Tricks for children for children's birthday. Miraculous appearance of a tie


A task: develop imagination, observation, ingenuity, desire to do something unusual.

How to hypnotize a cane

The cane must be tied approximately in the middle with a thin dark thread, invisible against the background of the magician's clothes. The ends of the thread, the length of which is not more than a meter, are tightly tied to the legs above the knees. After these preparations, the magician goes out to the audience; he, of course, willy-nilly have to mince.

Muttering any wonderful incantations, the magician sits down on a chair, releases the cane from his hands and then makes the necessary passes with a magic wand to "bewitch" the cane, which is ordered to stand "by itself" between the knees.

You can put some kind of hat on her, give the cane a name (call, for example, Emil) and, turning to "Emil", ask him to "say hello" to the guys. Emil will not listen. Then he is forced by hand to lean forward and stand upright again. After that, you can beckon him to you and, "whispering" in his ear, "persuade" to bow.

If you pull the thread, slightly spreading the legs, the cane obeys the magician: it makes the required movements.

Only one thing is important: so that no one sees the thread that must be hidden with folds of clothing. Any movement of "Emil" should be accompanied by the appropriate spells.

A branch from a bottle

A flexible elastic branch is inserted into an ordinary bottle of any shape. To its lower end, you must first tie a fishing line of small length, a little longer

the branch itself. A small bead is tied to the upper end of the fishing line. You can also insert a branch right in front of the audience - you just need to hold the fishing line at the upper end of the branch with your thumb. When the branch enters the bottle, the fishing line can be released, so it will hang out through the neck.

Under a magic spell, the magician slowly runs his hands along the walls of the bottle, from the neck down. In this case, you need to grab the bead with your fingers and pull the fishing line downwards too - the branch will begin to “crawl out of the bottle by itself”!

You can put this trick in another way: the magician persuades the branch to remain in the bottle, but it does not "obey", although he even strokes it.

How to turn ink into water

In an ordinary glass, you need to insert a cylinder cut out of its shape from dark purple or black waterproof paper, and then pour water. The audience will see everything only after the magician removes the handkerchief covering it from the glass.

Having shown everyone the glass from a sufficiently large distance, the magician again covers the glass with a handkerchief, makes the necessary passes with his hands, mutters incantations, touches the handkerchief with a magic wand ... Then he again lifts the handkerchief, but in such a way as to grab the paper cylinder from the glass with it.

coin from mouth

You need to take a coin in your hand and press or rub it so hard into the back of your head so that it “appears” from your mouth ...

The secret of the trick is simple: while one hand is still rubbing the coin into the back of the head, it is necessary that the other quietly pick it up and put it in the crook of the elbow. This hand will have to be kept bent, otherwise the coin will fall out. Meanwhile, the magician begins to cough and complain that his throat is tickling, supposedly because of the coin. The hand, bent at the elbow, must be led to the mouth and, moreover, sharply supported with it so that the coin flies out of the elbow bend or, as it were, out of the mouth.

If all the attention of the audience is focused on a heartbreaking cough that suddenly stops as soon as the coin pops out of the mouth, most likely no one will be able to figure out the secret of the trick.

Prankster ball

For this trick, you need to prepare a ball on a thread or fishing line, which is inserted through a hole in the top of a small paper cone, the size of which is such that the magician's hand freely covers it. The end of the thread is fastened around the thumb.

A ball from the palm (from a cone) is thrown into a hat, which must be held in one hand. At the same time, for a moment, the hat must be deflected away from the audience, and the thread must be sharply pulled with the thumb so that the ball is in the cone.

After pronouncing the appropriate spells, the audience can be shown an empty hat - the ball "disappeared". Then the magician can set off in search of him and, in order to amuse the audience, try to find him in the most unexpected places, and then “finds” him in his hand, in the same cone (for this you need to loosen the thread and show how the ball rolls out of your hand ).

How to eat a candle

After a long, hard work, a magician cannot help but get hungry. Then he grabs the “candle” standing on it from the table and ... eats it in front of the whole audience! True, the children "help" the magician: they say the magic words in chorus, which he previously taught them.

The secret of the trick is this: a small “candle” is cut shortly before the performance from an apple, potato, white radish or radish. As a wick, you can use a woven cotton thread, which is first passed through the body of the “candle” with a darning needle, strengthening it in the upper part with a drop of stearin.

The magician enjoys eating the "candle" right in front of the astonished spectators immediately after lighting it. As soon as the “candle” enters the mouth, the flame from the short wick will instantly go out from the sharply exhaled air (you can also pull the protruding tip of the wick from below to extinguish the flame even more effectively).

It is desirable to perform the trick last, so as not to keep the thread in your mouth for a long time.

traveler coin

A coin is placed under one plate, and after that, with the help of all the same omnipotent spells and waving a magic wand, they force it to “move” under the second plate

Well, this, of course, is easier than easy, there is nothing to explain here. “The most difficult thing is still ahead of us,” says the magician, doing even more manipulations, lifting the first plate - and here it is: the coin is again under the first plate!

The whole difficulty of the trick lies in the fact that someone does not accidentally pick up the second plate at the same moment, then the deception will be immediately exposed.

How to crawl through a postcard

The magician claims that any person, whether a child or an adult, is able to crawl through an ordinary postcard. Of course, none of those present at the performance believe this statement.

Then the magician takes a postcard, folds it once in half along the long side, and then with scissors makes transverse cuts at regular intervals towards each other, without cutting to the end: one cut from the side of the fold, the other from the opposite side, etc. At the same time, he, along with the audience, constantly repeats his spells.

After all the transverse incisions are made, the last one remains - a longitudinal incision along the fold. It does not affect one extreme strip on each side (to get a closed circuit).

Now it remains only to unfold the postcard into a long chain, through which anyone, even the fattest viewer, can easily crawl through.

cookies under the hat

You need to take three cookies and cover them with a "magic hat". After a while, the hat is raised - the cookies are in place. The magician asks someone from the audience to eat all three cookies - he will still force them to be under the hat. Again, the hat is placed on the table, the magic wand is manipulated around it, and then the magician, taking it from the table .., puts it on the head of the one who has just eaten three cookies. Now is the time to ask the public: Aren't cookies under the hat?

Egg on top

To carry out this trick, you need two chicken eggs. One of them needs to be hard boiled. At the sharp end of the second, a small hole is made - the size of the smallest pellets. A sufficient number of them are then laid inside the eggs. The hole now needs to be sealed with plaster or white putty, plasticine, chewing gum. The pellets will first float inside the egg, and then sink down to the pointed part of the egg, so that the center of gravity will accordingly become much lower than usual. Thanks to this, the egg will be able to stand "on top" - especially if it is held in this position for 2-3 minutes while the passes are made.

