How to invent new fairy tale characters and stories with them. How to come up with new unique names for the characters in your stories


Today we will continue the topic of how unobtrusively, in a form that is fascinating for a child, to train imagination, develop speech, creative thinking and study the world. And we will do this using the example of exercise games from wonderful book Gianni Rodari - "Grammar of Fantasy".

How easy, fun and useful is it to come up with new characters for games and compose your own fairy tales with your child? We tried and we really liked the 4 options for fantasizing.

1 . Characters from various materials: glass man, sand, fiery, sugar, bread, mint, ice, foil, cotton wool, iron, etc. The interest is that this hero will have to act, move, get acquainted, get into situations in accordance with the material from which he is made. That is, it will be necessary to take into account its chemical and physical properties.

Take, for example, the glass man. This material is transparent, which means that such a hero also has this property, and directly and figuratively. His mind can be read. Does he like it? What can he do to hide them? Glass is fragile. And, therefore, the house of such a little man should be upholstered with something soft. Where can he even live? Modern city unlikely to suit him. Who can he be friends with? And who should he be afraid of? Glass can be washed, but such a little man can drown, unlike, for example, a wooden one.

If the little men are made of ice, ice cream, butter, then all together they can live in the refrigerator. And all their adventures will take place between the freezer and the shelves for vegetables - otherwise they will melt.
What will happen to a person from papyrus paper, will not happen to a man made of marble, straw, chocolate, smoke, sausage, plastic.

In stories with such characters, the scope of fantasy is limitless and it is not known where your fairy tale will take you. We have a story with our children.

Once upon a time there was a soap man in the world. He was very fond of cleanliness: he wore snow-white clothes and sterile gloves. Lived in a sterile clean apartment. I went with a huge suitcase, in which I kept a bunch of rags and various detergents. It was difficult for him to live: he saw dirt, germs, viruses everywhere, but he could not wash it all well, because he could not deal with water. Therefore, in order not to get dirty, he very rarely went outside. But one day through the window he saw an amazingly beautiful butterfly. She so struck his imagination that the soap man, forgetting everything, ran out into the street. And then he was seized with horror - how much dirt around! Roads, houses, cars, garbage cans!!! All this needs to be washed immediately! And, forgetting about caution, he got water and set to work. He cleaned and cleaned, without ceasing, for several days and nights, but the dirt, as it seemed to him, only became more. And he was so tired and so lathered that he fell asleep while working right on the street. And then ... how it happened, he did not understand, probably he was carried by the wind - he woke up in a forest clearing. May raged, juicy grass grew, flowers were fragrant. The soapy little man opened his eyes and saw a huge clear sky, and then some snow-white flowers with transparent drops of the purest dew. He had never seen anything like it. The little man, as if spellbound, sat all day next to the flowers, enjoying their fragrance and perfect beauty.

But then the opinions of the children were divided. The youngest said that the soap man remained to live in the clearing. And the eldest suggested that he returned to the city, found a soap factory, where he was restored. He worked as a janitor during the day, and in the morning and in the evening he went to admire nature.

2. Comic book characters

Children love to read comics, but as it turns out, they love writing comics even more. Coming up with a comic book character is very easy - he should have one feature that will provide him with more and more adventures or the same thing that will be repeated in different versions ad infinitum. Distinctive feature at the same time - not external, but a character trait, superpower or style of behavior. Such characters include such generalized heroes as a pirate, a robber, a ranger, etc. As Gianni Rodari writes, writing and depicting a comic on paper is a useful thing in every way. After all, for this you need to come up with a plot, understand how best to present it, how to arrange pictures; it is necessary to compose dialogues, to give external and psychological characteristics character, etc.

We have a popular supergirl. This character is uncomplicated, but my daughter loves to play it and to some extent associates herself with him. I think that every child has a similar favorite character. And don't be surprised if making up comics will captivate your child much more than writing school essays.

3. Travel around own house or revitalization of objects

In this game, we choose any object and move away from its everyday purpose, inventing something completely new and unexpected. Children themselves often use this technique when they imagine a chair as a train, and a found stick as a sword or an airplane.

For babies, you can compose stories while they are feeding, reviving objects on the table. And then the fork will be friends with the knife and argue with the spoon about who is more important. Or the saucer will turn into a car, a plane, a turtle, a snail ... The child will very quickly get involved in this fun game for him, you will only need to activate it, suggesting an interesting plot twist with leading questions.

