To read to whom in Rus' life is good. To whom in Rus' it is good to live read online - nikolai nekrasov


The poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov “Who should live well in Rus'” has its own unique feature. All the names of the villages and the names of the heroes clearly reflect the essence of what is happening. In the first chapter, the reader can get acquainted with seven men from the villages of Zaplatovo, Dyryaevo, Razutovo, Znobishino, Gorelovo, Neyolovo, Neurozhayko, who argue about who lives well in Rus', and in no way cannot come to an agreement. No one is even going to yield to another ... So unusually begins the work that Nikolai Nekrasov conceived in order, as he writes, "to present in a coherent story everything that he knows about the people, everything that happened to be heard from his lips ..."

The history of the creation of the poem

Nikolai Nekrasov began working on his work in the early 1860s and finished the first part five years later. The prologue was published in the January issue of the Sovremennik magazine for 1866. Then painstaking work began on the second part, which was called "Last Child" and was published in 1972. The third part, entitled "Peasant Woman", was released in 1973, and the fourth, "A Feast for the Whole World" - in the fall of 1976, that is, three years later. It is a pity that the author of the legendary epic did not manage to fully complete his plan - the writing of the poem was interrupted by an untimely death - in 1877. However, even after 140 years, this work remains important for people, it is read and studied by both children and adults. The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" is included in the mandatory school curriculum.

Part 1. Prologue: who is the happiest in Rus'

So, the prologue tells how seven men meet on a high road, and then go on a journey to find happy person. Who in Rus' lives freely, happily and cheerfully - that's main question curious travelers. Each, arguing with the other, believes that he is right. Roman screams that the most a good life with the landowner, Demyan claims that the official lives wonderfully, Luka proves that, after all, the priest, the rest also express their opinion: “the noble boyar”, “the fat-bellied merchant”, “the minister of the sovereign” or the tsar.

Such a disagreement leads to a ridiculous fight, which is observed by birds and animals. It is interesting to read how the author displays their surprise at what is happening. Even the cow “came to the fire, stared at the peasants, listened to crazy speeches and began, cordially, to moo, moo, moo! ..”

At last, having kneaded each other's sides, the peasants came to their senses. They saw a tiny warbler chick flying up to the fire, and Pahom took it in his hands. The travelers began to envy the little bird that could fly wherever it wanted. They talked about what everyone wants, when suddenly ... the bird spoke human voice, asking to release the chick and promising a large ransom for him.

The bird showed the peasants the way to where the real tablecloth was buried. Wow! Now you can definitely live, not grieve. But the quick-witted wanderers also asked that their clothes not wear out. “And this will be done by a self-assembled tablecloth,” said the warbler. And she kept her promise.

The life of the peasants began to be full and cheerful. But they have not yet resolved the main question: who still lives well in Rus'. And friends decided not to return to their families until they find the answer to it.

Chapter 1. Pop

On the way, the peasants met the priest and, bowing low, asked him to answer “in conscience, without laughter and without cunning,” whether he really lives well in Rus'. What the pop said dispelled the ideas of the seven curious about his happy life. No matter how severe the circumstances are - a dead autumn night, or a severe frost, or a spring flood - the priest has to go where he is called, without arguing or contradicting. The work is not easy, besides, the groans of people leaving for another world, the weeping of orphans and the sobs of widows completely upset the peace of the priest's soul. And only outwardly it seems that pop is held in high esteem. In fact, he is often the target of ridicule. common people.

Chapter 2

Further, the road leads purposeful wanderers to other villages, which for some reason turn out to be empty. The reason is that all the people are at the fair, in the village of Kuzminskoye. And it was decided to go there to ask people about happiness.

The life of the village evoked not very pleasant feelings among the peasants: there were a lot of drunks around, everywhere it was dirty, dull, uncomfortable. Books are also sold at the fair, but low-quality books, Belinsky and Gogol are not to be found here.

By evening, everyone becomes so drunk that it seems that even the church with the bell tower is shaking.

Chapter 3

At night, the men are on their way again. They hear the conversations of drunk people. Suddenly, attention is attracted by Pavlush Veretennikov, who makes notes in a notebook. He collects peasant songs and sayings, as well as their stories. After everything that has been said is captured on paper, Veretennikov begins to reproach the assembled people for drunkenness, to which he hears objections: “The peasant drinks mainly because he has grief, and therefore it is impossible, even a sin, to reproach for it.

