Golyavkin stories read in large print. Viktor Golyavkin


V. Golyavkin

How we climbed into the pipe

A huge chimney was lying in the yard, and Vovka and I sat on it. We sat on this pipe, and then I said:

Let's climb into the pipe. We go in one end and we go out the other. Who gets out the fastest.

Vovka said:

And suddenly we'll suffocate there.

There are two windows in the chimney, I said, just like in a room. Are you breathing in the room?

Vovka said:

What kind of room is this? Since it's a pipe. - He always argues.

I climbed first, and Vovka counted. He counted to thirteen when I got out.

Come on, I, - said Vovka.

He climbed into the pipe, and I counted. I counted to sixteen.

You think fast, - he said, - come on! And he again climbed into the pipe.

I counted to fifteen.

It’s not stuffy at all, he said, it’s very cool there.

Then Petka Yashchikov approached us.

And we, - I say, - are climbing into the pipe! I got out on the account of thirteen, and he on fifteen.

Come on, I, - said Petya.

And he also climbed into the pipe.

He got out at eighteen.

We started laughing.

He climbed again.

He came out very sweaty.

Well, how? - he asked.

Sorry, I said, we didn't count now.

What does it mean that I crawled for nothing? He was offended, but climbed again.

I counted to sixteen.

Well, - he said, - gradually it will turn out! - And he climbed into the pipe again. This time he crawled there for a long time. Nearly twenty. He got angry, wanted to climb again, but I said:

Let others climb, - he pushed him away and climbed himself. I stuffed myself with a bump and crawled for a long time. I was very hurt.

I got out at thirty.

We thought you were gone,” Petya said.

Then Vovka climbed. I have already counted to forty, but he still does not get out. I look into the pipe - it's dark there. And there is no other end in sight.

Suddenly he gets out. From the end you entered. But he got out head first. Not with legs. That's what surprised us!

Wow, - says Vovka, - I almost got stuck. How did you turn around there?

With difficulty, - says Vovka, - I almost got stuck.

We were very surprised!

Mishka Menshikov came up here.

What are you doing here, he says?

Yes, - I say - we climb into the pipe. Do you want to climb?

No, he says, I don't want to. Why should I go there?

And we, - I say, - climb there.

You can see it, he says.

What is visible?

What did you climb there.

We look at each other. And really visible. We are all as it is in the red rust. Everything seems to be rusty. Just horror!

Well, I went, - says Mishka Menshikov. And he went.

And we didn’t climb into the pipe anymore. Although we were all rusty. We already had it anyway. It was possible to fly. But we still didn't climb.

Annoying Misha

Misha learned two poems by heart, and there was no peace from him. He climbed on stools, on sofas, even on tables, and, shaking his head, immediately began to read one poem after another.

Once he went to the Christmas tree to the girl Masha, without taking off his coat, climbed into a chair and began to read one poem after another.

Masha even told him: "Misha, you're not an artist!"

But he did not hear, read everything to the end, got down from his chair and was so pleased that it was even surprising!

And in the summer he went to the village. Grandmother had a big stump in her garden. Misha climbed onto a stump and began to read one poem after another to his grandmother.

One must think how tired he was of his grandmother!

Then the grandmother took Misha to the forest. And there was clearing in the forest. And then Misha saw so many stumps that his eyes ran wide.

What stump to stand on?

He got really lost!

And so his grandmother brought him back, so bewildered. And since then he did not read poems, unless he was asked.


We made original costumes - no one else will have them! I will be a horse, and Vovka a knight. The only bad thing is that he should ride me and not me on him. And all because I'm a little younger. See what happens! But nothing can be done. True, we agreed with him: he will not ride me all the time. He rides me a little, and then he gets down and leads me along like horses are led by the bridle.

And so we went to the carnival.

They came to the club in ordinary suits, and then changed clothes and went out into the hall. I mean, we moved in. I crawled on all fours. And Vovka was sitting on my back. True, Vovka helped me to touch the floor with his feet. But it still wasn't easy for me.

Besides, I didn't see anything. I was wearing a horse mask. I couldn't see anything at all, even though there were holes in the mask for the eyes. But they were somewhere on the forehead. I crawled in the dark. Bumped into someone's legs. I ran into the convoy twice. Yes, what to say! Sometimes I shook my head, then the mask would come off and I would see the light. But for a moment. And then it's all dark again. I couldn't shake my head all the time!