I invited the children to "spice up" something in the apartment, and they chose our old piano. And suddenly fantasized a story about a family musical instruments. Mother Arfa is beautiful, calm, affectionate, sings great, but a terrible homebody, bakes delicious cakes and ... dreams of dancing in the Sleeping Beauty ballet. Papa - Drum - big, fat, with thick black hair and long mustaches, loud, impatient, strict and very busy. And the kids: the youngest - Flute - is a fidget, a laugher, always getting into ridiculous situations because of her curiosity. And the eldest - Violin - is very gentle, vulnerable, kind, loves to help everyone, impressionable. It is easy to offend her, and she cries all the time: both from sadness and from joy. And they also have a grandfather - the old Royal. He is a lover of noisy parties, an avid theater-goer, a joker and a tireless inventor.

Of course, this is just a sketch further development characters and plot. And the characters in this story do not claim any exact correspondence to their real musical characteristics. These images are based only on children's associations and seasoned with light humor. But the benefit of such writing, I think, is obvious.

A small recommendation: all children are different, and not everyone immediately manages to be included in the stream of writing. At the first stage, just ask the children as many questions as possible and let them choose the option they like. Fantasize with pleasure and do not take this occupation too seriously! One of the secrets of the success of any activity with children is the observance of the principle of JOY.

4. "Fantastic subtraction", or a game of nothing

This is a very exciting game for the development of thinking, studying and understanding the world around us, which we liked. The point is that my younger daughter(she is four years old) gets bored if she just talks about something "scientific". But this simple game aroused her keen interest. You just need to ask the child one question: “What would happen if there was nothing in the world (sugar, chair, table, sun, money, paper, sun, doorknob, mirror ...)?”

For example, I asked, “What would happen if all the trees disappeared?” And then my daughter learned that the trees around, familiar to everyone, actually play a huge role in the life of all living beings on Earth. And it impressed her! An ordinary object appeared in a completely different light! We talked for an hour, learned a lot of new facts, leafed through the encyclopedia about trees, and the next day my daughter herself suggested playing the same game.

So thanks to Gianni Rodari for great ideas! If they inspired you too, then choose one of the suggested game options that you like the most to start. For everything to work out, you must play on an equal footing with the child, and you should also be interested, and then he will definitely respond and get involved in the process of fantasizing. And don't be afraid that you won't succeed. Everyone has a creative streak of imagination, and it can and should be developed at absolutely any age so that life is brighter, more fun and exciting.

Tatyana Gizatova, teacher, art therapist, mother of three children

Tired of sorting out the same type of names for the heroes of your stories? It seems that you return again and again to the same trivial options? Here are some ways to come up with interesting, not common names.


Creating Unique Names

    You can use the first name as the last name. Since first and last names usually sound very different, breaking this rule will help your character stand out a little from the others.

    • Examples of such a rotation would be: Anna Joey, Robert Gideon, Paul Michael
    • This subtle device is best suited for describing events unfolding in a place and time close to the author.
  1. Look for names in unexpected places. View the credits for a TV show or movie; there you can find a large number of atypical names and their combinations. When walking or driving around the city by bike or car, pay attention to the names of the streets. For a name, you can even borrow the name of a foreign city, a distant nebula, or an exotic plant.

    • This is a rather free approach, so it can be extended to the whole variety of genres and names: both male and female.
  2. Unusual options can be found in books. Look through the telephone directory or dictionary of names, especially children's names. There you can find many rare names and interesting variations of their pronunciation.

    • Is it possible to call common those found there: Resili, Kadia, Joval, Jantani, Karil or Kalin?
    • If you want to do more than just find beautiful name, and strive for it to emphasize the character of the hero, refer to the library of myths. However, in order for it not to sound too banal (say, Athena), one will have to abandon Scandinavian, Greek or Roman mythology.
  3. Create names from simple words. They say that some of the names in Harry Potter JK Rowling made up as an anagram for describing the character's character. There are a number of algorithms for such a search that can be used in such a selection. For example:

    • Mix common names. So, from "Sarah" and "Josephine" you can get "Josar" and "Serafin"; "Garrett" and "Adrian" can become "Adriette" and "Garran", and so on.
    • Experiment with different options pronunciation. Replace Michael with Mikael, Gabriel with Gibrel, etc.
    • Change the order of the letters in your own name(or your friend's name). If your name is Bob Smith, you can use letter inversion to get something like Omi Tibbs. Your friend Eileen can become Nelly, Annabelle Belanna, and so on.
    • Make anagrams for everyday words. For example, "laughter" can become the basis for the name Mesh, "jumper" - for Gunpri. You can also use this method to create a name that suits your character's personality. So, a person named Mesh (from the word “laughter”) can be a joker and a merry fellow, and a character with an anagram name for the word “jumper” can really be fond of parkour and be famous topics that he jumps above all.
  4. Arbitrary choice. If you're looking for something truly unique, abandon the principle of building on something you already know and try to come up with something completely new. It could be something from the area science fiction or fantasy stories that are completely out of your current cultural context.

