Slavic calendar 7526. Unique knowledge



FIRE PHOENIX - Slavic-Aryan Vedic Calendar Kolyada Dar for 7526 Summer and Russian Calendar from 1.09.2017 - 31.12.2018 (for 1 year and 4 months) with 2 cursors.

For those who are interested in the Ancient Slavic Vedic chronology, want to understand it themselves, and explain to those who hear about it for the first time, a large wall-mounted flip calendar with two cursors has been created, inside which all the information about each day is placed. A calendar hanging in a spread of 352 x 950 mm, like a BIG standard quarterly.

The most interesting and relevant information is on the cover: New Characteristics of Summer, Chislobog Shield, Belovodye Emblem, Wheel of Slavic Days, Three Seasons are shown in the Circle of One Summer, as well as on the Analemma of the Sun. An analemma is a curve that describes the Sun in the sky during the Summer (year), if you fix its position every day at the same time of day. Her images are often found on antique globes. starry sky or exact sundial to determine the time to the nearest minute. From the Analemma it is clear that each Season of Summer differed in the speed of the Earth around the Sun. The Analemma shows nine magpies (forties), as well as Posts. On the right, under the portrait of Vladimir Ivanovich DAL, there is a Rhyming Riddle saved by him. "What is nine forty, what is four ninety - one ... [Summer]." Four ninety is how our ancestors called the time intervals between the solstices and equinoxes. In the list of datings of the FIRE PHOENIX Summer, in addition to the Circle of Life, consisting of 144 Years, large units of time are also shown. Circle of the Circles of Life 144 x 144 = 20736 Years. Svarog Circle 180 x 144 = 25920 Years. New Feature Summer is also placed inside at 1 forty, and the old characteristic of Summer is placed at 7 forty for comparison.

FIRE PHOENIX is the 10th issue of a double parallel calendar, the design of which is constantly being improved, according to the recommendations of those who use it.

The price is the same - 350 rubles.

It is more convenient to track an order by placing it through the Masters Fair. FIRE PHOENIX - Slavic-Aryan Vedic Calendar Kolyada Dar for 7526 Summer and Russian Calendar from 1.09.2017 - 31.12.2018 (for 1 year and 4 months) with 2 cursors.

You can preview the calendar in PDF and even "feel" the layout in CorelDRAW X3.

FIRE PHOENIX with 2 cursors.pdf Size: 139 MB

Layout in CorelDRAW X3 with fonts - 7526 FIRE PHOENIX with 2 Size: 172.6 MB

A calendar hanging in a spread of 352 x 950 mm, like a BIG standard quarterly. The calendar is hung 2 sheets up and 2 sheets down. Cursors are put on for rigidity on 2 upper and 2 lower sheets. 1 the cursor is placed on the desired date, on the RED Slavic Vedic grid. 2 the cursor is placed on the desired date, on the BLUE Russian grid.

29 BAILET 7526 = JANUARY 9, 2018

In the Vedic calendar, dates go from bottom to top.

The nine-day stepped week begins on Monday.

8 days from Monday to Osmits on the same level.

Day 9 = Week at the next higher level.

For each Day of the Slavic Vedic grid, Halls and Halls of the Svarog Circle are affixed. The transition time between them is indicated.

All Nine Day Weeks are numbered both in the Circle of Life and in the current Summer.

In the current Summer, the numbering starts from the full Nine-Day Week.

All Odd Nine Day Weeks in the Circle of Life are numbered in black.

All Even Nine Day Weeks in the Circle of Life are numbered in white.

The parity of all time intervals in Kolyada Dar is very interesting: Hours, Weeks, Summers.

Counting time by Two Slavic Hours, equal to three modern hours.

Short-term planning for Two Slavic Weeks - odd (1) and even (2), equal to 18 Days. The British retained a unit of time equal to two weeks - Fortnight, but it is exactly 14 days, or rather, 14 nights.

In medium-term calendar calculations, the Slavs used a Simple Two-Year, consisting of 730 Days, or a Two-Year, including a Sacred Summer of 369 Days, consisting of 734 Days. A simple Biennium consists of 82 Nine-day Slavic Weeks, including transitional Weeks, and a Biennium, including Sacred Summer, consists of 83 Slavic Weeks.

In the Russian calendar, dates go from top to bottom.

In the 7-day Russian week, additional synchronization was performed with the beginning of 9 daily weeks, forties and transitions along the Halls of the Svorozhy Circle.