Chapter 4

Men do not deviate from their goal - by all means to find a happy person. They promise to reward with a bucket of vodka the one who tells that it is he who lives freely and cheerfully in Rus'. Drinkers peck at such a "tempting" offer. But no matter how hard they try to colorfully paint the gloomy everyday life of those who want to get drunk for free, nothing comes out of them. Stories of an old woman who has born up to a thousand turnips, a sexton rejoicing when they pour him a pigtail; the paralyzed former courtyard, who for forty years licked the master's plates with the best French truffle, does not impress the stubborn seekers of happiness on Russian soil.

Chapter 5

Maybe luck will smile on them here - the searchers assumed a happy Russian person, having met the landowner Gavrila Afanasich Obolt-Obolduev on the road. At first he was frightened, thinking that he saw the robbers, but after learning about the unusual desire of the seven men who blocked his path, he calmed down, laughed and told his story.

Maybe before the landowner considered himself happy, but not now. After all, in old days Gavriil Afanasyevich was the owner of the entire district, a whole regiment of servants and arranged holidays with theatrical performances and dancing. Even the peasants did not hesitate to invite the peasants to pray in the manor house on holidays. Now everything has changed: the family estate of Obolt-Obolduev was sold for debts, because, left without peasants who knew how to cultivate the land, the landowner, who was not used to working, suffered heavy losses, which led to a deplorable outcome.

Part 2

The next day, the travelers went to the banks of the Volga, where they saw a large hay meadow. Before they could talk to local residents, as noticed at the pier three boats. It turns out that this noble family: two gentlemen with their wives, their children, servants and a gray-haired old gentleman named Utyatin. Everything in this family, to the surprise of travelers, occurs according to such a scenario, as if there was no abolition of serfdom. It turns out that Utyatin was very angry when he found out that the peasants were given freedom and came down with a stroke, threatening to deprive his sons of their inheritance. To prevent this from happening, they came up with a cunning plan: they persuaded the peasants to play along with the landowner, posing as serfs. As a reward, they promised the best meadows after the death of the master.

Utyatin, hearing that the peasants were staying with him, perked up, and the comedy began. Some even liked the role of serfs, but Agap Petrov could not come to terms with the shameful fate and told the landowner everything to his face. For this, the prince sentenced him to flogging. The peasants also played a role here: they took the “rebellious” to the stable, put wine in front of him and asked him to shout louder, for appearances. Alas, Agap could not bear such humiliation, got very drunk and died the same night.

Further, the Last (Prince Utyatin) arranges a feast, where, barely moving his tongue, he delivers a speech about the advantages and benefits of serfdom. After that, he lies down in the boat and gives up the spirit. Everyone is glad that they finally got rid of the old tyrant, however, the heirs are not even going to fulfill their promise, given to those who played the role of serfs. The hopes of the peasants were not justified: no one gave them meadows.

Part 3. Peasant woman.

No longer hoping to find a happy man among the men, the wanderers decided to ask the women. And from the lips of a peasant woman named Korchagina Matryona Timofeevna they hear a very sad and, one might say, scary story. Only in parental home she was happy, and then, when she married Philip, a ruddy and strong guy, a hard life began. Love did not last long, because the husband went to work, leaving his young wife with his family. Matryona works tirelessly and sees no support from anyone except old Savely, who lives a century after hard labor, which lasted twenty years. Only one joy appears in her difficult fate - the son of Demushka. But suddenly a terrible misfortune befell the woman: it is impossible to even imagine what happened to the child because the mother-in-law did not allow her daughter-in-law to take him into the field with her. Due to an oversight of the boy's grandfather, the pigs eat him. What grief for a mother! She mourns Demushka all the time, although other children were born in the family. For their sake, a woman sacrifices herself, for example, she takes upon herself the punishment when they want to flog her son Fedot for a sheep that was carried away by wolves. When Matryona was carrying another son, Lidor, in her womb, her husband was unfairly taken into the army, and his wife had to go to the city to look for the truth. It’s good that the governor’s wife, Elena Alexandrovna, helped her then. By the way, in the waiting room Matryona gave birth to a son.

Yes, the life of the one who was called “lucky” in the village was not easy: she constantly had to fight for herself, for her children, and for her husband.

Part 4. A feast for the whole world.

