Draw a turtle and an ant for first graders. Drawing course with colored pencils


Dreams are different. Some dream of skydiving, others want to get pleasant experience from trips to distant countries, others seek to learn languages. Learning to draw is also someone's dream, and quite feasible.

Visual talent is a gift from God, for some it is given initially, while for others it is difficult to convey a complex picture on paper. However, you can learn how to draw a turtle or fish, trees and flowers by following the tips.

Choose a character

Decide what kind of turtle you will draw. Will it be an aquarium inhabitant or a heroine of wildlife programs? A popular option is such cartoon characters as the cartoon character "The Lion and the Turtle", the wise inhabitant of the pond from the children's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Tortilla or the ninja turtles? The answer to these questions is a hint on how to draw a turtle. If the image listed heroes seems too complicated for you, opt for an ordinary marine inhabitant.

How to draw a turtle with a pencil step by step

One of the options for the image of our heroine (side view) is to start with a sketch of the head. We draw an elongated oval of irregular shape, inside we mark a circle or a dot - an eye. Do not be afraid to make the wrong move and ruin the drawing, because in nature there are no clear lines and perfect symmetry. For work, choose a thin pencil that is easy to erase without a trace. After removing extra lines, the image will need to be circled dark color or colorize. The success of such an activity, how to draw a turtle with a pencil, lies in the accuracy of the drawing, the absence of dirt.

Draw a line of the mouth on the face, then mark the paw. After finishing the shell, combining the lines of the head and paws. Divide the large part into a shell and abdomen with legs, decorate the back of the turtle with a pattern.

The listed rules do not have to be strictly followed, your picture may differ significantly in the shape and pattern of the shell, the size of body parts from the example given. The main thing is that all the details are present, including a small tail.

Draw a turtle: portrait

It is more convenient to depict someone in profile or from above; full-face drawings are much less common. How to draw a turtle also depends on the position of the character. The portrait image will turn out cute and visual.

First, we draw a detail resembling a pie, which we divide by 2 uneven lines.

In the center between the stripes we place a circle - this will be the head, on the sides we add paws, one of which is bent in the process of movement.

We erase the extra lines, draw the claws and a piece of the third paw. Inside

The list of four celestial animals in sheng shui includes a tortoise. It is considered a symbol of longevity and success, which is why every home should have an amulet or a picture of a turtle. In this article we will look at how to draw a turtle step by step.

It is worth starting work with the image of the shell. To do this, draw a semicircle. If it is difficult to do it yourself, use a template or outline a cup. Start drawing the head and paws. Apply a characteristic relief in the form of rhombuses to the shell. Don't forget the tail, eyes and mouth. Do all the work with a pencil, then decorate the animal. There are several ways to draw this reptile. The shell does not have to be depicted in the form of a semicircle. Try to draw an animal from ovals. Draw the largest oval, and the smaller one on the left side. This will be the shell and head. Draw the paws under the large oval. Connect head and shell smooth lines. The base is ready, proceed to the detailing of the drawing. Draw the claws, eyes and mouth, don't forget the tail. The shell can be drawn by applying small circles to the base.

The most difficult thing to draw is a marine reptile, as it is constantly in motion. The drawing scheme is different from the one described above. It is better to start drawing the image from the head. After that draw the part of the torso. Picture two parallel lines, which connect at the end. A smooth transition will be a tail. Draw paws with claws on paper. Please note that the limbs of the animal do not touch the ground, this is a swimming turtle. Draw one paw above the head. The second limb will be directed towards the tail. Depict the shell and give it relief by applying rhombuses. Draw the eyes and mouth. The position of the turtle is full face. Reptiles look very nice from above. Almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figure is occupied by the shell. Draw an oval, sharpening it a little towards the edge. You should get a drop-shaped figure. Stepping back a little from the edge, duplicate the oval. As a result, there will be two ovals on paper, one of which is inscribed in the other. Draw two parallel lines in the center of the shell. This is the basis of the relief. Divide the strip into several equal rectangles. Draw triangles on both sides of each rectangle. Connect the vertices of the triangles to the borders of the oval. Draw the head and paws. There will be 4 limbs in this figure, with the top pair being larger than the bottom pair. Draw a tail. All these turtles are realistic, but if a child in the garden was given the task to portray this animal, then draw cartoon character. It's much easier to draw. First, try to portray a reptile yourself, and then show the stages of art to your baby. A child will appreciate a baby turtle with a large head. To do this, start by drawing the head. It is not oval, but has an elongated shape, reminiscent of the sign "?". After the hook is ready, connect the end of the question mark to the place where the point is located. Draw the bottom of the shell. Now depict the top of the "house" of the little animal. Draw paws, eyes and mouth on the drawing. Do not forget to give relief to the shell. The result is a cute cartoon character.

