Snake in the grass. "Underground snake": what is this expression


Inter: -ru » - =

Type and syntactic properties of the combination

Inter:phrase »
|word1=((by syllables|snake|.|iʹ
|word2=Inter: by syllables » under|co|lod|on|.|i
|cat-type=Stable combinations


Inter: transcription » |

Semantic properties


# Inter: rude » . Inter: simple ". evil, treacherous, vile person Inter: an example "Go to him, ((highlight | snake in the grass, go under the wing and patronage of Kalinovich like you!|A. F. Pisemsky | A thousand souls | 1858 | source = NKRY)) Inter: example "You are not my daughter now, you are me ((highlighted | snake in the grass!|Dostoevsky|Mistress|1847|source=NKRYA))
  1. Synonyms

  2. Antonyms

  3. Hypernyms





    The expression is actually Russian. The snake in Russian since ancient times symbolizes deceit. Podkolodnaya - an adjective from the combination "under the deck", where the deck is "a log with a hollowed out middle", in which cattle were fed. All reptiles, including snakes, fall asleep with the onset of cold weather, finding discreet place(e.g., under the deck); at this time, snake venom is especially dangerous. With the insidiousness of a snake, they compare the insidiousness of a person who lurks for a while, and then manifests himself at an unexpected moment from an unpleasant side.


    Inter: trans-block »


Inter: unfinished »
Inter: categ » |

about an evil, insidious, vile person. The expression is actually Russian. The snake in Russian since ancient times symbolizes deceit. Podkolodnaya - an adjective from the combination under the deck, where the deck is “a log with a hollowed out middle”, in which they gave food to livestock. All reptiles, including snakes, fall asleep with the onset of cold weather, finding a secluded place; at this time, snake venom is especially dangerous. With the insidiousness of a snake, they compare the insidiousness of a person who lurks for a while, and then manifests himself at an unexpected moment from an unpleasant side.

Know the beast by its claws

a strong, courageous, resolute person is recognized by his actions. The expression is borrowed from ancient Greek. The Greeks said: "Know the lion by its claws." Plutarch attributed this expression to Alcaeus. In addition to the named authors, the proverb is given or implied by others, for example, by Lucian, Philostratus, and others. When and how Greek proverb entered the Russian language, is unknown.

Know by heart

know very firmly, well; memorize. The expression is associated with the breakdown of rings, gold coins, etc. on the tooth to verify their authenticity. On fake or hollow products, dents remained after the bite.

Golden fever

excitement, hype associated with gold mining or monetary, foreign exchange transactions. The expression - tracing paper from the English gold rush or gold fever, spread in the 19th century. in connection with the discovery of rich gold deposits in Alaska.

Golden youth

young people from the rich strata of society, leading a life of idleness and entertainment. Expression - tracing paper from French. Jeunesse Doree. It arose during the French Revolution. That was the name given to the counter-revolutionary youth who, after 9 Thermidor, rallied around the leader of the Thermidorian reaction, Freron. The expression is found in The Secret History French Revolution» Francois Xavier Pages. Later it lost political sense. Now the turnover of golden youth is used in the meaning: children of famous, high-ranking parents, squandering money, leading wild image life.

golden ratio

this ratio is approximately 5 / 3) The division of segment AC into two parts in such a way that most of its AB is related to the smaller BC in the same way that the entire segment of AC is related to AB. Its principles are used in architecture and fine arts. The term was introduced by Leonardo da Vinci. Wed also phraseologism golden mean- a way of behavior in which extremes, risky decisions are avoided. Phraseologism represents a tracing paper with latin expression aurea mediocritas, owned by the ancient Roman poet Horace.

Teeth to speak

1) by extraneous conversations, deliberately distracting someone from something significant; 2) to deceive, mislead someone with verbose arguments, forcing them to agree with obvious nonsense. The expression is actually Russian, associated with the treatment of patients with words, spells, conspiracies, which in ancient times were practiced by the Magi, sorcerers, healers. From other -Russian. vrati "to speak, to speak" the word doctor is formed. Some conspiracies were supposed to relieve a toothache.