In the Russian, BLUE part, there are ABSOLUTELY ALL the data of the usual tear-off calendar, with additions, information about the Sun is placed to the left of the date, and information about the Moon is placed to the right. Above and below the date are ALL holidays (if they fit), the type of holiday is indicated by color.

In the Russian calendar, for each day, the moments of sunrise and sunset and the moon, the length of the day, the phases of the moon for Moscow (55 ° 45 "N, 37 ° 38" E) UTC +3 constant winter time are indicated. The days of the main phases of the moon are marked: new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter. The phase of the moon is indicated at the beginning of the day (midnight) and reflects the percentage of illumination of the lunar disk, that is, the new moon is 0%, and the full moon is 100%. Duplicate Information about the Moon is superimposed on each other. For example: blue 23.06 - the number of the transition of the Moon from the sign of Libra to the sign of Scorpio is superimposed on the corresponding duplicate figure in the bluish-lilac inscription MOON WITHOUT A COURSE from 19.14 to 23.06. To the left of the inscription MOON WITHOUT COURSE, the icons indicate the interactions (aspects) of the Moon with other planets, in the "off course" position.

At the end of the Third of Summer, the cursors are removed from above and below.

The calendar flips to the next Third of Summer. Again 2 sheets up and 2 sheets down. Cursors are put on 2 upper and 2 lower sheets. 1 the cursor is again placed on the desired date, on the RED Slavic Vedic grid. 2 the cursor is placed on the desired date, on the BLUE Russian grid.

For those who are interested, the covers of all 10 issues.

10 Covers of Kolyada Dara.pdf Size: 87.9 MB

Moscow stores where you can buy a new Kolyada Dar with 2 cursors

I ship by RUSSIAN MAIL all over the world.

To order, you need to specify the number of pieces + postal address with full name and zip code + select a payment method. The most profitable way to pay to my VISA card of Sberbank of Russia. The more calendars, the lower the shipping cost.

The most profitable Custom-made parcel up to 2 kilograms, that is, 8 calendars.

For those who study the legacy of their ancestors, I can offer calendars from the remnants of old issues: EARTH PRIEST, STAR PRIESTESS, FIRE SCROLL for 150 rubles and MOON DOG, MOON TOUR for 50 rubles.

I invite you to my groups "Vedic Carols Gift - Study and Implementation"

Sincerely, BITYUTSKIKH Igor Vasilievich

Hello friends! We present to your attention an article from our friend Evgeny Tarasov! All with the upcoming holiday!

The whole history of science shows at every turn that individuals were more right in their statements than entire corporations of scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers who adhered to dominant views.

IN AND. Vernadsky

On September 22, 2017, on the day of the Autumn Equinox, all enlightened Russ - Russians - Slavic-Aryans - will celebrate the New Year of the Fiery Phoenix! During this period, Summer 7526 comes from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.Kh)!

At present, the World is still under the influence of the "Biblical civilization" and most people use the dates from the Nativity of Christ and the Gregorian church calendar. Also kept in memory Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian by about 13 days, called the "old style". It so happened in Russia that since the time of Peter I, every year in January they remember him when the "Old New Year" is celebrated.

Also, the media obsessively reminds of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese and other calendars. For example, the Chinese this moment the year is 4713, the Jews have already celebrated their year 5778.

Of course, this broadens the general outlook, but in order for it to become more real, objective, and reflect the true worldview, we need to touch our native Old Russian tradition chronology.

All holidays of the Rus are astronomical and are associated with their native Vedic faith. Therefore, they are firmly tied to the Cosmos and Star time, and do not depend on any human innovations - neither on the "old" nor on the "new" style of chronology.

The origins of the culture of our Ancestors lie many millennia before the beginning of " new era”, and echoes persist to this day ...

In them we find the most ancient layer - objects and phenomena of the immediate environment, which were woven into human life.

These are the forces of Cosmos and Nature, and our Great Ancestors associated with them: Svarog, Lada, Perun, Veles, Makosh, - Our entire Family. But also animal and vegetable world, trees, groves, forests, rivers, lakes, stones, scrolls, etc.

Our Ancestors had many totem animals into which the Russian Gods could turn, that is, they were hypostases of these gods: Bear (Veles), Wolf (Semargl), Horse (Kitovras), Eagle (Perun), Finist Clear Falcon (image of the Rus) , Phoenix (Eternal Life - The Cycle of Svarog), etc.

