Children's fantasy. Outline of a reading lesson (Grade 4) on the topic: Extracurricular reading lesson "In the world of fantasy"


Lesson summary extracurricular reading in 4th grade

Subject: Fantasy - genre fantasy literature.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's story "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

Target: introduce students to new literary genre.


    Introduce students to the concepts "fantasy", "myth", "legend", "epos", with a biography of the writer and a new literary work; to consolidate and deepen students' knowledge of the genres of literature.

    Develop cognitive and creative activity; to form communication skills and the ability to conduct a dialogue; develop mental processes: memory, thinking, imagination, perception, attention, speech.

    Raise interest in the study of literature, a sense of beauty; cultivate curiosity and inquisitiveness in the learning process.

The lesson is built on the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading."

Methodological techniques: "Group discussion", "Cluster".

During the classes

I stage Call:

    Updating existing knowledge.

(On the board are cards with phrases: fairy tale, epic story, fantasy story.)

Read. Find the excess. Explain your choice.

(The teacher removes an extra card: an epic story.)

What common?

Define the term "story".

At home, you got acquainted with a new work, name the author and its title.

What genre would you classify this work as? Justify your answer.

Opinions differed, this work was attributed to both fairy tales and fantasy. Why couldn't you come to an agreement? (Lack of knowledge.)

    Setting your own learning goals.

State the purpose of the lesson.

(Find out what genre the read text belongs to.)

What needs to be done for this? (Find out the biography of the author and the history of the creation of the story, analyze the text, find necessary information about genres.)

II stage Understanding the content:

    Getting new information.

(Pupils are given an information "bookmark" on which they will work.)

Consider title page. Ask a question.

What did you learn about the topic of the lesson?

Does this mean we have reached our goal? (No. We don't know what "fantasy" is. We don't know what the three genres have in common and how they differ.)

Shall we change the lesson plan?

Read short biography writer.

Find the answer to Petya's question.

Find in the text answers to questions related to the topic of the lesson:

    "Religion had a significant impact on the writer's work"

    "Edith became the prototype of one of Tolkien's favorite images - the elven beauty Luthien"

    “the writer was busy implementing an ambitious plan - creating a “mythology for England”, which would combine the ancient tales of heroes and elves he loved and Christian values”

Did we get the right information? (Yes. Now it must be comprehended and connected with the work.)

    Understanding new information.

Read the Bibliography section and learn about the history of the creation of the work.

What new did you learn about the topic of the lesson? (The teacher writes theses on the board: "Cluster")

    "fantasy story"

    "imaginary world"

    "fun creatures"

    Characters taken from "ancient legends"

    The action takes place in mythical* pre-Christian world

    fight evil

    At the same time, only a "chance" - the Providence of God - will help to win the victory itself.

Now we know the answer to the question of the lesson? (No, we need evidence from the text of the work.)

    Relate new information to your own knowledge.

We will build our conclusions on a comparison of genres, and we will take evidence from the text of the work.

Prove that the described world is fictional.

Compare with other genres.

Characters. Name the characters of the fairy tale: people, animals, fabulous creatures. Heroes of fantasy: always people.

Let's get acquainted closer with the heroes of Tolkien's story. What is the name of the main character? (Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit.) Slide 1.

Look in the text on page 116 for a description important quality hobbit.

Bilbo's companions. (Gnomes, their names) Slide 2.

On page 110, find the lines that confirm this information.

What evil did the hobbit and the dwarves have to face on this journey? (Giant spiders) Slide 3.

In part 3 and on page 116, read the epithets that the author used to create the image of giant spiders.

With what else fabulous creatures travelers encountered?

(Elves) Slide 4

Read the description of the elves on page 111.

Find the main elf property on page 112.

So who are the fantasy characters? ( Mythical creatures or fabulous.)

Compare stories. The plot of a fairy tale is based on a series of adventures of heroes, and the storyline of fantasy is subordinated to the idea of ​​presenting the unusual as reality, that is, the world described is real for the hero.

What is suitable for storyline fantasy?

The first part of the text describes fairy forest. Who remembers its name? (Mirkwood or Black Forest)

Read only the key phrases that describe this forest.

The theme of the fairy tale is the struggle between good and evil, the theme of fantasy affects spiritual world human and global problems the surrounding world.

What is the main idea of ​​fantasy? (The fight against evil is described, but not with the help of magic, but with the help of "accident" - the Providence of God.)

Find in the text evidence for such a “case” on pages 122, 123, 130.

Does the hero's fight against evil affect his spiritual world?

Read and explain how the character felt in this specific situation: pp. 115, 120, 123, 129.

You can consider the language of the work, for example: a teaser. This proves the connection with the fairy tale, which often uses rhymes, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings.

    Adjustment of the student's learning goals.

Now we can say what is fantasy? (Children summarize all of the above.)

III stage Reflection (Thinking)

    Holistic understanding, appropriation and generalization of the received information;

Make a table of what the fantasy genre borrowed from fairy tales and what from science fiction.

Fairy tale


Pictured world

Theme (idea)


    Working out own attitude to the material being studied revealing the still unknown - topics and problems for further work ("new challenge").

Did you like new genre literature than, and are you ready to read works written in this genre? Do you know the names and authors of these works?

    Analysis of the entire process of studying the material.

Have we achieved our goal? Can we say that the lesson was fruitful? What marks for the lesson will you give yourself?

Mirror marks:

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"Annex 1"

Mirror marks:

Fairy tale


Pictured world

Theme (idea)


Mirror marks:

Show in the table with a + sign that the fantasy genre borrowed from a fairy tale, and what from science fiction.

Fairy tale


Pictured world

Theme (idea)


Mirror marks:

Show in the table with a + sign that the fantasy genre borrowed from a fairy tale, and what from science fiction.

Fairy tale


Pictured world

Theme (idea)


Mirror marks:

Show in the table with a + sign that the fantasy genre borrowed from a fairy tale, and what from science fiction.

