Great dude. Tale of the Magic Pipe


Bazhov P., fairy tale "Stone flower"

Genre: tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Stone Flower" and their characteristics

  1. Danilka Nedokormysh, Danilushko, Danilo-master. A very talented guy who is obsessed with his work.
  2. Prokopich. old master. Danilka was like a son to him. Harsh but fair.
  3. Bailiff. Greedy, cruel.
  4. Kate. Bride of Danilka. A simple, kind and faithful girl.
  5. Mistress of Copper Mountain. Magic creature.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
  1. Old master Prokopyich and his students.
  2. How Danilka pastured cows
  3. Punishment
  4. Grandmother Vikhorikha
  5. In the students of Prokopich
  6. The clerk arranges an exam
  7. three bowls
  8. New order
  9. Ugly drawing
  10. Finding the right stone
  11. Voice in the mine
  12. The right lump
  13. Datura bowl
  14. Bride Katya
  15. On snake hill
  16. Garden of the Mistress
  17. Sadness and sadness
  18. Broken bowl.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Stone Flower" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Many students were given to Prokpyich, but he took only Danilka.
  2. Danilka became a master and ordered him a master cup according to the drawing ..
  3. Danilka did not like the drawing, he went to look for another stone.
  4. He made a dope bowl, but it did not seem alive.
  5. The hostess took Danilka to her garden, showed stone Flower.
  6. Danilka broke his bowl and disappeared.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
The desire to achieve the ideal can drive a person crazy.

What does the fairy tale "Stone Flower" teach
The fairy tale teaches one to strive for perfection, but not to forget the simple joys of life at work. First of all, it teaches you to be human. Teaches hard work and perseverance. Teaches you to choose your own path in life. Teaches you to love loved ones, not fictional beauty.

Review of the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
I liked this story, although it has a sad ending. Danilka was obsessed with his idea to create a stone bowl like a living flower. But even to myself talented person make it impossible. That's why Danilka went crazy. He changed his usual human life, on the eternal pursuit of the ideal.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
Live and learn.
While the talent is received, the century is taught.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Your shirt is closer to your body.
The work of the master is afraid.

Read the summary brief retelling fairy tales "Stone flower"
In the old days, master Prokopyich lived in our area, and no one could work with malachite better than him. So that his skill would not be lost, the master ordered to send boys to Prokopych for training. But Prokopyich rejected everyone, he did not like anyone. And since he taught everything by poking, the children did not burn with the desire to become his students.
And so it came to Danilka Nedokormysh. It was a quiet boy of twelve years old, who was first assigned to the Cossacks, but there he did not show himself, so they handed him over to the shepherds. Only in the sheds Danilka could not resist. Everything was on insects, but he looked at flowers, and his cows wandered in all directions.
Only Danilka was good at playing the horn. So for his game and the trouble happened. The shepherds heard his game, and several cows disappeared. So they were not found, apparently the wolves ate.
They decided to flog Danilka for this case. And he lies, silently takes blows. So I almost died and everything was silent. Well, the clerk decided to give him, so patient, to Prokopych if he survived.
Grandmother Vikhorikha, a local herbalist, came out to Danilka. It was good with Danilka, she asked all the grandmother about different flowers. And she told about the fern and about the gap-flower, and mentioned the stone flower.
As Danilka recovered, the clerk sent him to Prokopych. And he looked at the little one and went to refuse, he was afraid that you would kill such a person inadvertently. But the clerk failed in any - he gave and teach.
Prokopyich returned, and Danilka looked at the malachite board, where the notch had been made to chop off the edge. Prokopich became curious and asked what the boy thought about this board. And Danilka says that the notch was made incorrectly, it is necessary to cut from the other edge so as not to spoil the pattern. Prokopyich, of course, made a noise, but he did not touch the boy, because he saw that he was right. Then he asked about life, fed him dinner, and put him to bed.
The next morning Prokopyich sent Danilka for viburnum. Then for the goldfinch, and so it went, not work, but fun. Prokopyich got used to Danilka, as he began to treat his son. And the boy copes with business and looks at the skill. He asks Prokopych about everything, he is interested in everything.
Once the clerk caught Danilka on the pond, made a noise, grabbed Prokopich by the ear. Old man Danilka shields, and the clerk gave the boy an exam. But no matter what he asks, Danilka has the right answer ready for everything. The clerk left, and Prokopyich wondered how the kid knew everything. Danilka replies that he noticed everything that the old man showed and explained. Prokopyich shed tears of joy.
After that, the clerk Danilka began to ask work. Not the most difficult, but thorough. And Danilka quickly learned everything, and the clerk himself recognized him as a master, even wrote to his master about him.
And Danilka learned to read and write from the clerk. He stretched out himself, the handsome man became, the girls began to look at him. Only Danilka was completely immersed in work.
And the master, in response to the clerk's letter, ordered Danila to make a stone bowl on a leg in order to decide whether to leave it for quitrent.
They gave Danila a new place, a machine tool, and he set to work. At first, he was pulling time, but then he could not stand it, he carved a vase. And the clerk demands another one, then a third. And how the third Danilka did, the clerk was delighted, he said that now he knows the full strength of Danilka, he will not be able to evade work.
But the master decided in his own way. He left Danilka with Prokopich, but appointed a trifling quitrent. He only sent a drawing of a new vase, with a pattern of leaves. Danila began to make a vase, but he does not like it. Ugly. I turned to the clerk, and he made a little noise, but remembered the order of the master, and allowed one vase to be made exactly according to the drawing, and the second as Danila himself wanted.
And Daniel thought. He began to walk into the forest, looking at all the different flowers. Either he will take up the master's cup, then he will suddenly quit his job. Finally, he announced to Prokopyich that he would make a bowl from a Datura flower. But something went wrong with him, and Danila decided to make a master's cup first. There is a lot of work there, not for one year.