You can arrange the trick itself like this: the magician asks the audience to cackle as loudly as possible so that an egg appears. Wave a magic wand - and here it is, in the hand of the maestro (boiled egg). But no matter how the magician tries to put it vertically, “on the priest”, it doesn’t work, it invariably falls on its side. Suddenly the magician realized: the egg is not bewitched! Where did the magic wand go? While the search is going on, you can quickly and unnoticed by the audience take out an egg with pellets from your pocket and replace it with a boiled one.

Now, after the magic wand was found and did everything in its power, the egg "obeyed" the magician and stood on top of her head.

How to grow a tree

Before the start of the performance, it is necessary to roll up a roll from a piece of green crepe or corrugated paper up to half a meter long and about 15 cm wide. The diameter of the hole should be such that thumb. On the outer edge of the roll must be glued.

“From this trunk I will grow a tree,” says the magician. Children help him: while the magician makes several longitudinal cuts from top to bottom with scissors in a roll (no longer than 7 cm), the audience does not stop repeating magic spells. When all the cuts are made, the resulting strips are folded outward with a pencil and the index finger inserted into the hole of the tube, the paper layers are picked up from the inside, carefully pulling them up.

Soon, before everyone's eyes, a whole "tree" grows - it can be presented to one of the spectators who especially tried to help the magician.

You can extend the fun of this trick by making the tree "not want" to grow if the guys say the magic words too loudly or too quietly.

You can perform the trick in this way: two or three dexterous assistants to the magician receive exactly the same cylinders as the maestro himself, and then they must repeat all his movements. When pulling a tree, they can be helped at first. How great is the joy of the guys if their tree has grown higher than that of the magician himself - the guys probably think that the whole point is that he endlessly made a reservation when he pronounced the required spells, and they did not make a single mistake!

Eternal newspaper

It is necessary to take two copies of the newspaper for the same number and glue them so that the gluing area is no more than 3x3 cm, and two identical pages (preferably the first ones) are respectively facing outward. The inner, facing the magician, newspaper must first be folded to approximately the size of the palm of your hand, and the outer one should be bent into strips so that it is easily torn along the folds.

Having prepared in this way, the magician goes out to the audience, while he can read the newspaper on the go, but only so that the folded and pasted duplicate newspaper is not visible to anyone.

The magician reads aloud jokes allegedly published in the newspaper, a cheerful weather forecast, reports of incidents that have happened to someone from those present, and other incredible things. But one of the notes suddenly causes such anger in the magician that he “loses his temper” and tears the unfolded newspaper into several pieces. He can also crumple them on the table, pressing his hands tightly against a folded duplicate newspaper, even crushing them. Thanks to this, the scraps do not scatter, but a well-compressed lump will close the whole duplicate newspaper.

After a while, the magician "comes to his senses", begins to violently regret that he hastened to tear the newspaper, forgetting to read something important in it. Then, calling for help magic spells, right in front of the astonished spectators, he "resurrects" the newspaper, which turns out to be safe and sound. After that, he unfolds it, finds Right place and read aloud what interested him.

Lost coin

Drill a hole in an old coin. A fishing line about 20 cm long is passed through it and a knot is tightly tied. An elastic band 10 cm long is tied to the other end of the fishing line. With a safety pin, attach the end of the elastic band to the lining of the sleeve, at armpit level.

The fishing line in the hand is not visible, so the coin can be shown to the public from both sides. In this case, it is necessary to cover the drilled hole with the thumb and forefinger.

The magician then invites a member of the audience to come out to help him perform the trick. The assistant should turn his hand palm up and extend it to the magician. He strongly presses the coin to his palm and says that on command he will have to hold the coin in his hand. The command might be: "Coin-coin, disappear - one ... two ... three!" The audience can say these words in unison. On the count of three, you need to ease the pressure on the coin and, sharply pulling your shoulder back, immediately show your hand - there is nothing in it.

The assistant, who, after counting "three", clenched his fingers, now opens them - he does not have a coin either.

Laying shawl

You need to take a black scarf measuring 35x35 cm, attach a black thread to it in the middle of one of the sides. The other end of the thread must be tied to an eyelet, which is connected to a wooden or plastic egg with a screw or screw. You will also need a hat or top hat. Before the performance begins, you need to put an egg in a hat and cover it with a scarf.

First, the magician lifts the scarf over the hat and shows it to the children on both sides. The thread and the egg are not visible - they are in the hat. Again cover the hat with a scarf. The magician immediately raises the handkerchief again, but in such a way that the egg hangs on a thread behind the handkerchief, invisible to the audience. Now we need to fold the scarf: with the left hand they take the upper ends of the scarf, and the audience needs to be shown that there is “nothing” in the hat either.

After asking the audience to say magic spells, the magician shakes the egg out of the handkerchief into the hat. This can be done in two ways.

The first is to simply raise your right hand and the egg will slide into the cylinder.

The second one is more efficient. It is necessary to lower those ends of the scarf that were upper - the egg rolls into the hat. Next, you need to spread the ends that were lower to the sides, and, holding one of the upper ends, show that there really is nothing in the scarf now. It is folded again, as described above, and under the general clucking, “another” egg falls from the handkerchief into the hat.

The handkerchief can “lay down” the egg a few more times until the fun in the hall reaches its apotheosis. You can put the handkerchief with the egg aside and, with incredible precautions, lift the hat "filled" with eggs. The magician wants to "show" them to the children. But, approaching those sitting in front, he suddenly stumbles and ... turns his hat upside down. Nothing comes out of it. If the magician, noticing the surprise on the faces of the audience, says something like: “Well, we are not real chickens!”, This trick will end with a long-lasting laughter.

magic paper

It is necessary to take a sheet of ordinary white writing paper and draw something (or write) on it with a pen that does not scratch the paper dipped in onion juice. Once the drawing or lettering has dried, it can be made visible with heat.

Thanks to this property of white “magic” paper, it is possible to “conjure” answers to the questions that we ask it with the help of spells.

You can do this this way: show everyone a white sheet, put it on a strong source of heat and then, after asking the right question, conjure until the drawing appears on paper. Here everyone can see with their own eyes that he really exists.

The sorcerer and his apprentice

The magician introduces to the audience his student, whom he has chosen as his assistant. But after all, he must first be taught magic, which means that he must imitate the teacher in everything. The magician picks up a plate, and gives his student another one, which, before the performance, was slightly smoked from below over the flame of a candle.