Fairy tale


Pictured world

Theme (idea) Heroes and characters of the novel by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

"The Hobbit or There and Back Again"

Hobbits were a species of the people of Middle-earth. Distinctive features they were of short stature (rarely exceeding 120 cm) and curly hair on the head and legs, as well as strong leathery soles, which allowed them to walk without shoes. They liked the quiet life of agricultural workers, and the hobbits also liked to eat well and spend time together.

Gnomes- fabulous dwarfs from Western European, primarily German-Scandinavian, folklore, frequent heroes fairy tales and legends. According to the legends, they live underground, wear beards and are famous for their wealth and skill. Tolkien's dwarves were not only wealthy and secretive, but also warlike, their weapon of choice being the battle axe. Compared to the tiny gnomes of the Brothers Grimm, Tolkien's gnomes are quite tall: from 1 to 1.5 meters.

elves are considered the most beautiful among living beings. Their hearing and vision are much sharper than those of humans. They have elongated ears and sharp facial features. Also they are skilled blacksmiths, wizards and musicians, but God forbid you meet them on the battlefield. For all my long life these creatures have time to become real warriors.

Lesson form:interactive lesson. (With a book presentation as a basis for working on a work - each slide contains a question or prompt for a certain kind learning activities according to the book Raspe. At the same time, the role of the teacher as a figure controlling and guiding the course of the lesson is reduced - in the conditions of this form of lesson, students feel more calm and relaxed.)

Software: presentation.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, children's drawings, cards with tasks for group work, audio recording "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", students have a book by R.E. Raspe "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", quotes about the book on the board: "Books are ships of thought , wandering on the waves of time and carefully carrying their load from generation to generation ”F. Bacon.

Types and forms of educational activities: frontal, group and individual work; expressive reading, retelling (spontaneous and prepared - competitive), conversation, as well as the classification of concepts associative series and reasoning by decision problematic issue(in writing).

During the classes

Organizing time.Slide number1 .

Let's welcome today.

Hello day!

How do you want to see it?

Children answer in a "chain":

I want the day to be joyful.

I want a good day for those who are having a hard time right now.

May those who are sick get well soon. Etc.

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

“Books are ships of thought, wandering along the waves of time and carefully carrying their cargo from generation to generation” F. Bacon

Explain the meaning of the quote.

Review of the book exhibition: Slide #2 .

What do all the books in the exhibition have in common? (These are all fantastic adventures).

The word "fantasy" itself comes from Greek word fantasy - imagination, the same word means a dream. Fantasy is a genre that gives a person the opportunity to dream. For this they love fantasy stories- dreams come true in them.

Slide number3 . Audio recording sounds:"Little old man long nose sits by the fireplace and talks about his adventures…”

Slide #4 -At the lesson we will work with a presentation on the book Raspe as a basis for working on a work - each slide contains a question or an incentive for a certain type of learning activity.

Slide number5 . - I I propose to follow the path of our hero based on the book of this author, translated by K.I. Chukovsky (publishing house "Children's Literature").

This amazing book about the fantastic adventures of Baron Munchausen will never get old ... And everyone will like it.

Slide number 6.-Let's split into three teams and start a quiz game. For the correct answer, depending on the completeness and accuracy of the answer, I will award from one to three points, and hand over tokens. So we start contest.

1. The structure of the book.

How many parts does the book have? (Foreword, main part of two chapters, epilogue.) - Who has read the whole book? Only the first part or the second part?

How fast can you navigate through a book? (According to the title.)

Name all the stories you read by passing the ball to each other, getting points.

2. Reasoning about the reality of the hero of the book.

Who is the main character of the book? On whose behalf is the story being told?

Was there really Baron Munchausen? (Children's reasoning).

Slide number7 . Teacher: “The fantastic Adventures of Baron Munchausen is based on the stories of Baron Munchausen who really lived in Germany in the 18th century.

He was a military man, served for some time in Russia and fought with the Turks.

Returning to his estate in Germany, Munchausen soon became known as a witty storyteller who invented the most incredible adventures.

His hunting tales were supplemented with their own fantasies by three different authors - Burger, Raspe, Immerman. Thanks to the writers, Munchausen received the nickname "liar-baron" during his lifetime, this poisoned his life a lot.

In 1785 German writer E. Raspe processed these stories and published them.

Teacher:“When the book became famous, the name Munchausen began to be used to refer to people who constantly lie and ascribe to themselves all sorts of miraculous feats that they did not and could not do.”

Slide number 8.Work on the image of Baron Munchausen.1. Appearance.

How do you imagine the baron? (Confirmation with the words of the text.)

2. Character.-What character traits are inherent in Munchausen?



accurate shooter

seasoned man

likes to travel.


likes to give advice


good-natured (not touchy)


Is there a similar character in Russian literature? (Captain Vrungel.)

3. Title and name - Hieronymus Karl Friedrich, Baron von Munchausen. Discussion.

Is it true what is written in the book? Can this be called a lie?

So who was Baron Munchausen: an inventor, a dreamer, a dreamer, a liar or a truthful person? What was your mood after reading the book? Was it worth writing? Why? What does she teach?

Slide number 9-10Work with Ozhegov's dictionary. Breeding concepts " fiction”, “fantasy”, “lie”, “dream”. Group the words: FantasyFiction Lies Fiction Writing Tales Dreams Dreams Lies Fiction How can they be grouped?

Slide №11.- So who was Baron Munchausen: an inventor, a dreamer, a dreamer, a liar or a truthful person? What was your mood after reading the book? Was it worth writing? Why? What does she teach? (Never lose heart. Do not get lost in any situation. Do not lose your presence of mind and sense of humor.)Fizkultminutka. slide number 12

Slide #13Editing memoirs."Attention! In this competition, each team will get acquainted with the famous memoirs of Baron Munchausen. Your job is to be very careful. Suddenly, some errors crept into the text. I ask you to restore the truth, for no one in the world was a lie so disgusting as "the most truthful man on earth" - Baron Munchausen. (printed texts are distributed to children)

Text for 1 command: “I entered Russia on a donkey. It was winter. It was snowing. I had to spend the night in an open field. There is no bush or tree around. Only a small column stuck out from under the snow. I somehow tied my chilled donkey to this post, and I myself immediately lay down in the snow and fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw that I was lying not in a field, but in a village. And where did my donkey go? Suddenly I heard the familiar: "IA, IA"!. I raise my head - and what? My donkey is hanging on top of a huge oak tree. In one minute, I realized what it was. Last night, this whole town, with all the people and houses, was covered with deep snow. And at night, while I was sleeping, a strong thaw began, the snow melted, and I imperceptibly sank to the ground. But my poor donkey remained there, not at the top.

