Good Doctor Haas. One thing ends, another begins


Today, January 15, the country celebrates the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation. This date was included in the holiday calendar after the signing of the law "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" at the end of December 2010.

For the first time in Russia, Peter I decided to separate the investigative department from other state structures. In 1713, the first specialized investigative bodies appeared. They reported directly to Peter I and dealt with cases of especially dangerous acts.

The editors of talk about investigators, who today for many employees law enforcement are an example of courage, bravery and valor.

Ivan Putilin

Ivan Putilin went from a scribe to the head of the St. Petersburg detective. IN late XIX Everyone knew about it for centuries. It is surprising that he was respected not only by his colleagues, but also by the leaders of the underworld. He was the first to apply the still used methods of investigative practice, developed a high-quality agent network among all classes of St. Petersburg society. The mouse will run in the wrong place - Putilin will be reported about this in an hour, in another half an hour the mouse will be found. Putilin became literary prototype and the subject of several films.

Nikolai Sokolov

In February 1918, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, in order to investigate the most high-profile crime 20th century murder case royal family and the case of the Alapaevsk martyrs.

The conditions under which Sokolov had to conduct his investigation were extreme. All work - interviewing witnesses, collecting material evidence - was carried out during the Civil War.

Yakov Vagin

Yakov Vagin headed the Perm criminal investigation department for 17 years - until 1986. During his work, Perm took the third place in terms of crime detection in the country. Moreover, both large and small cases were equally brilliantly revealed. Yakov Vagin uncovered the case of the Vedernikov brothers, who killed policemen, caught the “Kungur maniac”, who, having seen enough of the “Hounds of the Baskervilles”, went hunting in a luminous mask.

Colleagues nicknamed Yakov Vagin "watchmaker". He devoted 65 years of his life to detective work. According to the stories of his colleagues, he always competently organized the work of the investigation teams, providing them with everything necessary. Do not disdain and new technologies. His initiative was to equip the investigative teams with night vision devices.

Amurkhan Yandiev

They say that the talent of an investigator can be most fully revealed when investigating cases. serial maniacs. After all, there are no financial interests in these cases. different groups society, no politics and corruption. There is only a mentally unbalanced person whose logic of actions is different from the logic healthy person. This greatly complicates the work and implies a special algorithm of action.

The famous Amurkhan Yandiev was investigating the cases of the most famous maniacs - Chikatilo, Tsyuman, Burtsev, Mukhankin. It was the Chikatilo case that became a “life story” for the investigator. Yandiev personally interrogated the maniac, built a trusting relationship with him, although he never forgot: in front of him is a beast that dirty and cruelly dealt with almost fifty people. Now Amurkhan Khadrisovich works as a lawyer, lectures at law schools and always answers all the questions of the audience about the case of almost 30 years ago.

Recognized as the best investigator of the region last year, a puncture happened only once in her five-year investigative practice, when she had just arrived at the Investigation Department No. 1 of the Angarsk Department of Internal Affairs. A small technical error, even the prosecutor's office did not notice it. She only showed up in court. After that, she even jumped up in her sleep: she kept imagining that she had messed up something again.

Most favorite hobby- to sew a finished case into the crust, - she admits. - Everything is proven, calculated, weighed, you can’t find fault with a single conclusion ... You look at daddy and admire it like a beautiful little thing.

By the way, at night not only fears roll in, but insights come.

You sit for a day, toil, you can’t tie up ends, and in a dream, suddenly everything will somehow connect by itself. You wake up - a ready-made solution is in your head. Yes, I'm not the only one that happens, many of my colleagues talk about it.

Ba, familiar faces

There is just little time left for sleep. Mandatory daily duties are especially exhausting. This is now, when the entire staff is staffed, there are three or four of them a month. And there was a period the year before last when there were three people left in the entire investigative department. They were thrown to the aid of people from Irkutsk, but it was still hard. Three days later, on the fourth, charge for a day. You get into a tunic, you get a service weapon and a sleepless night to boot.

There are quiet shifts, when, obeying some kind of heavenly decree, the city embraces peace and benevolence. Evil thoughts fly away from people, and the hand does not rise to offend a neighbor. Then you rest. But Angarsk rarely falls into peaceful prostration. He has a solid criminal reputation, which he is always in a hurry to confirm. Therefore, most often calls are poured out as if from a torn bag.