And Prokopyich began talking about marriage, he offered Katya Lemitina as a bride. Only Danila kept refusing, saying that he needed to finish the cup first, and Katya would wait for him.
Finally Danila made a master's thicket. Katya looks at her in surprise, the masters admire, there is nothing to complain about, everything is exactly according to the drawing. One Danila is not satisfied, there is no beauty in the bowl. Got excited, argues with the masters. And take one old man and tell him to throw this nonsense out of Danilushko's head, otherwise he will become a mountain master to the Mistress. And those masters saw a stone flower and understood its beauty. Their products seem to come alive.
And when Danilka heard about the stone flower, he began to ask the old man about it. The masters make noise, Katya is in tears, the old man stands his ground - there is a stone flower and that's it.
Shortly after that, Danilka went to the goumels, looking for a suitable stone. One will turn over, do not like it, the other does not fit. Suddenly hears female voice, which advises him to search on the Serpentine Hill. I was surprised, but I really decided to go to the Snake Hill. There he found a huge block, like a bush trimmed. Danila was delighted, brought a block on a horse, showed it to Prokopych. He says that as soon as I make a cup, I will marry Katya.
Zharko set to work Danilka, and the result was a dope flower like a real one. The masters only shrug their shoulders, but Danila himself is not satisfied, there is no life in the bowl. Everyone thought about how to fix it, but gave up. He began to rush into marriage.
The clerk, as he saw that cup, wanted to immediately send the master away, but Danila detained him, said that he needed to fix it a little.
The wedding was scheduled for Snake Day, and just the day before Danila decided to go to Snake Hill again. I came, I sat down, I thought. Suddenly there was warmth. Danila looks, and opposite the Mistress herself sits, and recognized her by her beauty.
The Mistress asked about the bowl, and Danila began to ask her to show her stone flower. The Mistress dissuaded him, but Danila stood his ground. And she took him to her garden. Danila looks, but there are no walls, only stone trees stand, with leaves, with knots. The hostess led Danila to a clearing, and there the bushes were as black as velvet, each with a malachite bell, and in it an antimony star.
Danilushka saw a stone flower, but realized that he would never find such a stone. And the Mistress moved her hand and Danila woke up in the same place, at the Snake Hill.
He returned home, at the party of the bride, something became ill for him. Katya took him home to see him off, but Danilushka would not be amused at all.
He came home sad, looking at his bowl. Then he took it and broke it into small pieces. And he didn’t touch the one that he did according to the drawing, he just spat in the middle. Danilushka ran out of the house and disappeared. Nobody else saw him. It was rumored that the Mistress took him to her as a master.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Stone Flower"

He lived in one of the Ural factories master Prokopyich, the first in malachite in those places. The master was already elderly, so the master ordered a student to be assigned to him. Only Prokopyich’s science didn’t go well, “he did everything from a jerk, but from a poke.” He will give the boy bumps all over his head, cut off his ears, and send him back - he is not capable, they say, of science.

The local boys began to be afraid of Prokopich, and the parents did not want to send their child to torment. And so it came to Danilka Nedokormysh. This twelve-year-old boy was an orphan - he did not remember his mother, and did not know his father at all. Danilka's face was clean and handsome, so they took him as a "Cossack" to the master's house. Here it would be necessary to twist like a loach, and the boy would stare at some kind of decoration and freeze in the corner.

Danilka was considered a “blissful slug” and sent to the shepherds. But here, too, he did not work. The old shepherd will fall asleep, Danilka will dream, and the cows will scatter. Once we lost several cows, one of them was a clerk.

The massacre then, it is known what it was. For any guilt, show your back.

First they flogged the old shepherd, and then they began to frail Danilka. The executioner struck lightly at first. Danilka clenched his teeth and was silent. Then the executioner got angry and began to beat with all his might. The boy sighed, not uttering a sound.

Danilka was taken out by a local healer. From her, the boy learned about the stone flower. This flower grows at the Mistress's in a malachite mountain, "it has full strength for the snake holiday." If a person sees that flower, he will be unhappy all his life, and why - the grandmother did not know.

Soon Danilka was on his feet. The clerk noticed this and assigned him as a student to Prokopyich: the boy is an orphan, teach as you like, no one will intercede. Danilka's eye turned out to be true. On the very first day, he pointed out the mistake to the master.

Prokopyich lived alone, his wife died, he did not make children, so the master became attached to the orphan. It is harmful to work with malachite, stone dust quickly clogs the lungs, so the master decided to fatten the thin and frail Danilka first, and then take up science. He assigned the boy to the household, and began to give tasks - no matter what work, then fun.

Prokopyich was a serf, but he was allowed to work for himself, “by dues”, so the master had his own income. He took Danilka for his son, gave him good clothes, boots. The master did not let him go to his craft yet, but Danilka himself questioned Prokopyich and remembered everything.

Soon the clerk became interested: whose little boy is he doing nothing all day long? I decided to check what the master managed to learn it. It turned out that in the meantime Danilka managed to learn a lot of wisdom. From that day on, Danilushka's free life ended, the clerk began to give him work.

After all, they - the malachites - have a baggy business. A trifling thing, but how long he sits over it!

Danila grew up behind this work. He worked quickly, but Prokopyich taught him not to rush and suggested to the clerk that Danilka was a slow mover. IN free time the boy even learned to read and write. Over time, Danila became a prominent guy - tall, ruddy, curly and cheerful, "in a word, girlish dryness."

When Danil had carved a “snake-sleeve made of solid stone”, the clerk recognized him as a master and wrote about him to the master. He decided to test a new master, ordered to carve a bowl of malachite, sent a drawing and ordered to look after that Prokopyich Danila did not help.

The clerk placed Danila at his place. At first, the guy tried to work slowly, and then he got bored, and she turned the bowl in one fell swoop. The clerk ordered him to carve two more similar bowls. It turned out that Danila made three bowls for the time that the master gave for one.

The clerk realized that Prokopyich had led him by the nose, got angry and described everything to the master. The same “turned everything the other way around” - he appointed Danila a small quitrent and did not order to take it from Prokopyich, hoping that together they would come up with something new. The master attached a drawing of an intricate bowl to the letter, ordered to make the same one, and set an unlimited time limit.

Danila set to work, but he did not like the bowl - there was no beauty in it, only curls. With the permission of the clerk, Danila decided to carve another cup, according to his idea.

We didn’t say: to curse someone else’s - you need a little wisdom, but to come up with your own - you’ll turn from side to side for more than one night.

Danila the master became thoughtful, sad, slept off his face, kept walking through the meadows, looking for a flower to make his cup in his likeness and show all the beauty of the stone. He chose a Datura flower for the bowl, but first he decided to finish the master's order.

Prokopyich dissuaded him, then he decided to marry, hoping that after the wedding all the nonsense would come out of his head. Danila admitted that his neighbor Katya has been waiting for him for a long time. Finally, Danila carved a master's bowl and arranged a holiday on this occasion, invited the bride and old masters. One old man, the teacher of Prokopia, told the guy that those who manage to see a stone flower comprehend all the beauty of the stone and forever end up with the Mistress in the mountain master.