    • Type in a text editor (for example, Word) a random set of letters. Then choose from it the sequence that seems most promising to you and redo it so that you like it.
    • Or you can cut out individual letters from a magazine, toss them up and see what combination you get when they hit the floor.
  5. Name a character after your favorite literary character. But try not to make it too obvious, because you don't want to openly plagiarize.

    • Let's say if you want to name your character after Katniss Everdeen, don't just call her Katniss Everdeen, as not only is that unoriginal, it's against the copyright. Instead, try to create similar name, such as "Katarina" instead of "Katniss", or "Dean" instead of "Everdeen".
    • You can also use celebrity names to create new ones by mixing or combining them. For example, Justin Beiber and Kate Alexa could become Jaxa Kelbair.
  6. To create new names, use existing words and phrases: adapt them or write them down with errors. It could be spelling mistake or use transliteration.

    • Let's try to write down with errors "Sort of". Let it turn out “Vratitavo”. Then, from what happened, we choose an interesting combination. For example: Titav, Itav or Rati.
    • Write down a short snippet of a song with no spaces between the words and try to find interesting combinations. For example, based on the fragment: “He who believes is on the way. The voice of the wind, the stars of love” we got Tover, Tigol, Etraz, Ritto, Losve, Etra, Azve.
  7. Change the gender of the name. Make a female name from a male one and vice versa.

    • But remember that not all names have an equivalent for the opposite sex.
  8. Look up names online. If you use a name generator program (which actually involves creating baby names, but still can be useful), you will most likely come across at least one, or even several, names that you want to name your heroes.

    Using your favorite letter (or letters)

    1. Make a list of letters that you would like to have in your name. If you are still hesitant, let it be just one of your favorite letters. For example, you want an L or S in a character's name because you like the way they sound or you feel they could match the character's personality.

      Pick an ending. Usually female names end in -a, -bel, -na, -li, -i, -ey, -lin, etc. Typical endings male names: -ob, -ab, -an, -li, etc. Choose the one you like or compose it yourself!

    2. Make up a name based on any word you like or the name of the first object that catches your eye when you look away from the monitor or look out of the window. If the name of this object, in your opinion, is not a very suitable launching pad for composing a name, pick up synonyms.

      • For example, you are looking at the moon. Why not also use the synonym “ heavenly body”, from which you can create the name “Bessie”.
    3. Add more letters to the ones you like. Let your favorite letters be “O” or “A”; you can add "n" and "x" to make "Hanna".

      • If the name you made up sounds a bit clumsy, add more letters, but don't overdo it.

    Finding names that match a character

    1. Use a name that fits into the atmosphere of your story. Names must be appropriate for the setting, time frame and/or country in which the events take place.

      • If the names sound typical of the region, it will add credibility to your story. For example, if the scene is China, then most likely the names should be completely different than in the story that takes place in Africa.
      • Another technique once used by John Brain is to use place names for names from the region or country where your character is located.
    2. Choose a name that is easy to pronounce. Most readers won't have the patience to spell out a hero's name every time it comes up. A name that is difficult to pronounce may even discourage the reader from further immersion in the plot, and he may even stop reading altogether.

      • Give preference to names that you can say out loud easily and practice saying them.
      • Avoid using too many oddly spelled names for your characters, as this can confuse the reader and even dampen their interest in the events.
    3. Think about what meaning(s) can be behind the name of the hero of your work. The meaning of the name can help you find the connection between what his name is and his character traits. Think about how the meaning of the name can emphasize his personality characteristics.

      • You can also use the name-character contrast technique to create a contrast between the sound or meaning of the name and the character's personality. For example, a rough and stubborn girl can be called Lacey, and a boring child can be called Brock.
    • Try changing the order of the letters in the word that describes the character. For example, Sly on Vakul, Shy - on Etzas Winch, Naive - on Naiya Van, and so on. Then you can add and remove letters as you wish.
    • If you need a name for a science fiction work, you can use combinations and combinations to your taste. There are thousands of names, and by combining names from science fiction, you can come up with a completely unique character.
    • Names like Aristotle, Sebastian and Bridgell are good for classic stories, while Andrew and Tom or Emma and Sarah are perfect for the main characters of more “modern” stories.
    • Modify the familiar name to break it into more interesting forms. For example, Chris can become Criss, Criss, or even Crystal.