The magician draws "magic signs" in the air - the assistant repeats his movements. Then he orders the assistant to close his eyes and listen to the commands: run his index finger along the bottom of the plate, make various lines on his face. The assistant, hearing the commands, repeats everything after the magician. At the same time, he imperceptibly draws a "beard", "thick eyebrows" and other black lines on his face. All this time, you can cast a spell, for example, this: “Moon, ascend to the sky, show everyone your eyebrows, nose and mouth!”

Enchanted Whistle

The magician takes a whistle out of his pocket, lets someone else blow it, then blows it himself to check if everything is in order. A magician's apprentice uses a rubber ring to attach a whistle to his magic wand. Then, after a long "magic", the whistle starts to whistle itself.

The thing is that a second whistle is hidden in the sleeve of the magician, to which an ordinary enema is connected with a rubber tube. It should be secured under the armpit. The whistle is heard every time the magician, unnoticed by the audience, squeezes the enema with his forearm.

Children will get special pleasure if they start “talking” with a whistle, asking him questions, for example, such as: “Will there be cottage cheese for dinner today?” The whistle is silent. "Maybe pudding?" The whistle gives a sizzling trill. Children can also ask questions.

Great scent

Three or four chairs are placed in the middle of the veranda. The magician goes outside the veranda, and his assistant asks one of the guys to come out and sit on one of the chairs.

When the magician returns to the veranda, all the chairs are already empty. Nothing, he declares, he has such a sense of smell that he will immediately feel which of the chairs someone has just been sitting on. (The magician, of course, agrees everything in advance with his assistant.) So he sniffed the first chair. Nothing. The second ... At the same time, he every time becomes so that he can see his assistant. As soon as the magician comes to the right chair, how can the assistant imperceptibly give some kind of sign to others. Thanks to this sign, the magician, after appropriate sniffing of the chair, can confidently say - here! Further, the student is expelled from the veranda: he must show what he has learned. The magician prompts him exactly as agreed.

coin guessing

On the table you need to put a few fairly large coins. The magician promises that, thanks to his magical abilities, he will recognize which of the coins was in the hands of the audience. True, for this it is necessary that the viewer hold the coin very tightly and think only about it all this time, then the trick will turn out.

The magician goes out the door. His assistant gives the coin to one of the spectators, and he tightly squeezes it in his hand. About two minutes later, the magician returns and, quickly feeling all the coins, points to the one that really was in his hands.

The secret of the trick is simple: the coin has become warmer than the rest, so it is not difficult to find it. (Make sure that the rest of the coins do not heat up from the sun.)

invisible soap

Before the performance, the magician must rub soap on his moistened hands. You need to rub with soap until your hands are dry and the soap becomes invisible. Now a few drops of water will be enough to make the soap foam.

An assistant brings a bucket and a jug of water. Then he touches the magician's hands with a magic wand and pours a few drops of water on his hands, the soap foams. Now it remains to remove all the accessories for washing and give the magician a towel.

Number Guessing

The magician declares that he can find out what number no more than five will be called by the audience during his absence. He goes out the door. Children come up with a number, after which the assistant calls his teacher back. He tries for some time to "feel" the answer: he feels the door, the face of his assistant, magic wand. Suddenly he confidently calls the correct number.

The secret, of course, is very simple: the magician first agrees with his assistant about the sign, and when he returns and touches the assistant's cheeks, he imperceptibly makes the required number of chewing movements.

Enchanted glass

The magician is brought a glass filled to the brim with water, and a still moistened postcard or any piece of cardboard cut out in the shape of a square or circle.

The assistant casts a spell, while the magician, meanwhile, presses the wet postcard to the edges of the glass so tightly that there is no air between the paper and the water. Then, still pressing the card firmly against the glass, quickly turn the glass over. Now you can safely remove your hand - the paper is firmly stuck to the edges of the glass, and not a drop of water flows out of it. The glass can also be given to one of the spectators, so that he passes it - still a piece of paper down - to the others.

Focus requires pre-training.

obedient matches

In a plate of water, you need to throw a few matches without sulfur heads. Then the magician lowers the tip of the straw into the water and orders: “Matches, matches, come on, swim away from me!” Matches are indeed immediately removed from the straw. Once again the end of the straw is lowered into the water, but now the conjurer calls the matches: “Matches, matches, please swim here!” And the matches immediately swim up to the straw.

There is, of course, an explanation for this mysterious behavior of matches: one of the ends of the straw must be filled with a small amount of soap. If you then lower it into the water, then the matches will float away from the straw. If we now imperceptibly turn the straw over (its other end is filled with honey), the matches will float towards it, since honey is a non-surfactant, and soap is a surface-active one.

oil motor fish

You need to take a large basin and pour water into it. Then oil the paper and cut out the silhouette of a fish with a slit in the back.

The fish can be put on the water, it stays on the surface, but does not want to swim by itself. Some kind of magic spell is pronounced like: “Fish-fish, stop sleeping, swim soon again,” and at the same time you need to imperceptibly drop a drop of the usual vegetable oil into the round part of the slot. The fish will immediately float up: trying to spread over the surface of the water, the oil will make the fish move.

Exactly the same trick can be done with a stick or pencil, if you scrape a recess in the back and drip oil into it.

Coin jokes

You need to press a coin to your forehead, tilt your head back slightly and leave it there. Then you can wrinkle your forehead several times in a row so that the coin falls. After such a simple operation, the magician must express doubt that the children will be able to drop a coin from their foreheads in the same way. "What are you, it's so easy!" the children will say. Then it is necessary for one of the spectators to firmly press the coin to their forehead, and then, removing their hands, quietly take it with them. The child will still have a feeling of pressure, and in full confidence that it is on his forehead, he will wrinkle his forehead to discard a non-existent coin. Then he will try with his hand - the coins and the trace caught a cold.

A penny on the forehead. For this game you will need a glass of water and a penny. Having dipped a coin in water, it is applied to the forehead. Now you can ask someone with a coin stuck to their forehead something tricky, for example: “Tell me, how many times did you wash your ears today?” Now we need to start counting out loud: “One, two, three”, etc. Vigorously wrinkling his forehead, the player is trying to drop a coin into a glass. The answer to the question will be the number at which the coin finally comes off the forehead.

A penny in a box. It is necessary to take an empty matchbox and stick a small piece of wax or plasticine to its underside. Then, pulling the box halfway out of the shell, you need to put a ten-kopeck coin on its edge. It, of course, should not be visible from the outside and fall out of there, even if the boxes are shaken. The box prepared in this way must be shown to others, pushing the box halfway and showing that there is nothing in it.

