Under what circumstances can you leave your job? Remote dismissal: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure


“I want to quit my job, but I don’t know whether to quit or not”, “I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t, I’ll suddenly regret it if I leave” - these are common problems for many that employees turn to friends and relatives. Eat different reasons, according to which people are overcome by doubts, the majority is worried about money, and someone simply dreams of how to quit beautifully and to the envy of colleagues. How to leave workplace?

Difficult choice

With questions about how to decide on dismissal, and whether it is worth leaving a prestigious position, according to rough estimates, about 80% of employees fall asleep and wake up.

Statistics provide detailed answers to the question of why people quit. A small part of the workers, about 10%, find a better offer or want to realize themselves in their own business, and the majority of workers, about 70%, are not satisfied with the working conditions in their current position.

At the same time, for any reason, people do not know how to decide to quit, and they doubt that it will suddenly be even worse at a new enterprise.

Psychologists advise: “If you want to quit, quit!” The fact is that if a person begins to ask such questions, then subconsciously he wants this, that is, there is a reason for leaving, and quite serious. Not fulfilling a wish and a constant reminder of work that does not suit you, or of an unpleasant team, whose members strive to ridicule any misconduct, will affect not only behavior, but also health.

Advice! You can make a list in which to enter any, even minor, unpleasant moments associated with work, the more, the more confident the decision will come faster.

After the understanding has come that it is time to quit, it is worth taking care of financial security - it may be worth saving in order to save up a certain amount in case of failure with a job with another job. It is necessary to look at several organizations at once, where you can transfer.

Psychologists recommend imagining the moment when the day of dismissal came and following the feelings: “I left my disgusting job” or “I'm leaving in order to have more time for a hobby.” If with such thoughts one feels relief, then the quitter is on the right track.

Situations when you should not quit

Dismissal must be considered! If a person was offered a job in a more profitable position soon, then it is impossible to quit immediately. Perhaps the situation will develop in such a way that the resigned will not be taken to a new job. The question arises - will the employee regret quitting?

It is worth thinking about the situation several times in the following cases:

  1. If the point is only that the boss is not satisfied, lawyers assure that the boss suits the workers only in 20% of cases.
  2. If you don’t like the team, then you should make sure that your colleagues will be better at the new place of work.
  3. If you want to open your own business, you first need to acquire good capital, and then go into free swimming. At the same time, it is necessary to find out exactly whether the chosen type of business is in demand on the market, whether the investment will pay off.
  4. If there are rumors about the imminent liquidation of the organization or downsizing. In these cases, upon dismissal after some time, the dismissed person will receive more payments.

There are times when a spouse begins to earn many times more, and it seems that there is no need to work anymore. Lawyers assure that such reasons lead to rash dismissals, because there is no guarantee that the spouse will retain a high salary.

Quit work beautifully

“If you quit, do it beautifully,” says corporate ethics. A person who maintains a good relationship with the team, no matter what, deserves good advice.

IN corporate ethics There are a few rules about this:

  1. A person who wants to quit should first of all talk to the boss, and then he can tell his colleagues.
  2. You should not immediately submit a letter of resignation, perhaps the boss will offer dismissal by agreement of the parties, which will suit both parties. When deciding to quit own initiative, out of courtesy, you can discuss the time of dismissal with the boss, but at the same time mention which option suits you the most.
  3. You can not report the reasons for dismissal in order to prevent unnecessary conversations. It can be said that they offered Better conditions work, but at the same time thank the boss for a good experience.
  4. After talking with the boss, you can talk with the team. You can have a farewell party.
  5. If the dismissed person was offered to work for some time until a worthy replacement is found, it is necessary to work with high quality - to complete the shortcomings, to finish the project that has been started.

Lawyers add that upon dismissal, it is necessary to check the correctness of the actions on the part of the dismissing party, are all payments made, is the work book filled out correctly?

Traditions of corporate ethics

Perhaps a certain dismissal ritual has been established in the company, for example, instead of tea drinking, they go out into nature as a team, or do not arrange banquets at all, but give each other small gifts.

Important! If the person leaving wants to leave good memories of himself, then he must necessarily perform the rituals that are accepted former company. If they are not, it is necessary to observe the general traditions.

