Why I'm laughing: The scientific explanation for Internet jokes. What are flat jokes and how to deal with them


Silly jokes and anecdotes of black humor, horror stories- Today, the Internet is simply littered with all this "good". Some of this is really funny. However, it often happens that the jokes in which we are looking for humor have the opposite effect on us - they repel, depress and even offend. Surprisingly, there are people who still find them funny. Why is it so? Obviously, in order to understand the answer, it is necessary to understand the nature of humor, its purpose, as well as the relationship with morality and morality, accepted in society as the norm.

What is humor? How does it arise?
Why do some people joke rudely and unpleasantly? Are their jokes silly and anecdotes vulgar?
Why are there always people who are amused by stupid humor and black jokes?
How can one easily see the psychology of a person, both the narrator and the listener, through humor?

Any of us knows that humor can be different. It can be very funny when you laugh and can't stop. It happens and not very much when someone says vulgarity or rudeness.

Obviously, humor, its mood and construction, are connected not only with the creator of this very humor, but also with our own perception and feeling of it. That is why humor is so diverse in all its manifestations - because how many people, so many topics that can be ridiculed. And formats - how to do it.

To understand the whole variety of humor, it is best to start from human psychology, then all types of humor, even the most repulsive and terrible, are easily understood and explained. The easiest way to do this is with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, which for the first time determines a person's psychotypes through a system of eight vectors.

What is humor for?

Initially, humor has a very important and necessary for human society purpose. With the help of sincere laughter, tension is relieved, relaxation occurs, we begin to feel less dislike, hatred, anger, resentment. Having laughed heartily, it becomes easier for us to live and complacency appears. This is where all these practices and trainings come from, which invite people to laugh more in order to prolong life and improve health. However, their creators completely forgot folk wisdom: "laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness." And indeed, just laughter, like muscle contraction and the sound of laughter, does not matter - the main semantic content is what makes us smile.

The owners of the oral vector are always considered the soul of the company, everyone loves them - cheerful, always in high spirits, they constantly chat and joke. But in fact, the reason for our love for them is that they can very aptly and easily tell a joke that makes us see the funny even in the worst. Zhvanetsky and Khazanov belong to this type of people - they don’t come up with humor on purpose, they just think in such forms and pass them on to society in order to relieve tension.

Why is humor sometimes funny and not funny?

But oralist's humor has always, since ancient times, always been built on vulgarity: because the only thing that is really funny in this world is sexual or ridiculed through sexuality. This kind of humor is often called black humor by us because it deals with what causes tension in us. For example, an oral speaker will joke about death and funerals, about war and cataclysms, in order to remove the feeling of tragedy, to relieve stress through laughter. Please note - this kind of humor is actually very funny for most people.

However, there are exceptions, these are two categories of people - the owners of visual and sound vectors in certain states. It is very difficult for a depressed sound engineer to hear a swear word, it is for him - an expression of special hatred. A developed visual person will never laugh at primitive humor, they need a very subtle joke just to smile. Sound engineers and spectators often shy away from the oral jester, and his jokes are called stupid, anecdotes are not funny.

At the same time, the spectators and sound engineers themselves can create worthy humor - this is light banter, subtle snobbery, intellectual jokes. There is no vulgar beginning in such humor and it attracts its audience - after all, if oral humor attracts everyone in the world, even with its vulgarity, then this humor will be of interest only to a limited audience.

Vulgar and stupid jokes that cause disgust

As mentioned above, very often the jokes of an oral person are perceived negatively by sound and visual people. Humor makes it difficult for a sound engineer to concentrate. The spectator of laughter about nothing relieves sensual tension and becomes emotionally devastated. Therefore, it is absolutely natural to build on such humor and simply not listen to it.

But there is humor that is repulsive to everyone, except for very narrow categories of people. The brightest of them are people with an anal vector in a state of frustration. The humor of such people is always black - dirty, built on the toilet and all the disgusting details of it. Their humor is designed to defame, humiliate, smear dirty. It is of no interest to anyone, except for people in the same conditions, who in their communities on the Internet multiply such black jokes, from which anyone healthy person hair will stand on end.

