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Juicy and bright tangerines are associated with us winter holidays. This is a symbol of the coming year and the changes associated with it. But it's one thing to eat fruit in holidays and it’s quite another to have an idea of ​​​​its many beneficial properties, low calorie content and include it in your menu on an ongoing basis. Read in our article - tangerines health benefits and harms.

We owe the presence of delicious citrus to China, where it comes from. Citrus reticulata is an evergreen tree up to 5 m tall with a yield of up to 700 fruits. The tree lives and bears fruit up to 70 years, and with age, the fruits on it become much larger.

Today, this crop is cultivated very widely, distributed in Far East in the countries of the Mediterranean. It is supplied to the world markets by Morocco, Spain, Turkey and Sicily, and the orange fruit is brought to Russia from Abkhazia.

Mandarin is a fruit with thin, tasty pulp, fragrant peel, which is easily separated due to the air layer. It is divided into 10-12 lobules, each of which contains 1-2 seeds. Created in which there are no seeds in the fruits.

The structure of the pulp is exactly the same as that of other citrus fruits, it consists of small oblong sacs filled with juice. This is a type of berry-like fruit, which is called a hesperidium. Orange has exactly the same structure.

The Spaniards gave the name to the fruit. It was they who dubbed it mandarino and under that name it is known throughout the world.

Calorie content of mandarin

Citrus contains various sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose, so people who control their weight and count calories are not at risk of using it. But due to its low calorie content, special fruit-based diets have been created to reduce weight. Not everyone can use the tangerine diet, since citrus is a strong allergen.


The calorie content of mandarin in 100 grams is 33 kcal. It is easy to calculate if the weight of a fruit without a peel ranges from 30 to 100 grams, then the calorie indicator is from 12 to 38 units. Calorie content is not just low, it is negative, because when it is processed in the body, more energy is spent than is added.

In dried

The fruit is cured, dried, after which it becomes sweeter and resembles sweets with fruit filling. However, the use of sugar is not necessary. During the drying process, some of the vitamins are lost, but the taste is preserved. There are 230 kcal per 100 grams of dried fruit, given that the fruit loses 80% of its original weight. Dried fruits contain a lot of calories, so they are not used in diet food.

In tangerine juice

Juice squeezed from fresh citrus has exactly the same number of calories as fresh fruit - 38 kcal per 100 grams of drink. It is good in the off-season to replenish with a concentrated "vitamin cocktail" that helps in the treatment of cold infections, strengthening the immune system.

Citrus lovers should be aware that the consumption of 1 kg at a time often leads to yellowing of the skin and does not benefit the body.

The composition and useful properties of mandarin

I am glad that the health benefits of mandarin are combined with excellent taste; citrus is loved among the population. When it is used, metabolic processes are normalized, excess calories are burned. Mandarin, along with other useful fruits, helps modern man look slim and fit.

Other important properties include:

  • Removal of edema and help in the release of mucus from the bronchi in the treatment of colds and flu. These properties are associated with the presence of synephrine in the pulp.
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system by preventing atherosclerosis and controlling blood cholesterol levels. Substances that affect the work of the heart are contained in a white mesh that covers each lobule.
  • Impact on the psyche due to calming, tonic properties. Citrus is a natural antidepressant.
  • Help for pregnant women whose body needs vitamin C in the second trimester. 1-2 fruits per day are enough to reduce the vitamin deficiency to zero. Due to the sour taste and essential oils, it relieves the state of toxicosis well. Massage based on essential oils of mandarin helps with stretch marks after childbirth.
  • Benefits of fruit peel in severe cough. It also helps in the normal functioning of the digestive processes due to the high content of pectins, organic acids, flavonoids. The fruit has a low calorie content, so its substances are not stored in stock.
When buying sunny citrus, look at the integrity of the peel, the absence of dents, blackouts, scuffs. If the fruits are lethargic, slightly dried or dull, then their freshness is called into question.

The chemical composition of tangerines

The benefits of a bright fruit depend on its chemical composition. It is practically devoid of proteins and fats, but is saturated with carbohydrates (sugars), water, and dietary fiber. With this ratio, it has a low calorie content.

