Dogon and aliens from Sirius. Secret knowledge of the Dogon tribe


In the Republic of Mali, on the Bandiagara Plateau, a small tribe of farmers lives. They call themselves Dogo. They are known to the world as the Dogon tribe. A small people is divided into several separate tribes: Dion, Ono, Aru and Domno. The Dogon became part of the states located in the west of Sudan more than 500 years ago, but they have retained their inherent identity and isolation of their culture to this day. Despite the dominance of various cultures and religious trends, the Dogon were able to resist both colonial conversion to Christianity and general Islamization.

The reason for this isolation of the people to a greater extent is the territorial isolation of the tribes. The first official information about the Dogon appeared in scientific circles in the 30s of the last century. Since then, the indigenous people of Bandiagara have taken several half-hearted steps towards the civilized society of Bali. However, the Dogon carefully keep their foundations and traditions from outside interference.

Dogon life

The standard of living and living conditions of the Dogon today have not changed much. Dogon live in primitive adobe buildings covered with flat roofs. The main part of the houses in the village is located very close to each other, and sometimes they adjoin neighboring buildings, forming a chain of monotonous sections.

One of the detached buildings in the village is a meeting house called Toguna. The house is arranged with some intent to prevent heated disputes and prevent the emergence of heated controversy. In such a structure, you can’t even wave your fists, because in the house where the entire male population of the village gathers, the ceiling is very low.

Separately standing outside the boundaries of the settlement remains a special building made of stone. A kind of "house for women" is intended for the seclusion of women during critical days.

According to community rules elected head settlements are also required to live separately standing house. spiritual leader for the rest of his life he must live alone, abandoning his family. Not only that, no one is allowed to even touch it.

The Dogon tribe is engaged in agriculture, actively growing corn, onions, peanuts and legumes. To store the harvested crop, the Dogon build special round-shaped buildings covered with a thatched roof.

Without even the rudiments of their own writing, the Dogon miraculously learned to express their thoughts through drawings and sculptures. Local ceremonies and rituals are carried out using special masks, which have been recognized by scientists as unique ethnic attributes. Dogon masks symbolize the gates to the other world, through which the souls of dead tribesmen are able to penetrate into the world of the living.

No less unique and surprising is the method of divination used by the Dogon for almost any reason. On a certain piece of land, special areas are marked out, on which sticks, nuts and various goodies are laid out in a certain order.

Foxes during the night hunt run through the prepared areas and disrupt the order of the laid out objects. Since the Dogon consider foxes to be a powerful spirit of the tribe, in the morning the elders predict future events by interpreting the tracks left by the foxes and the position of the objects they moved.

Beliefs of the Dogon tribe

The Dogon are firmly convinced that the Earth is by no means the only place in the universe inhabited by living beings. “Star worlds in the form of a spiral are inhabited” - this is exactly what the Dogon think. Having given people things, the dominant mythical deity Amma gave both the ability to move and created all living creatures that exist today. It is surprising, however, that the knowledge and beliefs of the Dogon are based on information about the smallest particles, of which all matter consists. According to the Dogon, Amma created all things from the smallest grains, and created the final appearance of objects by adding the same particles to the initial grain.

The Dogon keep their traditions very carefully and jealously. The main and everything defining for them is the cult of ancestors. In their opinion, the Great Lebe is considered the main ancestor of all tribes.

The leader of the Dogon tribe is considered a perfect man who has a connection with the greatest ancestors. Respect for the elders can be equated with fanatical worship. Many legends and mythological stories have the right to tell only selected members of the tribe.

Dogon culture and art

Studies of the culture and art of the Dogon made it possible to collect a lot of materials for anthropologists and historians. An isolated but friendly tribe was good at contacting scientists. Tools and clay products, figurines and ritual masks donated to the researchers turned out to be mostly unique and were about 4,000 years old. Scientists have not seen similar products anywhere else.

Everything the scientists saw caused genuine surprise! Unusual and unique ways of irrigating plantings and methods of cultivating the land turned out to be very thoughtful and unique.

The rituals of the tribe were like an enchanting performance. Unusual ritual masks that have a special meaning in each performance, dance attributes, a community of priests and "holy people" - everything seemed unreal and illusory.

French scientists explored an ancient cave with many wall paintings, which cannot be deciphered, even though the images drawn more than 700 years ago are perfectly preserved.

Dogon mythology

The mythology of the African peoples is very surprising and provides many opportunities for research by ethnologists. The worldview of African tribes is in many ways similar, however, even here the Dogon are distinguished by the presence of uniquely accurate practical scientific knowledge.

In the Dogon tribe today there is a strict hierarchical ladder, and unlike other African tribes, violate established practices not a single member of the tribe will dare. All existing legends and myths of the Dogon are brought into an unusually strict system thanks to the existing active priestly layer. Various secret communities are especially developed among the peoples of Africa, thanks to which many aspects of the life of the Dogon remain hidden from civilization.

