The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the dispute, the more words). The more firewood: millions of hectares of “non-existent” forests are disappearing in Russia

  • - From French: Plus ca change, plus with "est la tete chose. The author of the expression is - French writer and journalist Alphonse Jean Carr...
  • - Words German poet Heinrich Heine...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - See MIRACLE - WONDER -...
  • - Jokingly about the upcoming earthworks, tune in to the appropriate intensity of labor ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - the more my hands shake, the more I spill and therefore drink less. So the more I drink, the less I drink. Such is the peculiar logic in justifying addiction to alcohol ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - original...
  • - original...

    live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - FURTHER, adv...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - Wed. Their only business was lying... but... the farther into the forest, the more firewood. With each passing day, the talent for lying has become in them ... in undoubtedly larger sizes. Ch. Uspensky. New times. Three letters. 2...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - MORE YES MORE. Razg. Express. Increasingly, growing stronger. Mikhail Mikhailovich mortgaged his Mikhailovka in a land bank, then more and more, he got confused, dragged on, finally fell into the clutches of Poduglyonov ...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - See FAMILY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. Lies less - lives more calmly ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See A LOT -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The further into the forest, the more firewood. See TRUE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"The farther into the forest, the more firewood." in books

Further more

author Zhuravlev Andrey Yurievich

Further more

From the book Before and After Dinosaurs author Zhuravlev Andrey Yurievich

Further - more During the Great Ordovician Radiation, the marine world of the planet has changed a lot compared to the Cambrian. In biology, radiation is called the increase in diversity over a short (in the geological sense) time period (5 - 10 million years).

Take more - carry on ...

From the book With Antarctica - only to "You": Notes of a Polar Aviation Pilot author Karpiy Vasily Mikhailovich

Take more - carry on ... The sixth day of my stay in Antarctica at the Molodezhnaya station is coming to an end. A blizzard is buzzing, the flight director's house is groaning under the blows of the wind, which hits it with heavy panels of snow at a speed of up to 30 meters per second ... It seems that

18. The farther into the "forest", the more "firewood"

From the book The Mirror of My Soul. Volume 1. It's good to live in a Soviet country ... author Levashov Nikolai Viktorovich

18. The farther into the "forest", the more "firewood" Meanwhile, time flowed as usual. Weekdays changed each other. In May 1989, one very interesting experiment was carried out. It was held at the Brain Institute. In a special chamber, which is not penetrated by any electromagnetic

Further into the forest - more firewood

From the book of Nature beauty author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

Further into the forest - more firewood Further into the forest - more firewood, far into the dispute - more words. They don’t go from forest to forest for firewood. to chop firewood. Without arson, and firewood does not burn.

Chapter 12 What's Next? From purgatory to paradise - what to expect next?

From the book Ctrl Alt Delete. Restart your business and career before it's too late by Joel Mitch

Chapter 12 What's Next? From purgatory to paradise - what to expect next? Now what? So, what is next? When I first announced the title of the book, I heard the answer: “What does this mean? Actually, I work on a Mac! And I haven’t used a computer for a long time, I have an iPad and an iPhone! ”But for me the meaning was

Further into the old days - more miracles

From the book Among Mysteries and Wonders author Rubakin Nikolai Alexandrovich

Further into the old days - more miracles. When you read and leaf through such books, they smell of distant, distant antiquity. There is a lot of things in old books that you will not find at all in new books. The ancient people had their own special language, special ways express one's thoughts,

Further more…

From the book Investigative Journalism author Team of authors

Further - more ... And then we pay attention to the fact that the names of the policemen who carried out the arrest or took part in all these three criminal cases ... are repeated. And one - S-v - generally appears in all three cases. And then, finally, in the investigation service


From the book Choice of food - choice of fate author Nikolaev Valentin Yurievich

THE FURTHER, THE MORE QUESTIONS In our family, fasting has been mastered by everyone and for a long time. Years passed, children grew up, they, too, when their appetite disappeared, just didn’t eat for several days, and when they grew up, they used the classic RTD scheme. This method was mastered by our example and many

The further, the more

From the book Laptezhnik against the "Black Death" [Overview of the development and actions of German and Soviet attack aircraft during World War II] author Zefirov Mikhail Vadimovich