If we consider the ratio of BJU per 100 g, then the picture is as follows:

  • 0.8 g protein
  • 0.2 g fat
  • 7.5 g carbohydrates
  • 88 g water
  • 1.9 g of dietary fiber.

The peel contains essential oils, and the pulp contains organic acids, fiber, mineral components, glycosides, phytoncides.

The orange fruit is rich in flavonoids, which remove toxins and actively fight free radicals, stopping the aging process.

How many vitamins are in tangerine

Citrus is a source of vitamins, but what vitamins are found in tangerines that help the body boost immunity? Six of them have the greatest impact on health:

  • Ascorbic acid increases the immune protective barrier, is involved in the prevention and treatment of colds, improves the condition of the skin, reduces the possibility of cardiovascular disease, and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) supports normal condition organs of vision, takes part in hormonal synthesis.
  • Calciferol (vitamin D) helps form body tissues, controls the metabolism of minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) has antioxidant activity, regulates the amount of cholesterol, provides growth and tissue regeneration.
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K) affects blood clotting, helps to form and restore bone tissue.
  • B group vitamins perform many functions: they are involved in metabolism, the synthesis of hormones, hemoglobin, they control activity nervous system, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamins in tangerines not only energize and energize, but help the body work smoothly, performing a lot of useful functions.

The benefits of tangerines for the body

It is clear how useful tangerines are for the body as a whole. They have a positive effect on different age groups. Separately, you can consider how women use the sunny fruit, and how the male body perceives it.


The benefits of tangerines for the body of women are obvious: this is an excellent fruit for weight loss. It not only contains few calories, its composition is enriched with fiber, which allows you to remove accumulated toxins and decay products. During digestion, the body loses energy rather than gaining it. A big plus is that it is a pleasure to eat a fruit and a fruit diet does not cause negative emotions, but it contributes to the loss of calories.

The tangerine diet is good in the summer, when the body needs food to a lesser extent and burning calories is painless. Nutritionists suggest:

For breakfast, eat tangerine and drink a cup of green tea.

  • For lunch, cook 150 g chicken fillet(any lean meat), eat 200 g of citrus fruits as a dessert.
  • For dinner, boil vegetable broth, 200 g of steamed fish fillet, finish by eating 200 g of orange fruit.

There are options for a more rigid diet, the diet of which includes only tangerines and egg white. 6 tangerines and 6 proteins are consumed daily chicken egg which are evenly distributed among three servings. This makes it possible to reduce the supply of calories.

In order for the body to fill the daily need for sugars, it is enough to eat 500g. fruits (5-6 fruits). More consumption will exceed the calorie content, and it will be possible to speak about weight loss only conditionally.

Women actively use recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetology. Mandarin essential oil is good for oily, acne prone skin. Creams and masks made on the basis of tangerine oil help:

  • shrink enlarged pores
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • remove acne breakouts
  • reduce irritation and inflammation on the epidermis.

Essential oil has a positive effect on aging skin, relieving women " Balzac age» from wrinkles and acting on the epidermis, helping the tissues acquire firmness and elasticity.

Oil is one of the components of whitening products, removing hyperpigmentation on the skin. It is used for cellulite in the fight against "orange peel". It is a modeling component in skin products, giving a slim figure.

Extract and tangerine oil are useful in hair care, as additional components of shampoos, balms, masks. It is used for oily hair, relieving itching and seborrhea, nourishing, moisturizing problem curls. And foamy bath gels relieve daytime stress, carry a charge of vivacity, help nourish the skin with vitamins and refresh it.

Women need tangerines to decide more serious problems. They

  • Normalize the menstrual cycle, blood supply to the genitals.
  • Help with bleeding different nature(climacteric, generic)
  • They relieve depression in premenstrual periods, during the autumn blues, pregnancy.
Tangerines are perishable and need to be proper storage. They should not be placed in crates with and which emit ethylene gas, which contributes to the rapid ripening of the fruit, which begins to deteriorate.


Bright and fragrant fruit has a beneficial effect on sexual attraction. The substances that make up the pulp and peel nourish the tissues, enhance metabolic processes, and increase blood flow to the genitals. Thus, the intake of citrus fruits increases male potency, love relationship become brighter.