The ancient Faith of the Rus is characterized as - Russian philosophical and Vedic teaching - wisdom that everything that exists is God, identifying the Universe, Nature and the absolute beginning of being. And man is a microcosm. God is not outside, but inside - in the abyss of the human soul. The object of worship was Nature, perceived as a single organic whole, full of various manifestations of life and in constant motion.

Slavism is the oldest world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Old Russian Vedic Culture. The Slavs are Aryans - Russ - Russians who adhere to the Old Russian Vedic Faith, who glorify Rule - the laws of Space and Nature - the universal law of Svarog that governs the world. To glorify Rule is to glorify God. Praise Rule - this is Orthodoxy. As you can see, the Faith of our Ancestors was already called that at that distant time. Slavism - gave the basis to all the world's religions that exist today.

It should also be noted that one of critical issues the revival of our native Slavic-Aryan faith, Vedic culture is the problem of chronology and the type of the Old Russian calendar that existed among the Rus in pre-Christian times. The study of this issue began long before the revival of the Vedic faith. Almost all researchers of the ancient beliefs of the Rus touched on the topic of Vedic holidays in their works, including the topic of the calendar.

However, until recently, there have been few works of scientific level that would focus on this issue due attention, and most of these works were devoted mainly to the history of calendars, but did not reveal the essence of the problem. Interest in the Old Russian Vedic calendar increased especially strongly at the beginning of the 21st century. with the advent of the New Space Age.

In the course of studying the Vedic holidays of the Rus and their calendar system, the following questions are clearly highlighted before us: the existence of the Slavic space age - the era of the Wolf under the auspices of God Veles; the type of calendar used by the Rus in pre-Christian times and the original holidays of the Rus; Russian Gods are patrons of calendar days. And the opportunity to determine the starting point of the Russian calendar New Year - the New Year.

The Rus are a wonderful people with great Ancestors and a rich culture! And our people each month have their own holidays associated with Nature, Cosmos, our Russian Gods - our Family.

The Old Russian calendar - Kolyada Dar - Round Number of Numbers came to us from our Ancestors from Slavic-Aryan astrology, according to which our Midgard-Earth not only moves around the Yarilo-Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves along circular cone. This movement is called precession. And as a result of this, the complete rotation of the starry sky, visually observed from the Earth, takes place in 25920 years - this is known period circulation of the solar system Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. Our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

The cycle of rotation of Midgard-Earth around the Yarilo-Sun was called Summer. From the word summer in our language, the concepts of chronicle, chronicler, chronology, etc., have been preserved.

Likewise, the most big period the time of our ancestors "Svarogy Circle" - was also great: 25920 years. Such a huge figure still remains unnoticed by contemporaries who are accustomed to living on the scale of one human life, and not by the time scales of the Cosmic existence of mankind and ice ages.

Throughout the Svarog Circle for an earthly observer, our Yarilo-Sun moves across the firmament from constellation to constellation (otherwise - the chamber) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Yarilo-Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices. In which chamber is the Yarilo-Sun on September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) or March 22 (Latin, Western style) in that era we live.

Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology, the Slavic-Aryans in the firmament distinguished not 12, but 16 zodiac constellations, then, accordingly, the zodiacal epoch, in their opinion, lasted 1620 years. That is, the point of the autumn solstice of the Yarilo-Sun every 1620 years passes into a new chamber (constellation).

Almost all the holidays of the Rus coincide with the life cycle of the Earth and the Cosmos, and therefore not only spiritual, but also something else is important - familiarization with Nature, bringing into your life the feeling that the Universe is alive.

For tens of millennia, calendar dates served our Ancestors, helping them to cultivate the land, harvest, hunt and fish in time. Summer, divided into sixteen (modern - into twelve) parts, was depicted on ritual thickets and a special sign corresponded to each month. Summer (annual wheel) - Kolo Svarog - carried a special meaning, which consisted in the eternal rebirth and renewal of all living things. But the calendar is important not only for weekdays, it is always decorated with happy holidays.

Ramhat is coming - the month of the Divine Beginning. This month is associated with the beginning of the Russian calendar New Summer - the New Year in the New Slavic Space Age of the Wolf under the auspices of God Veles.

1 Ramhat - September 22 - Day of the autumn equinox, Day of the Family. Svarog Day, Harvest Festival - Russian New Year!

Astronomically, autumn begins on Ramhat 1 or September 22. This autumn months, in which the Sun passes the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Cold dew, the bee ceases to carry a bribe. Then the meeting of autumn, they see off the sunset in the field, with songs. And the last flight of swallows, roasting (completion of the harvest).