Once there were ten calls for duty. The flow of information is crazy. From some testimonies of witnesses you can go crazy: one says one thing, the second - another. There are already calluses on the arm from the fountain pen, but the legs simply do not hold. You dream of one thing: to fall into bed and sleep, sleep. And you can't sleep. The usual working day begins, and you return to the office and sit down at the table. The rest of the duty group is going to rest, but rest is not provided for them. No, of course, it's supposed to, and you can roll home, but things can't wait. So you cheer yourself up with coffee instead of a pillow.

Time is what we always lack. There are too few hours in a day, all the time I want to add at least a couple more, - Anna dreams.

By the way, she received her, if you can call it that, baptism of fire on one of the first shifts. Usually, newcomers are imprisoned for non-obvious crimes, often for “wood grouses”, so that, so to speak, they work with their brains, they throw fresh ideas. And she, being on the road, immediately went to the criminal. A young guy, not even thirty, got out of prison, settled with his mother, and a couple of days later he set sail from there, taking with him the little things of his mother's friend.

She opened a criminal case, obtained a confession, and quickly took the case to court. They will give him two years, in a year he will be released on parole, will take up the old and soon fall into the hands of Bazhgeeva again. He will receive a new term, which is serving to this day.

We take them there and they go back. You start a business, you look, bah, a familiar face.

One thing ends, another begins

She is a mountain for justice. As a child, she mined it with the help of fists. The poor mother, meeting her daughter covered with battle scratches, constantly instructed: you need to convince with a word, with a word somehow more intelligible. The sown seeds germinated for a long time, but by the time jurisprudence beckoned her, the understanding came that the main weapon of a lawyer is language.

I can talk anyone, she laughs. - I spare no time to talk with the victims. There needs to be clarity, no ambiguity. Here I am spinning.

It is recognized that she chose her calling early, at the age of six. There was a traffic police post next to the house, and the sight of an employee dressed in a uniform sunk into the soul. As, perhaps, a symbol of higher justice. She was torn to the investigation unit - the very one where she now works, right after school. They said early. I came after the first year of university - again early, I came after the second. I barely got my degree. Enrolled in the state in November 2008, just in time for the Day of the police. Or the police, for now. In general, it turned out somehow significant, with meaning.

As a result, there is a hierarchy. Major cases - murders, financial scams, drug trafficking - are conducted by investigators of the Investigative Committee, prosecutors, as they are called by their former registration. And small things - thefts, robberies, robberies - are dealt with by "Cop investigators", as the prosecutors call them haughtily. This does not infringe on Anna in the least, and a different alignment, other spheres do not attract her at all.

When she had just arrived at the department, robberies were rampant. Now more and more theft. She prefers to deal with them.

Robbery is an obvious crime, as they say: I came, I saw, I conquered. You have to prove the theft.

Especially a lot of trouble with "guest performers". Usually they ride along the route: Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolye, Cheremkhovo and back. And they show high class. Look out for rich houses, and none of the most sophisticated locks and signaling systems they don't save. They open it with such speed that the arriving police squad finds only an empty and cleaned apartment.

One criminal told me: you just have no idea what you can learn in prison. I can open a rack lock with a pencil in three seconds. Prison is a school, savvy people come out of there.

Not only school, but also home. Somehow they got caught by a petty thief, whom they dubbed the All-Russian bum. He traveled all over the country, and closer to winter he committed a minor crime on purpose in order to spend the winter in prison. He was terribly offended by the Chita operatives, who firmly promised him a landing, but gave him a suspended sentence.

There was another, rushing to prison, as to a saving pier. A highly educated person military school could support any conversation. But an addict. “Here, at liberty, no one needs me, not even my family,” he admitted. - And there I am in a good position, I have a job, money is dripping on a book. And most importantly - do not prick. I live like cheese in butter.

Anna also likes to investigate multi-episode cases. Pull the thread, unraveling the entire criminal tangle. Somehow, a series of robberies began. One, second, third. The handwriting is the same. They usually attacked people in a strong drunk. Those, naturally, being in such a state, did not remember much. Confused, confused in the testimony.

It must be said that it is sometimes harder to work with the victims than with the criminals themselves. Either it seems to them that the investigator is on the side of the suspect, wanting to cut off their time, then those called for identification are afraid that the robber, having been released, will take revenge.

