How to draw a tiger head with an open mouth. Courses for the development of intelligence


Tiger drawing lesson, first you will learn from the pictures how simple and easy it is to draw a tiger's head with a pencil in stages, and at the end of the lesson there will be a video realistic drawing tiger head.

We must have at least three simple pencil, hard (2-4H), soft (1-2V, HB are also soft) and very soft (6-8V), as well as an eraser. I warn you right away, this is not professional drawing on A1 paper and where you need to draw each hair, no. We draw in order to learn how to draw a tiger's face, learn to see the scale and learn how to primitively (but pretty well) apply shadows, a sheet of A4 paper and even half of A4 is enough. The lesson is not difficult, everything is clear, the difficulty may arise at the very end, but this is not scary, because. you've already drawn the tiger's head, and "shadow ownership" will come later.

Step 1. Now we take the hardest pencil, we need soft ones only at the last stage, we apply all the lines without pressing, lightly. First, draw a circle, it is divided by two parallel lines in the middle of the circle. every half horizontal line divided into three equal segments. Roughly also divide the bottom vertical line and go down, as in the picture, there will be a chin.

Step 2. Draw the eyes of the tiger. First, draw two circles (pupils) and around them draw the outline of the eyes. Erase the unnecessary part of the eye from above. Then we draw the nose itself and two parallel lines from it.

Step 3. We draw the ears of the tiger and the line of the back of the head, click on the drawing to enlarge. Then we draw the muzzle of the tiger, the extreme point of the muzzle should not go beyond the levels of the eyes, shown by the dotted line. Each half should be just below our main circle. Then we draw a chin.

Step 4. Still drawing with a hard pencil. We color around the eyes. I left a contour on one eye so that you could see where and how to draw lines, the other eye was completely painted over. We finish the lines in the ears, draw three stripes on the muzzle (this is where the mustache will grow from).

Step 5. Draw the color of the tiger. If this picture is very colorful, then click on the next one, it is more pleasing to the eye. For a long time and monotonously we draw each spot on the muzzles of the tiger, do not make the lines too thick, I deliberately narrowed them a little, because then we will go over them with a pencil. Under the nose we make dark spots, at the bottom of the nose we make a small partition and above the lips we also make a partition. Then we draw a mustache at a tiger.

Step 6. Erase the circle, dashes, two intersecting lines. Now we take the softest pencil and make dashes on the lines of the mustache. Look next image, what hatching will be, we will use the upper one for hatching the stripes of the tiger, the lower one for the edges of the fur of the chin, the head itself, and the ears. You can always use the lower one, but you can be tormented.

Step 7. We will need very soft and medium soft pencils. First of all, we take a very soft pencil (6-8 V) and stroke the surface of the spots right along our drawn pale spots, slightly going beyond the edges, unevenly, so that there is an illusion of wool. We direct darker around the eyes, on top we hatch a little, as if eyelashes. We paint over the eyes. We make the ears fluffy, we already need the bottom hatching (in separate lines). Then we take the edges of the head, then the chin.

Welcome to another drawing lesson! Now we will learn (at the request of the participants and visitors of the site) how to draw a tiger. Let's break our lesson into several small and important steps, which will help you make the right pencil drawing of this beautiful predator step by step. First of all, we will draw a base - a sketch that will show the main features and proportions of the tiger, then we will take on the structure and large details, and at the end we will add shadows, texture and the smallest details.

So, if you have stocked up with an eraser and a sheet (the larger the format, the better), then we can start drawing.

1. How to draw a tiger. Proportions

First we need to outline the proportions of the tiger. The contour is drawn with light strokes. big circle will be a muzzle. Let's divide it into four parts using axes. This will help us in the future to calculate exactly where the eyes, nose, stripes, etc. are located. Also

First we need to outline the proportions of the tiger. The contour is drawn with light strokes. The big circle will be the muzzle. Let's divide it into four parts using axes. This will help us in the future to calculate exactly where the eyes, nose, stripes, etc. are located. Also pay attention to the drawing that should turn out in the final version.

Please note that the circle should not be at the bottom and not at the top, it is best to place it in the very center, so that later there would be enough space for the body.

The following sketch can clearly show you how a tiger's head is built. We divide the upper half of the circle into two equal halves (dotted line). Next, draw the ears. Note that the lower edge of the ears just fits dotted line. Don't forget to include small bumps. Also, it is worth remembering that the ears stand diagonally to the main axes and are equal in size to half of the upper part (visually shown by the letters L).