Danila lost his peace, forgot about the wedding - he so wanted to understand the beauty of the stone. Once he went to look for malachite for his dope bowl, and the voice tells him: go to the Serpent Mountain. Then a woman flashed before Danila and disappeared. The guy went to the Serpent Mountain, found what he was looking for, set to work, but the cup does not come out, there is no life in it.

Danila realized that he himself was unable to catch the beauty of the stone, he decided to marry. The wedding took place “just around the Serpentine Festival.” Danila came to last time to Snake Hill, sat down to rest, then the Mistress appeared to him. The guy recognized her by her beauty and malachite dress. He asked the Mistress to show him the stone flower. She tried to dissuade him: those who saw the flower lose the joy of life and return to it themselves. But Daniel did not back down. The Mistress took him to her garden with trees and grass made of different stones and led him to black, as if velvet, bushes.

On these bushes there are large green malachite bells and in each an antimony star. The fiery bees above those flowers sparkle, and the stars tinkle subtly, sing evenly.

Danila the master looked at the stone flower, and the Mistress let him go home.

That day, Katya the bride had a party. At first, Danila had fun with everyone, and then he became sad. Returning home after the party, Danila broke his dope bowl, spat into the master's bowl and ran out of the hut.

They searched for Daniel for a long time. Some believed that he had gone crazy and perished in the forest, while others said that the Mistress took Danila to be a mountain master.

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Summary Bazhov's fairy tales "Stone Flower"

