Primitive tribes. Modern savagery


IN modern world on Earth every year there is less and less secluded places, where no civilization has gone before. It's coming everywhere. And wild tribes are often forced to change the places of their settlements. The same ones who make contact with civilized world gradually disappear. They, libor, dissolve in modern society, or simply die out.

The thing is that centuries of life in complete isolation did not allow the immune system of these people to properly develop. Their body has not learned to produce antibodies that can resist the most common infections. A common cold can be fatal for them.

Nevertheless, anthropologists continue to study wild tribes whenever possible. After all, each of them is nothing more than a model ancient world. Kind, possible variant human evolution.

Piahu Indians

The way of life of wild tribes generally fits within the framework of our idea of ​​primitive people. They live mainly in polygamous families. They engage in hunting and gathering. But the way of thinking and language of some of them is capable of striking any civilized imagination.

Once upon a time, the famous anthropologist, linguist and preacher Daniel Everett went to the Amazonian Piraha tribe for scientific and missionary purposes. First of all, he was struck by the language of the Indians. It had only three vowels and seven consonants. They did not have the slightest idea about the only and plural. There were no numerals in their language at all. And why would they need them, if the Piraha didn’t even have a clue about what was more and less. It also turned out that the people of this tribe live outside of any time. Such concepts as present, past and future were alien to him. In general, the polyglot Everett had a very difficult time learning the Pirahu language.

Everett’s missionary mission was in for a big embarrassment. First, the savages asked the preacher whether he personally knew Jesus. And when they found out that he was not, they immediately lost all interest in the Gospel. And when Everett told them that God himself created man, they fell into complete bewilderment. This bewilderment could be translated something like this: “What are you doing? Isn’t he as stupid as people are?”

As a result, after visiting this tribe, the unfortunate Everett, according to him, almost turned from a convinced Christian into a complete one.

Cannibalism still exists

Some wild tribes also have cannibalism. Now cannibalism among savages is not as common as it was about a hundred years ago, but still cases of eating their own kind are not uncommon. The savages of the island of Borneo are the most successful in this matter; they are famous for their cruelty and indiscriminateness. These cannibals happily eat tourists too. Although the last outbreak of kakibalism dates back to the beginning of the last century. Now this phenomenon among wild tribes is episodic.

But in general, according to scientists, the fate of wild tribes on Earth has already been decided. In just a few decades they will finally disappear.

Hot water, light, TV, computer - all these items are familiar to modern man. But there are places on the planet where these things can cause shock and awe like magic. We are talking about settlements of wild tribes that have preserved their way of life and habits since ancient times. And these are not the wild tribes of Africa, who now wear comfortable clothes and know how to communicate with other peoples. We are talking about Aboriginal settlements that were discovered relatively recently. They do not seek to meet modern people, quite the contrary. If you try to visit them, you may be met with spears or arrows.

The development of digital technology and the exploration of new territories leads a person to meet unknown inhabitants of our planet. Their habitat is hidden from prying eyes. Settlements may be located in deep forests or on uninhabited islands.

Tribes of Nicobar and Andaman Islands

On a group of islands located in the Indian Ocean, 5 tribes live to this day, the development of which stopped in the Stone Age. They are unique in their culture and way of life. The official authorities of the islands look after the aborigines and try not to interfere in their lives and everyday life. The total population of all tribes is about 1000 people. The settlers are engaged in hunting, fishing, farming and have virtually no contact with the outside world. One of the most evil tribes is the inhabitants of Sentinel Island. The number of all settlers of the tribe does not exceed 250 people. But, despite their small numbers, these natives are ready to repel anyone who sets foot on their lands.

Tribes of North Sentinel Island

The inhabitants of Sentinel Island belong to the group of so-called uncontacted tribes. They differ high level aggression and unsociability towards a stranger. It is interesting that the appearance and development of the tribe is still not fully known. Scientists cannot understand how black people could begin to live in such a limited space on an island washed by the ocean. There is an assumption that these lands were inhabited by inhabitants more than 30,000 years ago. People remained within their lands and homes and did not move to other territories. Time passed, and water separated them from other lands. Since the tribe did not develop in terms of technology, they did not have contacts with the outside world, therefore any guest for these people is a stranger or enemy. Moreover, communication with civilized people is simply contraindicated for the Sentinel Island tribe. Viruses and bacteria, to which modern humans have immunity, can easily kill any member of the tribe. The only positive contact with the settlers of the island was made in the mid-90s of the last century.