The farther - the more The number of attack aircraft pilots who received the title of Hero in 1943 Soviet Union increased by 30% compared to the previous year. 43 people were awarded, fifteen of them posthumously. Number of sorties

Complex "Polaris A-2" - further, higher, more

From the book Technique and weapons 2005 12 author

Complex "Polaris A-2" - further, higher, more Development of the idea of ​​arming submarines with ballistic missiles - Part VI * (end) Pavel Kachur * See "TiV" No. 4,5,7.8 / 2004, No. 3– 8.10.11/2005 Combat control, communications and navigation systems

Complex "POLARIS A-2" - further, higher, more

From the book Technique and weapons 2005 11 author Magazine "Technique and weapons"

Secret 7: Live life to the full, or How to make him want you more and more and more

From the book You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy by Forleo Marie

The further into the state forest ... the less firewood.

From the book Gymnasium. Poems. Album entries... author Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

The further into the state forest ... the less firewood. ____________________ Russia has nothing to fear for a lack of fuel: in the event of a scarcity of firewood and coal, it will be possible for a long time to break through the stationery archives. ____________________ It is known that in May they toil. Note one detail

Take more, throw more

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6299 (No. 44 2010) author Literary Newspaper

Take more, throw more Recent history Take more, throw more HOW WE WORK The 75th anniversary of Stakhanov's labor feat prompted the media to recall labor productivity. About a topic that was taboo for many years of economic reforms. For the prevailing in Russia

The traditional role of the family of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) - small RNA molecules that do not code for proteins - is considered to be the repression of gene activity and, in particular, protein synthesis. However, a new study has shown (for the umpteenth time!) that the functions of one of the groups of these molecules - miRNAs - are much wider: in certain cases they can stimulate transmission rather than block it.

In the last ten or fifteen years, the main dogma molecular biology(“DNA → RNA → protein”) has significantly loosened up and expanded due to the fact that a great variety of molecular mechanisms out of this slender concept. Revolutionary discoveries have been made regarding short, non-protein-coding RNA molecules: these include the famous phenomenon of RNA interference (rewarded with a Nobel prize shortly after the discovery) and other mechanisms of RNA-dependent gene repression. One of the varieties of short RNA - miRNA (miRNA; miRNA) is actively involved in the processes individual development organism, including temporal control, death, cell proliferation and differentiation, embryonic laying of organs. They carry out fine tuning» gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, thus adding another layer of complexity to the sophisticated mechanism of intracellular regulation. Originally discovered in a "laboratory" nematode C.elegans, miRNAs were then found in many plants and animals, and relatively recently in single-celled organisms.

It was previously believed that short RNAs are used by cells in the process of RNA interference for the specific degradation of unnecessary or harmful RNAs - in particular, this way a cell can destroy foreign genetic material of viruses, retrotransposons related to them and other mobile elements, as well as RNA resulting from transcription genomic repeat sequences. Therefore, it was logical to assume that short RNAs serve as a kind of prototype of the "immune system" inside the cell. As our understanding of the participants and mechanisms of RNA-dependent gene repression has evolved, more and more new interesting features revealed a rich variety of natural ways of realizing this repression.

The mechanism of action of most miRNAs is in many respects similar to RNA interference - a short (21–25 bases) single-stranded RNA as part of a protein complex ( key component which is a protein of the family Argonaute) bind with high specificity to the complementary region in the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of the target mRNA. In plants whose siRNAs are fully complementary to a segment of the target mRNA, binding leads to cleavage of the mRNA by the protein Argonaute right in the middle of the miRNA–mRNA duplex, a situation that is closest to “classical” RNA interference. In animals, miRNAs are not completely complementary to their target, and the result of binding is different. For a long time it was believed that binding leads to the suppression of translation (the mechanism of which is still a mystery) and does not cause any noticeable degradation of the target mRNA. However, later it was convincingly demonstrated that this is not the case for most miRNAs - proteins that form a complex with miRNAs stimulate the degradation of the target mRNA by attracting enzymes that remove the cap at the 5'-end and shorten the poly(A)-tail by 3'- end of mRNA. (The degradation of end-of-life mRNAs usually begins with this.) Surprisingly, it is still not entirely clear whether the suppression of translation is a cause or a consequence of the onset of mRNA degradation.

