All scales for guitar. Scales in B Minor


Gamma is the sequence of notes that make up the key of the piece. In this case, this is the scale that forms the tonality of C major, or A minor, since they are parallel to each other. Notes in this case go one after another in a certain sequence.

This material is necessary for every guitarist, since it is on the basis of scales and their fingerings that solo parts are built, and it is also based . Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to build interesting harmonies and chord sequences, and, if necessary, you will clearly understand which rules to break so that the song sounds unusual and interesting.

First of all, because it is the foundation of the foundations. Having learned the fingerings and all the positions of the base scale with whole notes, you will understand how it is generally built in, and by analogy, you can already find other boxes on your own. In addition, you will take the first steps in improvisation, and begin to master the art of inventing guitar solo parts.

Brief instructions for playing scales correctly

  1. Deal with it ,and always play only under it. Take an average pace for yourself, and gradually increase it.
  2. In addition, try to do additional exercises also under the metronome - for example, play syncopations, or triplets, duols, quartoles, and so on.
  3. Try to memorize the fingerings so you don't have to look at the neck while playing.
  4. Having learned how to build a scale, try to build it anywhere on the fretboard without looking at other fingerings.

Scale in C major theoretical part

Like any major scale, it is built according to the principle - tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone-tone-semitone. In this case, the sequence of notes is very simple - C D E F G A B C. That is, you just need to play all the full notes on the guitar - and you get a scale.

Stable steps are the notes of the scale, which, when played simultaneously, give the so-called tonic triad - that is, a chord. It is always the first, third and fifth step - this rule applies to any key, only the notes change. In the case of C major, these are the notes Do, Mi and Sol.

In addition, there are also unstable steps, which, if necessary, can be removed - which happens, for example, in the major and minor pentatonic scales. In addition, by themselves they sound tense, and they must be resolved - that is, change the note to a stable step. IN such notes are always in the second, fourth, sixth, and seventh places.

Gamma C-major for beginners 5-positions

As mentioned above, C major is represented by a sequence of notes Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si, respectively, in different boxes, its fingering will primarily be based on this. Below, in addition to the explanation, will also be presentedtabs in C majorto make it even easier for you to practice playing this scale.

How to play the C major scale

Buy yourself a mechanical one, or use ,and only play with it. This is very important, because you will immediately accustom yourself to a smooth and clear game. In addition, it is very desirable to learn all the positions so that you do not get lost when improvising and continue to play on any guitar fret. Try to use all your fingers when playing - it will be much more convenient to play your parts and not get lost during fast solos.

1 item

The first position is based on the seventh fret. Notes are played sequentially, the numbers indicate the fingers with which you need to pinch the frets. The same scheme can be transposed to other keys.

2 position

We go down three frets - now the tonic is on the tenth. Please note that the scheme has not changed much, and in addition, it uses notes from the previous position. This is very important, because by understanding this principle, it becomes easier to build scales.

3 position

Now we move on to the first fret. Everything repels him. This is the most simple circuit in all tonality.

4 position

Moved to the third fret. Note again that in this diagram, the first notes on each fret are the last notes from the previous box.

5 position

It starts at the fourth fret and ends at the seventh - so you go full circle and back to first position.

Gamma C-sharp major / Gamma D-flat major - 5 positions

In fact, to master these positions, it is enough to simply move all the boxes listed above one fret down the neck.

1 item

The first position starts at the eighth fret. Boxing is exactly the same as in the C-major scale, everything just shifts to half a tone.

2 position

The second box starts from the ninth fret, and completely repeats the pattern of the second position from the C-major scale.

3 position

Third position starts at the first fret, and looks a little different than the C major box. The reason is that all open frets change to the first one pressed.

4 position

5 position

The last position in which we return to the eighth fret. In this case, everything starts from the sixth.

Exercises for playing the C major scale

Below are some exercises for practicing the C-major scale. Along with a detailed description, there are also tabs and audio tracks, where you can analyze them in more detail. In addition, all these exercises can be transferred to other keys without any problems.

First exercise

It engages frets seven through ten on all strings except first and second. You need to start with the middle finger, because it is with such a fingering that it will be easier for you to work and play. Everything is played in sixteenth notes, so adjust the tempo carefully.

Second exercise

It uses the frets seven through ten in the same way. From the very beginning, you can hold several notes at once, since they are located on the same string. Everything is played exactly the same way in sixteenth notes.