In the old days, this month was also called "ruyin" - from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The old Russian form of the verb “ryuti” (roar) is known, which, when applied to the autumn wind, meant “roar, blow, call”. He received the name "frown" due to his weather differences from others - the sky often frowns, it rains, autumn comes in nature. Another name for this month, "spring", is due to the fact that heather begins to bloom at this time.

But the most ancient name of the month was "Ramhat" - the month of the Divine Beginning, the month of fortieth - 41 days. The first day of the month Ramhat corresponds to September 21-22, that is, the Slavic-Aryan day included the evening and part of the night of September 21, plus the rest of the night, morning and day of September 22.

God RA-M-HA is the Universal Absolute. Ramhat is Ra-M-Ha the Creative.

“The Ray of Ra thus began to Create the strengthening of the connection. And, therefore, the main letter "T" is a symbol of the Ray of Ra descending from heaven "...

Ramhat oversees the preservation and observance of the Ecumenical horses. A person must know the Ecumenical canons, observe and teach others.

Speaking of Ramhat, one should also remember important concepts, which are recorded in Old Russian legends. First of all, we are talking about Inglia and Ra-M-Ha.

Inglia is a kind of energy flow in all its forms, which comes from the single and incomprehensible Creator God Ra. He is Ra-M-Ha - ROD (Ra Giving). This flow occurs in the center of the accumulation of matter during the formation of galaxies and is associated with the birth of stars.

In addition to Ra-Ra-M-Ha-Rod, our distant ancestors revered their First Ancestors and curators, who were also considered gods. They also came up with special images that allowed them to concentrate the attention and will of many people to control the forces of nature, for example, to call rain, and people were like little gods, so they needed to combine their will and mental energy for great deeds. These images were also called gods.

Thus, our ancestors also had these gods, headed by the one whom they called Ra (Ra-M-Kha, Rod) - the One Creator God, the Unrecognizable entity radiating Life-giving Light - this is the Primary Fire of the Universe (Inglia), from which the Universe and inhabited Worlds appeared.

Inglia is the primordial luminous substance, lovingly interacting with which Ra-M-Ha gave birth to this Universe. "Ra" - Primordial Light; "M" - Wisdom, Knowledge; "Ha" - Positive, Primordial Force (gravity). Hence: "beauty" - similar to the Primordial Light; "nettle" - drinking Light; "joy" - the abundance of Light, etc. The Light of Ra (Mother Swa) consists of individual, self-luminous particles - zhivatmas.

Zhivatma (living atomic particle) is the true "I" of every living being. In the word "Ra-M-Ha", "M" also means "to be able", "power", that is, ability, strength, energy, and "Ha" - positive force - Yang energy.

Thus, the One God is the Genus Parent, an integral part of the Creator, whose name is Ra-M-Kha, the One Patron God of all Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, the Patron God of the World of Rule.

God Rod is the personification of many Gods and Ancestors, One and Many at the same time. When Ruses - Slavs or Aryans speak about all their Ancestors: Fathers, Grandfathers, Great-Grandfathers and Ancestors, they say - this is my GENUS. They turn to him when the support of the Gods and Ancestors is needed, for the Gods are the Fathers of the Rus, and they are their children.

During this period, Makoshino Poletye is celebrated - “old Indian summer”, a series of holy days until Ramhat 38 (October 28), dedicated to the Goddess Mokosh the Ancestor, the last warm days of the outgoing summer. Goddess Makosh - Goddess of the Universal Destiny, Goddess of the Law of Karma.

Makosh complements Veles, which personifies female wisdom, takes care of female fertility and productivity, thrift and prosperity in the house, and also patronizes female needlework on Earth. Goddess Makosh - Main Goddess of Rus'! Thanks to this Goddess, in Rus' there is the concept of “unknown fate”, since all the threads of the Fates are in the hands of Mokosh (whose Will is known only to the Family). Patronizing entirely family happiness and prosperity - Makosh is a rather strict and demanding Goddess.

“Rod created Makosh-mother - Mother Goddess, Fate inevitable.

She spins threads, winds them into a ball, Not simple threads - magic.

From those threads our life is woven - From the beginning-birth to the end,

Until the last denouement and death.

Even the gods bow before her

Like everyone else, they obey those unknown threads of Mokosh.

Field work is ending, Makoshino Poletye is passing, the last warm days of the outgoing Summer are coming and Great holidays are coming: Rod, Svarog, Lada, Rozhanitsy, Mother Earth, Harvest!