Usually, employees who leave write Farewell letter, which is sent via internal e-mail. In a letter that is framed in a positive way, it is necessary to talk about the support that colleagues provided throughout the work, as well as highlight the invaluable experience gained thanks to the team. A letter can also be sent to the boss, thanking him for the position provided or for the valuable skills gained in this place.

Worker's rights

In the first place, the employee has the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time. The employer cannot but accept the resignation letter - in this situation, the resigning person can send a letter of resignation.

Keep in mind the following rights:

  1. If the letter of resignation own will the boss has already taken into account, this does not mean that you have to leave. Within 14 days, unless otherwise agreed, the resigning person may change his mind and withdraw the application.
  2. The employee has the right to use last days work leave if it has not been used. It is possible to take total vacation days money compensation.
  3. The employee has the right to go on sick leave, and if the time spent in illness exceeds the terms of dismissal, the organization must pay for it.
  4. If a dismissal agreement is signed, the employee has the right to fulfill all the points specified in the document.
  5. The employee receives the work book directly on the day of dismissal. If for some reason they do not give it back, the dismissed person has the right to go to court and demand compensation for every day without labor.

In addition, the employee has the right to request copies of documents from the previous place of work, which he may need at the next job.

What to do if the management does not want to let go from work?

If for some reason an understanding is not reached, and the boss does not want to dismiss, or the personnel department uses the wrong dismissal procedure, you should immediately contact the prosecutor's office or the court.

Since the rights of the worker are violated, it is possible to demand not only compensation for material damage, but also moral damage. In most cases, the court takes the side of the victim and, if the dismissal was not made, it is carried out, and if the dismissal process was violated, the employee is reinstated and compensation is paid for forced absenteeism.

Every second or third person faces the problem of dismissal. The reasons may be different, but there are several rules of moral and ethical content that must be observed. From a legislative point of view, there are also nuances, after studying which you can avoid a number of negative consequences. How to quit your job properly so as not to harm own career and stay in good standing with your former employer?

Tough decision

Most people try to create a favorable microclimate for themselves and those around them in the workplace, the quality of the work of the entire team depends on this. Friendly relations are established with colleagues and adequate with management. But there comes a moment when a responsible and difficult decision is made to leave the familiar environment. One or more reasons may contribute to this:

  • Obtaining a more financially advantageous offer.
  • career and professional growth at another place of work.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Conflict with the leader.
  • Illness or caring for a disabled family member.
  • Inability to maintain a working relationship with one or more colleagues, etc.

Everyone has a good reason and a number of problems that force a person to change jobs. But you also need to leave correctly, extra emotions, especially negative ones, will not help to avoid negative consequences. First of all, you need to calm down and remember legal side the issue of the rights and obligations of the employee, which are regulated by the Labor Code. The dismissal of an employee must meet all his requirements. Let's talk about everything in order.

Voluntary dismissal

A difficult decision has been made, we are preparing to complete the procedure correctly and competently. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted specifically to the procedure for terminating a previously concluded employment contract with an employer organization at the initiative of an employee. The main provisions of this law are as follows.

  1. Each of the employees has the right to terminate the contract with the employer on their own initiative, warning the management of the enterprise in writing.
  2. The letter of resignation is submitted for review to the head of the department two weeks before the termination of the contract. Within 14 days, the employee is obliged to perform his duties in the usual manner (according to job description) and go to work every day.
  3. By agreement between the employee and the head of the enterprise, the notice period for dismissal can be reduced, that is, you can work for more than 14 days, the number depends on the agreement.
  4. The dismissal of an employee on the day of filing an application can be made if it is impossible to continue working (illness, admission to educational institution, violation by the employer of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other normative act, retirement age, disability, urgent relocation and other circumstances specified in the application).
  5. After submitting the application employment contract concluded earlier must be terminated on the 14th day. During this time, the employee has the right to pick it up, in which case the agreement continues to operate. But if an appropriate order is issued, and another employee is invited to this position, then there are no grounds for refusing to hire a new employee.
  6. After the expiration of the notice period prescribed by law (2 weeks), the employee has the right not to visit the workplace, even if the employer has not terminated the contract.
  7. On the last working day, the enterprise is obliged to pay the employee the calculation and all due compensation, display the dismissal in the work book, which is issued on the same day.
  8. If the period allotted by law for a notice of dismissal has expired, and the employee continues to go to work, and the employer has not issued an appropriate order, then the application may be considered canceled.