It is necessary to take another dime and spin it with a top on the table, as soon as the coin falls, it must be quickly covered with a matchbox. It should be well pressed so that the coin "sticks" to the bottom of the box.

Saying “Abracadabra!”, You need to raise the box higher so that everyone can see that the coin has disappeared! (The spectators should not see the coin.) Now it remains to open the box again and show the spectators that the coin that was missing from the table has “penetrated” inside.

If you manage to deftly and imperceptibly remove the wax from the bottom of the shell, the boxes can even be given to children in their hands.

Focus takes practice.

Match in a napkin

Before the performance, a match must be inserted into the edge of the cloth napkin. In an unfolded napkin, right in front of all the spectators, you need to put a match, let the children touch whether it is in place after the napkin is loosely folded.

Further, the fabric of the napkin is shifted in such a way that a match sewn into the hem remains in the hands (when the napkin is folded, the edge should remain inside it). You can invite one of the spectators to feel for this match and break it - this sound will be well heard by everyone. In addition, the rest can check by touch that the match is broken.

Now it is necessary to “conjure” properly so that the match becomes whole again - unfold the napkin, and the result is obvious: a whole, unbroken match falls out of it.

cut rope

It is necessary to fold the rope, after which the magician's assistant cuts it.

The ends that were in right hand, you can let go, and the two ends, peeking out of the fingers of your left hand, you must ask the assistant to tie.

The bottom loop is between the big and index fingers and is not visible to anyone.

Now the rope, which is allegedly cut in the middle and tied in a knot, must be pulled out and the knot taken into the mouth. Children must "conjure" all this time together with the magician's assistant. By pulling either of the two ends to the side, it will be possible to pull the rope out of the mouth, and completely intact: the knot on it has disappeared - because no one knows that the tip of the rope with the knot remained in the mouth, from where it can later be quietly removed.

Mysterious Liberation

A multi-meter tape or rope must be folded in the middle and pushed through the loop on the jacket. Pass both ends of the tape through the resulting eye. It seems that the formed knot cannot be dissolved otherwise than by passing the ends back through the eye.

The magician asks someone from the audience to hold the ends of the tape (or rope). He claims to be able to free himself from such a knot, although he has pulled the buttonhole of his jacket tight. To do this, he only needs to go where there are no spectators, taking with him most ribbons. Now you need to loosen the knot and select the loop so much that you can climb through it yourself. (At the same time, the loop must be drawn from below, from the back, through the head, and then the tape should be removed from the ear.) Having thus freed himself from the tape, the magician returns to the children, where the assistant from the audience is still holding the ends of the tape.

If for some reason the ribbon or rope does not have sufficient length and the magician himself cannot climb through it, he will have to take off his jacket and drag it through the eyelet.

There is another, playful, version of a similar trick. One end of the ribbon or rope is passed through a loop in the jacket, and both ends are given into the hands of one of the spectators. The magician promises the audience that he will get rid of the tape without cutting it or tearing the loops on his jacket. After such a promising introduction, the audience will be waiting for some special trick. But the magician simply takes off his jacket.

How to free scissors

This trick is quite well known, but it always produces strong impression. The double-folded twine must be passed through the eye of the scissors, and both free ends should be inserted through the loop formed and tightened. In addition, the free ends must also be passed through the second eye of the scissors, and then tied to the leg of the table or to the doorknob. Can someone in the audience free the scissors without damaging the string?

You need to grab the loop and pull it until it can be pushed through the second eye so that the scissors crawl through this loop, then they will be freed from the twine.

strange thread

The ends of a thread or a thin rope must be tied, the thread folded in half, and the loops at the ends formed should be put one into the other so that they hold each other.

It is very important that a ball of a suitable diameter, a ring or a bead sit tightly in the place where the overlap is obtained. Then no one will notice him, and everyone will decide that the ball is held on by a double thread. The magician or his assistant can sharply pull the thread when the “magic” passes are done, the audience is completely at a loss: the ball turned out to be on its own, and the thread is not broken!

The hosts promise the girls to perform their best cherished dreams in honor of the holiday. But there are many girls, and there is little time for the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, they decide to make happy only seven who will pass the most difficult tests.


Creating a festive mood, friendly atmosphere.


Balloons, streamer-congratulations, sayings famous people about women, paper flowers, balloons.


  • Potatoes (hidden under some seats in the hall), baskets;
  • Peelers;
  • Woolen threads;
  • Handkerchiefs, clothespins, rope;
  • Balloons, cocktail tubes;
  • Dressing gowns with buttons, mittens;
  • Cookies with wishes;
  • Typewriter, flower, pencil.


  • Leading boys

Event progress

Presenter 1: Hello girls and boys!

Host 2: Congratulations on your holiday!

Presenter 1: What are you? What holiday?

Host 2: Happy International Women's Day ... Oh, really, what do the boys have to do with it? We congratulate only girls, girls and women!

Presenter 1: We wish you a huge sea of ​​flowers, an endless ocean of smiles!

Host 2: And the fulfillment of all, all desires!

Presenter 1: By the way, do you want us to fulfill all your wishes today? True true!

Host 2: Only desires will be fulfilled by those girls who turn out to be the most courageous, dexterous, strong!

Presenter 1: After all, you girls have been tormenting us for more than one year, testing our strength and dexterity. Why can't we do the same to you just once?

Lead 2 (sarcastically): Then you will regret, Kulakova, that such funny contests held on February 23!

Presenter 1: Okay, we joked a little, and now let's get back to our rams, sheep, and in general - to desires!

Host 2: So, who dreams that the most cherished desire will come true - raise your hands!

Presenter 1: Look how many people are interested! Even in a month we can't handle everyone!

Host 2: Let's do the casting! Whoever wins will get the right to perform one - no more! - desires. Are you ready girls? Then let's go ... to weed potatoes in the garden!

Presenter 1: March in the yard - what kind of potatoes?

Host 2: And we do not care, because we are wizards! We’ll even conjure snowdrops in December, but grass and potatoes in March are a trifling matter!

Presenter 1: Girls, he's just joking! But seriously, it's time to start casting. So, whoever dreams of having a wish come true - we ask you to take the stage!

Several performers take the stage.

Host 2: Haha, I wasn't joking about the potatoes at all! Imagine you planted it and did not weed it at all! Now you need to look for a crop in the grass. The grass is the audience in the hall. Under some chairs there is the most real potato! You need to find it and collect it.