The main keepers of ancient teachings, legends and peculiar norms of life among the Dogon are members of the mask society, called Ava. Only they have the right to participate in ancient religious rituals and learn the mysterious languages ​​in which ancient traditions are transmitted.

The version of the appearance of the first people on Earth is presented in a peculiar way in the mythical stories of the Dogon. According to their convinced opinion, one of the main assistants of the deity Amma, Ogo, appeared first. Having settled on Earth, Ogo opposed the will of the master and began to deny his dominant position. According to the Dogon, Ogo is the personification of evil. Amma made several attempts to prevent the appearance of a rebel on Earth, but the obstinate Ogo built a ship and arrived on our planet from Sirius. Following him, Nommo arrived on Earth. It was he, with the permission of Amma, who brought the first people to Earth, who were placed on a ship with about 60 compartments. According to legend, people had an idea of ​​only 22 compartments and what was there. When people become aware of the contents of the remaining compartments, the ideas about the creation of worlds will change dramatically.

From generation to generation, the Dogon pass on the story of the appearance of the first eight people on Earth. They arrived together with Nommo on a ship that flew through a hole in the sky. Before landing, the ship, which was held by a copper chain, hung in the sky for a long time, swinging from East to West and back. The Dogon claim that a lake formed at the site of the landing of the ship with the ancestors. Having landed the people, Nommo plunged into the waters of Debbie and from there closely monitors the ongoing events, and also takes care of the people of the Dogo tribe.

Cosmic knowledge of the Dogon

On the territory of the Dogons there is Mount Shall, famous for its huge dolmen. Laid out of gigantic stones, it depicts the ship on which the first ancestors of the Dogon arrived. Not far from the dolmen, there are three stone structures that symbolize the three planets: the Sun, the Earth and Sirius. Bordering on the verge of fantastic myths, the legends of the Dogon surprise scientists around the world with some facts that deserve attention because of the possibility of their scientific explanation. Many pundits regard tribal lore as evidence of their contact with extraterrestrial visitors.

Especially interesting and surprising are the knowledge of the Dogon about the presence of a satellite in Sirius. The knowledge of the Dogon is already 5 hundred years old, however, their confirmation by scientists in 1812 became real sensation. The tribe, isolated and isolated from civilization, is well aware of the existence of the rings of Saturn, the orbiting moons of Jupiter, and even that the Sun rotates around its axis. Many legends speak ambiguously about the spiral structure of the Milky Way.

The world scientific community considers it inexplicable that the Dogon have information about the state of the surface of the planets closest to the Earth. It is especially surprising that it was from the Dogon that it became known about the explosion of the satellite of Sirius, which they call Po. This information received official confirmation, but they did not bring clarity in matters of awareness to the seemingly primitive tribe.

The Dogon miraculously noticed not only the explosion of the star, but also determined that it was not Sirius himself that exploded, but his satellite. The Dogon claims that Sirius is a triple star have received scientific confirmation, although the accuracy of their knowledge is recognized as amazing and inexplicable.

The ideas of the Dogon that, apart from the Sun, all other stars are located at a considerable distance from the Earth, now no one doubts. Is it possible to believe them in the case when the leaders of the Dogon call Sirius the center of the universe, which plays a dominant role for all the stars in the constellation Orion? All the stars and systems known to the Dogon are considered by them to be the support of the whole world, which has a direct impact on people's lives and their spiritual and physical development.

Much less influence on people, according to the Dogon, have distant systems celestial bodies that form stellar spirals. Comparing Dogon concepts of properties and structure outer space, scientists experienced a real shock at the stories of the elders that the number of stellar spirals is huge, and the universe itself is undoubtedly infinite, but can be measured. “Humanity does not yet have a way to measure infinity,” say the Dogon. But that's just for now!

Trying to learn truly unique system knowledge of the Dogon, most scientists have suggested that it is likely that the first ancestors of these amazing people arrived on Earth from the Sirius system. Apparently, the Dogon lived on a planet that moved in an elliptical orbit with a period of revolution of 50 years. This confirms the holding of festivities associated with a long period following the exhausting heat from two active luminaries. It turns out that 20 years out of a 50-year period, people lived in conditions of unbearable heat. The 30 years of coolness that followed the never-ending heat were more favorable for life. During periods of heat, the ancestors of the Dogon were forced to live in the bowels of the planet, and, apparently, that is why the Dogon now bury their dead not on the surface of the earth, but in deep caves.

Amazing and Unique African Dogon Tribe Provides Food for Thought a large number scientists for many, many years. Each is not even very significant discovery only confirms the facts of awareness of the Dogon in matters of being and cosmic mysteries. Numerous scientific expeditions regularly bring new records of legends and myths told by the Dogon. Research continues, and who knows, maybe this tribe, which does not have modern technical devices and scientific research works, will reveal the secret of the universe to us.