I saw the light for a moment. But Vovka saw nothing at all. And he kept asking me what was ahead. And asked to crawl more carefully. And so I crawled carefully. I didn't see anything myself. How could I know what was ahead! Someone stepped on my arm. I stopped right now. And he refused to move on. I told Vovka:

Enough. Get off.

Vovka probably liked the ride, and he did not want to get off. He said that it was too early. But still he got down, took me by the bridle, and I crawled on. Now it was easier for me to crawl, although I still could not see anything. I offered to take off the masks and take a look at the carnival, and then put on the masks again. But Vovka said:

Then we will be recognized.

Must be fun here, I said. We just don't see anything...

But Vovka walked in silence. He firmly decided to endure to the end and get the first prize. My knees hurt. I said:

I will now sit on the floor.

Can horses sit? Vovka said. Are you crazy! You are a horse!

I'm not a horse, I said. - You're a horse.

No, you are a horse, - answered Vovka. - And you know perfectly well that you are a horse, We will not receive an award.

So be it, I said. - I'm sick of.

Don't do stupid things, - said Vovka. - Be patient.

I crawled up to the wall, leaned against it and sat on the floor.

You are sitting? - asked Vovka.

I'm sitting, I said.

Well, okay, - agreed Vovka. - You can still sit on the floor. Just be careful not to sit on a chair. Then everything was gone. Do you understand? A horse - and suddenly on a chair! ..

Music blared all around, laughing.

I asked:

Will it end soon?

Be patient, - said Vovka, - probably soon ... Vovka also could not stand it. Sat on the sofa. I sat next to him. Then Vovka fell asleep on the couch. And I fell asleep too. Then they woke us up and gave us a bonus.

We play Antarctica

Mom left home somewhere. And we were left alone. And we got bored. We flipped the table. They pulled a blanket over the legs of the table. And it turned out to be a tent. It's like we're in Antarctica. Where our dad is now.

Vitka and I climbed into the tent.

We were very pleased that here Vitka and I were sitting In a tent, although not in Antarctica, but as if in Antarctica, and around us there was ice and wind. But we got tired of sitting in a tent.

Vitka said:

Winterers do not sit like this all the time in a tent. They must be doing something.

Surely, - I said, - they catch whales, seals and something else. Of course they don't sit like that all the time!

Suddenly I saw our cat. I shouted:

Here is a seal!

Hooray! Vitka shouted. - Grab him! He also saw a cat.

The cat was walking towards us. Then she stopped. She looked at us carefully. And she ran back. She didn't want to be a seal. She wanted to be a cat. I understood it right away. But what could we do! There was nothing we could do. We need to catch someone! I ran, stumbled, fell, got up, but the cat was nowhere to be found.

She is here! - yelled Vitka. - Run here!

Vitka's legs stuck out from under the bed.

I crawled under the bed. It was dark and dusty in there. But the cat was not there.

I'm getting out, I said. - There is no cat here.

Here she is, - Vitka argued. - I saw her run here.

I got out all dusty and began to sneeze. Vitka kept fiddling under the bed.

She is there, - Vitka repeated.

So be it, I said. - I won't go there. I sat there for an hour. I'm over it.

Think! Vitka said. - And I?! I climb here more than you.

Finally Vitka also got out.

Here she is! I shouted. The cat was sitting on the bed.

I almost grabbed her by the tail, but Vitka pushed me, the cat jumped - and onto the closet! Try to get it out of the closet!

What a seal, I said. - Can a seal sit on a closet?

Let it be a penguin, - said Vitka. - As if he were sitting on an ice floe. Let's whistle and shout. He then gets scared. And jump from the closet. This time we will capture the penguin.

We began to yell and whistle with all our might. I really can't whistle. Only Vitka whistled. But I yelled at the top of my lungs. Almost hoarse.

The penguin doesn't seem to hear. A very smart penguin. He lurks there and sits.

Come on, - I say, - let's throw something at him. Well, at least throw a pillow.

We threw a pillow on the wardrobe. The cat didn't jump out.

