Alexander green winner analysis of the work. Methodical piggy bank


At last fortune crosses our path,” said Gennison, closing the door and hanging up his rain-soaked coat. - Well, Jen, the weather is disgusting, but in my heart the weather is good. I was a little late because I met Professor Sters. He delivered amazing news.

As he spoke, Hennison paced the room, gazing absently at the set table and rubbing his chilled hands with the characteristic hungry gesture of a man who is unlucky and who is accustomed to prefer hope to dinner; he was in a hurry to report what Sters had said.

Jen, a young woman with a demanding, nervous look in her sternly burning eyes, smiled reluctantly.

Oh, I’m afraid of everything amazing, ”she said, starting to eat, but seeing that her husband was excited, she got up and went up to him, putting her hand on his shoulder. - Do not be angry. I just want to say that when you bring "amazing" news, we usually don't have money the next day.

This time, it seems, they will, - objected Gennison. - It's just about the visit to the workshop by Sters and three other persons who make up the majority of votes in the jury of the competition. Well, it seems, even probably, that they will give me a prize. Of course, the secrets of this case - a relative thing; my style is as easily recognizable as Punk, Staorti, Belgrave and others, so Sters said: - "My dear, is this your figure of" Woman raising a child up a steep path, with a book in her hands "?" - Of course, I denied it, but he finished, without extorting anything from me: - “So, speaking conditionally that it is yours, this statue has every chance. We, - notice, he said "we", - so there was a conversation about that, - we like her more than others. Keep it a secret. I tell you this because I love you and entrust to you big hopes. Fix your business."

Of course, you are not difficult to recognize, - said Jen, - but, oh, how hard, exhausted, to believe that at the end of the road there will finally be rest. What else did Sters say?

What else he said, I forgot. I remember only this and went home in a semi-conscious state. Jen, I saw those 3,000 in an incredible rainbow landscape. Yes, it will, of course. There is a rumor that Punk's work is also good, but mine is better. Geezer more drawing than anatomy. But why didn't Sters say anything about Ledan?

Has Ledan already presented his work?

True - no, otherwise Sters should have been talking about him. Ledan is never particularly in a hurry. However, the other day he told me that he has no right to be late, since his six children, small and small, are also probably waiting for the award. What did you think?

I thought, - thoughtfully, said Jen, - that until we know how Ledan coped with the task, it's too early for us to talk about the triumph.

Dear Jen, Ledane is more talented than me, but there are two reasons why he won't win the award. First: they do not like him for his extreme conceit. Secondly, his style is not in favor with positive people. I do know everything. In a word, Sters also said that my "Woman" is the most successful symbol of science leading the baby - Humanity - to the mountain peak of Knowledge.

Yes... So why didn't he talk about Ledan?

He doesn't like him: he just doesn't like him. There's nothing you can do about it. That can only be explained.

This tense conversation was about a competition announced by the architectural commission building a university in Lisse. It was decided to decorate the main portal of the building with a bronze statue, and for the best work presented, the city promised three thousand pounds.

Hennison ate lunch while he continued to talk to Jen about what they would do with the money. In the six months that Gennison worked for the competition, these conversations have never been as real and vivid as they are now. Within ten minutes, Jen visited the best stores, bought a lot of things, moved from a room to an apartment, and Gennison, between soup and a cutlet, went to Europe, rested from humiliation and poverty and conceived new works, after which fame and security would come.

When the excitement subsided and the conversation took on a less brilliant character, the sculptor looked around wearily. It was still the same cramped room, with cheap furniture, with a shadow of poverty in the corners. I had to wait, wait...

Against his will, Gennison was troubled by a thought he could not even admit to himself. He glanced at his watch - it was almost seven - and stood up.

Jen, I'm leaving. You understand - this is not anxiety, not envy - no; I'm quite sure of happy outcome business, but ... but I'll still see if Ledan's model is there. It interests me disinterestedly. It is always good to know everything, especially in important cases.

Jen looked up. The same thought troubled her, but just like Gennison, she hid it and betrayed it, hastily saying:

Of course, my friend. It would be strange if you were not interested in art. Will you be back soon?