I tell them all the time: we are on the same side. And as for revenge, then, believe me, our criminals do not indulge in such. By the time they get out of jail, they've forgotten their last name, not to mention yours.

So, in the case of a series of robberies, as witnesses, they did not get confused, two pieces of evidence coincided for everyone: there were two men, and one of them, younger, an assistant, was dressed in red sports suit with the inscription "Russia". On this suit, the operatives caught him. And he has already given up the leader.

The ringleader turned out to be a grated guy, one might say, a hereditary thief - dad also traded in this craft. Sonny had several walkers and studied the Criminal Code from cover to cover. So it cost Anna a lot of blood to extract confessions from him in all episodes.

When Principles Shake

Least of all cases related to fraud. Somehow the criminal world does not indulge in a criminal game of the mind. True, one juvenile Ostap Bender struck the entire investigative department. He managed to sell the apartments of several of his relatives, which, of course, they did not suspect. Buyers tore their hair: shame, the boy circled around his finger.

Children are Anna's weakness. Because, probably, to everything else, they also hung juvenile violators of the law on her. All two years ago serious crimes youngsters departed Investigative Committee, and they were left moderate and theft, but there are still enough cases.

Anna's boss, Lyubov Nazarova, told me that it was difficult to work with them.

They tend to exaggerate, understate something, and sometimes fantasize. Therefore, establishing the truth is very, very difficult.

The main clientele of the investigative department is supplied by the Angarsk boarding school No. 7.

I have a firm principle: the criminal should be in prison. But when you look at them, get acquainted with their biography, then my everlasting firmness somehow begins to waver. They are offended by life, they were not loved, they were not given affection. At first they look at you like animals, then they begin to thaw, they already have different eyes, without malice, without hatred. I climb into the table, rake out, if there is, sweets. Probably not supposed to be like that, but I can't do it any other way.

And the last. There are official characteristics, and there are those delivered by "pigeon mail" from places not so remote. It has its own measurement scale. There is an opinion about the investigator Anna Bazhgeeva: she does not deceive.

If not for these people, nothing would stop the underworld. About adventures famous detectives bestsellers are written, millions of people admire their intellect, courage and cunning. After all, in order to catch a smart criminal, you need to be one step above him. The names of Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Mrs. Marple are known to any fan of detective stories, and just to an ordinary reader.

But these characters are all fictional. But this does not mean at all that there are no cool detectives in nature. It's just that they are not written about so often, but this does not make their life less dangerous and exciting. A bright biography some detectives served as a pretext for the creation of already literary heroes.

Eugene François Vidocq (1775-1857). This man managed to visit both sides of the war of crime with the law. Vidocq was born in French Arras in the family of a baker. At the age of 14, a teenager committed his first crime - he accidentally killed a fencing teacher. As a result, Vitok decided to run away from hometown in America. But the trip did not take place - Eugene ended up in the army, where he turned out to be a very bad soldier. Vidocq participated in numerous duels, was punished, and eventually deserted. Eugene spent his youth in criminal gangs, where he constantly robbed and killed. For numerous escapes from prison, he was nicknamed the "werewolf" and the "king of risk." As a result, the former criminal friends made life so difficult for the Frenchman that he decided to take an unusual step - Vidocq offered his services to the prefecture of Paris. In 1811, he created a special brigade, which consisted of former criminals. Vidocq believed that only a criminal could understand and catch criminals. There were bad rumors about a group called "Safety". Vidocq spent 20 years at the head of his brigade, after which he retired. In 1833 he opened his own bureau of investigation, the "private police force". Thus, it was Vidocq who became one of the first professional detectives. The pinnacle of his career was the position of head of the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of Lamartine. Vidocq is considered the father of the world's private investigation and detective work, he is revered as the founder of the criminal investigation department. The detective served as a prototype for several literary and cinematic characters at once. It was Vidocq who started using ballistic expertise. Once, during the investigation, he decided to investigate the size of the bullet, proving that it could not be fired from the weapon of the accused.