Then we threw three more pillows on the closet, mother's coat, all mother's dresses, father's skis, a saucepan, father's and mother's slippers, many books and much more. The cat didn't jump out.

Maybe it's not in the closet? - I said.

There she is, - said Vitka.

How is it there, since it is not there?

Don't know! Vitka says.

Vitka brought a basin of water and placed it by the cupboard. If the cat decides to jump from the closet, let it jump right into the pelvis. Penguins love to dive into the water.

We left something else on the closet. Wait - will it jump? Then they put a table up to the closet, a chair on the table, a suitcase on the chair, and climbed onto the closet.

And there is no cat.

The cat is gone. It is not known where.

Vitka began to get down from the closet and flopped right into the basin. Water spilled all over the room.

This is where mom comes in. And behind her is our cat. She apparently jumped into the window.

Mom threw up her hands and said:

What's going on here?

Vitka remained sitting in the pelvis. Before that I was scared.

How amazing, says Mom, that you can't leave them alone for a minute. You need to do this!

Of course, we had to clean everything ourselves. And even wash the floor. And the cat importantly walked around. And she looked at us with a look as if she was going to say: "Here, you will know that I am a cat. And not a seal and not a penguin."

A month later, our dad arrived. He told us about Antarctica, about the brave polar explorers, about their great work, and it was very funny to us that we thought that the only thing winterers do is to catch various whales and seals there ...

But we didn't tell anyone what we thought.
Copyright: Golyavkin, stories for children

, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR

Date of death 26 July(2001-07-26 ) (71 years old) A place of death Saint-Petersburg, Russia Citizenship USSR USSR
Russia Russia Occupation novelist Years of creativity - Language of works Russian

Viktor Vladimirovich Golyavkin(August 31, Baku - July 26, St. Petersburg) - Russian Soviet writer, artist, book graphic artist.

Biography [ | ]

Creation [ | ]

A feature of the writer 's stories is their brevity along with witty benevolent humor . The heroes of his stories are always funny, but active and charming. [ ] long stories are rare. [ ] Some of the shortest are such stories as “Drawing”, “Four Colors”, “Friends”, “Sick”, for example, the story “Drawing”:

Alyosha drew trees, flowers, grass, mushrooms, the sky, the sun and even a hare with colored pencils.

What is missing here? he asked dad. "There's enough of everything here," said Dad. - What is not enough here? he asked his brother. "That's enough," said the brother.

Then Alyosha turned the drawing over and wrote on the back in such big letters:

AND BIRDS STILL SINGING - Now, - he said, - there is enough of everything!

Such short stories often found in the writer.

"The second volley of the Aurora"[ | ]

In December 1981, Soviet society was preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the head of state L. I. Brezhnev. Every year at this time, according to the prevailing last years stagnation of tradition, the country reported to the Party and the leader about the next successes in the construction of communism.

In the anniversary issue 12 of the Aurora magazine for 1981, and it was on the 75th page that Victor Golyavkin's story "" was published. In terms of volume, the story occupied one page in the "Humor" section. In itself, a rather innocent and funny content, retelling a feast eulogy addressed to an unnamed hero of the day.

Moreover, on the second page of the cover was placed a color portrait of Brezhnev by the artist D. Nalbandyan, accompanied by the caption: “Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of L. I. Brezhnev.” According to the old Russian literary tradition, the placement of the story on a page that coincided with the number of years of the “culprit” of the anniversary, did not raise any doubts about who exactly this story was dedicated to. The very content of the “anniversary speech” was ambiguous, clearly demonstrating the lack of respect for the “anniversary hero” who had long been bored by everyone.

It is hard to imagine that this wonderful writer is alive. I can't believe he's walking the streets with us. It seems like he died. After all, he wrote so many books! Anyone who has written so many books would have been in the grave long ago. But this one is truly inhuman! He lives and does not think of dying, to everyone's surprise. Most believe that he died long ago - so great is the admiration for this talent. After all, Balzac, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy have long been in the other world, like other great classics. His place is there, next to them. He deserved this honor! He sits in front of me, red-cheeked and fat, and it's hard to believe that he's going to die. And he probably doesn't believe it himself. But he will certainly die, how to drink. A huge monument will be erected to him, and the hippodrome will be named after him, he loved horses so much. His grave will be fenced. So he doesn't have to worry. We will see his bas-relief on the grate.