Third exercise

Similar to the previous exercise, the only difference is that all strings are involved, and the scale is ascending, not descending. In addition, in some places you will need to use the legato technique in order for the transition between notes to be smooth.

Fourth exercise

A more difficult exercise that invites you to use the strings not in a row, but through one. This will allow your finger to move better, as well as train your little finger more actively.

First of all, it is worth repeating once again that you should practice playing scales exclusively under a metronome. Accustom yourself to it from the very start of classes, and in the future it will be much easier for you to work on music.

In addition, try to practice regularly and work out all the scales and keys on your own. Learn theory as it will be useful to you in composer activity. The exercises presented above are not the only ones, and you can find a lot more - for practicing legato, scales, as well as speed and playing technique.

In this article, we will talk more about scales. You will find out what they are for and why they are given such great importance.


What is gamma? This is a limited sequence of notes, chosen from 12 possible ones, that create the desired coloration for the sound. In other words, gamma for a musician is the same as for a paint artist. The artist chooses the colors he needs to paint a picture, and the musician chooses notes from the scale to create a melody. The best way to describe a single scale is to give a list of intervals between notes. We use the term "Tone" or "Semitone", which allows us to write the formula using capital letters, T (Tone - tone) and S (Semitone - semitone).

Some guitarists use the letters W and H to denote intervals - capital letters from the words "Half" (Half) and "Whole" (Whole). There is also a way to specify the number of semitones (1 or 2). In any case, these three ways are identical and all give us intervals major scale:

  1. T T S T T T S
  2. W W H W W W
  3. 2 2 1 2 2 2 1

(tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone)

Let's see how it works. Let's choose a scale - Sol-sharp major (G # major). On initial stage we know two things. First, our base note (or tonic) is the Sol sharp (G#). Second, we will use the major scale formula.

So we start with our G-sharp note, and add the first step of the formula, which is the T-tone. So, starting with G-sharp and moving up a tone (or two semitones), we arrive at A-sharp (A#).

G# + T = A# (G-sharp + Tone = A-sharp).

A# + T = C (A-sharp + Tone = C).

In the next step, we start with C and check the formula - now we need to add a semitone that will bring us to C sharp (C#):

C + S = C# (C + Semitone = C sharp).

If we continue in the same spirit, we will get the following:
C# + T = D# (C-sharp + Tone = D-sharp),
D# + T = F (D-sharp + Tone = F; remember that there is no such note as E-sharp),
F + T = G (Fa + Tone = Sol),
G + S = G# (G + Semitone = G-sharp).

Thus, we have constructed our G-sharp major scale, consistent with our major scale formula:
G# A# C C# D# F G (G-sharp, A-sharp, Do, C-sharp, D-sharp, F, Sol).

Most scales contain 7 notes, but this is not an exact rule. As an exception, the minor pentatonic scale contains only five notes (its formula is 3 2 2 3 2 - I use numbers here instead of T and S, because it omits the pair of tone and semitone, which together make 3 half notes and which together can be easily written as 3 instead of something like “T + 1/2″, but these notations mean the same thing). Some scales have more notes, for example the chromatic scale contains all 12 notes.

It is important to note that many guitarists use scale notation for the scale formula. For example, for the major scale it looks like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, and for the Lydian mode it looks like this: 1-2-3-4#-5-6-7. The difference is only in the increased fourth stage. This is used to make it easier to work with the construction of modes, for example, if you know the fingering of the major scale, then you can easily build a Lydian mode by just raising the fourth degree of the major scale by a semitone.

Scales and fingerings

A scale is a group of notes with a certain interval between them - the way I described it above. These intervals determine which fingerings we should use to reproduce the desired scale.

Major scale fingering:

If you know the fingering of one major scale, you know how to play each major scale on the guitar in its standard tuning. To play the C Major scale, start fingering it with C on the sixth string. To play the D Major scale (D Major), start your fingering with D. And so on.

The same applies to any other scales, if you know the fingering, then immediately start with any tonic that you need, and you will play the scale.

Fingerings were created to use scales in standard tuning. Scales are part musical theory because scales are just an idea until they're played, and the way we guitarists turn the theoretical scale into action is by applying fingerings that allow us to hit the notes we want.

I repeat that the fingering that I gave you was invented specifically for standard tuning. If you lower the tuning and play the C major scale on this fingering, then it will not contain those notes that are included in the C major scale (Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La - Si).