    • Don't name your character after a character in an already published story, especially if they have similar personalities. This may be considered as copyright infringement. Find out if someone has used given name V literary works before naming their characters.
    • Names should be believable, especially if you are working on a serious or sad story. Even if you're aiming for creativity and a sense of fantasy, names like "Lord Markie Mark" or "Princess Surfboard" can be hard for the reader to grasp. characters, and the whole story as a whole, seriously.
    • Do not rush to enter the name into the text immediately after you have composed or found it. First, tell at least one other (preferably impartial) person about it. What sounds great to you may sound like castor oil to your listeners.

Club of Passionate Moms

There are quite a few ways to create a new one. Today we will get to know simple tricks which are easy for a child to master. What is there to invent, you say. Take a sheet of paper and embody your ideas on it with a pencil. Yes, there are people who find it easy and simple to imagine a completely new character that has never been before. And what about those who have more difficulty with this process? When ideas run out and everyone new hero Is this a slight modification of the previous one? The tricks in this article will come to the rescue!

Method 1. Non-existent animal

To do this, you need to take several existing characters and construct one new one from them.

As a child, I had a book in which there were portraits of different people. Each page was cut into three parts. Flipping through parts of the pages created different animals: ostrich-bear-horse. From the first head, from the second torso, from the third lower limbs. Such an organizer can be made independently. Draw animals in the album and cut each sheet. Find pictures on the Internet and print. Look in bookstores, probably, similar books are published now.

You can use cubes that show parts of animals or other characters. Here's what might come of it:

This method is quite easy to use. There is a minus that the number of created objects is limited. The next paragraph solves this shortcoming.

Method 2. Morphological box of Fritz Zwicky

Its essence lies in the fact that a multidimensional table (box) is created with the characteristics and parameters that a new character may have. All responses are encrypted and placed in a box.
The box looks like this:

A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7
B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 B 7
V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 V 7

Under the letters A are different parts of the body of the new hero. If you create a box together with a child, then ask what parts of the body the hero will have? My options are the following:

  • A1 - head;
  • A2 - neck;
  • A3 - torso;
  • A4 - upper limbs (hands, paws);
  • A5 - lower limbs;
  • A6 - tail;
  • A7 - mustache / antennae.

The number of columns you have will be the same or change.

Line B contains objects from which we take the shape and cover of this part of the body:

  • B1 - dog;
  • B2 - rooster;
  • B3 - turtle;
  • B4 - girl;
  • B5 - horse;
  • B6 - rabbit;
  • B7 - beetle.

Accordingly, we take the length and frequency of wool from the dog according to the breed that was chosen for the sample, from the rooster - plumage, etc. Compiling this line, you can also study the structure of humans, animals, insects, etc. comparative analysis. For example, human whiskers and cat whiskers are different from beetle whiskers.

Start making art with your child with pleasure!

In line B are placed color solutions:

  • B1 - white;
  • B2 - pink;
  • B3 - gray;
  • B4 - green;
  • B5 - blue;
  • B6 - red;
  • B7 - yellow.

Now we randomly extract various combinations from the box. One letter is taken from each line: A5, B6, B3. Such combinations for one hero should be on this box either 7 or less. Depends on the parts of the body that the new character will have.

My combinations for the new hero are: A1, B7, B4; A7, B1, B7; A4, B6, B2; A5, B6, B3; A3, B7, B2; A2, B4, B1.
We decipher the received: the head (A1) of the hamster (B7) is green, the mustache (A7) of the dog (B1) yellow color(B7), upper limbs (A4) of a rabbit (B6) Pink colour(C2), lower limbs (A5) like a rabbit (B6) gray color(AT 3); body (A3) of a beetle (B7) pink, neck (A2) of a girl (B4) white color. A new hero is drawn from these parameters. If this is a future toy, then the material is selected and the idea is embodied.

This way of inventing for children is an exciting game, the rules of which they grasp on the fly and immediately generate their own options. morphological analysis. This method can also be used to create new games.

Method 3. Doodle

Take a sheet of paper. It can be small - 10x10 cm. With a felt-tip pen, with a simple pencil draw a doodle. The most common scribble that you drew as a child. Draw the way you want your hand all over the sheet. When you feel that the sheet is full/smudged, finish drawing and put the pencil away. The foundation for creating a new hero is ready.

Take a picture of what you have. You can scan or make several copies of the scribble. Our task is to save this very doodle. For what? I will definitely tell you, but later.