The Labor Code boils down dismissal to three main points.

  1. Filing a letter of resignation.
  2. Working off the notice period (at least 14 days from the date of application).
  3. Receipt of the calculation and work book by the employee (negotiated with the management, but no later than the last working day).

In real conditions it is possible various options developments that are based on the disagreement of the parties with any item. Employers often try to delay the working time if the employee is of value to the company: they do not sign the application or say that they did not read it in a timely manner. Sometimes there are unpleasant situations with a delay in the calculation and receipt of the necessary documents. On the part of the employee, the most common violation is failure to perform work duties and absence (without a good reason) from the workplace after filing an application, which is regarded by the employer as absenteeism. From the point of view of the Labor Code, this may entail dismissal under another article or sanctions (including fines) prescribed in the internal documents of the enterprise. In any case, all disagreements can be resolved through negotiations, which is what lawyers advise. If this is not possible, then each party may apply to the judicial authorities. To avoid conflict situations, the employee and the employer must clearly follow the norms of the law and not allow the opposite side to violate it. First of all, write a letter of resignation correctly. As shows arbitrage practice, a large number of employee makes mistakes.


In legislative acts there is no clearly developed form of application for dismissal, therefore, disputable situations often arise. Enterprises independently create unified forms that are used as a form. In most cases this species The document is written by hand and has standard content. What is the right way to quit your job? Write a competent application, and many lawyers advise doing this in duplicate and registering as an incoming document or signing a familiar official with the date. The second copy remains with the employee and can be used in the event of conflict situation. For example, in case of loss of a document or its untimely provision by the head of the department to the director of the enterprise. A typical application form looks like this:

Director of Neva LLC

Sidorov I.I.

From the accountant Selezneva A. Yu.


I ask you to dismiss me from my position at my own request on 07/14/2011.

Selezneva A. Yu. (signature) 07/01/2011

This form is simple and informative, it indicates the expiration date of the warning period and clearly states the date of submission of the document. An employee can write a letter of resignation in advance (six months, three months), this is not prohibited by law, although this situation rarely occurs in practice. Judicial practice shows that most controversial situations can be avoided if the employee and the employer clearly and in writing agree on their wishes.

Terms of dismissal

From the moment of registration of the application, the legislation establishes a period (two weeks) of 14 days, after which the employee must receive a calculation upon dismissal and a work book form with a corresponding entry. For many reasons former employee seeks to reduce this time. The task is solved easily in case of mutual consent of the parties (employee and employer). You can quit your job without working off by filling out an application in the appropriate way or by signing a separate agreement. The letter of resignation indicates the date the employee wants to terminate the contract. If the head signs it, the order is issued within the specified time. For an employee main task is the correct justification for the need for urgent dismissal and the presence of a person who can begin to fulfill his duties in a short time. The objective reasons may be illness, urgent family circumstances, etc. If the head of the enterprise does not agree with the arguments of the employee, then he will have to work out the time prescribed by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in full. Therefore, the question of how to quickly quit a job is relevant for many employees, especially for those who are afraid of missing out on a more promising job that seems very attractive to them.

Calculations upon dismissal

After terminating the contract and signing the corresponding order, the employee must receive all the required types of calculation, and compensation is also paid. Upon dismissal, the accounting department makes an accrual wages according to the actual hours worked for the current month, regardless of the end date of work. As a rule, there are no problems with this type of payment, the calculation is made in the standard mode. Most often, questions regarding accrual arise when issuing compensation for unused vacation. Upon dismissal, the calculation of this amount may cause controversy. Vacation pay is accrued to employees in accordance with Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation annually, while many employees do not actually go on vacation at their own request or at the initiative of their immediate supervisor. Information about this payment is collected for the entire period of work, that is, for each year, regardless of the fact that the vacation was used. Compensation upon dismissal is regulated by article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If an employee has the right to additional (extraordinary) leave due to the type of activity, then his payment is regulated by the internal regulatory documents of the enterprise and the decision of the management. For advance vacation pay this amount withheld from the calculation. Other types of severance pay and compensation payments depend on the type of activity of the enterprise and the profession of the employee.