Very soon,” said Gennison, putting on his overcoat and taking his hat. - So, two weeks, no more, we have to wait. Yes.

Yes, that's right, - Jen answered not very confidently, although with a cheerful smile, and, straightening her husband's hair that had fallen out from under her hat, she added: - Go on. I'll sit down to sew.


The studio devoted to the affairs of the competition was located in the building of the School of Painting and Sculpture, and at that hour of the evening there was no one there, except for the watchman Nurs, who had known Gennison for a long time and well. Upon entering, Gennison said:

Nurs, please open the north corner, I want to take another look at my work and maybe correct something. Well, how - how many models were delivered today?

There seem to be fourteen in all. - Nurs began to look at the floor. - You know what the story is. Just an hour ago, an order was received not to let anyone in, because tomorrow the jury will meet and, you understand, they want everything to be in order.

Of course, of course, - picked up Gennison, - but, really, my soul is not in the right place and I am restless until I look at mine again. You understand me like a human being. I won't tell anyone, you won't tell a single soul either, so this matter will go harmlessly. And ... here she is - show her a place at the box office of the Grill-Room.

He pulled gold coin- the last one - everything that he had, - and put it in the indecisive palm of Nurs, squeezing the watchman's fingers with a hot hand.

Well, yes, - Nurs said, - I understand this very well ... Unless, of course ... What to do - let's go.

Nurse led Gennison to the dungeon of hopes, opened the door, opened the electricity, stood on the threshold himself, skeptically looking around the cold, high room, where on the hills covered with green cloth, motionless creatures of wax and clay could be seen, full of that strange, transfigured vitality that distinguishes sculpture. The two people looked at it differently. Nurse saw the puppets, while the pain and mental turmoil resurfaced in Gennison. He noticed his model in a series of alien, honed tensions and began to look through the eyes of Ledan.

Nurs is out.

Hennison walked a few paces and stopped in front of a small white statue, no more than three feet high. Ledan's model, whom he immediately recognized by the wonderful lightness and simplicity of lines, carved from marble, stood between Punk and the pitiful reflection of the honest, industrious Preuss, who gave stupid Juno with a shield and coat of arms of the city. Ledan also did not surprise me with fiction. Just a pensive figure of a young woman in a carelessly falling veil, bending slightly, drew a geometric figure on the sand with the end of a branch. The knitted eyebrows on a regular, femininely strong face reflected a cold, unshakable confidence, and the impatiently stretched toe of a slender leg seemed to be beating the time of some mental calculation that she was making.

Hennison stepped back with a sense of downfall and delight. - "A! - he said, finally having the courage to become only an artist. - Yes, it's art. After all, it's like catching a beam. How does he live. How he breathes and thinks.

Then - slowly, with the gloomy animation of the wounded, looking at his wound at the same time with the eyes of a doctor and a patient, he approached that “Woman with a Book”, which he created himself, giving her all the hopes of deliverance. He saw some tension in her posture. He peered at the naive shortcomings, at the ill-concealed efforts with which he wanted to compensate for the lack of accurate artistic vision. She was relatively good, but substantially bad next to Ledan. With torment and anguish, in the light of the highest justice, which he never betrayed, he recognized Ledan's indisputable right to make marble, without waiting for a favorable nod from Sters.

In a few minutes, Gennison lived a second life, after which the conclusion and decision could take only one form characteristic of him. He took the chimney tongs and with three strong blows turned his model into clay - without tears, without wild laughter, without hysterics - as sensibly and simply as destroying a failed letter.

These blows, - he said to Nursu, who came running to the noise, - I inflicted on myself, as I broke only my own product. You'll have to sweep a little here.

How?! - Nurs shouted, - this one ... and this is yours ... Well, I'll tell you that I liked her the most. What will you do now?

What? repeated Gennison. - The same, but only better - to justify your flattering opinion of me. Without forceps, there was little hope for this. In any case, ridiculous, bearded, burdened with babies and talent, Ledan can be calm, as the jury has no other choice.