Amazing Tribe ancient culture lives south of the Sahara in the Republic of Mali. The Dogon tribe still fascinates with its knowledge of the stars. They knew things about which they could not know, their knowledge of astronomy anticipated the discoveries of scientists.

Dogon mythology contains references to Sirius B, a star invisible to human eyes. Judging by the legends, the information was given to them by Nommo - aliens from the depths of space. Many consider knowledge African tribe irrefutable proof that aliens have visited us in the past.

There are from 400 to 800 thousand Dogon with a rather unusual culture. African explorers delight interesting architecture, art and intriguing ritual masks of local residents. But what is more exciting is not what can be seen, but what can be heard.

The knowledge of the Dogon tribe demonstrated a highly developed cosmology. Robert Temple, author of the 1976 story Sirius Mysteries, wrote that even during their first contact with anthropologists, the members of the tribe were struck by their great knowledge of the "celestial realms".

This was not very suitable for the civilizational stage of development of the tribe in which they were, but the Dogon knew for sure that the Earth revolves around the Sun and an orbit takes a year. They were well aware of the daily rotation of the planet around its axis and said it "gives the illusion that the sky is spinning."

“The Dogon are free from the illusions that our European ancestors had, who believed that the sky and stars revolve around the Earth,” writes Robert Temple in his book. We know about this from the French anthropologist Marcel Griol, who in 1934-1956 was among the Dogon.

During the time spent among the Dogon, Marseille won the trust of the elders of the tribe and one of the shamans, called Ogotemmeli, told the anthropologist about the myths and beliefs of his people. The story of the shaman became the basis for a number of publications by Marcel and another anthropologist Germain Dieterlen.

The writings of anthropologists would most likely not have gained fame outside the narrow circle of specialists, fortunately the mentioned Robert Temple highlighted mysterious tribe. He drew attention to the unique astronomical knowledge, and decided to check where the Dogon got such information from. Living apart and essentially alone, they knew much more than the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun and its axis.

The tribe knew about the closest planets, about the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter, which Galileo discovered for Europeans with a telescope. They distinguished types of stars and were aware of the existence of other solar systems in the galaxy, and even knew that they were inhabited. In addition, the Dogon have long had quite good knowledge about blood circulation and its role in the transfer of oxygen. It seems surprising, but it seems that the source of their knowledge must be sought in the distant past, and we acquired this knowledge only in the 18th century.

According to Robert Temple, "the Dogon have preserved traditions that go beyond the understanding of the earthly world." The mythology of the Dogon tells in great detail about the constellation Sirius. In itself, this may not seem very strange, since Sirius is a bright star in the sky that has attracted the attention of people for centuries. But the Dogon knew about the existence of not only the visible Sirius A, but also Sirius B, a white dwarf that is invisible from Earth without a powerful telescope.

The Africans themselves call it "Sigi-tolo", and anthropologists used the word "Digitaria" to describe it. More important than the name is what it refers to. The Dogon speak of the Sirius B theory, which is consistent with all known scientific facts. They knew that the star was not visible, but they knew about its existence.

Long before the discovery of astronomers, the priests of the Dogon tribe knew the duration of rotation at 50 years, and this is true. They know that Sirius A is not in the center of its orbit, and Sirius B is "built" from a specific material called sagala, and it does not exist on Earth. And all this is really true!

How could an African tribe that developed "inside itself" and in alienation from neighboring civilizations get such detailed information about space? But this is a really exciting question regarding the knowledge of the Dogon tribe. If you believe the old legend from the depth of the appearance of the tribe, and do not believe we have any visible reasons, then here too the events relate to the popular theory about the ancient astronauts.


The Dogon received all their knowledge about the surrounding world and space from the Nommo, who arrived on Earth in an "ark", which "landed in a whirlwind resembling the movement of a rotator". On the planet, the ark landed in the northeast of the modern Dogon living space, which indicates Egypt. Then amphibious creatures came out of the ship, which could live both in the sea and stay on land.

An interesting legend about the appearance of heavenly guests is not unique. We learn a similar story from the Sumerian tradition, where “those who came from heaven” appear, the same motif sounds in Egyptian mythology, which has points of contact with the Dogon.

The aliens gave the Dogon civilization and social organization, told them a few things about space and about their world. The aliens came from the constellation Sirius, which is why it was the most talked about. Much in the memory of the priests over the past thousands of years has been wiped out by time, but they managed to save important moments.

Robert Temple did not stop there and created a huge tangle of myths, translations and language comparisons. The idea was to confirm that the Nommo were aliens who visited not only the Dogon, but Ancient Egypt, where the ancestors of the tribe lived.

In the "Secret of Sirius" the author of the book among the Egyptian and Sumerian legends finds evidence confirming his idea. He draws attention to important role Sirius in Egypt: the rising of a star meant the beginning of the year. Temple states that "in the past, the Earth was visited by intelligent beings from the planetary system of Sirius."