Meanwhile, life again demonstrates its unwillingness to fit into any unambiguous schemes: in the laboratory of Joan Steitz ( Joan Steitz) it was found that miRNAs can effectively suppress translation by binding not only to the 3'-untranslated region of the mRNA, but also to the 5'-UTR. And recently in a magazine Science another article of this successful laboratory appeared. It says that under certain conditions (reminiscent of cells falling into "hibernation", when cultivating them in the absence of serum in culture medium) the interaction of miRNA and target mRNA leads to a strictly opposite effect - increased synthesis target protein. This was shown for mRNA of one of the cytokines, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and miR369-3 siRNA, and then confirmed for let7-a and miRcxcr4 siRNA paired with artificially designed mRNA targets.

Figure 1. In an actively dividing cell, siRNA binds to a complementary sequence in the 3'-untranslated region of mRNA and inhibits protein synthesis (translation). However, in a resting cell, the same event leads to the exact opposite effect.

Interestingly, the action of the same miRNA depended on the state of the cells: in dividing cells, miRNA inhibited mRNA translation, while in resting cells (temporarily exiting the cell cycle), on the contrary, it stimulated (Fig. 1). It is also curious that miRNAs acted as part of a complex containing proteins. Argonaute 2 And FXR1(although the human genome encodes 4 related proteins of the family Argonaute, and all of them deal with miRNAs to one degree or another). It is these proteins that the main role in the mechanism of the observed phenomenon, while miRNAs act as a “replaceable adapter” through which proteins interact with various target mRNAs.

The question of the mechanism of action, as well as the avalanche of other, more specific questions raised by this publication, remain unanswered. But I remember the time when the phenomenon of RNA interference was just discovered - how then everything was clear to us and how logical it seemed! .. And now you can only shrug - the farther into the forest, the more firewood.


  1. MicroRNAs are first discovered in a unicellular organism;
  2. Grigorovich S. (2003). Small RNAs in big science. Part 1. The small RNA phenomenon.;
  3. J. R. Lytle, T. A. Yario, J. A. Steitz. (2007). Target mRNAs are repressed as efficiently by microRNA-binding sites in the 5" UTR as in the 3" UTR . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104 , 9667-9672;
  4. S. Vasudevan, Y. Tong, J. A. Steitz. (2007). Switching from Repression to Activation: MicroRNAs Can Up-Regulate Translation. Science. 318 , 1931-1934;
  5. Nicole Rusk. (2008). When microRNAs activate translation . Nat Methods. 5 , 122-123.