The scale has not changed - the C major scale still contains the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si. However, once the guitar is tuned differently, you need to use new fingerings to play the correct scale notes - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si.

Thus, a scale is a combination of notes, feature which is to reproduce a certain character of the sound when playing. All the fingerings that you will learn in future articles are just convenient way play scales, this is a kind of template for building a scale from the note you need.

In the given fingering there are three notes per string. There can be four notes on a string (although this is difficult to play), two (used in the pentatonic scale), you can even play the entire scale on one string. All this variety of combinations gives us new fingerings.

Gamma and key

You learned that the key determines the tonic (the first step of the scale). Gamma and key are very closely related, but scale is not key. The name of the key depends on the scale - this is a bit misleading.

Key- the tonal center of the melody. Key indicates the chords and notes to which the melody gravitates. You can write a song where the melody starts on the C major scale and then briefly switches to the A flat major scale for just one or two bars, and then back to C again.

The fact that we have returned to C helps us to see this note as the tonal center or heart of the melody, the basis to which we invariably return. The base is the “key”, and in most cases, we start the melody with a scale that matches the key. In some cases, we will not deviate from the scale that corresponds to the key without changing the key of the music.

The change of tone is called modulation. In this case, we are changing the tonal center of the melody, and we will use a new scale (or set of scales) to which it will gravitate. The melody will be built in such a way that the new key will become its center, and the old key and the scales associated with it will remain only history until we make reverse modulation.

Thus key is the anchor for the melody, scale is the tool for creating the melody, and fingering is the tool for translating the scales onto the guitar fretboard.

The meaning of scales in music

IN musical terms, a scale is a palette of notes from which you can select the notes you need to build chords, solo melodies, accompaniments and everything else, in the hope of getting a good sound.

Look at it this way: before you become a poet, you need to master the Russian language. Scales are the language of music, and there are many ways to combine them with each other to create interesting compositions.

Not knowing scales is like trying to write a poem without using words. I admit that in some cases this will work, and the result will be wonderful, but the possibilities will expand significantly if you begin to adhere to the generally accepted means of expression, which are scales.

There are many types of scales. Think of them as an extension of your vocabulary and getting new original ways expressing your ideas.


Let's get back to the appliqués for a moment. When studying fingerings, as a rule, the fretboard sequence is divided into "boxes". Boxing is just a group of notes on a scale that is easy to play without too much movement on the fretboard. Boxes are constructed by moving up from the bottom E string, and playing one scale note after another, starting at whatever note it is.

There is an important point regarding boxes/fingerings. It's that they stay the same no matter what key you play your scale in. If you are playing the C major scale using a specific box or fingering and you want to play the A major scale, all you have to do is move the fingering up the fretboard 2 frets. Why is that?

Let's figure it out. Do and A are separated by 2 semitones. If you move the box up the fretboard, none of the note intervals will change. So you play exactly the same formula, just using a different tonic. This means that you have to learn each fingering once, and you can use it for each of the 12 notes!


A source of confusion for some people is the fact that for many fingerings, the note listed as the lowest is not the root note. If you have thought about it, then it is correct. Let's start with the G major scale. Our first box should start on the low E string, 3rd fret - which is the Sol. We add notes starting from this scale to build the scale:

G A B C D E F# G A B C D E F# G
(Sol, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, Sol, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, Sol).

To build the next box, we would have to move up one tone from G to the 5th fret, which is A. Now, from there we start building our range:

A B C D E F# G A B C D E F# G A
(La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, Sol, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, F-sharp, Sol, La).

It takes 7 notes to get to our Sol tonic!

It's not difficult - you just have to understand which note is the tonic and where it is. However, it will more often happen that above or below the tonic there are no suitable notes that are part of the scale and suitable for playing (thus the game will start with the tonic).

The tonic is very important because it determines the scale you play (along with type, major, minor, etc.). Although there is no rule that says that you should always start the scale with the tonic. Think of a scale as a palette of notes from which you have to choose the right ones to play.

What scales should be taught?

Any scale you want! Scales are an important part of your creative arsenal. The more scales you know, the more ways you have to express yourself. Let's note some of them.

1. Minor pentatonic.

This is the first scale that most people learn. It is simple because it contains only five notes, and immediately opens huge opportunities for improvisation and blues/rock playing.

2. Major pentatonic.

This is a variation of the minor pentatonic scale, they are very similar.

