The problem of the impact of technological progress on the countryside arguments. USE Russian language


Two random arguments on the topic "scientific progress and morality" to the exam:

1) Morality and scientific and technological progress are hardly compatible concepts. Proof of this is Zamyatin's novel "We". The heroes of the work live in a special systemic system, where the population has reached an incredible scientific technical progress, however, completely lost any moral principle and human feelings. People, living according to a special mechanism, have become like cogs in a large social machine. The whole life of the heroes is subject to certain laws and rules. There is a common, obligatory for all life schedule, even an intimate one, a person loses his name and becomes a "number". The whole world is subject only to logic and mathematics. This leads the characters in the novel to moral degradation and loss of meaning in life. Thus, naked technical progress, which does not take into account the desires and needs of a person, turns society into a kind of soulless and uniform mass, while a person needs warmth, love and understanding.

2) Mankind has achieved great success in its development: a computer, a telephone, a robot, a conquered atom... But it's a strange thing: the stronger a person becomes, the more anxious is the expectation of the future. What will happen to us? Where are we heading? Let's imagine an inexperienced driver driving at breakneck speed in his brand new car. How pleasant it is to feel the speed, how pleasant it is to realize that a powerful motor is subject to your every movement! But suddenly the driver realizes with horror that he cannot stop his car. Mankind is like this young driver who rushes into an unknown distance, not knowing what is lurking there, around the corner.

Usage example

For example, at the exam you got a text by D. Granin on the topic of honor. By using our service Ready Arguments to the essay for the exam", you get the following two arguments * :

1) As you know, A. S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet "a slave of honor." The quarrel, the cause of which was the offended honor of A. Pushkin, led to the death of the greatest writer. However, Alexander Sergeevich retained his honor and good name in the memory of people.

2) A hero with high moral character is Petrusha Grinev - a character in the story by A. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter". Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when it was possible to pay for it with his head. He was a highly moral person worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave Shvabrin's slander on Masha unpunished, so he challenged him to a duel.
Shvabrin is the complete opposite of Grinev: he is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself for the sake of his momentary desires. Popular rumor says: "take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." Once having tarnished honor, you are unlikely to ever be able to restore your good name.

As a result, most of your essay has already been written: 150 words (arguments) out of 200 (the full length of the answer required for the exam).

* The choice of arguments on a given topic is made automatically, with each new time you get a new pair arguments.
Theme: War

1 ) WarThisBadly.

German writer Erich Maria Remarque in his famous novel"On western front without change" describes the horrors of the First World War. The story is told on behalf of its participant, a nineteen-year-old boy, in front of whom his peers are dying, while their children's psyches cannot adapt to the conditions of the war. The novel describes the insane, inhuman, cruel, to the extreme conditions of war, where people die in agony. And not only physical, but mental as well. The nineteen-year-old narrator loses the meaning of life, at the sight of the deaths of his peers, he sets off, and soon he is killed, while the main thing is that he did not suffer for long. These lines contain the main - tragic - meaning of the novel: war is the most terrible state of mankind, the salvation in which is death.

The American writer Ernest Hemingway, the author of such works as "Farewell to Arms", "The Old Man and the Sea" and others, was a participant in the First World War. He describes in his works the madness reigning in the world during military operations, and what can save people from final madness and absolute spiritual emptiness is, of course, first of all, love. We read about this in the novel A Farewell to Arms. But the end of this work is tragic: even love could not save the lives of the mother and her newly born child. They left early, and with them the meaning of life disappears for the protagonist of the work. He is left alone with the war ... This example is the opposite of the previous one, it illustrates the first part of the indicated problem, namely the inhumanity, madness and absurdity of what is called war ...

2) Problem heroic everyday life wars

The heroic everyday life of war is an oxymoron metaphor that unites the incompatible. War ceases to seem like something out of the ordinary. Get used to death. Only sometimes it will amaze with its suddenness. There is such an episode in V. Nekrasov (“In the trenches of Stalingrad”): a dead soldier lies on his back, arms outstretched, and a smoking cigarette butt stuck to his lip. A minute ago there was still life, thoughts, desires, now - death. And to see this to the hero of the novel is simply unbearable...

But even in war, soldiers do not live by “a single bullet”: in their short hours of rest, they sing, write letters, and even read. As for the heroes of In the Trenches of Stalingrad, Karnaukhov is read by Jack London, the division commander also loves Martin Eden, someone draws, someone writes poetry. The Volga is foaming from shells and bombs, and the people on the shore do not change their spiritual predilections. Perhaps that is why the Nazis did not succeed in crushing them, throwing them back across the Volga, and drying up their souls and minds.

