Sayings of the genius Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: about God, man, life. Quotes that became aphorisms


Prose writer, playwright, doctor, traveler and man with no name - all this is him, Anton Chekhov.

Nobody wants to love the ordinary person in us

"Do you love Chekhov as much as I love him?" - I would like to ask, paraphrasing famous saying. I met him at school. Spontaneous, dizzying and exciting. I read one story after another. I “swallowed” one book and immediately reached for another. I laughed, cried, didn’t sleep at night... Few things gave me the same emotions. He inspired, took me away from this world and immediately brought me back, allowing me to feel the entire earthly surface with my feet. Novelist, playwright, doctor, traveler and man with no name - all this is him, Anton Chekhov.

On January 17, 1860, in Taganrog, a third child, Anton, was born into the family of a grocer. Singing in the church choir, working in my father's shop, school, and then gymnasium. It was in the gymnasium that interest in creativity and art, books and theater began to appear. Later, this love flowed into his works, the heroes of which were actors and actresses (“No wonder the chicken sang,” “Comedian,” “Tragedian” and others). After graduating from high school, Antosha, then already actively writing humorous stories and sketches, left Taganrog and entered Moscow University, the Faculty of Medicine. In the same year he made his debut in print; his “Letter to a Learned Neighbor” was published in the magazine “Dragonfly”. This moment can be called the moment of the birth of Antoshi Chekhonte. Humoresques, stories, feuilletons are increasingly appearing in various publications under this pseudonym. In general, Chekhov is perhaps the only writer who had so many pseudonyms. It seems to me that his “name” was born along with the work, that is, the author creates the story, and the story creates the author.

“A real man consists of a husband and a rank,” - quite famous phrase belongs to the witty Chekhov. In September 1898, the playwright met a group of actors from a small capital theater, including 30-year-old actress Olga Knipper. Despite the long separation, endless correspondence, illness, jealousy, they got married in the spring of 1901. Their life was filled with love and tenderness, correspondences that are worthy separate story, reverent attitude towards each other, but not children... Perhaps this is the greatest punishment in life - when fate does not give it to two people who so dream of offspring.

Even before his death (on the night of July 1-2, 1904), Anton Pavlovich could not help but show the sharpness of his words and thoughts. Together with the doctor, he asked for a glass of champagne. “I haven’t drunk champagne for a long time” - this phrase was the last in his life.

Brilliant and laconic quotes from the Russian classic:

  • If a person doesn’t smoke or drink, you can’t help but wonder if he’s a bastard?
  • Going to Paris with your wife is the same as going to Tula with your samovar.
  • If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.
  • In order to feel happiness in yourself without interruption, even in moments of grief and sadness, you need: a) to be able to be content with the present and b) rejoice in the knowledge that things could have been worse.
  • Wonderful day today. Either go drink tea or hang yourself.
  • Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.
  • Nobody wants to love the ordinary person in us.
  • Don't let people go crazy.
  • If all people came to an agreement and suddenly became sincere, then everything would go to hell for them.
  • Talented man in Russia it is impossible to be clean.
  • If your action upsets someone, this does not mean that it is bad.
  • Becoming a writer is very easy. There is no freak who has not found a mate, and no nonsense that has not found a suitable reader.
  • You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt.
  • There is nothing good on earth that does not have something nasty in its original source.
  • I respond to pain with screams and tears, to meanness with indignation, to abomination with disgust. In my opinion, this, in fact, is called life.
    Famous quotes by Anton Palych (Chekhov)

    The point is not pessimism or optimism, but the fact that ninety-nine out of a hundred have no mind.

    If a person doesn’t smoke or drink, you can’t help but wonder if he’s a bastard?

    Going to Paris with your wife is the same as going to Tula with your samovar.

    There are people who always say only smart and Nice words, but you feel that they are stupid people.

    If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.

    The university develops all abilities, including stupidity.

    They say that in the end the truth will prevail, but this is not true.

    Only ordinary, herd people are healthy and normal.

    In order to feel happiness in yourself without interruption, even in moments of grief and sadness, you need to: a) be able to be content with the present and b) rejoice in the knowledge that it could be worse.

    When a splinter gets into your finger, rejoice: “It’s good that it’s not in the eye!”

    Very good man such a face that they take him for a detective; they think he stole the cufflinks.

    Wonderful day today. Either go drink tea or hang yourself.

    Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.

    Anyone who is alien to life, who is incapable of it, has no choice but to become an official.

    One pain always reduces another. If you step on the tail of a cat whose teeth hurt, it will feel better.