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Bazhov P.P. Stone Flower.
Not only marbles were famous for the stone business. Also in our factories, they say, they had this skill. The only difference is that ours burned more with malachite, how it was enough, and the grade is not higher. It was from this that malachite was suitably made. Such, listen, little things that you wonder how it helped him.
There was a master Prokopyich at that time. First in these cases. Nobody could do better than him. Was in his old age.
So the master ordered the clerk to put the boy to this Prokopich for training.
- Let them take over everything to the subtlety.
Only Prokopyich, whether it was a pity for him to part with his skill, or something else, taught very badly. He has everything with a jerk and with a poke. He will plant bumps all over the boy's head, his ears will almost be cut off, and he will say to the clerk:
- This one is not good ... His eye is incapable, his hand does not carry. It won't make sense.
The clerk, apparently, was ordered to please Prokopych.
- Not good, not good ... We'll give another one ... - And he will dress up another boy.
The children have heard about this science ... Early in the morning they roar, as if not to get to Prokopych. It is also not sweet for fathers-mothers to give their own children to wasteful flour - they began to shield their own, whoever could. And then to say, this skill is unhealthy, with malachite. The poison is pure. This is where people are protected.
The clerk still remembers the master's order - he puts Prokopych students. He will wash the boy in his own way, and hand him back to the clerk.
- This one is not good ...
The clerk began to ride up:
- How long will it be? No good, no good, when will it be good? Learn it...
Prokopych know your own:
“I don’t… I’ll teach for ten years, but this kid will be of no use…”
- What else do you want?
“Though don’t bet me at all, I don’t miss it ...
And so the clerk and Prokopych went over a lot of children, but there was only one sense: there were bumps on the head, and in the head - how to run away. They spoiled them on purpose so that Prokopyich would drive them away.
And so it came to Danilka Nedokormysh. This boy was an orphan round. Years, go, then twelve, or even more. He is tall on his feet, and thin, thin, in which the soul rests. Well, with a clean face. Curly hair, dove eyes. First they took him to the Cossacks at the master's house: a snuffbox, a handkerchief, run where and so on. Only this orphan had no talent for such a thing. Other boys in such and such places curl like vines. Just a little - at attention: what do you order? And this Danilko will hide somewhere in the corner, stare with his eyes at some picture, or at the decoration, and he’s worth it. They shout at him, but he does not lead with his ear. They beat, of course, at first, then waved their hand:
- Blessed one! Slug! Such a good servant will not come out.
All the same, they didn’t give it to a factory job or uphill - the place is very liquid, it won’t be enough for a week. The clerk put him in the sheds. And then Danilko did not come at all well. The kid is exactly diligent, but everything comes out wrong with him. Everyone seems to be thinking about something. He stares at the blade of grass, and the cows are out there! The affectionate old shepherd got caught, felt sorry for the orphan, and he swore at the time:
- What will come out of you, Danilko? You will destroy yourself, and you will bring my old back under the fight. Where does it fit? What do you even think about? Danilko plays the pipe
- I myself, grandfather, I don’t know ... So ... about nothing ... I stared a little. The bug crawled along the leaf. She herself is blue, and from under her wings she looks yellowish, and the leaf is wide ... Along the edges, the teeth, like a frill, are curved. Here it shows darker, and the middle is green-pregreen, they just painted it right now ... And the insect is crawling.
- Well, aren't you a fool, Danilko? Is it your business to disassemble insects? She crawls - and crawl, and your job is to look after the cows. Look at me, throw this nonsense out of your head, or I'll tell the clerk!
One Danilushka was given. He learned to play the horn - where is the old man! Purely on what kind of music. In the evening, as the cows are driven in, the women-women ask:
- Play, Danilushko, a song.
He will start playing. And the songs are all unfamiliar. Either the forest is noisy, or the stream is murmuring, the birds are calling to all sorts of voices, but it comes out well. Very much for those songs, women began to welcome Danilushka. Who will fix the ponytails, who will cut off the canvas for onuchi, sew a new shirt. There is no talk about a piece - each strives to give more and sweeter. The old shepherd also liked Danilushkov's songs. It just got a little awkward here. Danilushko will start to play and forget everything, exactly and there are no cows. It was at this game that he got into trouble.
Danilushko, apparently, played too much, and the old man dozed off a little. How many cows they have fought off. As they began to gather for pasture, they look - one is gone, the other is gone. They rushed to look, but where are you. They grazed near Yelnichnaya ... The most here is a wolf's place, deaf ... Only one cow was found. They drove the herd home ... They told him so and so. Well, they also ran from the factory, went on a search, but they didn’t find it.
The massacre then, it is known what it was. For any guilt, show your back. For sin, there was one more cow from the clerk's yard. Don't wait here at all. First they stretched the old man, then it dawned on Danilushka, but he was thin and skinny. The master's executioner even made a reservation:
“Someone,” he says, “would succumb at once, or even let his soul out.
He hit all the same - he did not regret it, but Danilushko is silent. His executioner suddenly in a row - is silent, the third - is silent. The executioner here was furious, let's bald from the whole shoulder, and he himself shouts:
- I'll bring you, the silent one ... Give your voice ... Give it!
Danilushko is trembling all over, tears are dripping, but he is silent. He bit his lip and strengthened himself. So he thought, but they did not hear a word from him. The clerk - he was there, of course, - was surprised:
- What a patient one turned out to be! Now I know where to put it, if it remains alive.
Danilushko did lie down. Grandmother Vikhorikha put him on his feet. Danilushko did lie down. Grandmother Vikhorikha put him on his feet. There was, they say, such an old woman. Instead of a doctor in our factories on great fame was. I knew the strength in herbs: one from the teeth, one from the strain, which from the ache ... Well, everything is as it is. She herself collected those herbs at the very time when which herb had full strength. She prepared tinctures from such herbs and roots, boiled decoctions and mixed with ointments.
Well Danilushka had a good time with this grandmother Vikhorikha. The old woman, listen, is affectionate and talkative, and herbs, and roots, and all sorts of flowers are dried and hung all over the hut. Danilushko is curious about herbs - what is the name of this one? where does it grow? what flower? The old woman tells him.
Once Danilushko asks:
“You, grandmother, do you know every flower in our area?”
“I won’t brag,” he says, “but everyone seems to know how open they are.
- Is it possible, - he asks, - are there not yet open?
— There are, — answers, — and such. Have you heard of Papor? It seems to bloom on Ivanov's day. That flower is magical. Treasures are opened to them. Harmful to humans. On the gap-grass a flower is a running light. Catch him and all the gates are open for you. Vorovskoy is a flower. And then there is a stone flower. It seems to be growing in a malachite mountain. On the snake festival, it has full power. Unfortunate is the person who sees the stone flower.
- What, grandmother, unfortunate?
“And this, baby, I don’t know myself. That's what they told me.
Danilushko could have lived longer at Vikhorikha's, but the bailiff's messengers noticed that the boy had begun to walk a little, and now to the bailiff. The clerk called Danilushka, and he says:
- Go now to Prokopych - to learn the malachite business. The most work for you.
Well, what will you do? Danilushko went, but he is still pumping himself.
Prokopyich looked at him and said:
- This was still missing. Healthy lads here are not strong enough to study, but with such that you will demand - they are barely alive.
Prokopyich went to the clerk:
- You don't need that. If you kill inadvertently, you will have to answer.
Only the clerk - where are you going, did not listen:
- It is given to you - teach, do not argue! He's this guy, he's strong. Don't look that thin.
“Well, it’s up to you,” says Prokopyich, “it would have been said. I will teach, if only they didn’t pull to the answer.
- There is no one to pull. This lonely boy, do what you want with him, - the clerk answers.
Prokopyich came home, and Danilushko was standing near the machine, looking at the malachite board. A notch is made on this board - to beat off the edge. Here Danilushko is staring at this place and shaking his little head. Prokopich was curious about what this new kid was looking at here. He asked him how it was done according to his rule:
- What are you? Who asked you to take the craft in your hands? What are you looking at here?
Danilushko and answers:
- In my opinion, grandfather, it is not necessary to beat off the edge from this side. Look, the pattern is here, and they will cut it off.
Prokopyich shouted, of course:
- What? Who are you? Master? There were no hands, but you judge? What can you understand?