In the next sketch, we see that it's time to draw the lower part of the muzzle. We also divide it into two halves and draw a part of the muzzle in the lower part, which resembles the letter W. Note that the width of this part is equal to the height (indicated by red and gray arrows). If you look closely at the picture, you will see that our tiger looks a little to the side, so the parts of the tiger's muzzle are slightly shifted relative to the center lines.

We continue to add the main details. Add a nose triangle. On both edges of the main line, add a couple of curves that outline the line of the nose. We draw the lower lip and a large oval of the chin with two lines.

We draw eyes. To make the sketch clear, I explain in more detail. The eyes are almond shaped. The blue arrows show that the distance from the eye to the top of the head is equal to the size of the ears. Make four equal distances - one more eye should fit between the eye and the center line.

Now, having got rid of the extra lines, we see that our tiger becomes like itself. Add some lines that will show the main features of the body. Since the head of the tiger is not the same as that of a person and will not fit into the circle, we add a collapse line between the ears and sideburns on both sides. Two additional oval lines from the bottom of the face to the forehead. Two lines that represent the body. The lines of the body can be drawn later, but I tend to believe that you need to see a holistic image in front of you in order to feel the fullness of its form.

Now remove the circle and centerlines. We won't need them anymore.

2. How to draw a tiger with a pencil. Structure, details and details of the tiger.

We have drawn the main proportions of the predator and now we are moving on to working out the details and a more detailed plan.

We start with the eyes and nose. Let's give them their final shape. Here, multi-colored lines show the main lines.

Nose. The nose is shaped like a rounded W.

Ears. The ears can be drawn finished right away before we make the bottom part. The ears are at the very top, and in further drawing we will not touch them with our hand.

What do you need to draw an ear. Take an HB pencil and draw a lot of tiny dots along the contour of the ear. This will make them look fluffy. Then make them a little darker on the left side. Then add a bundle long hair, which will remain white, do not need to paint over them inside. Take a soft pencil and shade around these hairs.

Next step. Around the muzzle and chin we draw a contour from

Next step. Around the muzzle and chin we draw a contour of small hairs - the same as with the contour of the ears, only the hairs should be slightly larger.

Add a long mustache with free sweeping hand movements. Closer to the chin, the mustache becomes a little shorter.

fur pattern

The pattern of tiger fur must be approached carefully. These will be white and black zigzag spots on the face of the tiger.

We draw two large spots above the eyes and under the eyes. Pay attention to the arrows that indicate very important bulges

We draw two more white spots closer to the ears and the beginning of the rim around the muzzle, which begins at the nose.

That's all! If you have mastered the lines, consider that the drawing will turn out, since the sketch is ready.

3. Next and last step in drawing the Tiger: Final texture.

The third part of the drawing is the final and, in my opinion, the most interesting, as the final touches are worked out here. It is better if you draw with pencils of different hardness and softness, so that you can see the difference in texture.

Eyes. fill the pupil soft pencil and leave a white highlight inside.

Make the lower eyelids very dark. Make some bold lines to give the eyelid a 3D effect.

We make the upper eyelid with one bold line and add a few cilia.

We draw the iris. With a hard pencil, make slightly curved lines towards the center of the pupil, as shown by the blue lines. This way you get an interesting visual effect.

Nose. With a soft pencil, draw clear lines under the nose. Then draw many small hairs along the upper horizontal line of the nose. On the right, as shown by the arrow, we denote a small shadow from the nose and shade it with light gray. Also, three arrows indicate darker areas that need to be shaded a little darker.

Fur. When drawing fur, it is important that your pencils are very sharp. We take soft to indicate dark stripes. Now we shade all the lines-stripes on the muzzle, which we marked earlier, with thin dashes-strokes, in the direction as shown in this picture. Thus, we will achieve not only dark stripes, but also the texture of the fur, which consists of hairs. Remember that the direction of the lines or strokes is very important here. On the forehead they should

Fur. When drawing fur, it is important that your pencils are very sharp. We take soft to indicate dark stripes. Now we shade all the lines-stripes on the muzzle, which we marked earlier, with thin dashes-strokes, in the direction as shown in this picture. Thus, we will achieve not only dark stripes, but also the texture of the fur, which consists of hairs. Remember that the direction of the lines or strokes is very important here. On the forehead, they should be turned up, from the sides - from the corner of the eye to the side, on the sideburns - slightly down.