This is the time to sum up the results, and the onset of the New Summer - making decisions on concluding a marriage union - after all, this is the astronomical Day of the autumn equinox - Ramhat 1 (September 21-22)!

On this day, they bring the requirements of the Almighty Family and the Heavenly Family - Ancestors-Ancestors, and also glorify the Earthly Family - all relatives by the Rule of the living:

"Glory to God Rod forever, praise to us for deeds."

Russ congratulate each other on the holidays of the Family, Harvest and New Year.

Bread is a symbol of a prosperous summer and health in winter. A holiday dedicated to family well-being falls on 1 Ramhat.

1 Ramhat (from September 21 to 22) - Svarog Day - the most important day - the Day of the autumn equinox - the Feast of the Heavenly Smith. The rites of closing Svarga (interruption of the living connection between Heaven and Earth) have already passed. The influence of the Light Gods is falling. The earth remains in the care of Veles ...

So that people can experience hard times, Svarog gave them an ax, the art of craft. Therefore, blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen are especially honored. The autumnal equinox, or harvest time, has traditionally been associated with the harvesting of wild or green fruits, gifts from Mother Earth. This equinox is the second of two days of the year when day equals night in Svarog Kolya, the end of the harvest of vegetables, fruits and leftover grains.

The day of the autumnal equinox reminds of the arrival of winter, during this period magic rituals are performed to ensure that there is enough food in winter: the rite consists in the fact that the best gifts of summer were first shown at the festival, and then eaten ...

Ramhat is a fateful month, and this especially applies to the beginning of the New Slavic space era (epoch). The Stars in SVA (in the cosmic sky) were formed in such a way that the New Summer at that time coincided with the hall of the Wolf. At this time, our Yarilo-Sun passed into the chamber (constellation) of the Wolf under the auspices of God Veles, which corresponded to Summer 7521 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (September 22, 2012 modern chronology), and the beginning of the New Slavic era of the Wolf.

1 Ramhat - New Year is a holiday of the entire Russian Family and every Rus. Feast of Lada-Virgin Mary and Russian Rozhanitsi. Harvest Festival and Thanksgiving to Mother Earth. These are the Days of our Father, Torts and Creator - the Heavenly Blacksmith - God Svarog. This is Rodogoshch (Radogoshch, Tausen) - the holiday of the Family, the treat of the Family.

This is the glorious day of the autumnal equinox. Great holiday the onset of the New Summer in the New Space Age that has already begun - the era of the Wolf under the auspices of one of the Ancestors of the Rus - our Russian God Veles.

This is the era of the revival of the Rus and the exit from oblivion of the Russian native Vedic culture. This is the beginning of the revival of the Russian people and all Slavic peoples.

The main event of Ramhat 1 (September 22), 2017 is the onset of the New 7526 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple!

This means that the time has long come for the restoration of historical justice in relation to the Aryans. Slavic peoples, whose history is not a thousand years old - from the time of baptism into Christianity, but more than Seven and a half Millennia - only according to the latest Slavic calendar!

According to the latest calendar adopted by the ancient Rus, September 22 is the beginning of Summer 7526 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (2017-2018 of the modern chronology).

This is the 6th summer in the Circle of Years of the Slavic space age of the Wolf under the auspices of the Russian god Veles. Name: Fire Phoenix. Element - Fire. Color - Scarlet.

Each Summer of the Old Russian Kolyada of the Gift - Krugolet Chislobog, passes through 9 elements and in each element it receives a new color and a new understanding in relation to the worldview of a modern person.

Phoenix is ​​an ancient Russian totem bird. This species of birds originated somewhere in the northern latitudes, or in the mountains back in the days of Daaria. The body of the Phoenix is ​​similar to an eagle. Being by nature a very powerful being, the Phoenix combines the qualities of a heavenly solar bird of will, rebirth and goodness. Among the Rus, he personified the symbol of eternal rebirth, a creature that burns and rises from the ashes ...

According to ancient Russian legends, the Phoenix lives on the Svarog Days - during the time during which the solar system of the Yarilo-Sun, together with Midgard-Earth and other planet-earths of our galaxy, return to their original position - 25920 years.

The revolution of the starry sky takes place in 25920 years - this is the known period of revolution of the solar system Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. It has already been mentioned that our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

A written mention of the myth of the Phoenix is ​​found in Herodotus (ancient Greek historian, 484-425 BC). He reports that this is a bird from Arabia, lives for 500 years with his parent, and when he dies, flies to the temple of the sun god in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis "parade of planets" when they line up relative to the Earth and are astrologically in the aspect of conjunction ...