Take a closer look at the doodle. There was something hidden in her. Could it be a rhinoceros? Maybe there or a duck? Or maybe there are only a lot of black intersecting lines? Turn the sheet. Rotate it as you like, tilt it, move away. See. See. And look. Did you find something? Amazing! But this is not the limit. Look for a couple more objects.

Choose what you liked the most. Circle brighter. You can add missing details. Drawing-doodle is ready!

You can draw all found objects. Multiplied scribbles will help with this. Sometimes completely new characters are created that didn't exist before. Sometimes these heroes can be added something that will make them special among representatives like him. And the previous method will help with this.

Exercise: create 3 new heroes together with your child. If the child does not yet know how to draw well enough, then he can become a co-author of griffonage and draw a wonderful scrawl. And to create a new hero according to the method one and two, the baby can also be a co-author. For example, turn pages, point to the cells of the box and thereby make a choice of combinations.

What will you get from completing this task? In the next article, we will invent new plot for future stories. And then we'll create a new one!

Thinking up a fairy tale creative task which develops children's speech, imagination, fantasy, creative thinking. These tasks help the child create fairy world, where he is the main character, forming in the child such qualities as kindness, courage, courage, patriotism.

By writing on his own, the child develops these qualities in himself. Our kids love to make their own. fairy tales It brings them joy and pleasure. Fairy tales invented by children are very interesting, help to understand inner world your children, a lot of emotions, invented characters as if they came to us from another world, the world of childhood. The drawings for these compositions look very funny. The page presents short stories that the students came up with for the lesson literary reading in 3rd grade. If the children are unable to compose a fairy tale on their own, then invite them to independently come up with the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale.

The story must have:

  • intro (tie)
  • main action
  • denouement + epilogue (optional)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work correct finished look. Please note that in the examples below, these components are not always present, and this serves as the basis for lowering the ratings.

Fight against alien

In a certain city, in a certain country, there lived a president and a first lady. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, brave and brave, only Vasya and Vanya were irresponsible. One day, an alien attacked the city. And no army could cope. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible plane - a drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. Roma couldn't sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight with him. It turned out not to be so easy. The plane was shot down. Roma woke up the brothers and they helped him control the smoking drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

Like a ladybug got dots.

There lived an artist. And he came up with the idea to draw fabulous picture about the life of insects. He painted and painted, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. She didn't look very pretty to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. I changed the color of the head, it looked strange again. And when he painted spots on the back, she became beautiful. And he liked it so much that he drew 5-6 pieces at once. The artist's painting was hung in the museum for everyone to admire. And at ladybugs still dots on the back. When other insects ask, "Why do you have ladybug dots on your back?" They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Surzhikova Maria)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and a granddaughter. Every day they went for water. Grandma had big bottles, granddaughter had smaller ones. That time our water carriers went for water. They collected water, they go home through the area. They go and see an apple tree, and under the apple tree a cat. The wind blew and the apple fell on the cat's forehead. The cat was frightened, but ran right under our water carriers' feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother. The cat ran frightened, barely carried his legs. It is true that they say: “Fear has big eyes - what is not there, they see it”


Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter. They called her Snowflake, because she was made of snow and melted in the sun. But, despite this, the heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “So you grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found himself a wife, her name was Rosella. She was angry and envious of her stepdaughter. The snowflake was friends with all animals, as people were allowed to visit her, because the king was afraid that people could harm his beloved daughter.

Every day Snowflake grew and blossomed, and her stepmother figured out how to get rid of her. Rosella found out the secret of the Snowflake and decided to destroy her at all costs. She called Snowflake to her and said: “My daughter, I am very ill and only the decoction that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far away.” Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl set off in the evening, found where Rosella's sister lived, took the decoction from her, and hurried on her way back. But the dawn began and it turned into a puddle. Where the snowflake has melted has grown beautiful flower. Rosella told the king that she had let Snowflake go to look at White light and she never returned. The king was upset, he waited days and nights for his daughter.

In the forest where I grew up fabulous flower, the girl was walking. She took the flower home, began to take care of him and talk to him. One spring day the flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl was Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the father. The king got angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized the savior of his daughter as a second daughter. And they live together since then very happily. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there was a boy Vova. One day he went to the forest. The forest turned out to be magical, like in a fairy tale. Dinosaurs lived there. Vova walked and walked and saw frogs in a clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and also began to dance. Vova laughed and the trees too. this was an adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

Fairy tale about a good hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small dilapidated hut on the edge of the forest. One day the hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. I collected a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He goes home, towards the hedgehog. “What are you talking about, hare?” the hedgehog asks. “Mushrooms and berries,” the hare answers. And treated the hedgehog with mushrooms. He went further. A squirrel jumps towards. I saw a squirrel with berries and said: “Give me a bunny of berries, I will give them to my ladies.” The hare treated the squirrel and went on. A bear is coming along. He gave the bear mushrooms to taste and went on.