Turtles are one of the most common reptiles on our planet. They are familiar to children from numerous cartoons and fairy tales. And surely your child would like to know how to draw a turtle pencil. And to do this is not at all difficult thanks to our step by step lesson with which you will learn how to draw a turtle in minutes.


First of all, we will draw the base for the turtle. To do this, draw a circle for the head, and in it add the base facial lines. Then we draw an oval for the torso and connect it to the head in the neck area. Make small base lines for the paws.


At this point you need to start drawing out the shape of the head. Pay attention to our drawing, how the turtle has a nose and mouth. Then we draw the back of the neck.


Now you need to draw the lower lip and the front of the neck. Note the small protrusion on the neck. Once you've done that, start drawing the front paws.


Draw the paws and fingers of our turtle. Then, with the help of facial base lines, draw the eyes and eyebrows, as shown in our picture. All you have to do in this step is to draw a small rim for the shell.


On final stage it remains to draw hind legs and tail, and then make patterns on the shell. When you're done, erase all the extra elements and base lines that we made in the first step.

Turtle Tortilla from the fairy tale Pinocchio gave the wooden boy a special present - a golden key. So let's remember that moment from the fairy tale and capture it on paper. To make the picture bright and colorful, use colored pencils.

Necessary materials:

Drawing steps:

  1. We draw at the first stage the head of the turtle Tortilla. First, draw a circle, and then adjust the shape. We add small details such as eyes and mouth openings with tongue.

  2. Now let's draw a cute hat with ruffles on the head, which will give the character from the fairy tale about Pinocchio an old look. We draw small details on the hat, and then move on to the lower part of the head, to which we add the neck.

  3. Let's move on to the main part of the picture - the torso. It consists of a large and dense shell, as well as paws. However, we will leave the paws for the next stage. The shape of the shell resembles an oval. So first of all we draw this figure just below the head and neck. Then we divide the oval into two parts using a wavy line that will delimit the lower part from the upper convex one. Refine the contour of the shell. We detail in the middle all the elements.

  4. Now that Tortilla's turtle shell is ready, you can finish drawing two pairs of paws. First, we outline the location in the figure and the shape itself using simple and wavy lines. Then you can move from one element to another, adjusting the outline and shape.

  5. We finish the golden key in the left paw of Tortilla. The subject will be in a vertical position, so it can be easily drawn. The top of the key should have nice wavy edges to give it a vintage and fabulous view. Also, after drawing the outline of the object, add a glow around the key using zigzag lines.

  6. We color the picture of the turtle Tortilla from such a small object as a golden key. To give it the necessary texture and color, we use pencils in yellow and orange tones. We combine them with each other and get a golden hue of the key. We will also paint the area of ​​\u200b\u200bradiance with them.

  7. With green pencils we color the head, paws and the lower part of the tortoise shell.

  8. Then we take pencils brown flowers and paint the upper part of the Tortilla shell, which has a convex shape.

  9. With red shades of pencils, we will hatch a small part of the hat.

  10. We outline all the elements in the step-by-step drawing of the Tortilla turtle with a black pencil. With brown pencils we create an additional shade on the bottom of the shell. Finally, let's add a shine in the eyes of the turtle from the radiance of the golden key with a yellow pencil.

The drawing of Tortilla turtle is absolutely ready. Now it can be used as an illustration for famous fairy tale about the adventures of Pinocchio.

In this lesson I want to show how to draw an ant to a child. The step-by-step process is very easy, so you should definitely succeed, and the result comes out very cool.

First of all, let's draw such a design (from left to right) - an elongated figure (ant's head), a medium-sized circle, two small circles and an elongated figure with a droplet shape. Do everything carefully - perhaps the child will not be able to do everything right right away - the main thing is not to get upset.