3. Major scale.

One of the main scales in music.

4. Natural minor scale.

Together with the major scale, they form the basis of all music. In fact, the pentatonic scale is a minor scale, with only a few missing notes. So, wherever you use the minor scale, you can also use the pentatonic scale.

With the aforementioned scales you will play rock, and you will probably be able to play 95% of the music you are familiar with. You can be a very competent musician even if you stop at this stage. The following scales are more limited in use, and have more of a jazz sound. They will bring new flavors to your music.

5. Harmonic minor / melodic minor.

Two variations minor scale, which sound special, especially the harmonic minor.

6. Major and minor modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian).

Natural scales are actually variations of the major scale, which are built according to special rules. Depending on the scale you use, they will give different shades to the music. The major natural scales are great to learn once you've fully mastered the scales mentioned above.

By the time you've mastered the major scales and other scales, you'll be an accomplished musician with a wide range of possibilities.

7. Exotic scales.

There are hundreds of exotic scales, many of which are used in certain types of folk music.

Each type of scale will be given special attention in other articles. At this stage, you should only understand why we use them and why they are so important.

All scales for guitar with fingering by Andres Segovia

Why play guitar scales

The greatest guitarist of the 20th century, Andres Segovia, unlike many guitarists, did not write a school of guitar playing and published only short guide"My Book for Beginners" The guitarist, who raised the guitar to the peak of its popularity, apparently believed that all the works on mastering the performing arts on this instrument had already been published and therefore only supplemented them with the publication of major and minor scales for the guitar. Not surprisingly, Segovia paid particular attention to scales. For a world-class guitarist like Andres Segovia, this is the foundation on which all his technical perfection of guitar playing is based. Segovia noted that scales are the best way to achieve technical freedom and variety of sound. He pointed out that scales allow us to solve technical problems for maximum a short time and at the same time correct the position of the hands and develop the independence and plasticity of the fingers. When performing scales, he persistently advised his students to pay attention to the quality of the extracted sound, achieving a dense and even sound. Segovia said that an hour of work on the scales gives a greater advantage than many hours of playing exercises. So it remains to summarize the above:

1. Playing scales will give you a complete picture of the location of the notes on the fretboard and help you remember them.
2. When playing scales, you will develop the synchronism of the right and left hands.
3. Scales will help develop accuracy when changing positions of the left hand and will give a correct idea of ​​fingering.
4. Develop independence, strength and dexterity of the fingers of both hands.
5. Makes you think about the economy of finger movements and the correct positioning of the hands to achieve fluency.
6. Help in development musical ear and a sense of rhythm, as well as the fastest possible achievement of technical freedom in performance.

Fingering and positions

For those who have no idea about musical notation tabs of two scales are presented here, but despite the fact that there are tabs, the fingering of the fingers of the left hand will still have to be looked at in notes, since only the frets on which the strings are pressed are presented in the tabs. Now let's find out what is applique. Fingering is the most convenient choice fingers when playing the guitar. Proper fingering is the best choice in which transitions from position to position are made easily and smoothly, allowing the hand and fingers to move naturally without any unnecessary (interfering) movements. Position is the position of the hand on the neck of the guitar. It is customary to count the position number according to the position on the fretboard index finger. Probably the most striking and understandable example is the barre technique on the guitar. If we take the Fm chord barre on the first fret, then this is considered the first position, the Gm chord on the third fret is considered the third position.

How to play guitar scales

The ability to play scales correctly greatly increases the pace of mastering technical side tool. You should not think that you can increase technical perfection by playing these slides of notes at the maximum pace. The formula "I play fast - I'm super" does not fit here. I specifically gave complete freedom to my students in playing scales, after which I asked them to play in certain meters, that is, exactly as these passages would occur in music. Some of them, when performed in a certain time signature, even began to forget the sequence of notes. This suggests that scales should be played on 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, as well as triplets. When playing scales in different time signatures, you will have to make certain accents on the strong beats of the measure, which gives evenness to the performed passages. To achieve evenness, many guitarists play scales like this: an eighth with a dot sixteenth and then vice versa a sixteenth eighth with a dot, after which they play evenly.

More detailed description For playing scales, see the section for a more detailed description of finger movements using the C major scale as an example.