Another type of people who create unpleasant and repulsive black and stupid humor are sound people in certain states. Such people enjoy common suffering. They smile when they see death, accidents, cataclysms. Just as with anal frustrants, this kind of humor is just as disgusting for everyone except the miserable ones like themselves.

Due to the fact that the oral word is a verbal tool for laughter, it is practically non-existent on the Internet. After all, stupid humor, scary and black jokes here belong to the pen of sound engineers and spectators, often with an anal vector. That is why it is on the Internet that a large share negativity and dirt. Moreover, doing it anonymously is as easy as shelling pears, because no punishment, even in the form of public censure, will follow.

Not everyone knows how to distinguish flat jokes from high-quality humor. And all because today comedians do not have time to work efficiently. After all new program you need to write for a long time, then rehearse, and why bother yourself when you can also tour with the old one? Today we will analyze the concept of a flat joke and give examples.


Flat jokes are mockery of a person, which can sometimes even sound offensive. There is another definition. Flat jokes are called anecdotes and aphorisms that everyone already knows by heart and, accordingly, they do not cause laughter. Usually, people with low intelligence resort to this method of entertaining the crowd, who cannot always determine in which situation they should speak, and where it is better to keep their mouths shut.

Why are the jokes flat? There are many strange synonyms in Russian. Some of them are the words "flat" and "vulgar". After all, most of these jokes are just indecent and vulgar. And there is common expression that there are more flat jokes in the head.


To understand exactly where the cunning lies in bad humor, you need to look at it from the outside. An example of a flat joke: nothing that caviar is black - it would be white bread. It's not funny. Everyone understands that black caviar is a delicacy that is not available to everyone. Therefore, to express it in a dismissive tone is simply inappropriate.

Or here's another example: a fat barrel gave birth to a son. Well, how can you laugh at it? A woman who was pregnant, even if she really looked like a barrel, still deserves respect. After all, she was carrying a child - the future of our country. And some teenagers can laugh so dismissively. There is no other way to call such a joke other than rudeness.

Flat jokes often fly to people who have some kind of physical handicap. For example, a person can offend with such a joke: with your belly you can knock anyone down. Naturally, it will be insulting to hear about such an exaggeration of physical inferiority.

Why do people joke flatly?

Most often this is done by those persons who lack intelligence. They don't know what flat jokes mean. They think their humor is great. After all, they also watch various stand-ups and rap battles. And if there their favorite artists publicly insult each other, then why not follow their example and make flat jokes? People cannot recognize the difference between what is permissible and what is ugly to say and do. Today when they fall moral standards, everyone can afford a lot. Including the freedom to insult anyone.

But it cannot be otherwise. Young people are brought up by television, and since it shows television programs where people joke rather mediocrely, then the audience will take an example from their idols. It is worth developing a sense of taste for good humor. You can make fun of friends, but if you don’t know how to do this, but you still want to joke, you should laugh at the situation, and not at a specific person.

How to develop a sense of humor?

The most flat jokes turn out to be spoken by very narrow-minded people. Therefore, in order to understand the difference between good humor and bad, one must possess high intelligence. Indeed, in this case, you do not have to explain what exactly is funny in a joke. Some people find jokes unfunny because they tell, for example, about historical events about which the listener is generally unaware.

Also, to improve your sense of humor you need to constantly practice. And always act according to such a plan: first think, then speak. Indeed, in the process of training, you can inadvertently offend very good man who didn't do you any harm. The more you notice, notice and joke about it, the better you will get. And first of all, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and life situations. It will be easier for others to perceive jokes from those who are not afraid to make a sharp remark in their address.

You should choose your idols, who are considered well-known world-class comedians. They are loved by the inhabitants of most of the planet, which means that their humor is held in high esteem not only in Russia. This is the level you should aim for. You should memorize statements, analyze the topics of those aphorisms that you liked and, having drawn conclusions from this, try to compose your own unique jokes.


“You are a fool, boatswain, and your jokes are stupid!”
From a famous joke

How did the school of working youth differ from the usual general education day school second half of the last century? Of course, the age of the students. In addition, unlike a regular school, it was possible to run along the corridors. Nobody actually ran. Someone, like me, earned seniority for admission to a university, working during the day and studying in the evening. And someone just wanted to have a certificate that was not received on time. During the breaks, there was no daytime hubbub of children's voices, noise, fuss. But you could hear:

Well, guys, on Wednesday we’ll rush to the dance or what ...?

