What you need to embroider for magical abilities. Making wishes come true with cross stitch


This is a guardian. horizontal lines- this is the earth, wavy - water, crosses - fire and the sun.

Cross stitch signs

In the old days, the hem, sleeves and neck of the outfit were necessarily framed with a symbolic pattern, to protect against evil spirits. Towels and tablecloths and bedspreads and blankets were embroidered with ornaments symbolizing fertility.

Each nation has its own ornament and pattern. Embroidery again and again embraced and fascinated needlewomen. If earlier it was considered a job, today embroidery is a hobby.

HOUSE - An embroidered house attracts its own housing in reality. It does not matter whether it will be a castle, a gatehouse, a hut, a lighthouse, a city apartment. Any residential building helps to improve living conditions. Light should be on in the house, smoke should come out of the chimney, a cleared path should lead to the house.

DRAGON - good luck, brings success in business.
DROZD - new opportunities, joy, happiness
TOAD - strength, fortress. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is wealth. You need to position it as if a toad jumps into a room or house.
GIRAFFE - wealth

CRANE - good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity. CRANES (preferably a pair of cranes next to a pine branch or tree) is one of the most important symbols of health.

HARE - sensitivity, abundance, longevity

STARS - the starry sky symbolizes infinity, eternity.
SNAKE - wisdom. also the snake is a symbol of movement, agility, renewal.
IRIS - young life

UNICORN - is an absolute symbol of finding a couple, a man who will become your betrothed in the future.

GOLD FISH - brings wealth, success, evens out the financial situation. The main thing is to ask the goldfish.

CARPS - symbolize wealth. KARP - good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize wealth. Two carps - love between spouses.

Hummingbird - a symbol of the joy of life

BOAT - a symbol of arriving good luck in business, security, hope
BASKET - filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity
RING golden rings embroidered on a red background will speed up your wedding.

The RAT is a symbol of well-being, reliability and stability in money.
SWAN - symbolizes fidelity, purity in marriage.
Leo - energy and valor. The lion protects the man's abode.

BAT - happiness. Five bats - "five blessings" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end, predetermined by fate.
LOTUS - perfection, spiritual grace, female symbol of self-perfection.

HORSE (HORSE) - The horse is fast, hardy, optimistic - this is its symbol. It is better to portray it in dynamics directed upwards. The horse brings with it favorable changes in life. Attached to the horse's back symbolic image gold if you want it to bring you fame and money. The horse is the patron of children, promises rapid development. The horse is With its appearance in your home, you will feel a change. An embroidered horse can give you new life, full of well-being, shaking your old.

MAKI - to "male power".

MAGNOLIA, ORCHID - love, sophistication
BEAR - a symbol of strength and courage, give to men.
MONKEY - quick wit, intelligence, sharp and unusual thinking, the ability to adapt to any life changes.
DEER - career
EAGLE is a strong symbol of prosperity and success. Power, courage, sharp mind
PEACOCK - beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards

PAIR embroidery of living creatures - two storks, ducks, especially a pair of wolves contributes to meeting with your soul mate, as well as happiness and love in marriage. If you depict lovers, then they should be in love in the picture. It is not recommended to hang images of single and naked women in the bedroom - this contributes to adultery.

SAILBOAT (Ship) - embroidered to attract good luck in work, deeds, undertakings. You need to embroider not a modern boat, wooden, but beautiful, powerful, and outwardly reliable. Hang the embroidery so that the bow of the ship floats into your house. A strong, powerful sailboat that you embroidered yourself, as well as facing the whole body into a dwelling, symbolizes good luck.

PALMA - victory
LANDSCAPE - a symbol of good luck and favorable opportunities, since all the components of the landscape - water, flowers, trees, and so on, are an auspicious symbol in themselves.
COCK - a symbol of alertness, attentiveness. Carrier manhood. Fire protection
PEACH - a symbol of health, longevity.