One gate play

clash, dispute in which one of the parties is clearly stronger and therefore wins. The expression is caused by associations from the field of sports, but has become a phraseological unit denoting non-sporting concepts. Especially often used in the press: “You financiers reserve the right to deal with me. It's a one-sided game."

It is not worth it

about a business, an occupation that does not justify the effort expended. Expression from the speech of gamblers, tracing paper from French. Initially, it was said about a very small win, which does not pay off the cost of the candles that burned out during the game.

play spillikins

deal with nonsense. Spillikin - pipe, flute; small toy, decoration; in the game of spillikins

Straightly cut straws. The game consists in crocheting one after the other from a bunch of spillikins without moving the rest.

play king

behave like an honorable, important person, without being one. A more widely known expression is the retinue plays the king / the retinue makes the king. Two meanings of this expression: 1) the environment, the design is more important than the essence; 2) the environment of an important person or leader forms his image.

play on nerves

annoy, annoy someone with something. The expression is associated with the Latin name for the string nervus. After the ancient doctors discovered the nerves in the human body, they named them after their resemblance to strings. musical instruments the same word - nervus. Thus, the prerequisites for the development of a figurative meaning arose: the phrase to play the strings became the designation of an irritating action.

Idea fix

obsessive thought, idea. The expression is a half-calca with fr. idee fixe, originally a medical term denoting a clearly wrong, absurd thought painfully fixed in the mind.

go for broke

to take great risks, to act with desperate courage, without fear of anything. The expression is a half-calc from the French va banque “he goes to the bank”, “the bank goes”. It arose in the speech of fans of the card game as a result of mixing "French with Nizhny Novgorod". First, a French expression appeared among the players, which later merged in our speech into the word for broke. After that, the word was included in the phraseological scheme with the word go.

Massacre of the innocents

1) Brutal massacre of defenseless, inexperienced, etc. people, the application of strict measures in relation to many. 2) About strict measures in relation to someone. An expression from the Gospel, which tells the legend of the birth in Bethlehem of the baby Jesus, the Messiah, the new king of the Jews, who must free the Jews from the power of Rome. King Herod of Judea, having heard about this from the Magi, was frightened and ordered to exterminate all the boys under two years old in the city of Bethlehem and its environs in order to kill the future “King of the Jews” among them.

From dirt to Kings

getting out of poverty, obscurity, a miserable existence, to achieve high position in society, wealth, success. The expression is actually Russian, folklore. Goes back to the proverb Taken from the dirt and planted in riches, used in the literature of the century before last, focused on folk speech. Mud as a symbol of low, common origin is also found in other Russian phrases.


from the original source, directly from someone. There are two hypotheses about the origin of this turnover: 1) The turnover is associated with trade. Passing through the hands of resellers, goods have always risen in price, and their quality factor has also decreased. Therefore, they preferred goods purchased not from resellers, but first-hand, i.e. from manufacturers. 2) Expression - tracing paper from the French de premiere main. Initially about the product.

And like him

and those who are with him are like-minded people. The expression is Old Slavonic, from church books, where ilk is a pronoun in the meaning of "which, which." It is formed by the fusion of the pronoun and "he" and particles of the same.

And there is a hole in the old woman

and an experienced person is mistaken. Turnover actually Russian. In some parts of our country, every slip, mistake, oversight is called a blow. The word prorukha meant in dialects “that which is destroyed or dug up”, that is, a failure, a pit. In this sense, the word fell into a phraseological unit fell into a hole, built according to the active phraseological model “fall + trap = find yourself in a difficult, hopeless situation”. After that given noun acquired figurative meaning"trouble", "failure" and at the same time "own oversight", "mistake". The entry of the word into the proverb was facilitated by the fact that

the prorukha rhymes well, and many Russian proverbs recharge their expression precisely with rhyme.