From the second and third circle we draw four paws from stripes. You can draw them in any shape and in any direction - the main thing is to be similar.

Add stripes to the body of the ant. Draw one big eye and long antennae on the head.

Now you can color the ant in your favorite color - red or orange is perfect, you can also use brown pencils or paints.

If you managed to draw an ant for children, be sure to send the result in the comments! Thank you for visiting our site.


How to draw an ant, an ant Question and a wise Turtle with a pencil step by step for beginners and children? How to draw a turtle and an ant together for a child?

step by step photos and a description of the drawing of an ant and a turtle natural and cartoon. Examples of children's drawings and images for sketching.

Children learn the world around them not only through observations, but also through images, communication, and entertaining stories. Parents note a different interest in drawing in their crumbs. Some are ready to sit for hours at an exciting activity with paper and pencils, others are interested in drawing only their favorite cartoon characters, others need a story that is voiced in the process. creative process. Agree, regardless of the nuances, everyone likes to draw.

Continuing the theme of images of different animals, cartoon characters, fairy tale characters, let's focus today on the ant and the turtle.

How to draw an ordinary ant with a pencil in stages for beginners and children?

step by step image ant pencil

Understanding the structure of the body of an ant, it can be drawn by a person who owns this art in an easy form. Proceed like this:

  • picture 5 balls different shapes and size from left to right - a head with a pointed end in front, a medium circle, 2 small ones, and a large oval tail,
  • draw the paws growing from 2 and 3 ovals,
  • add stripes on the ant's body,
  • draw a mustache, a big eye and a smile on the muzzle,
  • color the ant with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints.

Below is a photo instruction for a verbal description of drawing an ant.

step by step drawing ant for beginners example 1
step by step drawing of an ant for beginners, example 2

How to draw a cartoon ant Question with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

cartoon ant in the picture

cartoon hero the ant has differences in appearance with its brother from real life. He wears a hat, boots, backpack. Let's draw it taking into account the indicated differences.

  • Designate the body, consisting of 2 teardrop-shaped ovals, between which is an elongated elongated element.
  • Draw a hat and mustache, erase the line inside the headdress.
  • Add an eye and a smile.
  • From the oval in the middle, draw 4 paws directed towards the head, and 2 legs towards the ground. Lastly, add boots.
  • Draw a three-dimensional satchel on the ant's back. Add details - buckles, pockets.

Below is a photo instruction for a verbal description of drawing an ant Question.

ant Question in stages with a pencil, step 1 and 2
ant Question in stages with a pencil, step 3 and 4
ant Question step by step with a pencil, step 5 and 6
ant Question in stages with a pencil, step 7 and 8

How to draw a wise Turtle with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

To portray the wise Turtle that the child asks for, proceed as follows:

  • mark the oval ready, turning into the neck
  • draw glasses of an angular shape and pupils in them
  • then add a scarf, one end of which develops behind the neck of the animal
  • draw the shell with a soft convex semicircle
  • add front paws and chest
  • drop the line down and connect with the shell, this will be the turtle's belly
  • draw the lower paws and short tail
  • outline a rectangle - the future briefcase of a turtle
  • add buckles, handle, volume to it
  • erase all extra lines

Let's add step by step instructions in the pictures.

step by step drawings wise Turtles in pencil, the first 4 steps
step-by-step drawings of the wise Turtle with a pencil, steps 5 and 6
step by step drawings of the wise Turtle with a pencil, steps 7 and 8
phased drawings of the wise Turtle with a pencil, steps 9 and 10

How to draw a turtle and an ant together for a child, a first grader for the lesson The world around?

children's drawings of the ant Question and the wise Turtle

First, it depends on artistic ability child. If he is fluent in pencil, then he is quite capable of depicting them as similar to reality as possible.

If the skills to fine arts the first grader is more modest, use the tips from the previous sections of the article. Or try the following tips:

  • Draw a turtle simply - an oval-shell, a pair of paws, a tail, a head and an eye. Relevant for drawing an animal in profile when it is parallel to the ground.
  • Assemble the ant from a body consisting of 3 segments, paws and antennae. Position him standing or walking on the ground with all paws or resting on it with only two lower ones.