Wild tribes in the Amazon forests

Are there wild tribes today that have never been contacted? modern people? Yes, there are such tribes, and one of them was recently discovered in the dense forests of the Amazon. This happened due to active deforestation. Scientists have long said that these places could be inhabited by wild tribes. This guess was confirmed. The only video filming of the tribe was carried out from a light aircraft by one of the largest US television channels. The footage shows that the settlers' huts are made in the form of tents covered with leaves. The inhabitants themselves are armed with primitive spears and bows.


The Piraha tribe numbers about 200 people. They live in the Brazilian jungle and differ from other aborigines in their very weak development of language and the absence of a number system. Simply put, they can't count. They can also be called the most illiterate inhabitants of the planet. Members of the tribe are forbidden to talk about what they have not learned on own experience or adopt words from other languages. In Piraha speech there is no designation of animals, fish, plants, colors or weather. Despite this, the natives are not malicious towards others. Moreover, they often act as guides through the jungle.


This tribe lives in the forests of Papua, New Guinea. They were discovered only in the mid-90s of the last century. They found a home in the thickets of forests between two mountain ranges. Despite their funny name, the Aborigines cannot be called good-natured. The cult of the warrior is widespread among the settlers. They are so hardy and strong-willed that they can feed on larvae and pasture for weeks until they find suitable prey while hunting.

Loaves live mainly in trees. By making their huts from branches and twigs like huts, they protect themselves from evil spirits and witchcraft. The tribe reveres pigs. These animals are used like donkeys or horses. They can be slaughtered and eaten only when the pig becomes old and can no longer carry a load or a person.

In addition to the aborigines living on islands or in tropical forests, you can meet people who live according to old customs in our country. So in Siberia for a long time lived the Lykov family. Fleeing persecution in the 30s of the last century, they went into the remote taiga of Siberia. For 40 years they survived by adapting to the harsh conditions of the forest. During this time, the family managed to almost completely lose the entire crop of plants and recreate it anew from a few surviving seeds. Old Believers were engaged in hunting and fishing. The Lykovs made their clothes from the skins of killed animals and coarse home-woven hemp threads.

The family has preserved old customs, chronology and the original Russian language. In 1978, they were accidentally discovered by geologists. The meeting became a fatal discovery for the Old Believers. Contact with civilization led to diseases of individual family members. Two of them died suddenly from kidney problems. Died a little later younger son from pneumonia. This once again proved that contact between modern man and representatives of more ancient peoples can become deadly for the latter.

Amazingly, in this age of atomic energy, laser guns and Pluto exploration, there still exist primitive people, almost unfamiliar with the outside world. A huge number of such tribes are scattered throughout the earth, except Europe. Some live in complete isolation, perhaps not even knowing about the existence of other “bipeds”. Others know and see more, but are in no hurry to make contact. And still others are ready to kill any stranger.

What should we do? civilized people? Try to “make friends” with them? Keep an eye on them? Completely ignore?

Just these days, the disputes resumed when the Peruvian authorities decided to make contact with one of the lost tribes. Defenders of Aboriginal people are strongly against it, because after contact they may die from diseases to which they have no immunity: it is not known whether they will agree to medical help.

Let's see who it's about we're talking about, and what other tribes infinitely far from civilization are found in the modern world.

1. Brazil

It is in this country that the largest number of uncontacted tribes live. In just 2 years, from 2005 to 2007, their confirmed number immediately increased by 70% (from 40 to 67), and today there are already more than 80 on the lists of the National Foundation of Indians (FUNAI).

There are extremely small tribes, only 20-30 people, others can number 1.5 thousand. Moreover, together they make up less than 1% of the population of Brazil, but the “ancestral lands” that are allotted to them are 13% of the country’s territory (green spots on the map).

To find and count isolated tribes, authorities periodically fly over the dense Amazon forests. So in 2008, hitherto unknown savages were spotted near the border with Peru. First, anthropologists noticed from an airplane their huts, which looked like elongated tents, as well as half-naked women and children.