Scales- this is a sequence of seven consecutive notes that make up the tonality or a certain mode. Notes within these structures are always combined with each other, and when correct location make up the harmonic intervals or chords that make up music and works. This article is devoted to this aspect. Here you will find a complete explanation of what scales are and how to compose them yourself.

In fact, knowledge of scales is necessary for every musician. They will give the guitarist a huge scope for improvisation and composing both riffs and solo parts. Without them, you will not be able to come up with a beautiful part that will sound as harmonious as possible within the composition, or even build its skeleton. In addition, they will be useful for an arranger who needs to compose parts for different instruments.

Knowing the scales, any guitarist will be able to immediately improvise and understand what exactly he should play right now. This is useful in group jams where new songs may come out. In addition, without scales, you will not understand how to build chords, and you will not be able to diversify your acoustic compositions.

Full list

This section is made to make it easier for you to analyze each of the scales. In it you will find links to individual articles dedicated to each of the keys and the boxes within it.

The simple answer to this question is everything. Thus, you will not only memorize the sounds that are included in the key, but also learn .However, it is easiest to start with the C major or A minor scales. The reason is that all the notes included in them are not intermediate. Having learned their location, you can easily find sharp or flat notes that are part of other keys.

Besides, and this will be discussed below, you should pay attention to the so-called guitar boxes - if you learn them, then further development of scales will be much easier than it could be.

As mentioned above, scales allow you to freely improvise within any of the keys. This is especially convenient if you suddenly get lost on stage during a song and cannot find desired fragment your solo. Knowing the scales, instead of getting stuck, you just start playing something else, and return to the desired segment.

In addition, it often happens that the composition is modified within the performance. You can play more squares of the song on emotion than you need, and then it will be much easier for you to fill this space with modulations and solo parts.

There are two types of scales - major and minor. There are twenty-four of them, according to the number of all existing keys, but there is one feature that will make it easier for you to learn them. The fact is that the gamma, which is included in major key, is also present in the minor parallel to it, and vice versa. Thus, in fact, you only need to remember which keys are parallel to each other, and learn twelve scales.

By themselves, these boxes can be sharp and flat - if there are, respectively, notes with these signs inside them. In addition, there is a special subspecies - the chromatic scale, in which each note included in the key rises by half a step, with the exception of one.

Construction theory

The major scale is built according to the following principle:

Tonic - Tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone. This is the most standard scheme, from which all musicians start.

The minor scale is built like this:

Tonic - Tone - semitone - tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone.

The chromatic scale is based on this scheme, and raises all notes by half a tone, except for the sixth step, instead of which the seventh is lowered if we are talking about major, or with the exception of the first, instead of which the second is lowered if we are talking about minor. It should be borne in mind that we build an additional semitone to each note, and do not change it to sharp or flat.

Besides, if in a minor key a semitone is also inserted between the last two tones, then the so-called harmonic scale will be obtained. The same applies to major, but if a semitone is inserted between the fifth and sixth steps. This gives the sound an oriental tone.

On the guitar, you can play the scale both on one string and on the entire fretboard. In the first case, you simply move from the first or zero fret to the twelfth, if we are talking about C major or A minor, or from any other until you have passed a full octave.

However, it is much easier and more useful to play scales with so-called boxes. Then you will know which string it is on, which note, and you will be able to improvise and build new scales much easier in the future on your own.

The most important - .You are required to clearly set accents while playing in strong beat to get a better feel for the rhythm. More good option will play and record riffs inside the key, and then play the scales under them. In this way, you will be able to improvise freely and learn to play solo parts already, and not just play individual boxes.

Also, try playing scales with duos, triplets, and other rhythmic patterns. That is, for one beat of the metronome, you need to play a note two times, three, or more. This greatly speeds up the hand and teaches you to get used to odd and broken sizes.

Game Features

The guitar is much easier than the piano. It's all about the boxes. In fact, having learned at least a couple of pieces, you will definitely know how to build new scales, and you will definitely not get lost in the music and thinking through the parts.

Gamma boxes - what is it

In fact, boxes- these are stable positions or schemes that form a scale. They include all the strings, not just one, and vary slightly depending on your position on the fretboard. In addition, it also includes classical modes, which originate from Greek music. If you do not want to delve into theory and learn how to build scales, then frets will help you memorize them anyway.

Scale positions on the guitar. How many and what are they?

Scale positions are also divided into major and minor. There are five of them in total, and they move along the fretboard depending on the key you play. Therefore, for comfortable playing, you just need to learn five boxes of C major, and move them down the fretboard, based on which key the song is in.