Search for yesterday

engage in deliberately fruitless activities, trying to return, to find something that has irrevocably passed, which no longer exists. The expression is associated with it. den gestrigen Tag suchen, traced back to a historical episode. Elector Johann Friedrich once uttered his favorite phrase in front of his jester Klaus: "I lost this day." Klaus replied: “Tomorrow we will all look hard and probably find the day you lost.”

Truth in wine

1) Drunk, as is commonly believed, tells the truth. 2) It is said as an excuse for drunkenness. The source of the expression is the aphorism Greek poet Alcaea: "Wine is a sweet child, but it is the truth." The Roman writer and scholar Pliny the Elder briefly formulated the same idea in " natural history»: In vino veritas. It is often quoted in the Russian text and in Latin.

History with geography

about an unexpected, unforeseen turn of the case. The turnover comes from old name school discipline history with geography taught in Russia. In the lessons on this subject, various curiosities occurred.

And you Brute!

exclamation in case of unexpected betrayal, disagreement with something or inconstancy of a friend. Expression - tracing paper from the Latin Et tu, Brute! With these words, the dying Caesar addresses Brutus, who was among the conspirators who attacked him in the Senate, in W. Shakespeare's tragedy Julius Caesar. According to legend, Caesar, seeing Brutus attacking him, exclaimed in Greek: “And you, my child?” According to the biography of Caesar written by Suetonius, the emperor, dying, only sighed and said nothing. Phrase And you, Brutus! became winged thanks to Shakespeare's tragedy.

Search a woman

often the culprit of every event is a woman. The expression is often used in Russian literature and in French: cherchez la femme. It became winged thanks to the novel by A. Dumas father "The Mohicans of Paris" and the drama of the same name, where this expression is a favorite saying of a Parisian police official.

What fly has bitten

about someone who is not in the spirit, angry, angry; O strange behavior anyone. Expression - tracing paper from the French quelle mouche vous pique? It goes back to superstitious ideas that the devil could turn into flies, horseflies, beetles and other insects. Penetrating into the mouth, nose, ear or biting a person, he made him demon-possessed, causing him to lose his temper, get nervous, get angry.

Podkolodny snake Roughly simple. Bran. An evil, extremely insidious, disgusting person. - Straight Herod, not a man. He hit everyone ... He ate everyone ... He sucked on the peasants with a snake, he drank all the blood from us, like a leech(Shishkov. Kralya).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what the "Podkolodny Snake" is in other dictionaries:

    snake in the grass- noun, number of synonyms: 6 viper (1) viper (30) viper (15) ... Synonym dictionary

    SNAKE IN THE GRASS- who is an insidious, dangerous, ungrateful person. It is understood that to whom tend to commit malicious and fraught with unexpected danger acts. It means that the person (X) is, from the point of view of the speaker, an insidious person, ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    snake- (inosk. swearing) insidious, secret enemy, villain Cf. Serpent tongue (innok.) Evil. Wed Well, aren't you a snake under the deck now! and you call yourself a sister. What do you want? upset me and my wife? Ostrovsky. Sin and trouble does not live on anyone. 2, 1, 2…

    Snake- Snake (podkolodnaya) foreigner. brann. insidious, secret enemy, villain. Wed Serpent's tongue (inosk.) Evil. Wed Well, aren't you a snake now! and you call yourself a sister. What do you want? upset me and my wife? Ostrovskiy. Sin and trouble on ... ...