But during a repeat flight a few hours later, men with spears and bows, painted red from head to toe, and the same warlike woman, all black, appeared in the same place. They probably mistook the plane for an evil bird spirit.

Since then, the tribe has remained unstudied. Scientists can only guess that it is very numerous and prosperous. The photo shows that people are generally healthy and well-fed, their baskets are full of roots and fruits, and even something like orchards were spotted from the plane. It is possible that this people have existed for 10,000 years and have preserved their primitiveness since then.

2. Peru

But the very tribe with which the Peruvian authorities want to come into contact are the Mashco-Piro Indians, who also live in the wilderness of the Amazon forest in the Manu National Park in the southeast of the country. Previously, they always rejected strangers, but in last years They began to often leave the thicket into the “outside world.” In 2014 alone, they were spotted more than 100 times in populated areas, especially along river banks, where they pointed at passersby.

“They seem to be making contact on their own, and we can’t pretend we don’t notice. They also have the right to this,” the government says. They emphasize that under no circumstances will they force the tribe to make contact or change their lifestyle.

Officially, Peruvian law prohibits contact with the lost tribes, of which there are at least a dozen in the country. But many people have already managed to “communicate” with the Mashko-Piro, from ordinary tourists to Christian missionaries, who shared clothes and food with them. Maybe also because there is no punishment for violating the ban.

True, not all contacts were peaceful. In May 2015, the Mashko-Piros came to one of the local villages and, having met the residents, attacked them. One guy was killed on the spot, pierced by an arrow. In 2011, members of the tribe killed another local and wounded a national park ranger with arrows. Authorities hope the contact will help prevent future deaths.

This is probably the only civilized Mashco-Piro Indian. As a child, local hunters came across him in the jungle and took him with them. Since then he has been named Alberto Flores.

3. Andaman Islands (India)

The tiny island of this archipelago in the Bay of Bengal between India and Myanmar is inhabited by the Sentinelese, who are extremely hostile to the outside world. Most likely, these are direct descendants of the first Africans who ventured to leave the black continent approximately 60,000 years ago. Since then, this small tribe has been engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering. How they make fire is unknown.

Their language has not been identified, but judging by its striking difference from all other Andamanese dialects, these people have not come into contact with anyone for thousands of years. The size of their community (or scattered groups) is also not established: presumably, from 40 to 500 people.

The Sentinelese are typical Negritos, as ethnologists call them: rather short people with very dark, almost black skin and short, fine curls of hair. Their main weapons are spears and bows with different types arrow Observations have shown that they accurately hit a human-sized target from a distance of 10 meters. The tribe considers any outsiders enemies. In 2006, they killed two fishermen who were sleeping peacefully in a boat that accidentally washed up on their shore, and then greeted a search helicopter with a hail of arrows.

There were only a few "peaceful" contacts with the Sentinelese during the 1960s. Once coconuts were left on the shore for them to see if they would plant them or eat them. - Ate. Another time they “gifted” live pigs - the savages immediately killed them and... buried them. The only thing that seemed useful to them were the red buckets, as they hurried to carry them deeper into the island. But the exact same green buckets were not touched.

But do you know what is the strangest and inexplicable? Despite their primitiveness and extremely primitive shelters, the Sentinelese generally survived the terrible earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. But almost 300 thousand people died along the entire coast of Asia, making this the deadliest natural disaster in modern history!

4. Papua New Guinea

The vast island of New Guinea in Oceania holds many unknown secrets. Its inaccessible mountainous regions, covered with thick forests, only seem uninhabited - in fact, it is home to many uncontacted tribes. Due to the peculiarities of the landscape, they are hidden not only from civilization, but also from each other: it happens that there are only a few kilometers between two villages, but they are not aware of their proximity.

The tribes live so isolated that each has its own customs and language. Just think - linguists distinguish approximately 650 Papuan languages, and in total more than 800 languages ​​are spoken in this country!

There may be similar differences in their culture and lifestyle. Some tribes turn out to be relatively peaceful and generally friendly, like a funny nation to our ears bullshit, which Europeans learned about only in 1935.