Errors: donkey, IA, IA, on top of a huge oak

Necessary: horse, neighing, on the roof of the bell tower. ("Horse on the Roof").

Text for 2 commands: “We sailed for ten days without incident, but suddenly, far from America, trouble happened to us: we ran into an underwater rock. We hit the rock so unexpectedly that I could not stand on my feet: I was thrown up and hit my head on the ceiling of my cabin. From this, my head went into my shoulders, and only in the course of several months did I manage to gradually pull it out of there by the ears. The rock we hit was not a rock at all. It was a colossal shark.

Mistakes: Gone in the shoulders, behind the ears, shark

Necessary: fell into my stomach, by the hair, whale. ("Whale Encounter")

Text for 3 commands:

“But as soon as I got out of the boat, a huge wolf attacked me. He would have torn me to pieces in an instant, but I grabbed him by the tail: and held him for three days and three nights, until he died of hunger. Yes, he died of hunger, because wolves satisfy their hunger only by gnawing their tail. But this wolf could not do this in any way and therefore died of starvation. Since then, he alone has not dared to attack me.”

Mistakes: Wolf, by the tail, gnaw his own tail

paws ("Fight with a bear")

Task for the first team.slide number 14

One of the stories told by Baron Munchausen contains a unique "instruction" on how to make a fire in field conditions. Can you remember the contents of this manual?

Answer:(“With all my strength, I hit myself with my fist on my right eye. Sparks, of course, fell from the eye: I advise you every time you decide to make a fire, get the same sparks from your right eye.”)

Task for the second team Slide number 15. Baron Munchausen assured his listeners that he successfully hunted without a gun and a dog. How did he manage to do it? I remember he mentioned some miraculous item.

Answer:(From the skin of a deceased beloved dog, the baron ordered to sew a jacket and began to put it on every time he went hunting. “When I approach the game at a distance of a shot, a button comes off the jacket and, like a bullet, flies right into the beast.” The jacket also helped the hero track down prey.

Task for the third team slide number 16. Once, during a hunt, Munchausen pursued a hare, for two whole days "without getting off the trail." Only on the third day did the baron manage to shoot a “marvelously fast-footed” hare. What helped the scythe to escape from the chase for such a long time?

Answer:(“This hare, in addition to his usual legs, also had spare ones. He had four legs on his stomach and four on his back!”). (Eight-legged hare)

"Guess the story associated with the subject" Slide number 17.

Baron Munchausen is an unsurpassed hunter. The first shooter in the whole world. He told the world many "wonderful stories" about what happened to him on the hunt. Let's remember the most interesting of them.

(Teacher hands over items to team representatives and asks tell stories associated with these items).

Team 1 gets - a cherry pit, team 2 - a large sewing needle, team 3 - a piece of lard. After thinking, the guys retell stories such as "Amazing Hunt" (lard), "Fox on a needle" (needle), "Unusual deer" (cherry pit).

Physical education with music slide number 18. Quiz. slide number 19.

And now I offer one question to each team, but I give three options as an answer. Choose the right one. I wish you success!

Task 1 team: Once Baron Munchausen was captured by the Turks and was sold into slavery. “True, the work they gave me was not difficult: I was appointed a shepherd,” he later said.

Question: Whom was the hero supposed to shepherd?

Answer options: a) wolves b) sheep c) bees.

Task 2 team: slide number 20. - Once, while driving a bear away from the hives, Munchausen threw a hatchet at the beast with such force that the tool flew to the moon. Fortunately, the hero remembered that in Turkey there is such a garden vegetable that grows quickly and sometimes reaches the very sky. Without a moment's hesitation, Munchausen planted: in the ground, and: quickly began to grow and soon reached the moon. Question: What kind of "vegetable" helped the hero to end up on the moon?

Answer options: a) peas b) beans c) pumpkin.

Task 3 team. slide number 21. You perfectly remember the story about the gazebo, formed from twigs, which were the sewn halves of a horse cut in battle with the Turks. The baron boasted that, being in this cozy gazebo, he accomplished many feats. Question: From what branches did this gazebo “grow”?

Answer options: A) laurel b) pine c) oak.

Slide number22 .-You are talented, children! Someday you yourself will be pleasantly surprised how smart you are, how well you can work if you constantly set new goals for yourself, strive to achieve them .... (J.J. Rousseau)

Slide number23.

Test.(A phonogram by Alexei Rybnikov sounds The theme of Baron Munchausen)

1. “I aim at the fattest duck, I want to shoot - and, to my horror, I notice that there is no gun in it ...” a) gunpowder; b) cartridges; c) flint.

2. “I have never seen such a multitude of ducks in my life! Unfortunately, I didn't have a single bullet left. For a long time I stood in indecision and suddenly remembered that there was a piece left in my hunting bag .... " a) fat; b) bread; c) cabbage pie.

3. “Imagine my surprise when I saw that this hare…” a) two tails; b) four ears; c) eight legs.

4. “I agreed to equip the ship, and we went to the Southern Ocean. Along the way, we did not meet anything surprising except ... " a) flying women; b) flying cows; c) flying fish.

5. “The year I was on the moon, it was fashionable…”

a) green and yellow jackets; b) eyes; c) hair.

6. “I bent down to the ground and understood everything. The island to which our ship landed was made of excellent ... " a) Poshekhonsky cheese; b) processed cheese;

c) Dutch cheese.

7. The baron traveled to St. Petersburg in a sleigh pulled by ... a) a wild boar; b) a bear; c) a wolf.

8. A year after meeting with the baron, a tree grew on the head of a deer ...
a) an apple tree; b) cherry; c) plum.

9. The baron got to the moon with the help of a single plant stem...
a) bob b) peas; c) buckwheat.

10. Which of the proposed vegetables did not like the baron? a) carrots; b) potatoes; c) cucumber. Right answers: 1 - in 3 - in 5 - b 7 - in 9 - a

2 - a 4 - a 6 - c 8 - b 10 - c.