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Literature lesson summary

Teacher Zabrodina Elena Anatolyevna

Topic "The problem of choice and responsibility for the chosen decision in A. Green's story "The Winner""

    To arouse the interest of students in the work of A. Green, to the problem of choice and responsibility for the chosen decision, to prepare the children for an adequate perception of the meaning of the story. To develop in students independence of thinking, the ability to convincingly answer the questions of the conversation, to develop students' speech through retelling, to learn to listen and hear each other. To cultivate attention to a person, the ability to judge him by various manifestations, to cultivate mercy.

During the classes:

    introduction teachers:
Guys, I would like to start today's lesson with words that can be considered an epigraph to our lesson. Every day people have to make a choice: what to prefer, what to do? There are special situations in which not only your satisfaction or disappointment depends on the decision made, but also someone's life. Difficulty of choice, responsibility for decision- this is one of the "eternal themes of literature." It is this topic - the difficulty of choice - that our today's lesson is devoted to, and this topic was raised in A. Green's work "The Winner". Alexander Green. Who is he? Guys, you see that there are drawings hanging in front of your eyes. These are the drawings of my students. different years, drawn to the stories of A. Green, especially to "Scarlet Sails". Yes, this is the same writer who wrote " Scarlet Sails". And here is a portrait of A. Green, also drawn by my student. Maybe not as successful, but written from the heart. And A. Green himself valued the human soul most of all in people. Let's listen small messages about the writer. The real name of A. Green is Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky. Green is a pseudonym. Born on August 23, 1880 in the Vyatka province. Father - Stefan Evzibeevich, a Pole, was exiled to Siberia at the age of 16 for his involvement in the Polish uprising, an uprising against tsarism in 1863. Mother, Russian, died when Alexander was 13 years old. Green studied first at the Vyatka Zemstvo School, then at the city school. Early addicted to reading, he was interested in stories about travel, sailors, hunters. He wrote about his biography: “At the age of 12, he knew all the Russian classics without exception.” Especially attractive for Green was the world of adventure foreign literature. Subsequently, Alexander Green said that such writers as Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Alexandre Dumas, Daniel Defoe, Jules Verne, Oscar Wilde, Stevenson had a great influence on the formation of his personality. Impressed by the literature of adventures, A. Green himself tried to write poetry. And even then, in his early poems, the theme of loneliness and a broken dream was clearly drawn. In his youth, A. Green was very shy, but proud and rebellious. These qualities were enhanced by the conditions provincial life and at the age of 16 Green runs from the provincial small town Vyatka in Odessa. Delirious about the sea and sails, he dreamed of becoming a sailor. But... life has prepared a different path for him. Alexander was forced to wander in search of work, to wander around the rooming houses. Twice he was lucky, he was taken as a sailor on two voyages, and once again he went as a sailor to Egypt, but upon his return he realized that his career as a sailor had failed him. He tried various professions: a loader, a worker at a bakery, a digger, a fisherman, an extinguisher of oil fires, a laborer in a railway depot, and even a gold digger. The life of Alexander Green was difficult. There was hunger, poverty, illness in it, on November 11, 1903, in the city of Sevastopol, he was first arrested for revolutionary propaganda work among other sailors, he spent 2 years in prison for trying to escape. But no matter how life throws this man, he always remained an incorrigible romantic. In 1906, his first story “The Merit of Private Panteleev” was published, which was destroyed by the police, and then there were “The Case”, “Comrade”, “Orange”, “ winter fairy tale”, “Checkmate in three moves”, “Fourth for all”, “Bells”, “Shining World”, “Running on the Waves” and of course “Scarlet Sails”. Here, guys, is a far from complete biography of the writer. And I have a question for you:
    What do you think, if a person experienced so many difficulties, went through so many professions, then what did he gain from this?
Of course, Green had a huge amount of human experience. And with this experience of observing human life. How does a person behave in various difficult and almost hopeless situations? How does a person behave in a situation of choice? What are the means to achieve the goal? This is the story of Alexander Grin "The Winner"
    Reading the story by the teacher.
(The teacher does not read the story to the end. The students are invited to come up with the ending of the story themselves, then read the story to the end and compare - did they come up with the ending /) 1. Did you like the story? What semantic parts can a story be divided into? Title them.
    Find in the text the details that help us see the main character, imagine how he and his wife lived, what hopes did he have for winning the competition? Did Gennison have reason to hope for victory? Why? And why did Gennison want to see Ledan's creation? Compare the perception of the two sculptures through Gennison's eyes: the wonderful lightness and simplicity of Ledan's sculpture, which "lives", "breathes", "thinks", "it's like catching a ray" - and the stiffness of the pose of his sculpture, "naive flaws", "bad hidden effort. How do you think, what can explain this particular perception of the sculptures?
    Was it difficult for Gennison to make the final decision? Why? Describe state of mind Gennison after he destroyed his work. Do you think he felt responsible for the decision he made? Find words and expressions in the text that support your answer. Recall the assumptions you and your classmates made at the beginning of the lesson. How do you now evaluate the proposed options? Do they correspond to the character of the protagonist of A. Green's story? Why Ledan is not acting character? Who is Gennison fighting? Why is the story called "The Winner"? Who wins? over whom or
    what was won? How do you understand the expression "Win at any cost"? Do you think the end justifies the means? Give a detailed written answer.
Have you or someone you know ever had to win over yourself? When? In what situation? What influenced your decision? Write about it.
  1. When speaking to the public, I almost always present myself as the person responsible for the biggest flop since Edsel in the history of New Coke marketing.