This period of 25920 years somehow " in a mystical way"was known to Plato ( ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle, 424-348 BC. BC), who believed that this is the period of existence of earthly civilization. Therefore, the period of precession is also called the "Great Year of Plato."

It should be noted here important point that Plato was trying to "invent" new religion- as opposed to the main and unified faith at that time all over the world, - opposed to the Slavs. And later gave - Christianity. These ideas were picked up by a student of Plato - Aristotle and the Alexandrian school (a number of philosophical movements that changed in Alexandria from the 3rd century BC to the 6th century AD; high school theologians, which became the forge of Judeo-Christianity - worked "on the harmonization of Christianity with the teachings of Platonism and Stoicism").

It was the theologians from the Alexandrian school who managed to concentrate here some of the sacred Slavic books - the Vedas, the Avesta and some others - from which these new inventors began to mold "their monotheistic religion" ...

Therefore, it is not surprising that Phoenix was also associated with the “Platonic Year”: “He lives Platonov, or the great year. A Platonic year is the time during which the Sun, Moon and five planets return to their original position ... ".

The ancients believed that after this huge astronomical cycle world history will be repeated in all details, for the influences of the planets will be repeated. Thus, the Phoenix becomes, as it were, a symbol or image of the Universe. For greater similarity, the Stoics (Stoicism - a philosophical school that arose in Athens around 300 BC) taught that the world perishes in fire and is reborn in fire, and that this process will have no end and no beginning ...

IN Old Russian mythology The Phoenix is ​​a bird associated with the Solar Cult, with the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. It was believed that the Phoenix has appearance, similar to an eagle with bright red or golden red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself, and then the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix is ​​the only, unique individual of its kind. In a metaphorical interpretation, Phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal and immortality.

In Old Russian legends and legends, there are also other totem birds - Finist the Clear Falcon and the Firebird ...

The Phoenix is ​​a bird that has risen from the ashes! To this day, Phoenix remains one of the most popular mythological characters. Not a single bird can compete with him in fame. No bird has captured the human imagination like the Sacred Solar Phoenix. Phoenix served as a symbol of the Sun, setting in the evening and reappearing in the morning, and eternal life soul leaving the body after death...

Summer 7526 S.M.Z.H. - Summer of the Fiery Phoenix - the Summer of the Spiritual revival of society, when it is difficult to lead people astray from the path of Truth and the Forces of Light. This Summer, there will be an increase in the spiritual, intellectual and physical power of the Russian State. During this period, highly spiritual people are born and appear, capable of leading their people ...

For a detailed view, open the Calendar in a separate window (tab) and zoom in

7527 summer has come on the Calendar of Rus'.(This happened at 6:00 p.m.) September 21, 2018"year" in Christian reckoning)

Few people know that the modern “calculus” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700.

Peter I performed this act, or rather, the one whom. It was by decree of Peter in the summer of 7208, according to the then current chronology, that Russia canceled its own calendar and switched to the current reckoning, starting from 1700.

What is known about it?

Any calculus has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example now 2018 YEAR (GOD - God) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar marked by Peter also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called the “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the country of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATED THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar starting its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication, 7527 summer.

It was possible to level this reference point, make it abstract, and then erase it from people's memory and official “history” by changing the image of the word MIR. Each of us knows that in Russian there are words homonyms that are the same in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for such strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. Actually, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter had 49 letters in its composition. Among the capital letters that fell under the “abbreviation”, and now missing, was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION,. And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word is written as world- meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word is written like world- had the image of the Universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know common in Soviet time slogan that includes both words with different meanings: “To the world - Peace!”, that is to the world universal - Mir without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including reckoning. First, the letter “i” in the word MIR was replaced by the letter “i”, and “creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

At the same time, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by Vityaz-Ariy, the Dragon (the symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Vityaz-Arii received the name of George (which in Greek, after all, means plowman) Should I remind you that that the tiller who digs the earth is Arius, an Aryan? Nevertheless, Saint George has remained the patron saint of tillers in most modern cultures.

Substitution of three important components of the image Great Victory- the words WORLD (without war) to the Universe, the DRAGON (Chinese) to the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight to the Greek George gradually turned significant event counting our chronology into abstraction, “fantasy”, has deprived the value of human memory. This allowed Peter in 7208 to painlessly and without resistance to replace our ancient calendar to European.

Everyone knows that on December 24, that is, 8 days before January 1, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus.