The author interestingly connects Sumer with Egypt, Egypt with Mali, Anunnaki with Nommo, priests with aliens, and in Dogon rituals and art he finds traces of rockets, amphibious assaults and mermaids. Of course, everything in history can be explained much more simply and without cosmic intervention. Although in this case the confidence that the story will be true disappears, all the more we are not talking about pseudoscientific, but about alternative development.

The Dogon look for sources of knowledge in the pollution of culture, allegedly in one of the contacts with the "West" someone told the Africans about Sirius, and they immediately included knowledge in their belief system. Among the theorists is, for example, Walter van Beek, who in the publication "Current Anthropology" described his visit to the Dogon.

A number of polls were conducted by van Beek, asking people intently about "sigi tol." All answers assured that the Dogon first heard about the star from Marcel Griol himself. However, Walter van Beek's research ran into serious criticism - he did not win the respect and authority of the Africans, so all the answers were of the same type.

Several other researchers have tried to find the "embedding" of space information in early period. Noy Brosh notes that everything could happen in the 19th century, when members of the expedition of Henri-Alexandre Delander could establish contact with the Dogon. Brosh suggests that Griol, who later studied their legends, took for his ancient roots what the inhabitants of modern Mali had heard from another Frenchman several decades earlier.

Yes, these things happen sometimes. However, the theory of the extraterrestrial origin of Dogon knowledge is not so easy to destroy. First of all, supporters of the version note the main thing: Griol or Delander could not say about superheavy matter, since astronomers found that Sirius B is a white dwarf only in the 20s of the 20th century.

In addition, it comes down to a couple of other doubts, such as 400-year-old artifacts depicting the course of Sirius B around its larger neighbor. The Dogon regularly celebrate holidays associated with this star, and the tradition has been going on since at least the 13th century. In other words, the tribe knew about Sirius for centuries before the first Europeans came to them.

The locals believe that next to the stars A and B there is still a small and completely invisible Sirius C. Astronomers have not yet found a curious object, but many researchers believe that the mythology of the Dogon is correct, and the celestial body will be discovered.

If Sirius C is indeed discovered and confirmed, then this will be the final confirmation of the theory of visiting the Earth by ancient astronauts. Today is not yet the time to conclude that alien civilizations exist. They say that the arrivals had an accident and stayed on our planet before the arrival of help. This is exactly the case with regard to the ancient Dogon and visitors from Sirius.

Dogon - not very big African people, traditionally engaged in agriculture and living on the lands of the Republic of Mali, in the remote highlands of Bandiagara. According to Dogon legends, their ancestors came to X-XI centuries from the upper reaches of the Niger River, from the country of Manden, in the territory of Sudan. They displaced the former population of Bandiagara, adopting much of its culture and possibly adopting its language.

Ritual drawings of the Dogon.

The Dogon remained isolated from the whole world for a long time and therefore retained an archaic way of life, almost the same as their ancestors led in the Stone Age. Despite the adoption of Islam by a significant part of the Dogon since mid-nineteenth centuries, and eventually the adoption of Christianity by a smaller part of the people, the Dogon retained ancient beliefs, including primitive knowledge of nature, combined with mysterious astronomical information that amazed modern scientists. The cosmogonic ideas of this people surprisingly echo the data of science of our time.

Of the European scientists, the French ethnographer Marcel Griol showed interest in the life of the Dogon in the 1930s. He lived among them for several years, learned their language and customs. He was even lucky enough to participate in a holiday celebrated by the Dogon every 50 years. For this holiday, the Dogon make special masks, carefully preserved by the next generations.

When in 1946 Griol returned to this tribe again, the council of elders and priests decided to introduce him to the circle of initiates and reveal to the scientist the secret knowledge of the people - the legend of the creation of the world.

It must be said that these people did not have their own written language, and all important knowledge was passed down through generations by word of mouth. The story was accompanied by graphic drawings.

The mystery of the Dogon was first discussed in their research by Marcel Griol and Germaine Dieterlin, French anthropologists who studied the Dogon from 1931 to 1952, in their article "The Sudanese Sirius System", published in 1950 in the "Journal de la Société des Africanistes". It was there that information about the triple character of Sirius first appeared in the cosmogony of the Dogon and the invisible stars known to them. The article only stated the facts, the researchers did not make any attempts to somehow explain the information received. Later, another book by scientists, Pale Fox, was published.

An attempt to comprehend the myths of the Dogon was made by Eric Guerrier in the book “An Essay on the Dogon Cosmogony: Nommo’s Ark” published in 1975 and Robert Temple in the book “The Sirius Mystery” published in 1976. The latter tried to prove that the Dogon learned their secrets from amphibious aliens from the Sirius system, and perhaps not directly, but through Ancient Egypt. Eric Guerrier, an architect and amateur astronomer, drew attention to the fact that the cosmogonic system of the Dogon and their astronomical views coincided with modern scientific data and hypotheses. A fact that has eluded ethnologists who are not quite knowledgeable in matters of astronomy.