PEONY - Meeting with a loved one is perfectly facilitated by PEONY. According to Feng Shui, PEONY is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. This is the most necessary symbol for the couple's varied and active physical intimacy. There is a note here. When children are born and the young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, we embroider peonies before the birth of children, after they appear, it is better to get rid of embroidery in the house. Peonies are a symbol of passionate passion.

HORSESHOE - in embroidery, as in life in general, it is a symbol of good luck.

PARROT - a symbol of fun, communication, good disposition.

BEE - diligence, success in science, art, trade
FISH - a guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development. Embroidered Carps are a guarantee of success in business.

SAKURA - luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal
ELEPHANT - power, strength, insight
SOVA - erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments
DOG - reliable protection, friend
FORTY - a symbol of "happy meeting"

The SUN is a symbol of providence, abundance, truth
PINE - a symbol of long life, fidelity and devotion
TIGER - like a lion, a protector from evil spirits, a symbol of strength and power
DUCKS (pair) - happiness in love. Mandarin ducks should be directed in one direction, that is, look not at each other, but at life, swimming together.

PHOENIX - symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Helping childless couples. The Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, a happy marriage and healthy children.

HURMA - joy
Chrysanthemum - good luck
HERON - symbolizes fidelity and longevity
Turtle - longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes the steady movement forward.

Remember that thoughts are things. When embroidering a picture for yourself or as a gift, knowing that it symbolizes what you want for a person or yourself, think about it, imagine your desire fulfilled and it will all come true! When embroidering work, admire your work, think about the fulfillment of your cherished desire. Soon you will just have to believe in miracles.

Text prepared by: Veronica

2014-04-09 Evgenia K

Good afternoon, dear sorceresses and wizards! Today, the article will be of interest primarily to those who are engaged in cross-stitching or are planning to do so.

This is a great activity that helps to get rid of stress, develop memory and thinking.

I started doing embroidery thanks to blogging, no matter how unexpected it may sound. Read more about this. But in this article we will talk about the ability of embroidery to grant wishes.

Not a single needlewoman has already experienced these magical properties. By the way, the words needlewoman and sorceress are consonant. When embroidering, you can imagine yourself as a real sorceress and be filled with confidence that your dream will come true.

At first general rules for any embroidery:

  1. It is better to start on the growing moon.
  2. During the process, think about your desire and imagine that it has already been fulfilled, you can also write it with a pencil on the canvas, or make a wish by making the first cross.
  3. Embroider only in a good mood.
  4. Embroidery - can become a talisman for the person to whom it is intended. To do this, in the process you need to think about this person and wish him well.
  5. You should not embroider only for the fulfillment of a desire. The process should be fun and you should like the embroidery itself.

And if you still embroider in the alpha state, then all your desires will come true.

Cross stitch signs

Cross stitch is ancient view needlework, rooted in the era primitive culture. Over such a long period, embroiderers have developed various signs and traditions. And we will consider in detail the signs of cross-stitch, which will help us in the fulfillment of our desires.

Buying an apartment or house

In the acquisition of a house or apartment, embroidery of a house will help. You can embroider any, even a small house, the main thing is that you like it. it is very good if the embroidery also has a path leading to the house, smoke from a chimney or light in the windows.

The most effective is the "Victorian charm" of Dimensions. By the way, I just finished it a few days ago. I will definitely let you know the result.

Wish Fulfillment

An embroidery with the image of a lighthouse will help you fulfill your wish. If the sea is also depicted there, then it must be calm.

You can also embroider a hummingbird or a windmill.

Meeting a loved one, marriage

The meeting with the second half is facilitated by embroideries with paired animals, a pair of wolves, swans and mandarin ducks are especially popular.

Silhouettes by Ty Wilson also help.

In addition, you can embroider a cockerel, but after meeting with your lover, he needs to embroider a chicken.

To push your soulmate to the decisive step, you can embroider wedding rings, unicorn.

A meeting with a loved one and a wedding, as well as giving passion to relationships, is facilitated by embroidery with peonies (a symbol of passion and carnal love), but after several years of marriage they should be presented to newlyweds they know, otherwise they can lead to treason and infidelity. According to peonies should be hung in the southwest.