But the most ominous rumors are circulating about others. There were cases when members of expeditions specially equipped to search for Papuan savages disappeared without a trace. This is how one of the richest American family members, Michael Rockefeller, disappeared in 1961. He became separated from the group and is suspected to have been captured and eaten.

5. Africa

At the junction of the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan live several nationalities, numbering about 200 thousand people, who are collectively called Surma. They raise livestock, but do not roam and share general culture with very cruel and strange traditions.

Young men, for example, engage in stick fights to win brides, which can result in serious injuries and even death. And the girls, decorating themselves to future wedding, the lower teeth are removed, the lip is pierced and stretched so that a special plate fits there. The larger it is, the more cattle they will give for the bride, so the most desperate beauties manage to squeeze in a 40-centimeter dish!

True, in recent years, young people from these tribes have begun to learn something about the outside world, and more and more Surma girls are now abandoning such a “beauty” ritual. However, women and men continue to decorate themselves with curly scars, which they are very proud of.

In general, the acquaintance of these peoples with civilization is very uneven: they, for example, remain illiterate, but quickly mastered the AK-47 assault rifles that came to them during civil war in Sudan.

And another one interesting detail. The first people from the outside world to come into contact with Surma in the 1980s were not Africans, but a group of Russian doctors. The Aborigines were then frightened, mistaking them for the living dead - after all, they had never seen white skin before!

In our age high technology, various gadgets and broadband Internet, there are still people who have not seen all this. Time seems to have stood still for them, they do not really make contact with the outside world, and their way of life has not changed in thousands of years.

In the forgotten and undeveloped corners of our planet live such uncivilized tribes that you are simply amazed that time has not touched them with its modernizing hand. Living, like their ancestors, among palm trees and feeding on hunting and pasture, these guys feel great and do not rush to the “concrete jungle” of big cities.

OfficePlankton decided to highlight the wildest tribes of our time that actually exist.

1 Sentinelese

Having chosen the island of North Sentinel, between India and Thailand, the Sentinelese have occupied almost the entire coast and greet with arrows anyone who tries to establish contact with them. By hunting, gathering and fishing, and intermarrying, the tribe maintains a population of approximately 300 people.

An attempt to contact these people ended in shelling by the National Geographic group, but only after they had left gifts on the shore, among which red buckets were especially popular. They shot the abandoned pigs from afar and buried them, without even thinking about eating them; everything else was thrown into the ocean in a heap.

An interesting fact is that they predict natural disasters and hide en masse deeper into the jungle when storms approach. The tribe survived both the 2004 Indian earthquake and numerous devastating tsunamis.

2 Maasai

These born pastoralists are the largest and most warlike tribe in Africa. They live only by cattle breeding, not neglecting to steal cattle from other, “lower”, as they consider, tribes, because, in their opinion, their supreme god gave them all the animals on the planet. It is the photograph of them with their earlobes pulled back and discs the size of a good tea saucer inserted into their lower lip that you come across on the Internet.

Maintaining a good fighting spirit, considering as men only all those who killed a lion with a spear, the Massai fought back against European colonialists and invaders from other tribes, owning the ancestral territories of the famous Serengeti Valley and the Ngorongoro volcano. However, under the influence of the 20th century, the number of people in the tribe is declining.

Polygamy, which was once considered honorable, has now become simply necessary as there are fewer and fewer men. Children herd cattle almost from the age of 3, and women do the rest of the household, while men doze with a spear in their hand inside a hut in peacetime or run with guttural sounds on military campaigns against neighboring tribes.

3 Nicobar and Andaman tribes

An aggressive company of cannibal tribes lives, as you might guess, by raiding and eating each other. The Korubo tribe holds the lead among all these savages. The men, disdainful of hunting and gathering, are very skilled in making poison darts, catching snakes with their bare hands to do this, and stone axes, grinding the edge of the stone all day long to such an extent that blowing off their head becomes a very doable task.

Constantly fighting among themselves, the tribes, however, do not raid endlessly, since they understand that the supply of “people” is very slowly renewed. Some tribes generally reserve only special holidays for this - the holidays of the goddess of Death. Women of the Nicobar and Andaman tribes also do not hesitate to eat their children or old people in case of unsuccessful raids on neighboring tribes.