A thin crescent of the moon shone faintly over the forest. Centuries-old trees, as if talking among themselves, softly rustled their leaves. Somewhere in the distance there was a mournful howl. And now, under the silver-black cover of the night...
Oops, sorry, that's not the story at all!..
And in our history it was early evening in the yard, making noise, living its own hectic life, glorious city Tokyo while Detective L searched Light Yagami's room.
Or rather, it didn’t even need to be searched - the one who had escaped to Once again from the hiding place Notebook had fun with a porn magazine right on the table. L leaned over the table, stuffing into his mouth thumb and watching with great interest what is happening. The pages were intertwined and unweaved, compressed and rubbed against each other... And at times it even seemed that quiet moans were heard in the air, sounding somewhere on the verge of hearing...
When this paper disgrace was over, L tore the Notebook from the indignantly slammed cover of a porno magazine and began to look at it. I got acquainted with the rules, looked through the names written in the Notebook ... in a word, I found everything that confirmed the hypothesis: Light Yagami - Kira.
- So, you are still Kira, Light ... - sighing, the detective said softly. - It's a pity. You are damn smart, you could achieve a lot ... But you chose this path in vain.
And the next second, dropping the Notebook back on the table, where she began the second, or maybe twenty-second round with a porn magazine, he dived behind the curtain, because footsteps and Light's voice were heard in the corridor:
"Ryuk, damn it, stop touching me!" Oh, Ryuk... Well, at least let's go into the room!
- Stop it? - unfamiliar voice. Yes, I haven't started yet. But I'll start right now! Don't forget to lock the door...
The door opened, then closed, the latch on the door turned ... Light's steps and his uneven breathing were heard, which soon turned into soft moans ... terrible force tormented by curiosity. Who is Ryuk? Probably the god of death, who, according to the rules, should follow the owner of the Notebook... And what the hell are they doing there with Light?!
There was not a single hole in the thick curtain, much to Ryuzaki's deepest disappointment. In the end, he could not stand it and looked out from behind the curtain. The sight before his eyes made L's jaw drop, and his pants became perceptibly tight. Light, wearing only trousers and with his hands tied behind his back, writhed, moaning softly, in the arms of a tall black monster and the former, apparently, Ryuk. Ryuk's clawed hands slithered over the youth's body, leaving pink scratches on the soft skin here and there. And then the god of death squeezed Light's buttocks and lifted him off the floor, pressing hard into his groin, making it clear how much he wanted a guy. This made Light moan, muffled and low.
Not only are you Kira, but you are also a pervert! the detective couldn't resist.
-Op-pa! Yes, we have a guest! Ryuk was delighted, anticipating that now it will become even more fun.
He and Light simultaneously turned their heads towards the detective.
“L, what the hell…” Light started, but Ryuk cut him off.
"You'd think you're completely normal and your pants aren't bursting right now...!" he snorted, turning to Ryuzaki. In short, do you want to join?
L froze for a moment, deciding whether to accept such an obscene offer, and the resulting pause was successfully filled by Light.
- Are you two going to fuck me? Rolling his eyes, he asked.
Such a prospect frightened Kira a little, but at the same time excited her.
-More like two! - Licking, answered L and threw off his oversized sweater, and then took up his pants.
While the detective was undressing, Ryuk managed to drag Light onto the bed and fumbled for a jar of lube in the nightstand. The jar opened with a light pop, and the next second, a naked Ryuzaki joined Light and Ryuk on the bed.
Light let out a strangled groan as four hands caressed him. Ryuk squeezed almost to the point of pain, sometimes scratching, and L was gentle, his palms fluttered over his body like warm moths. From this contrast of caresses, the head was spinning, and the member acquired a diamond hardness.
- How sensitive you are... Kirochka... – the detective whispered into Light's ear, and then gently licked his pinking ear. - A little more - and you will cum right in your pants, right? ..
-Fuck him! Ryuk grinned. “Cumming in your pants is bad form, do you hear, Light? - The God of Death winked at L and said: - I've got something in store ...
He dug into his pockets and pulled out a large black vibrator, a ball gag and an erection ring.
-Wow! Ryuzaki whistled. - I thought you would also get a whip ...
"Don't... If there is a desire to sadistic, I'll get by with claws..." Ryuk showed his impressive claws, and L nodded respectfully.
- Sadists! .. - Light exhaled. - Preoccupied maniacs... I'm afraid of you! Am I even alive after your entertainment?
- Shhh... don't be afraid... – L whispered affectionately into his ear. You will be alive and well. And you'll also enjoy...
-Yeah, he's afraid!.. - the God of Death snorted, pulling Light's pants along with his shorts. “Maybe you are afraid, but your penis is not the least bit. How worth it! - With these words, he put a ring on Light's penis. - All is ready! Ryuk slapped the guy on the butt. “Now you won’t come until we let you.”
Another portion of sweet caresses, from which Light writhed and moaned, and Ryuk reached for a jar of lube. The God of Death froze in thought, holding a jar in one hand, and scratching his head with the other hand. Usually Light lubricated himself, because, given by no means small size Ryuukov's love unit, it would be simply stupid to do without lubrication and preparation. But now Light's hands are tied. And Ryuk will definitely tear his ass with his claws ...
L, quickly realizing what the difficulty was, took away the lubricant from Ryuk, and his thin fingers slid along Light's ass, climbed into the hollow between the buttocks and found a neat hole.
Kira moaned sweetly, burying his forehead in the detective's shoulder as the detective stretched it with his deft fingers. And L gently licked and bit Light's ear. The detective always had a soft spot for those pretty pink ears...
