A piece of poison? Ivanov Gennady Nikolaevich Sweet slice of life



Everything happened in life
Don't stare.
Life is not a tasty morsel
This is a drink with poisons.

/Larisa Rubalskaya/

"Life is like an apple. You have to take a bite in order to feel the taste and aroma." /Kristin Hanna "Home Front"/

Dear Friends, MUDRAGEL and SERGEY ALMAZOV are with you!

Have you tasted life?

Do you know the taste of Love and Hate, Sorrow and Joy, Victory and Defeat?

What is the taste of Fear, Loneliness, Despair? What do you think about the taste of Day and Night, Moment and Eternity?

We are sure that the answers to these questions are in your poems. And if not, then you have a real

We bring to your attention the COMPETITION "LIFE IS NOT A TASTY PIECE…"

Full-length works containing your reflections on the TASTE QUALITIES OF LIFE IN ALL ITS VARIETY are accepted for the Competition.

"... at different ages, happiness has a different taste ..." / Viktor Pelevin "The Caretaker" /

"The taste of real childhood, not based on the number of toys, but on the promises kept. It's a feeling of security. You grow up knowing that you have a family. real family who will accept your mistakes and thereby teach them not to make any more. After all, children cannot be brought up by certain rules and prohibitions. They are brought up on what they see and hear around them. Especially before bed. I know for myself." / Elchin Safarli"You were promised to me"/

From so many lips like a bitter trail
just a taste of poison
and the taste of childhood watermelons
is not restored.

/Evgeny Yevtushenko/

"It's the sun, blazing like hot steel in a dazzling blue sky... How long has it been since I tilted my head back and tasted the sun's rays on my tongue?" /Richard Bach "Nothing is accidental"/

Something doesn't add up - just a little!
Who will correct the mistake in my task?
Salty-salty heart got
Sweet, sweet your smile!

/Marina Tsvetaeva/

"The meaning of life tastes like a kiss." /Romain Gary "The Light of a Woman"/

Like a straw, you drink my soul.
I know its taste is bitter and hoppy.
But I will not break the torture of prayer.
Oh, my rest is many weeks.

/Anna Akhmatova/

"Inspiration is not something that descends from somewhere above. It is not a creature with wings that flies and flies at will. Inspiration is a state. Same as euphoria, joy, sadness or longing. Everyone knows the taste of inspiration, everyone has experienced this feeling at least once. And everyone will perfectly remember what exactly inspires them (or inspired them at one time)." /Yana Frank "Muse, where are your wings?"/

And Pushkin looks kindly
And the night has passed, and the candles go out,
And the gentle taste of native speech
So clean lips cold.

/Bella Akhmadulina/

"Thoughts of a pantry full of supplies are always thoughts of a house, of four stone walls and a roof, and that the seasons always follow each other, always return with charming familiarity and you always meet them year after year in the same The taste of peach jam is the taste of home." /Joanne Harris "Peaches for Monsieur Cure"/

And a dream, a fairy tale
It seems the night - and embarrassed
Nights of July anxious caress
Sweet early morning dream...

/Ivan Bunin/

"A warrior does not like fruits that are too sweet. Therefore, he loves a woman - there is still bitterness in the sweetest woman." / Friedrich Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" /

The tongue relishes among the lures of all
The taste of heart troubles caused by you,
And sin triumphs in the midst of pleasures,
When they call him.

/William Shakespeare/

"Dmitry returned at noon. Smelling of the spring sun, happy. The road for the procession of Marina and the guests was in good order, the bridges were renovated or rebuilt, the miserable huts and wrecks, sad eyes, were dismantled. He rushed, setting himself up, once again, finally, to taste bitterest love Princess Xenia." / Vladislav Bahrevsky "The Pretender" /

Liloveli on the swell of a fever spot,
And it seemed that in the slow rhythm of the elements
Only the complaint of bitter love is understandable -
Stronger than alcohol, longer than your poems.

/Arthur Rimbaud "The Drunken Ship"/

"Hope - it's like salt, you can't eat it by itself, but it gives taste to any food." /Jose Saramago "[Ab]vision"/

Worth the kingdom of a Chinese glass of wine,
It stands on the shores of a heavenly glass of wine.
The bitter taste of a ruby ​​poured into a glass -
This bitterness is equal to all the sweetness of the world.

/ Omar Khayyam /

"Loneliness had the metallic taste of a coin in my mouth ... I can taste its fear. It tastes like champagne. Cold, sparkling, without the slightest sweetness ... " / Janet Fitch "White Oleander" /

I will delve into the essence of the speeches of the head of drunken pleasures, -
For shell-ears like pearls - his syllable.
Poisonous-bitter taste of torment from separation, -
Oh, if only I could taste the nectar of sweet lips!

/Hafiz Khorezmi/

"And you tell me, friends, that they don't argue about tastes and tastes? But life is a dispute about tastes and tastes!"

/ Friedrich Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" /


2. The application is submitted in the form:

- the title of the poem in quotation marks

4. Rewarding:

1st place - 500 points

2nd place - 300 verse points

3rd place - 200 verse points

The prize fund of the Contest is 2000 points. If there is more than one winner, then the points are divided equally. The remaining 1000 points are distributed by the Hosts of the Competition at their discretion.

5. Participation in the Contest is free.

6. Applications are accepted from September 16th. The deadlines for accepting applications are determined by the Hosts of the Contest at their discretion.

Any help with verses is accepted with gratitude.