You can also embroider roses or poppies.

happy and long marriage Contribute to embroidery:

  • Quince;
  • A pair of butterflies;
  • Pair of doves;
  • Pair of dolphins;
  • A pair of geese;
  • A pair of swans;
  • Pine (Loyalty and devotion);
  • A pair of ducks (happiness in love);
  • Callas (symbol of pure and true love, the strength of family ties).

If you are married or want to find a husband, you should not embroider single women. This will lead to loneliness and betrayal of a loved one.


The recognized leader is "Almost Perfect" from Dimensions, which depicts 3 angels.

If you want a second child, then you should embroider the “Seven Bears” from Dimensions. And if you are planning a lot of children, then you need a cracked pomegranate.

You can also embroider a basket filled with something (what you associate with children) as a symbol of fertility. The lotus is also a symbol of fertility. Phoenix also helps childless couples.

Buying a car

Here, as with the house, choose an embroidery with a car and embroider. It is desirable that it looks like the car of your dreams, at least in color, for example.

Of course, there are not very many schemes with cars, but choose the one that your heart will respond to, which will purr, as they say in.


The process itself is good for health, but it’s even cooler that there are embroideries that contribute to longevity, good health and even help to lose weight.

So, embroidery with the image of:

  • pairs of cranes;
  • peach
  • stork;
  • bamboo;
  • pines;
  • irises;
  • turtles (longevity, endurance).

Those who want to lose weight should embroider a Lady in a hat. There are many options, choose the one that suits you.

And “Too Tired” from Dimensions will help normalize the pressure. This embroidery is really cute. Any embroidery with cats will help improve your health.

Money, Career

gold fish in embroidery brings good luck in financial matters. In addition, you can embroider and carp. Best of all 9 or 8 gold and one black.

A strong talisman is an embroidery with a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. It is best placed in the northeast (wealth zone).

Good luck in business brings a sailboat, and not only embroidered, but also wooden. It should not have cannons, it should be a merchant ship. It should be placed so that the nose looks inside the apartment, as if it floats to you through the door.

A horseshoe is considered a traditional symbol of good luck, it must be placed with the ends up.

Grapes symbolize abundance.

From animals, you can embroider an eagle, a bee, a horse, an owl (will save you from risky investments), an elephant with its trunk up, a deer (career success), fish, swallows, a rat.

The landscape is also a symbol of good luck.

A powerful talisman for career growth is also the portrait of the president 🙂.


Reliable protection is provided by embroidery depicting a dog, mountains (it’s good to hang behind you in your office), a tiger (protects from evil spirits).

As you can see, the signs of cross-stitch are varied. You can find embroidery for the fulfillment of desires in almost any field. And if, in addition to embroidery, you like to draw, then you will be interested in an article about. Draw them and make your wishes come true.

If you find embroidery and are sure that it will help you fulfill your dream, but it is not on the list, do not worry and embroider. The main thing is to believe in magic power embroidery.

Today, many underestimate the power of cross-stitch, and yet this unpretentious needlework has tremendous power.

In the old days, it was not in vain that women embroidered patterns on clothes and household items, they then knew for sure that embroidered patterns with their own hands could protect the house and family from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Currently, modern young ladies are engaged in embroidery rather for the soul, in order to escape from everyday life and take a break. At the same time, few people realize that with the help of such an activity, you can fulfill almost any desire and improve your life.

All that is needed for this is just to choose the right drawing and put your energy into it.

What is the power of embroidery

How does it work and most importantly - why? What is the secret here? The thing is that a needle is used for work, which since ancient times has been considered a magical object.

It seems to be nothing unusual, but this little sorceress is able to attract and pass through herself a huge energy of space. And this is all because of its shape and eye, which creates these vortex flows.

Any embroidery has power, but it is the oblique cross, with the help of which a drawing is born, that has the ability to open and close reality. In other words, while embroidering, making cross stitches, the woman, as it were, conjures, creating the program that she is thinking about at that moment.