At the end of the village of Valakhchina, a feast was held, where everyone was gathered: the wandering peasants, and Vlas the headman, and Klim Yakovlevich. Among the celebrants are two seminarians, simple, good guys- Savvushka and Grisha Dobrosklonov. They sing merry songs and tell various stories. They do it because ordinary people ask for it. From the age of fifteen, Grisha knows for sure that he will devote his life to the happiness of the Russian people. He sings a song about a great and mighty country called Rus'. Isn't this the lucky one that the travelers were so stubbornly looking for? After all, he clearly sees the purpose of his life - in serving the disadvantaged people. Unfortunately, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died untimely, before he had time to finish the poem (according to the author's plan, the peasants were to go to St. Petersburg). But the reflections of the seven wanderers coincide with the thought of Dobrosklonov, who thinks that every peasant should live freely and cheerfully in Rus'. In this was main idea author.

The poem of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov became legendary, a symbol of the struggle for happy everyday life ordinary people, as well as the result of the author's reflections on the fate of the peasantry.

“Who in Rus' is good to live” - summary poems by N.A. Nekrasov

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In what year - count
In what land - guess
On the pillar path
Seven men got together...
Agreed - and argued:
Who has fun
Feel free in Rus'?
Roman said: to the landowner,
Demyan said: to the official,
Luke said: ass.
Fat-bellied merchant! -
Gubin brothers said
Ivan and Mitrodor.
Old man Pahom pushed
And he said, looking at the ground:
noble boyar,
Minister of the State.
And Prov said: to the king...

Lines of the poet familiar from school. And probably that's why they are reliably blurred. And if we ignore the fact that this is a tedious Nekrasov, who had to be crammed? To whom in Rus' to live well? At least here, in the Saratov province ...

New landowners

We have no landlords. Since 1917. No? And whose palaces are in the vicinity of our cities? One of the Moscow real estate sites has already allocated a separate page for the “new landowners”, which lists places “with beautiful landscapes, the absence of restless neighbors and environmentally unfavorable objects. It is in such places that people who are not limited in their means begin to buy land for estates. Sometimes new landowners acquire former " noble nests", thus realizing the connection of times." Six months ago, the Ivanovskoye-Kozlovskoye estate, located on the 61st km of Novorizhskoye Highway, was sold (and neither the seller nor the buyer is known). For $ 10 million, the buyer got a real estate of 11 hectares with a monument to the estate cultures XVIII-XIX centuries on the banks of the Istra reservoir, surrounded by mixed forest, with a three-story modern mansion inscribed in an old architectural ensemble.

In the Saratov region, this type of real estate has not yet become widespread. The former governor Dmitry Ayatskov was called the "landowner" - for his passion for Stolypin and breeding all sorts of exotic things like camels on the ground. But his house in Stolypino, although solid, is very modest by today's standards and much smaller than, for example, the castle of the former deputy of the Saratov City Duma Koftin in Sosenki. What kind of "estate" is there - so, a strong owner, no more. The palaces of our other deputies-businessmen also fall short of the estates of the landlords. No matter how hard the owners try, they look like the houses of the new Russian wealthy or officials, and that's it. Another type of rich people is common in our villages - statistics and government agencies for some reason call them "peasants" or "farmers", although these are real kulaks-capitalists with thousands of hectares of land owned, dozens of pieces of equipment and hundreds of hired laborers. There are such people everywhere, from Novouzensk to the Turks. But they are even further from the landowners than Ayatskov or Koftin. And the real landowners in Russia - Lermontov or Tolstoy in the Moscow region - oh, how difficult life is, they don’t like us in the villages " white bone”, especially the “former”, are harassed with complaints to the president and slander in the courts.

The same Moscow realtors complain: the circle of "new landowners" is narrow, the rich do not want to buy secluded " birth nests”, from where it is more difficult to get to Moscow than from a foreign resort. Now, if there will be small business aviation and private helicopters in Russia, then ... For Saratov, this is apparently also true.

New Russian officials

But we have a lot of these, one might say, a dime a dozen. And most of the mansions along the Ust-Kurdyum direction belong to them. Do officials live well?

By law, they publish income declarations. Our former governor Pavel Ipatov was a very wealthy man. Together with his wife, in 2010, he declared official income for 6 million rubles, three land plots with total area 6054 sq. m, two garden plots (3525 sq. m), two residential buildings (750 with a small sq. m each), a garden house (almost 83 sq. m), two apartments (297.2 and 63.4 sq. m) and three cars - Mercedes, BMW and Lexus. The new governor, Valery Radaev, is a beggar compared to him. He has nothing, no house, no apartment, no cottage, no car. True, my wife has - a plot of 10 acres, a house of 286.5 square meters. m and a Mercedes car. But the total income of the spouses is only 2.8 with a little million per year.

