True love in Eugene Onegin. Love of Tatyana (based on the work "Eugene Onegin")


In ASPushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" along with other problems, not unimportant place is given to the theme presented in the title of this work, namely the theme of friendship and love.

It all starts with the fact that in the first chapter the author says about Onegin - "friends and friendship are tired." But why, who is to blame? Probably, partly Onegin himself, who chose the individualism or even egoism of Byron's works as his ideal. In addition, after a few chapters we learn that there was a bust of Napoleon in Onegin's office, and Pushkin will say: "We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones. We all look at Napoleons ...". Isn't this, to some extent, about Onegin? One of the reasons why Onegin is tired of friendship is his melancholy. But why did she take possession of him, but not the Author, who appears in the novel as his friend? They are both smart, honest, they both understand the shortcomings of society, but in Onegin there is no desire to act, a desire to change something, a desire to go against this society. Inaction, doing nothing bored him (as well as balls, and secular society), but he does not want to do anything either.

And Onegin made friends with Lensky at first, simply because there was no one else in the village where he ended up after the death of his uncle. Pushkin calls them (Lensky and Onegin) "nothing to do friends." It was so - both of them really had nothing to do - Onegin because of his boredom and blues, and Lensky because of his inexperience and naivety - he did not know real life, he could not adapt to her. Both the Author and Onegin - they were older than Lensky - it is not surprising their ironic and playful attitude towards his romantic nature. Onegin, of course, was much more experienced, taught by life - he was his friend's mentor, patron.

Lensky's love for Olga is also a figment of his romantic imagination. No, he did not love Olga, he loved the image created by himself. Romantic image. And Olga ... An ordinary provincial young lady, whose portrait the Author is "tired ... immeasurably." No wonder Onegin, who was much wiser and more experienced than Lensky, said: "I would choose another one if I were like you, poet ...". But why is Onegin so sure that he will not be able to love himself? He meets Tatyana, the same “other”, and she confesses her love to him (it should be noted, however, that Tatyana is not in love with the completely real Onegin, but partly, again, with an image created on the basis of sentimentalist books). But what about Onegin?

He is sure that he is "not made for bliss", this is actually not the case. He is simply afraid to fall in love, afraid to awaken feelings that have been killed during his stay in the world. Yes, right there in secular society, he forgot how to truly be friends and love. There such concepts as friendship and love are absent - they are replaced by lies, slander, public opinion. Yes, by the same public opinion that will destroy both Onegin and Lensky!

Onegin and Lensky quarreled because of one incident that happened at the ball - Onegin twice invited Olga to dance. It would seem that what happened is a small revenge of Onegin, because Lensky invited him to the ball, where the whole district gathered, the "rabble" that Onegin hated. For Onegin, this is just a game - but not for Lensky. His pink, romantic dreams collapsed - for him this is a betrayal (although this, of course, is not a betrayal at all - neither for Olga, nor for Onegin). And Lensky sees a duel as the only way out of this situation.

At the moment when Onegin received the challenge, why couldn't he dissuade Lensky from the duel, find out everything peacefully, explain himself? He was prevented by this notorious public opinion. Yes, it had weight here in the village too. And it was stronger for Onegin than his friendship. Lensky is killed. Maybe, no matter how scary it sounds, it was the best way out for him, he was unprepared for this life.

And now - Olga's "love", she cried, grieved, married a military man and left with him. Another thing is Tatyana - no, she did not stop loving Onegin, it's just that after what happened her feelings became even more difficult - in Onegin she "should ... hate her brother's murderer." Should, but can't. And after visiting Onegin's office, she begins to understand the true essence of Onegin more and more - the real Onegin opens before her. But Tatyana can no longer stop loving him. And probably never will.

So, three years pass, and Tatyana and Onegin meet again. But already in a different setting - in St. Petersburg, in a secular society, Tatyana is married, Onegin returned from his wanderings. And now, having met Tatyana in a new capacity, as a secular lady, love awakens in Onegin. Love for the one he graciously refused a few years ago. What drives them? Does he love the old Tatyana, or only the way she has become now? No, Tatyana has not changed - Onegin has changed. He was able to "renew his soul." He was able to love. But it's too late. No, Tatyana did not stop loving him, but she was "given to another" and will be "faithful to him forever" ... Tatyana, despite the fact that she did not marry for love, cannot destroy the life of her husband, a person who loves her, only for the sake of your happiness.