There were no classes on Wednesday.

- Oh, girls! On Wednesday after work I want to get a haircut and a normal manicure.

And right next to it:

I would, Vitka, sleep off after work on Wednesday, otherwise the child won’t let me sleep at night!

The teachers' requirements for us were the most minimal, at the level of the requirements for a three-year student in regular school. And now I can’t remember the teachers, not a single one, but I remember all those who taught me up to the ninth grade in the former day school. Although, no. I remember my director new school, but more on that later. The task of the teachers was to provide us, the advanced working youth, with certificates after the end of the tenth grade. Therefore, twos were practically not set. Of course, parents were not called to school either. Looking ahead a little, I remember my friend Tolya Shatalov. He studied exclusively for triples, even in our school with reduced requirements. At the final exam in physics, Tolik stood at the blackboard, silently, like at a workbench. He got Ohm's law for the complete circuit. Tolik, of course, wrote off the formula.

- Shatalov! And what do you have in the denominator of the formula?


- What's in the numerator?

Tolik continued to be sullenly silent.

“Well, you, Shatalov, think about it, but for now we will take the exam from the rest,” said the director of the school, Alexander Ivanovich, who is also a teacher of physics.

For about fifteen minutes we, who had passed the exam, waited for Tolik in the corridor. He left the class beaming:

Troika! exhaled the examined.

And shortly before the exam, at a break between lessons, Tolik and I went to the smoking room, equipped for us, evening students, in the men's toilet of the day school. Smoking at school was a big advantage of evening classes. Friends from my previous day school, which was one block from this one, were terribly jealous of me about this. However, smoking was allowed only in one place, in the smoking room, as I said. Not in the corridor, not on the stairs, not, God forbid, in the classroom. Punishments for this fire hazardous event were supposed to be the most severe - up to and including expulsion from school. And so, in the smoking room, I took out the last cigarette from the pack and lit it. Tolik patted his pockets and remembered that he had left his cigarettes in his overcoat in the wardrobe.

“Let’s quickly go down to the wardrobe, and then go outside and smoke,” my friend suggested to me.

To do this, we had to go through a rather long corridor and go down the stairs from the second floor to the first. There were classrooms on the left side of the corridor, and four double-leaf windows on the right. Hiding a smoking cigarette in my fist - not to waste the good, I jumped out after Tolik into the corridor. At the same moment, as they say, my hair stood on end. And my hair at that time was thick and curly, and I combed it with a large wide comb with rare teeth, which I always carried in the right side pocket of my jacket. And the reason for the fright was very serious - the director Alexander Ivanovich was standing at the second window and beckoning me to him with a gesture. Either he saw smoke from my fist, or he wanted to tell me something - I did not understand. On shaky legs, I headed doomedly towards my eventual expulsion from school. At the same time I put right hand with a smoking cigarette in the right side pocket of his jacket and firmly pressed the cigarette to something hard. There was an ominous hiss.

“Hello, Alexander Ivanovich,” I said in a suddenly hushed voice, hiding in puffs of white smoke.

Since I managed to get close to the director, we both began to disappear from sight. Anyone who made chimneys in childhood will understand me. Alexander Ivanovich took a step back to get out of the affected area, but rested his back against the windowsill. I, trying to explain something, took a corresponding step forward. Wherever the director moved from the poisonous smoke, I was there. Running away from me, apparently, was not solid. From the thick smoke one could hear:

I myself do not know khe, khe, khe, Alexander Ivanovich! There's something with a comb in your pocket! I don't know! I was joking!

- Shirobokov! Heh, heh, stop your jokes immediately!

When the smoke began to dissipate, Alexander Ivanovich and I stood opposite each other with red faces. Tears flowed from our eyes and we were like two grieving relatives.

- Well, you have jokes, Shirobokov! Let's see how you will joke on the physics exam!

A week later, he personally took the exam with me and, putting a five, smiled somehow conspiratorially.