The day before yesterday I heard that he had passed away. The message was made by my daughter, who loved to joke. I will not hide that I felt joy and pride for our friend and comrade. - Finally! - I exclaimed, - he will take his place in literature!

The joy was premature. But I don't think we'll have to wait long. He will not disappoint us. We all believe in him. We wish him to finish the work that he has not yet finished, and to please us as soon as possible.

The story gave rise to quite unambiguous allusions.

The appearance of this story in a Soviet stagnant and thoroughly censored magazine had the effect of an exploding bomb. In literary and reader circles, he received the name "Second volley of Aurora" (in association with the first volley in October 1917). The issue of the magazine was withdrawn from sale and from central libraries, A Chief Editor magazine Gleb Goryshyn and executive secretary - dismissed. As Magda Alekseeva later wrote, “we were not just fired from work, but forced to “voluntarily” own will leave the editorial office. The circulation of the magazine was reduced to a minimum.

In the novel Golyavkin's Arrow, the writer's wife Lyudmila Bubnova reveals the background: the story was written by Viktor Golyavkin fifteen years before the events described, on a different occasion and has nothing to do with Brezhnev. You can read about the same on the site dedicated to Gleb Goryshyn. “We - the editors and Golyavkin - were not at all heroes who wished to accomplish a civil feat. Everything really happened, albeit tragicomically, but by chance, ”explained M. Alekseeva.

Books [ | ]

  • Notebooks in the rain. L., 1959.
  • My good dad: A story. - L .: Children's literature, 1964. - 96 p.
  • Leads and stories. - L .: Children's literature, 1964
  • Cities and children. L., 1967
  • My good dad. - S., Volga book publishing house, 1967 - 96s., with ill. rice. author
  • You come to us, come ... - L., Children's literature, 1968
  • Hello birds. - L., 1969. - 96 p. Stories.
  • Annoying Misha. - L., Children's literature, 1969
  • Short stories. - L., Children's literature, 1970 - 160s., with ill. rice. author
  • Stripes on windows. - L .: Children's literature, 1972. - 96 p.
  • Amazing kids. - M. Children's literature., 1972. - 192 p., L. Children's literature., 1979. - 253 p.
  • Harp and Boxing: A Novel. - L.: Soviet writer, 1969; 1979. - 288; 256 p.
  • Tales. - L .: Lenizdat, 1974.
  • Three stories. - L., Children's literature, 1977, 1984.
  • This boy: A Tale. - L .: Children's Literature, 1980. - 93 p. ill. rice. author
  • Ordinary business. Tale. - L., 1981
  • I'm always waiting for you with interest: Stories. - M.: Sovremennik, 1980. - 272 p., 100,000 copies.
  • One, two, three... Tale. - L., Children's literature, 1983
  • What is written on the face. - L., 1984
  • Kaleidoscope. - L., Lenizdat, 1985
  • High Speeds: A Novel, Short Stories. - L .: Soviet writer, 1988. - 512 p., 100,000 copies.
  • Favorites. - L .: Children's literature, 1989. - 511 p. ill. rice. author
  • Love and the Mirror: Stories. - L .: LIO "Editor", 1991. - 272 p., 30,000 copies.
  • Allow me to pass. L., Lenizdat, 1992.
  • Talkers. M., 1999.
  • Everything will be fine. - St. Petersburg: Petersburg Writer, 2000. - 304 p.
  • A Familiar Face: Stories. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka-Klassika, 2000. - 384 p. Comp. E. Peremyshlev.
  • Favorites. - M.: Ast, Astrel, 2002. Compiled by L. Bubnova.
  • Favorites. - M.: Zebra E, 2004. - 565 p.