Love in the understanding of Onegin and Tatyana.

(according to A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

In my essay, I want to understand and understand what love means for Onegin and Tatyana. I would like to understand why Eugene and Tatyana did not stay together, and, in general, is this possible.

Eugene Onegin is an extraordinary figure. He is successful in society, popular with the ladies, but, nevertheless, he felt bored and left for the village. In this complex spiritual phenomenon, called Eugene Onegin, there are two main centers. One of them is indifference, coldness, the other center is described in the first chapter “but in what he was a true genius” - and then follows the characterization of Eugene as a “genius of love”. At the beginning, it can be mistaken for irony, grin, Don Juanism of the hero. We see a free, fashionable, ardent rake, an apostate of fashionable pleasures, an enemy and a squanderer of order.

He does not see the point in anything, is indifferent to everything except the feeling dignity and independence. The feeling of love is alien to him, only "the science of tender passion" is familiar. It is difficult to imagine that in a few years this callous character will comprehend a selfless, spontaneous, poetic feeling. In the meantime, he sees in girls only potential brides planning how to spend his fortune after the wedding. He took Olga and Tatyana in exactly the same way. He was surprised to learn that his friend (Lensky) was in love with Olga:

When I was like you, a poet

Olga has no life in features

Exactly the same in Vandy's Madonna

She is round, red-faced,

Like that stupid moon

In this stupid sky.

He admitted that if he were a poet, he would choose Tatyana. He is not a poet, but he notices the individuality, the unusualness of the heroine. She attracted his interest with her mystery, subtlety, spirituality, depth. But he only singled her out of the two sisters, nothing more. The girl did not arouse any other interest in him. But his soul, incapable of deep feelings, was touched by Tatyana's letter:

But, having received Tanya's message,

Onegin was vividly touched:

The language of girlish dreams

A swarm of thoughts disturbed him.

After reading the letter, Onegin felt the excitement of the soul, he had long, and perhaps never known the real deep feeling that would have so excited him. “Perhaps the feelings of the old ardor took possession of him for a moment,” but Eugene returned from the clouds to the ground, overcoming his feelings, decided that they did not suit each other, did not dare to try his luck. The hero is endowed with a mind, therefore he acts reasonably, consciously, but love and reason are two different things. There are times when you need to "throw aside" the calculation, the head, and live with the heart. Eugene's heart is "chained" and it is very difficult to break them.

After the death of Lensky, we do not see the hero, he leaves, and returns completely different, opposite. We do not know what happened to the hero during his journey, what he thought he understood, why he “removed the shackles from his heart”, but we see another person who is able to feel and love, experience and suffer. Perhaps he realized that he had done wrong by rejecting Tatyana, that he had decided in vain not to try to live a fabulous, air life, which Lensky admired so much, but nothing can be returned, and the image of Tanya "melts" in Onegin's memory.

His meeting with Tatyana in St. Petersburg was a surprise for him:

“Really,” Evgeny thinks: “is she really? ..” Both heroes have changed over these 2 years. Tatyana follows Evgeny's advice:

"Learn to control yourself,

not everyone will understand you like me

inexperience leads to trouble.

Eugene becomes sensual and vulnerable. He falls in love: he counts the hours until he meets Tanya, when he sees her, he is speechless. The hero is overwhelmed with feelings, he is gloomy, awkward, but this does not touch Tatiana's soul:

He's barely awkward

The head answers

It is full of gloomy thoughts.

He looks sullenly. She is

sitting, calm and free.

In all the actions of Eugene, inexperience is visible, he never loved the way he did now. His youth - the time of love - he lived the life of an adult, strict indifferent man. Now that this time has passed, and the time has come for the real adult life, love makes him a boy, inexperienced and insane.

In the anguish of love thoughts

He spends both day and night.