Withdrawal of the application

Sometimes the employer, when negotiating with an employee about dismissal, in view of the value of a specialist, tries to interest him more favorable conditions work and leave at the enterprise. It could be a pay rise career or more responsible area of ​​work. At the same time, the remaining 14 days of working out remain for the employee to carefully consider the proposal of the management. The result is not always predictable, but most people, when thinking about the prospects for promotion and the fact that they can stay in their own team, most often withdraw the previously written statement. This is usually done in two ways: either after a period of 14 days, the employment contract remains in force by agreement of the parties, or an official document is written to invalidate the resignation letter. There is no unified form of the document, so it can be written in any form. It is invested in the personal file of the employee, and the application for dismissal of one's own free will loses its legal force.

Leaving the right way

Regardless of the reason for leaving, the employee must behave very correctly and with dignity, leave the best impression of himself both as a person and as a specialist. To do this, you must follow a few basic rules. You can’t go “nowhere”, you first need to choose a job, go for an interview. If the future place is objectively more promising, then you can prepare the team for your departure. Some employers are sympathetic to the fact that an employee is looking for a new place, because they cannot provide prospects for further growth and development. Although most managers and colleagues treat the one who submits the letter of resignation as a traitor.


It is possible that the bright prospects for working in a new position in a long-awaited place will remain dreams, so you should communicate very correctly with management. No one is immune from mistakes, what if you have to return? When talking with the director, it is necessary to use a maximum of arguments and a minimum of emotions. The reason for leaving should be formulated in such a way as not to affect the person's pride. It is best to start a conversation with gratitude for the invaluable experience of working under his leadership. If you correctly formulate your request, then you may be able to quit your job without working off. But at the same time, it is necessary to provide justification for the completeness of all your current affairs. If the diplomatic approach has given a positive result, then you can ask for recommendations for a new job. And then you can even sit down to write the book "How to quit your job the right way." The main rule: do not slam the door and shout about what a bad enterprise it is, even if the dismissal of an employee occurs at the initiative of the head, you must at least “save face”.


How to quit your job properly so as not to cut off friendships and be able to return? The recipe is simple - be open and friendly. The work team is big family- if you explain correctly, you will be understood and supported. A prerequisite upon dismissal is the delivery of all current projects, the completion of the work begun. It will be very good if an employee brings a qualified specialist to his place, whose training will not take much time. Then the work process will not suffer, which will be very liked by the management of the enterprise and colleagues at work. After submitting the document on dismissal and if it is signed by the director, it is necessary to notify all counterparties with whom working and personal contacts have been established. This will help not to lose useful contacts and establish them if necessary, and it will also facilitate the work of a person who will work with them in the future.

The final stage

After receiving the entire amount of the calculation and the due compensation, do not forget to say goodbye to your colleagues warmly, a small tea party will leave pleasant memories. But in the festive bustle, you need to collect everything Required documents. The work book must contain an entry on the termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, i.e. Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If you manage to get a letter of recommendation from management, it will be very useful both for the employee and for the image of the employer's company. In the accounting department, you must obtain a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL (income tax) for the last 6 months. It will be needed at a new place of work to calculate sick leave or vacation. Do not try to take everything that has been developed with you, colleagues will be grateful if you leave the developed pivot tables or indicator charts to them and teach them how to make the same ones on their own.

The work world is surprisingly small. When you leave, you never know for sure who you'll be working with, who you'll have to ask for favors, and whether you'll ever need a referral from a former boss. And don't forget gossip. If you leave a negative impression about yourself, there is a risk that outside the company will find out about it.

How to quit the right way

Submit your resignation letter two weeks before leaving

Turnaround time may vary from company to company, but two weeks is the standard. The employer needs time to prepare for the changes, complete the paperwork and start looking for a replacement for you.

Large firms can say goodbye to you on the same day. But the leaders of small companies may need a longer period. In this case, there is a risk of breaking loose, sending the authorities to hell and just leaving.

Should not be doing that. Look at the situation from the point of view of leadership. Besides, it's disrespectful to other colleagues. After all, then they will be loaded with your work.

Notify your boss first, and then everyone else

No matter how much you trust your people, don't tell them your decision. Don't post it on social media. Your manager has the right to be the first to know.

It is better to provide this information in person. If your boss works elsewhere, talk to him on the phone. You can send email only if both of you do not have free time. But this is the worst option, which is better not to use.

