Fairy tales are of the following types. What are the types of fairy tales and their examples? The main types of fairy tales


A fairy tale is a specific phenomenon that unites several genres. Russian fairy tales are usually divided into the following genres: about animals, magical and everyday (anecdotal and novelistic). In historical terms, fairy tales are a rather late phenomenon. The prerequisite for their creation in each nation was the decomposition of the primitive communal system and the decline of the mythological worldview. The most ancient are fairy tales about animals, later fairy tales and anecdotes appeared, and even later short stories.

Basic artistic feature fairy tales - their plot. The plot arose due to the conflict, and the conflict was generated by life. At the heart of a fairy tale there is always an antithesis between a dream and reality. In the world of a fairy tale, a dream triumphs. In a fairy tale always appears main character, the action unfolds around it. The victory of the hero is a mandatory setting of the plot, a fabulous action does not allow violation of chronology or development parallel lines, it is strictly sequential and unilinear.

Fairy tales can be combined in one story. This phenomenon is called contamination (from Latin contaminatio - "mixing.

Fairy-tale plots have the usual epic development: exposition - plot - development of action - climax - denouement. Compositionally, a fairy tale plot consists of motives. A fairy tale usually has a main, central motif. fairy tale motifs are often tripled: three tasks, three trips, three meetings, etc. This creates a measured epic rhythm, a philosophical tone, and restrains the dynamic impetuousness of the plot action. But the main thing is that triplings serve to reveal the idea of ​​the plot. Elementary plots consist of only one motif (probably ancient myths were such). More complex view are cumulative plots (from the Latin cumulare - "increase, accumulation") - resulting from the accumulation of chains of variations of the same motive. Telling fairy tales they used traditional beginnings and endings - initial and final formulas. They have been applied particularly consistently in fairy tales. The most typical are: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived...(beginning); Made a feast for the whole world. And I was there, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth(ending). The beginning led the listeners out of reality into the world of a fairy tale, and the ending brought them back, jokingly emphasizing that the fairy tale is the same fiction as the very same honey beer, which did not enter the mouth.

Tales about animals (or animal epic) are distinguished by the main feature that their main characters are animals. Structurally, the works of the animal epic are diverse. There are single-motif tales ("The Wolf and the Pig", "The Fox drowns the jug"), but they are rare, since the principle of repetition is very developed. First of all, it manifests itself in cumulative plots. different kind. Among them - a three-time repetition of the meeting ("Bast and ice hut"). Plots are known with a multiple line of repetition ("Foolish Wolf"), which can sometimes claim to develop into a bad infinity ("The Crane and the Heron"). But most often cumulative plots presented as multiply (up to 7 times) increasing or decreasing frequency. The last link has a resolving possibility.

For the composition of fairy tales about animals, contamination is of great importance. Only in a small part of these tales are stable plots, but in the main, the index does not reflect plots, but only motives. The motifs connect with each other in the process of storytelling, but are almost never performed separately.

The genre form of the fairy tale was determined in folklore quite late, only after the decline of the mythological worldview. Hero of a fairy tale - a common person, morally and economically infringed as a result of the historical reorganization of the everyday way of life. Actually, the fairy tale conflict is a family conflict, it is in it that the social nature of the fairy tale genre is manifested. Two conflicts of different historical depths - mythological and family - are united within the same genre thanks to the image of the protagonist, who in all his modifications combines mythological and real (everyday) features.

From mythology, the tale inherited two types of hero: "high" (hero) and "low" (fool); the fairy tale itself generated the third type, which can be defined as "ideal" (Ivan Tsarevich). A hero of any type is usually the third younger brother and is named Ivan.

Most ancient type hero - a hero, miraculously born from a totem. endowed with enormous physical force, it expresses the early stage of human idealization. Around the extraordinary strength of the hero. The main role of the heroine of a fairy tale is to be an assistant to the groom or husband. The fairy tale is one of the largest narrative forms of classical folklore. All her plots retain the traditional uniformity of the composition: his kingdom road to another kingdom - in another kingdom - road from another kingdom - his own kingdom. According to this narrative logic, a fairy tale combines into a whole (into a plot) a chain of motives.