The same is true for ministers. Ipatov's ministers were rich. Deputy Chairman and Chief of Staff Pavel Lysov even showed real estate in Spain. If we draw up a “typical portrait” of the property of the deputy chairman from Pavel Ipatov, then these are several land plots, a house, several apartments, several foreign cars (although some did not have cars at all).

Valery Radaev has more modest ministers. They for the most part from former deputies Regional Duma, so there are also declarations. The young vice-governor Denis Fadeev received an income of 1.7 million rubles last year, his wife - 262.8 thousand rubles. Ownership of an apartment of 80.3 sq. m they share the three of them with a minor child. The lieutenant governor drives a modest Chevrolet Niva. Well, it’s clear - at 30, how can he manage to do it? Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government for social sphere Andrey Rossoshansky earned 1.6 million rubles. He owns half of the land for individual construction of 24 acres, a garden plot of eight acres, half of a residential building (409.2 sq. M) and an apartment (161.37 sq. M), a garage. Mr. Rossoshansky's car is a Volvo SX-90. The wife, who earned 169.3 thousand rubles, owns two and one sixth apartments, as well as a Hyundai Getz car. Too modest for today. They do not reach the level of the Ipatovsky deputy chairmen. It is interesting to see what kind of property Radaev's deputies have by the end of his term.

Statistics, of course, is a specific thing, but even it states: in the Saratov region, the average monthly salary of an official (19,165 rubles) is 2.2 times higher than that of an employee Agriculture(8882 rubles) and 1.5 times higher than that of a worker in manufacturing industries. 650 Saratov residents can live on the annual income of the richest minister. But after all, "money does not buy happiness" ... In 2011, for corruption crimes convicted: the head of the municipality; 2 heads of administrations municipalities; 3 deputies of local self-government bodies; 3 deputy heads of administrations of municipalities; Deputy Minister for Sports Development, physical culture and tourism area.


Now it is fashionable to talk about the luxury of church hierarchs, about “lexus mania” in the Russian Orthodox Church. It is enough to see the photographs of the "patriarch's dacha" in Krasnodar Territory to understand: there is some truth in these conversations. But there is another side - a huge number of parish priests with many children, living on the verge of poverty, huddled with many growing children in strange corners, thousands of destroyed churches throughout Russia, the poverty of parishes in regions remote from Moscow. In the church - as in society: someone lives a satisfying and good life, someone - poor and difficult.

Kupchins are fat-bellied

In Nekrasov's poem, this is still collective image, V modern Russia he is most suited to the entrepreneurial class. Naturally, many wealthy Saratov businessmen who are not connected with politics do not want to put their income declarations on public display. But some - having the status of deputies - have to do this. In principle, the picture is not bad. The well-known Balakovo deputy and businessman Mikhail Kiskin declared 1.9 million rubles. income for last year. The deputy is the owner of 11 land plots (from 4312 to 406 sq. m), a house (732.1 sq. m), three apartments (69.7, 44.4 and 45.8 sq. m), four cars (vans " Gazelle and IZH, Chevrolet Viva and KamAZ), two parking lots (267 and 9,417 sq. m.), 4 non-residential buildings (244.3, 39.1, 130 and 78 sq. m.), a boiler house (10 sq. m.). m), 2 non-residential premises (118.7 and 140.8 sq. m), non-residential and residential cafe buildings (10 and 364.2 sq. m).