Another case involving a clumsy joke occurred many years later. As I already wrote (see "Shirt from China") at one time great attention was given to the problem of theft of oil and products of its processing from underground pipelines. Intruders, let's call them that, in secluded places they dug up the earth above the pipeline and made a tie-in into the pipe. From this unauthorized or criminal tie-in, a diverting highway was laid, often more than a kilometer long. Then everything was buried and disguised. New grass has grown. From an airplane or helicopter, it was impossible to visually detect such inserts, no matter how much you fly. And somewhere a kilometer from the tie-in, near a roadside cafe, an inconspicuous fuel truck stood and refueled with stolen diesel fuel, gasoline or oil. If pressure dropped in the pipeline, security teams would come out to look for the tie-in, piercing the ground above the pipeline with steel rods. If the earth after the excavation is soft - look for a sidebar! And the length of the highway is tens of kilometers ...! So we started with our thermal imaging equipment to work out the method of searching for tie-ins from the air. No matter how you mask the excavations, all the same, the temperature drops on the soil above the inset are fractions of a degree, which the equipment “feels”. The case took place in one of the branches of Transneft in a fertile Krasnodar Territory spring, early April. At my disposal was a helicopter with our equipment installed on it. We started with my assistants literally from scratch. There were no methods. We flew on a MI-8 helicopter over the pipelines from early morning, when after a rather cool night the temperature contrasts were maximum, until the middle of the day. Sometimes, on the contrary, in the late afternoon. The rest of the time we processed and analyzed the information. Every day when we flew, literally before our eyes, the brownish fields were covered with red carpets of blossoming poppies, green seedlings of crops and something else yellow. For housing and ground work, the management of the branch allocated us a separate mansion-hotel for visiting oil VIPs. Helicopter pilots lived separately from us. I remember the food. On a small rise inside a six-room apartment with showers and two toilets, there was a well-equipped and shining clean kitchen with all necessary utensils and refrigerators. Nearby was a dining room with comfortable chairs, sofas, and a large massive wooden table covered with a white tablecloth. We warmed up breakfasts and dinners ourselves. The evening before, they were delivered by a special car, and we had lunch in the canteen for the employees of this branch. The food was very good, home-style and, most importantly, free of charge. We flew over the pipeline for long distances, up to Dagestan. For some reason, the figure remained in memory little boy on the Dagestan hill. Usually children, and adults too, wave their hands at a low-flying helicopter. The same boy was standing with a stick to his shoulder, carefully aiming at our helicopter. Maybe he heard some conversations at home ...? It didn't surprise me, though. Long before that, my senior colleagues flew on a small plane with similar equipment in the interests of geological exploration in one of our Central Asian republics. The local public was frightened that scientists and disguised police were looking for opium poppy plantations, and insistently suggested that they get out. Everything seems to be innocent, but one day, before takeoff, a poorly visible stretched steel cable was found across the runway ...

What is convenient about a helicopter is that you can land on almost any flat and dry surface. Once in flight, my attention was drawn to the pipes lying on the ground, and designed to replace old pipes. In order not to go into details, I was interested in some temperature measurements. Sat down and measured. Before takeoff, pilot Sasha, lying on the grass, thoughtfully suggested:

Come on, if you don't mind, we'll sit ten kilometers from here. There is my farm, there I was born. Will fresh fish!

I didn't mind - it was time to fly home anyway.

At the sound of a landing helicopter, the entire population of the farm came running. There was no end to the boys. Adult men who abandoned all their work did not lag behind them. One of them, the most courageous, slightly stuttering with excitement, came up to me and after "Hello, you" asked:

Can we take a little ride?

Pilot Sasha looked away in embarrassment...

How well I understood this village worker! I still dream of flying in a helicopter at a height of one hundred meters above my nearest Valdai forests and lakes.

- Sit down, but not for long, we will fly for about ten minutes.

Eight men entered the salon. All sober, which surprised me a little, who often visits our villages. When they took off, then from the round windows in the cabin - blisters, the men could not be torn off. Still would! Above the roof home they never got up. There will be something to tell the grandchildren! We flew away with the fish.