He is happy if she throws

Boa fluffy on the shoulder,

Or touch hot

Her hands, or part

Before her is a motley regiment of liveries,

Or raise a handkerchief to her.

Onegin enjoys every minute of his life spent next to Tatyana. He does not pay attention to his appearance, a painful condition:

Onegin begins to turn pale:

She can’t see, or she’s not sorry,

Onegin dries up - and hardly

He is no longer sick with consumption.

With every act of his, Eugene wants to earn attention, Tatyana's gentle look, but she is insensitive and cold. She hid all her feelings far, far away, she "chained her heart with chains", as Onegin once did. current life Tanya is a masquerade. On her face is a mask that looks quite natural, but not for Eugene. He saw her in a way that none of the people around now. He knows the tender and romantic, naive and in love, sensitive and vulnerable Tanya. The hero hopes that all this could not disappear without a trace, that under this mask the real face of the girl is hidden - village Tatiana who grew up on French novels and dreams of a big and pure love. For Eugene, all this was very important, but gradually the hope was fading, and the hero decided to leave. On the last explanation with Tatyana, he "walks like a dead man." His passion is similar to Tanya's suffering in chapter 4. When the young man came to her house, he saw the real Tanya without a mask and pretense:

... a simple maiden

with dreams, the heart of the old days,

now resurrected in it again.

We all see that the village Tanya is alive, and her behavior is only an image, a cruel role. Now let's move to the village and try to understand what love means for Tanya at the beginning and at the end of the novel.

Tatyana, like Onegin, was a stranger in the family. She did not like noisy games, feasts, she never caressed her parents. Tanya lived in another parallel world, the world of books and dreams.

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything with her.

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Rousseau.

from others, a deep focus on the internal movements of the soul make love more powerful for Tatyana. In Onegin she saw everything the best sides literary heroes, she fell in love with the image created by writers, society and Tatyana herself. She lives the dream, believes in a happy ending novel called life. But dreams are dispelled when Eugene answers her letter, flirts with Olga, kills a friend. Then Tatyana understands that dreams and reality are different things. The hero of her dreams is far from being human. The world of books and the world of people cannot exist together, they must be separated. After all these events, Tatyana does not suffer, does not try to forget her lover, she wants to understand him. To do this, the girl visits the house of Eugene, in which she learns other, secret sides of Onegin. Only now Tanya begins to understand, comprehend the actions of the hero. But she understood him too late, he left, and it is not known whether they will see each other again. Perhaps the girl would have lived with dreams of meeting, studying his soul, spending time in his house. But an event occurred that changed Tanya's life. She was taken to Petersburg, given in marriage, separated from native nature, books, the rural world with the stories and fairy tales of the nanny, with her warmth, naivety, cordiality. All that she was separated from made up the favorite circle of the heroine's life. Nobody needs her in St. Petersburg, her provincial views seem strange and naively funny there. Therefore, Tanya decides that the best thing in this case will be to hide behind a mask. She hides her affections, becomes a model of "impeccable taste", a true picture of nobility, sophistication. But, I'm sure that Tanya constantly remembers that serene life full of hopes and dreams. She remembers her beloved quiet nature, she remembers Evgeny. She does not try to "bury" the village Tanya, but simply does not show her to others. We see that internally Tanya has not changed at all, but now she has a husband, and she cannot recklessly surrender to love.

Reflecting on what love means for Tatyana at the end of the novel (since we already understood that at the beginning love played big role in the life of the heroine) I came to this conclusion. Tanya has remained the same, so sometimes she allows herself to think, dream about another life, full of love and tenderness. But she, having grown up in the spirit of the patriarchal nobility, cannot break the bonds of marriage, cannot build her happiness on the misfortune of her husband. Therefore, she surrenders to the will of fate, rejects love and lives in a world full of lies and pretense.