    I love this great introduction because it immediately sets me up to talk about marketing and explain why the New Coke case wasn't a failure.

  2. And we take part, determined by the revival of an idea that is significant for Russian pedagogy: creating conditions for the development of society and a person by supporting success


    Logics National project“Education”, in the implementation of which we all take part, is determined by the revival of an idea that is significant for Russian pedagogy: creating conditions for the development of society and a person by supporting success.

  3. Subject: all news Monitoring and analysis of media in the city of Kirov Date: 10. 04. 2011


    but not everyone wants to 17 Kiselev went to the Socialist-Revolutionaries 17 Buchnev leaves for Mari El 18 Ends in water 18 Who will believe the polygraph? 0 BRIEFLY IMPORTANT 1 Spring premiere in "Grotesque" 1 "I gave birth on March 8" Now progress is inevitable 3 Vyatka blurs

  4. Center for Social and Psychological Assistance to Minors Collection of materials on some problems of counseling


    Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. – M.: Genesis,

  5. Topic: Basic organizational forms in large-scale business


    The development of modern scientific and technological progress in advanced economies is due to the size of the organization and the effectiveness of their innovative activities.

Alexander Stepanovich Green


Sculptor, don't be humble

And viscous clay lump ...

At last fortune crosses our path,” said Gennison, closing the door and hanging up his rain-soaked coat. - Well, Jen, - the weather is disgusting, but in my heart the weather is good. I was a little late because I met Professor Sters. He delivered amazing news.

As he spoke, Hennison paced the room, gazing absently at the set table and rubbing his chilled hands with the characteristic hungry gesture of a man who is unlucky and who is accustomed to prefer hope to dinner; he was in a hurry to report what Sters had said.

Jen, a young woman with a demanding, nervous look in her sternly burning eyes, smiled reluctantly.

Oh, I’m afraid of everything amazing, ”she said, starting to eat, but seeing that her husband was excited, she got up and went up to him, putting her hand on his shoulder. - Do not be angry. I just want to say that when you bring "amazing" news, we usually don't have money the next day.

This time, it seems, they will, - objected Gennison. - It's just about a visit to the workshop by Sters and three other persons who make up the majority of votes in the jury of the competition. Well, it seems, even probably, that they will give me a prize. Of course, the secrets of this case - a relative thing; my manner is as easily recognizable as Punka, Staorti, Belgrave and others, so Sters said: “My dear, is this your figure of“ Woman raising a child up a steep path, with a book in her hands ”? - Of course, I denied it, but he finished, without extorting anything from me: - “So, speaking conditionally that it is yours, this statue has every chance. We, - notice, he said "we", - so there was a conversation about that, - we like her more than others. Keep it a secret. I am telling you this because I love you and have high hopes for you. Get your affairs right."