The influence of nature on the human soul.

Natasha Rostova, admiring the beauty of the night in Otradnoye, is ready to fly like a bird: she is inspired by what she sees. She enthusiastically tells Sonya about the wonderful night, about the feelings that overwhelm her soul. Andrei Bolkonsky also knows how to subtly feel the beauty of the surrounding nature. During a trip to Otradnoye, seeing an old oak tree, he compares himself with it, indulging in sad thoughts that his life is already over. But the changes that subsequently occurred in the soul of the hero are associated with the beauty and grandeur of a mighty tree that blossomed under the rays of the sun.

In the story of V. Astafiev "The King is a fish" main character, fisherman Utrobin, catching on a hook huge fish unable to deal with it. In order to avoid death, he is forced to let her go free. An encounter with a fish that symbolizes the moral principle in nature makes this poacher reconsider his ideas about life. In moments of desperate struggle with fish, he suddenly remembers his whole life, realizing how little he has done for other people. This meeting morally changes the hero.

ABOUT caring attitude to nature.

Nature is alive and spiritualized, endowed with moral and punishing power, it is able not only to defend itself, but also to bear retribution. An illustration of the punishing power is the fate of Gosha Gertsev, the hero of Astafiev's story "The King is a Fish." This hero is punished for arrogant cynicism towards people and nature. Punishing power extends not only to individual heroes. The imbalance is a threat to all mankind if it does not come to its senses in its intentional or forced cruelty.

The relationship between fathers and children.

Bulba believed that only then the education of Ostap and Andriy could be completed, when they learned the wisdom of battle and became his worthy heirs. However, Andriy's betrayal made Taras a murderer, he could not forgive his son for betrayal. Only Ostap warmed his father's soul with his courage in battle, and then during the execution. For Taras, partnership turned out to be above all blood ties.

Loss of spiritual values.

The events of Boris Vasiliev's story "Glukhoman" allow us to see how in today's life the so-called "new Russians" seek to enrich themselves at any cost. Spiritual values ​​are lost because culture has left our lives. The society has split, in it the bank account has become the measure of a person's merits. Moral wilderness began to grow in the souls of people who had lost faith in goodness and justice.

Meanness and dishonesty.

Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich, the hero of the story by A.S. Pushkin! The captain's daughter, ”is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: having wooed Masha Mironova and having been refused, he takes revenge, speaking ill of her; during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of notions of honor also predetermines social betrayal: as soon as Belogorsk fortress goes to Pugachev, Shvabrin goes over to the side of the rebels.

Vandalism, thoughtless attitude to one's culture.

D.S. Likhachev, in Letters about the Good and the Beautiful, tells how indignant he felt when he learned that in 1932 a cast-iron monument on the grave of Bagration had been blown up on the Borodino field. Then someone left a giant inscription on the wall of the monastery, built on the site of the death of another hero - Tuchkov: "Enough to keep the remnants of the slave past!" At the end of the 60s, the Travel Palace was demolished in Leningrad, which even during the war our soldiers tried to preserve, not to destroy. Likhachev believes that "the loss of any cultural monument is irreparable: after all, they are always individual."


Our fellow countryman, writer Vasily Ivanovich Yurovskikh, in his stories tells about unique beauty and the wealth of the Trans-Urals, about the natural connection of a village person with the natural world, which is why his story "Ivan's Memory" is so touching.

In that small work Yurovskikh raises an important issue: the human impact on the environment.

Ivan, the main character of the story, planted several willow bushes in the swamp, which frightened people and animals.

Many years later. The nature around has changed: all sorts of birds began to settle in the bushes, every year the magpie began to build a nest, magpie hatch. No one else wandered through the forest, because the willow tree became a guide on how to find the right way. Near the bushes, you can hide from the heat, and drink some water, and just relax.

Ivan left a good memory of himself among people, and ennobled the surrounding nature.

The role of the family in the education of the individual.

In the Rostov family, everything was built on sincerity and kindness, respect for each other and understanding, therefore the children - Natasha, Nikolai, Petya - became for real good people They are responsive to other people's pain, able to understand the experiences and suffering of others. Suffice it to recall the episode when Natasha gives the order to free the carts loaded with them. family values To give them to the wounded soldiers.

And in the Kuragin family, where career and money decided everything, both Helen and Anatole are immoral egoists. Both are looking for only benefits in life. They don't know what is real love and are ready to exchange their feelings for wealth.

Motherhood as a feat.