Slide number24. Working with texts: "Horse on the Roof"

- What is the first part of the story? ("Horse on the Roof")

Retelling.- What are the merits of Baron Munchausen noted by the author? (Accurate shooter, hardened person.)

"Half-horse" Retelling the beginning of the story. Selective reading: How did Munchausen find the other half of the horse? What quality did Munchausen and the military doctor show? (Resourcefulness)

Reading a dictionary entry from " explanatory dictionary» S.I. Ozhegova.

(Resourceful - quick-witted, easily finding a way out of a difficult situation.)

"By hair" - What hairstyle did Munchausen wear? (Pigtail wig.)

In what situation did she help Munchausen?

Selective reading. Was it easy for him?

"Sparks from the Eyes" Why did the baron tell his stories?

Is there any practical use to be made from his stories?

What would you do if you needed to start a fire and didn't have any matches with you?

Selective reading: What did Munchausen do in such a situation? Will you take the Baron's advice? What does the expression "sparks from the eyes rained down" mean?

Reading a dictionary entry from "School phraseological dictionary Russian language” V.P. Zhukov. ("Sparks from the eyes fell - someone's eyes were dazzled from a strong blow")

What character trait of the hero can be traced in this story? (Loves to give advice.)

"Wolf Inside Out" - Do you believe the stories of Baron Munchausen? Why? After all, he provides evidence. For example, in the story "Wolf inside out".

Brief summary.

Pair work: Find proof that this case is real .

(I made an excellent jacket out of his skin and, if you do not believe me, I will gladly show it to you). What character trait is this talking about? (Practical, economic.)

"Crazy Coat"

Which episode of the story is depicted? ( "Crazy coat")

Reading the beginning of the story (up to the words "Your fur coat went mad.")Text retelling.

Need to: Bear, by the front paws, suck their paws ("Fight with a bear")

Slide #25-26.Homework. Compose a story that is not in the book by E. Raspe or continue the story from the book, inventing your own ending, and also continue reading books about fantastic adventures, because fantasy is a genre that gives a person the opportunity to dream.

Slide number 27.Lesson results. Scoring. Grading. Reflection.

Extracurricular activity in the 4th grade "In the world of fantasy"

(the lesson will introduce students to a new genre of literature - a fantasy story and books by science fiction writers Evgeny Veltisov and Kir Bulychev)

Solve the crossword puzzle.

The name of one of the evil sorceresses from The Tale of Lost Time. (Not Olga). (Martha).

The name of Comrade Denis from the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Bear).

The name of the boy, on whose behalf the story is told in the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Denis).

The new word that the hero of V. Golyavkin's story “I didn't eat any mustard” heard means a document giving the inventor the exclusive right to the invention. (Patent).

What type of urban transport did the hero of the story by V. Golyavkin ride out of boredom? (By tram).

What language did Pavel learn all summer in one of V. Dragunsky's stories? (English).

What word did he learn in two months of hard work? (Pete).

A product, a spicy seasoning, which the hero of the story by V. Golyavkin did not eat. (Mustard).

What was the magical item in The Tale of Lost Time? (Walkers).

Who did Mishka love? (grandmother).

What word is in the highlighted cells?

What does it mean?

The word "fantasy" itself comes from the Greek word fantasy - imagination. The same word means dream. People have been dreaming for a long time. Dreamed of everything. It was once difficult to make fire. It took a man 1,000 years to invent matches. And now we have begun to forget what it is, because there is a lighter - gas, gasoline and even electric. And flights into space could only be dreamed of. But now we live inXXIcentury, and no one is surprised by the exits in outer space, photos from Mars… science does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy 100 years ago is reality today.

In the second half of the twentieth century, when science began to develop especially rapidly, a huge number of works appearedscience fiction . This is the name of a vast branch of literature, which, as it were, “looks into the future”, into the world of incredible, wonderful ideas and images. Writers aware of the possibilities modern science trying to answer a lot of questions. What awaits people when space flights become commonplace Everyday life?.. How will the first meeting with representatives of other worlds happen? - will they come to Earth or will earthlings find them in the endless expanses of the Universe?.. What will happen to the old Earth if a person continues to waste Natural resources?.. What will society be like when an “artificial” person is created?..

Fiction writers answer these questions in different ways. Perhaps, after reading their books, you want to argue with them? ..

    Work with an exhibition of books.

Which science fiction writers have you met for today's lesson?

What fantastic things are the authors talking about in them?

    Fantastic story introduction.

Today we will get acquainted with such a genre as a fantasy story. It's called "A Million and One Days of Vacation". It was written by Evgeny Serafimovich Veltistov.

1. Reading an excerpt from the story by prepared students.

“E. Veltistov's fairy tale tells about the unusual holidays of schoolchildren among the stars, where one day can be equal to thousands of Earth years.

The ship "Victoria", on which three fifth-graders fly to meet their parents working in deep space, falls into the sphere of attraction of an invisible star - a "black dwarf" or "black hole". Unusual adventures take place with the passengers of the ship, they meet themselves of "yesterday" and "tomorrow" ...

2. Answers on questions.

What does takhis mean and in what language?

What were the names of the children on the ship Victoria?

Why have none of the earthlings met tachyons in their lives?

What was the speed spaceships earthlings?

“Where does that which disappears go?”

    Acquaintance with the history of the creation of books.

Evgeny Veltistov wrote several fantasy books for children. The most famous of them is "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase."

1. Evgeny Serafimovich Veltistov.

In the preface to one of the many editions of this same famous book The writer says: “Once a young author was going on vacation, to the sea. I packed my suitcase and got into a taxi. Carries a suitcase to the train and is surprised: heavy! As if there is not a shirt and flippers, but bricks. To make it easier to carry, more fun, he began to fantasize: “Maybe there is someone in the suitcase? Maybe there is ... an electronic boy? I’ll put the suitcase on the shelf, I’ll open the lid, the boy will open his eyes, get up and say: “Hello, my name is Electronics ...” He entered the compartment, clicked the locks and gasped. It turns out that in a hurry he mixed up the suitcases: he took another one full of books. The train started off ... I had to do without flippers by the sea. But I did read it. And don’t forget about the imaginary boy.” Of course, you recognized the boy immediately. Do you know its creator?