Site login - oycumena

After writing the application, do not forget to click the green "like" button so that as many Authors as possible know about the Contest.

~~~~ Hosts of the Contest – Mudragel and Sergey Almazov ~~~~

Everything happened in life
Don't stare.
Life is like a tasty morsel
This is a drink with poisons. L. Rubalskaya

Time quietly touches the roofs, shaking Fate kilometers. Wind of good luck take us with you? The tragic weight of life has fallen into our blood: from despair? Everything is in contrast! With the same fury you try to forget about everything in the world: you try to remember what you experienced in as much detail as possible, hiding your memory; then longing, boredom, the bitterness of an unfulfilled dream make you build a bridge from the past to the new! All in elegiac tones, filled with tragedy and hidden protest: are we recreating the oppressive atmosphere of everyday life? No, listening to the heart, we drown the nearest stars in our eyes, without speaking loud words, we scatter sparks of hope at dawn and, here it is again in you - the shining God! Rocking a new life in our hands!

Excessive emotionality, exaltation inherent in age? No, no matter how old you are, it is important to see, hear, feel in a life devoid of any illusions, the rustle of the wind, the sound of water, the rustle of leaves in the crowns of trees: the pulse of life! Curiosity, interest, inquisitiveness, causing associations of a flap of a wing?

I call
And the trees fly away. Carlos de Oliveira.

Life is either a “tidbit”, or a “drink with poisons”?!

She froze anxiously when she heard his nervous heavy footsteps. Minutes, hours of walking around the house usually ended with a new idea. Ideas were also frightening: they remained, as a rule, unfinished.

So what now? You can’t understand your own son, but “it wasn’t yesterday that you fell off a haystack”? Can you tell a hawk from a cuckoo?

I remembered. He has always been like this - an explorer. His questions were amazing: “Mom, is it true that those who talk and gossip a lot are poop in a piece of paper? Why does the earth keep spinning?
But the day was just dawning. To understand for him meant to destroy: he disassembled cars, together with his sister they tore off the heads of dolls, marveling at how simple everything turned out to be. To understand means to reproduce what was destroyed - they screwed painted vegetables instead of a head - it was impressive. “I became my own,” I heard the comment. He read encyclopedias and wrote poems, drawing illustrations for them in watercolor, and pencil sketches were amazing. Solving the next task, I didn’t see, didn’t hear, didn’t feel others, didn’t sleep, didn’t eat ...
For him, the matter did not end with a call from a lesson or from work, or the words “ Goodnight". He thought and thinks in a dream, and when he wakes up, he convulsively writes down quatrains, drawings, thoughts. Humanitarian and mathematician - it has everything. He always explores everything and everywhere, even walking the beaten path of life, by ... Time and space disappear - there are whole generations in it, the spirit of ancestors: adventurers, discoverers, damn strange and intriguing!

The door swung open with a bang. The boy ran out of the house. He raised his eyes to the sky, smiled, and said: “Move over. Get off my cloud." Son, son, son!

Just like in the good old days, grumbled the grandfather. Nothing compares to the good old days. We are getting older every day, and the growth is good - the words echoed. The echo repeated many times, bounced off the walls and carried off into eternity ...

What's the matter? I think I guess!

The path to the depth of truth is unique, and it is curiosity! It is he who gives birth to a unique individuality in a person. Curiosity is a link between generations: repeating the path of our ancestors, we are reaching new frontiers. For it is possible to reach them only “on the shoulders of predecessors”, who are just as inquisitive and accept life “like a tasty morsel” and “a drink with poisons”.

Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Pavlov, Mechnikov, Newton, Bor, Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky - they are united by an insatiable interest in life.

I love you: I build and dream, no matter what happens, I love you, Life!
For me, the Sun will never cool down - a child's hand writes!

Eyes should not go out, persistent, Soul-warming interest, strong-willed beginning, initiative of search, independence. You have sewn your life together, you have not lost control of passion: you have held onto the slippery rope of your sanity. The chains of rationality, very carelessly assembled in man, rust without a spark of interest.

Do you disagree? Well, a refutation is also an answer, and a positive one at that!

Sophisticated simplicity of life!

I'm calling you your name illuminates
Things eternal and simple:
Bread and water
Table and bed… Eugenio de Andrade.




Saint Petersburg

UDC 94 (47) LBC 84 (Ros) I20 I20 Ivanov G.N. Sweet slice of life. St. Petersburg, 2016 - 108 s, ill. ISBN ...................... The book tells about the romantic, bright and happy life men and women. They are interested and comfortable with each other. How does it work? Read the book and find out. UDC 94(47) BBK 84(Ros) I20 Copyright for this book is protected by the law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated June 9, 1993 N 5352-1 as amended federal law dated June 16, 1995, 110-FZ (Articles 48, 49), the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 150*), and also the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 146). Any use, reproduction of text materials and copyright illustrations from the book is possible only with the written consent of the copyright owner.

No Ivanov G.N., 2016

The man becomes happy thanks to the woman.


There are no accidents in life

there are signs of fate Aseverythingbegan? August 2012 Midsummer. Forum of Entrepreneurs at the Angleterre Hotel. Many experts have gathered. Formally passed the business part. Then a banquet. This is already interesting. The people revived. Started to feast on buffet. Yummy as much as you want. Expensive wines of different varieties and countries. Ivan walked over to the table. The men were talking. One friendly name was Valery. It turned out that Ivan, together with Valery, served in St. Petersburg on the Highway of the Revolution, house 52. True, at different times ... He was an ordinary military construction detachment. Ivan - an officer in the military electrical unit. They worked at military facilities in the North, the Baltic states and in the south of the country. Unexpectedly, Valery said to Ivan: "Do you see that girl over there? She is lonely. Get busy." At this time, the girl approached the table. Her name was Anya. We met. A cheerful friendly company. The buffet was over. Good mood. All are full and happy. We started going home. Anya took with her a few sandwiches, cakes ... She said: "I take this to work for my friends." Ivan liked it. Wow, she thinks not only about herself, but also about others. This is not the case for all people. Saying goodbye, Ivan invited Anya to go to the beautiful blue lakes beyond Zelenogorsk. Anya agreed. On one of the weekends, we went, we went, we went... So began a honeymoon lasting several years... During this period, where only Ivan and Anya had been, no matter what interesting situations they got into. Have seen a lot.

Blue Lakes

Life suddenly shone with bright colors and acquired a different meaning. The meaning of enjoying the surrounding nature and the world. Wine Salonin" Astoria" Ivan and Anya participated in the annual wine salon for the second time. Reception halls in the hotel "Astoria". You enter, they give you a beautiful glass and a catalog of drinks. Tasting alcoholic beverages within six hours. Elite cognacs, whiskeys, vodkas, sparkling wines and champagnes from all over the world are presented. Drinks are displayed at 50 stands. We go from booth to booth. At the stands, young people talk about drinks and pour them for a sample. You try and write down the impressions in a notebook. Drinks are very expensive. The cost of cognac is up to 20 thousand rubles per bottle. Music is playing. Festive atmosphere.

At one of the stands of "Fragrant World"

Around cheerful decent people with burning eyes. We eat periodically. Snacks: sausages, cheeses, nuts, fruits, various sweets... The question arises: can a person try various drinks for 6 hours? It turns out it can! According to the press, 300 liters of wine, 60 liters of spirits were drunk during the salon, about 1000 kg of snacks were eaten. We are one of the last to leave. At the exit, we get acquainted with the girls who were handing out snacks. They give us an expensive three-pound sausage in the shape of a heart. We go out into the fresh air. I want to wake up from everything I see, drink and eat. We go to the square opposite the hotel on the bench. We're trying to come to terms. We are resting. We share our impressions. Anya managed to break her black tights somewhere. We must go home. Ivan went ahead. Anya is a little behind. Crossing the street, Ivan turned around and saw that Anya was sitting by the curb in a puddle. Picturesque picture. Anya is illuminated by the moon. Maple leaves are floating in a clean puddle and a woman is sitting. Ivan helped Anya to get up and they quietly walked along Bolshaya Morskaya. Anya persistently molested Ivan: “Let's go to the Tatar woman on Millionnaya. She has a large leather sofa. Ivan did not agree. Such a trip would be a complete bust. On the way they went to the store. Ivan asked to cut the sausage heart in half. Ivan was afraid of the police, he was afraid that they could cling to decent people. Anya was not afraid of anything. Having reached the metro, they went home. The next day, Ivan called Anya. She said that she had been walking home for a very long time and biting sausage on the way. Ivan was afraid that Anya would be taken away by the police and she would have to be rescued from the monkey house. Warm memories of happiness and the desire to live. Thus ended the wine salon. Wonderful. See the good in the bad and not see the bad in the good.