Presenter 1: So, the first contender for the fulfillment of desire is. For the time being, please go to your seat in the hall.

Host 2: Since we are magicians today, we will fulfill exactly ... seven wishes!

Presenter 1: Why just seven? Indeed, in fairy tales, 3 wishes are usually fulfilled.

Host 2: Three is too few! They'll throw tomatoes at us if we don't show our figures. aerobatics in magic! Seven is a beautiful number, and most importantly, an odd number!

Presenter 1: Okay, let's make it seven. Then we are looking for the next candidate - she must be able to cook.

Those who wish come out.

Host 2: What can you cook (girls answer)? Do you know how to fry potatoes? You know you have to peel it first, don't you? Are you able to do it?

Presenter 1: Now we are asking for those who know how to sew at least a little. Need a costume for the holidays!

Host 2: Now we will wash the sewn suits. Hope, modern girls know that washing is not just rinsing in water, it is also squeezing, and hanging to dry, and taking off clothes that are already dry.

Presenter 1: Let's see which of our girls can handle all this.

Host 2: They did it quickly, carefully hung it up, but it was not a test, but a training session.

Presenter 1: Imagine that a heavy downpour is about to begin, which will ruin all your things. You need to quickly remove things, fold them neatly, and collect clothespins on a string.

Host 2: Hey girls, hey beauties! You definitely won't get lost! You deal with all the trials so masterfully that we are even afraid to think what will happen next.

Host 2: The next competition is for those who stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut ...

Presenter 1: Do not scare the girls - we are not recruiting them for the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

Host 2: Yes, just nurses. Who dreams of wearing white bathrobe- get out!

Presenter 1: And the last contest.

Host 2: The very latest. No longer! Last chance to make your dream come true! Who wishes? Get on stage!

The competition "Flower meadow" is held.

Different flowers grow in the clearing: forget-me-nots, daisies, dandelions. Each participant receives an order - to make a bouquet of certain flowers. girls collect desired flowers in the right quantity and stick them on a sheet of paper. Whoever completes the task faster, wins.

Presenter 1: That's the end of the test. Seven contenders for magic, for a piece of happiness - take the stage!

Host 2: So, the time has come for the moment for which we have gathered - the fulfillment of desires!

Presenter 1: Before we can fulfill a wish, we must know it. And we will do this with the help of our special abilities.

Host 2: Now we will determine the desire of each participant. Attention - magic cookies to the studio, to the stage!

Cookies with wishes are brought to the stage. Participants choose any, break it, take out a wish, read aloud, as if they were voicing own wish: “I want to be presented with a toy car (flower, pencil)”, “I dream of dancing (singing a song about friendship) on stage”, “I want to clap for exactly a minute”, “I have long dreamed of becoming a leader”.

The presenters fulfill the "cherished desire" of each participant: they give a toy car, a flower, a pencil, they are allowed to sing, dance, they ask the audience to applaud.

Girls, unlike boys, are more likely to believe in miracles, so an evening of magic on a holiday is what you need. Parents should not fall into despair, thinking that they are useless wizards. Tricks, the secrets of which we will reveal a little lower, are within the power of even the smallest. Everything that may be needed for this, everyone can find: paper, coins, ropes, scarves of different sizes, glasses, boxes, etc.

Even the smallest sorceress will be able to demonstrate pop-up button focus. A button and a glass of sparkling water are prepared for him. The magician pours water into a glass and throws a button into it, preferably a heavier one. A heavy button will immediately sink to the bottom. After that, the girl should order the button to float up. To everyone's surprise, the button actually pops up. The secret of this trick is that bubbles gather around the sunken button. carbon dioxide which lift it up. When the button is on the surface, the bubbles will disappear and it will fall back to the bottom.

Tricks can be not only demonstrative, it is good to ask the audience to participate in them.

For example, focus "Try to tear" intended for the entire audience. The magician takes several strips of paper and makes cuts on it in two places. She then asks a member of the audience to tear the piece of paper into three pieces in one motion. If someone manages to do this, then he is entitled to a prize - the fulfillment of any desire. Since the task set is impossible, by agreeing to the fulfillment of desire, the conjurer does not risk anything. Moreover, she can even offer someone from those present to make incisions, nothing will change from this.

Depending on the execution, the focus can be a real miracle. For example, focus "Miracle Powder". To carry it out, a light ruler is lowered into a glass with a dark-colored liquid and it is shown that it has turned into the color of the liquid. Then, adding an element of mystery, we cover the glass with a handkerchief. Raising the edge of the handkerchief, you need to pretend that you are throwing some kind of powder into a glass of water. When the handkerchief is removed, all spectators will be very surprised to see clear water in it. For perfect focus, you need preliminary preparation. It is necessary to insert a dark-colored rubber insert into a glass of water in advance, and paint the ruler on one side in the same color. During the trick, the ruler is first held with the clean side towards the audience, and then discreetly turned painted. And when removing the handkerchief, you need to discreetly remove the rubber liner from the glass - this is the secret of clean water.

Next, you can invite those present to try to cut the rope into several parts with one movement of scissors. Perhaps someone will guess that it will be easy to do this if you fold the rope several times and cut it. Or ask one of the guys to remove the paper clip from a sheet of paper without touching it. The most savvy will immediately realize that for this it is necessary to fold a sheet of paper in half. To remove the paper clip, it will be enough to pull a sheet of paper by the edges in different directions.

A classic trick using a thread will seem like real magic to children. It is desirable to carry it out in the twilight so that its secret is not discovered. To carry out the trick, one end of the thread is sewn to clothes, and the other to some object, such as a hat. In the semi-darkness, the thread is not visible, and if you let go of the hat, it will still hang, obeying your magic.

You will be able to complement the performances with your tricks. There is no doubt that this performance will not leave indifferent any child. It is possible that for children it will become one of the most memorable childhood experiences.

For girls on the holiday of March 8, you can arrange a fashion show of models. A few days before the holiday, invitations are sent to all guests, indicating that a fashion show will take place in such and such a place at such and such a time, that they are invited as a model to demonstrate the work of the best fashion designers. It is necessary to prepare in advance the plates, which it is desirable to attach with an elastic band to the hand. The names of the leading models are indicated on the plates - Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, etc. After the meeting of the guests, these plates are drawn by lot.

Then the girls must prove themselves in the main roles of the model. A jury is formed from the boys present at the celebration. It can also include adults. Everyone else becomes a spectator.

