Girls stories from real life. Real life stories about love


When I was 17 years old, I went to my grandmother in a village located in Ukraine on the outskirts of Kharkov. Then, when I was still at school, I often went there for a walk, chat with my old friends and acquaintances, meet relatives, and just to take a break from city life. There is not far, if you go by car or on a motorcycle, the river Seversky Donets and a huge forest. She loved that place very much and often rested there until she entered the university, got married and moved to Russia. I'll start with the backstory. When my aunt was about my age, she met there with one guy - Misha. They had a good relationship and they had already begun to talk about the wedding, when suddenly everything changed spontaneously. They just both cooled off in relation to each other and this was the end of their relationship. Although they remained friends and still communicate after so many years. After 5 years he had son - Cyril(Kirya - that's what I call him), which I will talk about later. And that's where we end the story. So, I'll continue where I started this fascinating story))). I got together with my girlfriends there to go to a local disco club, dance, drink, unwind and so on, well, in general, it’s understandable ... but so far without any vulgar overtones !!!)))) There I met this Kirill and his girlfriend Alina, who turned out to be my cousin best girlfriend. At that time, Kira was 19. Getting to know each other a little better, after walking for a couple of weeks in the same company, we realized that we were old acquaintances and maybe even friends. It turns out that a very long time ago, when we were still children: I was then 6 years old, probably, and he was two years older ... and in the next 5 years we often went to this village in the forest for night picnics around the fire. And by the way, I was there with my aunt and her fiancé, and he was with his father, Uncle Misha, and his mother. I remembered something like that, but I didn’t know that it was this particular Kirill))) We began to communicate well and, out of old friendship, he offered to introduce me to his best friend, who just needed to be consoled after another breakup with a girl. I didn’t mind, because at that time I was alone and I wanted a boyfriend for myself, finally. The next day, Kirya introduced me to Igor (18 years old) and his older brother Denis (20 years old). we talked, liked each other and, it seems like something started with us. About a week later, we decided to go all together (I, Igor, Denis, Kirill and Alina), so to speak, to "get in" with Kira, drink, watch movies. First, we went to the river to swim, fried sausages on a fire, vegetables, then we stopped at the store on the way home, bought alcohol and drove to our destination. Upon arrival, we sat, talked, and the case was already approaching sleep, and the body to the bed. Alina fell asleep halfway through the movie. There was me and the boys, Igor and I are already kissing, passion, emotions and all that)). We sat, laughed, and Kirya and my boyfriend went out for a smoke while Denis went to the restroom. But he quickly returned from there and sat down next to me. we looked at each other ... a spark flashed and we began to kiss. I liked it and felt ashamed of myself at the same time. Suddenly the “smokers” come in and I try to kind of push Dan away, but he presses me even more. As a result, Igor said that he was not offended, because he had reconciled with his girlfriend, so there was nothing wrong with what had happened. Denis and I went to the bedroom and just went to bed. Now he was my boyfriend. At night, when I thought everyone was asleep, I went outside to drink water and smoke. I made myself some coffee, took a cigarette from Dan while he was sleeping, and went around the corner of the house. I smoke ... I don’t touch anyone ... nothing portends trouble or the appearance of people. Kirill comes up to me from around the corner. I was in a hurry. He takes the cigarette from me, pulls, then pulls me up to him and exhales the smoke into my mouth (gypsy kiss). I look up and he's still holding me close to him. We started kissing like I've never kissed anyone before. he said that he wanted to do it for a long time, but could not find it suitable occasion. We went to drink my coffee in the gazebo near the house in his yard. We are sitting. He puts my legs on his and climbs into my underpants, kisses my neck and collarbones at the same time, then moves to my lips, we begin to kiss passionately. He takes out his cock. I understand what he wants. And this is my first time. "You can say." because the first time with my ex, nothing really happened (made me not a virgin, twitched for a minute and fell down, impotent). I give Kirill a blowjob. Then I sit on top of him and we start fucking right in the gazebo, slowly at first, gradually accelerating almost until we lose our pulse. At the moment when he AHU ** NO "loves" me on the table, Alina goes out into the street. She woke up from the noise. It was I who moaned so that even the dogs began to howl, even if someone had not woken up. She did not immediately understand what was going on. She did not even suspect who I was there with, because it was still dark. But Kirya did not stop, he only every time got stronger and deeper into me. We both liked it. Alina stood and went into the house, with the words “I won’t bother you” ... she still thought that I was with Igor ... she didn’t know how life changes while she sleeps)))). Cyril at this moment sudden movement turns me over on the table with my stomach and continues to fuck me like a bitch))) Then he finished in me. Twice! Because he didn't want to stop. Fortunately, I drank contraceptive COCs for therapeutic purposes. We sat a little more in the gazebo, hoping that Alya would go to bed and finally decided to go into the house ... she sat and cried. She realized that I was with Kirey when she did not find HIM, but found Igor and Dan in the house. But nothing could be returned, and I did not regret at all what had happened. Alina and Cyril broke up after dating for almost 2 years. Now Kirei and I had great sex every day, the rest of the days I spent there until early September. We fucked just like the first time, wherever it was possible ... and where it was impossible, too.))) Then I left and came back the next year. He again met with some girl. And so it was every year. History repeated itself as soon as I arrived there. I'm not at all ashamed that I took him away from the girls 5 times.