“I understand that this thing was spoiled,” Danilushko replies.
- Who messed it up? A? It's you, brat, to me - the first master! .. Yes, I'll show you such damage ... you won't live!
He made such a noise, shouted, but did not touch Danilushka with his finger. Prokopyich, you see, he himself was thinking over this board - from which side the edge should be cut. Danilushko hit the nail on the head with his conversation. Prokopyich shouted and said quite kindly:
- Well, you, the manifested master, show me how, in your opinion, to do it?
Danilushko began to show and tell:
- Here's the pattern. And it would be better - to let the plank narrower, beat off the edge along the open field, if only to leave a small lash on top.
Prokopych know shouting:
- Well, well ... How! You understand a lot. Accumulated - do not wake up! - And he thinks to himself: “The boy is right. From this, perhaps, there will be a sense. Just teach him how? Knock once - he will stretch his legs.
Thought so, and asks:
“What kind of scientist are you?
Danilushko told about himself.
Like an orphan. I don’t remember my mother, and I don’t even know who the father was. They call him Danilka the Nedokormysh, but I don’t know about that as a patronymic and father’s nickname. He told how he was in the household and why he was driven out, how then he went with the cow herd in the summer, how he got under the fight.
Prokopych regretted:
“It’s not sweet, I see, you, boy, have been wondering how to live, and then you got to me. We have a great skill.
Then, as if angry, he grumbled:
- Well, that's enough, that's enough! Look, what a talkative! With the tongue, not with the hands, everyone would work. A whole evening of dances and balusters! Student too! I'll take a look tomorrow, what's your point. Sit down to dinner, and it's time for bed.
Prokopich lived alone. His wife died a long time ago. Old Miᴛᴘofanovna from the neighbors ran the household at his place. In the mornings she went to cook, to cook something, to clean up in the hut, and in the evenings Prokopyich himself managed what he needed.
Have eaten, Prokopych and says:
"Lie down on the bench over there!"
Danilushko took off his shoes, put his knapsack under his head, covered himself with his tail, shuddered a little - you see, it was cold in the hut in the autumn time - all the same, he soon fell asleep. Prokopyich also lay down, but he couldn't sleep: he kept talking about the malachite pattern out of his head. He tossed and turned, got up, lit a candle, and to the machine - let's try on this malachite board this way and that. He will close one edge, the other ... he will add a field, reduce it. So he puts it, turns it on the other side, and everything turns out that the boy understood the pattern better.
- Here's the Underfeeder! Prokopych marvels. “Nothing else, nothing, but I pointed it out to the old master. Well, an eye! Well, an eye!
He went quietly into the closet, dragged out a pillow and a large sheepskin coat. He slipped a pillow under Danilushka's head, covered it with a sheepskin coat:
- Sleep, big-eyed!
And he didn’t wake up, turned only on the other side, stretched out under a sheepskin coat - it became warm for him, - and let's whistle softly with his nose. Prokopych didn't have his own guys, this Danilushko fell to his heart. The master is standing, admiring, and Danilushko is whistling, sleeping peacefully. Prokopyich's concern is how to put this boy on his feet properly, so that he is not so skinny and unhealthy.
- With his health to learn our skills. Dust, poison - will wither away. Let him rest first, get better, then I will teach. Sense, apparently, will be.
The next day he says to Danilushka:
- You will help with the housework first. That's the order I have. Understood? For the first time, go for viburnum. She was seized with inyami - just right she is now on pies. Look, don't go too far. How much you get, that's fine. Take some bread, - eat in the forest, - and even go to Miᴛᴘofanovna. I told her to bake a couple of testicles for you and splash milk into the tuesochek. Understood?
The next day he says again:
- Catch me a more vocal goldfinch and a faster tap dance. See that by the evening they were. Understood?
When Danilushko caught and brought, Prokopyich says:
- Okay, not at all. Catch others.
And so it went. For every day, Prokopyich gives Danilushka a job, but it's all fun. As soon as the snow fell, he ordered him and his neighbor to go for firewood - you can help de. Well, what help! He sits forward on a sleigh, drives a horse, and walks back behind a cart. Rinse like that, eat at home, and sleep soundly. Prokopyich made a fur coat for him, a warm hat, mittens, pimas rolled up to order. Prokopyich, you see, had plenty. Although he was a serf, he went to dues, earned a little. He stuck to Danilushka tightly. To put it bluntly, he held it for his son. Well, he didn’t feel sorry for him, but he didn’t let him do his work until the time was right.
In a good life, Danilushko quickly began to recover and clung to Prokopych too. Well, how! - I understood Prokopichev's concern, for the first time I had to live like that. The winter has passed. Danilushka became completely at ease. Now he is on the pond, then in the forest. Only Danilushko looked closely at the skill. He will run home, and now they have a conversation. The other will tell Prokopich, and he asks - what is it and how is it? Prokopyich will explain, in practice he will show. Danilushko notes. When he accepts. “Well, I ...” - Prokopyich looks, corrects when necessary, indicates how best.
One day the clerk spotted Danilushka on the pond. He asks his messengers:
- Whose boy is this? Which day I see him on the pond ... On weekdays he indulges with a fishing rod, and not a little one ... Someone hides him from work ...
The newsmen found out, they tell the clerk, but he does not believe.
- Well, - he says, - drag the boy to me, I'll find out myself.
They brought Danilushka. The teller asks:
— Whose are you?
Danilushko and answers:
- In learning, they say, with a master in malachite business.
The clerk then grab him by the ear:
“That’s how you learn, you bastard!” - Yes, by the ear and led to Prokopych.
He sees that things are not right, let's shield Danilushka:
“It was I who sent him to catch perches. I really miss fresh perches. Due to my ill health, I can’t take any other food. So he ordered the boy to fish.
The clerk did not believe. He also realized that Danilushko had become completely different: he had recovered, he had a good shirt on, pants, too, and boots on his feet. So let's check Danilushka to do:
- Well, show me what the master taught you?
Danilushko put on a cufflink, went up to the machine and let's tell and show. Whatever the clerk asks, he has an answer ready for everything. How to chip a stone, how to saw it, remove the chamfer, how to glue it together, how to put a polisher on it, how to put it on copper, like on a tree. In a word, everything is as it is.
The clerk tortured and tortured, and even says to Prokopych:
- This one seems to suit you?
"I'm not complaining," Prokopyich replies.
- That's it, you don't complain, but you breed mischief! You gave him the skill to learn, and he is at the pond with a fishing rod! Look! I’ll let you have such fresh perch - you won’t forget it to death, and the kid will become sad.
He threatened like that, left, and Prokopyich marveled:
- When did you, Danilushko, understand all this? Exactly I haven't taught you yet.
“He himself,” says Danilushko, “showed and told, and I noticed.
Prokopyich even got tears in his eyes—it was so heartbreaking for him.
“Sonny,” he says, “darling, Danilushko ... What else do I know, I’ll reveal everything to you ... I won’t hide ...
Only from that time on Danilushka did not have a free life. The next day the clerk sent for him and began to give work for the lesson. First, of course, simpler things: plaques, what women wear, caskets. Then it went with a dot: candlesticks and decorations are different. There they reached the carving. Leaves and petals, patterns and flowers. After all, they — the malachites — have a baggy business. A trifling thing, but how long he sits over it! So Danilushko grew up with this work.
And as he carved a serpentine sleeve from a solid stone, the clerk recognized him as a master at all. Barin wrote about this:
“So and so, showed up with us new master on the malachite case - Danilko Nedokormysh. Works well, only in youth it is still quiet. Will you order him to be left in the classroom, or, like Prokopych, to be released for quitrent?
Danilushko worked not at all quietly, but surprisingly deftly and quickly. It’s Prokopyich who got the knack here. The clerk will ask Danilushka what lesson for five days, and Prokopyich will go, and he will say:
— Not in force this. It takes half a month to do this job. The guy is learning. Hurry up - only a stone will waste uselessly. lizard
Well, the clerk will argue how many days, and, you see, he will add days. Danilushko and worked without effort. I even learned to read and write slowly from the clerk. So, just a little, but still he understood literacy. Prokopych was good at this too. When he himself gets better, do the clerk's lessons for Danilushka, only Danilushko did not allow this:
- What you! What are you, uncle! Is it your business to sit at the machine for me! Look, your beard has turned green from malachite, your health has begun to fail, but what is being done to me?
Danilushko actually recovered by that time. Although in the old fashioned way they called him Underfeeding, but what a he is! Tall and ruddy, curly and cheerful. In a word, girlish dryness. Prokopyich had already started talking to him about brides, and Danilushko was shaking his head:
- He won't leave us! If I become a real master, then there will be a conversation.