Evgeny Veltistov went to school in the second year of the Great Patriotic War. There were few books at that time, so he decided when he grew up to become a seller of children's books so that he could read them all. As an adult, he changed his mind, learned to be a journalist. He himself began to write - first in various newspapers, then in the Ogonyok magazine. He traveled around our country and abroad, met with different people, accumulated impressions and pondered his future books.

The first book - "Adventures at the bottom of the sea" - was published in 1960. The famous Electronics first met readers four years later. True, the queues for "Electronics" lined up in libraries only after the release of the three-part series TV movie, the script of which was written by Veltistov himself. The film was a huge success, letters from readers to television, to the editors. Newspapers Pioneer Truth” and the writer himself received more than eighty thousand.

Read the passage that tells about the appearance of the electronic boy.

How was he different from ordinary children?

Who did Elektronik make friends with?

What certificate did Seryozha Syroezhkin give him? For what?

About what interesting adventures you read these boys, tell.

For those who are interested in the work of E. Veltistov, I recommend reading other books by this author: “Ressi is an elusive friend”, “Gumm - din”.

2. Kir Bulychev (real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) was born in 1934 in Moscow.

Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko wanted to travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries. Imagining himself as an explorer, he traveled far and wide in the Moscow region, read books about expeditions to the Gobi Desert, and collected extensive collections of minerals. And, of course. He imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weather-beaten hands...

Everything turned out, however, in a different way: Igor graduated from the Moscow Institute foreign languages and got to work far away Asian country- Burma. And, returning to his homeland, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1966 he defended his dissertation, research work began.

But one day ... the editors of the almanac "Seeker", with whom Mozheiko collaborated, got into a difficult situation. The thing is. That just before the delivery of materials to the printing house, it was decided not to print one of fantasy stories. However, the artist had already drawn an illustration for this story, and the picture, as if on purpose, showed off on the printed cover of the issue. From it, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked dejectedly at the editorial staff.

The drawing urgently demanded an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write a fantastic story, the best of which was to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editor. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When the dinosaurs died out”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue.

But how to sign such an unforeseen creation? "Igor Mozheiko" - it seems uncomfortable. Still, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. Wife's name plus maiden name mother,” the author decided, and wrote “Kir Bulychev” under the manuscript.

This is how a serious historian Igor Mozheiko began to write "non-serious" fiction. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not in any way quit scientific studies. Simultaneously with the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. It remains only to be surprised. As Igor Vsevolodovich has enough time and energy for all this. However, no, there is just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, dream of somehow increasing the day ...

    Review of books by Kira Bulychev.

At present, 15 volumes of K. Bulychev's works have already been published. Another 15 volumes are being prepared for publication. What is this writer talking about?

Bulychev Kir "The Great Guslyar" Novels and short stories.

Where else, if not in Russia, can you find the town of Veliky Guslyar? And its inhabitants, able not to lose their presence of mind in the most unexpected situations, whether it's buying talking goldfish at a pet store, another brilliant discovery by Professor Lev Khristoforovich Mints, or a meeting with space aliens, from which Lately The city has become a bit crowded, isn't it?

It is no secret that in Veliky Guslyar there are underground passages and treasures literally under every street. One of these treasures may be, for example, a pot-bellied bottle containing a real elixir of youth...

Bulychev Kir "We need a free planet."

“You obviously cannot imagine the difficulties and dangers of space travel,” the alien Gnets-18 told Korneliy Udalov. - You can die, fall into the past, get into the sixth dimension, turn into a woman. Finally, you can become a victim of space dragons or pick up a galactic tassel. However, the Great Guslyar head of the construction office, who was seized by a thirst for wandering, firmly decided to help Gnets-18 find a free planet in the endless Cosmos, vitally necessary for "brothers in mind".

Bulychev Kir "Fantastic bestiary".

The Bestiary is a book about beasts, while the Fantasy Bestiary is a book about fictional beasts. Kir Bulychev wanted to tell “about creatures that never existed ... and look at them with our eyes. Then scary tales become funny, and sometimes touching.” To do this, he selected in his amazing menagerie: a unicorn, kraken, dragon, echidna, sphinx, basilisk, mermaid, kikimora - you can’t list them all. But among the creatures invented in antiquity, there are others - those that were unknown to anyone. A special section “Inventions of Our Days” is dedicated to them.

Bulychev Kir Atlantis: Gods and Heroes.

“... there was one people in the world, from which not only a single book or inscription, but even a clay shard, even beads or coins, not to mention the ruins of palaces, has survived ...

These people are the Atlanteans. Their country was called Atlantis.

Saying that Atlantis sank entirely, along with cities, fields, mountains and swamps.

And you can only read about it in one book ... Atlantis is one of unsolved mysteries history of the earth…

    Work on the book by K. Bulychev "Alice's Journey".

1. Children's stories about reading.

Have you read about the adventures of Alice? If not, then you are missing out! After all, this girl fromXXIcentury managed to do what every self-respecting teenager can dream of. For example, tame a cute, tiny - some two and a half meters - brontosaurus, go with his father, a professor, to space trip collect rare animals for the Moscow Zoo, save the whole planet from death, take a ride into the past in a time machine, become a princess of a medieval kingdom, destroy the lair of space pirates, enter the reserve of fairy tales without asking...

Name the heroine of all these adventures.

What books have you read about them?

What do you know about this girl?

What did you learn about her parents?

Which of Alice's friends can you name?

2. Working on an excerpt from a fantasy story.

Kir Bulychev "Concilium".

a) reading a passage in a chain;

b) answers to questions:

What is the name of the story? What does this word mean?

Why did the council meet in Alice's father's office?

Who was the goat really?(Director of the reserve of fairy tales, professor, doctor of science Tsarevich).

How did Professor Tsarevich turn into a goat?