According to the Jewish rite, a Jewish boy must be circumcised strictly on the 8th day from birth. It is at this moment that he becomes attached to the agreement between the Jews and God Yahweh (Jehovah) and is included in the ranks of the "God's chosen people." This means that the biblical character born on December 24th, the Jewish boy Jesus, is circumcised on the 8th day of his birth, that is, on January 1st.

Under Peter I, communication between the nobility was carried out mainly in Dutch and German, and the word God (Year), just in these languages ​​​​means the word "God".
It turns out that Peter I forced everyone to congratulate each other on the circumcision of the new Jewish god.

This joke of the “reformer” tsar has taken root in Russia so much that now people, without hesitation, congratulate those around them and themselves on the circumcision of an unknown Jewish boy, while setting up Christmas trees at home - a tree that since ancient times symbolizes the path to the afterlife.

Today, only the Old Believers and some Internet users who are interested in the real Great Past of Rus'-Russia know about the celebration of the New Year.

However, the vast majority of people who have lost their genetic memory and the original meaning of this expression continue to congratulate each other on the coming New Circumcised God, but not on the New Year, as it should be in Rus'.

5508 years of the worthy Past of the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian peoples have been dissolved in the new Petrine Historia, in which we are given the most last place among all the peoples of the world.

Obviously, many are not interested in knowing about their native calendar in Russia. Through the celebration of the New Year's circumcision of the Lord imposed on us, they are trying to circumcise our memory and conscience so that we become like "Ivans who do not remember kinship." The enemy has always acted not only with weapons, but also with words, substituting concepts, replacing symbols and images, and therefore destroying them, trying to cut off our memory, our connection with our ancestors, and our past, because, as Pyotr Stolypin said "The people who do not have national identity– there is manure on which other peoples grow”. What else does a parasite need to

Christian New Year 2018 (7527 from the creation of the world)

« The beginning of an indiction, that is to say, a new summer». September 14(September 1, old style) begins New Year according to Orthodox church calendar- 7527 from the creation of the world. This day, according to church tradition, is called the beginning of an indiction or a new year. Perhaps the new year is the most inconspicuous. Ready to celebrate the civil New Year on both the first and the fourteenth of January, without refusing to share the festive New Year's meal with the worldly ones, we do not know well when our Orthodox church year. But even the tradition of starting academic year September 1 also comes from ancient church customs!

Folk traditions and superstitions

The service to the "new summer" is connected with the prayerful memory of the saints who fall on this day: Simeon the Stylite and 40 Martyrs affected along with his teacher, the deacon Ammon, in the city of Andrianople under the emperor Licinia.

With veneration on September 14 (September 1, old style) in memory of the Reverend Father Simeon the Stylite in Rus' household traditions were connected. In the language of the people, this day is called " Flying Seeds" or simply " Semina of the day". Name " flight attendant"assigned to the day of the Reverend Father Simeon because around this time the end of summer comes, which can also be concluded from popular agricultural sayings:" Semin day - sowing from the shoulders", or " Semin day - seeds down" (i.e. end of sowing), " On Semin day, before dinner, the pasha, and after dinner, drive the plowman from the field”(a hint that with the onset of September days, clear morning weather often gives way to cold and bad weather by noon). The time from Semin Day to September 8th was called " Indian summer"- this is the beginning of women's and girlish rural work, since from this day women begin " sit up» evenings. "Semin Day" was an urgent day for the payment of quitrents, duties and taxes, and from the same day all the conditions and contracts concluded by the peasants among themselves and with merchants usually began and ended.

How Old Believers Celebrate the New Year

As we see, in different times The beginning of the new year was considered either March 1, then September 1, and now January 1. But church calendar does not change and Orthodox people New Year's Day is celebrated every year on September 1st. This happens unnoticed by an outside observer - no firecrackers, no fireworks, no magnificent feasts. But a believer, accustomed from childhood to start any business with prayer, understands: first of all, one should not set tables, but ask God's blessing so that the coming year becomes " favorable summer". Here's what it says in New Year's Eve troparion:

In the SEZ2, the Co -Comforter, I14 times2 and 3 of the fly -up of its 10th O31 Blastia Po -Vyui, Bl \ Goslovy2 van1za Blota Blt \ Your guests, Sustains1z B8Mi1RE Grad and3 Lyuz2, ml \ Poty BCDY, according to the legend of your1I1Y1I1Y1I1I1I1I1YA1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1Y1YA1Y1YA.