Bukhara, the heroine of L Ulitskaya's story "The Daughter of Bukhara", accomplished a maternal feat, devoting herself to raising her daughter Mila, who had Down syndrome. Even being mortally ill, the mother thought later life daughters: got a job, found her new family, husband, and only after that she allowed herself to die.

Maria, the heroine of Zakrutkin's story "The Mother of Man", during the war, having lost her son and husband, took responsibility for her newly born child and for other people's children, saved them, became their Mother. And when the first entered the burnt farm soviet soldiers It seemed to Mary that she gave birth not only to her son, but to all the war-deprived children of the world. That is why she is the Mother of Man.

The role of the teacher in human life.

The teacher Lidia Mikhailovna from the story of Rasputin taught the hero not only lessons French but also lessons of kindness, sympathy, compassion. She showed the hero how important it is to be able to share someone else's pain with a person, how important it is to understand another.

Influence of parents on children.

In the story "The Captain's Daughter", his father's instructions helped Pyotr Grinev to remain honest man, true to himself and duty. Therefore, the hero commands respect for his behavior.

Following his father's behest to "save a penny", Chichikov devoted his whole life to hoarding, turning into a man without shame and conscience. He co school years valued only money, so in his life he never had true friends, a family that the hero dreamed of.

About the Russian language.

K.I. Chukovsky in the book "Alive as Life" analyzes the state of the Russian language, our speech and comes to disappointing conclusions: we ourselves distort and disfigure our great and mighty language.

The ratio of the name and the inner essence of the hero.

In the comedy, many heroes have "talking" surnames: Vralman, a former coachman, lied that he was a foreign teacher; the name Mitrofan means “like his mother”, who is depicted in the comedy as a stupid and impudent ignoramus. Skotinin Taras - Mitrofan's uncle; he loves pigs very much and, in terms of the rudeness of his feelings, is like cattle, as indicated by the surnames

Reverence and human insignificance.

The official Chervyakov in Chekhov's story "The Death of an Official" is incredibly infected with the spirit of servility: having sneezed and splashed his bald head in front of the sitting General Bryzzhalov (who did not pay attention to this), the hero was so frightened that after repeated humiliated requests to forgive him, he died of fear.

The hero of Chekhov's story "Thick and thin", the official Porfiry, met at the Nikolaevskaya station railway school friend and found out that he was a secret adviser, i.e. moved up significantly in career. In an instant, the “thin” turns into a servile creature, ready to humiliate and fawn.

Molchalin, negative character comedy, I am sure that one should please not only "all people without exception", but even "the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate." The need to tirelessly please also gave rise to his romance with Sophia, the daughter of his master and benefactor Famusov. Maxim Petrovich, the "character" of the historical anecdote, which Famusov tells Chatsky as an edification, in order to earn the favor of the empress, turned into a jester, amusing her with ridiculous falls.

scientific progress and moral qualities human

1) The uncontrolled development of science and technology worries people more and more. Let's imagine a toddler dressed in his father's costume. He is wearing a huge jacket, long trousers, a hat that slides over his eyes ... Doesn't this picture remind modern man? Not having time to grow morally, grow up, mature, he became the owner of a powerful technique that is capable of destroying all life on Earth.

2) Mankind has achieved tremendous success in its development: a computer, a telephone, a robot, a conquered atom... But it is strange: the stronger a person becomes, the more anxious is the expectation of the future. What will happen to us? Where are we heading? Let's imagine an inexperienced driver driving at breakneck speed in his brand new car. How pleasant it is to feel the speed, how pleasant it is to realize that a powerful motor is subject to your every movement! But suddenly the driver realizes with horror that he cannot stop his car. Mankind is like this young driver who rushes into an unknown distance, not knowing what is lurking there, around the corner.

3) B ancient mythology There is a legend about Pandora's box.

A woman found a strange box in her husband's house. She knew that this object was fraught with terrible danger, but her curiosity was so strong that she could not stand it and opened the lid. All sorts of troubles flew out of the box and scattered around the world. In this myth, a warning sounds to all mankind: rash actions on the path of knowledge can lead to a disastrous ending.

4) In M. Bulgakov's story, Dr. Preobrazhensky turns a dog into a man. Scientists are driven by a thirst for knowledge, the desire to change nature. But sometimes progress turns around dire consequences: bipedal creature with " dog heart"- this is not yet a person, because there is no soul in him, there is no love, honor, nobility.

b) “We got on the plane, but we don’t know where it will fly to!” - wrote the famous Russian writer Y. Bondarev. These words are a warning to all mankind. Indeed, we are sometimes very careless, we do something “get on a plane”, without thinking about what the consequences of our hasty decisions and thoughtless actions will be. And these consequences can be fatal.