    You can't put a loaded gun on stage if no one is going to fire it.

    Hundreds of miles of deserted, monotonous, burnt-out steppe cannot bring about such despondency as one person when he sits, talks and it is not known when he will leave.

    If you want to have little time, do nothing.

    You need to squeeze the slave out of yourself drop by drop.

    Nobody wants to love the ordinary person in us.

    If a lot of remedies are offered against a disease, this means that the disease is incurable.

    Don't let people go crazy.

    “Cynic” is a Greek word, translated into your language meaning: a pig who wants the whole world to know that she is a pig.

    These smart guys are all so stupid that there is no one to talk to.

    If all people came to an agreement and suddenly became sincere, then everything would go to hell for them.

    A talented person in Russia cannot be clean.

    If your action upsets someone, this does not mean that it is bad.

    Becoming a writer is very easy. There is no freak who has not found a mate, and no nonsense that has not found a suitable reader.

    You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt.

    “Know Thyself” is a beautiful and helpful advice; It’s just a pity that the ancients didn’t think of showing a way to use this advice.

    Leaving people is suicide.

    There is nothing good on earth that does not have something nasty in its original source.

    The post office has long had a reputation as an institution that is scary to visit.

    I respond to pain with screams and tears, to meanness with indignation, to abomination with disgust. In my opinion, this, in fact, is called life.

    Life, in fact, is a very simple thing and a person needs to make a lot of effort to ruin it.

    On January 17, 1860, in Taganrog, a third child, Anton, was born into the family of a grocer. Singing in the church choir, working in my father's shop, school, and then gymnasium. It was in the gymnasium that interest in creativity and art, books and theater began to appear.

    Later, this love flowed into his works, the heroes of which were actors and actresses (“No wonder the chicken sang,” “Comedian,” “Tragedian” and others). After graduating from high school, Antosha, who was then already actively writing humorous stories and skits, left Taganrog and entered Moscow University, the Faculty of Medicine.

    In the same year he made his debut in print; his “Letter to a Learned Neighbor” was published in the magazine “Dragonfly”. This moment can be called the moment of the birth of Antoshi Chekhonte. Humoresques, stories, feuilletons are increasingly appearing in various publications under this pseudonym.

    In general, Chekhov is perhaps the only writer who had so many pseudonyms. It seems to me that his “name” was born along with the work, that is, the author creates the story, and the story creates the author.

    “A real man consists of a husband and a rank,” - a fairly well-known phrase belongs to the witty Chekhov. In September 1898, the playwright met a group of actors from a small capital theater, including 30-year-old actress Olga Knipper.

    Despite the long separation, endless correspondence, illness, jealousy, they got married in the spring of 1901. Their life was filled with love and tenderness, correspondence that deserves a separate story, a reverent attitude towards each other, but not with children... Perhaps this is the greatest punishment in life - when fate does not give it to two people who so dream of offspring.

    Even before his death (on the night of July 1-2, 1904), Anton Pavlovich could not help but show the sharpness of his words and thoughts. Together with the doctor, he asked for a glass of champagne. “I haven’t drunk champagne for a long time” - this phrase was the last in his life.

    Brilliant and laconic quotes from the Russian classic:

    • If a person doesn’t smoke or drink, you can’t help but wonder if he’s a bastard?

    • Going to Paris with your wife is the same as going to Tula with your samovar.

    • If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.

    • In order to feel happiness in yourself without interruption, even in moments of grief and sadness, you need to: a) be able to be content with the present and b) rejoice in the knowledge that it could be worse.

    • Wonderful day today. Either go drink tea or hang yourself.

    • Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.

    • Nobody wants to love the ordinary person in us.

    • Don't let people go crazy.

    • If all people came to an agreement and suddenly became sincere, then everything would go to hell for them.

    • A talented person in Russia cannot be clean.

    • If your action upsets someone, this does not mean that it is bad.

    • Becoming a writer is very easy. There is no freak who has not found a mate, and no nonsense that has not found a suitable reader.

    • You cannot demand from dirt that it not be dirt.

    • There is nothing good on earth that does not have something nasty in its original source.

    • I respond to pain with screams and tears, to meanness with indignation, to abomination with disgust. In my opinion, this, in fact, is called life.

    Author: Ekaterina Ivanenko Quotes from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

    Wonderful day today. Either go drink tea or hang yourself

    Aphids eat grass, rust iron, and lie to the soul.

    A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach.

    Women dream of having narrow feet but living large.