But soon Ryuuk got tired of waiting, he pushed Ryuzaki away, pulled his cock out of his pants, lubricated it and thrust it into Light - sharply, with one powerful push, as he always did, except for the first few times, when he was still cautious ... Light stifled sigh. Ryuzaki put his arm around his shoulders, whispering some gentle nonsense in his ear, and glared at Ryuk angrily. He snorted derisively, but decided that maybe it really should be a little more gentle with Light...
And then strong hand made Light lean forward. Ryuk, holding Light's thigh with one hand and his bound hands with the other, began to move in him, not too fast yet. Right in front of the face was a member of L, and the detective gently but persistently pressed Kira on the back of the head, showing what he wanted. An affectionate voice, a little hoarse with desire, sounded from above:
-Just don't open your teeth, okay?
And Light opened his mouth, letting the head in, licking and sucking, slowly swallowing his cock deeper... Hearing Ryuzaki groan in pleasure...
"They have me like a whore! .." - the only coherent thought that the mind clouded with passion could generate.
What was happening was humiliating for Light, but at the same time damn exciting. Two cocks burst into his writhing body, and he either leaned back, trying to let Ryuk deeper into himself, then forward, swallowing the L member to the very foundation, and his mind had long since turned off. He probably would have finished by now, but the ring on the penis did not allow this, and the excitement was already becoming painful.
No one could say exactly how long it lasted - everyone lost the sense of time. Here, with a muffled groan, he reached the peak of L, splashing into Light's mouth... Almost at the same time, Ryuk finished with him... Light, who was still in an excited and dissatisfied state due to the ring on his penis, let out a plaintive groan, more like whining . They fucked him in the most impudent way and left him unsatisfied, twisted on the bed with the letter "zu" and buried his nose in the pillow ...
Then someone's hand parted his buttocks, and something finely vibrating began to push into Light's ass. Deeper and deeper ... Then the ring was removed from the penis. Light groaned desperately - according to the law of meanness, he just lacked a little to finish. He unclipped his nose from the pillow and knelt on the bed, arching his back with all his might and twisting his bound hands, reached for the vibrator. He grabbed it with his fingers, pulled it out about halfway, again pushed it into the depths of his body ... Another ... And another ... And finished, exhaustedly falling onto the bed and plunging into semi-consciousness ...
He vaguely felt how the vibrator was pulled out of him, how his hands were untied... Ryuzaki sat down beside him and began rubbing Light's wrists, kissing his fluttering eyelids. Kira purred softly, he didn’t even care that gentle caresses were given to him by none other than L, who swore before the whole world that he would put him in the electric chair. And it is unlikely that today will prevent the detective from doing this. But despite this, Light liked L more than Ryuk. God of Death Lately, seems to have begun to consider Kira his personal whore, which you can have as you like. And you can’t run away from him anywhere and you can’t hide anywhere ...
And now... Ryuk pushed Ryuzaki aside and tied Light's arms to the bed. The protest of the latter was immediately muffled by a ball gag. A portion of caresses on the verge of rudeness, a few more scratches on the delicate skin... Light almost hated himself for being aroused by this. Ryuk chuckled as he ran his hand over Light's cock and turned the boy from his favorite position, onto all fours. A little lubrication on the cock - and the God of Death entered Light: sharply, without ceremony, without trying to be careful ... A moan muffled by the gag was heard in the air. Light arched, involuntarily leaning back. Everything disappeared: the thought that it was wrong and immoral, the feeling of self-hatred for the fact that he, accustomed to being the main thing in everything, is substituted so obediently, and even enjoys it ... Only pleasure remains. Painful - from a member, powerful pushes plunging into his body, stretching to the limit, so that it seemed that the tender flesh was about to tear; sharp, with a touch of slight fear because Ryuk, caressing his cock with his hand, could touch him with his claws... Pleasure twisted inside a tight spiral, forcing him to wriggle and moan, leaning towards the movements... With another, especially loud moan, Light finished.
Ryuk made several more powerful movements, breaking into the body relaxed after an orgasm, squeezing Light's hips so hard that the claws dug into the skin to the blood, and also peaked. The God of Death released the guy, and he collapsed exhaustedly on the bed.
As soon as Light had time to recover a little, they turned him over on his back, and now L took care of him. The detective acted more affectionately, kissed gently, stroked, even when he nibbled a little, it was only sweet and nothing else. Light purred softly in pleasure. Hot lips covered his neck with kisses, explored his collarbones, descended lower, licking and sucking on the nipples... And lower - the tongue teased the hollow of the navel a little... And even lower - Light's cock is dipped into moist silky warmth...
Very soon, Kira was ready for the next round. He himself spread his legs, inviting. L did not skimp on the lubricant and entered gently and smoothly. Not the slightest discomfort, only pleasure. The head is thrown back, the lover's tongue flutters along the exposed neck, the cock rubs sweetly inside, constantly touching the prostate, and his own flaming organ is held captive by gentle fingers...
I wanted to run my hands through my tousled black hair, but my hands were tied. I wanted to moan out loud - but the gag drowns out the moans. But it's still good. Too, too good... With another gagged moan, Light comes and feels Ryuzaki come with him.
Then L still untied Light's hands. And he pulled out the gag - to fall to his lips with a slow soft kiss. Light answered lazily, relaxing into a warm embrace. And he tried not to think about the fact that Ryuuk would definitely not have enough and he, without ceremony, would fuck Light again. Kira wasn't sure he had the strength for another round. Although, from L's unhurried caresses, his cock began to rise again...