Russian text with translation:

To all creatures, to the Sovereign, even if times and years have been laid by Your region, bless the crown of the summer of Your goodness, Lord, preserving the city and Your people in the world, with the prayers of the Mother of God, according to Your great mercy.

Lord, who created the whole world, determined the course of time, bless the end of your good year, keeping this city and people in peace, through the prayers of the Mother of God and your great mercy.

The gospel, read at the service, tells about the beginning of the sermon of Jesus Christ. The Lord entered the synagogue in the city of Nazareth and read the prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1-2):

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; for He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, and sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to bring sight to the blind, to set the tormented free, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord..

Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:16-21).

According to legend, this happened on the first day of the Jewish harvest festival, which was celebrated on 1 8 September. Unfortunately, at present, the feast of the Church New Year goes unnoticed even for the majority of Old Believers, and far from every parish holds a service on this day. It is no secret that many Old Believers solemnly celebrate the civil New Year, established by Peter I - in the days of strict fasting before Christmas! Let's hope that the situation will change for the better, the centuries-old tradition of celebrating the New Year on September 14 will be restored and that there will be a service in every church so that everyone can hear what words the Church prays on this day:

grant prosperity to your land ... bless the crown of summer, preserving the multitude of Orthodox in the world.

We also wish all readers of our site to celebrate the new year in the temple.

September 22nd 2017 in autumnal equinox the enlightened part of the Slavic-Aryans or Russ celebrates new year. Namely, the attack 7526 summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple or in abbreviated form - 7526 SMZH!

At present, we use the dating of the years from the birth of Christ and Gregorian calendar. The Julian calendar, the so-called " old style". Every year in January, we remember him when we celebrate the "old" New Year. mass media carefully remind of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars. For example, the Chinese are currently in 4713,Jews have already celebrated their 5778 year. Of course, this expands our horizons, and to make it even wider, it is worth touching ancient tradition chronology of the Slavic peoples.

The very word "calendar" carries information about its origin and is associated with the namebright Hierarch who developed a calendar for our ancestors.Hierarch's name Kolyada. Gift of Kolyada orCarols Gift , became known as calendar.

September 22, according to the Christian calendar,Summer 7526 from WITH opening M ira in Z everywhere X frame, but this does not mean at all that our World was created 7526 years ago...The creation of the world in ancient times was calledconclusion of a peace treaty between warring nations. Thus we have " new system reference".

This most peaceful treaty was concluded on the day of the Autumnal Equinoxbetween Great Race(ancient Slavs) and Great Dragon(ancient Chinese).

7526 years ago there was a hard and unequal war, but, nevertheless, the Great Racewon over ancient China. The victory was so significant and difficult that the Day of the Creation of the World, the conclusion of a peace treaty (September 22 according to the Christian calendar), our ancestors chose a new, turning point in their history.

And the symbol of this victory was RUSSIAN WARRIOR, spearing snake, now known as George the Victorious. The meaning of this symbol has never been explained, at least in the "official" history.

In Summer 7208 (AD 1699)false PeterI moved the New Year to January 1 and issued a special decree:

“Because in Russia they consider the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and consider the New Year everywhere from January 1, Summer 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of a good undertaking and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing well-being in business and prosperity in the family " .

False PeterI , not just changed old calendars to new ones, he STOLE the people hundreds of thousands of years of Great Legacy and ordered foreigners to write a History instead of him, which had not been before.

After Peter's decree, people began to forget their traditions, and New Year already celebrated in winter - January 1, and this tradition has survived to this day. The memory of the New Year was preserved by the Magi-Old Believers andas it turned out, surprisingly, in ROC. New YearROC notesSeptember 14 according to today's calendar or September 1 according to the "Julian". In honor of the Orthodox New Year, prayers are served in churches for the New Year.

Now few people know what used to be dates in Chronicles were written with a capital letter Old Russian language , and not the numbers that were entered by order False PeterI. And this tells us that writing existed among the Slavs long before the monks Cyril and Methodius ...

Have survived to this daythe following memorable dates from the life of our ancestors:

Summer 604387 from the Time of the Three Suns is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars Midgard-lands. He mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation around the center of the Universe, a neighboring galaxy approached ours. As a result, two solar systems neighboring galaxy approached ours so much that its two giant Suns of silver and Green colour were observed in the sky of Midgard-earth and were equal in size to the visible disk of our Yarila-Sun ...

These systems do not cancel, but complement each other, each subsequent one is a continuation of the previous calendar system.

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