Against the fox. “Give me your harvest hare!”. The hare grabbed a bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. The hare ran ahead to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only the hare sits and cries bitter tears. The local animals found out about the misfortune of the hare, and came to help him new house line up. And the house turned out a hundred times better than before. And then they got bunnies. And they began to live, live and receive forest friends as guests.

Magic wand

There were three brothers. Two strong and weak. The strong were lazy, and the third was industrious. They went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all of gold, went inside, and there were countless riches. The first brother took a sword of gold. The second brother took a club of iron. Third took magic wand. Out of nowhere, the Serpent Gorynych appeared. One with a sword, the second with a club, but the Serpent Gorynych does not take anything. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of the snake, the boar, which ran away, became. The brothers returned home and have been helping the weak brother ever since.


Once upon a time there was a little bunny. And one day a fox stole it, took it far away, far away, far away. She put him in a dungeon and locked him up. The poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to be saved?” And suddenly he sees stars falling out of a small window, and a little fairy squirrel appeared. And she told him to wait until the fox falls asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a bundle, told him to open it only at night.

Night has come. Bunny untied the bundle and saw a fishing rod. He took it through the window and swung it. Got a hook on a key. The bunny pulled and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox looked for him, looked for him, and never found him.

Tale of the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One day the brothers were walking in the garden. In the evening they came home. The king and queen meet them at the gate and say: “Thieves have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land.” And the brothers went, began to look for the robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day near one village they see a hot battle. The brothers jumped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and queen rejoiced at the victory, the king became proud of his sons and arranged a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. It ran down his mustache, but it didn't get into his mouth.

magic fish

Once upon a time there was a boy named Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he threw a bait, he did not catch anything. The second time he threw the bait and again caught nothing. The third time he threw a bait and caught goldfish. Petya brought it home and put it in a jar. He began to make invented fairy-tale desires:

Fish - fish I want to learn math.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the math for you.

Rybka - Rybka I want to learn Russian.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the Russian language for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish did not say anything, only splashed its tail on the water and disappeared in the waves forever.

If you do not study and do not work, then you cannot become a scientist.

magic girl

There lived a girl in the world - the Sun. And they called the Sun because she smiled. The Sun began to travel around Africa. She wanted to drink. As she said those words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the Sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when it was difficult for her in life, these difficulties went away. And the girl realized about her magic. She thought of toys, but it did not come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic was gone. It is true what they say: "You want a lot - you get a little."

Tale about kittens

Once upon a time there was a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle one was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. One day they went for a walk and saw a frog. The kittens followed her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ryzhik asked Barsik:

Who is it?

I don't know, said Barsik.

Let's catch him - suggested Murzik.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to tell their mother about it. The mother cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens knew what kind of animal it was.

Children are invited to give names to small unfamiliar tales or rhymes.

■ Come up with a title for passages from fairy tales

There are many titles for each passage. The more of them, the better. Correct should be considered those that correspond to the content.

■ Think of a name for the picture (postcard)

Children are invited to consider an unfamiliar picture or postcard and come up with a name for it.

■ Analyzing character

The task is to analyze the character of the hero of a particular work:

A. Name the character traits of the hero. B. Choose the main, main feature.

■ Finding the causes of events

Children are invited to identify the causes of some fabulous situations. For example:

Donkey Eeyore was funny...

All day Barmaley ran through the forest ...

Cinderella couldn't go to the ball...

The list can be continued indefinitely.

■ Tell me, but... keep it short

It is proposed not just to retell the tale, but to make it as short as possible so that the main thing remains, and the secondary is gone.

■ Tell in other words

Option I A few simple phrases are taken, and the children are invited to try to express the thoughts contained in them in other words, without distorting the meaning.

Option II. It is proposed to retell the story in the language of different characters (language small child, the cat Matroskin or the postman Pechkin).

■ What does it look like?

The child is shown a figure. For example: yellow circle. You need to come up with as many options as possible for what it looks like. For example: gingerbread man, sun, lemon, ball, you can finish the face.

Shape examples: red circle, white stick, blue rectangle, etc.

This task can take a very long time. The main thing is the result.