Of course, you are not difficult to recognize, - said Jen, - but, oh, how hard, exhausted, to believe that at the end of the road there will finally be rest. What else did Sters say?

What else he said, I forgot. I remember only this and went home in a semi-conscious state. Jen, I saw those 3,000 in an incredible rainbow landscape. Yes, it will, of course. There is a rumor that Punk's work is also good, but mine is better. Geezer has more drawing than anatomy. But why didn't Sters say anything about Ledan?

Has Ledan already presented his work?

True - no, otherwise Sters should have been talking about him. Ledan is never particularly in a hurry. However, the other day he told me that he has no right to be late, since his six children, small and small, are also probably waiting for the award. What did you think?

I thought, - thoughtfully, said Jen, - that until we know how Ledan coped with the task, it's too early for us to talk about the triumph.

Dear Jen, Ledane is more talented than me, but there are two reasons why he won't win the award. First: they do not like him for his extreme conceit. Secondly, his style is not in favor with positive people. I do know everything. In a word, Sters also said that my "Woman" is the most successful symbol of science, leading the baby - Humanity - to the mountain peak of Knowledge.

Yes... So why didn't he talk about Ledan?

He doesn't like him: he just doesn't like him. There's nothing you can do about it. That can only be explained.

This tense conversation was about the competition announced by the architectural commission building the university in Lisse. It was decided to decorate the main portal of the building with a bronze statue, and for the best work presented, the city promised three thousand pounds.

Hennison ate lunch while he continued to talk to Jen about what they would do with the money. In Gennison's six months of work for the competition, these conversations have never been as real and vivid as they are now. Within ten minutes, Jen visited the best stores, bought a lot of things, moved from a room to an apartment, and Gennison, between soup and a cutlet, went to Europe, rested from humiliation and poverty and conceived new works, after which fame and security would come.

When the excitement subsided and the conversation took on a less brilliant character, the sculptor looked around wearily. It was still the same cramped room, with cheap furniture, with a shadow of poverty in the corners. I had to wait, wait...

Against his will, Gennison was troubled by a thought he could not even admit to himself. He glanced at his watch - it was almost seven - and stood up.

Jen, I'm leaving. You understand - this is not anxiety, not envy - no; I am quite sure of a successful outcome of the case, but ... but I will still see if there is Ledan's model there. It interests me disinterestedly. It is always good to know everything, especially in important cases.

Jen looked up. The same thought troubled her, but just like Gennison, she hid it and betrayed it, hastily saying:

Of course, my friend. It would be strange if you were not interested in art. Will you be back soon?

Very soon,” said Gennison, putting on his overcoat and taking his hat. - So, two weeks, no more, we have to wait. Yes.

Yes, yes, - Jen answered not very confidently, although with a cheerful smile, and, straightening her husband's hair that had fallen out from under her hat, she added: - Go on. I'll sit down to sew.

The studio devoted to the affairs of the competition was located in the building of the School of Painting and Sculpture, and at that hour of the evening there was no one there, except for the watchman Nurs, who had known Gennison for a long time and well. Upon entering, Gennison said:

Nurs, please open the north corner, I want to take another look at my work and maybe correct something. Well, how - how many models were delivered today?

There seem to be fourteen in total. - Nurs began to look at the floor. - You know what the story is. Just an hour ago, an order was received not to let anyone in, because tomorrow the jury will meet and, you understand, they want everything to be in order.

Of course, of course, - said Gennison, - but, really, my soul is not in the right place and I am restless until I look at mine again. You understand me like a human being. I won't tell anyone, you won't tell a single soul either, so this matter will go harmlessly. And ... here she is - show her a place at the box office of the Grill-Room.

He pulled out a gold coin - the last - all that he had - and put it in Nurs's indecisive palm, squeezing the watchman's fingers with a hot hand.

Well, yes, - Nurs said, - I understand this very well ... Unless, of course ... What to do - let's go.

