What does the expression mean in fear, the eyes are large. Fear has big eyes - meaning


Fear has big eyes

Razg. About a frightened person who exaggerates the danger. BMS 1998, 554; Jig. 1969, 145; ZS 1996, 514.

Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

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    Fear will overwhelm you, and you will be confused. Fear has eyes like bowls, but they do not see a crumb. Wed There are people, and there are many of them, Their whole life is an endless fear, Not God's, the beginning of wisdom, But the fear of a patient with a thorn in his eyes. They live in a special world; It's not enough for them to see... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

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  • Fear has big eyes , . Your attention is invited to everyone's favorite Russian folk tale "Fear has large eyes." A comfortable plastic handle will entertain and delight your…

Svetlana Tarasova
Reading Russian folk tale"Fear has big eyes". Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in preparatory group

Familiarization session

with fiction


educational: Introduce the comic fairy tale"At fear eyes are large» . To teach children to understand the emotional and figurative content of the work. Get to know proverbs (at fear eyes are large, hare and stump - wolf) teach children to think figurative meaning figurative words and phrases (scolds, grieves, hung his head, tirelessly, carry his feet). Practice picking illustrations to figurative expressions.

Educational: develop attention, thinking (the ability to reason, curiosity, intonational expressiveness, the ability to correlate speech with movement.

Educational: educate attention to listening to the work; negative attitude to cowardice.

materials: illustrations, box, text fairy tales, musical accompaniment.

preliminary work: reading fairy tales and stories with an explanation of figurative words. consideration illustrations and their discussion.

Included storyteller:

Hello children! You recognized me? I storyteller I love to visit and tell tales. Do you love to listen fairy tales? Today I came to visit you, and not alone, but with my magic box, from which I get interesting fairy tales. But this morning there was not a single one fairy tales. Let's see if there's a new one fairy tale?

Music plays and storyteller extracts text from it.

Look, it turns out we have a new fairy tale. Sit comfortably, I will read it to you, and you remember what it is about.

called Russian folktale"At fear eyes are large»

Reading a Russian folk tale"At fear eyes are large» .

1. Did you like it fairy tale?

2. Guys, remember and name the heroes fairy tales? (heroes are chosen from the proposed characters, put on the board and called)

3. Who were the water carriers afraid of? (hare)

4. What did grandmother, granddaughter, chicken, mouse think?

(grandmother thought that the bear almost crushed her, granddaughter thought that she ran into dire wolf, it seemed to the chicken that the fox almost grabbed her, and the mustachioed cat seemed to the mouse)

5. What did the bunny think? (it seemed to the bunny that four hunters were chasing him, and all with guns).

6. Tell me, did this really happen to them? (No).

Tell me what really happened? So the heroes have come up with everything? And the water-carrying heroes and the hare ran out of fright and did not even understand what had happened.

What does this fairy tale? (no need to be afraid) ridicules cowardice.

Well done! You know the guys in this fairy tale has a secret. It consists in folk saying : "At fear eyes are large» . So when they say "At fear eyes are large» , then this means you should not be afraid of what is not really there. Let's repeat the saying "At fear eyes are large» (repeat). How did you understand it? If you scary then everything seems different (bigger, worse). Do not be afraid of trifles.

I know another saying about cowardice "Cowardly bunny and stump-wolf"

Why do you think, friends? people say so? "A cowardly bunny and a stump - a wolf"? (because he is cowardly afraid of everyone, runs away from everyone and it seems to him that there is a wolf everywhere, even if he sees a stump in the forest).

Something we have sat too long, it's time to warm up. Guys, do you remember in our an apple tree grew in a fairy tale let's show you what it was.


Apple tree in the orchard (wave hands over head)

Was planted. (plant an apple tree)

She is white in flowers (hands raised up, palms depict

blooming flower)

Bloomed in the spring. (flower open petals)

Followed by our old grandfather (depict an old grandfather with a wand)

famous horticulturist,

To pour the apple tree (wave hands over head)

Rosy, sweet fruit. (pinching cheeks)

Once you liked fairy tale, let me read to you the most interesting passage (repeated reading) .