    If a person doesn’t smoke or drink, you can’t help but wonder if he’s a bastard

    Vodka is white, but it stains the nose and tarnishes the reputation

    Don't let people go crazy

    Every ugliness has its decency

    A woman does not bring any benefit to the fatherland. She doesn't go to war, doesn't copy papers, doesn't build railways, and locking a decanter of vodka away from your husband helps reduce excise taxes

    It’s good where we are not: in the past we are no longer there, and it seems beautiful.

    There is a special breed of people who specifically make fun of every phenomenon in life.

    Woman is an intoxicating product, which they still haven’t thought of imposing an excise tax on.

    One must be mentally clear, morally pure and physically tidy.

    The university develops all abilities, including stupidity.

    He who cannot take with affection will not take with severity.

    Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood.

    It is easier to deny hospitals and schools than to treat and teach.

    Good parenting is not about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but about not noticing if someone else does it.

    If you want to have little time, do nothing.

    Women without male society they fade, and men without women become stupid.

    Brevity is the soul of wit.

    Life is a moment. You can’t live it first in a draft and then rewrite it in a white paper

    Going to Paris with your wife is the same as going to Tula with your samovar

    One pain always reduces another. If you step on the tail of a cat whose teeth hurt, it will feel better.

    If you are afraid of loneliness, then don't get married.

    The highest expression of happiness or unhappiness is most often silence.

    Love, friendship, and respect are not connected as much as by a common hatred of something.

    They say: in the end the truth will prevail, but this is not the truth.

    Conservative people do so little evil because they are timid and unsure of themselves; It’s not the conservatives who do evil, but the evil ones

    What a pleasure it is to respect people! When I see books, I don’t care about how the authors loved or played cards, I only see their amazing deeds.

    If you want animal happiness, then life will still not allow you to get drunk and be happy, and every now and then it will stun you with blows.

    Only what is not necessary gives pleasure

    What do you order to do with a person who has done all sorts of abominations and then cries.

    You need to squeeze the slave out of yourself drop by drop

    What we experience when we are in love may be our normal condition. Falling in love shows a person what he should be

    Someone else's soul is darkness, but a cat's soul is even more so

    You can lie in love, in politics, in medicine you can deceive people, but in art you cannot deceive

    You need to be able to speak briefly about long things.

    Advance is seizing the future

    The shorter and less often you write, the more and more often you are published

    There is desert everywhere for the lonely.

    Well-mannered people respect human personality, and therefore are always condescending, soft, polite, and compliant.

    It's never too early to ask yourself: am I doing business or trifles?

    Beware of refined language. The language should be simple and elegant

    Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything

    When people love each other, they do not quarrel, but calmly sort things out

    Everything I know about human nature I learned in the process of learning about myself.

    Life, in fact, is a very simple thing and a person needs to make a lot of effort to ruin it

    Well, take off your clothes, but resist a little

    Only ordinary, herd people are healthy and normal.

    If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.

    Russian people love to remember, but do not like to live...

    Women drink more often than you think. A minority drinks openly, like me, and the majority drink secretly. Yes. And all vodka or cognac.

    Death is terrible, but even more terrible would be the knowledge that you will live forever and never die.

    Suffering leads a person to perfection

    ... You got into the flock, don’t bark, just wag your tail.

    I confess that sometimes I deceived women a little, but in relation to the Russian government I was always a gentleman.

    There are minutes for which you can give months and years!

    A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight.

    The human sting is more dangerous than the snake's

    Life does not repeat itself, you need to spare it.

    He drinks, he can be rude, but what’s the harm? A talented person in Russia cannot be clean.

    The men, the police chief, and sometimes even the privy councilors sneeze.

    For our loser brother and extra person All salvation is in conversations.

    In this world there is a lot of evil and all sorts of dirty tricks from the female sex. Not only we sinners, but also holy men were seduced.

    Shame, disgrace! I haven’t fallen in love for five years, I made a vow to myself, and suddenly I fell in love like a shaft with someone else’s body!

    When not a worthwhile life, then they live in mirages.

    Letters are not faces: they do not give themselves away if they lie.

    That's how it is human destiny: if you are not mistaken in the main thing, then you will be mistaken in the particulars. Nobody knows the real truth.

    A woman can be a man’s friend only in the following order: first a friend, then a lover, and then a friend

    In insects, a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, but in humans, it’s the other way around: a butterfly turns into a caterpillar.