April ended. Enough materials were collected for analysis and development of the technique for searching for insets. With these preliminary materials, he invited me to his CEO southern branch located in beautiful city on the seashore. talk about beauty and interior decoration inside the building you can endlessly. The same can be seen in Gazprom, even in remote Siberian cities, and, oddly enough, in tax service. I'm not talking about banks. You won't see any of this in former temples science and applied technology, which have existed almost since the twenties of the last century, where, often, leaking roofs, dirty floors are not uncommon, and where, as a rule, a few sad-looking employees roam in poorly lit corridors and in old age. Another thing is our pipeline system. I deviate somewhat from the topic. We are staying in our VIP hotel. We were warned that several more respected people would be placed with us for two days. We hustled. Five people arrived: three men and two women. They were all dressed beautifully, expensive perfume tickled their noses. In the evening at dinner - there was a lot of space at the table, everyone was accommodated.

“Sorry to disturb you, but we are not empty-handed.

Whiskey, cognac, wine appear on the table. After several toasts to the hosts, to the acquaintance, to the spring, a question for us:

What pipe are you from?

Having learned that we are science, interest in us suddenly disappears.

- Now the booze will be removed, - a thought flashed.

It worked out.

- And we are sitting on the pipe! - the tipsy guest declared proudly.

“And the legs dangled,” said another.

The women giggled delicately.

- We have salaries - God forbid everyone! boasted the first.

But discipline - God forbid! They will kick you out of work - where will you go, - the second one sternly corrected.

- And where else can you find such a position and salary after a technical school, - a third, polished man of about forty-five entered the conversation,

In science, right?

In the central office of the branch everything was as it should be. Second floor. Huge receptionist, nice, polite secretary. Large windows overlooking the blue sea illuminated by the bright sun. I was immediately led to Sam. He was a man of strong build, about fifty years old, with a characteristic southern appearance and a loud, good-natured voice:

Tea coffee?

We are sitting together.

- Well, tell me, science! How is it going. - Maybe a little bit?

I'm telling. Showing printed images of underground pipelines, suspicious heat traces in the soil above the pipes. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by those pipes, near which I asked to land a helicopter. Images of these pipes from the air did not look straight, but wavy. I explained that scanning in the equipment is carried out line by line, not like in a camera - the whole frame at once. The equipment is not stabilized. Therefore, with the inevitable evolution of a helicopter in the air, similar distortions occur. It doesn't matter for us - each tie-in is tied to a pipe and it doesn't matter whether this pipe is straight or curved. Gene. the director understood everything and we are still with him a little bit. Then he stopped smiling. His face hardened.

Well, I'll show him how to tell jokes about me! I'll joke to someone now! Tanya! Chief engineer to me urgently!

Three minutes later, a little above average height flies into the office skinny person of pre-retirement age with a kind of grayish-pale face, even without slight signs of sunburn.

- Did you call?

- Called, - said the boss, not offering to sit down,

Did you prepare pipes for replacement at the 117th kilometer?

- Cooked. Everything has been replaced on time.

- You yourself were present at the laying in the trench?

- No. The foreman was there.

“Now look what you buried in the ground. Not a single straight pipe! Where did you get them? Admire.

Leaning over the table Chief Engineer peered in horror at the computer printout.

“Can I sit down?” he asked, sinking into a chair.

Almost crying, licking his parched lips, the poor fellow began to promise that this would never happen again, that he would personally attend all the repair work.

- OK. Enough. How I scared you! The pipes were straight, just distorted shots. Calm down, - said the director, now smiling.

“I need you now. Wait at the reception!

While we finished our conversation and finished our coffee, ten minutes passed. Suddenly, from the reception room, a muffled door high voice secretaries and some other noise.

- Tanya! What do you have there?

- Vasily Petrovich has a bad heart. Called an ambulance.

- Yes. The weak people went. He doesn't understand jokes! - the director told me, getting up from the table and holding out a strong hand.

It is impossible to develop a sense of humor without understanding the structure of the joke. Therefore, in this article we will consider the basic structure of jokes. I say basic because it's not the only one. The genre of comedy has changed. Today, comedy is not only punchlines and punchlines.