Anechka With Iberian Anya came from Irkutsk to St. Petersburg a few years ago. Born in Irkutsk, graduated from the Polytechnic Institute. Specialty physical and chemical research of metallurgical processes. She served in the Army in the missile unit with the rank of senior warrant officer as head of the secret department. At the end of the contract, she retired from the Armed Forces. Specialized in the field of labor protection. In St. Petersburg, she invested in the construction of an apartment and got stuck. The construction of the house is delayed indefinitely. Struggling to find a decent job. Anna worked for a road construction company. The company collapsed due to a lack of work. They paid little. The pay was delayed. Relations between people are strained. Mat-remat flourished. In general, the situation is bad. I was looking for and finally found a decent and lively job. All around beauty. Modern technology respectful relationships between people. The salary is normal and regular. All good. Anya at her new job lit up again and shone. Suddenly, Anya was fired. Reason: no registration in St. Petersburg. And a bunch of other problems: mortgages, loans, debts... In Irkutsk, one apartment in a military town, the other in a long-term construction. Garages ... Anya could turn from a very adult woman into a young one before her eyes. She puts on a smile and lights up her eyes. Starts to glow magically. Gorgeous. Before you is "a student from the eleventh grade." Suddenly the smile goes out, the eyes grow dim. Anya becomes a woman in years, weighed down by serious life problems. Ivan caught himself on the fact that in passers-by on the street, in the subway, in shops, he involuntarily noticed the familiar, sweet and beloved features of Anya. Facial expression, eyes, hairstyle, figure. golden hands and heart Anya knows how and loves to sew. He alters jackets, sews dresses, blouses, coats for himself ... Fantasy and skill high level. Talent. It seems that fashion designer Zaitsev can rest. Notices what can be done for Ivan. He deftly alters new trousers, shortens his jacket, puts on a jacket - the lower back should be warm. It does it smartly, quickly and with high quality. Buys smart gifts for Ivan: leggings for pants in the cold, a warm jacket, beautiful gloves. In general, it does a lot of useful things. Anya's wardrobe has accumulated a lot of dresses, suits... Here is an interesting example of choosing clothes. Morning. Anna is going to work. Getting dressed. Enters the room to say goodbye to Ivan. Anya is dressed in a red blouse with a flower and a short, bright ruffled skirt. On Anya, this outfit looks strange, out of place and defiant. In such outfits go young ladies of affordable behavior. Seeing the surprise on Ivan's face and hearing his negative reaction, Anya went to another room. Literally a few minutes later, Anya appears in the form of a decent woman. She is wearing a strict beautiful green suit. Real business lady. Peculiarities behavior Ivan always had fun and interesting with Anya. The soul rested. Smart, fighting, mischievous, daredevil, even moderately hooligan. A real lighter. For example, it will pass for free to the exit from the railway station through the turnstile following a disciplined passenger. In the supermarket, she grazes in the sweet section. Sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, cookies... Tasting. Don't drive away. Snaps back. The head is a fast computer. Can drink vodka, wine and beer. Maybe not drink. Can swear cool like a shoemaker. Maybe not swear. As if turning off one or the other option. Controls himself so as not to break the measure. Takes into account the situation. At the beginning of our acquaintance, Anya cursed with a choice obscenity. The influence of the army environment affected. Anya's checkmate didn't particularly cut the ear. Ivan did not perceive her mate as obscene. Ivan himself loved materok. True, swearing did not fit, did not fit in with the appearance and behavior of her beloved Anya. Gradually, Anya's mat disappeared completely. Once she said to Ivan with humor and "chagrin": "With you, I will soon forget how to swear at all." Peculiar character Anya sometimes has an explosive temper. The explosions seem to have come out of the blue. Suddenly for no reason spoiled a good relationship on the brink of scandal. For example, discuss the current life situation. Anya starts to wind up and says: "You don't understand me ... or your women ..." What kind of women? Ivan understands all of Anya's problems and helps to solve them as best he can. Love for Anya helps to experience the peculiarities of relationships. Ivan has to be patient. Relate to complex relationships with understanding. Maybe Anya's behavior is similar to the phenomena in nature? Suddenly heavy rain, storm, snow... But then the sun still peeks out. Everything around is beautiful and pleasing to the eye. It seems that Anya cannot be strictly judged for her behavior. It's just the way it's designed. So she sees the situation with her own eyes. This is how fantastic and real thoughts are formed in her head. Or maybe Anya consciously wants to deploy the current situation in her own interests. Who knows? Ivan said to Anya: "I can't stand your explosions." Anya replied: "I'll have to endure," however, she added, "I will do everything so as not to upset you." Ivan suggested reducing the likelihood of quarrels this way. Situation: Anya starts talking, according to Ivan, it’s not right to wind up. As the scandal develops, Ivan offers a number of options: "Anya shut up, shut your mouth, shut your mouth, stall, shut up ..." Ivan thinks this way: as long as there is strength, one has to endure. Endure consciously with understanding. Realizing that all people are different with their own characteristics. Each person, by virtue of his device, sees and perceives life situations and the world in my own way. A person, in accordance with his view and perception, builds relationships with people around him and reacts to emerging situations. Perhaps inadequate to the way other people do it, Mutual misunderstanding may arise, as a ground for conflict. In a conflict, it is difficult to understand the motive of a person's act. A person can take a position consciously or by virtue of his structure and vision of the situation. Finding the line between the motives of an act is difficult. Conscious motive: to solve your own selfish tasks, to strive to take a dominant position in relationships, ambitions ... Maybe you should not delve into motives, but simply respond correctly to the act itself. Anya can live and work with someone like Ivan. The two of them are good at everything they do. Separately, it is much worse or does not work at all. Main features In search of work, Anya wrote her resume. Here is an excerpt: practical experience work in the production area. Purposeful, sociable, without bad habits. Possesses good organizational skills. Executive ... Ivan read the resume and exclaimed with delight: "Yes, you're just an angel." Anya replied: "I compiled a lot of good resumes from the Internet and wrote my own." Ivan objected: "No. Everything is written in the summary correctly. This is how it really is." relationship principle Even the ancients defined the roles of men and women in the family. Translated from the Hebrew language, Adam is a man, and Eve is a helper. The role of a woman in organizing a happy life is great and is determined by a number of conditions. First, the state of falling in love and readiness for a love relationship. In addition, a woman should nod her head in agreement with the opinion of a man. In this case, the mouth must be closed. And also, as the "classic" Valery Petrovich, a common friend of Ivan and Anya, said: "A woman should shove all her ambitions, thoughts and considerations into one well-known place." Of course, these conditions are aggravated and are not a dogma. They can be adjusted according to the prevailing situation. desperate situation There is unemployment in the yard, Anya works wherever she has to. Posting advertisements of the client company. Works as a cleaner. On the night shift in large stores, she picks vegetables, packs fish, meat ... Anya is always looking for suitable job. Does not get out of the Labor Exchange. Frozen contribution for an apartment in the housing complex "Megapolis" for 1.5 million rubles. The bandits of this company have been thwarting the deadlines for completing the construction of the house for 3.5 years. No light to be seen. Shareholders are deceived. The state does not protect. Anya has to live in a hostel. Exist real danger be on the street at any time. Anya decided to get into a mortgage and a loan. Buy good two-room apartment at the subway. Now we have to get out between the payment of loans and mortgages. Deny yourself everything. Save. Suffer. Overhead all the time hangs the threat of eviction from the apartment in case of failure to pay debts on loans. Howls like a wolf, but does not give up Background. Anya in 2011 contributed a lot of money to the Megapolis cooperative, they had to rent an apartment in 2013. Years go by, construction is standing. Living somewhere is a nightmare. November 2014 came to watch the construction of a house in Lagolovo. This settlement is immediately outside the Red Village. Evening. The regular bus drove to the ring. We got out, next to the Kingisepp highway. Cold. Darkness. Nobody around. Ahead is a boundless field, construction lights. We tried to go across the field along a barely visible icy path to the construction site lights. You can't see anything under your feet. I had to return. Light snow fell from the sky interspersed with rain. Suddenly Anya yelled at the top of her voice to the whole neighborhood, like a wolf. She walked briskly, howling and cursing what the light is worth this hole Lagolovo. The day I joined the cooperative. Ivan was confused. It was impossible to calm Anya. Seeing Ivan's confused look, Anya said through her tears: "I always roar out loud when I get very upset." Ivan had a feeling of helplessness. They are both in the dark. Nobody around. Next to Ivan is a roaring woman. Suddenly, Ivan flared up with a feeling of pity, tenderness and love for a dear creature. We went out on the highway, caught a minibus. We arrived at the building site. The guard let me in. We got talking. 1st floor under construction. It looks like the ice has broken. Anya calmed down and cheered up. Let's go back to the city. Injustice, deceit. A cooperative of thieves, swindlers and liars ZhSK "Megapolis" essentially stole a large amount of money from Anya. What lies ahead? God bless you for all this horror. celebrationsaboutinNavy May 2014. Ivan and Anya went to the Oktyabrsky Grand Concert Hall for a celebration in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Nakhimov School. Ivan, perhaps, never received such pleasure from the holiday. Celebrities performed - artists: Gazmanov, Kharatyan, Edita Piekha, Girelo, the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet ... Between the performances of the artists, the guests were introduced to outstanding people who graduated from the Nakhimov School. They were admirals, heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, doctors of science... The performances of the artists took place against the backdrop of scenes from the life of Nakhimov. These scenes were shown on big screens. Sea elements, seagulls, warships, naval aviation. The life of the Nakhimovites: boat races, hiking, tug-of-war, physical activities, study ... The next day, Anya called Ivan on the phone. Ivan asked: "What are you doing now?" She replied: "I am making a dress. I think you will like it." What simple, warm and dear words. Then Anya said: "I miss you. I can't live without you. I love you." Ivan did not hear such words from anyone during his life. He replied, "I love you too." In response: "A man cannot love like a woman, as I love you." Day of Russia inNakhimovskycamp Invitation The day before, Oleg Alexandrovich Gorlov called: "Ivan, I invite you to a holiday RUSSIA DAY to the Nakhimov camp. It will be interesting. School graduates of different years will come. " Ivan, without hesitation, agreed. Ivan and Anya were resting at that time in a dacha not far from the Nakhimov camp. The next morning they jumped into the car and drove to the holiday. remembering young year s Entering the land of the Nakhimov camp, the past, interesting and eventful life