First of all, the girls must demonstrate their art of defile, but on one condition: first they must create a costume for themselves from the proposed materials. As a material for clothing, paper, cellophane, all kinds of plastic bags etc. Not only the girl's fantasy is evaluated, but also how she presented her outfit.

The next stage is a demonstration of hairstyles.

Girls should show their art of creating beautiful hairstyles and wearing them with dignity. To do this, they are offered the necessary tools - varnishes, gels, sparkles, ribbons and all kinds of hairpins. The competition can be held for a while. It is advisable to set the style - evening, sports, casual, business hairstyles.

The third and decisive competition for models will be a photo session. The task for girls is to create an original image for a photo. This is not so easy, because there are many things to take into account - facial expression, pose, background, etc. The girl who coped with all the tasks most successfully receives the title of supermodel.

After such tests, you must definitely refresh yourself. Pizza, cake, sweets, ice cream and more fruit and water - that's what you need for children's happiness. It is advisable to cut the fruit smaller so that there are enough pieces for 1 bite. Then restless children will not be able to get dirty. tidbits you can stick toothpicks in advance, it will be convenient and hygienic.

Do not be too lazy to decorate the festive table with cocktails, because they delight children so much. Berries, pieces of fruit, syrup, mineral water or juice - what could be more appetizing for a child! With a little imagination, the contents of a cocktail glass can be turned into a real work of art. The main thing is to carefully lay out layers of multi-colored components. You can crown the masterpiece with whipped cream and put a berry in the very middle. On the edge of the glass you need to plant a slice of orange or kiwi and do not forget about the straw. It is better to refuse ice so as not to risk the health of children.

Tasks for models

1. 90 acorns grew on a pine tree. blew strong wind, and 10 acorns fell. How much is left? (Perhaps it will come as a surprise to some that acorns do not grow on pine trees.)

2. A man was walking down the street, the lights were not on, there was no moon either. A black cat ran across his path. How did he know what color she was? (Inattentive listeners will begin to guess, and the smartest ones will probably answer that it was daytime, so the man saw the color of the cat.)

3. What do I do when I see eyes closed? (sleep)

4. What can be tasteless, even if it is very well cooked? (Lessons)

You can check the acting skills of models in a simple competition called "Fairy Tale". To do this, some fairy tale is selected, preferably shorter (“Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Rooster and Fox”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.), and one of the adults writes out on separate sheets of paper all the characters and objects. Then the girls pull out the sheets with their roles, the presenter starts reading the fairy tale, the characters come to life, and the performance begins. Girls should play their role as artistically as possible, even if it is the role of hemp in the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Girls will be able to have plenty of fun if you help them arrange a real coven of witches. It will not be difficult to choose costumes for such a holiday. It is enough to try on one of my mother's wide skirts, tie a scarf on your head, borrow your father's shirt, grab a broom and you can safely go to the gathering. You can provoke the witches with a specific festive table, which will present the most favorite delicacies evil spirits- cocktail "Witch's Potion", dessert "Happiness of Baba Yaga" and others (the names must be well thought out).

On the main part of the sabbat, the witches are invited to pass a series of tests. To do this, the girls must be divided into 2 teams. The first test: the witches must demonstrate their ability to intimidate. To do this, each team is given sheets of whatman paper and felt-tip pens. Witches should try to draw a terrible monster. The team with the most terrifying image, and pass the test. The reward for each test passed should be the means widely used in the witch's arsenal - a black cat's paw, a dead mouse, a frog, a snake, etc. Dummies of this must be done in advance.

In the next test, the witches must demonstrate their art of disguise. To do this, girls are provided with wigs, makeup, clothes, etc. Each team chooses one girl who will be reincarnated (the name of the girl remains secret). After the appearance metamorphosis, each team must guess the name of the reincarnated girl. The team that is better than the other managed to cope with the task wins.

Witches must be able to brew a love potion, so the third test will be the preparation of a magical drink. Each team is given the same set of juices and fruits, from which they will need to make a drink. The team whose drink will be the most delicious will be considered to have passed the test.

A real witch has the ability to see the future. Therefore, in last test the girls will be asked to predict the future of one of the members of the other team. The team that makes it the most interesting will pass the test.

International Women's Day.

Leading: It smelled of March and spring, but winter holds on tight,
The number eight is not simple - a holiday comes to our homes.
March 8 is a solemn day, a day of joy and beauty.
All over the world, he gives women his smiles and flowers.
Drops are dripping loudly near our window,
The birds sang merrily - spring has come to us now!

Vedas 1: This beloved holiday goes back to traditions ancient rome 1st century BC It was believed that the goddess Juno, wife of the great Jupiter, was endowed with great power, possessed huge opportunities. She had many names, Juno-Calendar, Juno-Moneta… She gave people good weather, harvest, good luck in business, opened every month of the year.

Vedas2: But most of all, the Romans bowed before Juno-Lucia (“bright”), patronizing women. She was revered in every home, she was brought gifts upon marriage and at the birth of a child.

Vedas 1: The most joyful for female half Rome had a holiday on March 1, dedicated to this goddess. The whole city was transformed, festively dressed women walked with wreaths of flowers in their hands to the temple of Juno Lucius. They prayed, brought flowers as a gift, asked their patroness for happiness in the family.

Vedas2: The first International Women's Day on March 8 was established in Copenhagen in 1910 Among the initiators wasClara Zetkin. More than a hundred women from 17 countries took part in the conference.

Vedas1: March 8 has become a day of international solidarity of working women in the struggle for their rights. Wrote about this eventAlexandra Kollontai , who created one of the first books about International Women's Day.

Vedas2: The holiday was first celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark on March 19.
In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. And in 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.
Today, March 8 in Russia is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to the traditional role of a woman as a wife, mother, friend.

Lead1: Maybe there is a larger date
And probably not alone.
Only in the afternoon on March 8
Spring opens.

Denial of effort
The heat of creativity in the blood
Turns time
To peace, friendship and love.

That's why we lift it up
affirming being,
Golden number "8"
As your dignity.

(Musical number)
Vedas 1: Mom! Most beautiful word on Earth - mother! it first word,  which a person pronounces, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, she knows how to do everything.
Vedas 2: Mom
the most correct and sensitive heart- love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.
And no matter how old you are - 5
or 50 - you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life!