8) The press reported that the elixir of immortality would appear very soon. Death will be finally defeated. But for many people, this news did not cause a surge of joy; on the contrary, anxiety intensified. What will this immortality mean for a person?

9) Until now, disputes about how legitimate, from a moral point of view, experiments related to human cloning do not fade away. Who will be born as a result of this cloning? What will this creature be? Human? Cyborg? means of production?

10) It is naive to believe that some kind of bans, strikes can stop scientific and technological progress. So, for example, in England, during the period of rapid development of technology, a movement of Luddites began, who, in desperation, broke cars. People could understand: many of them lost their jobs after the machines began to be used in factories. But use technical advances provided an increase in productivity, so the performance of the followers of the apprentice Ludd was doomed. Another thing is that with their protest they forced society to think about fate specific people, about the foam that you have to pay for moving forward.

11) One sci-fi story tells how the hero, being in the house of a famous scientist, saw a vessel in which his double, a genetic copy, was alcoholized. The guest was amazed at the immorality of this act: “How could you create a creature like yourself, and then kill him?” And they heard the answer: “Why do you think that I created it? He made me!"

12) Nicolaus Copernicus, after long, long studies, came to the conclusion that the center of our Universe is not the Earth, but the Sun. But the scientist did not dare to publish the data on his discovery for a long time, because he understood that such news would turn people's ideas about the world order upside down. and this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

13) Today we have not yet learned how to treat many deadly diseases, hunger has not yet been defeated, the most acute problems have not been resolved. However, technically, man is already capable of destroying all life on the planet. At one time, the Earth was inhabited by dinosaurs - huge monsters, real machines for killing. In the course of evolution, these giant reptiles disappeared. Will humanity repeat the fate of the dinosaurs?

14) There have been cases in history when some secrets that could harm humanity were deliberately destroyed. In particular, in 1903, the Russian professor Filippov, who invented a method for transmitting shock waves from an explosion over long distances by radio, was found dead in his laboratory. After that, by order of Nicholas II, all the documents were confiscated and burned, and the laboratory was destroyed. It is not known whether the king was guided by the interests of his own security or the future of mankind, but similar means transfer of power

an atomic or hydrogen explosion would be really disastrous for the world's population.

15) Recently, newspapers reported that a church under construction was demolished in Batumi. A week later, the district administration building collapsed. Seven people died under the ruins. Many residents took these events not as a mere coincidence, but as a formidable warning that society had chosen the wrong path.

16) In one of the Ural cities, they decided to blow up an abandoned church, so that it would be easier to extract marble at this place. When the explosion thundered, it turned out that the marble slab was cracked in many places and became unusable. This example clearly shows that the thirst for momentary gain leads a person to senseless destruction.

Man and knowledge

1) Ancient historians tell that once a stranger came to the Roman emperor, who brought as a gift a shiny, like silver, but extremely soft metal. The master said that he extracts this metal from clay earth. The emperor, fearing that the new metal would devalue his treasures, ordered the inventor's head to be cut off.

2) Archimedes, knowing that a person suffers from drought, from hunger, proposed new ways of irrigating the land. Thanks to his discovery, productivity increased sharply, people stopped being afraid of hunger.

3) The outstanding scientist Fleming discovered penicillin. This medicinal product saved the lives of millions of people who had previously died from blood poisoning.

4) One English engineer in the middle of the 19th century proposed an improved cartridge. But officials from the military department arrogantly told him: "We are already strong, only the weak need better weapons."

5) The famous scientist Jenner, who defeated smallpox with the help of vaccinations, was inspired by the words of an ordinary peasant woman. The doctor told her that she had smallpox. To this, the woman calmly replied: “It can’t be, because I already had cowpox.” The doctor did not consider these words the result of dark ignorance, but began to conduct observations, which led to a brilliant discovery.

6) Early Middle Ages commonly referred to as the "dark ages". The raids of the barbarians, the destruction of ancient civilization led to a deep decline in culture. It was difficult to find a literate person not only among commoners, but also among people of the upper class. So, for example, the founder of the Frankish state, Charlemagne, could not write. However, the thirst for knowledge is inherent in man. The same Charlemagne, during his campaigns, always carried with him wax tablets for writing, on which, under the guidance of teachers, the diligently drew letters.

7) Ripe apples have been falling from the trees for thousands of years, but no one has given this ordinary phenomenon any significance. It was necessary for the great Newton to be born in order to look with new, more penetrating eyes at familiar fact and discover the universal law of motion.