In the process of embroidery, voluntarily or involuntarily, you have to think about your problems or desires. Thus, these thoughts are sewn into a drawing and then materialize, after the completion of the work, turning into a real reality.

That is why you should take into account the power of embroidery and use it to embody your cherished dreams into life, and a properly selected drawing will help enhance the effect of magic and direct energy in the right direction.

Human desires: love, wealth, health and well-being

All human desires, as a rule, involve such basic areas as: love, wealth, health and well-being.

  • Thus, in order to attract love or strengthen it, it is enough to embroider a picture depicting paired animals or people, but so that they depict the feeling of love in the picture. It also helps to attract your soul mate - an embroidered unicorn and peonies.
  • To gain wealth and financial independence, you should pay attention to embroidery depicting carps or goldfish.
  • To achieve the desired fame and success, you can embroider a sailboat, which is hung up as if it were swimming into a house or a horse striving upwards.
  • Those who dream of their own housing should be recommended to embroider a picture of a house.
  • But for couples who can’t conceive a long-awaited child, I would like to advise you to embroider famous painting with three angels.

This real power and many have repeatedly made sure that this method works, with each stitch bringing closer and closer to the cherished goal.

Cross stitch. To some, this type of needlework seems to be the lot of extinct noble maidens who whiled away boring evenings in anticipation of their betrothed, or, on the contrary, old maids surrounded by fat lazy cats and walls upholstered in ugly chintz.

Have you submitted a picture? Forget it, it's been out of date for a very long time. Many people are now fond of embroidery, regardless of gender, age and social status. They communicate on forums, exchange patterns, show off embroidered and decorated works, help each other, share information, threads, kits and addresses of framing workshops.

It is enough to go to the LJ-community dedicated to cross-stitching - and you will marvel at the atmosphere of enthusiasm and goodwill that prevails here.

As in any community of people connected by some business, embroiderers have their own signs. To get married, they embroider peonies, which must be hung in the apartment of the girl's parents. Any couples - animals, people, birds, butterflies - also, according to embroidery signs, lead to finding their soulmate.

When they dream of their own housing, they embroider any house they like or an image of a windmill. The image of a four-wheeled friend helps with the purchase of a car.

The “Almost perfect” set is almost legendary in the embroidery community: many of the women who embroidered this design from Dimensions were able to conceive a child, even if they had problems in this area before. Judging by the reviews on various forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases. Another set - a family teddy bears- Recommended for those who decide to have a second child.

People who do not want to be left alone are not recommended to embroider single female portraits. It would also be better to refrain from embroidering a raging sea. But to embroider a lighthouse - to the fulfillment of a wish made with the first stitch. Those who want to improve their financial situation take on designs with a money tree or a three-horned money frog with coins in its mouth. Horses are embroidered if they want to change their job to a more successful and highly paid one.

Embroidery checks people - how they really are "their own". On any forum you will find many stories about how relations between people deteriorated or improved after donating embroidered works.

The symbolism of embroideries is based for the most part on the symbolism of feng shui - the science of harmony with environment, mainly with interior items. Many are quite skeptical about it. But even if you do not take Feng Shui seriously, it still remains the theory of visualization. The stitch magic really works. But witchcraft, of course, lurks not in the hands of an embroiderer, not in a floss, not in a needle and canvas. She is in the power of thought. Concentrating on the embroidered image, cherishing his dream, which emerges with the help of a thread and a needle, a person tunes in to acquire what he wants.

And in principle - if you properly tune in - for any embroidery that you start, you can make absolutely any wish and believe that it will come true as soon as the work is completed.

After all, thoughts are material. And each will be given according to his faith.