appears before the mind's eye. Ten-kilometer hikes in the heat along the dusty roads of the Karelian Isthmus were etched into my memory. Many kilometers of sailing and rowing on the lake. Educational activities in nature. Knitting sea knots. Military and sports games. Watch at the tent camp and the pier, in the forest at the well ... All life in the camp is scheduled by the minute. This is how young people were taught and brought up. People who subsequently occupied key positions in the structure of the state. Climb Andreevsky flag Companies of Nakhimovites and guests of the holiday lined up on the parade ground of the camp. The holiday began with the raising of the St. Andrew's flag. The head of the camp meeting made a greeting. The Russian anthem was played. The celebrations have begun. Mastery fighting club Cadets of the martial arts school showed the techniques of defense, attack and destruction of the enemy. Weapons - models of knives, machine guns, pistols, sapper shovels. Fighters - 12 people in camouflage. The youngest is 10 years old, the oldest is about 20 years old. One fragile girl. The head of the school is a former special forces soldier, a participant in battles in hot spots. A group of fighters dynamically shows wrestling techniques. They "stab", "shoot", "cut off" the enemy's head, throw him to the ground, evade the attack... The young generation of fighters is well brought up - defenders of their lives and the interests of the state. The flip side of the coin is the involuntary upbringing of an aggressive person. Exit to the stormy "sea" Lake Sulojärvi (Nakhimovskoye) is serious. Its length is 14 km, the maximum width is about 2 km, and the depth is 70 m. A piercing wind with gusts of more than 12 m / s breaks the crests of the waves. The sky is densely covered with clouds. Cold rain. All chilled. Anya wrapped herself in a blanket. She was insulated by the Nakhimovites. No one had any doubts whether or not to go out into the raging "sea". Get out! Everyone has a young soul. Seized by a single impulse, the rowers - four men and two women climb into the boat. They sit down on wet cans, dismantle heavy oars and insert them into oarlocks. Boat commander Konstantin Pavlovich Derzhavin. It's hard to recognize him. He went from 85 years old to 50 years old right before our eyes. Like music, familiar commands sound clearly: “Stretch out”, “left to the water, right taban”, “oars to the water”, “plunge” ... Strong wind hinders paddling. The boat is drifting towards the shore. The team is trying, rowing together, despite the difficulties, everyone is in a fighting mood. The rowers are cheerful and cheerful. They look young. Rejuvenated. Eyes are burning. Finally, the swim is over. The boat was moored to the pier. There are no comments. Oleg Alexandrovich Gorlov was accompanied everywhere by his smart favorite dog - the dachshund Yungosh. Inseparable eternal friends. Everyone is content and happy. Defeated the elements. Overcame the fear of communicating with the raging nature. They turned out to be stronger. It is interesting that the Nakhimov school unites different, previously strangers even after many years in one friendly team. I would like to note that, despite the cold and rain, no one caught a cold. Naval hardening, good mood and healthy mind communication of loved ones. AT t yo plom circle friends In the modest room of Konstantin Pavlovich, eight people gathered at the table. Six men and two women - Anya and Natasha. Natasha is the wife of one of the Nakhimovites. The age of those present ranged from 55 to 85 years. On the table are cognac, salad, fish, sandwiches, sweets, tea. And most importantly - the warmth of the people gathered. They remembered studying at the Nakhimov School, naval service. They told jokes. They sang soulful songs. Suddenly, a close-knit family of people was formed. Many met only for the first time. Ivan knew well the Nakhimovite - Oleg Alexandrovich. He is the commander of a nuclear submarine. Nakhimovets Konstantin Pavlovich - sea captain. They have made and are making a significant contribution to the strengthening of the Navy and the education of sailors. Ivan considers them, honored specialists and wonderful people, the "Golden Fund of Russia". Nakhimovskydinner Finally it was time for lunch. We went to the dining room. A wonderful meal. Pickled cucumber appetizer. Tender soup from fresh cabbage. Sausage with pasta. Of course, compote, and also an orange. Ate with great pleasure and appetite. The influence of fresh air and the active celebration of the Day of Russia had an effect. Return to St. Petersburg On the way to St. Petersburg "for a minute" we stopped at Ivan's dacha. Anya had time to prepare a treat. We got acquainted with the garden, the house and the bathhouse. Everyone liked it. In the garden, trimmed coniferous trees, apple trees, blackcurrant bushes, honeysuckle, Chinese magnolia vine ... In general, there are a lot of tasty and healthy plants. An interesting and eventful holiday has come to an end. Its duration was only five hours. A low bow and words of gratitude from all those present for the excellent organization of the holiday to Oleg Alexandrovich and Konstantin Pavlovich. wonderfulFinnishfriends Finnish benevolence Summer. Ivan travels around Finland. Did not see the city of Savonlinna. I went. Stopped at the hotel. Evening. I wanted to buy milk. Went by unfamiliar city. In the garden near the cottage I saw a Finn. Ivan came up and asked: "Where is the nearest store?" Finn suggested: "Get in my car. I'll take you to the store." Go. Ivan bought milk for himself. We met. Finn's name was Risto. The willingness to help a stranger is amazing. Saying goodbye, Risto invited Ivan, before leaving for St. Petersburg, to visit. Ivan gratefully agreed. The next day, Ivan stopped by Risto's. I met his charming wife Eeva. Ivan was treated to tea and sweets. We got talking. It turned out that Risto and Eeva were soon going to St. Petersburg on an excursion. We agreed that Ivan would arrange a reception for his Finnish friends in his office and invite him to a concert at the Philharmonic. That's how it turned out. Risto and Eeva were satisfied. Thus, the friendship between Russian and Finnish people was unexpectedly formed. AT away at E e you and Risto Ivan and Anya were vacationing in Finland in the city of Imatra. Hotel "Kulpyulya". At the invitation, we went to the city of Savonlinna to visit Eva and Risto. Warm meeting. A chic table: fresh vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, potatoes, chops, fish, drinks. Risto shows a cozy house. Everything is thought out for a comfortable life. The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances. Cabinet with books and paintings. Cozy living room. Sauna. Risto is an archaeologist. Eeva referent. They are over 70 years old. Hobby - travel. It is hard to imagine that they recently walked about 600 km through Spain and Portugal. It was an international project. We walked along the route with backpacks. We stayed in monasteries, cheap hotels, guest houses... Having had a rest after the journey, Ivan and Anya went for a walk around the city of Savonlinna. G City of Savonlinna The city of Savonlinna makes an unforgettable impression. Beautiful houses located on the shore of the lake. A rich historical museum, churches, monuments... I especially remember the medieval fortress of Olavinlinna. The fortress is one of the most famous sights in Finland. It is located on a small rocky island with steep banks in the middle of the lake. The fortress consists of three towers connected by walls. The construction of the fortress began in 1475. In the XVI and XVII centuries the fortress was attacked. Russians, Swedes, Finns fought under the walls of the fortress. The fortress passed from hand to hand. The history of the fortress is connected with the names of Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov and Tsar Alexander I. mid-nineteenth century for 6 years the fortress served as a prison. Now opera festivals, official receptions, weddings are held in the fortress ... The fortress has a central and royal halls, a bell tower and a church, a chapel, a knight's gallery, a large courtyard, exhibitions of old cannons and coins. The fortress was closed. However, Ivan and Anya miraculously managed to get inside. The impression that you were in the Middle Ages. Visit on Finnish dacha Risto invited Ivan and Anya to go to a country cottage. Go. Cottage 60 km from the city of Savonlinna. We've arrived. There are two comfortable houses on the shore of Lake Saimaa. Nobody around. Only fairy forest with mushrooms and berries. At the pier are two boats with Japanese motors. Cans of gasoline and oil. The doors to the house don't close. On the street, a household tool, a wood-chopping machine ... The machine is simple. The wooden block is fixed. The drive turns on. The striker strikes and splits the chock into pieces. Houses and all the surrounding wealth are not guarded. These are signs of a high-level civilization. In the head of a Russian person, this does not fit. We have everything closed. Metal doors, gates, bars... The houses are surrounded by high fences, the alarm goes off... It doesn't help much. All the same, they rob, destroy ... This can be called savagery. The toilet makes a strong impression. Inside is beautifully clean and there are no smells. Odors are absorbed by a special biocomposition. Ivan took over the experience. I bought a bag with a biocomposition and improved the toilet in my country house. It is believed that the level of culture of an individual family and the country as a whole is determined, among other things, by the arrangement and order in the toilets. Ride along Saimaa on a boat with a Japanese motor. We tried to fish on the "track", the fish did not bite. On the shore, Eeva laid a beautiful table with Finnish dishes. We had dinner, thanked Risto and Eeva for their hospitality. We went to our hotel in Imatra. heavy reverse road The road was not easy. Not a single light on the side of the road. around pitch darkness. Oncoming cars come across very rarely. Suddenly, a large Finnish truck pulled up behind our car. Bright cab lights and low beam. The truck pursued us, honking continuously. Blinded by distant light. Ivan signaled with turn signals, offering the truck to overtake. The truck did not obey and continued to chase the car. And so it went on for about 30 km. Ordeal. A terrible state of helplessness in a foreign country. It's strange, why did Finnish truckers do this? Who knows. Maybe for hooligan reasons or for fun ...? What could truck drivers do? Unknown. For example, push into a ditch. Just how to scare ... The horror of hopelessness seized Ivan. Anna was worried all the time. In general, they suffered fear. Finally, we drove onto an illuminated central highway with heavy traffic. Got off the wagon. They stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. The truck race ended happily. Ivan and Anya were overjoyed. rest in SPA hotel " Kulpyulya " Finally, we arrived in the city of Imatra to our hotel. We ran to the SPA-zone to swim and enjoy water procedures. There are a lot of pleasures in the SPA zone: hydromassage, jacuzzi, contrast baths. Here Anya is happy in the midst of boiling and bubbling water. And here is a wonderful composition: Anya is happy to swim on a