Real stories from the life of women - readers of the blog, about domestic tyranny. Your stories are accepted into the category! How did you meet your tyrant husband, how did your relationship develop, what feelings and thoughts bothered you, and of course, how did you manage to get rid of the tyrant and recover from painful dependence on him? Read, discuss, consult, share experiences!

Some women, disappointed in domestic suitors and experiencing financial difficulties, see salvation in marrying a foreigner, believing that there are different men and more opportunities. But, instead of a heavenly life, they often fall into the arms of a domestic tyrant. Marina shared...

On the example of this life story, one can trace a fairly typical pattern of how a woman gets into a situation domestic violence and what happens to her next. Here you can see all the mistakes made by women who become victims of a domestic tyrant and remain in destructive relationships. After the story we...

A woman asks for help to decide on a divorce. She describes terrible life with her tyrant husband, who mocks her, but something prevents her from filing for divorce ... This happens often. No matter how terrible our situation is, they prevent us from deciding to change it ...

Svetlana asked a question that many women ask when the relationship does not suit them and it seems (or does not seem) that something is wrong with a man: is he a tyrant or not? Often a woman really needs to get an answer to this question in order to stop having illusions on ...

The heroine of this story put the question in the title: how could I deceive myself? She managed to find and analyze her mistakes and successfully get out of a destructive relationship with a domestic tyrant. I highly recommend reading her experience to anyone who is in the same situation trying to get rid of…

Psychologists have long proven that when a person expresses his thoughts on paper, it calms down a lot, and the situation sort of clears up.

When you see your story printed, there is an effect of observation from the outside. You sort of step back from the situation, and reading your own story, it seems like it happened to someone else.

Very often this makes it possible to take a sober look at things and look at them from a different angle. At such moments, your own brain can suggest the answer to a question that until then seemed unsolvable. After all, we all know how to give advice when it's not about ourselves. Someone else's situation always seems simpler and clearer.

That's why this section of the site was created.

Real women's stories

How to write your story?

My name is Elena and I am the administrator of this site for filling it with articles and working with readers. You can use, or write a letter to (instead of the word "like" substitute the @ sign), attach the story as an attached file. If you do not know how to do this, write directly in the letter. Required: in the "Subject" field, enter "HISTORY". Like here, in big letters.

Don't try to create a literary masterpiece. It is important for you to tell everything in your own words, the way you are used to expressing yourself. Also, don't try to avoid grammatical errors. Write from the heart. Only then the description of the situation will give a psychological effect and you will feel better. Thus, you will be able to see your story not only as you see it, but also from a different point of view, although all the events and facts set forth in it will remain unchanged.

And further. Send not only stories about what happened to you recently, and what you have not figured out yet. Write about cases that once seemed unsolvable to you, but ended up with something good. These letters will help those who this moment It seems that everything is heading for the abyss and there is no way out.

Thanks to everyone who has already shared their real life stories, and to those who are just about to do so.

Elena Bogushevskaya

It has always been difficult for me to connect with people. Even at school, I always stood on the sidelines when my classmates whispered, giggled and shot their eyes in the direction of the boys. I was simply not interested in maintaining these conversations about anything, and pride did not allow me to be imposed.

The same thing continued when I entered the university. There were the same girls who contemptuously-condescendingly looked at my not-too-fashionable sweaters and not-too-short skirts and passed by. The guys also didn’t notice me point-blank, flirting with might and main with my classmates - bright, fashionable and lively.