Which of the heroes of the story did not doubt that the goat was a professor, director of the reserve?(Alice and the fat king).

How did scientists decide to "scientifically" test whether a patient is human?

Who attended the council?

Did the goat help solve the problem of scientists? How did he behave?

Why do you think?

How did scientists propose to “cure” the goat?

What do you think could happen next?

How did Alice perform in this episode? What can you say about her?(Knows how to keep secrets, does not like empty talk, respects people, believes in fairy tales and magic).

    Summing up the lesson.

What is the name of the genre of literature that we met today in the lesson?

Which science fiction writers did we talk about in class?

Who are interested in these books? How? Do you want to read them?

Answer the quiz questions.

    Where are these lines taken from?

A) “He bent over the suitcase, unlocked the locks, threw back the lid. In the suitcase, on soft blue nylon, lay, stretched out to his full height, a boy with eyes closed…»

B) "The talking bird is protected by the law of the planet Blok as a very rare and interesting creature."

2. Who from literary characters were friends of Seryozha Syroezhkin?

3. Who is being referred to in the following piece of literature?

“Like any student, he received deuces. No one, of course, scolded him for bad grades.

4. From which work are these lines?

a) “Svetlovidov to Igrek: “Add 723,022 and 252,910.” Half a minute later, Ygrek's telephone started working: 975.932.

b) “Do you play chess?” asked the engineer. X answered shortly: “Yes.” Then the engineer offered him to solve the study: “I only have a king on e8, there are no other pieces. You have a king on e6, a rook onh1. How will you play?

5. Three Alice.

Three Alice lived in the country of Literary Heroes. Two of them knew how to play chess, and one did not. What kind of Alice is this and what works are they from?

Read the two lists carefully. In the first list - literary heroes who knew how to play chess, in the second - the authors literary works. Connect the heroes of the books and their authors.

A) Dunno, Electronics, Hottabych, Alice, Alisa Selezneva, Deniska Korablev.

B) Bulychev, Dragunsky, Veltistov, Carroll, Lagin, Nosov.

Quiz answers.

    E. Veltistov "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase"

K. Bulychev "Girl from the Earth".


    About Electronics.

    E. Veltistov "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase."

    Alice Selezneva and Alice, who had been through the Looking Glass, knew how to play. The fox Alice did not know how to play.

    Bulychev - Selezneva, Veltistov - Electronics, Dragunsky - Korablev, Carroll - Alice, Lagin - Hottabych, Nosov - Dunno.

Lesson literary reading, 4th grade

Lesson topic: Fantastic stories by Kir Bulychev about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva

Extracurricular reading lesson

Technologies: critical thinking, gaming technology, ICT


There will be a file: /data/edu/files/o1449418527.rar (Materials for the lesson)

Planned results of the lesson:

During the classes:

1. Update necessary knowledge

The lesson starts with work with a book exhibition.

Students look at the exhibition of books presented on the slide and give it a name. Then the teacher displays the title “Fantastic stories of Kir Bulychev about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva” on the screen, and the children complete the exhibition with books brought to the lesson.

2. Motivation for learning activities

Based on the name of the book exhibition, students formulate the topic of the lesson, and then, with the help of the teacher, set themselves the following tasks: to clarify knowledge about the genre of the works read, to learn to talk about the main character, to learn Interesting Facts about the author.

3. Organization cognitive activity students

The stage of the lesson is aimed at clarifying students' ideas about the following terms: fantasy, story, adventure. First, children give interpretations of words based on their experience. Then the teacher gradually displays fragments of dictionary and encyclopedic entries on the screen, in the process of analyzing which the knowledge of students is clarified. The finale of the work is the conscious correlation of the literary term with the read work.

The next slide allows you to continue talking about Alice's adventures and is intended to reconstruction by students of fragments of the content of the story"The girl with whom nothing will happen" in order to clarify the understanding of the meaning of what was read.

Children are invited to divide into two teams and take part in the game "Tic-Tac-Toe", the rules of which are similar to the rules of the famous children's game of the same name, but in order to put their badge in the selected cell, the team must answer the question "hidden » under the picture.

To whom and for what purpose did Professor Seleznev begin to write about Alice's adventures?

Name the victim of an unsuccessful experiment that Professor Seleznev met in his garden.

Which of Alice's pets could talk and read?

“I wanted to keep them. I didn’t know that humanity was looking for them.” Who did Alice bring in the strawberry basket?

Describe the device with which Alice was visiting the science fiction writer Arkady.

Few people believed in the success of this experiment, but all the satellites of the world showed an outstanding event. What event is shown in the illustration?

What event glorified Alice and ruined the reputation of biologists?

With the help of what device, with whom and what does Professor Seleznev talk about?

Having restored the main events of the story in memory, the children are ready for talking about the main character- Alice Selezneva.

Children talk about what interests them main character books read - Alisa Selezneva. Then the teacher displays portraits of Alice made by different illustrators on the screen and invites to discuss the following questions:

What features of Alice are reflected in different illustrations?

Which illustration do you like the most and why?

What portrait of Alice would you paint yourself?

The work on this slide is completed by compiling a story about Alice based on the plan. The teacher draws attention to the fact that such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, courage, curiosity are valued in Russians. folk tales, in literary works of various genres created by different authors V different eras. These qualities are also important in our daily life, they will not lose their value even through the centuries.

Children choose the questions that interest them and learn how to use the control buttons to get an answer. Depending on the questions chosen, the children proceed to the following slides:

4. Summing up the lesson

Summing up the lesson primarily aimed at promoting cool team the image of the reader as an inquisitive, interesting, intelligent interlocutor, with whom they want to be friends, consult, for students to realize that each of them can be such a person.


Bulychev K. Reserve of fairy tales. - M.: "AST", 2004.

Materials of the First introductory seminar for the participants of the project "Successful reading" (November 12 - 14, 2007, St. Petersburg).

Pennak D. Like a novel. - M .: "Scooter", -2005

Encyclopedia for children. Volume 9. - M .: "Avanta +", 2000.