Many comedies are set in motion without any kind of one-line and two-line structures, but if you want to be successful, you need to start with the basics. And only after moving through the complexity of layered structures.

How to come up with a joke easily and quickly

Whether you decide to write jokes, scripts, or books, the key to getting the right material is understanding comedy at its most basic level. Once you understand the basics of comedy, you will start to open up more and more areas in your Everyday life that will inspire comedy and before you know it, jokes will be flying from your mouth, your brain or your fingertips.

Therefore, one of my main goals is to bring your sense of humor into harmony with the inconsistencies that are in our lives every day from the very beginning. Sometimes they are subtle and sometimes they are very obvious. The master comedian learns to recognize possibilities and turns those possibilities into something funny.

A joke is a magic trick

Comedy is verbal judo or magic. After all, comedy is all about manipulation and deceit. A magician can bend a spoon, a comedian can bend words and meanings to form a joke from scratch.

The magician misdirects the attention of the audience while he takes out or hides a coin or ball. The comedian takes you in the same direction as the story, only to fool you with an unexpected ending. And all the while you believe he's telling a legitimate story.

For example, a comedian who is going bald might say:

“I started to go bald…sometimes I feel embarrassed about it…Like this morning when my wife ran her fingers through my hair, but I had already left for work!”

Humorists should be able to take any logical grouping of words and make them funny. And you will learn it. But for this you need to understand the basics. Learning the basics of joke writing will give you a foundation for understanding humor in general. It will also help you come up with jokes faster and give you various angles writing approach. How to develop a sense of humor from scratch without such a foundation, I do not know, so let's start.

Basic joke scheme: setup and punchline, examples

In another way, you can say:

  1. Setup is a logical statement of fact. Attention, do not forget that the installation is logical, as this is usually reliable information or real event. Most comedians kill their jokes by trying to make the setup funny. This is mistake.
  2. Punchline (climax) is a continuation of the statement, which suddenly leads the audience in an unexpected direction. Such an unexpected conclusion to the joke should cause laughter.

What is its advantage? The Straight Line reminds my students that the attitude must be truthful. This is important because many initial stage jokers want to make all things and stories stupidly funny, and this, unfortunately, leads to disaster.


Doctors say that lemon is very good for health...especially if it's a bucks lemon!

STRAIGHT LINE: "Doctors say lemon is very good for health." Please note that "Direct Line" is simply a statement of fact. This is very important to remember!

PUNCHLINE (Zestline): "Especially if it's a lemon bucks!" This statement completely changes the meaning of the first statement. This, in turn, causes surprise and, accordingly, a smile.

You need to learn to think of comedy like this: I'm going to take something that's honest and true and turn it into something that's funny by leading to something that's wrong and that's surprising.

The process of creating comedy is no different from that used by magicians.

The joke is magic trick, which mentally leads the audience in one direction (magicians, by the way, call this the term “misdirection”), and in the meantime prepares a surprise: punchline (magicians call this “opening”).

The magician and the comedian have the same goal: to deceive the audience.

Just as the magician plans each trick, the comedian prepares his joke. Both create a specific story that has a beginning, main body, and ending. Both must create in the imagination of the listeners clear picture. Ideally, everyone present should see this picture at the same time. They must also understand all the details. The listener must necessarily imagine this picture in his mind.

Here is an example:

A man fills out a bank loan form. (Everyone imagines a typical hard worker). Everything goes well. The man asks:

Should I write my salary in words? (Everyone draws the same scene in their minds.)

– What is yours?

See, you laughed even though I warned you about the upcoming punchline. The secret was that it was a punchline you didn't expect.

The surprise factor in a joke is the key to success

The importance of the surprise factor in creating all kinds of comedy cannot be overestimated: it is essential for writing any joke. You can test this concept for yourself: every time you laugh, ask yourself why you did it. The answer will be the same: I did not expect this.

Of course, in order to set the stage for surprise, you need to make sure of two things:

  1. Audience receives all the information it needs, in other words, that the audience "hears" you.
  2. The audience should understand all phrases used. Vague statements about things or concepts unfamiliar to them put an end to inspiring comedy.