Traditional stylistics played a certain role in the construction of fairy-tale plots: beginnings, endings, as well as internal formulas of a compositional nature.

The presence of formulas is a clear sign of the style of a fairy tale. Many formulas are pictorial character, are associated with wonderful characters, are their peculiar marking.

The fairy tale actively used the poetic style common to many folklore genres: comparisons, metaphors, words with diminutive suffixes; proverbs, sayings, jokes; various nicknames for people and animals Formulas depicting a wonderful horse, Baba Yaga, are widely known. Some fairy tale formulas go back to conspiracies, they retain clear signs magic speech (calling a wonderful horse,

Household fairy tales. In everyday fairy tales, a different view of a person and the world around him is expressed. At the heart of their fiction are not miracles, but reality, folk everyday life.

The events of everyday fairy tales always unfold in one space - conditionally real, but these events themselves are incredible Due to the improbability of events household tales and are fairy tales, not just life stories. Their aesthetics requires an unusual, unexpected, sudden development of action. In everyday fairy tales, purely fantastic characters sometimes appear, such as the devil, grief, share. The plot develops due to the clash of the hero not with magical powers but with difficult life circumstances. The hero comes out unscathed from the most hopeless situations, because he is helped by a happy coincidence of events. But more often he helps himself - with ingenuity, resourcefulness, even trickery. Everyday fairy tales idealize the activity, independence, intelligence, courage of a person in his life struggle.

The artistic sophistication of the narrative form is not characteristic of everyday fairy tales: they are characterized by brevity of presentation, colloquial vocabulary, dialog. Everyday fairy tales do not tend to triple motives and generally do not have such developed plots as fairy tales. Tales of this type do not know colorful epithets and poetic formulas.

Of the compositional formulas, the simplest concept is common in them lived once as a signal for the beginning of a fairy tale. It is archaic in origin.

The artistic framing of everyday fairy tales with beginnings and endings is not mandatory, many of them begin right from the beginning and end with the final touch of the plot itself.

Anecdotal tales . Researchers call everyday anecdotal tales differently: "satiric", "satiric-comic", "everyday", "social everyday", "adventurous". They are based on universal laughter as a means of resolving conflict and destroying the enemy. The hero of this genre is a person humiliated in the family or in society: a poor peasant, a hired worker, a thief, a soldier, a simple-hearted fool, an unloved husband. His opponents are a rich man, a priest, a gentleman, a judge, a devil, "smart" older brothers, an evil wife.

No one accepts such stories as reality, otherwise they would only cause a feeling of indignation. An anecdotal tale is a hilarious farce, the logic of the development of its plot is the logic of laughter, which is opposite to ordinary logic, is eccentric. The anecdotal tale took shape only in the Middle Ages. She absorbed later class contradictions: between wealth and poverty, between peasants. In fairy tales, realistic grotesque is used - fiction based on reality. The tale uses the technique of parody, comic word creation. Anecdotal tales can have an elementary, one-motif plot. They are also cumulative ("Stuffed fool", "Good and bad"). But their especially characteristic property is a free and mobile composition, open to contamination.

Novelistic tales. Everyday short story tales introduced a new quality into narrative folklore: an interest in inner world person.

The theme of short stories is personal life, and the characters are people related to each other by premarital, marital or other family relationships. The heroes of short stories are separated lovers, a slandered girl, a son expelled by his mother, an innocently persecuted wife. According to the content in this genre, the following groups of plots are distinguished: about marriage or marriage (“Signs of a princess”, “ Unsolved riddles"); about the test of women ("The dispute about the fidelity of the wife", "Seven Year Plan"); about the robbers ("The Bridegroom-Robber"); about the predetermination of the predicted fate ("Marko the Rich", "Truth and Falsehood"). Often the plots are " vagrant", developed in different time and in many nations.