To the cinema [ | ]

Literature [ | ]

  • Shushkovskaya F. Viktor Golyavkin. Essay on creativity. // On literature for children, no. 23. L., 1979
  • Goryshin G. Victor Golyavkin writes a story... // Golyavkin V. I am always waiting for you with interest. M., 1980
  • Ludmila Bubnova. Arrow Golyavkin // "October", 2002, No. 10.
  • Ludmila Bubnova. Golyavkin, brilliant, old man! // "Star", 2004, No. 8.
  • Nikolay Kuznetsov.“Oh, it’s good for my head! ..” About Viktor Golyavkin // Neva, 1997, No. 9.
  • Peremyschev E. If you follow my example, then you need to start with boxing. Something like an interview with Viktor Golyavkin. // Golyavkin V. A familiar face. St. Petersburg, 2000
  • Svetlana Ivanova.“I thought I was the only one ...” // “Znamya”, 2001, No. 8. Review of the collection “A Familiar Face”.

Extracurricular reading in elementary school. Viktor Golyavkin's stories for reading at school and at home. Stories for younger students.

Viktor Golyavkin. How I Helped My Mom Clean the Floor

I've been meaning to clean the floor for a long time. Only my mother wouldn't let me. “It won’t work,” he says, “you have ...” - Let's see how it doesn't work out!

Fuck! overturned the bucket and spilled all the water. But I decided it's even better. This makes cleaning the floor much easier. All water on the floor; three rags - and that's it. Not enough water, really. Our room is big. We'll have to pour a bucket of water on the floor. Poured another bucket, now beauty! Rub with a rag, rub - nothing comes out. Where does the water go to keep the floor dry? There's nothing here without a pump. Take a bicycle pump. Pump the water back into the bucket.

But when you're in a hurry, everything goes wrong. The water on the floor has not diminished, and the bucket is empty. Probably the pump has failed.

Now I'll have to fiddle around with the pump.

Then mom enters the room.

“What is it,” he shouts, “why water?”

"Don't worry mom, everything will be alright. We just need to fix the pump.

- What pump?

To pump water...

Mom took a rag, soaked it in water, then squeezed the rag into the bucket, then soaked it again, squeezed it into the bucket again. And so several times in a row. And there was no water on the floor.

Everything turned out to be so simple. And my mother says to me:

- Nothing. You still helped me.

Viktor Golyavkin. Lukyan

Katya was called to answer the lesson, and Masha looked out the window. Katya is waiting for a hint, and Masha sees Lukyan's dog and says quietly, out loud:

— Lukyan...

Katya thought, she was prompted, and repeats:

— Lukyan...

“What’s wrong with Lukyan?! the teacher was surprised.

The teacher looks angrily at Katya.

Katya looks angrily at Masha.

And Masha calmly looks out the window.

Viktor Golyavkin. And we helped

When snow was thrown from the roof, we helped the janitor with the whole yard. Of course, we were not allowed on the roof. Then we gathered in the yard, stood in a chain, holding hands, and did not let anyone into the area where the snow fell.

When people walked into this zone, unaware of the danger, we shouted in unison:

- You can't come here! Bypass!

And all the people went around.

A small piece of snow settled on Vaska. He whirled and whirled in the air and landed right on Vaska's head. Vaska just shook his head, and the snow on his head melted. He then kept repeating that he protected others with his head. It's immodest, I think, to say such things. Me too! As if it were some huge piece of ice.

The janitor drove us with might and main, but we did not leave. So they helped to the end.

And the janitor says that we interfered.

How so?!

It can't be!

Viktor Golyavkin. Language

The guys worked. And Petya sat down on the step. And so he sat. It is very necessary to work!

But I'm tired of sitting.

He saw a cat.

Caught her.

He showed the cat a shish, whistled in the cat's ear, blew on it, made several faces, sang three songs, showed his tongue.

She pawed him on the tongue!

He immediately stopped singing.

He yelled, released the cat and rushed to the guys ...

Better late than never!

Viktor Golyavkin. A couple of trifles

As soon as academic year ended, the whole class gathered in the yard. Discussed what they would do in the summer. Everyone said different things. And Volodya said:

Let's write letters to Anna Petrovna. Where someone will be, he will write from there. About what I saw in the summer. How did you spend your time.

Everyone shouted:

- Right! Right!

That's what they decided on.

All who went where. Klim went to the village. He immediately wrote a letter there - five pages.