At first, I tried to convince myself that none of this bothered me. But how I sometimes wanted to turn the tide, to let everyone know that I am not such a gray mouse, that it is interesting to talk with me! Several timid attempts to get close to classmates ended in nothing - my quiet remarks were simply not heard, I stood nearby, like a poor relative, and quietly walked away, burning with shame.


Lyudochka Samoilova reigned at the university.

Women who neglect caution and common sense in an effort to drastically change their lives, fate often cruelly avenges disobedience. At one time I threw myself into the pool with my head, for which in the end I paid the price, having experienced many hardships.

For a long time, everything in my life was normal and predictable. After school, she graduated from typist courses and got a job as a secretary in one of the offices. IN free time met with girlfriends, went to the movies, ran to dances. There she met her future husband. Sergey worked at the factory, he was good looking, and his character suited me quite well. When we decided to get married, his parents decided to leave for the village, and they left us an apartment. And then everything went on knurled: a daughter was born, we began to save up for a car, went out into nature on the weekends, and spent our holidays in the countryside. They looked after the garden, went for mushrooms, swam in the river. And everything would be fine, but some anxiety gnawed at me, every now and then the thought crept in: is this really how my whole life will pass? I languished in boredom, dissatisfaction, dreamed of something unrealizable. I already understand now that I just toiled without love, and then everything seemed gray and hopeless. At work, the girls talked about dating

When one day my husband Igor quoted me " dead souls Gogol and called Plyushkina, I was terribly offended. He said that I "drag all the junk into the house." And our house, they say, is not rubber at all. But this is shameless slander! I bring only the things I need into the house!

And it all started because of a mere trifle: he decided to get his fishing tackle from the mezzanine, and when he opened the door, a voluminous package with things that I had recently bought and had not yet had time to determine a place for them fell right on his head. Among the various rags in the same bag was a new stainless steel saucepan.

A week before, on Sunday, when we had guests, our three-year-old Maxim knocked cocoa on my knees - my favorite dress was finished. I had to urgently console myself with something: Galina and I went to shopping mall. I ended up buying a frilly skirt, four tops in different colors, two pairs of trousers, and a stunning dress that is very trendy right now. lilac. Spinning home, I sat in front of the closet for half an hour thinking: where should I put all this? I had to temporarily send to the mezzanine. We have a small closet of some kind, it would be necessary to buy a new one.


Who is not familiar with the situation: your beloved man leaves you, you suffer for a long time, you suffer. And many years later, accidentally meeting a former lover, you are perplexed: why was I so hurt by this person?

Our romance with Denis can be compared to a roller coaster - ups and downs. We quarreled violently, reconciled no less violently, parted "forever", and then met again, unable to bear the separation. But, apparently, at some point he was tired of these passions, and he decided to cling to a safe haven. And after our next quarrel, he did not call again. And I waited, hoped - well, how? After all, we were created for each other, and the degree of our closeness is such that it cannot be higher. Finally she could not stand it and called him herself.

And I recently got married, - I heard such a native voice in the receiver.

Yes, Nadia. Our relationship with you has reached an impasse. And I didn't want my family to become the scene of hostilities.

However, it is not so much my fading face that worries him, but the imperfection of my figure. “Honey, at your age you need to take more care of the body” - I hear this several times a day. After all, the husband is not only younger, he is also a fitness trainer in one of the most fashionable city clubs. That's the kind of life I have.


I wanted to write “but it all started so beautifully,” then I realized that this was not true, everything did not start very beautifully. Can you say a few words about yourself?



Positive stories that happened to them or their loved ones and which even after a while they still remember with a smile on their faces.


- I remember that I was going on a date somehow and, for the sake of making the image more stunning, I decided to try on myself at that time an innovative and very popular view shampoo - from eggs. Exact recipe I got the preparations, as you know, on the all-knowing Internet. I prepared everything and, in anticipation of the soon possession of silky and voluminous hair, went to the bathroom.

I thoroughly washed my head warm water and by diligent rubbing applied all the shampoo to the hair. Then she massaged her head for about seven minutes and began to slowly wash it all off herself with hot water. And imagine: after that I look in the mirror, and I have small pieces of coagulated protein on my hair! These eggs were boiled right on my head, and they stayed there!
In general, the date had to be canceled that day - I was busy picking out cooked proteins from my head. And since then I use shampoo only bought in the store.