Summing up:

  1. Comedians are magicians.
  2. Misdirection deceives the audience.
  3. Punchline should surprise them.
  4. Laughter comes from surprise.
  5. The more surprise, the more laughter.
  6. Lack of surprise breeds a lame bearded joke.

And remember, when you start writing your own jokes, make sure they contain the element of surprise. And when you tell your listeners (even one or two friends) make sure that they hear you and understand all the details necessary for the joke to make sense.

It is important!

Once again, make sure that the audience:

  • receives all the information;
  • understands every detail of the story.

Well, if you want to know some of the misdirection techniques often used by joke writers to ensure that their punchline is actually unexpected, check out this article: Important condition successful joke: misdirection and brevity.

Yes, I almost forgot! If you want to try and see how others do it, leave your e-mail and we will invite you to the DNA of Humor webinar. Don't be shy everyone famous comedians They started from scratch and they succeeded. You can do it too)

jokes on different topics, short, very funny for a minute, which will make you laugh to tears.
Cheerfulness is the most outstanding feature of a person.
Read, smile at each other, joke - without barbs, without offensive ridicule.
Laugh for five minutes in front of the mirror every morning. Laughter activates many beneficial elements in our body, and also returns the body to a balanced state. Revive the habit of laughing and your life will become more alive.

— Oh, what a wonderful portrait at what price is sold? - Please don't touch! It's a mirror!

— The crisis helped me get back on my feet. For an unpaid loan, the bank took the car.

- I love the group of Unknown Artists, they sing Track 1, Track 2, Track 9 directly fascinate my soul!

“A miracle is an event described by people who heard about it from others who did not see it themselves.”

- Hello! A familiar face, we met somewhere!? Maybe at the zoo?
“Maybe… what cell were you in there?”

“Conversation on the radio: - First, first, I'm second, are you third?

A limited mind with unlimited Internet access is a very unpleasant combination.

“Yesterday I didn’t come to work because I dreamed that I came”

One of the student's commandments "Do not snore during a lecture so as not to wake up a colleague!"

"Jokes about blondes are not the only truth"

"God invented the dream, and the devil invented the alarm clock"

"In the hospital. Doctor to patient: “I repeat for the hundredth time – Amnesia does not go away so quickly!”

“All men are animals who want only one thing… And why not from me?”

“All men are the same, only the salary is different”

“Do you know what Spiderman is afraid of? Human slippers"

“You are good, I will drink and we will both be very good!”

“I have the most sincere laugh ... malevolent!”

"Where are you always expected? At work."

Should I go to a psychiatrist? I asked myself. Opinions were divided.

Announcement: - We are looking for a driver for a bakery ... With your truck and your bread.

“Girls are like the name of a page on the Internet. The ones you like are already taken."

“If you knew how many times I almost died for love ... But in any case, thanks to the skin and venereal doctors ...”

“If you are over 30 years old and have not achieved anything in life, then you are an honest person”

"If you aim for an idiot, he will probably do the same."

“If you have countless urgent things to do, you first need to figure out which ones to put off, retry.”

“Living in Russia is easy, surviving is difficult”

“Whoever finds a friend finds a treasure. And who finds a treasure, not a friend ... "

"Buy two, get three, you pay for four!"

“My wife is good, and others are even worse!”

“My wife often watches TV that even the announcer recognizes her.”

- "Does your watch work? - No, I wear ours on my hand."

“Optimism is a lack of information”

“No one has died from laughter yet… except for those who joked…”

"A double-edged sword, you get both."

Mom, I broke up with my boyfriend ... - I know! I saw him in social network and even liked it.

Long live the Internet! Before, only my neighbors hated me... and now half the globe.

modern parents, punishing their children, put them in a corner where Wi-Fi is weak.

"Bad Behavior Patient Operated Again"

"A debt paid on time keeps teeth better than toothpaste."

“A family scandal is like a rock concert. It always starts with new material and ends with old hits."

“Now there is so much written about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading.”

“A sober plumber is a fairy-tale character!”

"You are not alone - loneliness is with you."

“Good blonde Manya always bought live fish from the pet store to be released ... into the forest!

“I would like to live like everyone else, but my conscience does not allow.”

Section theme: Jokes are short, very funny to tears of joy.

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