Prepare to Talk to Your Boss

Before breaking the news to your boss, answer a few questions.

  1. Do you have an action plan that will mitigate the effects of your departure? Offer the boss specific ways to solve the problems that arise as a result of the dismissal.
  2. What will you do if you receive a counter offer? Be prepared for the fact that you may be offered tempting conditions for you to stay. Think in advance what kind of conditions it could be. Will you stand for a big pay raise? For an extra week of vacation? If the conditions suit you, wait until they are confirmed in writing. If not, tell your manager that you really appreciate his offer, but you can't turn down the new opportunities in another position.
  3. Are you ready to quit later than planned if necessary? You may be asked to stay for another week or two. Think beforehand whether you agree to this.
  4. Are you ready to leave the day you announce your decision? Can you pack all your belongings and leave the work area right away?

Speak briefly, confidently and with a smile

Don't beat around the bush. Get straight to the point. If you have, having a good-natured conversation can be difficult.

Resist the urge to express everything that has accumulated.

Behave decently. Suddenly in the future your career paths cross again?

Thank the leader for the collaboration. It is not necessary to talk about a new position. It is enough just to say that there you will have duties that you have long wanted to fulfill.

Find out what you are entitled to when you leave

This may include additional payments and bonuses that are specified in the contract. The employee must also be paid compensation for unused vacation.

Write a letter of resignation

After talking with your superiors, you will most likely be asked to issue. Do not write anything superfluous: the application does not need to describe in detail the reasons for your departure.

Don't relax

After a formal resignation, it is easy to forget about your responsibilities. But you still have two more weeks ahead of you. If you do not want to spoil the impression about yourself, do not relax and bring the work you have started to the end. For surely you will be remembered for these last weeks.

Do not start any new projects during this time. If you don't have time to complete something, tell your colleagues at what stage the task is. Leave hints for those who will do your work. Ask how you can help your colleagues.

Make everyone regret your departure and remember you with a smile.

Don't insult your ex-boss on social media

Some post messages on social networks about how happy they are to leave this hell and not see the tyrant boss anymore. Don't be tempted, even if it's true. Maintain dignity. The boss may not see this entry, but other people will develop about you.

Thank colleagues and say goodbye to them warmly

Keep in touch with colleagues. Let us know about your departure by e-mail or in the general chat. Have a farewell party. This is a great way to remember with a smile all that you have experienced together. There may be some you have developed friendships with and would like to see outside of work.

The reasons for the desire or need to stop working in a particular organization today, any employee can have a lot. However, labor legislation provides for mandatory working off after writing. Is it possible not to fulfill this condition without working out for 2 weeks?

Rules and obligations of employees

IN labor code The Russian Federation states that any employee is obliged to notify the employer of his intention to quit of his own free will at least two weeks (14 days) in advance. In this case, calendar days are taken into account, regardless of the number of working shifts in them. The specified period is counted from the next day after the submission of the application to the head and his acquaintance with it. For some categories of employees, the question is: “How to quit without working out the specified period?” absolutely irrelevant. It's about about employees on probation and specialists working on temporary / seasonal contracts, the total term of which is no more than 2 months. Representatives of these categories of workers have the right to notify their employers of their intention to terminate the employment contract three days before the actual dismissal.

To agree with the leadership at will or law?

The employer has the right to dismiss any employee at his will without working off. This real chance for employees of small companies who have the opportunity to communicate directly with superiors. It is enough to express your request in an informal setting, and if the management goes forward, you can leave the workplace even the next day after signing the application. How to quit without working for 2 weeks, if you really need it, but the boss does not want to enter the position of an employee? This is true under special circumstances. But remember that the reason will have to be indicated in the application, and also (at the request of management) documented. The term of dismissal is specified by the applicant independently. If the requirement set out in the application is not satisfied, the employee has the right to file a lawsuit in court.

Special circumstances for quick dismissal

Stop your labor activity eligible students enrolled in an educational institution. To confirm this fact, you will need an appropriate certificate from the university. Also, pensioners are dismissed without working off when they reach the retirement date. Leave at will as soon as possible it is also possible if the employer exceeds his authority, acts illegally or violates labor laws in other ways. When dismissing on this occasion, it is necessary to have evidence of violations. These three reasons are listed in article No. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the same article allows for the possibility of dismissal within the time required by the employee under other valid circumstances. There is no detailed list of other reasons in the labor code; one should be guided by by-laws.