Alan Pinkerton (1819-1884). Pinkerton was born in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1842 he emigrated to America, where he established himself as a detective. In 1846, young Pinkerton was elected sheriff of his town. After 4 years he left public service and founded his own detective agency. The services of this office were in demand, because it specialized in railway thefts. The famous motto of the agency was the phrase "We never sleep." Among the main successes of this organization are the prevention of the assassination attempt on President Lincoln in Baltimore in 1861, as well as the arrest of the organizers of the kidnapping of 700 thousand dollars in the Adams Express railway company. The Pinkerton Agency first released photographs of criminals and their detailed description. By big cities countries sent such portraits, which greatly accelerated the capture of bandits. It is believed that Pinkerton founded and his sons developed the classification of criminals. The detective started a card index of famous swindlers with an indication of their specialization. The famous detective died in 1884, the cause was gangrene that developed due to an accidental biting of the tongue. The detective himself became the prototype for the literary character Nat Pinkerton, known as the "King of Detectives." The Pinkerton Agency still exists today, owned by the Swedish company Securitas AB.

Duane Chapman (b. 1953). This detective is atypical, however, he knows his business. The activities of the American bounty hunter Chapman are constantly covered by television. Chapman, nicknamed "The Dog" for his passion for hunting, is constantly on talk shows as a star. And in this case, the former criminal became the detective. At the age of 24, Duane was convicted of armed robbery. He himself denies his participation in the crime, nevertheless he spent a year and a half behind bars. Chapman's family detective business is attended by his sons and relatives. The activities of these detectives are distinguished by their inexorability towards criminals, the fugitives are sought to be caught alive or dead. As a result, the law constantly has claims against the famous Bounty Hunter. Chapman himself is distinguished by fearlessness, he more than once confronted dangerous criminals, kidnappers, rapists, drug dealers. The person of the detective is constantly in sight - either he is arrested for illegal actions, or he shows racial prejudice.

Stepan Sheshkovsky (1727-1794). From a young age, Stepan learned to read and write. Underage, he began to serve in the Siberian order, and in 1740 he got on a business trip to secret office. Sheshkovsky liked it there, he managed to transfer to the state office of search affairs. A young capable employee was spotted by Count Shuvalov, which served as the basis for fast career. At the age of 30, Sheshkovsky, on the proposal of his guardian, was appointed secretary of the Secret Chancellery by the Empress Elizabeth herself. The dissolution of this organization did not destroy the detective's career. The new empress, Catherine, needed such people. Sheshkovsky was entrusted with the most important search cases. It was Stepan who interrogated Pugachev, writing down his testimony in detail. Sheshkovsky, on duty, investigated not only political affairs, but also personal imperial ones. The detective went down in history as a tough and principled policeman, he managed to develop his own interrogation technique. The common people were afraid of him, and the nobles were afraid. The detective himself did not disdain to use torture in interrogations, although he himself was often caught and beaten by brave daredevils-avengers.

Arkady Koshko (1867-1928). Koshko was born in Minsk, in rich family. He chose a military career, but the service weighed on him. Indeed, even as a child, Arkady read detective novels. As a result, he realized that his vocation was forensic science and resigned. Koshko began his police service in Riga as a simple inspector. The use of the most advanced European techniques, as well as the personal courage of the detective, led to rapid promotion and awards. Already after 6 years, Koshko headed the Riga police, and in 1908 he already became the head of the Moscow police. The detective managed to develop new system identification of a person based on the collection and classification of anthropometric and fingerprint data. This allowed the Moscow detective to collect a large file of criminals. Such a system was even borrowed by Scotland Yard. The period of service in Moscow brought Koshko real glory, he was appointed head of the entire criminal investigation department in the country. In 1913, at a seminar in Switzerland, the Russian detective police was recognized as the best in the world in terms of solving crimes. After the 1917 revolution, General Koshko emigrated to France. There he could not apply his talents, working in a store. Koshko was repeatedly invited to serve in Scotland Yard, but for this it was necessary to accept British citizenship.

Ivan Osipov (1718-1756). A man nicknamed Vanka-Cain managed to become not only a legendary detective, but also a no less legendary robber. He was born in peasant family in the Yaroslavl province. Ivan managed to rob his master, and then inform him. As a reward for this, he received freedom. Osipov's new home became a den of thieves. After a series of high-profile adventures in Moscow, the robber went to the Volga, where he joined the gang of Ataman Zori. In 1741, Vanka-Cain unexpectedly came to the Moscow detective department, offering his services to catch other thieves and robbers. So Osipov was accepted into the civil service, received a military command at his disposal. Only now, catching and betraying petty thieves, Vanka-Cain played his own game - he extorted money, opened a gambling house, covered big bandits, and even openly robbed. The atrocities committed in Moscow led the investigating commissions there. Osipov's activity was gradually revealed, and in the detective order itself, the entire personnel was replaced. Two-faced detective sentenced to death penalty, then replacing the sentence with Siberian penal servitude.