The benefits of tangerines for men are not limited to this:

  • help improve performance prostate
  • help smokers who need vitamin C, relieve oxygen starvation of tissues
  • neutralize toxins and remove unnecessary substances due to pectins, contributing to weight loss
  • restore the body faster after power loads, allowing you to feel normal when you lose calories.
Mandarin is undesirable to eat on an empty stomach, since the organic acids in the composition can irritate the gastric mucosa, leading to discomfort. It should be consumed after a hearty breakfast.


In the children's diet, the southern fruit is introduced from the year if the child does not have allergic manifestations. Moreover, the initial portion is 1 tbsp. juice, half diluted with water. From the age of three, they try to introduce mandarin into the diet, starting with one slice. If there is no allergy, then gradually the baby can consume up to two fruits a day.

Useful properties of mandarin play important role in baby food, since various useful components enter the baby's body. But to be completely sure of the safety of its use, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Harm of tangerines

citrus is useful product, but with some health problems, the harm of tangerines still exists. Tangerines have contraindications for use in the following cases:

  • with increased acidity of gastric juice: if new portions of acid from the fruit enter the stomach, then its walls become inflamed
  • with a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, since organic acids cause severe irritation of the mucosa
  • if there are stones in the kidneys that begin to move, which is dangerous
  • in the presence of diabetes, since the fruit contains a significant% sugar
  • in the case of psoriasis, when the fetus is able to enhance the manifestations of the disease.

Many people do not know what diseases tangerines are harmful for, but people continue to consume them in order to replenish vitamin reserves or to lose weight, reducing calories and gaining new diseases.

Do not forget that the fruit and its juice is a strong allergen. Its use by allergy sufferers can result in serious consequences. You should carefully consider the use of this fruit by children and at the first sign of an allergy (skin rash, swelling, swelling) should be removed from the children's diet.

In China, tangerines are affectionately referred to as "golden balls". In our country, this fruit is one of the favorites. We are looking forward to seeing bright fragrant fruits appear on the shelves. They will bring not only flavor from the southern countries, but also add strength, vigor, energy, so that the northerners can endure the long winter, while not getting better, getting rid of excess calories.

Cacao was drunk with pleasure by the Aztec tribes several centuries ago, it was believed that this drink increases potency and endows with wisdom. Cocoa, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, is still controversial - some say the product is harmful, others say it is useful and necessary in the diet. Who is right?

Chemical composition of cocoa powder

Oil is obtained from cocoa beans, the remaining dry cake is used to prepare cocoa powder. It serves as the basis for delicious drinks, and in the confectionery industry for chocolate pastes, glazes, fillings.

The composition of cocoa powder (100 g) includes the following substances:

  • proteins - 24 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10 g;
  • fats - 15 g;
  • dietary fiber - 35 g;
  • water - 5 g;
  • vitamins B1, B2, E, PP;
  • mineral salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • theobromine;
  • caffeine, etc.

Cocoa is a good antidepressant that gives a boost of energy and cheerfulness.

Cocoa: health benefits for women and men

Cocoa - real gift nature, no wonder its taste is so attractive to people of all ages. This product has a rich set of valuable substances, it is equally useful for men and women.

The properties of cocoa are determined by its composition:

  • Vitamin PP cleanses the blood of bad cholesterol, removes its excess. It is involved in redox processes, converting fats, carbohydrates and proteins into the energy necessary for life.
  • For the synthesis of sex hormones and red blood cells, vitamin B2 is needed, it is abundant in cocoa. The use of cocoa increases the potency of men and the attractiveness of women.
  • Zinc is involved in protein synthesis, ensures the normal functioning of cells, is necessary for the health of the skin, hair and nails. Iron increases the level of hemoglobin, is involved in the formation of blood cells, and prevents the development of anemia. There are more of these elements in cocoa than in other products.
  • The alkaloids caffeine and theobromine tone up, increase efficiency, dilate blood vessels and stimulate the central nervous system.
  • As in ancient times, cocoa is considered a drink that increases strength, improves mood and brain function.

    Useful properties of cocoa for pregnant women

    Pregnant women should not consume cocoa in large quantities. You can drink a cup of aromatic drink with milk in the morning and before lunch. In the evening, it is better to refrain from it, it can lead to overexcitation and poor sleep.

    The benefits of cocoa for pregnant women is that the drink contains the natural antidepressant phenylethylamine.