8) It is impossible to calculate how many disasters people have brought their ignorance. In the Middle Ages, any misfortune: the illness of a child, the death of livestock, rain, drought, no harvest, the loss of any thing - everything was explained by intrigues evil spirits. A brutal witch hunt began, bonfires blazed. Instead of curing diseases, improving agriculture, helping each other, people spent enormous forces on a senseless struggle with the mythical "servants of Satan", not realizing that with their blind fanaticism, with their dark ignorance, they are serving the Devil.

9) It is difficult to overestimate the role of a mentor in the development of a person. The legend about the meeting of Socrates with Xenophon, the future historian, is curious. Once talking with an unfamiliar young man, Socrates asked him where to go for flour and oil. Young Xenophon answered briskly: "To the market." Socrates asked: “What about wisdom and virtue?” The young man was surprised. "Follow me, I'll show you!" Socrates promised. And the long-term path to the truth connected strong friendship famous teacher and his student.

10) The desire to learn new things lives in each of us, and sometimes this feeling takes possession of a person so much that it makes him change life path. Today, few people know that Joule, who discovered the law of conservation of energy, was a cook. The ingenious Faraday began his career as a peddler in a shop. And Coulomb worked as an engineer for fortifications and gave physics only his free time from work. For these people, the search for something new has become the meaning of life.

11) New ideas make their way in a hard struggle with old views, established opinions. So, one of the professors, who lectured students on physics, called Einstein's theory of relativity "an unfortunate scientific misunderstanding" -

12) At one time, Joule used a volt battery to start an electric motor assembled by him from it. But the battery soon ran out, and a new one was very expensive. Joel decided that the horse would never be displaced by the electric motor, since it was much cheaper to feed a horse than to change the zinc in a battery. Today, when electricity is used everywhere, the opinion of an outstanding scientist seems naive to us. This example shows that it is very difficult to predict the future, it is difficult to survey the possibilities that will open up before a person.

13) In the middle of the 17th century, Captain de Clie carried a coffee stalk in a pot of earth from Paris to the island of Martinique. The voyage was very difficult: the ship survived a fierce battle with pirates, a terrible storm almost broke it against the rocks. The masts were not broken on the court, the gear was broken. Gradually, fresh water supplies began to dry up. She was given strictly measured portions. The captain, barely on his feet from thirst, gave the last drops of precious moisture to a green sprout ... Several years passed, and coffee trees covered the island of Martinique.

In the section on the question Does humanity really need technical progress? Only serious arguments. given by the author Caucasian the best answer is live in the village ... and you will understand everything and no arguments are needed))
Alexey Yurievich

Answer from Dr. Discord[guru]
When a monkey first took a stick to get a fruit from a hard-to-reach place, this was the first step in scientific and technological progress. Without it, evolution might just bypass the apes. And accordingly - we would not be sitting on the Internet now, but jumping through the trees in the jungle.
And now decide whether this progress is needed or not.

Answer from Igor[guru]
"Even in virtue, the end goal is pleasure." (M. Montaigne) The structure of a person is such that he is able to enjoy mental activity. And from this activity - so much pleasure is obtained.
Therefore, progress is simply inevitable, no matter how we discuss it here. Well, the fact that it is technical is just its very initial stage.

Answer from pass for[guru]
Go naked to the taiga for a year. If you survive, you will receive an answer.

Answer from compound[guru]
Technological progress is not vital to human civilization...
But he is not avoided ... and it is more pleasant with him ...

Answer from Eugene[guru]
progress will destroy humanity as a race

Answer from Anatoly uvarov[guru]
needed to avoid repeating

Answer from Nikolai Deryagin[guru]
The lazy ones need it.

Answer from Murtaugh II[guru]
Is it more pleasant for you to relieve your need in a toilet bowl or in a hole in the ground?

Answer from Andrew ®[guru]
Without it, 10 times fewer people would live on Earth.

Answer from Augusto Pinochet[guru]
Of course needed. Without him we will return to stone Age and we can't live well.

Answer from Heaven's Gift[guru]
Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity.

Answer from ERDETREU[guru]
Yes, not 10 times, but a thousand times less would live now.

Answer from Mikhail Maslov[guru]
1. A man and his family need a home (I don't explain why)
2. You need an ax to build a house.
3. A stone ax is worse than a copper one.
4. A copper ax is worse than an iron one.
...Atomic bomb more powerful than TNT ....
But you have to stop sometime to enjoy life in your home!

Answer from Voyageur[guru]
Spiritual is better...
Technical usually ends with a big nuclear winter ...

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