Nurs led Gennison to the dungeon of hopes, opened the door, opened the electricity, stood on the threshold himself, skeptically looking around the cold, high room, where on the hills covered with green cloth, motionless creatures of wax and clay could be seen, full of that strange, transfigured vitality that distinguishes sculpture. The two people looked at it differently. Nurse saw the puppets, while the pain and mental turmoil resurfaced in Gennison. He noticed his model in a series of alien, honed tensions and began to look through the eyes of Ledan.

Nurs is out.

Hennison walked a few paces and stopped in front of a small white statue, no more than three feet high. Ledan's model, whom he immediately recognized by the marvelous lightness and simplicity of its lines, carved out of marble, stood between Punk and the pitiful reflection of the honest, industrious Preuss, who gave the stupid Juno with the shield and coat of arms of the city. Ledan also did not surprise me with fiction. Just a pensive figure of a young woman in a carelessly falling veil, bending slightly, drew a geometric figure on the sand with the end of a branch. The knitted eyebrows on a regular, femininely strong face reflected a cold, unshakable confidence, and the impatiently stretched toe of a slender leg seemed to be beating the time of some mental calculation that she was performing.

Hennison stepped back with a sense of downfall and delight. - "A! - he said, finally having the courage to become only an artist. - Yes, it's art. After all, it's like catching a beam. How does he live. How he breathes and thinks.

Then - slowly, with the gloomy animation of the wounded, looking at his wound at the same time with the eyes of a doctor and a patient, he approached that “Woman with a Book”, which he created himself, giving her all the hopes of deliverance. He saw some tension in her posture. He peered at the naive shortcomings, at the ill-concealed efforts with which he wanted to compensate for the lack of an accurate artistic vision. She was relatively good, but substantially bad next to Ledan. With torment and anguish, in the light of the highest justice, which he never betrayed, he recognized Ledan's indisputable right to make marble, without waiting for a favorable nod from Sters.

In a few minutes, Gennison lived a second life, after which the conclusion and decision could take only one form characteristic of him. He took the tongs and with three strong blows turned his model into clay, without tears, without wild laughter, without hysterics, as sensibly and simply as destroying a failed letter.

These blows, - he said to Nursu, who came running to the noise, - I inflicted on myself, as I broke only my own product. You'll have to sweep a little here.

Alexander Stepanovich Green


Sculptor, don't be humble

And viscous clay lump ...

At last fortune crosses our path,” said Gennison, closing the door and hanging up his rain-soaked coat. - Well, Jen, - the weather is disgusting, but in my heart the weather is good. I was a little late because I met Professor Sters. He delivered amazing news.

As he spoke, Hennison paced the room, gazing absently at the set table and rubbing his chilled hands with the characteristic hungry gesture of a man who is unlucky and who is accustomed to prefer hope to dinner; he was in a hurry to report what Sters had said.

Jen, a young woman with a demanding, nervous look in her sternly burning eyes, smiled reluctantly.

Oh, I’m afraid of everything amazing, ”she said, starting to eat, but seeing that her husband was excited, she got up and went up to him, putting her hand on his shoulder. - Do not be angry. I just want to say that when you bring "amazing" news, we usually don't have money the next day.

This time, it seems, they will, - objected Gennison. - It's just about a visit to the workshop by Sters and three other persons who make up the majority of votes in the jury of the competition. Well, it seems, even probably, that they will give me a prize. Of course, the secrets of this case - a relative thing; my manner is as easily recognizable as Punka, Staorti, Belgrave and others, so Sters said: “My dear, is this your figure of“ Woman raising a child up a steep path, with a book in her hands ”? - Of course, I denied it, but he finished, without extorting anything from me: - “So, speaking conditionally that it is yours, this statue has every chance. We, - notice, he said "we", - so there was a conversation about that, - we like her more than others. Keep it a secret. I am telling you this because I love you and have high hopes for you. Get your affairs right."

Of course, you are not difficult to recognize, - said Jen, - but, oh, how hard, exhausted, to believe that at the end of the road there will finally be rest. What else did Sters say?

What else he said, I forgot. I remember only this and went home in a semi-conscious state. Jen, I saw those 3,000 in an incredible rainbow landscape. Yes, it will, of course. There is a rumor that Punk's work is also good, but mine is better. Geezer has more drawing than anatomy. But why didn't Sters say anything about Ledan?