  1. The name of one of the evil sorceresses from The Tale of Lost Time. (Not Olga). (Martha).
  2. The name of Comrade Denis from the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Bear).
  3. The name of the boy, on whose behalf the story is told in the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Denis).
  4. The new word heard by the hero of V. Golyavkin's story “I didn't eat any mustard” denotes a document giving the inventor the exclusive right to the invention. (Patent).
  5. What type of urban transport did the hero of the story by V. Golyavkin ride out of boredom? (By tram).
  6. What language did Pavel learn all summer in one of V. Dragunsky's stories? (English).
  7. What word did he learn in two months of hard work? (Pete).
  8. A product, a spicy seasoning, which the hero of the story by V. Golyavkin did not eat. (Mustard).
  9. What was the magical item in The Tale of Lost Time? (Walkers).
  10. Who did Mishka love? (grandmother).

What word is in the highlighted cells?

What does it mean?

The word "fantasy" itself comes from the Greek word fantasy - imagination. The same word means dream. People have been dreaming for a long time. Dreamed of everything. It was once difficult to make fire. It took a man 1,000 years to invent matches. And now we have begun to forget what it is, because there is a lighter - gas, gasoline and even electric. And flights into space could only be dreamed of. But now we are already living in the 21st century, and no one is surprised by spacewalks, photographs from Mars ... science does not stand still, and what seemed like a fantasy 100 years ago is today a reality.

In the second half of the twentieth century, when science began to develop especially rapidly, a huge number of works appearedscience fiction. This is the name of a vast branch of literature, which, as it were, “looks into the future”, into the world of incredible, wonderful ideas and images. Writers, knowing about the possibilities of modern science, are trying to answer many questions. What awaits people when space flights become commonplace in everyday life?.. How will the first meeting with representatives of other worlds take place? – will they come to Earth or will earthlings find them in the endless expanses of the Universe?.. What will happen to the old Earth if a person continues to waste natural resources thoughtlessly?.. What will society be like when an “artificial” person is created?..

Fiction writers answer these questions in different ways. Perhaps, after reading their books, you want to argue with them? ..

  1. Work with an exhibition of books.

Which science fiction writers have you met for today's lesson?

What fantastic things are the authors talking about in them?

  1. Fantastic story introduction.

Today we will get acquainted with such a genre as a fantasy story. It's called "A Million and One Days of Vacation". It was written by Evgeny Serafimovich Veltistov.

1. Reading an excerpt from the story by prepared students.

“E. Veltistov's fairy tale tells about the unusual holidays of schoolchildren among the stars, where one day can be equal to thousands of Earth years.

The ship "Victoria", on which three fifth-graders fly to meet their parents working in deep space, falls into the sphere of attraction of an invisible star - a "black dwarf" or "black hole". Unusual adventures take place with the passengers of the ship, they meet themselves of "yesterday" and "tomorrow" ...

2. Answers on questions.

What does takhis mean and in what language?

What were the names of the children on the ship Victoria?

Why have none of the earthlings met tachyons in their lives?

What was the speed of the spaceships of earthlings?

“Where does that which disappears go?”

  1. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of books.

Evgeny Veltistov has written several fantastic books for children. The most famous of them is "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase."

1. Evgeny Serafimovich Veltistov.

The preface to one of the numerous editions of this most famous book of the writer says: “Once a young author was going on vacation to the sea. I packed my suitcase and got into a taxi. Carries a suitcase to the train and is surprised: heavy! As if there is not a shirt and flippers, but bricks. To make it easier to carry, more fun, he began to fantasize: “Maybe there is someone in the suitcase? Maybe there is ... an electronic boy? I’ll put the suitcase on the shelf, I’ll open the lid, the boy will open his eyes, get up and say: “Hello, my name is Electronics ...” He entered the compartment, clicked the locks and gasped. It turns out that in a hurry he mixed up the suitcases: he took another one full of books. The train started off ... I had to do without flippers by the sea. But I did read it. And don’t forget about the imaginary boy.” Of course, you recognized the boy immediately. Do you know its creator?

Evgeny Veltistov went to school in the second year of the Great Patriotic War. There were few books at that time, so he decided when he grew up to become a seller of children's books so that he could read them all. As an adult, he changed his mind, learned to be a journalist. He himself began to write - first in various newspapers, then in the Ogonyok magazine. He traveled around our country and abroad, met different people, accumulated impressions and pondered his future books.

The first book - "Adventures at the bottom of the sea" - was published in 1960. The famous Electronics first met readers four years later. True, the queues for "Electronics" lined up in libraries only after the release of a three-part television film, the script of which was written by Veltistov himself. The film was a huge success, letters from readers to television, to the editors. The newspapers "Pionerskaya Pravda" and the writer himself received more than eighty thousand.

Read the passage that tells about the appearance of the electronic boy.

How was he different from ordinary children?

Who did Elektronik make friends with?

What certificate did Seryozha Syroezhkin give him? For what?

What interesting adventures of these boys have you read about, tell us.

For those who are interested in the work of E. Veltistov, I recommend reading other books by this author: “Ressi is an elusive friend”, “Gumm - din”.

2. Kir Bulychev (real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko)was born in 1934 in Moscow.

Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko wanted to travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries. Imagining himself an explorer, he traveled far and wide in the Moscow region, read books about expeditions to the Gobi Desert, and collected extensive collections of minerals. And, of course. He imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weather-beaten hands...

Everything turned out, however, in a different way: Igor graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and got a job in a distant Asian country - Burma. And, returning to his homeland, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1966 he defended his dissertation, research work began.

But one day ... the editors of the almanac "Seeker", with whom Mozheiko collaborated, got into a difficult situation. The thing is. That just before the delivery of materials to the printing house, it was decided not to print one of the fantastic stories. However, the artist had already drawn an illustration for this story, and the picture, as if on purpose, showed off on the printed cover of the issue. From it, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked dejectedly at the editorial staff.

The drawing urgently demanded an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write a fantastic story, the best of which was to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editor. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When the dinosaurs died out”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue.

But how to sign such an unforeseen creation? "Igor Mozheiko" - it seems uncomfortable. Still, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. “The wife's name plus the mother's maiden name,” the author decided, and wrote “Kir Bulychev” under the manuscript.