Guitar scale examples for beginners

This section includes examples of scales and their fingerings. This is done primarily for beginner guitarists, so that they look and get comfortable - find the right boxes on the fretboard and understand in practice what it is.

This article is about how the harmonic minor is played on the guitar. And mostly consists of practical exercises. However, before we start playing the scale, let's understand its structure.


So, the harmonic minor is a variation of the minor scale. Its formula looks like this:

1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7

That is, its difference from the natural minor scale is only in the seventh (seventh degree). For example:

Natural minor from the sound A (A):

A (la) - B (si) - C (do) - D (re) - E (mi) - F (fa) - G (salt)

Harmonic minor from the sound La (A):

A (la) - B (si) - C (do) - D (re) - E (mi) - F (fa) - G# (sol sharp)

Using this pattern, you can "transform" the natural minor scale, built from any sound, into a harmonic minor. In relation to A minor, this is the replacement of G with G #.

The harmonic minor is used to play minor, major, semidiminished chords and dominant seventh chords.

We will consider the option of beating the dominant through this mode in the key of A minor.

That is, let's play the A minor harmonic scale on the guitar on the chord E (E major).

An example of using this approach and fret boxes, which we will analyze later in the article, see this video:

Another notable feature of the harmonic minor lies in the fact that if it is built from the tonic of the dominant (in this case E), it takes on the "look" of the Phrygian major mode, or the Spanish major:

1 b2 3 4 5 b6 b7

Phrygian major from E:

E (mi) - F (fa) - G# (sol sharp) - A (la) - B (si) - C (do) - D (re)

This variant of beating the dominant is used in their solos by guitarists playing in various musical styles: Yngwie Malmsteen, George Bellas, John Mclaughlin, Al Di Meola and many more.

The fret is easily determined by ear due to the colorful oriental sound.


The fingering of the boxes is based on the principle of "three notes on a string". On video, the gamma is played with alternating strokes, but you can use any other way of sound production. For example, sweep (formula down-up-down + down-up-down, etc.) or hammer / pool (legato).

Please note that the boxes use extended fingering, so you need to “warm up” your fingers first.

The scale can be played with a metronome or a backing track over an E chord, as shown in the video.

It is worth noting that playing with a harmonic lining is much more useful in terms of developing hearing and improvisational skills.

Playing each box ends with a sustained chord sound(in this case, E major). That is, in some positions, at the end of the downward movement, a repeated “return” to the tonic (E), third (G#) or fifth (B) in E major is performed. Accordingly, the steps of the mode are considered relative to the dominant.

A backing track for playing the harmonic minor on the guitar and a backing track for improvising on the E chord (which sounded on the video), tabs can be

(from b2 - second reduced stage E)

Familiarize yourself with the location of fret sounds on the fretboard:

Now disassemble the "finger". Near each note is indicated the finger of the left hand, with which it is necessary to press it.

As already mentioned above, the playback ends not with the first (lowest) note of box F, but with G# - the reference tone (third of E major).

(from level 4 E)

We finish playing the scale on the note B (5th degree of the chord E)

(from 5 steps - fifths E)

(from 6 steps)

In the last measure, we return to the tonic E.

(from 7 steps - septims)

(from 1 step - tonics)

  1. If learning tablature is difficult for you or you prefer to learn fingering visually, watch the second part of the video posted at the beginning of the article. But set your Youtube player to slow motion. Learn more about how this setup is done.
  2. The scale can be played on any minus and other chords, for which it is suitable (for example, Fmaj7 can be played with harmonic A minor). It all depends on the specific tasks.
  3. Boxes study sequentially. Do not rush to cover the entire material in one or two lessons.
  4. When all the boxes are already well enough studied, they can be played one by one gradually moving along the neck as shown in the training video.
  5. The scale is played in eighths (two notes per beat). In the future, you can play it in sixteenths or triplets.
  6. Play the given boxes in other keys. For example, transpose the studied material into the key of D minor and try to beat already its dominant - the A7 chord.
  7. Combine harmonic minor with other modes (pentatonic, blues scale, natural minor) and arpeggios in your guitar improvisations, focusing on the harmonic sequence (chords of a song, instrumental composition).

All! The first part of the lesson has come to an end. Good luck with your guitar lessons! In the second part, we will consider the diagonal fingerings of the harmonic minor - .


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