At the beginning of the novel, when the happiness of the characters seems so close, Onegin rejects Tatyana. Why? Simply because he is not only cruel, but also noble. He understands that happiness will be short-lived and decides to reject Tanya immediately, rather than gradually torment her. He sees the hopelessness of their relationship, so he decides to leave without starting from wearing. At the end of the novel, the situation changes, the hero lives his love, it means a lot to him. But now the decisive word for the heroine. But she refuses the relationship. Again, why? The girl was brought up ancient customs. It is impossible for her to cheat on her husband, to leave him. For this act, everyone would condemn her: family, society, and, first of all, herself. We see different tempers heroes, upbringing, worldview, different attitudes towards love. To connect them, you need to change all these qualities, all these data, but then we will not see Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina, but completely different heroes, with different qualities. But who can guarantee that these people will be drawn to each other, like our heroes?

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a novel about love. On the life path each of the characters meets this wonderful feeling. But none of the characters manage to connect with their loved one.

Tatyana Larina's nanny says that in her time they "didn't even hear about love..." When Tatyana's mother was young, they not only "heard" about love, but also read French novels that determined the worldview of girls. The eldest Larina loved, but was married to another. At first she was very sad and cried, but over time she reconciled and got used to it. Habit became her happiness. Pushkin puts it this way:

The habit from above is given to us:
She is a substitute for happiness.

Tatyana herself loves Onegin selflessly,

Without art
Obedient to the attraction of feelings.

This sincere love will remain in her soul throughout the novel. Even being married, preferring the fulfillment of family duty to possible happiness, Tatyana still loves Onegin and, without hypocrisy, tells him about her feelings.

Vladimir Lensky's love for Olga Larina is close in strength and sincerity to Tatyana's experiences: "He sang love, obedient to love ..."

Another thing is Onegin. At first he was disappointed in women:

The beauties didn't last long
The subject of his habitual thoughts...
...I'm not made for bliss;
My soul is alien to him;
In vain are your perfections...

But later, Eugene understands the collapse of his former attitude. He writes to Tatyana:

I thought: liberty and peace
replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished!

Indeed, Onegin comes to a different understanding of happiness in love at the end of the novel:

Soul all your perfection,
Freeze before you in agony,

Sincere, natural, pure and sublime, the feeling that does not fade with time is sung by the author in the novel, such is his concept of love.

Why is Evgeny Onegin unhappy?

In order to answer this question, it is worth tracing the changes in the personality of the protagonist novel of the same name A. Pushkin. At the beginning of the novel, the poet shows tired of metropolitan life secular lion Onegin. What is the expression of this dissatisfaction? The need to obey what he is not interested in. So, why does the hero go to the dying uncle, soberly assessing his upcoming role, as " low deceit"Yes, because Onegin does not see the point in anything at all and is indifferent to almost everything, except for self-esteem and independence, which are shaken by a trip to a dying relative. The nature of irritation is determined by the fact that the hero is tired of the usual pretense.

At the beginning of the novel, Onegin seems to be trying on various life possibilities, without giving priority to any of them. The enchanting masquerade of the hero is reflected in the definitions, paradoxical in their neighborhood, that Pushkin addresses to his hero: "young rake" and "my good friend", "dandy of London" and "scientist", "prankster" and "philosopher at eighteen", " ardent rake" and "apostate of violent pleasures."

Onegin's life at the beginning of the novel is truly theatrical. This is determined by the hero's excessive enthusiasm for his own role in the theater of life. He plays everywhere, wherever he is, whatever he does. Interestingly, all such theatricality disappears by the end of the novel.

The plot of the novel is a contradiction in the character of the protagonist, the strangeness of his depressive state with the outward well-being of life. The change of Onegin's habitat does not change anything in his interior. It is natural that Pushkin decided to change psychological condition Onegin, testing him with love. The revival of the heart in Onegin, the need for feelings - so far only an echo of Lensky's ardor. Before own feeling Onegin cannot get up yet, even after receiving a letter from Tatyana in love. Onegin's attitude towards Tatyana is only an echo of sincere feelings. At the same time, it is important that the hero, "losing his life best color", indifferent to everything and everyone, suddenly feels the possibility of love:

But, having received Tanya's message,
Onegin was vividly touched:
The language of girlish dreams
A swarm of thoughts disturbed him ...