Next, we take a hard pencil, also sharpened sharply, and stroke everything between the black and white stripes. I would especially like to focus on the white stripes. You don't have to enter their territory. Also fur space gray color quite large and no need to try to fill them with long strokes. The hair on the muzzle of the tiger is short, and the strokes should also be short. At the bottom of the muzzle, they can be made a little longer than on the forehead. The direction of the strokes is the same as on the black stripes.

The fur on the nose is indistinguishable. Not a single hair is visible on the nose of a tiger, because the hairs are very small. To achieve the effect of fur, you need to do this: shade the nose, make it a little darker at the sides, and then make some dots along the edges of the nose and on the nose, which can indicate that there is not bare skin, but hair.

We make the black dots between the whiskers and on the chin of the tiger slightly elongated.

Let's add a few bright dots on the sides of the bridge of the nose to emphasize its borders. This completes the muzzle of the tiger. It remains in a few quick steps to finish the visible part of the body.

The first thing we will do is take a soft pencil, preferably 4B, and with small clear strokes draw a few lines under the muzzle. Naturally, you need to try to make them even, it is advisable to first outline them with a weak outline.

Secondly, take a pencil B and shade on the sides, or, if I may say so, outline the body along the fronts. The near part, the one on the right, is lighter, and the far part, on the left, is darker.

Here is the final drawing of the tiger. This is exactly what you should get. You can see that there are a few extra points here that have been added to final version: the skin in front of the ball is indicated by long but light strokes; the body along the fronts was supplemented and became darker, in addition, several stripes were added on the left side; on the sideburns, a few oblique strokes have been added that emphasize the texture of the tiger's hair.

This concludes another drawing lesson. Here we took a detailed look at How to Learn to Draw a Tiger.

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How easy it is to draw a tiger with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful tiger with a pencil in stages with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful tiger cub.

Every person in his life dreams of learning how to draw beautifully, especially children, they are interested in learning how to draw not only trees, the sun, people, houses, flowers, but also different animals.

Today we will see how you can easily and quickly learn how to draw a tiger. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the tiger is drawn. Look at the location of the tiger, how and where its body, head, tail, paws are located.

The body of a tiger is drawn in the center of the picture, the head of the tiger is on the left, the tail of the tiger is on the right, the paws of the tiger are drawn below. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts body of the tiger, first of all determine where the body of the tiger will be drawn.

Start drawing the tiger from the body, it consists of two identical circles, there should be a small distance between the circles, draw one circle higher, the second lower, connect these two circles with a line from below.

Now, a little higher from the body of the tiger, draw a small circle - this will be the head of the tiger and connect the head of the tiger and the body with two lines.

Draw the muzzle of the tiger, it should be round and slightly pointed towards the bottom, draw the eyes of the tiger.

Now draw the two front paws of the tiger, they should be drawn as curved lines.

Draw the tiger's tail, it should be drawn with right side towards the top is long and curved.

Now we need to draw the muzzle of the tiger.

Draw the ears of the tiger, they should be drawn at the top in the form of small triangles, the edges of the ears should be slightly rounded, draw the eyes in the form of small ovals, with pointed corners at the ends.

Draw the tiger's eyebrows, they should be drawn in two small arcs. Draw the nose in the form of a small oval, elongated to the left and right. Draw the mouth as a small curved line.

Put a small hatch on the tiger's head on the right and on the chest - this will be the tiger's fur. In the figure, everything that needs to be drawn is drawn in red.

Now connect the head of the tiger and the body with a smooth line - this will be the back of the tiger, draw a curved line around the lower circle that ends in the center of the lower circle - this will be the hind leg of the tiger, because he is sitting in the picture. Draw the front paws of the tiger. In the figure, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in red.

Draw the front paws of the tiger, draw the fingers. Draw the hind paw of the tiger and its fingers, the second paw is not visible, because the tiger sits sideways. Draw the tiger's tail, it should be long and beautiful. Circle the contour of the tiger, erase the extra lines, color the tiger so that it is beautiful, striped.

Now let's draw another tiger, he is drawn standing up and looking the other way.

Look carefully at the picture, the body of the tiger is located in the center of the picture, the head is drawn on the right, and the tail is on the left, the tiger is standing, so all four paws are visible.

Take paper and pencil and start drawing the tiger from its torso. First draw two identical circles - this will be the body of the tiger. A little higher, draw another circle, a little smaller - this will be the head of the tiger.