    snake in the grass- rude. , vernacular about an evil, insidious, vile person. The expression is actually Russian. The snake in Russian since ancient times symbolizes deceit. Podkolodnaya - an adjective from a combination under the deck, where the deck is “a log with a hollowed out middle”, in ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    Snake in the grass- Simple. Unapproved or Bran. About an evil, insidious, vile person. FSRYA, 174; BMS 1998, 214; SHZF 2001, 83; SOSV, 141; Mokienko 1990, 106; SRNG 28, 42, 53… Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    woe you, woe, snake podkolodnaya (...)- Wed. Woe to you, woe, snake under the pit, You are my old enemy! You, the relentless, you, the hopeless, we agreed early. M.R. Rosenheim. Wed We only weep and cry out: Woe to us who were born into the world! G.R. Derzhavin. On the death of the book. Meshchersky. Wed O… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    zlyuka, feisty, zlyaka, snake- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Woe, woe, you snake- Woe, woe, you podkolodnaya snake. Wed Woe, woe, snake under the pit, You are my old enemy! You, relentless, you, hopeless, we soon came together. M. P. Rozengeim. Wed We only weep and cry out: “Oh, woe to us who were born into the world!” G. R... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    snake- n., f., use. often Morphology: (no) whom? snake, who? snake, (see) whom? snake, who? snake, about whom? about the snake; pl. Who? snakes, (no) whom? snake, who? snakes, (see) whom? snake who? snakes, about whom? about snakes 1. A snake is a reptile (crawling) ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva


An insidious, dangerous, ungrateful person.

It is implied that to smb. tend to commit malicious and fraught with unexpected danger acts. It means that face ( X) is, from the point of view of the speaker, a person who is treacherous, capable of betrayal, cold, prudent and potentially dangerous. Mainly about women. Spoken with condemnation. informalX - snake in the grass . Not use in relation to the 1st l. Usually in the role isolated app., inverted, as well as the nominal part skaz. (usually with a zero link) or denominative suggestion Component word order unfixed

My relatives, led by my mother, of course, believe that Tanya is to blame for everything, that it is she, as they put it, snake in the grass spoiled me. But this is not true. And it’s even insulting to me: it turns out, what - that I’m weaker than the weak? P. Nilin, Dope. Straight Herod, not a man. I stopped by everyone ... I ate everyone ... Podkolnoy snake he clung to the peasants, he drank all of our blood like a leech. V. Shishkov, Kralya.

It's all you! You, snake in the grass! You spoke! You want to kill us from the world! What have we done to you? What? V. Tendryakov, Out of Court.

What are you, snake in the grass, you allow yourself?! Do you think all your meanness will go unpunished?! ( Rech.)

Lariosik suffered a terrible blow ... Milochka Rubtsova, whom, as you know, he married a year ago, turned out to be snake!.. M. Bulgakov, White Guard.

- Snake in the grass- he thought about the head of the RUBOP, General Kireev. - They didn’t finish off, so I came to wash my hands, to express sympathy. F. Neznansky, Siberian octopus.

cultural commentary: Image phraseol. correlates with the zoomorphic code of culture, i.e. with a set of ideas about the animal world, whose representatives as such or their attributes can serve as standards or symbols. According to ancient ideas, snake- the image is ambiguous: it combines male and female, water and fire symbolism, negative and positive principles [cf. Wife and husband - a snake, yes (Dal V.I. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people. M., 2001. P. 113)]; it is poisonous and curative. Snake- and an unclean creature, and a source of evil, but at the same time, it can help a person. At the heart of the image phraseol. lies a zoomorphic metaphor, which reflects the stereotypical idea of ​​Russians about snake. In the image phraseol. updating the idea of snake, formed under the influence of Christianity: it is insidious, vindictive, ungrateful and dangerous, it can deliver an unexpected blow ( cf. warm the snake on the chest). In the Bible, the serpent is the personification of Satan ( Gen. 3: 1-6; 2 Cor. 11: 3; Ap. 12:9, 14, 15), distinguished by cunning ( Matt. 10:16), malice ( Matt. 23:33), ferocity ( Ps. 57: 5; Prov. 23:32) and deceit ( Gen. 49:17). Image phraseol. reflects the perception snakes as a standard of deceit and is based on the idea of snake hidden, lurking, invisible and therefore especially dangerous. In others European languages this image has analogues dating back to a quote from the Roman poet Virgil: "Frigidus latet agnius in herba" - lit. "A cold snake is hiding in the grass" ("Eclogues", III, 19); cf. V English- a snake in the grass (lit. "snake in the grass"). V.V. Krasnykh



From the book Life of Ramakrishna by Rolland Romain

SNAKE Teacher (smiling). What do you think about it, Narendra? People living in the world often judge strictly those who dedicate themselves to God. When an elephant goes his way, many dogs and other animals always run after him, screeching and barking. But he pretends not to hear them, and