- With me funny story happened no later than last Sunday. I went shopping for food for the whole family for a week. And we have a rather big family: a husband, three children and their grandmother (my mother). I ran around the entire store with a list, bought everything that I had planned, and even more. I filled the basket completely, and put on top what was easier - bread, loaf, cookies ...
In general, I drive up to the cashier with all these treasures and understand that I forgot my discount card at home. And I felt so offended: after all, I always check several times whether it is in place ... And what should I do? Don't post products now! I firmly decided: I won’t leave without a discount. From resentment and anger at myself, the plan ripened in my head instantly: I turned to the man behind me, who was twisting his discount card in his hands, and said: "Could you let me use your card?" He looked down at me, examined the disheveled, run-down and confused girl from head to toe, then looked appraisingly at my basket with two packages of bread and diapers on top and, probably mistaking me for a single mother beaten by life, exhaled: “It’s hard, I guess, you have to, right? Take it, of course, what’s there ... "

- I received a driver's license quite recently - in the fall of last year. And shortly thereafter, on the eve new year holidays, an incredibly sweet story happened to me. Naturally, winter is not the most best time to hone your newly acquired driving skills. This common truth is familiar to any motorist. But, somehow plucking up courage, I went in my car to my parents (they live near Minsk) to spend the holiday weekend together.
I moved very carefully along the ring road, clinging to the steering wheel, twitching all over ... Huge trucks rushed by, the weather finally deteriorated ... I pressed myself into the seat and drove so slowly that it seemed that even pedestrians overtook me. I soon realized that I overestimated my level of determination. But there was no way back.
And after some time, in addition to everything else, a traffic police officer stopped me. At that moment, I thought: "Well, that's it - I got there! Now I'll also pay a fine." She slowed down and began to humbly wait for her fate, convulsively remembering which of the hundreds of rules she managed to break.
A traffic police officer came up to me, looked into the salon and asked: "Girl, are you all right?" In a trembling voice, almost crying, I answered: "Yes." And he told me: "Don't worry - you have to ride boldly, not being afraid of anything! Now stretch your arms forward." In confusion, I stretched out my hands with the thought, “What will they put on me now? Will they put handcuffs on me? Immediately a prison? Maybe I knocked down someone and didn’t notice?” And he put three tangerines in my palm and, smiling broadly, cheerfully said: "Happy New Year!". And left. And I couldn't help but cry.
OLGA, 34:

My husband works as a proctologist in a medical center. This specialization, as you understand, is quite specific - it’s just that comical situations happen to him all the time. But I was directly involved in one of them.
That evening, my husband and I were going to go to the Kupala Theater. In addition to the thirst for cultural enlightenment, I was also attracted there by the desire to "walk" my new dress. And since my husband works in the city center, we agreed that I would come to him at the end of the working day and we would go to the theater together. And here I am, all dressed up and happy, walking along the empty corridor of the medical center, convinced that my husband has already changed his clothes and is looking forward to my appearance. Anticipating a romantic evening, I open the door of his office wide and see that a man is lying there in the most awkward position, and my husband is just about to examine him.
The patient is in a position from which I cannot be seen. The husband, distracted from the "problematic" place of the patient, looked at me in a new dress and exclaimed loudly: "Wow! I have never seen such unearthly beauty!" I just froze in the doorway from this whole picture. open mouth, and the patient, still sprawled on the table, not understanding what was happening, blushed deeply and mumbled: "Thank you, doctor ... you flatter me ..."
IRINA, 35:

– I will tell a story that once happened to my husband during our vacation in the Czech Republic. We ended up in the water park together and he, like a child, set out to spend the whole day there. Two hours were enough for me and, seeing how inspired my husband was, I decided to leave him alone to have fun and went to the room. He got there within half an hour. I asked in surprise: "Why so early?"
Why did he tell me this story? Having stood in line to the most popular slide of the water park, he was looking forward to the instructor's signal that he could already move out. Let me remind you: smooth sliding down on the slides of the water park is provided largely due to the water that flows down the gutters of these same slides from top to bottom. And here is my husband shouting "Banzai!" dives into the gutter, and after him, after the instructor's signal, a lady with very large volumes and, as a result, an impressive weight jumps in the same place.
After a couple of seconds, the husband notices that he begins to slow down and move in jerks. It turns out that the lady with her voluminous bodies blocked the way to the water, but nevertheless she herself rushed with might and main at my unsuspecting husband. Then I allow myself to quote him: “And just imagine the horror that I experienced when I saw how she, laughing and screaming heart-rendingly at the same time, ran into me inside this closed gutter ... I love you so much, Ira, I love you so much!” Well, what was I to do? I hugged him and took pity on him.

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