The master wrote to the clerk's message:
“Let that Prokopichev student Danilko make another chiseled bowl on a leg for my house. Then I'll have a look - let Ali go to quitrent or keep it in class. Just make sure that Prokopyich does not help Danilka. If you don’t watch, you will be charged.”
The clerk received this letter, called Danilushka, and says:
“Here, you will work for me. The machine will be set up for you, the stone will be brought to you, what you need.
Prokopyich found out, became sad: how so? what's the thing? I went to the clerk, but would he say ... He only shouted: “None of your business!”
Well, now Danilushko went to work in a new place, and Prokopyich punishes him:
- Don't be in a hurry, Danilushko! Don't expose yourself.
Danilushko was wary at first. He tried on and figured out more, but it seemed to him sadly. Do not do it, but serve your term - sit at the clerk's from morning till night. Well, Danilushko out of boredom and broke at full strength. The cup is in his living hand and went out of business. The clerk looked as if it was necessary, and said:
- Do the same!
Danilushko made another, then a third. When he had finished the third, the clerk said:
"Now you can't be sure!" I caught you and Prokopich. The master, according to my letter, gave you a time limit for one bowl, and you carved three. I know your strength. You can't fool me anymore, but I'll show that old dog how to indulge! Will order others!
So he wrote to the master about this and provided all three bowls. Only the gentleman - either he found a clever verse on him, or he was angry with the clerk for what - turned everything as it was on the contrary.
Danilushka appointed a trifling dues, did not order the guy from Prokopich to take - maybe the two of them would soon come up with something new. I sent a drawing when I wrote. There, too, a bowl is drawn with all sorts of things. There is a carved border along the rim, a stone ribbon with a through pattern on the belt, leaves on the footrest. In a word, invented. And on the drawing, the master signed: “Let him sit for at least five years, but so that this is exactly done.”
Here the clerk had to retreat from his word. He announced that the master had written, let Danilushka go to Prokopych and gave the drawing.
Danilushko and Prokopych cheered up, and their work went faster. Danilushko soon set to work on that new cup. There is a lot of hyᴛᴘness in it. You hit a little wrong, the work is gone, start again. Well, Danilushka has a faithful eye, a bold hand, enough strength - things are going well. One thing he does not like - there are many difficulties, but there is exactly no beauty at all. He spoke to Prokopych, but he was only surprised:
- What do you want? They figured it out, so they need it. You never know, I carved and cut out all sorts of things, but I really don’t know where they are.
I tried to talk to the clerk, so where are you going. He stamped his feet, waved his hands:
- Are you crazy? A lot of money was paid for the drawing. An artist, maybe he was the first to make it in the capital, and you invented talking!
Then, evidently, he remembered that the master had ordered him to see if the two of them could come up with something new, and he said:
- You're like this ... make this cup according to the master's drawing, and if you invent another one of your own, it's your business. I won't interfere. We have enough stone. What you need - such and ladies.
Here Danilushka thought and sunk. We didn’t say - you need to curse someone else’s wisdom a little, but come up with your own - you’ll turn from side to side for more than one night. Here Danilushko is sitting over this bowl according to the drawing, while he himself is thinking about something else. He translates in his head which flower, which leaf to the malachite stone better fit. He became pensive, unhappy. Prokopych remarked and asked:
— Are you healthy, Danilushko? It would be easier with this bowl. Where to hurry? I would go for a walk somewhere, otherwise you just sit and sit.
- And then, - says Danilushko, - at least go to the forest. Will I see what I need. Danilushka in the forest
From that time on, I began to run into the forest almost every day. The time is just slanting, berry. The grasses are all in bloom. Danilushko will stop somewhere on the mowing or in a clearing in the forest and stands, looks. And then again he walks along the mowing and looks at the grass, as if he is looking for something. There were a lot of people in the forest and on the meadows at that time. They ask Danilushka - have you lost something? He will smile that way sadly, and say:
“I haven’t lost it, but I can’t find it.
Well, who were talking:
- Bad guy.
And he will come home and immediately to the machine and until the morning and sit, and with the sun again into the forest and to the mowing. I began to drag all sorts of leaves and flowers home, and eat more and more of them: cheremitsa and omeg, dope and wild rosemary, and all sorts of cutters. He slept off his face, his eyes became restless, he lost his courage in his hands. Prokopyich became completely worried, and Danilushko said:
- The cup does not give me peace. The hunt is to make it so that the stone has full strength.
Prokopyich, let's dissuade:
What did she give you? Satisfied after all, what else? Let the bars have fun as they please. We just wouldn't get hurt. If they come up with a pattern, we will do it, but why should they climb towards them? Put on an extra collar - that's all.
Well, Danilushko stands his ground.
“Not for the master,” he says, “I try. I can't get that bowl out of my head. I see, come on, what kind of stone do we have, and what are we doing with it? We sharpen and cut, but we direct the fielder and do not need it at all. So I had a desire to do so, in order to see the full power of the stone myself and show people.
Danilushko departed in time, sat down again at that bowl, according to the master's drawing. Works, but he laughs:
- A stone ribbon with holes, a carved border ...
Then all of a sudden he quit. Another started. Without a break at the machine stands. Prokopichu said:
“I will make my own cup using the Datura flower.
Prokopyich began to dissuade. At first Danilushko didn't even want to listen, then, after three or four days, he made some kind of mistake, and says to Prokopych:
- OK. First, I’ll finish the master’s cup, then I’ll take up mine. Only you don’t dissuade me then ... I can’t get her out of my head.
Prokopich says:
- Okay, I won’t interfere, - but he himself thinks: “The guy is leaving, he will forget. You need to marry him. That's what! Extra nonsense will fly out of my head as soon as I start a family.
Danila the foreman at work Danilushko took up the bowl. There is a lot of work with her - you can’t fit it in one year. He works hard, he doesn’t remember about the Datura flower. Prokopyich began talking about marriage:
- If only Katya Letemina - why not a bride? A good girl ... There is nothing to blame.
This Prokopyich spoke from his mind. He, you see, had noticed for a long time that Danilushko was looking at this girl strongly. Well, she didn't turn away. Here Prokopyich seemed to inadvertently start a conversation. And Danilushko repeats his own:
- Wait a minute! I'll manage with a cup. I'm tired of her. And just look - I'll hit him with a hammer, and he's talking about marriage! We agreed with Katya. She will wait for me.
Well, Danilushko made a bowl according to the master's drawing. The clerk, of course, was not told, but at home he thought of making a little party. Katya - the bride - came with her parents, and some more ... from the masters of malachite more. Katya marvels at the bowl.
“How,” he says, “only you managed to cut such a pattern and didn’t break the stone anywhere!” How smooth and clean everything is!
Masters also approve:
- Exactly according to the drawing. Nothing to complain about. Cleanly done. Better not to, and soon. So you’ll start working - perhaps it’s hard for us to reach out for you.
Danilushko listened, listened, and said:
- It's a shame that there is nothing to reproach. Smooth and even, the pattern is clean, the carving is according to the drawing, but where is the beauty? There is a flower ... the most inferior one, but looking at it - the heart rejoices. Well, who will please this cup? What is she on? Whoever looks, everyone, like Katenka, will marvel at what kind of eye and hand the master has, how he had the patience not to break off a stone anywhere.
“And where I blundered,” the masters laugh, “there I glued it and covered it with a polarizer, and you won’t find the ends.”
- That's it ... And where, I ask, is the beauty of the stone? Then the trembling passed, and you drill holes on it and cut flowers. What are they here for? Corruption is a stone. And what a stone! First stone! You see, the first!
Began to get hot. I drank a little, apparently.
The masters tell Danilushka that Prokopyich used to say to him more than once:
- A stone is a stone. What will you do with it? Our job is to sharpen and cut.
There was only one old man there. He also taught Prokopyich and those other masters. Everyone called him grandfather. A completely dilapidated old man, but he also understood this conversation, and he says to Danilushka:
- You, dear son, do not walk on this floorboard! Get out of your head! And then you will get to the Mistress in the mountain master ...
- What masters, grandfather?
“But such people… live in a mountain, no one sees them… Whatever the Mistress needs, they will do.” I happened to see it once. Here's the job! From ours, from the local, excellent.
Everyone became curious. They ask - what kind of craft did you see.
- Yes, a snake, - he says, - the same one that you sharpen on your sleeve.