    It helps to cope with depression, strengthens the immune system, gives a feeling of cheerfulness. Cocoa contains healthy vitamins and minerals.

    How to drink healthily

    Cocoa is best drunk in the morning with breakfast. It is recommended to consume no more than 2 cups of the drink per day.

    There are three main cocoa recipes:

  • Melt a bar of dark chocolate in hot milk and beat into foam.
  • Boil dry cocoa powder with sugar and vanilla in milk.
  • Dissolve soluble cocoa powder in water or milk.
  • To prepare the drink, take fresh milk, which does not curdle when heated.

    Selecting quality cocoa powder

    When choosing cocoa powder, you need to give preference to a product that does not contain food additives, it is healthier and tastier. To determine the quality of the powder, it is rubbed between the fingers, it should be rubbed, and not crumble like sand.

    In addition to the shelf life, when choosing cocoa powder, pay attention to information about what type of cocoa beans it is made from and the production technology.

    Products from cocoa beans of three main types go on sale:

    • Criollo;
    • Forastero;
    • Trinitario.

    The first variety of Criollo is considered elite, has a pleasant aroma. The highest quality cocoa powder and chocolate are made from it. "Forastero" has a bitter taste. It is a common species, accounting for over 80% of the chocolate tree crop. The quality of cocoa powder made from most varieties of this variety is lower than that of other groups. "Trinitario" is a hybrid variety, it is also used to make elite varieties of cocoa and chocolate.

    By quality, cocoa is divided into fragrant (noble) and mass (consumer). The first category includes Criollo and Trinitario. The second includes Forastero varieties, except for "Nacional", grown in Ecuador.

    According to the production technology, cocoa powder can be prepared and unprepared. Dissected cocoa, which is produced under the brand name "Golden Anchor" and "Extra", tastes better, it does not form a precipitate. Unprepared varieties include Prima, Our Mark, Golden Label.

    Cocoa butter: properties and applications in cosmetology

    Used in the manufacture of cosmetics beneficial effect cocoa on human skin and hair. It is added to shampoos, creams, face masks and soaps.

    Massage parlors do wraps with cocoa butter, therapeutic massages with its use. The oil actively nourishes the skin, softens and prevents its aging. It is suitable for all skin types, but is especially useful for women over 35 years of age.

    Useful properties of the product are due to the presence of fatty acids, antioxidants, phytosterols, vitamins and mineral salts.

    Thanks to the use of cocoa butter in the composition of masks, the complexion improves, regeneration of damaged skin cells occurs. Such masks relieve inflammation, smooth fine wrinkles, eliminate hyperpigmentation, and help cure the effects of furunculosis and acne.

    For home use, you can buy cocoa butter in specialized stores.

    Simple Nourishing Night Mask

    Cleanse and exfoliate the skin before applying the mask. Apply oil to face light circular movements in the direction of the massage lines. After 20 minutes, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk and blot with a napkin.

    Such a procedure in the summer is done daily for 10 days, then a break for 7 days, and the course is repeated. In winter, winter and autumn, a nourishing mask with cocoa butter can be done every day.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    The negative effects of drinking cocoa can be caused by a small amount of caffeine in its composition. It has an aphrodisiac effect and can cause problems with falling asleep if taken before bed.

    There are other contraindications:

  • Cocoa beans contain purines. With excessive intake into the body, they contribute to the accumulation of uric acid, the deposition of salts in the joints, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • You can not use cocoa for people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, gout and atherosclerosis.
  • The evergreen citrus shrub is the mandarin. On your own, in wild environment tangerine does not grow. And China is considered its homeland. Today mandarin is grown in China, Mediterranean countries, India, Egypt, Georgia, Japan, Korea, Azerbaijan, Brazil. The fruits of the fruit are famous for their pleasant taste and bright aroma. It is the aroma that many associate with wonderful winter holidays. At this time of the year, tangerines are most common. The peel, pulp and even tangerine bones have found application in cooking for the owl, traditional medicine and cosmetology. Are tangerines useful, and why?

    The chemical composition of mandarin

    The fruits of these citrus fruits are famous for their multivitamin composition. This explains its usefulness. Tangerines, the benefits and harms of which depend on the composition, will help fight beriberi in the winter-spring period. So, ascorbic acid occupies a leading position. 1 medium tangerine fruit contains 30 mg of vitamin C. This number is 1/2 daily allowance this element.