The turtle and the ant in the picture can communicate, stand side by side, be surrounded by grass. Or your option and fantasy.

Drawing of an ant Question and a wise Turtle for sketching: photo

photo of the wise Turtle on the rainbow for sketching

For mastering and strengthening drawing skills, it is convenient to use finished paintings for visual copy. This is how a young or novice artist learns to transfer lines and images to his canvas.

Let's add some ready-made drawings of the Question Ant and the wise Turtle for sketching.

drawings of the wise Turtle made by children
wise turtle sketch drawing 2
ant Question, drawing for drawing 1
ant Question, drawing for drawing 2 ant Question, drawing for drawing 3
Ant Question and wise Turtle, drawing for sketching 4 wise turtle sketch drawing 5

Children's drawings of a turtle and an ant: photo

children's drawing turtles

To inspire your child to create their own masterpieces on paper, we add a selection of children's drawings of a turtle and an ant.

children's drawings of the wise Turtle and the ant Question, example 1
children's drawings of ants, example 2 children's drawings of an ant, example 3
children's drawings of a turtle, example 4
children's drawings of a turtle, example 5
children's drawings of a turtle, example 6
children's drawings of a turtle, example 7
children's drawings of a turtle, example 8
children's drawings of a turtle, example 9
children's drawings of a turtle, example 10
children's drawings of a turtle, example 11
children's drawings of a turtle, example 12
children's drawings of a turtle, example 13
children's drawings of an ant, example 14
children's drawings of an ant, example 15 children's drawings of an ant, example 16
children's drawings of an ant, example 17
children's drawings of an ant, example 18
children's drawings of an ant, example 19
children's drawings of an ant, example 20

So we have considered step by step instructions drawing a turtle and an ant with a pencil, as well as their cartoon brothers. Inspired by viewing ready-made children's drawings and photos for sketching.

Inspiration to you and wonderful masterpieces!

Video: How to draw a turtle?


How to draw an ant

Of course, all experienced painters know how to draw an ant, but for a beginner, such a task may seem very difficult. After all, it is hardly possible for a child or an adult to draw an ant from life, since these insects are very small. Therefore, it is better to learn how to depict them using all kinds of auxiliary materials, for example, such as high-quality photographs or illustrations made by professional artists, which can be found in textbooks, encyclopedias or in educational magazines.

Before you draw an ant, of course, you should prepare all the stationery that you need for this. This list is quite short:

1). A sheet of paper;

2). colored pencils;

3). Gel pen or liner;

4). Pencil;

5). Eraser.

The easiest way for a beginner to draw an ant in stages:

Now the drawing of the ant is ready! Knowing how to draw an ant with a pencil step by step, you can create very interesting illustrations. For example, you can draw a picture with your child for a fairy tale about how a small ant hurried to its anthill. For coloring an insect, you can choose not only colored pencils, but almost any other materials. For example, kids will surely enjoy drawing this cute insect with gouache. And older people can use more complex materials, such as acrylic or pastel.


Instruction for children: How to draw an ant

If you want to learn how to draw an ant, my new lesson will help you figure it out. This instruction is not too complicated, so even a child can depict an insect.

1. Five ovals

Here I will tell you how to draw an ant step by step with a pencil and color it with paints or felt-tip pens for children.

First, draw five ovals of different sizes, as in the photo above. They should be located next to each other.

2. We erase the excess

In those places where the ovals intersect each other, remove the extra lines with an eraser. So the outline of the torso and head of our insect is ready.

3. Paws

In the drawing of an ant for children, you see three pairs of legs. Try to repeat my sketch, but do not try to copy it one by one, give free rein to your imagination.

4. Small parts

Work on small details drawing. Help your child draw an ant step by step. Finish the sketch by adding eyes, nose, mouth, whiskers, etc.

5. Let's start coloring

Now you know how to draw an ant from scratch. It's time to move on to color. For my drawing, I used two shades of brown, painted over the mouth red, and made the eyes blue.

Note: If you just want to color the ready-made pictures of ants with paints or felt-tip pens, you can print my sketch and use it as a coloring book.

6. Draw the background

I teach how to draw an ant step by step. The final stage is the background of the image. Here you can dream up and not follow strict rules. For my picture, I chose a blade of grass and a blue sky as a background.

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