Deputy and businessman Sergei Kurikhin indicated an income of 47.9 million rubles. Ownership - 7 land plots (from 2.6 thousand to 58.6 thousand square meters), 12 non-residential premises (from 31.5 to 8241.4 square meters), of which 4 - 1/2 share , 3 cars (" Mercedes Benz S 500", convertible "Mercedes Benz", VAZ-2109). In use - a plot (993 sq. m) and an apartment (37 sq. m). Builder Leonid Pisnoy indicated an income of 16.1 million rubles. Ownership of six non-residential premises(from 10.8 to 166.2 sq. m), garden plot (600 sq. m), apartment (122 sq. m), household without registration rights (104 sq. m), sauna with garage (30 sq. m.). m), garage (30 sq. m). The deputy indicated 31 cars in the declaration - from the "jeep" to the armored personnel carrier "ganomag". In use - apartment 147.5 sq. m. Zinaida Samsonova earned in 2011 6.9 million rubles. The deputy declared 2 land plots (2298 and 2953 sq. m), part of a residential building (348 sq. m), an apartment (113.4 sq. m) and a parking garage (16.1 sq. m). All - on the property rights. The income of Vladimir Solovyov amounted to 1.9 million rubles. He owns 2 land plots (1.5 thousand (1/2 share) and 1211 sq. m), 2 houses (181.3 (1/2 share) and 207.3 sq. m), two apartments (81 , 2 and 101, 4 sq. m), as well as "small vehicle R28-38SZ". Viktor Tyukhtin indicated an income of 10.1 million rubles. The deputy owns 2 cars (“Toyota Land Cruiser 100” and “Range Rover”), a house (85 sq.m.) is in use.

Noble boyars, sovereign ministers

Natives of Saratov are also striving for these outstanding posts. But with declarations of income they have different ways. If Vyacheslav Volodin, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, regularly reports on his income, the former First Vice Speaker State Duma Love Sliscus probably avoids this in every possible way. The media have repeatedly written about the strange absence on the website of the State Duma of her declaration of income and property for 2010, but earlier, during the robbery of her apartment in Moscow, thieves took away valuables worth more than tens of thousands of dollars: for the most part, exclusive products from the best jewelry houses in the world - Chopard , Tiffany, Louvre, Frank Muller. And in Montenegro, cunning journalists (even before the lady left ER) found an apartment of 76 sq. m, the names of the two owners of which completely coincide with the names of Lyubov Sliska and her brother Sergei.


Against the backdrop of the Saratov "fat-bellied merchants," the head of Russia looks modest in terms of property. According to the declaration of income of Vladimir Putin for 2010, he earned only 5.04 million rubles, his wife Lyudmila - 146 thousand rubles. The head of state owns a land plot for individual housing construction in the amount of 1500 sq. m and an apartment of 77 sq. m. Also in the perpetual use of Vladimir Putin is an apartment with an area of ​​153.7 square meters. m; in the list of real estate in the prime minister's declaration, two garages are indicated - 12 and 18 square meters. m. In general, he is much poorer than many of our deputies of the regional Duma.

The Nekrasov peasants did not agree on who should live well in Rus'. It is unlikely that we will be able to do this even now. But the same statistics dispassionately testify: the gap between the incomes of 10% of the poorest and 10% of the richest residents of the country is several times higher than the normal and safe levels for the state - 5-7, typical for developed countries Western Europe. In the Russian Federation, according to various estimates, it ranges from 15 to 25, although anything above 10 is considered socially dangerous.

If we analyze the data on the distribution of income among various segments of the Russian population, the following picture emerges: 13.4% of the population live in extreme poverty with incomes below 4900 rubles per month, 27.8% live in poverty with incomes from 4900 to 7400 rubles, in 38.8% of those with incomes from 7400 to 17,000 rubles live above poverty, the so-called rich among the poor live above poverty - 10.9% with incomes from 17,000 to 25,000 rubles, 7.3% live with an average income with incomes of 25 000 to 50,000 rubles, to wealthy people include 1.1% with incomes from 50,000 to 75,000 rubles, and only 0.7% of the rich have incomes over 75,000 rubles per month.

From the above data, it can be seen that the first three groups - low-income citizens of Russia (extremely poor, poor, and the poor, whose income is below 17 thousand rubles a month) - make up exactly 80% of the population of modern Russia. 80% of low-income citizens of Russia are almost 113 million people (worker and field worker, student and teacher, engineer, scientist, labor veteran, etc.), high income, as a rule, do not have. And with such incomes, how can 80% of the population of Russia live in the conditions of current inflation, with the unrestrained growth of tariffs, prices for gasoline, electricity, gas?
But among the remaining 20% ​​of the population, whose income is over 17 thousand rubles a month, there is a group of citizens who are not embarrassed by either prices or tariffs - these are wealthy and wealthy citizens of Russia. And this group of citizens in the amount of 1.8% of the population of Russia concentrated in their hands almost 80% of all the country's income. Is that fair?!
According to the 2016 income and property declarations of federal officials, the Secretary of State for North Caucasus Lev Kuznetsov "earned" 582 million rubles, in 2015 it was 47.9 million rubles, i.e. income increased 12 times. His wife's income increased from 10.9 million to 47.9 million rubles, i.е. increased 3 times.
The smallest income in 2016 was from the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev - 5.6 million rubles (in 2015 it was 50 million rubles). His wife earned 9.9 million rubles in 2016, in 2015 it was 6 million rubles.
Sergey Kiriyenko became the record holder among the employees of the presidential administration with 85 million 486.9 thousand rubles. By the way, he moved to work in the Kremlin administration in the fall of 2016 from the post of head of Rosatom.