Has Ledan already presented his work?

True - no, otherwise Sters should have been talking about him. Ledan is never particularly in a hurry. However, the other day he told me that he has no right to be late, since his six children, small and small, are also probably waiting for the award. What did you think?

I thought, - thoughtfully, said Jen, - that until we know how Ledan coped with the task, it's too early for us to talk about the triumph.

Dear Jen, Ledane is more talented than me, but there are two reasons why he won't win the award. First: they do not like him for his extreme conceit. Secondly, his style is not in favor with positive people. I do know everything. In a word, Sters also said that my "Woman" is the most successful symbol of science, leading the baby - Humanity - to the mountain peak of Knowledge.

Yes... So why didn't he talk about Ledan?

He doesn't like him: he just doesn't like him. There's nothing you can do about it. That can only be explained.

This tense conversation was about the competition announced by the architectural commission building the university in Lisse. It was decided to decorate the main portal of the building with a bronze statue, and for the best work presented, the city promised three thousand pounds.

Hennison ate lunch while he continued to talk to Jen about what they would do with the money. In Gennison's six months of work for the competition, these conversations have never been as real and vivid as they are now. Within ten minutes, Jen visited the best stores, bought a lot of things, moved from a room to an apartment, and Gennison, between soup and a cutlet, went to Europe, rested from humiliation and poverty and conceived new works, after which fame and security would come.

When the excitement subsided and the conversation took on a less brilliant character, the sculptor looked around wearily. It was still the same cramped room, with cheap furniture, with a shadow of poverty in the corners. I had to wait, wait...

Against his will, Gennison was troubled by a thought he could not even admit to himself. He glanced at his watch - it was almost seven - and stood up.

Jen, I'm leaving. You understand - this is not anxiety, not envy - no; I am quite sure of a successful outcome of the case, but ... but I will still see if there is Ledan's model there. It interests me disinterestedly. It is always good to know everything, especially in important cases.

Sculptor, don't be humble

And viscous clay lump ...

“Fortune crosses our path at last,” said Gennison, closing the door and hanging up his rain-soaked coat. “Well, Jen, the weather is nasty, but in my heart the weather is good. I was a little late because I met Professor Sters. He delivered amazing news.

As he spoke, Hennison paced the room, gazing absently at the set table and rubbing his chilled hands with the characteristic hungry gesture of a man who is unlucky and who is accustomed to prefer hope to dinner; he was in a hurry to report what Sters had said.

Jen, a young woman with a demanding, nervous look in her sternly burning eyes, smiled reluctantly.

“Oh, I’m afraid of everything amazing,” she said, starting to eat, but, seeing that her husband was excited, she got up and approached him, putting her hand on his shoulder. - Do not be angry. I just want to say that when you bring "amazing" news, we usually don't have money the next day.

“I think they will this time,” said Gennison. – It's just about the visit to the workshop by Sters and three other persons who make up the majority of votes in the jury of the competition. Well, it seems, even probably, that they will give me a prize. Of course, the secrets of this case - a relative thing; my manner is as easy to recognize as Punk, Staorti, Belgrave and others, so Sters said: “My dear, is this your figure of“ Woman leading a child up a steep path, with a book in her hands ”? - Of course, I denied it, but he finished, without extorting anything from me: - “So, speaking conventionally that it is yours, this statue has every chance. We, - notice, he said "we", - so there was a conversation about that, - we like her more than others. Keep it a secret. I am telling you this because I love you and have high hopes for you. Get your affairs right."

“Of course, it’s not difficult to recognize you,” Jen said, “but, oh, how hard, exhausted, to believe that at the end of the journey there will finally be rest. What else did Sters say?

What else he said, I forgot. I remember only this and went home in a semi-conscious state. Jen, I saw those 3,000 in an incredible rainbow landscape. Yes, it will, of course. There is a rumor that Punk's work is also good, but mine is better. Geezer has more drawing than anatomy. But why didn't Sters say anything about Ledan?

End of introductory segment.

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