    The second place, oddly enough, is taken by vitamin A. 100 grams of pulp contains 12 mg of beta-carotene. Mandarin is also famous for its high content of representatives of the vitamin group B. Folic acid, B2, B1, B6 have the maximum concentration. Also, it is worth highlighting such vitamins as D, E, PP. Such a complex will saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

    On this useful composition fruit does not end. The following minerals and trace elements are concentrated in the pulp and peel of the tangerine:

    • Potassium;
    • Calcium;
    • Iron;
    • Phosphorus;
    • Magnesium;
    • Sodium.

    Also, mandarin pulp has a high level of nicotinic and pantathenic acid. And the peel of the fruit is famous for the essential oils it contains. It is the peel that is very often used in cosmetology. Also, it is worth highlighting some specific component - tangerine, which has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels. And in the bones, a sufficient amount of hydrocyanic acid and useful trace elements was found.

    Conversion of products to grams

    Start typing the product name. For example, water or flour.

    = gram

    fruit calories

    Many people know that tangerines are low-calorie fruits. More than 93% of the total composition is diverted to water. Therefore, the fruits can be consumed while dieting, losing weight. Only 38 kcal is allocated per 100 grams of pulp. Nutritionists recommend replacing unhealthy snacks between meals with tangerines. The fruit quenches thirst, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which are often lacking in other foods.

    Also, tangerines have some level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, the proportion of proteins per 100 grams of pulp is 0.8 grams, fat - 0.2 grams. Our body needs carbohydrates for energy, strength and tone. Carbohydrates in tangerine, there are 7.5 grams. Therefore, 2-3 fruits of the fruit will help restore strength after work, physical activity. Also, fruits have fiber, dietary fiber, pectins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Useful properties of mandarin

    What are the benefits of tangerines? Tangerines have antiseptic, immunomodulatory, mucaltic, regenerating, hemostatic, antihelminthic, antiemetic properties. The benefits of fruit are undeniable. So, first of all, you need to highlight the high level of ascorbic acid in fruits. Vitamin C activates protective functions body, thus boosting our immunity. Therefore, tangerines are recommended to be consumed during an exacerbation of colds, viral diseases. Also, vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that prevents premature aging.

    Tangerines for the cardiovascular system

    Experts have found that the rich tangerine composition allows you to improve the work, improve the state of the cardiovascular system. The combination of fiber with potassium has a powerful preventive effect against atherosclerosis. Fiber takes on all the toxins, bad cholesterol. So, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and thanks to potassium, the walls of blood vessels are cleansed and strengthened. The absence of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels is the key to good heart health. Also, the cleansing of blood vessels allows you to normalize blood pressure. Therefore, tangerines are recommended for hypertensive patients.

    The benefits of fruits for the nervous system

    For the normal functioning of the central nervous system, a complex of B vitamins is required. Just two fruits a day will improve mood and relieve the negative effects of stress. Inhaling the aroma of tangerine peel, essential oil can increase the ability to work. In general, tangerines affect the nervous system in the following ways:

    • Eliminate the effects of stress;
    • Eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • Increase mental activity;
    • Relieve headaches;
    • Increase endurance;
    • Improve memory.

    Tangerines for blood, kidneys and liver

    The pulp and juice of mandarin in their composition have a useful substance that is rarely found in other fruits. This is choline - a biologically active substance that improves the conductivity of impulses. It is worth noting that choline is produced by the body itself. But, in case of a shortage of a substance, disturbances occur in the work of the nervous system, kidneys and liver. In addition, there may be severe internal bleeding.

    With a lack of choline in the liver, fats begin to be deposited, which leads to fatty hepatosis, and subsequently to hepatitis. Choline is used in medicine to treat hepatitis. Therefore, regular consumption of tangerine will both protect and restore liver function. Thanks to high level water in the pulp of the product cleanses the kidneys, removes sand from the organs of the genitourinary system. Also, the beneficial composition of the fruit improves blood quality.