Embroidery cannot be called needlework - it is an art. The history of intricate snowballs goes back to the very depths of centuries. Its main purpose is to protect. Horizontal lines symbolized the earth, wavy - water, crosses - fire and the sun. In the old days, clothes along the hem, sleeves and neck were necessarily framed with a symbolic pattern to protect against evil spirits. Towels and tablecloths were embroidered with other ornaments, symbolizing fertility. Each nation is characterized by certain colors and patterns. Embroidery lost its attractiveness and again embraced and fascinated needlewomen. If earlier it was considered work, today it is more like a vacation. Many underestimate the power of intricate patterns and forget about the original purpose of needlework. After all, if embroidery is able to protect, then it has another side.

artful cross
Embroidery is a drug, once you try it you become addicted. And even if the work one after another is sent to the "long" box, this will not serve as a brake on the start of new projects. This is no coincidence. Cross-sewing has power over a person, especially Christian faith. Just think about a hundred symbolic signs in one centimeter of work.

Experienced needlewomen light up with a new project and are ready to torture themselves with sleepless nights, trying to complete the work. But sometimes even great desire and perseverance are not enough to complete a tiny job. How to explain such phenomena? Only mysticism. The threads seem to feel what ornament they should be folded into, and help or slow down the process, depending on the internal energy of the craftswoman. Each work has its time, and its violent embodiment can even be dangerous.

Fashion and decor
Today, embroidered clothing and accessories are very popular. But ornaments are used rather in decorative purposes. Needlework swept over Russia in a wave at the end of the 20th century. It was at this time that the mass return of the population to the faith took place.

The cross has great power and the effect of embroidery can be compared to the action precious stones. Psychologists speak positively about needlework of this kind, referring to the regularity and tranquility of the procedure. The work takes a long time, and it can also be used to systematize thoughts and desires, analyze ongoing events.

How to bring the fulfillment of desires closer and avert trouble
Embroiderers believe in the magical properties of cross stitch, so they often choose plots aimed at fulfilling desires. It is believed that embroidering a house is for improvement. living conditions; a ship with gold bars sailing to the house, to increase income; angel for pregnancy; horses to career growth. Some people make wishes differently. By programming its execution at the moment of completion of half of the work or 2/3 of its part.

Of course, this approach and its action can be explained by the materiality of thoughts. That is, the craftswoman, while embroidering, thinks about her desire, programming its execution on a subconscious level. However, how to explain the negative impact of long and painstaking work? Do you wish yourself harm, and think about not good in the process of sewing?

No, the power of embroidery is in a certain interweaving of threads, their shades and plot. If the work does not go, the threads get tangled, or you often make mistakes, do not spare the time and money spent on purchasing the material, put it aside for a while. But if you were presented with a set, and it has been gathering dust on a shelf for a long time and does not attract attention at all, print it out, because it did not come to you by chance.

Forewarned, don't be afraid
Live images, faces and water carry the greatest danger. Despite all the beauty of fairies, concubines and noble ladies, veto the embroidery of a single image of people. And in no case do not place them in the bedroom if they are already embroidered. This is a seal of loneliness, which is sure to work even in the strongest family.

Choose a subject wisely, search for information and analyze images and their Feng Shui color saturation. Do not start work in a bad mood, you sew up your thoughts and feelings on long years, leaving them next to you or giving them as a gift.

Cross-stitched works are the most strong amulets. After all, the complex interlacing of many threads, combined with colors and the energy message invested in the work has tremendous power. Sew as a gift to the closest people, especially children. These can be cell phone cases, small ornaments on clothes, or even a few crosses on the wrong side of clothes. However, it is impossible to embroider a charm for your beloved. Protective function is activated only after the transfer of the item as a gift.

Triple repeat
Another important rule. In Christianity, the holy trinity and the number itself enjoy special honor. Even the words “get upset” mean to move away from the trinity, and “tune in” and “mood” mean to approach this number. Trinity means eternity, stability. So, if you make a chair with three legs, it will never swing, it is worth adding a fourth, and you will immediately feel the existing unevenness of the floor. Hence the rule the number of stitches in the finished work should be a multiple of three. This will improve the energy of the image and amplify it. magical power. Do not be too lazy to count the symbolic signs and just do not sew a couple of extra stitches.

Stick to these rules, and embroidery will be your strongest weapon in achieving your goal.

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