- So what? What is she?
- From the local, I say, excellent. Any master will see, immediately recognize - not local work. Our snake, no matter how cleanly carved, is made of stone, but here it is alive. The backbone is black, the eyes ... Just look - it will bite. Them after all! They saw a stone flower, they understood beauty.
Danilushko, as I heard about stone Flower let's ask the old man. He honestly said:
“I don’t know, dear son. I heard that there is such a flower. Our brother cannot see him. Who will look White light won't be nice.
Danilushko says to this:
- I would take a look.
Here Katenka, his bride, fluttered:
- What are you, what are you, Danilushko! Are you tired of white light? - Yes, in tears. Prokopyich and other masters have noticed the matter, let's laugh at the old master:
- To survive from the mind, grandfather, began. You tell stories. You're leading the guy astray.
The old man got excited, banged on the table:
— There is such a flower! The guy speaks the truth: we do not understand stone. Beauty is shown in that flower.
Masters laugh:
- He took a sip, grandfather, a surplus!
And he is his:
— There is a stone flower!
The guests dispersed, but Danilushka's head can't get that conversation out of his head. Again he began to run into the forest and walk near his Datura flower, but he does not remember about the wedding. Prokopyich began to compel:
- Why are you embarrassing the girl? What year will she walk in brides? Wait for that - they will laugh at her. Few caretakers?
Danilushko is one of his own:
- Wait a little! I’ll just think of a suitable stone and pick it up.
And he got into the habit of a copper mine - on Gumeshki something. When he goes down into the mine, he will bypass the faces, when he sorts out the stones at the top. Once he somehow turned the stone, looked at it, and said:
- No, not that one...
He only said this, and says something:
“Look elsewhere… by the Snake Hill.”
Danilushka looks, - there is no one. Who would it? They are joking or something ... As if there is nowhere to hide. He looked around again, went home, and after him again:
Do you hear, Danilo-master? At the Snake Hill, I say.
Danilushko looked around - some kind of woman was barely visible, like blue fog. Then nothing happened.
“What,” he thinks, “for a thing? Really herself? And what if you go to the Serpentine something?
Danilushko knew Snake Hill well. She was right there, not far from Gumeshki. Now it is gone, it was all dug up long ago, and earlier they took a stone from above.
So the next day Danilushko went there. The hill is small, but steep. On the one hand, it’s completely cut off. The looker here is top notch. All layers are visible, there is nowhere better.
Danilushko approached this gazer, and here the malachitin was turned out. A large stone - one cannot carry it away in one's hands - and it seems to be trimmed like a bush. Danilushko began to examine this find. Everything is as he needs: the color is thicker from below, the veins are in the very places where it is required ... Well, everything is as it is ... Danilushko was delighted, quickly ran after the horse, brought the stone home, says to Prokopych:
“Look, what a stone! Exactly on purpose for my work. Now I'll do it live. Then get married. It's true, Katenka was waiting for me. Yes, it's not easy for me either. This is the only job that keeps me going. I'd rather finish it!
Well, Danilushko set to work on that stone. He knows neither day nor night. And Prokopych is silent. Maybe the guy will calm down, like a hunt. The work is moving along. Finished the bottom of the stone. As it is, listen, dope bush. The leaves are wide in a bunch, teeth, veins - everything could not have been better. Prokopyich says even then - a living flower, at least touch it with your hand. Well, as soon as I got to the top, it started pounding. The stalk has been carved, the side leaves are thin - as soon as they hold on! A cup, like a dope flower, or else ... He became not alive and lost his beauty. Danilushko lost his sleep here. He sits over this bowl of his own, thinks out how to fix it, it’s better to do it. Prokopyich and other craftsmen, who came to have a look, marvel - what else does a guy need? The bowl came out - no one did this, but he was not okay. The guy is smart, he needs to be treated. Katenka hears what people are saying, and she began to cry. This brought Danilushka to his senses.
“Okay,” he says, “I won’t do it again. It can be seen that I can’t rise higher, I can’t catch the power of the stone. - And let's hurry up with the wedding. Well, why hurry, if the bride has long ago everything is ready. They set a day. Danilushko cheered up. I told the clerk about the cup. He came running, looking - what a thing! I wanted to send this bowl to the master now, but Danilushko says:
“Wait a little, there is a finishing touch.
It was autumn time. Just around the Serpentine Festival, the wedding took place. By the way, someone mentioned this - soon the snakes will all gather in one place. Danilushko took note of these words. I remembered again the talk about the malachite flower. So he was drawn: “Shouldn’t I go to the Snake Hill for the last time? Do I know what is there? - and he remembered about the stone: - After all, how it was put! And the voice in the mine… was talking about the Snake Hill.”
So Danilushko went. The earth had already begun to freeze, and the snow was powdering. Danilushko went up to the crook where he took the stone, looking, and in that place there was a large pothole, as if the stone had been broken. Danilushko did not think about who was breaking the stone, he went into the pothole. “I’ll sit down,” he thinks, “I’ll rest after the weight. It's warmer here." He looks - against one wall there is a gray stone, like a chair. Danilushko sat down here, thought, looked at the ground, and that stone flower never left his head. "That would be a look!" Only suddenly it became warm, exactly summer returned. Danilushko raised his head, and opposite, at the other wall, sits the Hostess of the Copper Mountain. By beauty, and by her malachite dress, Danilushko immediately recognized her. He thinks only that: Danila the Master and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain
“Maybe it seems to me, but in reality there is no one.”
He sits - is silent, looks at the place where the Mistress is, and as if he sees nothing. She, too, is silent, as if thoughtful. Then he asks:
- Well, Danilo-master, your dope bowl did not come out?
“She didn’t,” she replies.
- Don't hang your head! Try another. The stone will be for you, according to your thoughts.
“No,” he replies, “I can’t take it anymore. The whole is exhausted, it does not come out. Show me the stone flower.
“It’s easy to show,” he says, “but then you’ll regret it.”
- Won't you let go of the mountain?
"Why won't I let go!" The road is open, but only toss and turn to me.
- Show me, do me a favor!
She also persuaded him:
“Maybe you can still try to achieve it yourself!” - She also mentioned Prokopyich: - He said he took pity on you, now it's your turn to take pity on him. - She reminded me of the bride: - The girl does not have a soul in you, but you look to the side.
“I know,” shouts Danilushko, “but without a flower I have no life.” Show me!
- When so, - he says, - let's go, Danilo-master, to my garden.
She said and got up. Here something rustled like earthen scree. Danilushko looks, but there are no walls. The trees stand tall, but not like those in our forests, but made of stone. Some are marble, some are made of serpentine-stone… Well, all sorts… Only living ones, with branches, with leaves. They sway in the wind and give a golk, like someone throws up pebbles. Below the grass, also stone. Azure, red ... different ... The sun is not visible, but it is light, like before sunset. Between the trees, golden snakes flutter as if they are dancing. Light comes from them.
And then that girl Danilushka led to a large clearing. The earth here is like simple clay, and on it the bushes are black as velvet. On these bushes there are large green malachite bells and in each an antimony star. The fiery bees above those flowers sparkle, and the stars tinkle subtly, sing evenly.
- Well, Danilo-master, have a look? the Mistress asks.
“You won’t find,” Danilushko answers, “a stone to do something like that.”
- If you yourself came up with, I would give you such a stone, but now I can’t. She said and waved her hand. Again there was a noise, and Danilushko found himself on the same stone, in this pit. The wind is howling. Well, you know, it's autumn.
Danilushko came home, and that day the bride had a party. At first, Danilushko showed himself cheerful - he sang songs, danced, and then became clouded. The bride was even scared:
- What happened to you? Exactly at the funeral you!
And he says: Stone flower
- The head was broken. The eyes are black with green and red. I don't see the world.
This is where the party ended. According to the ceremony, the bride and her bridesmaids went to see off the groom. And how many roads, if through the house or through two lived. Here Katya says:
- Come on, girls, around. We will reach the end along our street, and we will return along Yelanskaya.
He thinks to himself: “If he blows Danilushka with a blanket, won’t he feel better.”
And what about the girlfriends ... We are glad-radehonki.
“And then,” they shout, “it is necessary to carry out. He lives very close - they did not sing a farewell song to him kindly at all.
The night was quiet and the snow was falling. It's the best time for a walk. So they went. The bride and groom are in front, and the bridesmaids with the bachelor who was at the party are a little behind. The girls brought this farewell song. And she sings long and plaintively, purely for the dead. Katya