Draw the ears of the tiger, they should be drawn in the form of two small triangles, the edges of the triangles should be slightly curved at the edges. Apply a small shading around the head - this will be the fur of the tiger.

Now draw the face of the tiger. First you need to draw the eyes, draw two small arcs, then draw the tiger's nose in the form of a small oval. At the bottom draw a mouth, it should be drawn in the form of small curved lines. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Draw the eyes of the tiger in the form of small ovals elongated and pointed at the corners, draw the lower part of the tiger's head. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Now you need to draw the two front paws of the tiger, draw the fingers on the paws. Connect the head and torso of the tiger, draw the chest and put a small stroke on it. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Connect the head and body of the tiger curved line and connect the front of the torso and the back of it from below. draw hind legs and fingers on them. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Now draw the tail of the tiger, it should be drawn on the left long, almost to the ground. The tail in the figure is drawn in red.

Circle the contour of the tiger, erase the extra lines that you no longer need, draw stripes on the tiger, color them.

Look what a beautiful tiger you have.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, for drawing two tigers in stages, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw. We wish you good luck in your future work.

Today you will learn how to draw a tiger easily and quickly. The figure of this animal is a reflection of its grace and predatory disposition. Our task is not only to maintain proportions, but also to convey the character, the threat emanating from the beast.

How to draw a tiger step by step

Getting started, remember the proportions, keep in mind the figure of a cat.

Stage 1

The shoulders and sacrum of a big cat are denoted by circles. Remember that the shoulders of the tiger are higher and better developed than the sacrum, the body is elongated. The third circle is the head, the skull of this animal is round and short. The lines indicate the paws and tail. The length of the latter is less than the length of the body.

Stage 2

We work out the head in detail. It is important to show the power and strength of the bones intended for a deadly bite. To maintain symmetry and proportions, we divide the circle vertically in half, and horizontally into three parts. The tiger's nose is dense and short, it is located on the border of the first and second thirds, small eyes are on the border of the second and third horizontals. We place the ears in the center of the top of the vertical parts of the head.

We make out the outline of the head with strokes, showing short and thick hair on the head, highlight the stripes.

Stage 3

The hind limbs are longer than the front ones, which is why the tiger jumps so well, powerfully springing. Performing the contour of the paws, tail, we remember the powerful muscles and grace.

With soft lines we outline the circumferences of the sacrum and chest, uniting them into a strong torso.

Stage 4

We work out the details, apply stripes, designate the volume with the help of light and shadow.

How to draw a tiger with a pencil

Let's draw a tiger with a pencil in motion. We draw familiar circles, but arrange them differently: in the foreground is a small head, then a powerful withers, the last is the sacrum. Drawing the head in a three-quarter turn, remember its rounded outlines, voluminous, but not long nose.

We depict the front paws. One of them gently stands on the ground, the second - with a brush picked up in motion.

From the withers, we draw the back slightly roundly, smoothly transferring the line to the tail. From the front paws we draw a line of the abdomen, draw gently standing side by side hind legs.

We remove unnecessary sketch lines, leave a clean outline of the animal, proceed to the study small parts: mustache, coat contour, stripes. With a soft pencil we mark all the contours of the body, details and stripes.

How to draw a tiger for a child

For a child, a tiger is a big cat. Therefore, in children's creativity and drawings for children, he appears as a large playful kitten with a characteristic color and stripes.

The central place in the drawing is occupied by a muzzle radiating fun, curiosity and kindness. Head with small triangles of ears more body, paws are soft, the stripes are indicated schematically. The colors are bright and pleasing to the eye.

Example for beginners

Beginning artists can draw a tiger with basic proportions but not photographic likeness.

Draw a saber-toothed tiger

The primitive relative of the modern predator is more muscular, short-legged and incredibly aggressive. The characteristic details of his appearance are enlarged, curved upper fangs, fur that does not have a tiger-like color. To use the capabilities of the fangs, the animal could open its mouth 95 degrees (maximum modern cats- 65 degrees). Their tail is relatively short.

Let's start drawing saber-toothed tiger from the usual circles denoting the shoulders and sacrum of the smilodon. The head is denoted by a square, which we immediately divide into 4 equal parts.

We connect the circles with smooth arcs, denoting the contour of the body, on the sides, in the upper part of the square-head we draw arcs, we also add an arc diagonally to the lower left quarter. We outline the paws and a short tail.