The 1st presenter appears on the stage - a boy in home clothes, all wrapped in threads, scissors peep out of his pocket. He has a bunch of scraps in his hands.
- I'm for my beloved mom
I wanted to sew a beautiful apron,
me for my mom
The dress cut out quickly -
I thought once - and everything is ready!
What is so difficult here?
It's not clear what happened...
Nothing succeeded!
Nothing to surprise mommy -
Will I give it to her?
I thought mom would be happy
Well, a lot of rubbish came out ... (shows rugged material)

The 2nd presenter (high school student) appears on the stage with a saucepan and a whisk in his hand, covered in flour, with a chef's hat on one side.
- Baking a cake is a simple matter,
You just have to be brave.
Seven eggs, a little flour,
Three tablespoons of pepper...
Or not, not at all!
It turns out a mess.
I'm completely confused -
Why put pepper in there?
Three hours of torment in the kitchen
The cream spilled, burned all hands,
The result is a burnt cake
And it doesn't look like a cake.
(to the 1st presenter): - It looks like we will have to come up with other gifts, well, never mind, let's not lose heart! After all, real men do not succumb to difficulties! (leave)

Presenters appear, dressed in suits, with ties, with flowers in their hands.
Presenter 2: - We will postpone all business on weekdays,
And we will bow our knees before our mother,
Thank you for giving me life
Protected us tirelessly and lazily.

Presenter 1: - Thank you grandmothers beyond words
For their care, kindness and affection,
For pies with potatoes and mushrooms
And for reading a bedtime story.

Presenter 2: - We congratulate you on this day of spring
All our mothers and grandmothers. wish
Health, happiness, we need you so much,
We have no idea how to live without you.

Presenter1: - Yes, we are not strong in cooking,
And sewing, as it turned out, is a little more difficult.
But we will give you this song,
And this, we know for sure, we will be able to.

(musical number)

Vedas1: International Women's Day is not an easy holiday! And it is not easy because it is not at all easy to choose the only, best gift for our mothers, grandmothers and sisters. Everything should be special on this day.

Performance of children from the junior level:

  1. What a gracious dad

So the whole day surprised us,

He called his mother charming,

Served her coffee in bed.

Around granny, mother's mother,

In the morning, carefully circled

And called her Ivanovna,

And he was in a hurry to serve in everything.

Courteously looked after all

And the guitar sang a romance,

Showed tricks with a handkerchief

And danced with me a waltz.

How sweet the house smells of roses,

I won't go to sleep anymore.

What a pity that the day is cheerful, pink

For dad only once a year!

  1. Mom has a day off

Dad and I decided to give

In the kitchen only for her

They were not allowed to enter.

We had a lot to do

Worries and rigmarole:

Our soup ran away, the cake burned

And we haven't eaten all day!

  1. On this day a miracle happened

Mom doesn't even have words.

All dishes washed

The parquet shines with a mirror.

Oh yes Sasha, well, Sasha!

Do not believe your eyes:

He did his best,

He did everything around the house himself!

Miracles! - said my mother. -

I don't go for bread...

Only once a year!

musical number

Vedas1: Oh, how many smart, kind, wise,
beautiful women sitting here
And how many wonderful discoveries
We still have to do with them.

Vedas 2: There are many talents in our school:
Singers, dancers and reciters
And for your favorite teachers
There will be many kind words.

Pupils read congratulations to teachers.

Maybe we just got used to it

But you can't see this:

Teachers usually

Tired eyes in the evening.

We know what it is -

Children restless swarm,

Here with one you will not find peace,

Not like with the whole crowd.

That one is funny, and this one looks askance,

There the fighter is already starting a fight.

And the questions are a thousand questions

And everyone needs an answer.

How much affection and care is needed,

Help everyone and understand everyone.

Thankful and hard work

Mom is not anxious at work,

After all, always watching the kids

Kind, tired eyes.

Good feelings do not know the standard,

To show gratitude.

I would like to say "thank you"!

Allow this spring day

Happy Women's Day to congratulate you!

(Musical number)

We wish you only happiness

To have a cloudless life

More sun, less storm

More joy and warmth.

May the sky be peaceful above you

Let the nightingales pour only for you,

Live surrounded by friends

Health and happiness and love to you!

(Musical number)

Lead 1: Attention!
Holiday telegram received:
“March 8 is the best day.
And on this spring day
We ask all teachers to:
Please accept our congratulations!
Have fun, don't be bored
And get some rest
To be at home, at work
You have always been respected."

Signature: graduates of the most remarkable fraternal school - School No. 3
(Musical number)
Vedas1: And now we will conduct for teachers:
"Smiling Women's Holiday Workshop"

1. The sum of the means and methods by which
Baba Yaga can be madeVasilisa the Beautiful. (Cosmetics.)
2. A plant that is responsible with its own head for the relationship between a boy and a girl. (Chamomile.)
3. A dizzying companion of a lady. (Aroma.)
4. An occasion for a lady to publicly hug her or someone else's boyfriend. (Dance)
5. Part of the body that the groom offers to the lady, complete with a heart. (Hand)
6. A dish that mom often cooks for breakfast in partnership with a cow and a chicken. (Omelette)
7. A household item that escaped from a certain woman named Fedora. (Tableware.)
8. Scientific nail art. (Manicure)
9. Fair fixture to turn a lady's head. (Carousel.)
10. It's time, which in September is a woman's. (Summer.)

11. A close relative you can't lose if you don't have one. (Aunt.)
12. The place where the curious Varvara lost her nose. (Bazaar.)
13. The daily cosmetic procedure of a woman, the essence of which is to drive yourself into the paint. (Makeup.)
14. Peak - at Pushkin, with a dog - at Chekhov, with camellias -
Dumas son. (Lady.)
15. The place of work of a woman who “hangs” on
phone. ( Telephone exchange.)
16. Author of the International women's day. (Clara Zetkin).
17. The one that many women sit on. (Diet.)
18. Part of the body through which women paved the way to the heart of a man. (Stomach.)
19. Changeable, like a woman herself. (Fashion.)
20. Green rival of the ruble in the wallet business woman. (Dollar.)

Music number.

The seniors are leaving.

1 Presenter: Our dear women! You have noticed that today the sun is shining in a special way, men are smiling at you in a special way, and on these festive spring days does everyone want to do only good, bright, good for you?
2 Host: In these days of spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in your women's (but far from easy!) work!
1 Host: What else would you like? After all, all wishes in no way reflect your kindness, loyalty, femininity ...
2 Host: And so we want to wish you to always be! .. Judge for yourself, what would happen if all of a sudden, one day, all the women disappeared?! You can imagine?!
1 Host: Uncut, unfed men in unironed trousers roam the city ... Hairdressers are closed, service companies are also closed, there is nothing to say about maternity hospitals ...