beautiful rubber dolphin. Then they returned to their comfortable room. On the wings of love, they flew to the bed, gently embraced. Happy fell asleep. Cork From Finland we will return to Russia. Sunday. Ivan and Anya began to get ready to leave the dacha for St. Petersburg. Last Sunday we left at seven in the evening, the road is free. We reached the city in an hour. We also decided to leave. In Zelenogorsk, they got stuck in a traffic jam. There are thousands of cars in a traffic jam in two rows. There are thousands of people in cars. The elderly, infants, and the sick are suffering... Cars move a little, but cost more. People go to the toilet right next to the road, not particularly shy. How many spiritual and physical strength do you need to endure it? Ivan periodically turned on and off the engine, slightly moving forward. Such an operation is associated with large starting currents. The engine has overheated. The car stood up as if rooted to the spot. Ivan jumped out, turned on the emergency gang, opened the hood, began to think in a state of semi-consciousness from excitement. What to do? Thoughts swirl in my head. Fear of damaging the car. Stuck in traffic all night? How to get to Peter? Maybe in tow? Maybe with a tow truck? But, how does a tow truck drive through a terrible traffic jam? Furnishings. Night. Around the car for many kilometers, who will help? Everything unfolded quickly, like in a movie. From standing next to cars jumped young people. One was named Andrew. He asked, "What's wrong? Let's watch." Inspected the engine, checked the contact connections. Diagnosis: overheating of the systems that ensure the movement of the machine. Solution: we will push the car and try to start the engine. One of the guys approached Ivan and asked permission to drive. Ivan agreed. Before Ivan's eyes amazing picture. Three young men and Anya briskly push the car forward. Admiration was replaced by horror. The car rolled down the narrow aisle between expensive cars and metal building envelope. There was a real danger of damage to the car. Finally the car started up. Hooray!!! Saved!!! Saying goodbye, Andrei said: "Turn on the fan and the stove to the fullest. Hot air will enter the interior of the car, and not on the engine. The engine will not overheat." A nice combination of hot air in the car and warm weather outside. Heat. Added more noise from the running fan. There are many questions. How can you organize the passage of cars on a federal road so that there is practically no traffic? We drove for 6 hours on nerves, where we usually drove in 1 hour. At this time, for no apparent reason, cars stood in a column from Zelenogorsk to Solnechny. After Solnechny opened a free road. What is the cause of the car collapse? No accidents repair work was not on the road. There were no traffic controllers, no police. That's the order. Anya steadfastly withstood the test, did not grumble, did not squeak. Well done! It is surprising that a car accident, professionals in the field of repair and operation of cars suddenly "met" at the same time, in the same place. This is your day We were going to go to Finland. A six-hour traffic jam on a trip from the dacha to St. Petersburg made itself felt. The car started hard to start. What to do? Go to the border in the morning and get repaired at a car service on the way? Dangerously. The car may not start. Loss of time. The day is gone. The trip will open. To go now to be repaired? 21 o'clock Where? Just random. Maybe lucky? Decided to go and see how it goes. Started up with difficulty. Events unfolded rapidly. I drove up to the first car service on the way. Closed. They work until 20:00. In the workshop, behind glass, a Tajik sweeps the floor. He doesn't understand Russian. A passer-by advised me to go to the BBC parts store. I went. Approached the young seller. His name is Nikolay. He spoke about his problem. He replied: "I'll put you a new battery. Let's try to start. And then we'll see." So they did. The car didn't start. So the starter went out. Nikolai called a friend: "Oleg, come - there is hack-work." He agreed. Nikolai remarked, "You're in luck. This is your day." Oleg arrived quickly. Dismantled part of the engine and got close to the starter. Replaced the old starter with a new one. Ivan helped. Night. Illuminated with a flashlight. I tried to start. Everything worked like clockwork. The repair operation lasted from 21.00 to 23.20. All on the nerves and in the dark. In the morning we went to Finland. The car had no failures. Here is how unexpectedly, miraculously, random events lined up with happy result. Starter failure, meeting good people. Troubleshooting. Repair. And the trip to Finland took place! Miracles on the forest road One day Ivan and Anya were driving from Sosnovo to Roshchino. The road is long, narrow, bumpy. Occasionally, lone cars came across. The light rain turned into a tropical downpour. Darkness. Wilderness. There is forest on both sides of the road. All of a sudden, the wipers quit. Rain cats and dogs. I can not see anything. It's impossible to drive. Stopped unsuccessfully. Uphill in the back, downhill in front. Jumped out of the car, began to look for the cause of failure. It turned out that the contact connection of the wipers failed. Began to think how to fix it. There are no hand tools. Suddenly, a huge double-decker bus with tourists leaves towards us. The bus stops nearby. The driver gets out in the rain. Knows what's up. He goes to his bus, rummages through his tools, finds key No. 10. He returns to our car and reconnects the wiper to the drive. We are saved. You can go further. An amazing situation: darkness, lashing rain, forest all around, janitors refuse. Suddenly a bus appears. The driver helps eliminate the failure. Tourists are patiently waiting for the continuation of the trip. It is unlikely that in one place, at the same time, so many random events. But the fact is there. Wonders! Just don't get upset The May holidays. There is a lot of work in the country, it is necessary to put everything in order. Collect the plumbing and connect the water. Dig up beds, plant vegetables, cut dry branches and collect old leaves ... In the morning Ivan and Anya jumped into the car and drove to the dacha. We turned off the highway for water to a spring. You have to drive about 300 meters. First you can go, then pits with water, clay slurry. Let's go ahead. Finally, the car gets bogged down in clay, the right wheel falls completely into the pit. The car skids and stops. Ivan is horrified. Anya says: "Ivan, just don't be upset. We'll get out!" Anya is fashionably dressed in a white trouser suit, with red boots on her feet. Opens the car door and jumps right into the goo. Tries to push the car. Ivan gasps. We sit firmly. Neither back nor forward. Behind and in front, cars begin to pile up. They are not afraid. They are SUVs. Around the dense forest. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a young man appeared on the edge of the ditch. It seems that he materialized from the void. Wants to help push the car out of the mud. Unsuccessfully. A jeep drives by. The girl sticks her head out of the window and says: "I can't help, the hitch was stolen at night." A guy drove up in a jeep, hooked the car to the hitch and pulled it onto a hard road. Ivan drove back. He deftly turned around on the narrow road and drove onto the highway. Anya said admiringly: "You're just Schumacher, so cleverly turned around. Well done!" In a good mood, we went to the ring road along a hard road to the spring for water. They took water and rushed to the dacha. Curiousgoat March 2014. Ivan and Anya celebrated Maslenitsa in Petrodvorets. The Maslenitsa holiday has come to us from time immemorial. The meaning is a joyful celebration of the transition from winter to spring. The holiday was accompanied by fun and treats... Pancakes, shish kebabs, honey, tea, drinks, sweets... Daring fellows climb a smooth pillar for gifts. People shoot at the shooting range, take to the skies in balloons... Dressed-up girls and boys walk around with falcons and owls. Skoromoks entertain children. The children have their faces painted. Music is playing. In one of the houses there are pets and birds. Snakes, geese, turkeys, rabbits, goats... The pen with goats attracts attention. The horned and bearded goat acted like Small child. The goat stood up on its hind legs, and leaned on the fence with its front legs. I put my beard in Anya's bag, smelled it there delicious pancakes with buckwheat. Received a meal. Shrovetide in beautiful clothes is made of brushwood. She is set on fire. Around different people and beautiful children. They shout with joy. One period of life has ended and another has begun. Spring. Bagwithnearly a fishsailed by Ivan and Anya went to Finland to rest. The green card is expensive. Valid for two weeks. Before the expiration of the card, Ivan decided to drive to Finland once again for a hug. Tesha is a very tasty dish. Fatty fins and tails of hot-smoked salmon fish. Ivan left in the morning. Route Peter, Imatra, Lappeenranta, Peter. Drove in total 500 km. Bought fish, returned at 21:00. Almost 12 hours of driving without a break. Tired. Late. Dark. Put the car in the garage. From the garage, you can go home in different ways. Ivan decided to move to the Devyatkino metro station. Walks in the dark with a briefcase and a bag full of fish. Suddenly, in the darkness of the passage near the subway, Anya came face to face. She was tired after work and went home. In the hands of two large watermelons and a bag. Both were silently dumbfounded by unexpected meeting. The probability that two people can collide with each other at the same instant is theoretically zero. Unbelievable, but true. Life brings unexpected surprises. Miracles manifested themselves in the coincidence of classical philosophical categories: necessity and chance. At the same time, a thought crept into Ivan's head from the realm of mysticism. Maybe such a surprise and an incredible meeting were God's providence? Let's go to Ana. We bought beer along the way. We celebrated the meeting, ate delicious fish. Anya remarked with humor: "Wow, a bag of fish almost swam past me." country life Anya loved to go to the country. Here she rested body and soul. Enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding nature. Silence all around. Birds are singing. The stream gurgles. In the garden, bright flowers, climbing plants, medicinal herbs... Fir, cedar, artistically trimmed Christmas trees and pine trees grow. Bushes of black and red currant, honeysuckle, chokeberry. Of course, there is where to apply forces. W breakfast Anna didn't know how to cook. Ather was simpletechnology. mixall original productsavailable at hand. Then boil, fry. The result is inedible food. Indeed, it is known that someproductsincompatible with each other. Like people! Therefore, Ivan with I enjoyed cooking my own food. Morning. Affectionate sun looks in at the window of the house.Anya is sleeping. Probably watching an interesting dream. Ivan gets up an hour earlier. Prepares salad, hot, sandwiches,brews medicinal tea... Breakfast is ready. The table is set. Starts waking Anya up for breakfast. She doesn't want to get up. Ivan persuades. Anya doesn't get up. Ivan begins to tickle her feet and heels. Anya still doesn't get up. Starts to