Why did Pushkin still reject this possibility, let him fall in love, and not Onegin's love?

There is an honesty of self-esteem in the protagonist. He stops himself, refusing to take the momentary impulse for true feelings. In this, Onegin's ability to realize the depth of Tatyana's love is obvious. The sincerity of her confession took Onegin away from the usual "game" and the theatrical props corresponding to it. Onegin is not yet able to love, but he responds to the excitement of others, he would like animation and sincerity and regrets that they have been lost. In this regard, Pushkin's call not to condemn Onegin is relevant:

You will agree, my reader,
What a very nice act
With sad Tanya my friend;
Not the first time he showed up here

The denouement of the duel between Onegin and society, which at first was vaguely outlined in the hero's blues, was resolved by the murder of Lensky. The duel is the climax crucial moment in the fate of heroes. Tatyana saw in reality that the ideal hero of his dreams is capable of crime. Onegin is struck by the death of Lensky. It turned out that he had nothing to be proud of, that the feeling of superiority over society was false at the very root. Contempt for society led to a certain degree of degradation of the hero's personality.

Hero, fiasco, should be vehemently condemned by readers. But Pushkin, true to artistic objectivity, refutes the readers' hasty conclusions. The humanism of the poet does not allow making hasty accusations against the hero, who is still capable of sincere feelings. There is a hidden potential in Onegin, which was expressed in the revealed poetic, selfless feeling for Tatyana:

Freeze before you in agony,
To turn pale and go out ... that's bliss!

The anguish of the heart is so significant that Onegin is ready to pay for the love itself. high price- life, like Tatyana, who was once also ready to die in the name of feeling. But in this experience of love, the characters are categorically different. Tatyana voluntarily gave herself to love, according to her inner dictates, without executing herself. Onegin "curses his madness - and is deeply immersed in it ...".

At the same time, Onegin's dedication is beyond doubt. He really forgot about himself: the devotion of love is stronger than the fear of death:

I know: my age is already measured;
But for my life to last
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you in the afternoon ...

At the beginning of the novel, the poet and his hero remain in many ways opposite. At the end of the work, Pushkin robs the secular crowd of the right to judge Onegin. Every person is defined by his ability to love. Everyone has their own way to experience the most magnificent and unique feeling in life. Onegin's path was long and thorny, but the fact that all obstacles were overcome only disposes the main character to the reader.

"Eugene Onegin" is, one might say, philosophical work, because it deals with many "eternal" topics, including love. Love itself in the poem appears before readers in different guises: it is Tatyana's sincere and tender love, Onegin's belated passionate love, Olga's windy love, ardent and romantic love Vladimir Lensky. Also, love in the poem is considered from the side of mutual and from the position of unrequited feelings.

Tatyana is an image of pure and sincere love. She fell in love with Onegin with a first and tender love, dreamed about him, comparing herself with the heroines of the novels she had read. Of course, Tatyana, inexperienced in love affairs, idealized Eugene in many ways. In her letter, she honestly opens her soul to him, entrusting her fate into his hands. She confesses to him that in her dreams she imagined her beloved in this way and immediately recognized him at the first meeting, realizing that he was her destiny. Tatyana was frank in her letter, she treated Yevgeny as her betrothed, ready to connect her whole life with him. Tatyana's love is pure and disinterested, she fell in love with Yevgeny the way she saw him for the first time, idealizing him in many ways, because in fact she did not know him at all. Her love is tender, girlish, bright and sincere, but, unfortunately, Eugene did not respond to her feelings.

Eugene himself was very tempted in love, it was no longer possible to surprise him with anything, although Tatyana's sincerity touched his heart. But Eugene honestly admits that she cannot be a good husband that he is not worthy of her. He knows himself well and understands that a quiet and obedient wife will quickly bore him, that his lifestyle is not suitable for a family hearth, because Onegin is used to entertainment and a carefree life. But at the same time, Onegin appreciated Tatyana's sincerity, did not laugh at her feelings, but treated them with due respect and understanding. Among secular coquettish young ladies, he rarely met such deep and worthy girls as Tatyana. In a conversation with her, he tells her extremely honestly about himself and about his attitude towards family life. Onegin admits that if he wanted to start a family, he would certainly choose Tanya, believing that she would best wife, but so far he did not want to tie the knot.

