, and even attempted murder was organized.
  • monument, as well as the most big museum A. Saksa is located in Dinant, the birthplace of the great inventor. Its residents, who are very proud of their countryman, have chosen the saxophone as a symbol of their city. The logo in the form of a saxophone can be found everywhere here: in bars, restaurants, cafes, shops. A street is named after the inventor, and figurines depicting a saxophone hang on the buildings.
  • In 1948, in the USSR, by a decree of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of February 10, the words jazz and saxophone, as elements of a hostile culture, were banned, this period, which lasted eight years, entered the era of Soviet jazz art, as the time when saxophones were unbent.
  • In Germany, during the Third Reich, the saxophone was banned as an instrument without Aryan origin, that is, ignoble and unworthy.
  • Bill Clinton, President of the United States from 1993 to 2001, loves to play the saxophone. Even in his youth, leading a school jazz band, he wanted to become professional musician. Such dreams of the future head of the White House did not come true, but at his inauguration in 1993 he still played the saxophone.
  • Under the auspices of the World Congress of Saxophonists, which have been constantly held since 1969, competitions and festivals are regularly held, and special literature is published. And 1995 was marked by the opening of French city Bordeaux of the European Saxophone Centre, which promotes the instrument and collects data on performers.

  • Every year saxophonists from all over the world come to the homeland of the great Belgian A. Sachs in the Belgian city of Dinant to participate in the parade of saxophonists. Lit by torches and to the sound of instruments, the procession passes in the evening along the embankment around the city, creating a mystical effect. The event ends with a concert of saxophonists in the central square.
  • Monuments to the saxophone and saxophonists can be found in different parts of the world. The largest: 12-meter is located in the homeland of A. Sachs in Belgium in the city of Denau. Sculpture of a saxophonist made of bronze, which is a symbol of the Norwegian city of Molde, locals affectionately called "Jazz Boy".Monuments to the saxophone are installed in Latin America, in Japan (Hokkaido Island), in Russia (Rostov-on-Don), in Georgia (Tbilisi), in Thailand (Bangkok), and in California (USA), instrument fans built a saxophone house.
  • International competitions for saxophone performers are held all over the world, but the most important is the competition for saxophonists in Belgium in Denau, the birthplace of A. Sachs. In its significance, it can be compared with the competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. A real and long-awaited triumph for the Russian saxophone was the victory of musician Sergei Kolesov, who won first place and three special prizes.
  • The most famous firms that make saxophones are located in France (Selmer and Buffet), Japan (Yamaha), Czech Republic (Amati), Germany (BS).
  • Saxophonists very often use permanent breathing in their technique to perform long sounds. Initially, the record was set by D. Kenny, who continuously played one note for 45 minutes without stopping. However, his record was broken by D. Escalante, who held the sound twice as long - 1 hour 30 minutes.


From the very beginning of its appearance, the saxophone has always attracted special attention with its unusually beautiful timbre and great potential for expressive and technical possibilities. Therefore, throughout the history of its development, each period has revealed remarkable virtuoso saxophonists. And since the saxophone was very actively used in various musical genres, each direction had its own outstanding performers. In the second half of the 19th century, when the instrument was just beginning to appear on the concert stage, music lovers enjoyed the performance of such masters as L. Mayer, J. Soual, J. Murman, A. Vuille and, undoubtedly, the inventor of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax, who played superbly on the instrument. A little later, in the last quarter of a century, when the saxophone crossed the Atlantic Ocean, it charmed the Americans with its sound in the person of E. Lefebvre, as well as E. Hall, who did a lot to popularize the instrument on the continent.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of new trends in music, including jazz, the interests of performers began to be divided. jazz saxophone, which dominated the first half of the century was represented by such prominent names as D. Hodges, L. Young, D. Coltrane, C. Hawkins, S. Rollins and C. Parker.

In the second half of the century, jazz gave the world: D. Coltrane, P. Desmond, O. Coleman, D. Mulligan, B. Marsalis, C. Parker, I. Butman, G. Garanyan, A. Kozlov, D. Goloshchekin, D. Adderley, D. Mulligan, B. Shenk, F. Woods.

The classical saxophone is associated with the names of F. Mondelchi, M. Muhl, S. Rascher, J. Londe, M. Shaposhnikova, L. Mikhailov, G. Bumke, S. Lizon, J. Vries, J. Londeiks.

Saxophone- a wind musical instrument, in demand, popular, with a unique sound; at the same time, it is unique not only in its structure and characteristics, but also in history, because it was created in mid-nineteenth century, which is a rarity for music world. Interestingly, it is used in brass bands or in musical directions Jazz type, but much less common in symphony orchestras.
Ensemble use of the saxophone is now gaining ground; in addition, experts note the high importance and applicability in modern pop music, where the sax can play both a central and an auxiliary role. In various cultures, the saxophone plays its role, but in some countries it is paramount. More specifically, this tool has the following nomenclature determinants:
  1. thin tube (esca);
  2. trumpet;
  3. frame.