From the book ... I gradually learn ... author Gaft Valentin Iosifovich


From the book Red Lanterns author Gaft Valentin Iosifovich

The snake The long body is glossy with a sprat, Having sucked into the pipe, the rabbit ate, In coils, as if on a minefield, The snake crawls like the handwriting of the devil. Creeps terrestrial Loch Ness, Like a wet hose, endless. The beautiful and the vile creeps, tempting us,


From the book Intention author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

Snake After the story with the oxen harnessing, the collective farm authorities took them away from us, deciding that we were not big bars, we could walk to school. Which is what we started doing. Seven kilometers there, seven kilometers back, this is a serious distance for a nine-year-old city boy. Most often I


From Kitty's book. Memoir prose of Princess Meshcherskaya author Meshcherskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Snake Kitty's Diary So, my mother and I are back in Moscow. With what joy I saw my native streets, familiar squares, crooked lanes ... Again on Povarskaya, again in our (that is, in our former) apartment - but where? On the stove! Yes, yes, all the rooms are occupied by the communists, and my dear


From the book by Valentin Gaft: ... I gradually learn ... author Groysman Yakov Iosifovich

SNAKE The long body is glossy with a sprat, Having sucked into the pipe, the little rabbit ate, In coils, as if across a minefield, The snake crawls like the handwriting of the devil. Creeps terrestrial Loch Ness, Like a wet hose, endless. The beautiful and the vile creeps, tempting us,


From book folk life Great North. Volume II author Burtsev Alexander Evgenievich

Snake In one village there was a married man, his mother lived with him, an old woman. The son and daughter-in-law did not like the old woman and often scolded and scolded her. Once, on the very day of Christ, they came from mass and sat down at the table to break their fast. The son was angry with his mother for something and said: it would be better if I saw a snake


From the book In the power of symbols author Klimovich Konstantin

SNAKE The snake is a symbol of nobility and wisdom, but the Snake biting its tail has been considered a symbol of eternity since ancient times. It should not be confused with the Serpent (especially with green). The Serpent and the Serpent (Dragon) are different creatures. The snake is a symbol of energy (occult) power. Often in


From the book The book will accept and superstitions author Mudrova Irina Anatolyevna

Snake In the imagination of the people, she is a living personification of everything impure, arousing disgust mixed with horror, everything evil, crafty, harmful. It was considered right to kill a snake, by the way, in ancient times it was not so



THE MOST POISONOUS LAND SNAKE IS THE BRUTAL SNAKE The fierce snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) reaches a length of 1.9 m. The color of the back varies from dark brown to straw; varies depending on the time of year - in winter this snake is noticeably darker. Head may become glossy black


From the book 100 Great Wildlife Records author Nepomniachtchi Nikolai Nikolaevich

THE SHORTEST SNAKE IN THE WORLD - THE DOUBLE-LINED NARROW SNAKE The longest specimens of this species (Leptotyphlops bilineata), which lives only on the islands of Martinique, Barbados and Santa Lucia in the Caribbean Sea, reach only 110 mm. True, there is an opinion that the brahmin blind (Fiamphotyphlops braminus)


From the book 100 Great Wildlife Records author Nepomniachtchi Nikolai Nikolaevich

COLOR-CHANGING SNAKE - CAPUAS MUD SNAKE Biologists managed to find an Asian girlfriend for the chameleon. In the swamps of the Indonesian part of the island of Kalimantan (Borneo), they managed to find a poisonous snake that can change skin color. found and described the new kind

36. Death of the Serpent by the Serpent

From book Historical roots fairy tale the author Propp Vladimir

36. The death of a serpent by a serpent We have already seen above the case when a serpent is defeated by the fact that a girl with a belt of a serpent enters the serpent's mouth. This belt in the womb comes to life and kills the snake. But, of course, obvious, obvious cases of the death of a snake from a snake can only be late, when