In the Russian fairy tale, many short story plots came from folk books XVII-XVIII centuries together with extensive translated literature - chivalric novels and stories. Short stories have a structure similar to fairy tales: they also consist of a chain of motifs with different content. However, unlike fairy tales, short stories depict not the whole life of the hero, but only some episode from it.

Fairy tale types

It is customary to distinguish 6 main types of fairy tales, each of which has its own purpose and special therapeutic effect:

1. artistic fairy tale.

These tales contain centuries of wisdom that the people put into them through their own bitter experience. This also includes author's stories, which are essentially the same fairy tales, parables, myths. An artistic fairy tale has a didactic, psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective effect. Initially, it was not created for treatment at all, but today this type of story is successfully used by a huge number of psychotherapists.

2. Folk tale.

The oldest folk tales are called myths. The oldest basis of fairy tales and myths is the unity of nature and man. In the ancient consciousness, it was customary to revive human relationships and feelings (grief, love, suffering, etc.), to personalize them. The same approach is used today in the method of fairy tale therapy.

Fairy tale plots:
Among the huge variety fairy tales the following stories can be distinguished:

- Tales about animals and relationships with them.

An interesting fact is that children under 5 years of age identify themselves with animals and try to resemble them in many ways, therefore, in this period of life, it is fairy tales about animals, life experience contained in stories about animals that will be more understandable and close to them.

- Household fairy tales.
They often talk about the difficulties in family life, as well as proposed solutions to conflicts. In this type of fairy tale, the main emphasis is on a healthy sense of humor and leadership. common sense concerning troubles and adversities. They introduce us to small family tricks that make life better. Such fairy tales are optimal when working not only with preschoolers, but also with teenagers.

- Tales of transformations, transformations.

We all know sad story about the Ugly Duckling, who eventually won his place in life and the team. These stories are great for working with those with low self-esteem or for working with adopted children.

- Scary stories.

These tales contain various evil spirits- ghouls, witches, ghouls and others. For all peoples in the children's subculture, a special place is given to horror stories that allow children to heal themselves. This method of self-therapy invites the child to reproduce and experience a terrible situation in a fairy tale many times, thanks to which children get rid of the accumulated tension and master new ways of responding to the problem. To increase the child's resistance to stress and relieve him of tension, it is recommended to tell horror stories to a group of children and adolescents (not younger than 7 years old). However, when conducting such a lesson, it is necessary to observe 2 important rules: the story should be produced in a "terrible" voice, and the end of the story should be very unexpected and very funny.

- Fairy tales.

These stories are perfect for 6-7 year olds. It is a fairy tale that helps to create a “concentrate” of wisdom in the subconscious and to assimilate information about spiritual development personality.

For a successful struggle with inner feelings, it is best to choose author's fairy tales. Despite the fact that they contain too a large number of own projections and experiences of the author, this allows the child to penetrate deeper into the problem and find a way to solve it.

4. Didactic fairy tale.

Often, in the form of these fairy tales, various educational tasks are framed. For example, there are mathematical tasks written in the form of a didactic fairy tale. To solve an example in such a task means to pass the test, to cope with difficulties. If a number of examples are solved, this can lead the hero to success and finally cope with the problem.

5. Psycho-corrective fairy tale.

Actually, this is a fairy tale that helps to correct certain patterns of children's behavior. But in order for it to lead to the expected result, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles when creating it:
It should be based on the same problem as that of the child, but veiled, without a direct resemblance to it.
In a fairy tale, it is necessary to offer the child a substitute experience, with the help of which the child can choose one or another course of action in order to solve his problem.

The life of a fairy tale is continuous creative process. In each new era there is a partial or complete renewal fairy story. When it concerns the rearrangement of ideological accents, a new fairy-tale version arises. This feature of the tale requires careful study each fairy text.