The Dogon's excellent knowledge of the starry sky also attracted the attention of the scientist.
The Pole Star and the Southern Cross are called the "Eyes of the World" by the Dogon. Alpha of the Southern Cross - "Double eye of the world." The star is really double, but astronomers were convinced of this only with the help of telescopes, while the Dogon, we recall, did not have any astronomical instruments at hand.

They divide the celestial bodies into stars, planets and satellites. The Dogon are well aware of the structure of the solar system. They know that the Sun rotates on its axis, and the Earth around the Sun. According to the Dogon, Venus has a satellite. Actually it is not. But in 1976, astronomers Van Flandern and Harrington hypothesized that Mercury had been a moon of Venus in the past. According to the calculations of these scientists, the anomalies of the orbit of Mercury and some features of its structure indicate that approximately 400 thousand years ago it moved into an independent orbit. This hypothesis is based on precise astronomical observations and complex calculations. However, it remains a mystery how the Dogon know about this.
The Dogon know about the four moons of Jupiter and the ring around Saturn. The planets are placed in elliptical orbits.
But leading role among celestial bodies Dogon recognize Sirius. What is clear from the name of this planet, which they call "the navel of the world." According to their myths, Sirius is a triple star system.

Sirius is a triple star system.

Modern astronomy, however, defines Sirius as a binary system. This is a small, comparable to the Earth, but very hot star with a mass that is close to the mass of the Sun, the so-called "white dwarf". The second star makes one revolution around Sirius-A in 50.4 ± 0.09 Earth years. It is with such frequency that the Dogon hold their feast of masks. They, like astronomical science today, know that around Sirius-A, which the Dogon call the Sigu star, a small but very massive satellite rotates in an elongated orbit - the Po star, which modern scientists call Sirius-B. The brightness of Sirius-B is 10 thousand times less than the brightness of the main star, and it can only be seen with a strong telescope. This star cannot be seen with the naked eye, and where the Dogon got such information from, one can only speculate. More mysterious is the information of this people about another satellite of Jupiter - the star Emma Ya, and in the language of science - Sirius-C, which has not yet been discovered by modern science. According to the Dogon, this satellite has a more elongated orbit than Sirius-B, but their period of revolution is the same - 50 years. In addition, according to the Dogon, with the approach of Sirius-B to Sirius-A, the brightness of the glow of the latter increases, which is also confirmed by modern astronomers. This happens once every 50 years.

The Dogon believe that this Sirius-B is the heaviest star, and so heavy that all people put together could not lift even a small piece of it. So, according to modern astronomy, the white dwarf Sirius-B consists of a substance of fantastic density, one cubic centimeter of it would weigh about a ton on Earth.

Dogon identify Sirius-B with the "po grain" - the "empty shell", which was formed after the "spread of things throughout the Universe." This - main object universe, giving birth to the "spiral worlds" of the Universe - galaxies.

According to modern astronomers, white dwarfs appear due to powerful explosions supernovae, which were previously red giants. One of the Dogon myths tells of just such an event - a flash and the gradual extinction of a star in the Sirius system. It should be noted that in no other written sources nothing like this was noted in ancient civilizations.

Focusing on the 50-year cycle, the Dogon celebrate the Sigi holidays associated with the Sirius-A star - Siri-Tolo. But this date is celebrated not with a half-century interval, but every 60 years, while the holiday lasts for 7 years. This is a celebration of the renewal of the world. During Shiga, a huge “kanaga” is made - a wooden mask of a bird. Masks at the end of the holiday are not destroyed, but stored in a special place. This made it possible for scholars, in particular Griol, to count the number of masks and determine that the Sigi celebrations began around 1300 AD.

Image of our Galaxy by the Dogon tribes.

As can be seen from the diagram, it shows four arms and two jet streams emanating from the nuclear disk, and also indicates the location of our solar system. I wonder where the wild tribes get such knowledge from?

The planetary system in which our Earth is located is approximately in the middle. All planetary systems divided into three worlds: lower, middle and upper. Our Galaxy belongs to the middle worlds.

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In 1931, an expedition took place along the African Niger River, on the territory of the Republic of Mali, led by French geographers J. Deterlin and M. Griol. They discovered a rather small Dogon tribe, which no one in the world had known about before. The tribes that geographers found on the "black continent" were backward in their development, but after talking closer with the Dogon, it turned out that their ideas about the world and the universe are very similar to modern ones.

The Dogon have no written language, they pass on their knowledge from generation to generation in the form of drawings or legends. Members of the tribe shared their knowledge about the structure of the universe, and also said that our planet moves around its axis "along big circle”, while “permanent stars” are stars that move around other stars, and satellites are stars that form circles as they move. They are also well aware of the planets in our solar system, they can tell the most information about Saturn and Jupiter. When talking about the planets, they draw a picture for each. When depicting Saturn, they indicated that the planet has two concentrated rings, and near Jupiter they drew four small rings. But, really, Saturn is the only planet that is surrounded by rings, and Jupiter is surrounded by four large satellites.