grumble. Then Ivan takes her by the leg and starts pulling her off the bed. Anna resists. Grumbles. Finally gets up. Washes himself. Sits down at the table. Eats treats. I like breakfast. Thanks. Thus began a new wonderful day of happy life. Spring Anya is digging up the ground. Plants peas, onions, beets, radishes, herbs: parsley, celery, dill, flowers... Summer Anya takes care of the garden. Watering the garden. Mowing the grass. Paints the house, complex and high gables, standing on a swinging staircase. He wants to cut birch trees behind the fence. This is free firewood for the stove and fireplace. Creeped under the floor the whole house. Plugged holes in the foundation. The house must be kept warm. Ivan and Anya repaired the toilet. trimmed on talk. They laid beautiful linoleum. Placed a Finnish bio-rest- absorber unpleasant odours. The beauty! Ivan has long wanted to dismantle the pantry. Hands did not reach. Finally , Ivan and Anya put things in order there. Collected and thrown into the trash six bags of unnecessary trash. Now it's nice to go into the pantry. There is order. Autumn Anya helps Ivan pick apples, black and red currants, viburnum, chokeberry... He does it quickly and deftly. Cuts bushes and trees. Prepares the garden for winter. Winter Anya and Ivan are drying apples and mushrooms. Resting in a warm house, watching TV on Tricolor channels TV. The stove is lit. Firewood crackles in the fireplace. day m walk along fresh air. Clear the paths in the garden from snow. Anya has a talent. She knows how to make dough. With skittish making Siberian dumplings.Delicious stuffing is prepared by Ivan. This is how their responsibilities were divided. Washing in a village bath Winter. Dacha. Behind the fence is a forest. There are snowdrifts in the garden. The snow is falling. We decided to take a bath. Water from a neighbor's well. The hose stuck. In separate places bent. Needs to be leveled. Ivan went to connect to the well pump. Anya at the bathhouse began to fight with the hose. A hose with character. Gives in with difficulty. Ivan connected the hose to the pump. Ready to turn on the water. Shouts:"Anna, are you ready?" In response from the darkness winter night Anna's booming, thin, sonorous voice is heard:"Ga-a-to-va-a" . The forest couldn't help but echo. This voice and its echo still excite Ivan's soul, as wonderful music life. The bath is heated. Temperature over 60 0 C. They went out into the vestibule. Ivan said to Ana:"Get undressed." She thought for a moment, looked at Ivana and undressed. He undressed, too, and they naked entered the steam room. Everything was unusual and exciting. Naked man and woman in love wash together. Nobody around. Ivan diligently washed and steamed Anya with a birch broom, she was his. Already clean and happyAnya was on the top shelf. Ivan smeared her with honey and gave her a massage. The picture is wonderful: a beloved, naked, honey, sweet woman lies and rests on a shelf in a steam room. Finally, they doused first with warm, then cold water.. We rubbed ourselves with a waffle towel, got dressed and happy went to bed. The house is warm. Ivan and Anya are lying on a wide bed under a large blanket. Love each other. Paradise - this is a state of mind Unity of souls in love Country log house. The room is cozy and warm. Silence around. Only in the fireplace shake - nod firewood. Reflections of the fire whimsically play on the walls and on the ceiling. Wide bed. Ivan and Anya caress each other, enjoying love. Then their hands are intertwined, their bodies are intertwined into one. Each other's lips join in a kiss. The breaths are mixed. So in an embrace they fall asleep happily. A woman is an amazing creation of nature. It seems that nature created man in such a wonderful unity of man and woman as one being. Maybe every person released portion of happiness. He receives this portion throughout his life. In such a period, the bodies and souls of men s and women s magically mergein one. Life's troubles, resentments, quarrels are erased and become insignificant... The state of being in love yo ness and happiness. In this state, people miss each other. Every time we look forward to and rejoice at a new meeting. They are fun and interesting with each other. They think alike and understand each other. Anya surprisingly and magically settled in Ivan's heart, in his head, soul, consciousness and life. Feelings were randomly combined, the interests of two completely different people, two worlds into one world. Happiness is when a loved one breathes on your pillow next to you AND. Dzhigarkhanyan Honeymoon length in some years Can a honeymoon between a man and a woman lastover four years? And if bycount a year as two or three? Turns out, maybe. auspicious love background- mutual understanding, spiritual and physical closeness. To love a person, his soul, face, figure, smile...Feel with excitement loved one near. Ivan liked everything in Anya, how she behaves, works, speaks, dresses ... Here are just a few stories from the life of Ivan and Anya. They missed each other. Often met at the entrance to the Book House"under the bird" . Ivan lived in St. Petersburg all his life. Never noticed this big bird with outstretched wings. Anna noticed. Ivan and Anya could walk down the street and kiss. We kissed on the escalator in the subway, in a restaurant, at the cinema, at bus stops... Often met at the corner of Voznesensky and St. Isaac's Square. Winter. Blizzard. We went to a romantic meeting in a mini- hotel. There is a wonderful environment. Big bed. All conveniences, treats.Each meeting was a holiday. Then, happy and a little drunk from treats and love, they walked along the beautiful streets of the city. We went to a cozy restaurant on the corner of Nevsky and Bolshaya Konyushennaya. Young people gather there happy people. Cheerful music is playing. With appetite they ate half a chicken and drank a glass of beer.In total, they ate a whole flock of chickens. It's good to live in the world. We loved the big beer restaurant on Plekhanov Street.There they ate German sausages with cabbage and fresh beer. Then, at the insistence of Anya, in order to save money, they often went to the dining room"penny "and in the cafe of the Lenta shopping center.Bought beer and cheap snacks. Liked the demo critical ah atmosphere in the dining room. Nothing hindered. And here bright episode in the country. White Nights. We arrived at midnight. Ate tasty treats. Sang soulfully on TV Joe Dassin. They began to dance, gradually undressing. Excited went to bed. Good mood. Feelings of joy and happiness. Early morning , Anya got out of bed. On her only short t-shirt. Very poetic and sexy composition. I went to wash up. forest novella Sunday afternoon jumped in the car and drove out of town. Suddenly a feeling of passionate attraction to each other woke up. We stopped at Pine forest. The forest smoothly turned into a swamp. There is a busy road nearby. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. However, mushroom pickers occasionally appeared from the side of the swamp. The atmosphere is romantic and at the same time restless. In the heads of Ivan and Anya, the restraining and limiting centers turned off. Ivan laid out the sleeping bag in the blueberry. Lie down. Mosquitoes buzz and bite all around. Ants crawl over the body. Bitches dig into the sides ... Ivan turns his head around. Make sure there is no mushroom picker. The situation is funny and funny against the backdrop of a tender relationship. Anya happily lay on her back, arms outstretched. Looks at the clear sky and the crowns of pines. Suddenly, with delight and obvious pleasure, he sings in a singsong voice:" Freedom! " Periodically Anya turns her head towards the blueberry bushes. Picks ripe berries. Enjoys. Fantastic setting. Blunt abdominal trauma Ivan was hit in the stomach. The impact site hurt. Endured. Thought it would pass. Two and a half weeks have passed. The pain did not go away and periodically made itself felt. Went to the clinic. First to the surgeon. The surgeon did not find indications for intervention, gave a referral for a urine and blood test. With the test results, I went to a gastroenterologist. The middle-aged doctor turned out to be a doctor of medical sciences, a professor. Nearby is a young nurse. Doctor: "What are you complaining about?" Ivan says: "It hurts in the abdomen. I stumbled upon a stick." The doctor narrowed his eyes and looked at Ivan incredulously. Doctor: "I think it was your wife who caused the injury, and maybe during intercourse." Ivan was silently dumbfounded by the doctor's unexpected guess. Ivan confessed: "Unfortunately, you are right. I was preparing for sexual intercourse. I suddenly received a punch in my relaxed stomach." He asked his wife: "Why did you hit me? - I received an answer, - it was unbearable, but I hit unintentionally." Ivan: "She's good and I think she hit me involuntarily. Probably, something closed in my head. I'm not mad at her." Doctor: "Then you are a sadomachist and she is a sadist." The doctor examined Ivan, felt his stomach, looked at the results of urine and blood tests. Doctor: “You are lucky, there is no hematoma. The pain can last for about a month. Diagnosis: blunt abdominal trauma. I don’t write that your wife inflicted this injury. She could cripple you. Nearby are the liver, solar plexus ... Tell your wife if If this happens again, I will send a special car and orderlies for her." Ivan: "Doctor recommend me something to drink to feel better." Doctor: "Drink some whiskey. It helps a lot." Leaving the doctor's office, Ivan thought: "They must have laughed at my funny story." These are the miracles that happen in life. ConversationsIvanaandAni In car We drove out of town by car. We stopped at a railway crossing. We got talking. Anya: "Ivan, do you love ensign Anya?" Ivan: "Try it, say I don't like it" Anya giggled and said: "That's right, if you say I don't like it, I'll jump out of the car and run into the forest." And it is true. Another time they are in a car. Anya badly spoiled the air. Ivan noticed this. Anya immediately reacted like this: "Try to find a woman who did not bzdela" Well, what do you say to that? One can only be dumbfounded by such a remark. Make round eyes, open your mouth, shrug your shoulders, spread your arms to the sides and shut up. Pabout phone Anxious notes appeared in Anya's voice: "Ivan, come soon. I want to eat. I can't. Bring the fish." Oh, so interesting! We must go faster. Save a person. Ivan: "Anya, come on a date..." Anya: "I understood everything. I'll come." Dine at the cottage Anya: "Ivan, I went to church. I went to confession." Ivan: "What did you repent of?" Anya: "That I lie a little. Sometimes." In bed Anya: "As soon as I put my head against the pillow, I will immediately grunt (snort)." We walk We walk along the Nevsky, Anya says: "It seems to me that I'm wasting time with you." Ivan was a little taken aback by surprise and answered: "I'm wasting my time in vain." Anya thought a little, and then says: "I wanted to leave you several times. I can't." Anya sometimes likes to grumble. Once Ivan asked: "Anya, are you a grumbler?" She replied: "What else!" AThotelsFinland Administrator: "Do you want a room with one large or two regular beds?" Ivan and Anya, without saying a word in chorus: "With one big one !!!" One of the hotels did not