But Ryuku was not up to Light and Ryuzaki right now - in one of his pockets, the God of Death found ... an apple! And now he stood with this apple in the middle of the room, wondering how it was not immediately gobbled up, but ended up in his pocket and lay there for who knows how long.
And L, meanwhile, pressed Kira to the bed again, pushing his legs apart with his knee. He did not resist - the detective brought him to the desired condition. And again, Light was gently and sweetly taken, only now his arousal was not so strong, and his overworked hole began to hurt ... But thanks to the kisses and caresses that L generously gave him, the arousal was stronger than discomfort.
But Ryuzaki finished before Light. The detective began to lay down a path of kisses, about to take his lover in the mouth, but Ryuk prevented. The sight of Light under L turned on the God of Death, and now, seeing that Light was still standing, he pushed the detective away and sat on the edge of the bed, easily lifting Light and impaling him on his cock. Ryuzaki, who watched this scene, widened his eyes in shock - he did not think that Ryuk was so strong physically. Light, already almost completely fucked up, only moaned softly, leaning his head on Ryuuk's shoulder, when he lifted him up and again planted on his cock. The detective reached out to him, caressing his aroused flesh with one hand, lightly pinching his nipples with the other. A little more - and Light finished with Ryuk.
"In my opinion, me and him are too cool..." Ryuzaki said as he and the God of Death settled the tired and sleepy Light on the bed.
"Perhaps..." Ryuk snorted. - Light, of course, is a sweet candy, and he loves this business, no matter what he says ... But I can call him alone, right, Light? – In response, the God of Death received only unintelligible grumbling. “And even more so with two. But to be honest, I wouldn't say no again...
Light sat up on the bed and looked at Ryuk with a hazy look, muttered:
-Better kill right away... I can't do it anymore today. Or get him out, - a weak nod towards the detective. - Persuade...
In general, Light was arranged on the bed and even carefully covered with a blanket. And then this preoccupied God of Death persuaded L to “one more time”. Light sleepily watched from the bed as the two acted as 69. standing. And Ryuk was floating upside down in the air. The sight was exciting and very entertaining, at any other time Light would have got up, but now the member only twitched sluggishly.
"Maniacs are preoccupied ..." - Kira thought lazily. “They really fucked me up today... Especially Ryuk, always fucking trying hard, lover of hard sex, yep! How many times have I already told him: be careful, people are fragile creatures, you can’t do this with them. It's all useless... Hmm, I didn't think that L would be able to take such a big cock like Ryuk's into his mouth. Apparently, he practiced well on lollipops ... "
He was about to pass out when Ryuzaki lay down next to him.
-I would like to go to the shower ... - he will stretch out.
“Laziness,” Light answered him. “Yes, and suddenly someone sees us ...
Ryuk looked at the guys and decided to do a good deed. First, he flew into the corridor and made sure that there was no one there, then he returned and, throwing Kira and L on his shoulders, dragged them to the bathroom. Once there, the God of Death looked into the mirror and chuckled: the mirror didn't reflect him, just two guys hanging in the air, bottoms up.
"Enjoy." He unloaded his load into the tub and opened it. warm water. - And I went.
L made the water a little hotter, then the guys didn't move for a while. The detective sat with his back against the edge of the bathtub, and Light rested his head on his chest. thin fingers The ryuzaki brushed through his red hair with ease.
- Stroking me... – Light said softly. - You caress ... And then you will seat me in the electric chair just as affectionately, right?
“Maybe yes, maybe not...” L replied calmly.
Light tossed his head and stared at him in bewilderment, even all the drowsiness flew off.
“You see, Light…” the detective began. Your brains are too valuable thing to throw them around so easily. So either you agree to give me the Death Note and work with me, or... I really put you in the electric chair.
"Hmm... Well, given that I still want to live, I guess I'll agree," Light decided that now it's better to accept L's offer to work together, and then see what happens. Of course, the detective would not trust him 100% and would follow him, but Light was sure that if he wanted to, he would sooner or later find a loophole.
Having somehow rinsed themselves, the guys crept into the room, lay down on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Light, get up now! - Father's voice from behind the door. – Light!!!
- Dad? .. - sleepy.
- Your mother has already tried to wake you up twice, but has not achieved anything and called me. I won't leave until I wake you up! It's time for you to go to university! Or get up, or I'll break the door! And why the hell did you lock it up?!
“Damn university…” Light mutters sleepily, tries to sit up on the bed and groans: after yesterday’s sex marathon, the butt hurts, one might even say, brutally hurts. Light falls back on the pillow and makes a thoughtful conclusion: - So, I didn’t dream ...
He squints his eyes to the side and sees L next to him: he sleeps, as they say, without hind legs, curled up in a ball, sniffing softly and sucking his thumb. Light unceremoniously pushed him aside and asked:
- What did you say yesterday about the electric chair and the two options?
L grimaced in displeasure and said:
- I said that I would not send you to execution if you agreed to work with me. But if you ever once again poke me in the ribs with your elbow like this, then I will spit on your consent and put you on a damn chair, understand?!
- Light! Light!!! Soichiro Yagami yelled from behind the door. “Get up, damn you!”
- The devil tore me yesterday ... - under his breath. Then, louder: - I won't get up! I have a new one now interesting job and I can spit on the university. And now I'm going to sleep!
And while Soichiro was scratching his head and trying to figure out what Light was talking about, he passed out safely...