However, the most surprising thing, as the scientist Lucian Zinich noted in his work, is that the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter can only be seen with the help of a special telescope, the existence of which the Dogon tribe does not even know. They also have information about Sigitolo (in our opinion about Sirius) - this is the largest star in the night sky, which is located in the constellation Big Dog. After talking even more with people from this tribe, scientists concluded that their development was far ahead of the knowledge of modern science in the 70s of our century. According to the stories, these facts were already known to the semi-wild Dogon for a long time.

This knowledge includes information about the composition of small stars around Sirius, which, as we know, are composed of heavy nuclear matter, which we call "white dwarfs." The Dogon know about the existence of 226 constellations in our sky. The most amazing thing is that in the legends of this semi-savage tribe There is modern facts from the field of nuclear physics, as well as molecular biology. It is impossible to imagine that people developing in primitive conditions of existence have such knowledge. It makes no sense to even imagine the hypothesis that this tribe had a telescope, even a natural one, the mirror of which is a lake in a cave, as well as the assumption that several space aliens from Sirius arrived on our planet many millennia ago. But the question remains: who then provided the Dogon tribe with such information? Many scientists are working on the answer to this question.

Now is the time to remember famous book"The Sirius Mystery", written in 1977 by the English scientist Robert Temple. In his work, the author expressed the opinion that he categorically rejects the contact of the Dogon tribe with space aliens. He believes that the Dogon could have received their deep knowledge from the people of the Garamants, who were very developed in antiquity, and were mentioned by Herodotus. Their kingdom stretched from the border of Egypt to the Atlas Mountains. Perhaps they left many drawings in the Tassili mountains. This people disappeared among the inhabitants of West and North Africa and did not leave behind any monuments, except for small ruins to the northeast of the city of Murzuka. That is why we know almost nothing about them now. It is believed that some of them settled in the center of the continent, most likely in the Tibesti highlands, where geographers met similar legends like those of the Dogon.

Scientists believe that the descendants ancient people Garamantes are Tuareg. There are facts that testify to us that this people was highly developed - this is a huge water supply system built under the Sahara, it stretches from Sebha to the Gat oasis, which is located near the Algerian border, as well as many feudal structures. Note the fact that the length of the tunnels cut in the rock is more than 1600 kilometers. It is amazing how people of the third millennium could do this without having mining equipment, tools needed for laying roads, ventilation and lighting. Just imagine, during this work they brought to the surface more than 20 million cubic meters of rock. On this basis, scientists make the assumption that perhaps it was the Garamantes who enlightened the Dogon tribe. But then a new question arises, and who gave them such unique knowledge?

Lives in northwestern Africa mysterious tribe Dogon.

They worship the star Sirius and firmly believe that the distant ancestor of the Nom-mo tribe was a half-man, half-snake, who arrived on a flying ship with one of the planets in the vicinity of Sirius ...

All this can be mistaken for exotic legends, if not for one surprising circumstance - the Dogon have long possessed accurate and extensive astronomical knowledge, completely unbelievable for a backward African tribe.
And even the fact that Sirius is a double star, the wild, almost primitive Dogon knew long before the European autonomists ...