Let's work out the head in detail. From the upper arcs we form ears, a bared upper jaw. We show a wide open mouth, fangs, the contour of the lower jaw, small eyes.

Putting the details together common contour, draw a strong neck, torso, paws, tail. We apply stains of color, add volume with the help of shaded and light areas.

We draw the Amur tiger

The Amur tiger lives in a cold area, so its coat is especially thick, and its ears are short. His appearance almost does not differ from his relatives living in a warm area.

Consider the beautiful coloring of a tiger on his example and practice drawing a grinning muzzle of a predator.

We draw a white (Bengal) tiger

The white Bengal tiger is artificially bred to decorate zoos. That doesn't make it any less predatory.

We draw a white tiger in the same way as a regular one. But when drawing in color, remember that the stripes on a white background are red-brown, and the eyes of a predator are blue.

tiger muzzle

Drawing the muzzle of a tiger, let us dwell in detail on its predatory grin.

We draw the main circle, then a small circle, halfway down on it. In the center of the main circle there is an oval, along its edges there are symmetrically small circles (future eyes). From the sides of the circle, at eye level, we denote ears pressed to the head.

We draw the details: pupils, folds on the forehead, bridge of the nose, jaws, lips and teeth.

We remove unnecessary details of the sketch, clearly mark the clean outline with a soft pencil, add stripes.

We carry out the drawing in color, using orange, black, white, yellow colors.

We draw a tiger with paints

The big cat, made with paints, has everything characteristics: orange-black color, soft outlines, round head.

With a pencil we make a sketch of a sitting animal.

Add color using characteristic shades. We make out the background.

painted pictures of tiger

For self-analysis, we will provide you with a few drawn examples.

Video lessons

In this tutorial we will look at how to draw a realistic face of a tiger with a pencil step by step front view and 3/4. The drawing technique was used here from the lesson "" and there was a similar lesson in drawing cat fur in the lesson. Now this pencil drawing technique is applicable to drawing the face of a tiger.

Tiger fur is not as easy to draw as it might seem at first glance. Main difficulties:
- the characteristic arrangement of the stripes, it is individual for each animal, but it also obeys certain laws, without which a tiger will not be a tiger;
- the image of stripes, stripes in stripes, but if their borders with white and orange fur are clear, then it will not be fur, but plastic;
- and the main difficulty is patience, it may seem to you a hundred times that the drawing is spoiled or completed, but you will need to have the courage to bring the matter to the end. Previously, I did not understand this and tore the drawings on early stages. Now I deeply regret it...

Having made a sketch, we begin to push the hairs through the entire drawing for a long and tedious time with a non-writing pen. This is necessary so that the hairs do not merge together, then it will be possible not to sharpen the pencil very often. All pictures are enlarged, look at the pictures close-up.

I have always started with the eyes. It is more convenient for me to see how the beast comes to life. And then it turned out that I did not invent the wheel, that many people do this.

You can already start the stripes. In principle, they should not be forgotten throughout the work. But for now, we'll just outline them. Moreover, I outline them with graphite chips and rubber brushes, this allows me to immediately shade the edges of the stripes and create a fur effect. All movements with the brush are strictly according to the growth of wool.

On dark dots but we put the chin with a rubber brush, with graphite chips:

We remove the excess with a pointed nag.

That's what the muzzle of the tiger turned out.

As a reference for the next tiger, I took this photo of their calendar:

Black stripes should be done with a very soft pencil - 6V or 9V. More hard pencils will give a gray effect.

Avoid white gaps in the center of the stripes. They must be immediately painted over with a pencil, or shaded with a rubber brush.

The most tedious thing is to shade the tiger fur. There are a few tricks here:

1. Those places that are dark in color, after hatching, smooth with a flat rubber brush along the growth of the fur, then shade again from above.

2. If you made a mistake and darkened any area too much - it's okay, we take a sharply jammed nag and wipe off the excess.

3. For hairs, you can use a thin mechanical pencil. The main thing is patience. Long and tedious we hatch one piece of hair.

4. For the edges of the strips, you can take a sharp rubber brush - shade the graphite chips with it, then wipe off the excess with a sharp nag, then again walk with a rubber brush, and so on until an acceptable result is obtained.

5. The fur should not be too "combed", put a little mess in the hairs. But at the same time, there should not be strong negligence. Everything in moderation.

The ultimate work of the tiger.

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