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what "The farther into the forest, the more firewood." in other dictionaries:

    Wed Their only business was lying... but... the farther into the forest, the more firewood. With each passing day, the talent for lying has become in them ... in undoubtedly larger sizes. Ch. Uspensky. New times. Three letters. 2. Wed. Shouldn't we leave here for the good of the mind? it is seen …

    The farther into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the dispute, the more words). Wed Their only business was lying ... but ... the farther into the forest, the more firewood. Every day the talent for lying became in them ... undoubtedly greater ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    The further into the forest, the more partisans

    The farther into the forest, the better it is in FIG- (from the last. The farther into the forest, the more firewood, the further events develop, the more difficulties arise; climbed sounds like a forest) initial value ... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    The farther into the forest, the third extra- (from the last. The farther into the forest, the more firewood, the further events develop, the more difficulties arise; climbed sounds like a forest) initial value ... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the dispute, the more words) Cf. Their only business was lying... but... the farther into the forest, the more firewood. With each passing day, the talent for lying has become in them ... in undoubtedly larger sizes. Ch. Uspensky. New… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    THE FURTHER // GET IN, THE MORE INTEREST / INTO THE FOREST, THE MORE PARTISANS- last before .: The further into the forest, the more firewood. Whatever the child amuses, if only the last one didn’t poop. before., makar.: Whatever the child amuses, if only she doesn’t cry., English: to fuck make love ... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and sayings

    The further you climb, the more interest- (from the last. The farther into the forest, the more firewood, the further events develop, the more difficulties arise; climbed sounds like a forest) initial value ... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    the further- got in, the closer he got out ... the fatter the partisans were. a parody of the saying "the farther into the forest, the more firewood" ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    Union. 1. Attaches a turnover or appendage. suggestion with the meaning of comparison, comparison of whom, what l. with what is said in the main. Talk louder than usual. The stars are brighter in the south than in the north. The mountains were higher than anyone expected. 2… encyclopedic Dictionary

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