    There is no crime worse than the murder of the weak and defenseless

    It is not true that with the passage of time all love passes away. No, real love does not pass away, but comes over time. Not immediately, but gradually you comprehend the joy of getting closer to the woman you love. It's like a good old wine. You have to get used to it, you have to drink it for a long time to understand its charm

    After all, being poor, not saving anything and not saving anything is much easier than being rich.

    When the devil wants to do some dirty trick or mischief, he always tries to act through women

    Mocking the suffering of others should not be forgiven.

    Tell me what you want and I will tell you who you are.

    When the Germans or the British get together, they talk about wool prices, about the harvest, about their personal affairs; but for some reason, when we Russians get together, we only talk about women and lofty matters. But the main thing is about women.

    This can't happen because it can never happen

    There is nothing so good on earth that in its original source it would not have filth.

    To get around those small and illusory things that prevent you from being free and happy - this is the goal and meaning of our life.

    “Cynic” is a Greek word, translated into your language meaning: a pig who wants the whole world to know that she is a pig

    Free and deep thinking, which strives to understand life, and complete contempt for the stupid vanity of the world - these are two blessings, greater than which man has never known.

    A wife is the worst, most picky censor

    When poor relatives come to your dacha, do not turn pale, but exclaim triumphantly: “It’s good that they are not policemen!”

    Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter

    Medicine teaches that bachelors usually die crazy, while married people die without going crazy.

    Critics are usually those people who would be poets, historians, biographers if they could, but, having tried their talents in these or other fields and having failed, decided to take up criticism.

    The problem of our time. The point is not optimism or pessimism, but the fact that ninety-nine out of a hundred have no intelligence.

    Isn't health a miracle? What about life itself? What is incomprehensible is a miracle.

    It's easy to be a benefactor when you have two thousand dessiatines.

    To rejoice at such nonsense as the New Year, in my opinion, is absurd and unworthy of human reason. New Year the same rubbish as the old one, with the only difference being that old year was bad, but the new one is always worse... In my opinion, when celebrating the New Year you should not rejoice, but suffer, cry, attempt suicide. We must not forget that the newer the year, the closer to death, the more extensive the baldness, the more sinuous the wrinkles, older wife, more guys, less money...

    Ah, freedom! Even a hint, even a faint hope of its possibility gives the soul wings, doesn’t it?

    And what does it mean to die? Perhaps a person has a hundred feelings, and with death only five known to us perish, while the last ninety-five remain alive.

    We are at least two hundred years behind, we still have absolutely nothing, no definite attitude towards the past, we only philosophize, complain about melancholy or drink vodka. It’s so clear that in order to start living in the present, you must first atone for the past, put an end to it. And it can only be redeemed through extraordinary, continuous labor.

    Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts.

    Behind the door happy person Someone should stand with a hammer, constantly knock and remind you that there are unfortunate people, and that after a short period of happiness, misfortune comes.

    A person needs not three arshins of land, not an estate, but the whole Earth, all of nature, where in the open space he could demonstrate all the properties and characteristics of his free spirit.

    While you are young, strong, vigorous, do not get tired of doing good. There is no happiness and there should not be, and if there is meaning and purpose in life, then this meaning and purpose is not at all in our happiness, but in something more reasonable and greater. Do good!

    A change in life for the better, satiety, and idleness develop in a Russian person conceit, the most arrogant.

    The darkness of truths is dearer to us than the elevating deception.

    Money, like vodka, makes a person an eccentric.

    You refer to the natural order of things, to the legality of phenomena, but is there order and legality in the fact that I, alive, thinking man, I stand over the ditch and wait for it to overgrow itself or be covered with silt, while, perhaps, I could jump over it or build a bridge over it?

    Pushkin experienced terrible torment before his death, poor Heine lay paralyzed for several years; Why shouldn’t some Andrei Yefimych or Matryona Savishna get sick, whose life is meaningless and would be completely empty and similar to the life of an amoeba if not for suffering?

    Why stop people from dying if death is the normal and legitimate end of everyone? What does it matter if some tradesman or official lives an extra five or ten years?

    Isn’t it funny to think about justice when all violence is met by society as a reasonable and expedient necessity, and every act of mercy, for example an acquittal, causes a whole explosion of dissatisfied, vengeful feelings?

    A sage, or simply a thinking, thoughtful person, is distinguished precisely by the fact that he despises suffering; he is always happy and is not surprised by anything. If you think about it more often, you will understand how insignificant everything external that worries us is.

    No matter how magnificent the dawn illuminates your life, in the end you will be nailed into a coffin and thrown into a pit.

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