Other reasons for dismissal without working off

Is it possible to quit without working off if the reasons for this decision are related to the family or other area of ​​the employee's personal life? The laws of our state allow for such a possibility, but the employee needs to be prepared for the fact that the need for urgent dismissal will have to be confirmed, as is the case with the main reasons prescribed in the Labor Code. The basis for terminating the employment contract is the change of region permanent place residence, as well as a long-term business trip of the spouse to another country/region with the provision of a place for the whole family to live, a deterioration in health that makes it impossible to stay in this region, or to perform official duties in the current position. For those who do not know how to quit without work, their own children can help. A pregnant woman or mother of a child under 14 can terminate the contract with the employer at any time. Also, any of the parents can quit without working if the family has many children (from three children), and all children are under 16 years old, or 18, but provided that the latter are students or students educational institutions. The need to care for a sick family member (this requires an appropriate medical prescription) or a disabled person of the first group also serves as the basis for quick dismissal.

Want to quit? It's time to get sick!

in labor law Russian Federation there is no indication that after the warning about must necessarily work. This is a great and, most importantly, completely legal loophole. Have you already figured out how to quit without working for 2 weeks? It's simple - just notify the management of your intention on the eve of going on sick leave or after it opens. In this case, the employee writes a statement of his own free will and sends it to his superiors. Then he goes to a medical institution and draws up a sick leave. Accordingly, the employee has the right not to go to work due to illness within the time specified in the certificate of illness. At the same time, exactly two weeks after writing the application, you can demand a calculation and work book in the personnel department.

How to quit without working off, having issued a vacation?

Employees who have leave in reserve, upon dismissal, have the right to demand material compensation or take leave for the remaining two weeks of working. If possible, it is worth coordinating your decision with management in advance. But even without a personal agreement, the authorities do not have the right not to release the employee or refuse to dismiss immediately after the end of the holiday. If it’s not about urgency, but about unwillingness to work, then you should choose a period with a large number of days off for dismissal. For example, those who are on probationary period, you can quit without working out in three due days. It is enough to write an application on Friday (with a schedule of 5/2). And already on Monday, after the standard weekend, you can demand the actual dismissal.

Sample Application

A voluntary resignation letter may free form. In its "header" the addressee is indicated - CEO company and the full name of the organization itself. Do not forget to indicate the position and full name on the bottom line of the "cap". The application indicates his wish (“dismiss at his own request”). If available special reasons, they should also be indicated along with the desired date of dismissal. Documents confirming the importance of the existing circumstances must be attached, and an inventory should be made at the bottom of the application itself. If an employee is going to quit his job without working off for health reasons, a certificate from a medical institution is attached. In the description, it should be named as such. For some documents, copies will suffice, for example, if it is internal orders organization in which the applicant's spouse works, about his transfer to another region. The final part of the application is the date of its submission and the signature with the decoding of the applicant's passport data.

Sue or settle?

What to do if an employee knows how to quit without working for 2 weeks, and has found a suitable option for himself from acceptable labor codes, and the employer insists on working off? It's a violation labor law, provided that the first one did everything correctly and correctly executed the documents. The correct decision of the employee whose rights are violated will be to go to court. But one cannot count on a quick trial; most likely, hearing and studying the materials will take several months. So maybe it’s really better to try to negotiate peacefully with the authorities and work out the allotted time or recommend a specialist with a good resume for your position? Indeed, there are several ways to quit quickly, but it is much easier to plan such serious changes in own life in advance and dismissed on general terms.

You received an attractive job offer and firmly decided to quit your current job. It would seem that the matter is small: inform the boss about this, write a letter of resignation, get paid - and hello, new life! But for some reason, your legs always carry you past the manager’s office, you put off a difficult conversation, you feel awkward in front of your colleagues…

How to quit your job least loss for a career and nervous system? Before you take the plunge, read the guidelines.

Leave beautifully
This situation is familiar to many: a new employer is already preparing a workplace for you, and the current one is not yet aware that the launch of a new project and a corporate celebration will take place without your participation. When and how to inform the manager about upcoming changes?