How do you understand the saying "At fear eyes are large (no need to be afraid of what is not). If they are afraid, what can they be called? (cowardly). Do you think it's good to be cowardly? What better to be? Name the opposite word - brave. What was this about fairy tale? (about cowardice) That's right, well done!

Guys, in the box there is for you interesting game. It's called Match the picture to the expression from fairy tales» . Music sounds, takes out pictures from the box (lays out on the table). At any fairy tale there are unusual expressions. Here we will try to solve them.

Please select the picture that matches the expression "scolds".

What means "scolds"? (swear). "Grieving"- (worried, "hung his head"(got upset, "hands down"(work, "take off your feet"- run away. Children repeat each expression. Well done! Everything worked out for you!

Now the time has come for me to say goodbye to you. Did you like our meeting? What you know the fairy tale? What proverbs did you come across? Magic box, gives you a magic book of sayings and proverbs, you will then get to know her. Goodbye, see you again!


1. L. S. Kuprina "Introducing children to Russian folk art»

2. O. S. Ushakova "Introducing Literature to Preschoolers"

3. O. A. Shorokhova "We play fairy tale»

They are good imagery and understandability for most people. And how do these beautifully expressive phrases come about? For example, why do they say that fear did you try to understand this statement? Or just happily screw it in the right place? Let's try to understand what is hidden in it.

Is it about wide eyes?

Everyone must have been in a situation where the will is completely paralyzed by horror. Yes, and others in such an unpleasant state have seen. The eyes, as is customary, at this moment, against their will, open wide, threatening to crawl out of their sockets. And you ask why they say that fear has big eyes. There is a certain physiological moment in this expression. However, it is secondary. After all, people's eyes bulge in other situations. For example, in moments of surprise, they literally climb on the forehead. This is even more likely to occur than when a person is terrified. So, it's not entirely in physiology with the peculiarities of facial expressions. Yes, and the classics of literature about the same write. They argue that the expression “fear has big eyes” has a deeper meaning. There is another cliche associated with this set expression. They say that fear closes the eyes. If phrases are considered together, then it will be possible to reach the depth of the meaning inherent in them.

Let's turn inside ourselves

It is proposed to find out why they say that fear has large eyes, using examples. Recall a situation when you were seized by this negative feeling. It is recommended to break the situation into several points. First: receiving news or entering into a situation. Second: your own reaction to it. Third: finding out the causes of its occurrence. Fourth: comparison of reality and one's own attitude towards it. If you do all this on your own, then you will already be at a professional level explaining the meaning of the proverb “fear has big eyes”.

Suppose a person is told at work that the boss is very angry. And a few minutes later this "tyrant" invited this worker to his place. His reaction: now he will scold (humiliate, fire, and so on). The poor fellow is sweating, on wadded legs he goes to the boss. And he simply decided to clarify, for example, a couple of points from the report of this specialist. We talked and parted ways. Everything is fine. Now we apply the idiom “fear has big eyes” to the situation. Its meaning, apparently, is that under the influence of this emotion, a person exaggerates the danger. That is, in his head he builds terrifying thought forms, but in fact there is nothing of the sort. His perception is clouded by fear. He is not able to adequately perceive the information received.

When they say "fear has big eyes"

The meaning of this expression is widely used both in literature and in oral speech in order to emphasize the expressed idea, to give it figurativeness. After all, we communicate at all levels. Words convey facts. They create emotions in the minds of listeners. Often, shades of intonation, exclamations are used for this. And in difficult cases resort to set expressions. It is they who help to achieve the intended effect, the required level of reaction, the correct perception by the listener of what they are trying to convey. In our case, this expression emphasizes the incorrectness of a person's reaction to a certain event or news. It is skewed towards the negative. Or, in another way, a person has lost for some time an adequate perception of reality. However, this is the other side of the coin, soon everything will change.