One day a talented student appeared at an old malachite carver. The old man rejoiced at his abilities, the clerk rejoiced at the flawlessly done work, and the master began to trust the most expensive orders. The young master would live and live, but he became sad and often went uphill. Everyone was looking for an unusual stone flower in order to comprehend the very essence of beauty and harmony. He achieved his goal - he met the Mistress of the Mountain, and saw a stone flower. To your own misfortune.

The meaning of the story

The story tells about a talented young master Danil, who beautiful way mastered the craft of a malachite carver, but this was not enough for him. His soul longed for unique knowledge for which he gave up ordinary earthly life.

The old master Prokopyich did not need students, and he dared everyone from himself, considering them unsuitable for the malachite business. But one day a boy was imposed on him, who quickly showed amazing talent and ingenuity. The meeting with Prokopich was a happy turn of fate for Danilka: in his person he found both a generous teacher and a caring father.

Danilka had everything: abilities, diligence, and universal recognition his skill, and even fame. He lived calmly and satisfyingly, had everything for work. necessary tools and the best stone. Betrothed himself to wife good girl Katerina. But he was not happy.

Any finished work seemed to him insufficiently virtuoso, not inspiring, not real. He believed that there was something in the world that would allow him one day to revive his dream. These thoughts of his were whipped up by the gloomy stories of the villagers about the existence of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and the unknown Stone Flower. Danilko really wanted to look at this flower in order to reproduce it in stone.

He began to disappear from home more and more often. Fellow villagers constantly saw him either in the fields, or in the meadows, or near an abandoned mine near the Snake Hill. They began to say that the boy had gone crazy, and they were not far from the truth. Just some kind of obsession led Danilka. He seemed to be looking for a treasure that no one else could find. And the mistress of the Copper Mountain always looks closely at such, she began to give hints to the master. But the better his work began to turn out with her help, the more he began to yearn for an unattainable ideal.

No precautions helped. Even the warnings of the Mistress herself did not stop him. She showed the master a stone flower. And he could not resist this craving. On the night before his marriage, he smashed his best job(now he saw all her shortcomings) and disappeared in an unknown direction...

A picture or drawing of a stone flower

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Snow Queen Schwartz

    In a small room in the attic of the house lived a grandmother with her grandchildren Kay and Gerda. They were often visited by a young man whom the children called the Storyteller. He taught Kay and Gerda to read and write.

  • Summary Loaf of custard bread Soloukhin

    Soloukhin Vladimir Ivanovich wrote the work "Loaf of choux bread" about the hard life of the civilian population during the Great Patriotic War.

  • Summary of Diderot The Nun

    This literary masterpiece tells the story of a young novice from the monastery of St. Maria Suzanne Simonin, who, sitting in her cell, turns in her notes, namely, the narrative presents them, to the Marquis de Croamart.

  • Summary of Vasek Trubachev and his comrades Oseeva

    Initially, in her work, Oseeva tells the difficult, but at the same time cheerful and hopeful years of ordinary children.

  • Summary of Lagerlöf Holy Night
Prokopyich was an excellent master of malachite. But he grew old and the master decided that the old man should prepare a successor for himself. Everything was difficult. Children who came to science were unable to master the craft. Corporal punishment deterred both children and parents. The turn reached Danilka. He was 12 years old. He was tried by a footman and a shepherd, but the boy was slow. Once, for the loss of a cow, he was severely flogged. Saved by the grandmother - the healer. She said that a person who saw a stone flower is unhappy. Danilka learned a lot from the master and worked deftly. He wanted to make the bowl more beautiful than he did for the master, but to no avail. Then on the Snake Hill the Hostess showed a stone flower. The guy disappeared without a trace, forgetting about work and the bride.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Persistently achieve success - that's what the fairy tale encourages. Although Prokopyich was a stern person, he developed Danila's talent with all his might. This teaches not to look at the origin of a person, and to notice the good.

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