■ No plagiarism

Children receive mugs of different colors, for starters, two or three. you need to say who (or what) they look like, and come up with a story with their participation. Children need to be explained what plagiarism is and that they should not repeat other people's fairy tales, but come up with something of their own. Circles can be enlarged, colors can be changed.

■ Unseen animal, flower, tree, fish, etc.

Draw your animal (flower, tree, fish, etc.), never seen by anyone. name it.

■ Unusual situation

Children come up with options for the development of various fairy-tale situations. For example:

What will Pinocchio do when visiting Winnie the Pooh? And in the castle of the Cannibal?

How will Kolobok behave when he meets Puss in Boots?

Carlson flew to you, what will you do?

What if you meet Mowgli? Etc.

■ Who am I?

An adult depicts something with gestures, facial expressions, sounds, etc., and the child guesses. For example: kettle, train, clock, etc.

Mixed up names

Children guess fairy tales whose names were confused by the wizard

- "Soup from a panicle";

- "Princess-bee";

- "The Giant Boy";

- "Ugly Kitten";

- "Dust";

- "House-house";

- "Radish";

- "The Wolf and the Seven Pigs";

- "Three wolves";

- "Frog-homebody";

- "Rainy Queen";

- "Ball, tube and shoe";

- "According to the crucian order";

- "Ivanushka-clever";

- "Ivan Tsarevich and the green crocodile";

- "Komarishche";

- "Gifted moon";

- "Green mustache";

- "Lighter".

Choose one of the fairy tales and tell it in a new version.

"Extraordinary Tales"

Children choose two pictures that show various objects or their names are written (for preschoolers who can read or junior schoolchildren) and make up phrases. For example, a child draws two cards: chocolate moon

It turns out such phrases: chocolate moon and moon chocolate.

The psychologist can invite children to choose one of the phrases and come up with a fairy tale. For example, “Chocolate Moon”: “One day I saw a big chocolate moon in the sky. It had walnut mountains, raisin forests, milky rivers. Delicious moon. They also take children there on an excursion on a magic carpet. They are given small spatulas, and they can scoop up chocolate with nuts or raisins or fudge whenever they feel like it. It's a very tasty tour."

Phrase examples:

Sofa cloud - cloudy sofa.

Sunny house - home sun.

Book music - a musical book.

Candy computer - computer candy.
Nouns can be different, their combination can be very funny, which causes an emotional upsurge in children.

■ Five pictures

Each child is given a set of five pictures. The psychologist asks the children to look at the pictures and come up with a story using all the pictures.

Picture options:

Forest, moon, Carlson, house, hedgehog.

Sea, sun, jellyfish, ship, cat Matroskin.

Tree, rooster, ant, sparrow, ring.

■ Eeyore Donkey's Birthday

The psychologist asks the children: “Do you remember the donkey Eeyore from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh? He was very sad. And his birthday was also very sad. Let's choose who we will have donkey Eeyore. All other children are guests. Don't forget gifts. Now let each of you come up to the donkey Eeyore, say what gift he gives him and why he needs this gift. For example: “I give you a basket, you can put different things in it, objects that you find along the way”, “And I want to give you a comb, you can comb your ponytail with it” ”. After all the children give imaginary gifts, "Eeyore" tells which gift he liked the most.

■ Heffalump game

The psychologist tells the children that one of the African tribes has a hunting game: they silently approach a sleeping rhinoceros, a very ferocious animal, and put stones on its back. If the rhinoceros wakes up, the life of the daredevil will be in mortal danger. “One day Winnie the Pooh and Piglet went hunting for the Heffalump. Now one of you will be Heffalump. Let him lie down on the carpet. We will cover his head with a handkerchief so that he cannot see anyone. And you will be Winnie the Poohs and Piglets. Become a friend. You need to sneak up on the Heffalump so that he does not hear steps, and put on his back small pebble. When one "hunter" departs, let comes next. Will you be able to put the pebble so that the Heffalump does not feel anything?

■ « Air balloons»

The psychologist asks the children: “Do you remember how Winnie the Pooh chose the color of the balloon to confuse the bees? Pick up a ball of the color you like. Think about what this ball reminds you of? Now imagine that you are Winnie the Pooh. What can your ball "turn into"? For example, a green ball is a leaf, a bush; cucumber, watermelon; blue - a cloud, a puddle, a piece of the sky; red tomato, apple, flower; yellow - sun, chicken, dandelion, etc.

Come up with? And now, without words, do some actions with the ball so that we can guess what your ball has turned into. The child shows until the children guess. Children can ask questions, to which the child can answer yes or no with a nod of the head.