He wrote:

“I saved drowning people in the village. They were all satisfied. One rescued told me: "If not for you, I would have drowned." And I told him: "For me, this is a couple of trifles." And he said: "But for me it's not a couple of trifles." I said, "Of course, it's not a trifle for you, but a couple of trifles for me." He said, "Thank you very much." I said: "Not at all, because for me it's a couple of trifles."

I saved fifty or a hundred people. Even, maybe more. And then they stopped sinking, and there was no one to save.

Then I saw the broken rail. And stopped the whole train. People ran out of the cars. They hugged me and praised me. And many kissed. Many asked for my address, and I gave them my address. Many gave their addresses, and I gladly took their addresses. Many offered me gifts, but I said: "Only, please, without this." Many took pictures of me, I took pictures with many, many offered me to go right away with them, but I could not leave my grandmother. I didn't warn her!

Then I saw a burning house. He was on fire. And there was plenty of smoke. "Let's go!" I said to myself. "There must be someone there!"

Beams fell around me. Several beams fell behind me, and several in front. Several beams fell from the side. One beam fell on my shoulder. Two or three beams fell from the other side. Five beams fell right on my head. Several beams fell somewhere else. But I didn't pay attention. I ran all over the house. But there was no one there but the cat. I ran outside with the cat. The owners of the house were here. They were holding watermelons in their hands. "Thank you for Murka," they said. "We've just come from the grocery store." They gave me one watermelon. Then everyone put out the house ...

Then I saw an old woman. She was crossing the street. I immediately walked towards her. "Permit me, please," I said, "to take you to the other side." I moved it to the other side and returned back. More old ladies came up. I also moved them to the other side. Some old ladies didn't need to go to the other side. But I said, "Please, I'll move you back and forth. And you'll be on this side again."

They all told me, "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have crossed." And I said: "For me, this is a couple of trifles."

Two or three old women did not want to cross. They just sat on the bench. And looked to the other side. When I asked if they needed to go to the other side, they said: "We don't need to go there." And when I said why don't they take a walk, they said, "Indeed, why don't we take a walk?" I took them all to the other side. They sat on a bench there. They didn't want to go back. No matter how I asked them."

Klim wrote a lot. He was very pleased with his letter. And mailed a letter.

Then the summer ended. Classes have begun. At the lesson, Anna Petrovna said:

“A lot of people have sent me letters. Good, interesting letters. Some I will read to you.

“Now it will start,” thought Klim. There are many heroic deeds in my letter. Everyone will praise and admire me.”

Anna Petrovna read many letters.

I didn't read his letters.

“Well, everything is clear here,” thought Klim. — The letter was sent to the newspaper. It will be printed there. Maybe there will be my portrait. Everyone will say: “Oh, it's him! Look!” And I'll say, "So what? For me, this is a couple of trifles.

Viktor Golyavkin. Allow me to pass!

The second-grader stood at the door of the house and waited for a friend. A fifth grader was walking home, grabbed a second grader by the collar and shouted:

- Why are you dangling under your feet!

A seventh-grader was walking home, grabbed the collar of a second-grader and a fifth-grader so that they would not dangle under his feet.

A ninth-grader was walking home, grabbed a second-grader, a fifth-grader and a seventh-grader by the scruff of the collar in the doorway, since they dangle under their feet.

Then, of course, the seventh grader clung to the ninth grader, the fifth grader to the seventh grader, and the second grader to the fifth grader. No one believed that he dangled under someone's feet. It can't be that people dangle under each other's feet!

The old man was walking home.

But how could he pass?

He said:

- Allow me.

And everyone let go of each other and went home, except for the second grader. He stood at the door again.

After all, he was waiting for his friend. Why grab him by the collar? Although ... You can stand NEAR the doors!

I live with my father, mother and sister Katya. In a big house next to the school. Vovka still lives in our house. I am six and a half years old and I do not go to school yet. And Vovka goes to the second grade. We are very good friends, only he likes to tease. For example, he drew a picture: a house, a sun, a tree, and a cow. And he says that he drew me, although everyone will say that I am not there. And he says: “You are here, you hid behind a tree.” Or something like that.

One day he asks me:

You know?

I answer him:

Don't know.

Oh, you, - he says, - you don't know!

How can I know?

And I know there are stars in the sky.

This I know too.

Why didn't you tell me right away? - And laughs. - When you go to school, you will know everything.