This is how a serious historian Igor Mozheiko began to write "non-serious" fiction. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich in no way abandoned his scientific studies. Simultaneously with the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. It remains only to be surprised. As Igor Vsevolodovich has enough time and energy for all this. However, no, there is just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, dream of somehow increasing the day ...

  1. Review of books by Kira Bulychev.

At present, 15 volumes of K. Bulychev's works have already been published. Another 15 volumes are being prepared for publication. What is this writer talking about?

Bulychev Kir "The Great Guslyar" Novels and short stories.

Where else, if not in Russia, can you find the town of Veliky Guslyar? And its inhabitants, who are able not to lose their presence of mind in the most unexpected situations, whether it is buying talking goldfish in a pet store, another ingenious discovery by Professor Lev Khristoforovich Mints, or a meeting with space aliens, from which the city has become somehow even crowded lately? ..

It is no secret that in Veliky Guslyar there are underground passages and treasures literally under every street. One of these treasures may be, for example, a pot-bellied bottle containing a real elixir of youth...

Bulychev Kir "We need a free planet."

“You obviously cannot imagine the difficulties and dangers of space travel,” the alien Gnets-18 told Korneliy Udalov. - You can die, fall into the past, get into the sixth dimension, turn into a woman. Finally, you can become a victim of space dragons or pick up a galactic tassel. However, the Great Guslyar head of the construction office, who was seized by a thirst for wandering, firmly decided to help Gnets-18 find a free planet in the endless Cosmos, vitally necessary for "brothers in mind".

Bulychev Kir "Fantastic bestiary".

The Bestiary is a book about beasts, while the Fantasy Bestiary is a book about fictional beasts. Kir Bulychev wanted to tell “about creatures that never existed ... and look at them with our eyes. Then scary tales become funny, and sometimes touching.” To do this, he selected in his amazing menagerie: a unicorn, kraken, dragon, echidna, sphinx, basilisk, mermaid, kikimora - you can’t list them all. But among the creatures invented in antiquity, there are others - those that were unknown to anyone. A special section “Inventions of Our Days” is dedicated to them.

Bulychev Kir Atlantis: Gods and Heroes.

“... there was one people in the world, from which not only a single book or inscription, but even a clay shard, even beads or coins, not to mention the ruins of palaces, has survived ...

These people are the Atlanteans. Their country was called Atlantis.

Saying that Atlantis sank entirely, along with cities, fields, mountains and swamps.

And you can only read about it in one book… Atlantis is one of the unsolved mysteries of the history of the Earth…”

  1. Work on the book by K. Bulychev "Alice's Journey".

1. Children's stories about reading.

Have you read about the adventures of Alice? If not, then you are missing out! After all, this girl from the XXI century managed to do what every self-respecting teenager can dream of. For example, tame a cute, tiny - some two and a half meters - brontosaurus, go with his father, a professor, on a space journey to get rare animals for the Moscow zoo, save the whole planet from death, ride into the past in a time machine, become a medieval princess kingdoms, smash the lair of space pirates, infiltrate the reserve of fairy tales without asking...

Name the heroine of all these adventures.

What books have you read about them?

What do you know about this girl?

What did you learn about her parents?

Which of Alice's friends can you name?

2. Working on an excerpt from a fantasy story.

Kir Bulychev "Concilium".

a) reading a passage in a chain;

b) answers to questions:

What is the name of the story? What does this word mean?

Why did the council meet in Alice's father's office?

Who was the goat really?(Director of the reserve of fairy tales, professor, doctor of science Tsarevich).

How did Professor Tsarevich turn into a goat?

Which of the heroes of the story did not doubt that the goat was a professor, director of the reserve?(Alice and the fat king).

How did scientists decide to "scientifically" test whether a patient is human?

Who attended the council?

Did the goat help solve the problem of scientists? How did he behave?

Why do you think?

How did scientists propose to “cure” the goat?

What do you think could happen next?

How did Alice perform in this episode? What can you say about her?(Knows how to keep secrets, does not like empty talk, respects people, believes in fairy tales and magic).

  1. Summing up the lesson.

What is the name of the genre of literature that we met today in the lesson?

Which science fiction writers did we talk about in class?

Who are interested in these books? How? Do you want to read them?

Answer the quiz questions.

  1. Where are these lines taken from?

A) “He bent over the suitcase, unlocked the locks, threw back the lid. In the suitcase, on soft blue nylon, lay, stretched out to his full height, a boy with his eyes closed ... "

B) "The talking bird is protected by the law of the planet Blok as a very rare and interesting creature."

2. Which of the literary characters were Serezha Syroezhkin's friends?

3. Who is being referred to in the following piece of literature?

“Like any student, he received deuces. No one, of course, scolded him for bad grades.

4. From which work are these lines?

a) “Svetlovidov to Igrek: “Add 723,022 and 252,910.” Half a minute later, Ygrek's telephone started working: 975.932.

b) “Do you play chess?” asked the engineer. X answered shortly: “Yes.” Then the engineer offered him to solve the study: “I only have a king on e8, there are no other pieces. You have a king on e6 and a rook on h1. How will you play?

5. Three Alice.

Three Alice lived in the country of Literary Heroes. Two of them knew how to play chess, and one did not. What kind of Alice is this and what works are they from?

Read the two lists carefully. The first list includes literary heroes who knew how to play chess, and the second list includes authors of literary works. Connect the heroes of the books and their authors.

A) Dunno, Electronics, Hottabych, Alice, Alisa Selezneva, Deniska Korablev.

B) Bulychev, Dragunsky, Veltistov, Carroll, Lagin, Nosov.

Quiz answers.

  1. E. Veltistov "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase"

K. Bulychev "Girl from the Earth".

  1. Electronics.
  2. About Electronics.
  3. E. Veltistov "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase."
  4. Alice Selezneva and Alice, who had been through the Looking Glass, knew how to play. The fox Alice did not know how to play.
  5. Bulychev - Selezneva, Veltistov - Electronics, Dragunsky - Korablev, Carroll - Alice, Lagin - Hottabych, Nosov - Dunno.

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