The old sorcerer looked sadly at the strange white man and in a low, barely audible voice began his story:
“Amma created everything that exists from the smallest particles “by”.
All the things that Amma created originate in a small seed “po”. Starting from the smallest, Amma creates all things, adding the same elements. All things Amma begins to create as small as "po"; then he adds new portions of small "by" to the created things. As Amma connects the grains "by", the thing becomes more and more
After all things appeared, the great god created the first creature.
His head was like that of a snake with red eyes and a forked tongue, but this snake had flexible arms and they were called Nommo antagonally. And there were four of them: Nommo di, Nommo titiayin, O Nommo and Ogo.
Ogo did not wait until the Creator completes his work, he built a ship and set off on a journey through the stars. Twice he left his home world.
The first time Amma turned his ark into earth. But persistent Ogo built a new one and again set off to fly from his native star Sigitolo. The wind hidden in the grains "by" urged him until he found himself on the ground.
In our world he turned around pale fox. Enraged, Amma sacrificed one of the Nommo antagonno and destroyed everything that Ogo had created, collecting everything that had been released into the “po”. The Creator decided to populate the empty land, and already Nommo spun a new ark on a huge copper chain, and then set off through a hole in the sky. There were earthly beings in 60 rooms, and everything around us, and how we should live.
We know what was in the first 22 rooms, we don't know the rest. When the time comes, knowledge will come about those who remain.”
... Marcel Griol feverishly wrote down the old man. Who would have thought that these primitive savages - strange tribe, scattered throughout the southern provinces of Mali - will begin to talk about the ancestors of people who flew from space.
When Griol and his companions first entered the Dogon village, they saw white people locals fearfully hid in their homes and only the most daring looked out from behind the half-open doors. The rocky streets were carpeted with nettles. Everywhere rose towers of stone and straw, which turned out to be barns.
Several men met the travelers and led them to the "togunu" - the men's house. The "house" turned out to be a primitive shed of dried millet with a terribly low roof. This was done on purpose - if a heated argument starts and it comes to a fight, the debaters will not be able to straighten up in full height. The roof is supported by 8 columns in the form of skeletons - human skeletons denoted the ancestors of the Dogon. Near the "togunu" there is a house covered with carvings, with jewels and skulls embedded in the wall - the dwelling of a shaman. To the surprise of the whites, the shaman looked at the newcomers with an indifferent look, as if the “hand-faced” people came to the village every day and had time to get bored with him…
The Dogon did not make secrets from their knowledge, and for 10 years Griol and his assistant eagerly wrote down the stories of shamans and elders of the tribe. They slowly reported amazing things - about distant stars, aliens from outer space, about how the Dogon people lived for many centuries in anticipation of the contents of the remaining rooms of the Anagonno Nommo ship being revealed to them.
Lords of the Rock of the Dead
The Dogon came to these lands in the 16th century, displacing the Telem tribes.
Thelemes left behind a dark memory in the form of the mysterious Rock of the Dead. Europeans who heard stories about him at first thought that all this was an ordinary myth drawn by the excited consciousness of savages. However, after it turned out - the Rock of the Dead really exists. ­
American journalist David Robertson, without any enthusiasm, recalled his visit to this terrible place: “In the brownish-yellow twilight, I cautiously stepped on human bones that crunched under my feet. The overhead rock, 30 m high, is cut by a niche. Ten people could hardly squeeze into it, but somehow it in an incomprehensible way hides in its gloomy depths three thousand skeletons. Among the heaps of bones here and there one can see faded dusty patches.
Today, the Dogon people number approximately 800 thousand people. They are extremely unsociable and prefer to live away from worldly fuss, cultivate the land, hiding their villages on the plateaus and in secret valleys.
At the same time, they do not favor not only strangers, but even fellow tribesmen. This is what led to a peculiar linguistic phenomenon. Despite their small number, the Dogon use ... 35 dialects!
Sanga is considered the central settlement, a kind of capital. In fact, this settlement does not differ from all the others in anything, except for its size. In it, just like in any other village, there are “toguns” and family houses built in the form of a human body. The living room of the “genie” represents the head, the side rooms are the arms, and the central hall is the “torso”. Another common building near the Dogon settlements are special houses where women spend "critical days".
The Dogon are born farmers. They cherish every piece of land and every plant - even the baobabs have their own names here. Hunting is out of the question here. The rare hunters of the tribe who leave the village at night in search of game are considered desperate daredevils and almost reckless lunatics.
With silent tenacity this strange people struggling with outside influences. Even Muslim missionaries, who easily converted many neighboring nations to Islam several centuries ago, were powerless before the ancient religion of the Dogon.
The tribe still uses its own five-day week calendar. The market day stands apart - each village establishes it independently. Mostly women trade, but this holiday is universal - as a rule, according to its “results”, the whole village turns out to be drunk as a brat.
The Dogon live in closed communities ruled by a council of elders (ginna). Men dress in a loincloth and loose shirts, while women tie a skirt around their hips.
The relations between the tribe and its neighbors are interesting. For example, with the bozo they are connected by the so-called comic relationship. This African tradition comes from ancient times. Its essence is that when representatives of two peoples meet, they begin to jokingly conflict with each other, teasing and bombarding the opponent with barbs. It is assumed that in this way they "let off steam" and a serious conflict is simply impossible.
The most sacred place for the whole village is the burial cave. After the ritual dances over the body of the deceased, they put it on a wooden stretcher and carry it throughout the village. Then, on special ropes, the corpse is lifted onto the rocks and placed in a pre-prepared cave.
The most important holiday for the tribe is the day ... the revival of the world. The ceremony is held once every half a century! At the same time, the main attribute is a special bench on one leg - siji. She also protects the tribe from evil spirits.
Dogon without exception live below the poverty line. Due to chronic poverty, they even began to plunder the tombs of the Telems, which they used to be terribly afraid of, and for a pittance to sell the relics of the defeated people, who poured into these lands to European collectors.
In the village you can often meet a man shackled in shackles. These are not criminals, but ... crazy - shackles are put on them so that the sick during the next seizure do not climb onto the rocks and rush down.
The eternal scourge of the tribe is drought and its constant companion is hunger. In 1973, the corpses of unfortunate recluses littered the roadsides. Fathers of families, out of shame that they were not able to save their children, committed suicide, and mothers threw their babies off a cliff so as not to see how they die in agony.
In general, outwardly, the Dogon lead the most ordinary, hopeless life of a primitive African tribe, deprived of almost all the benefits of civilization and barely surviving in an unceasing struggle with harsh nature. However, upon closer acquaintance with the tribe, inquisitive ethnographers found out absolutely amazing things ...
Barely out of the Stone Age, the Dogon were versed in the movement of celestial bodies and astronomy. They told not only about visible planets, but also about satellites that are not visible to the naked eye. Their legends about aliens from outer space amazed even the most notorious skeptics with amazing details...