One of several types of mouthpieces can be put on the esque - the musician himself decides here, depending on individual preferences. Apply plastic or black ebonite; as mentioned above, the shape and structure of the mouthpiece completely coincides with the clarinet. The mouthpiece affects the sound and can sometimes be changed during a performance. specific work repeatedly. The sound-forming element is the tongue, it is made from special varieties of "wood", for example, from bamboo, reed or reed. The tool has a complex valve system , their number may vary. It is because of this constructive complexity that the cost of the saxophone is so high. There are 14 types in total. musical instrument, but 6 of them are almost never used, and it is very difficult to meet them. Unless collectors or "vintage" musicians.

Saxophone Quartet

Exist the most popular modifications, they make up a quartet and can play together, it turns out an interesting and peculiar sound.

Note which saxophones are used in this case:

  • soprano;
  • alto;
  • tenor;
  • baritone.

If we consider the fingering, it becomes clear that it is very similar to the oboe. But this is only an appearance, since the sound production still takes place according to the principle of the clarinet. Experts note that the registers on our instrument are more uniform than on the clarinet. A large amplitude vibration of the sound is possible by using valves and a mouthpiece. Interestingly, the main advantage of the saxophone is the ability to merge with woodwinds, as well as with "brass". The power of its sound is very high, almost like a French horn.

We list the main playing techniques that are used by classics and modern jazz virtuosos:

  • frullato (trumpet tremolo);
  • resonant sound;
  • polyphony;
  • flag technique;
  • playing in an ultra-high register, etc.

The role and importance of the saxophone

If you ask the experts what significance the saxophone has and what it brought to contemporary music, then the answer will most likely be this: no other tool can give such high level sensuality, which is why he sets such a high framework for perception musical works modernity. Composers try to touch the deepest strings of the listener's soul, so they need the most latest tools and technology. not without reason saxophone is called an instrument for the soul , many music lovers around the world are in solidarity with this, it can convey the experiences of heroes, feelings, excitement, a sense of fear, delight, etc. Of course, playing the saxophone is not easy, you need to study, but modern conservatories have the appropriate classes and provide education to students. The problem is that in the domestic space there are not so many stores where you can, and its popularity remains only elite, but not at all popular. In every house you can find a guitar or a synthesizer, a piano, but not a saxophone. It must be remembered that in the old days this instrument was banned throughout the CIS, it is enough to recall popular expression"Today he plays jazz, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland." Now the situation has changed in better side and music lovers can enjoy saxophone music - both in audio and video format. In conclusion, we can say that perhaps this musical instrument will continue to evolve and new models, varieties, types will appear that will play their role in the ongoing musical revolution.


play saxophone

Music is the most delightful part of our life. Everyone always finds time to enjoy her sounds. And it is almost impossible to find such a celebration that will do without musical accompaniment.

Of all musical inventions, the saxophone is not in vain considered the most outstanding. His sound won the hearts of people, and now ordering a saxophonist in Moscow is great opportunity give joy dear people. With every second, notes penetrate deeper into the soul and remain forever in our hearts, warming life with pleasant memories.

Why are Moscow saxophonists so popular?

Do not think that there is a place for the saxophone only in brass bands. The coloring of the timbre and its special sound seem to make the soul itself sing. That is why any self-respecting group will have at least one saxophonist in its composition. Jazz bands, where several saxophones play at once, allow you to enjoy the true sound of the instrument.

The choice of music for events is a very responsible matter. After all, it is the musician who sets the mood for the whole holiday. How comfortable and fun the guests will be depends on the professionalism of the saxophonist - an experienced musician is able to breathe life into any audience.

The possibilities of the saxophone are simply enormous. On it you can perform tricks for wind instrument, and for wooden. And if a saxophonist knows how to work with two types of instrument at once, then the freedom of play is simply unlimited!

How to order the best saxophonist in Moscow

You need saxophonists in Moscow, but how do you choose among the masses of musicians? It's very simple, a true professional can do the following:

  • It is beautiful to hold the saxophone and move with it at ease, maybe even dance. He dresses in the style of his music without looking ridiculous.
  • Play not only solo, but also in the company with other performers. This means that he can tune the saxophone in the same key with the rest of the instruments and synchronize the rhythm so that the guests enjoy melodic overflows, and not a cacophony of sounds.
  • To give pleasure to everyone around you with your game. At the same time, depending on the occasion, he will play quietly and soulfully or loudly and incendiary.
  • Improvise! The ability to read sheet music is the duty of every musician a priori, but improvisation is already the lot of professionals.
  • Pick a song by ear.
  • Always find a way out of a situation that can somehow discredit the proud name - Saxophonist!

The first chords of the saxophone will allow even the most demanding audience to quickly forget all the sorrows. The performer seems to pour around him a special warmth, which is so lacking in ordinary life. Maybe stop multiplying stereotypes? Let the jazz sound! It's time to smile and dance, let the music into your heart!

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