I thought a little, then I say:

You know?

Oh, you, - I say, - do not know!

What don't I know?

That I'm standing next to you. And also a student!

Vovka immediately took offense.

You and I are friends, - he says, - and you tease.

It's you, - I say, - and not I teased.

Since then, Vovka has become less teasing. Because I mimicked it. But all the same, he sometimes forgot and began to tease again. And all because he goes to school, and I can’t go to school.

About how I decided to go to school

This is what happened to me last year...

Vovka had a way to remember. If Vovka wanted to remember something, he would sing out loud. I also remembered how Vovka sang the letters: “A-a-a-a bvgd-uh-uh ...”

I go and sing at the top of my lungs. Everything turned out like Vovka. Only Katya really bothered me. She followed me and sang too. She is only five years old, and she climbs everywhere. He sticks his nose into everything. She has an unbearable personality. There is no rest from her. She did a lot of trouble: she broke a decanter, three plates, two cups and a jar of jam. I locked myself in the bathroom to sing the letters. And she knocks on the door and cries. And what does a person need? Why would she sing with me? Unclear. Well, my mother took her away, otherwise I would have confused the letters. And so I remember everything perfectly.

I came to Vovkin's class and sat down at the desk. Some boy began to chase me, but I grabbed the desk and did not leave. He had to sit at another desk.

The teacher immediately noticed me. He asked:

Where are you from, boy?

I'm nine years old, I lied.

It doesn't look like it, said the teacher.

I came myself, - I said, - I can sing letters.

What letters?

Are there any other letters?

Of course have. - And shows me a book.

Oh, and there are a lot of letters! I was even scared.

I can't do that much, I'm still small ...

Did you think you were already big?

I didn't think I was that small. I'm as tall as Vovka.

And who is Vovka?

There he is, I said. We played with him...

He's lying! shouted Vovka. - I am higher!

Everyone laughed. The teacher said:

I believe both of you. Especially since you were measured. But you don't know all the letters.

That's right, I said. But I will learn them.

When you learn, come. And now it's too early.

Surely, I say, I will come. Goodbye.

Goodbye, the teacher says.

Here's how it turned out!

I thought Vovka would tease.

But Vovka did not tease. He said:

Do not be sad. You only have to wait two years. It's quite a bit of a wait. Others have to wait much longer. My brother has to wait five years.

I don't burn...

What to grieve! ..

Nothing to worry about, I said. - I'm not angry...

In fact, I grieved. But I didn't show it.

I have an extra primer,” said Vovka. - My father bought me one primer, my mother bought another one. Do you want me to give you a primer?

I wanted to give him a guards ribbon in return. He has been asking me for this tape for a long time. He didn't take the tape.

I am for the primer, - he says, - I will not take the tape. Learn please. I do not mind.

Then just like that, - I say, - take the tape.

It's just possible.

I would give you my dream, I say. “But sleep is impossible. You know, do not you.

The fact is that Vovka always dreams of roosters. And dream of nothing else. He himself told me about it. And me different dreams dream. How I climbed the mountains, oh, and it was difficult! I even woke up. As I stood as a goalkeeper. Caught a hundred balls.

And I’m all cocks ... - Vovka sighed. - So boring!

And you drive them.

How to drive them? After all, they are in a dream ...

Drive anyway.

I really wanted to help him. So that he had normal dreams, and not some kind of roosters. But what could I do! I would gladly give him my dream!

About one and two

Today Vovka came home from school furious. Doesn't want to talk to anyone. I immediately understood what was the matter. I probably got two. Every evening he plays in the yard, and then suddenly he sits at home. Maybe his mom didn't let him. It happened once already. He then brought one. And why do people grab deuces? Yes, more units. Like you can't do without them. Irresponsible, as my dad says. I will definitely be conscious. After all, from deuces everyone is sad - both dad and mom ... Maybe it's hard to study at school? Look how Vovka suffers from this. He sits at home, he is not allowed into the yard. It's hard to study at school. Will it be difficult for me to study? Mom will scold me, put my nose in a corner, not let me into the yard to play with the guys. What kind of life will it be? We need to talk to Vovka. Find out everything about the school from him. And then it will be too late. I will go to school myself. It's better to know now. Maybe pick up and leave? Somewhere on the edge of the world?