From the book of the Forbidden Talmud author Yadan Yaron

248 A SNAKE MATED WITH A TURTLE, AS A RESULT OF WHICH A SNAKE DANGEROUS TO HUMANS WAS BORN One of the sages, Rav Guna bar Torta, told about an event that he himself witnessed. One day he visited a place where animals are crossed, and he saw a snake hugging a turtle,

1. On that day, the Lord will strike with His heavy sword, and great and strong, Leviathan, the straight-running serpent, and Leviathan, the curving serpent, and will kill the monster of the sea.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. On that day, the Lord will strike with His heavy sword, and great and strong, Leviathan, the straight-running serpent, and Leviathan, the curving serpent, and will kill the monster of the sea. 1-9. The powerful world powers, depicted by the prophet under the guise of huge monsters, will be struck down by judgment


An insidious, dangerous, ungrateful person.

It is understood that someone tend to commit malicious and fraught with unexpected danger acts. It means that the person (X) is, from the point of view of the speaker, a cunning person, capable of betrayal, cold, prudent and potentially dangerous. Mostly about women. Speak with condemnation. informal ? X - a sub-snake.

Do not use in relation to the 1st l.

Usually in the role of a separate appl., obsch., as well as the nominal part of the tale. (usually with a zero link) or a denominative preposition.

The order of component words is not fixed.

My relatives, led by my mother, of course, believe that Tanya is to blame for everything, that it is she, as they put it, a snake under the hook, who spoiled me. But this is not true. And it’s even insulting to me: it turns out, what - that I’m weaker than the weak? P. Nilin, Dur. Just Herod, not a man. He hit everyone ... He ate everyone ... He sucked on the peasants like a snake, he drank the blood out of us, like a leech. V. Shishkov, Kralya.

It's all you! You viper snake! You spoke! You want to kill us from the world! What have we done to you? What? V. Tendryakov, Out of Court.

What are you, a snake under the deck, you allow yourself ?! Do you think all your meanness will go unpunished?! (Speech)

Lariosik suffered a terrible blow ... Milochka Rubtsova, whom, as you know, he married a year ago, turned out to be a snake under the stick! .. M. Bulgakov, White Guard.

Podkolodnaya snake - he thought about the head of the RUBOP, General Kireev. - They didn’t finish off, so I came to wash my hands, to express sympathy. F. Neznansky, Siberian octopus.

cultural commentary:

phraseological image. correlates with the zoomorphic code of culture, i.e. with a set of ideas about the animal world, whose representatives as such or their attributes can serve as standards or symbols. According to ancient ideas, the snake is an ambiguous image: it combines male and female, water and fire symbolism, negative and positive beginnings [cf. A wife and a husband are a snake, yes (Dal V.I. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people. M., 2001. P. 113)]; it is poisonous and curative. The snake is both an unclean creature and a source of evil, but at the same time it can help a person.

At the heart of the image phraseology. lies a zoomorphic metaphor, which reflects the stereotypical idea of ​​Russians about a snake. In the form of phraseology. the idea of ​​a snake, which was formed under the influence of Christianity, is actualized: it is insidious, vindictive, ungrateful and dangerous, it can deliver an unexpected blow (cf. warm the snake on the chest). In the Bible, the serpent acts as the personification of Satan (Gen. 3: 1-6; 2 Cor. 11: 3; Ap. 12: 9, 14, 15), is distinguished by cunning (Matt. 10: 16), malice (Matt. 23: 33), ferocity (Ps. 57:5; Proverbs 23:32) and deceit (Gen. 49:17).

phraseological image. reflects the perception of the snake as a standard of deceit and is based on the idea of ​​a snake hidden, lurking, invisible and therefore especially dangerous.

In other European languages, this image has analogues that go back to a quote from the Roman poet Virgil: "Frigidus latet agnius in herba" - lit. "A cold snake is hiding in the grass" ("Eclogues", III, 19); cf. in english - a snake in the grass (lit. "snake in the grass").

V.V. Krasnykh

Big phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: AST-Press.

E.N. Telia.

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