Osip Shor (1891-1978). The activity of this man marked the beginning of the famous literary character. True, Ostap Bender was not a detective, but you cannot refuse him cunning, resourcefulness, perseverance in achieving his goal. Ostap Benyaminovich Shor was born in Nikopol, but spent his childhood in Odessa. His studies in Petersburg were interrupted by the revolution. Trying to return to Odessa, Osip on the way home presented himself either as a grandmaster, or as a fiancé, or as a representative underground organization. And he even spent one wintering in the status of a fat aunt's groom. In Odessa, Shor began working in the criminal investigation department, in particular, fighting with the gang of Mishka Yaponchik. The detective did not spare the bandits, but mercilessly destroyed those who resisted. It is not surprising that the criminals quickly handed over their accomplices. After the gangsters of Yaponchik mistakenly killed his brother instead of the inspector, Osip quit and moved to Moscow. There he talked a lot about his adventurous adventures, which was heard by the writer Kataev. It was he who suggested the plot to Ilf and Petrov. Shor was a cheerful and sociable person who had been abandoned in life.

Yakov Vagin (1926-2010). This man is considered one of the founders Soviet school detective. Yakov was born in Kharkov in 1926. He worked in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 65 years. With the outbreak of war, Vagin and his family were evacuated to Perm. From there, on a Komsomol ticket, he was sent to the internal affairs bodies. A serious school of life was held in Yakutia, in the department of combating banditry. Then Vagin returned to Perm, where at the age of 27 he headed the first regional police department. In 1969, the detective became the head of the criminal investigation department of the Perm region. There he was able to fully demonstrate his best qualities. In terms of detection rates, Perm was second only to Moscow and Leningrad. Vagin was able to solve the high-profile case of the Vedernikov gang, to catch the Kungur maniac. The policeman was distinguished by extreme humanity, he stood up for his subordinates. This allowed them to work calmly and make non-standard decisions. The talented organizer Vagin introduced the most advanced means for solving crimes, including night vision devices. He recruited specialists for the investigation teams different profile, each of which, as an element of the clock, took its place.

Ivan Putilin (1830-1889). Ivan Dmitrievich Putilin belonged to the family of an ordinary collegiate registrar from Novy Oskol. At the age of 23, a young man goes to serve in the police, where he receives the position of junior assistant to the quarter warden in the market. But Putilin immediately showed his talents and demonstrated courage in catching dangerous criminals. At 27, he already has an order and a medal. His career begins to develop at breakneck speed. A huge number of open cases contributes to this. Putilin is called the Russian Pinkerton. In 1866, the detective was put in charge of the created detective police of the capital Russian Empire. In those years, there were no such high-profile cases in St. Petersburg that would have been left without Putilin's attention. He was noted for his observation, rigor and love for his work. At 45, Putilin is already a general; he is retiring for health reasons. However, his active nature cannot endure a measured life, soon the detective returns to his post again to continue the fight against crime. The final resignation happened in 1889. Putilin left for his estate, where he finished writing his memoirs 40 Years Among Robbers and Murderers.

Charles Field (1805-1874). Scotland Yard is a big organization, but people like Charles Field have made it famous. Initially, he dreamed of being an actor, but poverty pushed him into public service. Field began his service as a simple sergeant, soon rising to the rank of inspector at the shipyards. In 1845, Charles joined the detective department, from which he left after 7 years as a chief. The development of the police during these years greatly fascinated Charles Dickens. He repeatedly accompanied the constables on night marches. The writer became very friendly with the detective. In the novel " cold house”It was from Field that the image of Detective Bucket was written off. After retiring, the detective continued his activities as a private detective, although his activities were not welcomed by the authorities. For excessive interference in the affairs of the investigation, the principled Englishman was even deprived of his pension for a while. For himself, the detective was a kind of game, Field liked to disguise himself, doing it even when he shouldn't have.

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