The phrase does not say that cloudy eyes will last long. Even vice versa. There is in it a hint of the fragility of such a state of affairs. Here's an example for you. The average citizen listening to the news tends to perceive it negatively. They are trying to convince him that the country is falling apart, everything is going awry. However, such news stories have been pouring from the screens for decades. And the country won't fall apart. And the power does not particularly depend on the reaction of the viewer. And here is his nervous system On the contrary, it suffers a lot. Therefore, it is worth remembering proverbs. Folk wisdom, used for its intended purpose, prolongs life!


We tried to figure out why they say that fear has big eyes. The expression is voluminous and multifaceted in meaning. But the meaning of its stability and popularity, as it seems, is in figurativeness. After all, most people understand what it contains, intuitively, without meticulous proceedings and tedious explanations. The beauty of the Russian language, as they say, is in the examples!

0 Our time calls a lot stressful situations Because every day we experience a lot of fears, both imaginary and quite real. Fear is a negative feeling that contributes to various chronic diseases. However, it has long helped our ancestors to survive. When ancient man discovered a dangerous beast stalking towards him, he climbed a tree without hesitation, purely on instinct. Thus, this feeling allowed him to save his life, as well as give a chance to those whose existence depended on this person. Several proverbs related to this have survived to this day. negative emotion, and today we will talk about one of them, this Fear has big eyes, meaning Phraseology you will learn a little lower.
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However, before you continue reading, I would like to point you to a couple of my other interesting news on the subject of phraseological units. For example, how to understand Grandma said in two; which means they carry water to the offended; the meaning of the expression Dead hour; what does the Earth mean in peace, etc.
So let's continue Meaning Fear has big eyes?

Fear has big eyes- means that when you are afraid, everything that you fear is exaggerated many times over

Fear has big eyes- so they say about distorted perception at the moment of fright, exaggeration of danger

Synonym for the expression Fear has big eyes: a coward sees danger everywhere; the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing (partially); there are many dogs on the cowardly; you will not be afraid of any misfortune; a hero dies once, a coward a thousand times; fear has eyes that are bowls, but do not see a crumb; the devil is not so terrible as he is painted; it’s scary to see, but when it’s done, it will fall in love; a cowardly bunny and a stump - a wolf.

Fear has big eyes- the meaning is that a cowardly, cautious person sees danger everywhere


Listen Tolyan, don't be stupid, let's go savages to the Black Sea, I think everything will be oki-docks. After all, folk wisdom says fear has big eyes!

In fact, this saying is based on real observations, because a person who is terrified really dilates the pupils, and the eyelids also open wide.

There are several extended options discussed here catchphrase. For example:

Fear has eyes that are bowls, but they do not see a crumb;

Fear has big eyes, but they see nothing.

If we open some explanatory dictionaries, then they will help us understand the meaning of this proverb, and give a transcript in an extremely concise form. So in " Big Dictionary Russian sayings"explains that this popular expression speaks of an extremely frightened person who greatly exaggerates the danger.
IN " synonym dictionary", we see an even shorter formula - a coward sees danger everywhere.

Moreover, this proverb came to the mind of the creators of the old Soviet cartoon"Fear has big eyes" ( soviet hand drawn cartoon based on the Russian folk tale "The Cat and the Fox").
The plot is very simple, the owner decided to get rid of the cat, put him in a bag and threw him in the forest. The cat was frightened at first, but then he began to bend his fingers, impersonating an unprecedented beast. The fox decided to invite such a dangerous creature to visit her, and as a result began to scare the forest dwellers with it.
Of course, the bear and the wolf became interested in such a formidable competitor, and asked the fox to show him from afar. The fox agreed, but asked for a favor to bring gifts. It all ended with the fact that when the animals came to the fox's house, the cat was frightened, and with fright climbs a tree, and from there falls on a bear. The animals scatter in horror, and the gifts rightfully go to the cat and the fox.

This parable is an example of a situation where fear was overly exaggerated, but everything ended well.

By reading this article, you have learned Fear has big eyes phraseologism, and now you won’t get into a mess, once again stumbling upon this proverb.

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