1 Presenter: There are no favorite announcers on TV screens. The dance of the "Little Swans" is performed by four hefty men in shorts and with hairy legs...
2 Host: The beauty salons are empty, except for a confused business traveler with an unconvincing pimple on his nose. Ensemble "Beryozka" was accordingly renamed into "Oak".
1 Host: A lot of words and expressions have disappeared. For example: "husband", "wife", "mother-in-law" and ... favorite word all men - "mother-in-law".
2 Host: Yes, friends, without women, there really is no life and cannot be!

musical number

LEADING 1: Consider that the best gift is a book. We then know the correct answer. Fur coat? No, take it higher. Well? As the respected would sayLeonid Arkadievich: automobile!!! And so, now a new concept car will be presented to your attention ... But I am silent, I am silent: the word to the creators!

Two young men in white coats come out.

DESIGNER 1: Dear friends! Actually, we planned the presentation at the Geneva Motor Show, but for the sake of the holiday (International Women's Day), we will tell you some insider information.

DESIGNER 2: And so, we present the first women's store J-MOBILE!

DESIGNER 2: Unlike a regular car, there is a section for lipstick - where the cigarette lighter was. The cigarette lighter itself was eliminated, in order to avoid an unpleasant burning sensation.

CONSTRUCTION 1: If desired, the J-MOBILE can be painted with henna or hydrogen peroxide, as well as increase thresholds.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: Important point: the car is a chameleon. Automatically changes color to match your purse and boots.

CONSTRUCTION 1: F-MOBILE - does not skid on the road, it just wags the bumper.

DESIGNER 2: The Zh-MOBIL radio tape recorder fundamentally does not catch the chanson, and automatically replaces it with your favorite hits.

CONSTRUCTOR 2: Every year J-MOBIL needs not only repair of pendants, but also a new necklace and ring.

DESIGNER 1: J-MOBIL has one drawback, it turns out too well on pictures of traffic police photo radars.

CONSTRUCTION 2: J-MOBILE steering wheel is shaped like a torsoBrad Pete from which he does not want to let go.

CONSTRUCTION 1: The steering wheel automatically gives you a manicure, and the gas pedal - a pedicure and a light foot massage.

DESIGNER 2: The machine feels where it is new collection or discounts and she slows down there.

CONSTRUCTION 2: The car is washed at least twice with a shower gel with violet extract.

CONSTRUCTION 1: There is not only a rear-view mirror, but also in full height in the cabin.

CONSTRUCTION 2: In order to avoid creating a negative image of the hostess, the car is equipped with an automatic parking function.

DESIGNER 1: Well, that's probably all. Does anyone in the room have questions?

PERSON FROM AUDIENCE: You've described everything so colorfully. Does your car have any flaws?

DESIGNER 2: In our opinion, there is only one: the trunk of the J-MOBILE is made according to the principle of a handbag.


DESIGNER 2: It has everything you need, you will find only what you need.

DESIGNER 1: Thank you! Wait for sales! Coming soon in AVON and ORIFLAME catalogs!

Vedas 1: "Cherchet la femme

Search a woman",

That's what every man says

Cherche la femme

She is the cause of all causes.

If it were not for our lovely women, we probably would not be in this hall, we would not celebrate the first spring holiday.

Vedas2: Congratulations on Women's Day,
With the desired spring, and a drop,
And bright sunshine
And birds of spring ringing trill!
More light and goodness
Health, joy, success,
Peace, happiness and warmth!

musical number

Natalia Gavrilova
Fun for middle and older kids preschool age"Tricks from the chest"

Entertainment for middle and older children

« Tricks from the chest» .

Prepared and conducted

Teacher Gavrilova N.A.

Target: to form cognitive and research interest with the help of tricks.


- development logical thinking at children;

- development of social emotions contributing to the establishment of interpersonal relationships;

Build a sustainable interest in tricks;

- develop in children imagination ability.

Material: costumes fakir, bear, chest, containers in water and ice cubes, disposable cups, combs, strips of colored paper, an apple, a coin, a clothes brush, water containers with painted lids.

Music sounds, the Fakir enters, goes around the hall.

Hello guys! You recognized me? (answers children)

Well done! I brought magic for you chest. It contains many different tricks. Let's open it. Let's say together "Chok-chok, open up, chest» . (does not open)

Something won't open... (puts to ear)

Quiet, quiet. Hear something tell me chest. Yeah, he asks you to dance his favorite dance for him. "Little Ducklings".

(dance "Little Ducklings")

Let's try again. let's together: "Chok-chok, open up, chest» 1, 2, 3 - opened! Oh how much is here tricks! I will show them to you one by one, and you look carefully and be surprised.

1 focus"Magic Cubes" (I pour ice cubes into a container in water, cover with a scarf)

1, 2, 3 – trick mocus turn out! Up! (remove scarf) Oh miracle! Where is the ice? (answers)

Well done! And here's the next one focus you will never figure it out.

2 focus"Colored Water"(I cover transparent jars of water with a lid, the inside of which is painted over with paint)

1, 2, 3, - trick mocus turn out! (2-3 children try to repeat)

Well done! Next focus"Bear Transformation"

3 focus"Bear Transformation"(take out from chest toy bear, showing the children, I put him at the door.

1, 2, 3 – trick mocus turn out(The door opens and out "bear"- child)


Hello guys! Where did I get to? And let's play with you a game that I love very much.

(the game "Rooster Fight")

Thanks for playing with me. I'll go back to the forest, and I'll leave you a magical orange as a gift.

And we have more tricks and next...

4 focus"Turning an Orange into an Apple"(an apple is hidden in the peel of an orange, I cover the orange with a handkerchief, pull off the handkerchief along with the peel, an apple remains in my hand)

1,2, 3 – trick mocus get ...(I take off the handkerchief along with the orange peel)

5 focus"Where is the 5th finger?" (first shows an adult, then we play with the children)

6 focus"Put the 3rd glass down"(put a sheet of paper on 2 glasses and try to put the 3rd glass on it, the paper will sag, I fold the paper with a fan and the glass is standing)

7 focus"Magic Hairbrush"(comb the child's hair and bring it to the paper strips, they will stick to the comb)

8 focus"Magic Coin"(I put a coin in my palm and try to brush it off my palm with a clothes brush, I suggest doing this to 2-3 children)

9 focus"Matchbox"(I shake the box - everyone will hear the sound of knocking matches, cover with a scarf and change the box to an empty one)

- Focuses ours are over for today, but our wonderful summer has not ended, let's play a fun game goodbye.

(the game "Lovata")

Goodbye guys, see you soon!

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