Love still overtook Onegin, but it was too late - Tatyana was married to a general. Would Tatyana Yevgeny have liked her if she had been the former modest and sincere girl? Hardly. It was Tatyana's inaccessibility, coldness and restraint, her greatness and indifference that captivated Onegin. "How less woman we love, the easier she likes us,” Onegin himself said. The same applies to men. Accessible and in love with Tatyana, Onegin did not need “easy prey”, but the majestic woman who belonged to another man charmed him. Tatyana demonstrates in the poem the beautiful traits of nobility and fidelity. She is faithful wife who cannot break her word, cannot betray her husband, even if she is not loved by her. “But I am given to another, I will be faithful to him for a century,” she says to Onegin, not giving him a chance to have an affair with her.

Tanya's sister, Olga, is a windy girl who is not capable of deep feelings. She is easily carried away by men, which Onegin proved at Tatyana's name day. He was able to easily turn her head and charm her, despite the fact that she was Lensky's bride. Also after the death of Vladimir Olga in again proves her frivolity, because, after not grieving for a short time, she will soon marry another. Olga's love is deceptive, superficial, fickle, she is not able to completely dissolve in her beloved and devote herself to him.

A young poet, Vladimir Lensky, experienced more serious and passionate feelings, all his thoughts were connected with his beloved girl, he composed poems for her, defended her honor, wanted to connect his life with her. Lensky dies, sacrificing himself, hoping to protect Olga from the seducer Onegin. Vladimir's love is sacrificial, sincere, but too passionate and romantic. He loves Olga for her beauty, for her flirtatiousness, in many ways representing her better than she really is. Olga just allows him to love herself, she is pleased with his courtship, but they have no spiritual connection, because Olga could not even feel that Vladimir was going to die. Before the duel, he came to her, but she behaved as always, at ease and windy, not remembering that she offended his feelings with her flirting with Onegin.

The relevance and scale of this work by Pushkin are amazing. In the image of her heroes, one can also see the features of many modern people. Since the life of the poet, in fact, nothing has changed. Still, passionate and romantic young men fall in love with windy beauties who “love them less”, and worthy girls are fascinated by Onegins. And the principle: “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us” - still works.

The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" makes even the most sophisticated reader think. Thanks to her, the work does not lose its relevance and interest for connoisseurs from a wide variety of audiences.

In our article you can see brief analysis of this topic, several points of view about the analysis and interpretation, as well as an essay.

About the novel

At one time, the work was a real breakthrough in verbal art in general and poetry in particular. And the theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a subject for both admiration and discussion.

Ambiguity of submission, special form"novel in verse" was also a novelty even to the sophisticated reader. The title of "encyclopedia of Russian life" was rightfully received by him - the atmosphere of the nineteenth century nobility was depicted so accurately, clearly. Description of everyday life and balls, clothes and appearance Heroes are surprised by the accuracy and subtlety of details. One gets the impression of being transferred to that era, which helps to understand the author better and more subtle.

About the theme of love in the works of Pushkin

Love permeates the lyrics of Pushkin and his "Tales of Belkin", and the story "The Snowstorm", which is part of them, can be called a real manifesto of that mystical, strong love that works wonders.

The theme of love in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" contains many problematic issues: marital fidelity, responsibility and fear of being responsible. In terms of these sub-themes love theme acquires special details, develops not in terms of personal relationships, but much wider. Problematic issues against the background of the title topic, they make you think, and despite the fact that the author does not give clear answers to them directly, we perfectly understand what exactly he wants to say.