In the evening I asked my dad why Vovka had enough deuces.

He's just a slacker," Dad replied. - He's unconscious. The state teaches him for free. Teachers spend time on it. Schools were built for him. And he. know yourself a deuce brings ...

So there is Vovka! He is a quitter. I couldn't even imagine how it was possible! After all, they even built a school for him. This I could not understand. For me, if a school were built... yes, I would... I would study all the time. I just wouldn't leave the school.

I met Vovka the other day. He was walking from school.

Got five! he shouted joyfully.

You're lying, I said.

Am I lying?!

Because you are a slacker!

What are you?! Vovka was surprised.

You're a slacker and that's it. That's what my dad said. It's clear? Vovka hit me with all his might on the nose, then pushed

me and I fell into a puddle.

Received? he shouted. - You'll get more!

And you will get!

See what! She doesn't go to school yet!

And you are a slacker!

Uncle Vitya came up to us. Uncle Vitya is a pilot. We all love him very much. He took us on a plane.

Peace, - said Uncle Vitya, - immediately!

I didn't want to reconcile at all. First, the nose

I was terribly sick, and secondly, since Vovka is a quitter ... But Uncle Vitya forced me to. I had to reconcile.

Uncle Vitya took us outside and bought us ice cream.

We ate ice cream in silence. Vovka took money out of his pocket and offered:

I have money here ... Shall we buy more?

We bought a glass of ice cream and ate it in half.

Want more? I asked.

I want, - said Vovka.

I ran home, took money from my mother, and we bought another glass.


The heroes of these stories are the same as you, boys and girls. In their life, probably, just like yours, there are difficult moments. The minutes that put serious question: who are you? courageous man or a coward, honest or a liar, a true friend or just like that, a random fellow traveler ...

Dear Guys! Probably many of you have read some of this book before.

Here is a story about two cheerful friends - "Our conversations with Vovka."

A story about a boy who ended up in an extraordinary city by the sea.

And funny stories.

There are stories about Nick, who often goes wrong. You will learn about it when you read the book. And it may very well be that one of your friends is somewhat similar to him.

There are stories about Petya and Vova here.

In this book there are many more stories about other guys, about their funny stories.

And you will also see here the drawings that I drew for these stories and stories.

Into this book wonderful writer Viktor Vladimirovich Golyavkin includes short funny stories: “Notebooks in the rain”, “Chatterboxes”, “I didn’t eat any mustard”, “Carousel in my head”, “I want a horse” and others, as well as a fascinating story “You come to us, come ".

The collection includes the most amusing stories of the famous Russian writer Viktor Golyavkin. Some of them were written almost half a century ago, but boys and girls of all ages still like them.

funny, ironic and good stories famous children's writer Viktor Golyavkin included in the program extracurricular reading For elementary school. Reading stories, as well as the story "My good dad", both children and adults will enjoy communicating with smart and wise man- The author of this book.

Impressions of the writer's military childhood are read in a very serious, sad story "My good dad", written from the perspective of little boy. The author protests against the war from which people suffer, especially children. This is one of best stories about the war in children's literature. “There was a victory. Firework. Joy. Flowers. Sun. The blue sea... The soldiers were returning home. But my dad, my good dad, he'll never come back." Just a few simple words the author needed to express “the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat”, but their combination seizes the throat. A few words from which bitter tears come to the eyes. Let there be no wars, but the words will remain. Wars happen when people are at a loss for words.

funny and instructive stories and the story of the famous children's

writer for elementary school children.

about their problems, hobbies, interests.

The collections included the best children's works of the classics of Russian literature recommended for reading in grade 1: M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi, V. Dragunsky, V. Kataev, N. Sladkov, E. Permyak, G. Skrebitsky, and others. The collection consists of four thematic parts: "Country of childhood" (about children and their hobbies), "The world around us" (about nature), "I'll tell you a fairy tale" (fairy tales and fairy tales), "Cheerful break" ( funny stories). Each story, even the smallest one, is illustrated with one or more pictures, which makes reading the book useful and enjoyable for children. The series is recommended by the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of General and vocational education RF.Color illustrations by Gennady Sokolov. For elementary school age.

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