4 Piraha

A rather small tribe also lives in the Brazilian jungle - about two hundred people. They are notable for having the most primitive language on the planet and the absence of at least some kind of number system. Holding primacy among the most undeveloped tribes, if this can be called primacy, of course, the Pirahã have no mythology, no history of the creation of the world and no gods.

They are forbidden to talk about what they have not learned from their own experience, to adopt the words of other people and to introduce new designations into their language. There are also no shades of colors, weather symbols, animals or plants. They live mainly in huts made of branches, refusing to accept gifts of all kinds of objects of civilization. Piraha, however, are quite often called as guides into the jungle, and, despite their inadaptability and lack of development, have not yet been noticed in aggression.

5 Loaves

The most brutal tribe lives in the forests Papua New Guinea, between two chains of mountains, they were discovered very late, only in the 90s of the last century. There is a tribe with a funny Russian-sounding name that sounds like something from the Stone Age. Dwellings - children's huts made of twigs on trees, which we built in childhood - protection from sorcerers, they will find them on the ground.

Stone axes and knives made from animal bones, noses and ears are pierced with the teeth of killed predators. The loaves hold wild pigs in high esteem, which they do not eat, but tame, especially those weaned from their mother in at a young age, and are used as riding ponies. Only when the pig gets old and can no longer carry the load and the little monkey-like people that loaves are, the pig can be slaughtered and eaten.
The entire tribe is extremely warlike and hardy, the cult of the warrior flourishes there, the tribe can sit on larvae and worms for weeks, and despite the fact that all the women of the tribe are “common”, the festival of love occurs only once a year, the rest of the time men should not pester to women.

Do you dream of visiting national parks Africa, see wild animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the last untouched corners of our planet? Safari in Tanzania is an unforgettable journey through the African savannah!

The bulk of the peoples of Africa include groups consisting of several thousand and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time they do not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the most savage tribes.

The Mursi tribe, for example, belongs to this group.

The Ethiopian Mursi tribe is the most aggressive ethnic group

Ethiopia - ancient country in the world. It is Ethiopia that is considered the ancestor of humanity; it was here that the remains of our ancestor, modestly named Lucy, were found.
More than 80 ethnic groups live in the country.

Living in southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenya and Sudan, settled in Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually strict customs. They can rightfully be nominated for the title of the most aggressive ethnic group.

Prone to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled use of weapons. IN Everyday life The main weapon of the tribe's men is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which they buy in Sudan.

In fights, they can often beat each other almost to death, trying to prove their dominance in the tribe.

Scientists attribute this tribe to a mutated Negroid race, With distinctive features in the form of short stature, wide bones and crooked legs, low and tightly compressed foreheads, flattened noses and inflated short necks.

Mursi women's bodies often look flabby and sickly, with sagging bellies and breasts, and hunched backs. There is practically no hair, which was often hidden under intricate headdresses of a very fancy type, using as material everything that could be picked up or caught nearby: rough skins, branches, dried fruits, swamp shellfish, someone's tails, dead insects and even incomprehensible stinking carrion.

Most famous feature The Mursi tribe has a tradition of inserting plates into the lips of girls.

The more public Mursi who come into contact with civilization may not always have all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic appearance of their lower lip is business card tribe.

The plates are made of wood or clay in different sizes; the shape can be round or trapezoidal, sometimes with a hole in the middle. For beauty, the plates are covered with a pattern.

Underlip It is cut in childhood, pieces of wood are inserted there, gradually increasing their diameter.

Mursi girls begin wearing plates at the age of 20, six months before marriage. The lower lip is pierced and a small disc is inserted into it; after the lip is stretched, the disc is replaced with a larger one, and so on until the desired diameter is reached (up to 30 centimeters!!).

The size of the plate matters: the larger the diameter, the more the girl is valued and the more cattle the groom will pay for her. Girls must wear these plates at all times except when sleeping and eating, and they can also take them out if there are no males of the tribe nearby.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip hangs down in a long, round rope. Almost all Mursi have no front teeth, and their tongue is cracked and bleeding.