■ House for a fairy-tale hero

Children remember fairytale heroes and draw for one of them fairy house. Then each child in turn describes the house that he has drawn, and the rest of the children try to determine which fairy-tale hero lives in this house.

■ Sweet World of Winnie the Pooh

The psychologist addresses the children: “What did Winnie the Pooh like to eat more than anything in the world? Well, of course, honey, condensed milk, jam and other sweets. And he came up with a sweet country for himself, where everything was made of different sweets: honey flowers, rivers full of jam, marmalade trees and even marshmallow clouds. Now take one of the cards that show various objects (house, car, table, book, etc.) and natural phenomena(snow, rain, rainbow, etc.) and think of what sweets they are made of.

■ Snowflake trip

Children are asked to imagine that a small cold snowflake has fallen on their hand. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to carefully consider it, to feel its coldness. Then it is proposed to imagine that suddenly before their eyes a snowflake began to grow, grow, and became as big as a cloud. Psychologist: “Be bolder to sit on it, now you will go on it to fairyland. Merry or sad story can happen in this country? Write your own story."

You can travel on a drop of rain, a breeze, a ray of sunshine, etc.

■ Wishes Winnie the Pooh

Children imagine that each of them is Winnie the Pooh. And Winnie the Pooh, like everyone else, has his own desires. Then the children are invited to draw the most cherished desire of Winnie the Pooh on a small piece of paper and lower it into a pot. After that, you need to mix all the drawings and, taking out one drawing with desires from the pot, ask the children to guess what desire is depicted there. The one whose drawing was taken out should not prompt.

living picture

Children are invited to be artists of fairy tales. They take turns pulling out an illustration for a fairy tale and arrange the rest of the children so that they get a picture for this fairy tale. For example, the fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh", an illustration when Winnie the Pooh is going to get honey. “The artist draws” a picture (tells the children who they will be in his picture, what they will do and arranges them): one child is Winnie the Pooh, the second is Piglet, someone will be a bee, someone will be an oak, someone will then - a ball, someone a gun, someone a bush, someone - the wind, etc. Each child should participate in the picture. When the picture is ready, at the clap of the "artist", everyone begins to do or say what the "artist" told them. “Bee” - buzz, “Piglet” - hold the “gun”, “gun” - shoot, “wind” - make noise, “ball” - fly, etc. At the clap of the psychologist, everyone freezes in place, at the clap of the “artist” the picture comes to life. Children need to be very attentive and watch who clapped their hands.

■ Heroes of one fairy tale

Children become in a circle. The psychologist (or teacher) in turn throws a ball to each child, naming a fairy-tale hero. The child, having caught the ball, must name the hero from the same fairy tale and throw the ball back.

For example, Gerda - Kai, sister Alyonushka - brother Ivanushka, Cinderella - prince, brownie Kuzya - Natasha, cat Matroskin - Sharik, Kolobok - fox.

■ Fairy-tale tower

The psychologist brings a sheet of paper with a painted fairy-tale tower several stories high with multi-colored windows (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, black, brown, gray) and asks the children to resettle the fairy-tale characters in the tower. Children put pictures of fairy-tale characters on the floors and windows of the color they have chosen for this hero. Heroes should be both positive and negative. When all the heroes are settled, you can ask the children questions:

How do fairy-tale heroes live in this tower?

Are the neighbors worried? If they are concerned, who are they?

How can you reconcile them?

Who is friends with whom, goes to visit each other?

How will the inhabitants of the tower behave if a fire suddenly breaks out?

■ Think of fairy tale characters with a given letter

Children choose a card on which a letter is written and come up with a fairy tale or a fairy tale character that begins with this letter. For example:

A - Aibolit, The Scarlet Flower;

B - Barmaley, Baba Yaga, Pinocchio;

B - Vasilisa the Beautiful, Wolf, Water;

G - ugly duck;

D - Thumbelina, Brownie;

E - Emelya the Fool;

E - "Hedgehog and Hare";

Zh - Zhenya from the fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower";

3 - Hare-boast, Serpent Gorynych;

And - Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool;

K - Little Red Riding Hood, etc.

■ Fairy items

From two stacks of pictures, children choose one picture from the stack containing images of objects of fairy-tale characters: a bow, a net, etc. You need to ask the children to remember who these fairy-tale things belong to. Then the psychologist says that the storyteller got everything mixed up and distributed the items to the wrong fairy-tale characters. After that, the children choose another picture with the image of a fairy-tale hero. For example, a child had two cards: Winnie the Pooh and a bow, or Hare Koska and a net. Children must come up with old fairy tale on new way with this hero and the fabulous thing. For example:

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