    Restoration of the digestive system

    Fiber, pectins, dietary fiber are the elements necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. Fiber, when it enters the intestines, is not digested, forming a kind of lump. This lump completely cleanses the intestines of toxins, and removes them from the body. In addition, the substance improves peristalsis, which allows you to get rid of constipation. Dietary fibers and pectins restore the normal intestinal microflora, relieve dysbacteriosis.

    Also, the positive effect of mandarin on the digestive system can be seen in the following:

    • Accelerates the process of absorption of nutrients from food;
    • Enhances the production of enzymes in gastric juice;
    • "Soothes" the gastric mucosa;
    • Eliminates nausea.

    Tangerines for diabetes

    Some believe that the content of natural sugars in citrus fruits does not allow them to be used in diabetes. This does not apply to Mandarin at all. Flavonoids allow you to protect the body, and completely cure diabetes at the initial stage of its development. Also, choline is actively involved in the regulation of insulin production. Thus, the sensitivity of body tissues and cells to insulin increases significantly. The use of mandarin is recommended both for diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

    Cancer Prevention

    A large number of flavonoids, antioxidants boldly classifies tangerines among the products with anti-cancer properties. Significantly reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases coumarin. So, tangerine fruits have an active anti-cancer effect on the mammary glands, intestines, stomach, and lungs. The use of fruits will have not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect.

    The benefits of mandarin for the female body

    This bright citrus fruit is very useful for female body. First of all, it is an improvement in the condition of the skin. A high level of ascorbic acid significantly increases collagen synthesis. Collagen is the basis of connective tissue. Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity, prolong youth. Regular consumption of mandarin moisturizes the skin of the face, cleanses it of impurities. For this purpose, you can use the pulp, citrus juice. In general, mandarin has the following effects:

    • Smoothes fine wrinkles;
    • Cleanses pores;
    • Narrows pores;
    • Moisturizes the skin of the face;
    • Nourishes the skin with water and vitamins.

    A balanced vitamin and mineral composition has a positive effect on the work of the reproductive system of girls. So, you can normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition, citrus fruits have a preventive effect against thrush, which is so often encountered by many of the fairer sex. Just 2 tangerines every day will improve the blood supply to the genitals.

    The product is also useful for women during menopause. The fruits cope with heavy menopausal bleeding. The product is also recommended for pregnant women. It saturates the body future mother all vitamins and minerals, eliminates signs of toxicosis. To combat toxicosis, you need to prepare simple decoctions of tangerine peel, and use them throughout the day.

    Nutritionists advise including tangerines in your diet for fast weight loss. Colon cleansing, restoring the balance of nutrients in the body, excretion excess fluid will promote active weight loss. And ascorbic acid is able to actively burn fats. Physical activity will allow you to turn adipose tissue into muscle. essential oils tangerine, citrus peel is used for anti-cellulite massage.

    What is useful tangerine for men?

    The fruit is no less useful for the male body. Men should definitely include fruit in their diet. So, citrus fruits have a general strengthening effect on the body, give a man strength and energy. Experts advise eating tangerines with severe physical activity, athletes. The balance of vitamins and minerals helps to restore strength very quickly. Just a couple of tangerines after sports will return the body to normal.

    The product is also useful for the genitourinary system of the male body. Every second man over the age of 35 is faced with various diseases of the prostate gland. Experts note the rapid "rejuvenation" of prostatitis. Due to the high levels of phosphorus, zinc, potassium, ascorbic and citric acid protect the prostate, restore its functions. It is very important for smokers to eat tangerines daily. In the body of such people, there is a catastrophic deficiency of vitamin C. But it is this element that neutralizes the effects of toxins and prevents oxygen starvation of cells.

    How to choose a quality tangerine?

    Benefits for the body will be observed only with the use of high-quality citrus fruits. Therefore, you need to know some criteria for choosing a product. Big role plays external characteristics peel. A ripe good tangerine has a bright, orange, shiny skin. The color must be uniform. Bright orange fruits are sweeter, yellow - with sourness.

    There should be no damage, dents, dark inclusions on the peel. But, the pores are definitely visible. Also, the color of the peel and flesh should be approximately the same. Juicy fruits are both soft and elastic. You can store tangerines at room temperature in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, their shelf life can be extended up to 10 days. But overripe, rotten fruits should be consumed, because you can provoke intestinal upset, poisoning. But a ripe tangerine will make up for the lack of vitamins in the body.

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