have one large bed for two. Ivan and Anya pushed two beds together. At the most crucial moment of love, the beds were separated. Ivan and Anya fell to the floor. We were a little taken aback by surprise. We laughed for a long time. Were happy. EnthusiasmAni Anya: "I sewed fashionable dresses for myself. I came to work in dresses and heels ( military service). Officers' women, hung with jewels, stared at me with envious eyes. A little about the brothers Anya: "I have two brothers. I am the middle one. The elder brother is Pasha. He is very kind. He helps everyone. He has golden hands. The younger one is Yura. He is good, but very spoiled and greedy. Mom raised a bull. Yura sold cattle at the market , and put the money in his “little box.” Many families with many children love younger children. Anna's words, expressions and language- Washer - washing machine; - Went to her with obscenities; - to choke - to choke; - I'm freezing - shivering, the temperature rises; - grunted - snored; - A lot of business; - Women on Yura, like flies fly; - Yura has his eyes everywhere; - Under the asshole of years, writer's talent woke up; - A man poured his fists on the enemy; - Yell, roar, roar, rage; - He suffered from nonsense; - He shamanized - worked miracles, invented; - Irkutsk Big city, scattered along the river; - Controllers like angry dogs run; - Everyone loves Putin, try it, say against it, they will trample it, tear it apart; - In the Irkutsk train, it hung on a shelf. I wanted to jump to the top shelf, but it didn’t work out; - Some cub broke away from the mother; - He was kicked out of his job. How the kites tore to pieces; - She handed it up in the service; - The New Year 2016 has come, now the days will run; - Two weirdos; - I'm crazy, and you are even more crazy; - I added a question; - Ivan, you are an affectionate and gentle beast; - Your eyes lit up; - Without makeup is bad and with makeup is also bad. Jacuzzi. People cook like in a saucepan; - I'm not a bitch, I'm devoted and possessive; - You have to hold with both hands; - The salmon was so tasty that I immediately ate it, it seems with the bones; - The flowers are blooming. Very nice; - Aloy - aloe plant; - Lame and he almost ran away from me. ExchangeSMS Ivan: "I love ensign Anya" "I want to stay longer in each other's lives" Anya: "I love you!"; "I miss!"; "Thanks to!"; "The subscriber asks him to call back" -------------------- Ivan and Anya have been "everywhere" Sablinsky caves Winter 2014 Ivan and Anya decided to get acquainted with the Sablinsky caves. Sat on the train. Then onto the bus. We've arrived. Caves are a unique natural phenomenon. Formed as a result of mining building materials. The total length of the cave labyrinths is tens of kilometers. Inside the lake, underground rivers flow. Constant temperature 8R C. Entering the cave, you find yourself in another, extraordinary world. Copies on the walls ancient drawings initial painting. Families of bats hibernate in sandstone depressions. Butterflies are sleeping, covered with dew drops. Unusual beauty, peace and tranquility all around. Experts claim that the perception of real time changes in the caves. For people who stay in the caves for a certain period, it seems that time has stretched out. This period has become much longer. Wonders. From the caves we went to the bank of the Sablinka river. Snow all around. The stormy river is partially covered with ice. Went upstream. There was a magnificent view. Waterfall with a rock ledge - 3 meters. Hearing caresses the sound of falling water. In summer, on the banks of the river, you can find shells of fossilized mollusks. This is a fantastic meeting with deep antiquity. Met young people. They took us to the station in their car with a breeze. We went into the waiting room. They laid out a newspaper on the bench. Ivan took out sandwiches and various goodies from his bag. Have a bite. The train arrived. Satisfied with the trip, they returned to St. Petersburg. temples Ivan and Anya liked to get acquainted with the temples wherever they were. They immediately responded to the invitation of the rector of the Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in Shlisselburg Abbot Evstafiy for Sunday service in the church in the village of Sergiyevo. We arrived in advance. We decided to go first to the Temple of the Martyr Andrew of Crete. The church service has already ended. The servants went to the refectory to dine. Anya without complexes. Went to the refectory without special invitations. Ivan is behind her. Ate a simple and tasty church dinner. We talked to the priest of the temple. Then they went to the service in the church - to Father Evstafiy. Ivan introduced Anya to his father Evstafiy. Father Evstafiy - amazing person. Simple and sociable. Kind, wise and bright. Radiates energy, plays the harpsichord. Knows history, since ancient times. People are drawn to Father Evstafiy. He helps them in word and deed. What Fr. Eustathius preaches corresponds to what he professes. This is not the case for all priests. He deeply understands and loves life, people, women, wine. He became famous for the restoration of churches. Before Ivan's eyes, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Staraya Ladoga, the Church of Princess Olga in Petrodvorets were restored almost from scratch ... It is a great happiness to be closely acquainted with such a wonderful person. Ivan has known Father Evstafy for over thirty years. Traveling in Finland and Estonia From St. Petersburg to Helsinki Ivan and Anya went from St. Petersburg to Helsinki by car. Passed customs control at the Finnish border. A dog wandered among the people. The customs officer explains: "A dog may come up to you. Look at you, sniff. Step on your feet with your paws. Pay attention, talk and stroke the dog. The dog is working." First stop in Hamina. Rain on the street. We ate sandwiches. We slept a little in the car. Went outside. We went for a walk around the city. It turned out that a new SPA hotel was opened in the city. We went in, it turned out that visitors were treated to tea and sweets for free. Ivan and Anna liked it. We decided to stay at this hotel. Fabulous. The SPA zone is especially striking. Huge fifty-meter swimming pool. Near the swimming pool for gymnastics. A beautiful Finn conducts gymnastics classes. Wonderful music plays. Finca at a good pace makes unusual movements with the body, arms and legs. Dances. People in the pool repeat, improvise the movements of the leader. Ivan fell into the full power of the Finnish beauty, her movements, music, water and the environment. The sensations that have collapsed fascinate, drag you into a whirlpool of feelings. Impossible to stop. There is a happy harmony of soul and body. I want this state of affairs to continue. Ivan and Anya liked to wander around Finnish shops. Gazing at beautiful things. Especially liked the large grocery stores. Tastings of various delicacies were held there on weekends. With great pleasure and thoroughly tried: salted fish, sausages, dairy products, sweets, juices... We took pictures with beautiful cheerful girls who treated us to delicious treats. The mood is wonderful, festive. Don't forget about shopping. We bought salmon, eel, hot-smoked fish, cheeses, dairy products, olive oil... Now in St. Petersburg you can eat and treat your friends. From Hamina we went to Kotka. This is one of the cozy and favorite cities in Finland. There is a wonderful park on the outskirts. Bright flowers all around. Flowering shrubs... Sculptures of birds, hares, squirrels, marine animals. Waterfalls and rivers. Picturesque bridges, rock garden. Different types granites, marble... The park smoothly turns into mixed forest. From the forest you go out to the spacious coast of the bay... There is nothing here. Swings, roundabouts, cable-stayed ladders... A brazier is provided for barbecues. You can eat at a large marble table... In the distance is the expanse of the Gulf of Finland. A xylophone is installed on the shore of the bay. Each person can perform his own melody. Divine sounds of music are carried around. The heart starts beating faster. And that's not all. Around small ponds and rivers. Aquatic plants grow and bloom along the banks: water lilies, lilies, reeds, ferns... Colorful fish swim in clear water. In general, a paradise on earth. Everything for the people. Large steamships, boats, dry cargo ships, container ships are sailing along the bay ... From Kotka we went to Helsinki by high-speed road. We decided to stay at the SPA hotel Porvoo. Hotel in the palace beautiful park on the shore of the bay. The palace has a restaurant, a local museum, a billiard room. Next Helsinki. Successfully drove through the city to the pier. We parked. Immediately, as if from under the ground, the police appeared. Stopping is prohibited. Nervous negotiations began. The result - the police did not fine. Regretted. Ivan ran to buy ferry tickets from Helsinki to Tallinn. Safely arrived in Tallinn. From Tallinn to St. Petersburg From Tallinn they drove to St. Petersburg. On the way we stopped at Aqua SPA Hotel in Rakvere. Wonderful hotel. I especially remember the pool, which creates excitement of several points. You swim like in a stormy sea. In the morning we went home to St. Petersburg. We went to a big hardware store. We bought Pinotex paint for a house in the country. Anya went to the toilet. Ivan is waiting, waiting, but Anya is not. Hears her rushing out of the toilet and can't open the lock on the door. I had to call for help from Estonian employees. Finally, Anya was released. It turned out that she did not understand the lock. Everyone cheered up. We drove on to the border in Narva. Crossing the border is difficult. You have to pay currency and buy a number in the queue. Bought only for one in the morning. I had to wait several hours. Tiring. Finally, the border has been crossed. Let's go further. It was dark, it started to rain, and then a downpour. Ivan drove the car in difficult conditions. Anya slept in the back seat. In the morning we safely reached St. Petersburg. Thank God! Label badge On previous trips, Anya noticed vending machines in Finnish stores. These vending machines accept empty containers from people: bottles, cans ... On her next trip, she brought empty containers from St. Petersburg for change. I went to the machine and began to hand over. It wasn't there. The machine won't give her money. Why? At this time, a young Finn came up with two packages of empty containers. Started to give up. The machine pays neatly. In total, he received about 10 euros. Anya asked the Finn: "Why doesn't the machine pay her money for the delivered containers?" Finn explained: "There is a badge on the label of the Finnish container. The machine reads this badge and calculates." The Finns must have been scared. Suddenly, smart people from St. Petersburg will start bringing empty containers. What will happen? Fill up with containers, ruin the country? The Finns don't need it. We must defend ourselves. Introduced a restriction - an icon on the label. Vyborg Ivan and Anya went to get acquainted with the city of Vyborg. Quiet cozy city, old houses. Cobbled streets. Monument to Peter I, churches ... The famous Mon Repos park was laid out in the period 1737-1820. Now the park makes a sad impression. Windbreak. Irregular plantings. Paths in