First and most amazing. Since ancient times, the Dogon have known what Sirius B looks like - a satellite star of Sirius, completely invisible from Earth.
Moreover, they said that the substance of which it consists is very heavy, much heavier than the earth. According to the tribe, even a few people cannot lift one grain from the surface of a star. And now attention - according to the latest scientific data, this is true! Specific gravity the substance of the satellite star is 1.5 million tons per cubic inch!
wild tribe from ancient times distinguished planets from stars. Moreover, it is excellent for the five planets of the solar system: Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and, presumably, Saturn. From the most ancient Dogon myths, it is clearly indicated that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth. Moreover, their knowledge about the satellite is extremely specific: it is “dry and dead”. The Dogon knew about the four moons of Jupiter and even about the ring surrounding Saturn!
But that's not all. In their old legends, the Dogon often mention the stars Portion, Gamma small dog and many others. They were well aware that Milky Way is a "star spiral".
In one of the caves of the tribe, the researchers found drawings, the meaning of which became clear only when the orbits of Sirius and its satellite star were calculated. It turned out that the rock art reflects the movements of Sirius B in orbit from 1912 to 1990!!!
No less interesting was the ancient "graffiti" depicting the landing on the ground of a hitherto unknown aircraft and creatures emerging from it, partly similar either to snakes, or to fish ...

It is surprising that some of these facts became known to mankind quite recently and only with the help of the most advanced means of science. But the wild Dogon knew about all this a long time ago. Clear explanations about how all this knowledge was obtained primitive tribe no one could imagine...


The Dogon assure everyone that their lineage should be traced back to the legendary rulers of Mali. The founder of this amazing West African empire was great commander And statesman, who lived in the first half of the XIII century Sundiata Keita. Interestingly, as a child, he was a frail child and barely survived. But when he grew up, he recovered from all ailments and became a healthy man. The legends about him are full of fantastic details and are somewhat reminiscent of the legends about Ilya Muromets.
For example, it is described how he uprooted a baobab tree with his bare hands and brought it home on his shoulders. His strength was so great that his bow could not be pulled, not a single warrior except him (I immediately recall the legends of the Greeks about Odysseus).
A separate place in the epic is occupied by his struggle with Sumaoro Kante, the blacksmith ruler who seized Keita's native lands. Like all blacksmiths, Sumaoro was endowed with magical properties - it was believed that he was a sorcerer and invulnerable to weapons. The sorcerer caught the arrows on the fly, and the spears broke on his chest. Sumaoro could take the form of 62 animals, and if he had to run, he simply dissolved in the air.
But the future ruler of Mali went to the trick. He gave his sister as an enemy, and she found out that there was still a remedy against the invincible sorcerer. It is necessary to make an arrow with a tip from the spur of the patron saint of Sumaoro - a white rooster. So Sundiata regained the land of his ancestors.
Keita is also associated with the birth of feudal relations in Mali. It was he who was the first to transfer part of the land for use to his soldiers, thus creating a semblance of European nobility.
The most famous ruler of Mali was Sundiat's nephew, Mansa Moussa I. Since ancient times, these lands have been rich in gold reserves. Sometimes it got to the point that in Mali, salt turned out to be more expensive than the “despicable” metal.
Moussa decided to convert to Islam. He was not hindered even by the fact that he did not know Arabic, and therefore could not read the Koran.
As you know, the most important event in the life of every Muslim is the pilgrimage to Mecca - Hajj. Moussa, being a true believer, also went to the holy city. But not alone. According to various sources, he was accompanied by a retinue of 60 to 80 thousand people (!!!), and the caravan was carrying 15 tons of gold as a gift to the rulers of the East.
This is how the visit of the king of Mali to Cairo is described: “This man poured out his generosity in a wave to all of Cairo. There was not a single courtier or other official in the entire Sultanate who did not receive a gift of gold from him. How nicely he carried himself, what dignity, what modesty!
So this modest guy was so littered with gold on the way that after his passage the price of the precious metal fell by half.
Musa also had other “quirks” - in every city that the ruler entered on Friday, he gave the order to build a mosque.
Such a trip to Mecca played a big role in the development of Mali. Merchants poured into the country in droves. The first university on the African continent was opened in Timbuktu (the capital of the empire). Scientists from all over the Arab world came here to indulge in scientific research in peace and luxury.
But the excessive wealth of the top and the extreme poverty of the bottom of the state ruined the empire. Poverty reached the point that the unfortunate voluntarily sold themselves into slavery in order to somehow survive. As a result, the withered country first fell apart into specific principalities, and then received two crushing blows from its neighbors - from Songhay and from Morocco.

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