"Eugene Onegin". The theme of love in the novel. Analysis

Love in the novel is shown in two versions: the first, sincere Tatyana. The second, perhaps the last, passionate one is Evgenia. The feelings of the girl’s open, natural love at the beginning of the work are in complete contrast with Yevgeny, tired of love games in St. Petersburg, the cold heart of Eugene. He is so disappointed in everything that he wants to retire and take a break from experiences, the ostentatious suffering of ladies and his longing " extra person". He is so tired and tempted in matters of the heart that he does not expect anything good from them anymore. He is unaware that Tatyana does not play, her letter is not a tribute to fashion and romantic books, but a sincere expression of real feelings. He will understand this later, when meets a girl for the second time. This is the mystery of the work "Eugene Onegin." The theme of love in the novel briefly but succinctly raises important and necessary related topics, about what love is and whether it exists. Using the example of Eugene, we are convinced that exists, and it is impossible to escape from it. Love and destiny in this context in Pushkin intersect, perhaps even become identical to each other. From this, the work acquires a special atmosphere of mysticism, rock, mystery. All together makes the novel incredibly interesting, intellectual and philosophical.

Features of the disclosure of the theme of love in Pushkin

Distinctive features of the theme are determined both by the genre and the structure of the work.

Two plans, two inner peace the main characters have much in common, but there are also many differences, which is the reason for understanding the strongest of feelings.

The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" unfolds on the example of the main characters of the work.

Tatyana is the daughter of a village landowner; she grew up in a cozy, quiet estate. The arrival of Eugene stirred up and raised from the hidden depths a storm of feelings that the girl could not cope with. She opens her heart to her lover. The girl is pretty (at least) to Eugene, but he is so afraid of the responsibility and lack of freedom of marriage that he pushes her away almost instantly. His coldness and endurance hurt Tatyana even more than the refusal itself. The instructive notes of the parting conversation become the final blow that killed all her aspirations and forbidden feelings in the girl.

Development of action

Three years later, the heroes will meet again. And then the feelings will take over Eugene. He will no longer see the village naive girl, but a secular lady, cold, holding herself in her hands so naturally and naturally.

The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" takes on completely different features when the characters change places. Now it is Evgeny's turn to write letters without an answer and hope in vain for reciprocity. It is all the more difficult for him to understand that this lady, beautiful in her restraint, has become so thanks to him. With his own hand, he destroyed the girl's feelings and now wants to return them, but it's too late.

Composition plan

Before we move on to the essay, we suggest compiling short plan. The novel interprets the theme of love very ambiguously, everyone is able to define and understand it in their own way. We will choose a simple circuit, with which it will be easier to express your conclusions. So the writing plan is:

  • Introduction.
  • Heroes at the beginning of the story.
  • Changes that happened to them.
  • Conclusion.

After working on the plan, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the result.

The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin". The writing

In many plots of A. S. Pushkin, the so-called " eternal themes" are revealed simultaneously through the prism of perception of several characters. The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" also belongs to this category. The problem of understanding feelings is interpreted from the point of view of the critic himself. In the essay we will try to talk about this feeling as it was perceived by the characters themselves.

The characters at the beginning of the novel are absolutely different people. Eugene is an urban heartthrob who does not know how to entertain himself in order to save himself from boredom. Tatyana - sincere, dreamy, a pure soul. Her first feeling for her is by no means entertainment. She lives, breathes it, therefore it is not at all surprising how such a modest girl, "like a doe is shy", suddenly goes to such bold move how Eugene also has feelings for the girl, but he does not want to lose his freedom, which, however, does not bring him joy at all.

During the development of the plot between the characters there are many dramatic events. This is both Evgeny's cold answer, and tragic death Lensky, and the move and marriage of Tatyana.

After three years, the heroes meet again. They have changed a lot. Instead of a shy, closed dreamy girl, now there is a reasonable, secular lady who knows her worth. And Eugene, as it turned out, now knows how to love, write letters without an answer and dream of a single look, a touch of the one that once handed her heart into his hands. Time has changed them. It did not kill love in Tatyana, but taught her to keep her feelings under lock and key. As for Eugene, he, perhaps for the first time, understood what love is.


The finale of the work is not in vain open. The author tells us that he has already shown the main thing. Love for a moment connected the heroes, it made them close in their feelings and suffering. It is she who is the main thing in the novel. It doesn't matter which thorny paths heroes went to her, the main thing is that they understood her essence.

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