holes and potholes. A thought flashed through Ivan: "It's still good when you walk in the park with your beloved woman." One can imagine the beauty and luxury of the park only from stories. We went to the Vyborg castle. The castle was built in 1293. This is a monument of Western European military architecture. In front of the castle, beautiful girls in luxurious clothes are dancing East Dance. For a fee, you can take a picture with a wise tame owl. Good weather. The mood is wonderful. Ivan and Anya climbed observation deck castle. A circular panorama of Vyborg opened from a great height. enjoyed beautiful view cities. We went downstairs and went out into the city. We went to a beer garden. Bought beer and salty snacks. They enjoyed and were satisfied. SPA hotel in Repino Ivan and Anya wanted to rest. We went to Repino to a hotel located in the palace. Settled down. Beautiful interiors. Great number. Huge swimming pool. Sauna. Jacuzzi with hydromassage. In general, everything is like the Finns. It turns out that Russia also has wonderful hotels. On a warm summer evening, Ivan and Anya went to the bay to a restaurant. Tables on outdoors. Concert on stage. Singers, dancers... Unexpectedly, the performance of virtuoso drummers is announced. Imagine ten young handsome men in uniforms. They play wonderful melodies on drums. Juggle with drumsticks. They dance. They are rearranged in different formations. Everything happens at a frantic pace. You look at the performance with unflagging attention. Eye-catching. There is a festive mood. Once Ivan saw this ensemble on the site near the Gorkovskaya metro station. A large enthusiastic audience gathered to watch. It seems that people have forgotten that they have to go about their business. It is strange that this ensemble is not shown on television, at concert venues. Obviously hard to get through. Spectators are fed with performances of full-time, bored, and often mediocre artists. On TV screens there are vulgar jokers, information garbage ... Russian Geographic Society Ivan called Anya on the phone: such a conversation took place between them. Ivan: "Anya, let's go to the Russian Geographical Society. My good friend Ilyin Ivan Dmitrievich reports on the history of the Crimea." Anya answered: "Ivan, listen. I have so many serious problems!!! V-o-o-t, just the history of the Crimea is not enough for me. Let's go!.." Ivan: "Anya, I love you and for the fact that you do not say no to me." Ivan Dmitrievich is a gifted person. He is a war veteran, a member of the Russian Geographical Society, a writer, a historian ... He knows history comprehensively and deeply. They listen to him with unflagging attention. He tells in detail and figuratively. One gets the impression that Ivan Dmitrievich himself was a member of royal or princely families, participated in the Kulikovo or Borodino battles and in other historical events ... He deserves to be included in the Golden Fund Russian state. That's what a bright and wonderful person Anya met. Rest in St. Petersburg Maybe it's not necessary to go far to Finland? In St. Petersburg, you can also have a good rest. Ivan and Anya have wonderful pools at their disposal. Nice pool "Natasha" near the metro station "Alexander Nevsky Square". Easy to get to. The cost is low. The pool is big. Water is treated not with bleach, but with ultraviolet light. Finnish bath. We enjoyed swimming and rested to our full satisfaction. We got dressed and went to a nearby shopping center to a brasserie. The beauty. And there is also a wonderful SPA complex in the SOKOS hotel on Vasilyevsky Island. Along with water fun, this complex has seven baths. Russian, Finnish, Turkish baths, baths with fragrances, baths with low temperatures - there is a crust of snow on the floor and on the walls... You can enjoy life! Tastings Ivan and Anya occasionally went to a tasting of alcoholic beverages. Acquaintances with drinks took place in large wine shops. In the hall, all the walls are lined with racks of wines from different countries. Beautifully.

Young French tasting

wine "beaujolais"

In the middle of the hall there is a large table for guests. There are glasses and plates of snacks on the table. Nuts, fruits, sausages, cheeses... Seven types of drinks are put on trial. The host talks about the properties of the drink and the technology of its production ... The guests taste the wine. Have a bite. Ivan and Anya tasted cognacs, whiskey, liquors. Learned the culture of drinking. An interesting holiday of young French wine. Beaujolais. This wine is tasted every third Thursday of November every year around the world. The grapes for this wine are harvested by hand in the provinces of Beauzel, Burgundy and Rokos. Kronstadt M Orsk Cathedral In one of Sundays Ivan and Anya went to Kronstadt. I would like to visit the Naval Cathedral. The cathedral was consecrated in 1913. Money for the construction was collected by sailors and ordinary people. Ivan and Anya were amazed by the enormous size and richness of the interior decoration of the cathedral. Mosaic. Painting. Frescoes. Marble. Bronze. Marine theme. Images of details of ships, fish, sea monsters... There are 130 commemorative black marble plaques on the walls. The feats and names of the heroes-sailors who died in the period from 1695 to the present are carved in gold on the boards. This is a living history of the Russian fleet. The memory of the exploits of sailors for the glory of the Russian land is carefully preserved in the church. Afterword Peculiar children As her parents recalled, Anya was a peculiar child. For no apparent reason, she sobbed and yelled. It was impossible to calm her down. The parents didn't know what to do. Once the father in his hearts suggested: "Let's throw it out!" Ivan had the same story. Mom said that at night she had to run out with Ivan to Nevsky Prospekt to calm him down. It turns out, two identical blessed children in infancy. They were born in different parts of Russia. We met by chance in St. Petersburg. We found a lot in common and became attached to each other. Coincidence of a man and a woman Coincidence of a man and a woman. What means? The moving line of conformity and inconsistency of people passes in various life situations. They connect common goals and interests, views and temperament ... These connections give rise to the most important thing - the invisible unity of the souls of a man and a woman. Such unity allows us to complement each other, to enrich each other. Each man should correspond, if you want, to fit his own woman. And every woman should have her own man, corresponding to her. Such a correspondence determines the harmony of relationships, inspiration, success, love, performance, health, mood ... In this case, the most powerful stimulus for life, the stimulus for a man is his beloved woman. And during sex, you do not need to use special drugs.

Ivan and Anya are already participating in the fourth annual wine salon at the Astoria Hotel

CONTENT Page 1. Foreword ............................................................... ..... 2. How it all started ........................................ ...... 4 3. Wine salon in "Astoria" ............................. 6 4 Anechka ................................................ ........... 10 4.1. Siberian............................................... 10 4.2 . Golden hands and heart................................... 12 4.3. Peculiarities of Behavior ............................... 13 4.4. Peculiar character.............................. 14 4.5. Key Features .................................................. 16 4.6. Relationship principle .................................. 18 5. Desperate situation .......... .............................. 19 6. Howls like a wolf, but does not give up........... ...................... 20 7. Celebration in the Navy.................................. .. 22 8. Day of Russia in the Nakhimov Camp....................... 24 8.1. Invitation ............................................... 24 8.2. remembering early years .................................. 24 8.3. Hoisting the St. Andrew's flag............................... 25 8.4. Fight Club Mastery................................... 26 8.5. Exit to the stormy "sea" .......................... 27 8.6. In a warm circle of friends................................... 33 8.7. Nakhimov dinner .............................................. 34 8.8. Return to St. Petersburg .............................. 35 9. Wonderful Finnish friends....... ......................... 36 9.1. Finnish benevolence ....................... 36 9.2. Visiting Eeva and Risto............................... 37 9.3. City of Savonlinna.............................. 39 9.4. Visit to the Finnish dacha.................................... 40 9.5. Difficult way back .............................................. 43 9.6. Rest in the SPA hotel "Kulpyulya" .................... 45 10. Traffic jam ..................... .................................... 48 11. This is your day........ ......................................... 51 12. Miracles on the forest road.. ................................. 53 13. Just don't get upset.......... .................... 54 14. Curious goat .............................. ................... 56 15. A bag of fish almost floated past ................ 57 16. Country life ............................................... 59 16.1. Breakfast................................................. 59 16.2. Spring................................................. ... 61 16.3. Summer................................................. ..... 61 16.4. Autumn................................................. .. 64 16.5. Winter................................................. .... 65 17. We bathe in a village bath .............................. 66 18. Unity of souls in love .. .................................. 67 19. Honeymoon of several years....... ........ 69 20. Forest novel .............................. .......... 72 21. Blunt abdominal trauma .............................. ..... 73 22. Conversations between Ivan and Anya .............................. 75 23. Anya’s words, expressions and language .................. 78 24. SMS exchange .............................. ............................... 79 25. Ivan and Anya have been "everywhere" ........... ............... 79 25.1. Sablinskiye caves .............................. 79 25.2. Temples ................................................ .. 82 25.3. Journey through Finland and Estonia.......... 85 - from St. Petersburg to Helsinki .............................. 85 - from Tallinn to St. Petersburg. .................................. 90 25.4. Icon on the label.............................. 91 25.5. Vyborg................................................. 92 25.6. SPA hotel in Repino.................................. 95 25.7. Russian Geographical Society....................... 96 25.8. Rest in St. Petersburg .............................. 98 25.9. Tastings................................................... 98 25.10. Kronstadt Naval Cathedral .................. 100 26. Afterword .................................. ....................... 102 26.1. Peculiar children................................... 102 26.2. Coincidence of a man and a woman............. 102 Bank - seat in the boat.

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