Interestingly, they go to the ministers already with rich property and high incomes, or are they acquired at ministerial posts?
But what a picture with our "servants of the people" - deputies. From September 1, 2013, the salaries of State Duma deputies increased from 161 to 254 thousand rubles - automatically, following the salaries of federal ministers. And from September 1, 2014, deputy salaries, again by decision of the Kremlin, automatically increased to an almost indecent 420 thousand rubles a month (!). Of course, the regional deputies did not remain in debt and also raised the issue of raising their salaries.
And what do you think, “servants of the people”, the voter is very happy for you that you receive a salary 10-15 times more than his, whose interests you are obliged to protect by status? Just do not think that the salary of a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation annoys people less than the salary of a deputy from other parties. Understand that the voter is annoyed not by the deputy's belonging to one party or another, but by the monstrous material stratification between voters and "servants of the people." And therefore, the not sickly salary of the deputies, including those from the Communist Party, allows the voters to say: “And why are you, the Communists, better than the edross?”
But there is still a special group of people in Russia - the oligarchs. In 2016 state 200 Russian oligarchs increased by 100 billion dollars and now reaches 460 billion. Of these, the most-most (in dollars): Leonid Mikhelson - 18.4, Alexei Mordashev - 17.5, Vladimir Lisin - 16.1, Gennady Timchenko - 16.0, Alisher Usmanov - 15.2. And when this elite keeps their fortunes in American banks, then you still need to figure out whose elite it is?
But the paradox of Russia is that in our resource-rich country, you see poverty almost everywhere. As a mockery of the people, the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population was set at 10,446 rubles per month and the minimum wage was legally approved in the amount of 7,500 rubles. Even Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets admitted that it is “practically impossible” to live on such a minimum. And there are about 5 million such people in the country. She called the poverty of working people in Russia "a unique phenomenon."
Authorities explain this paradox with sanctions, the crisis, and low oil prices. The people are impoverished, the incomes of the population are falling, and in 2016 alone, the number of dollar billionaires has increased by almost a quarter. But how is it possible that there is no money to maintain schools, hospitals, feldsher stations, libraries, houses of culture, which are now ruthlessly reduced, or, as officials now say, “optimized”, because there is no money for their maintenance, but to grow dollar For some reason, billionaires have money?!
And it is completely incomprehensible: why, both at the federal and at the regional level, the authorities find funds for a wide variety of purposes - from thoughtless salaries and additional payments to officials and managers to all kinds of projects, without which the people in hard time may well do. For example, the creation of the Yeltsin Center for 5 billion rubles. But there is always no money for a real increase in the standard of living of ordinary people. And at the same time they are accompanied by a wish: “There is no money, but you hold on!”
In a word, 80% of the population of Russia live on kopecks and rubles, and 1.8% - on dollars and euros. At the same time, even according to official data, the ratio of the incomes of the richest 10% of Russian citizens to the incomes of the poorest 10% is 17:1, although, according to many independent experts, this ratio is several times higher. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the ratio of the maximum wages managers to wages of other employees in Russia is 26:1. What is the reason for such a striking difference in the incomes of the population of Russia, neither Prime Minister D. Medvedev nor President V. Putin can clearly explain.
And then who can explain to the population of Russia why the people are "fed up" with unemployment, lack of money, the continuous growth of housing and communal services tariffs and prices for everything and everything, an insignificant living wage, minimum size wages, constant search better share? Why did 20 million citizens find themselves in a state of outright poverty?
Or maybe there is no need to look for explanations why Russian society turned out to be so monstrously divided into rich and poor? Maybe you just need to remember from what moment this became possible? Remember when Russia chose this path of development for itself. And not just remember, but also realize your actions before the presidential elections in 2018.


doctor of economic sciences, professor, Vladivostok

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