The second strange and terrifying decoration of Mursi women is the monista, which is made from human phalanges of fingers (nek). One person has only 28 of these bones in his hands. Each necklace usually consists of phalanges of five or six tassels; for some lovers of “costume jewelry,” the monista is wrapped around the neck in several rows

It glistens greasyly and emits a sweetish rotting smell of melted human fat; every bone is rubbed daily. The source for beads never runs low: the priestess of the tribe is ready to deprive the hands of a man who has broken the laws for almost every offense.

It is customary for this tribe to do scarification (scarring).

Men can afford scarring only after the first murder of one of their enemies or ill-wishers. If they kill a man, they decorate right hand, if a woman, then the left one.

Their religion, animism, deserves a longer and more shocking story.
Short: women are priestesses of death, so they give their husbands drugs and poisons every day.

The High Priestess distributes antidotes, but sometimes salvation does not come to everyone. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on the widow's plate, and she becomes a very respected member of the tribe, who is not eaten after death, but is buried in the trunks of special ritual trees. Honor is due to such priestesses due to the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the God of Death Yamda, which they were able to fulfill by destroying physical body and releasing the highest spiritual Essence from his man.

The rest of the dead will be collectively eaten by the entire tribe. Soft tissues are boiled in a cauldron, bones are used for amulets and thrown in swamps to mark dangerous places.

What seems very wild for a European is commonplace and tradition for the Mursi.

Bushmen tribe

African Bushmen are the most ancient representatives human race. And this is not speculation at all, but a scientifically proven fact. Who are these ancient people?

Bushmen are a group of hunting tribes South Africa. Now these are the remains of a large ancient African population. Bushmen are distinguished by their short stature, wide cheekbones, narrow eyes and much swollen eyelids. True Color It is difficult to determine their skin, because in the Kalahari they are not allowed to waste water on washing. But you can notice that they are much lighter than their neighbors. Their skin tone is slightly yellowish, which is more common among South Asians.

Young Bushmen are considered the most beautiful among the female population of Africa.

But once they reach puberty and become mothers, these beauties are simply unrecognizable. Bushmen women have overdeveloped hips and buttocks, and their stomachs are constantly swollen. This is a consequence of poor nutrition.

To distinguish a pregnant Bushwoman from other women of the tribe, she is coated with ash or ocher, since appearance this is very difficult to do. By the age of 35, Bushman men begin to look like octogenarians, due to the fact that their skin sagging and their bodies become covered with deep wrinkles.

Life in Kalahari is very harsh, but even here there are laws and rules. The most important resource in the desert is water. There are old people in the tribe who know how to find water. At the place that they indicate, the representatives of the tribe either dig wells or drain water using plant stems.

Each Bushman tribe has a secret well, which is carefully blocked with stones or covered with sand. During the dry season, the Bushmen dig a hole at the bottom of a dry well, take a plant stem, suck water through it, take it into their mouths, and then spit it into the shell of an ostrich egg.

South African Bushman tribe the only people on Earth, where men have a constant erection, This phenomenon does not cause any unpleasant sensations or inconveniences, except for the fact that while hunting on foot, men have to attach the penis to the belt so as not to cling to branches.

Bushmen don't know what it is private property. All animals and plants growing in their territory are considered common. Therefore, they hunt both wild animals and farm cows. For this they were very often punished and destroyed by entire tribes. Nobody wants neighbors like this.

Shamanism is very popular among the Bushmen tribes. They do not have leaders, but there are elders and healers who not only treat diseases, but also communicate with spirits. Bushmen are very afraid of the dead, and firmly believe in afterlife. They pray to the sun, moon, stars. But they are not asking for health or happiness, but for success in hunting.

The Bushman tribes speak Khoisan languages, which are very difficult for Europeans to pronounce. Characteristic these languages ​​have click consonants. Representatives of the tribe speak very quietly among themselves. This is a long-standing habit of hunters - so as not to spook the game.

There is confirmed evidence that a hundred years ago they were engaged in drawing. They are still found in caves cave drawings, depicting people and various animals: buffaloes, gazelles, birds, ostriches, antelopes, crocodiles.

Their drawings also contain unusual fairy tale characters: monkey people, eared snakes, crocodile-faced people. In the desert there is a whole gallery under open air, which presents these amazing drawings by unknown artists.

But now the Bushmen do not paint; they are excellent in dance, music, pantomime and stories.

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