The first rule of good dismissal is not to burn bridges. Try to save a good relationship with colleagues and boss. Often a wide professional circle turns out to be narrow in reality, and it is likely that you will still meet with former colleagues and a leader. This is especially true for small towns.

A difficult conversation with the boss must be carried out face to face. If your office is an open space, then it is better to go to the meeting room: for the time being, colleagues should not know about your plans. How the conversation with the manager goes depends on many things: the working situation, your personal relationships, the situation in the team, etc.

Of course, it is better to talk about the reasons for leaving as sincerely as possible. However, no matter how much you want, do not tell the boss that you are not enthusiastic about his team management style, the work seems boring to you, and the salary is small. Diplomacy is a great thing: with its help, you can maintain good relations even in very difficult situation. Explain that you received an interesting offer - the position is more serious, the salary is higher. Perhaps you have changed family situation and you can no longer drive to the office on the other side of the city. Or maybe you're tired of constant processing and feel emotionally burned out. Such reasons must be told honestly, but at the same time delicately. Do not forget to add that you are very sorry to leave the team, but you are grateful for the experience gained during your work in the company.

An adequate leader will understand your motives, but be mentally prepared for a counteroffer. An increase in salary, a new position, an unscheduled vacation or an interesting business trip - in order to retain a valuable employee,. Leave or stay on new terms, it's up to you. The main thing is that the manager does not consider that you are manipulating him with the aim of promotion or salary.

Warn in advance
obliges the employee to notify about his dismissal of his own free will in 14 days, however, by agreement with the employer, this period can be reduced. But do you need it? On the contrary, for the sake of maintaining relations with superiors and getting good recommendations, it may be worth talking earlier, for example, not two, but three weeks before the dismissal. Thus, you will give the company more time to search for a new employee and calmly complete business. Your new employer, most likely, will understand your desire to finish what you started at the old place. In addition, you will show yourself as a responsible person.

Regardless of whether you have the opportunity to warn your boss about leaving early or not, try to make it easier for companies transition period- the time when you will no longer be at the workplace, and the new employee will not yet be up to date. If possible, complete current projects, turn in cases on time, and leave key contacts for the new employee. In a word, make life easier for the successor.

The last two weeks of work should not be perceived as something like a vacation - on the contrary, it is a kind of debriefing. Come on time, do not try to leave work early, because the last fourteen days are paid by the employer in the same way as all the previous ones.

Keep Traditions
On the last working day, you need not only to pick up the work book, but also to say goodbye to the team. Send to colleagues email thank them for their cooperation and good relations, because for sure working in the company taught you something. Exchange contacts with key employees and with everyone who worked with you in the same department. Colleagues from the department can be presented with a small souvenir in memory of how you prepared reports together, launched projects or fought for clients.

In some teams, on the occasion of dismissal, it is customary to invite colleagues to a nearby cafe after work or treat them during a lunch break in the office. Do not break traditions and let your colleagues congratulate you on a new step in your career.

Know Your Rights
Unfortunately, the process of dismissal does not always go smoothly. It happens that the employer, having learned about the decision of the employee to quit, begins to behave like a feudal lord, trying to keep him. They are on the move different methods: from promises of mountains of gold and high positions to threats to fire under the article or not to sign a letter of resignation.

But even in such situations, you should not get lost. As is known, serfdom in Russia was canceled 150 years ago, and you can quit without waiting for the signature of the head. To do this, you need to document the fact of filing a letter of resignation, either by transferring it to the head through the office in compliance with all formalities, or by sending it by registered mail with notification. The date of notification that the letter was delivered is the date of your notice of dismissal. After 14 days, the employer is obliged to issue you a work book and a calculation, which, among other things, should include compensation for unused vacation. Keep in mind that you can refuse it and take a vacation with subsequent dismissal. In this case, the last day of work in the company will be the last day of vacation.

But how to survive two weeks under pressure from the head offended by your "infidelity"? Do not succumb to provocations, do your job, strictly follow all paper formalities, do not be late and do not give a reason to make comments to you. In the most extreme case, a sick leave can help you out: while the employee is sick, two weeks of working off go on as usual.

Whatever your last days in the company, remember: before the expiration of the termination notice, the employee has the right to withdraw his application at any time. And although there is an opinion among both employees and employers that there is no way back for those who decide to leave the company, there are still exceptions.

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