In a fairy tale there are constant values ​​that have developed as a result of its traditional character, and variables that have arisen as a result of endless retellings.

The most important feature of a fairy tale - special shape its constructions, special poetics. Narrative and plot, setting for fiction and edification, a special form of narration - these signs are found in various genres epic cycle.

A fairy tale as an artistic whole exists only as a combination of these features. Fairy tales as a whole were one of the most important areas of folk poetic art, which had not only ideological and artistic, but also a huge pedagogical and educational value. The divergence in views on the fairy tale is associated with what is regarded as the main thing in it: the setting for fiction or the desire to reflect reality through fiction.

However, as is often the case in science, the absence of a classical definition does not at all affect the phenomenon itself and has very little effect on life in public consciousness. The essence and vitality of a fairy tale, the secret of its magical being is in the constant combination of two elements of meaning: fantasy and truth.

On this basis, a classification of types of fairy tales arises, although not quite uniform.

Classification of fairy tales (according to T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva):

· psychotherapeutic fairy tales;

· didactic fairy tales;

meditative stories.

Classification of fairy tales (according to V.Ya. Propp):




fairy tales about animals


The most widely used is the classification of fairy tales with a problem-thematic approach, which distinguishes:

fairy tales about animals

fairy tales;

Social and household;

Mixed tales.

The groups of fairy tales do not have sharply delineated boundaries, but, despite the fragility of the distinction, such a classification allows the child to start a substantive conversation about fairy tales within the framework of a conditional "system" - which, of course, facilitates the work of parents, educator or teacher.
About fairy tales included in the circle of reading junior schoolchildren we can say the following.

Tales about animals. folk poetry hugged the whole world, its object was not only man, but also all life on the planet. Depicting animals, the fairy tale gives them human features, but at the same time fixes and characterizes habits, "way of life", etc. Hence the lively, tense text of fairy tales. These are fairy tales gray neck» D. Mamin-Sibiryak, “Traveling Frog” by V.M. Garshin, “Three Bears” by L. Tolstoy, “The First Hunt” by V. Bianchi, “Rikki Tikki Tavi” by Kipling, “Fox-bastfoot” by V.I. Dal.

Man has long felt a kinship with nature, he really was a part of it, fighting with it, seeking protection from it, sympathizing and understanding. The later introduced fable, parable meaning of many fairy tales about animals is also obvious.

Magic tales. Fairy tales of the magical type include magical, adventure, heroic. At the heart of such fairy tales lies a wonderful world. The wonderful world is an objective, fantastic, unlimited world. Thanks to unlimited fantasy and the wonderful principle of organizing material in fairy tales with wonderful world possible "transformation", striking in its speed (children grow by leaps and bounds, every day they become stronger or more beautiful). Not only the speed of the process is unreal, but also its very nature (from the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden"). "Look, the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened. Then she shook off the snow and left the snowdrift live girl". "Conversion" in fairy tales of a wonderful type, as a rule, occurs with the help of magical creatures or objects. So, in the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin, Prince Gvidon turns to his assistant for help and she turns him into a mosquito, then a fly , then into a bumblebee.
Basically, fairy tales are older than others, they bear traces of a person's primary acquaintance with the world around him. Fairy tales with elements of magic include Ch. Perro "A boy with a finger", G. Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina", P. P. Bazhov "Fire-jump", S. T. Aksakov "Scarlet flower".

household tales. A characteristic sign of everyday fairy tales is the reproduction in them everyday life. The conflict of everyday fairy tales often consists in the fact that decency, honesty, nobility under the guise of rusticity and naivety oppose those personality traits that have always caused sharp rejection among the people (greed, anger, envy).
As a rule, in everyday fairy tales there is more irony and self-irony, since good triumphs, but the accidental or singularity of its victory is accentuated. These include "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" by A.S. Pushkin, "Masha the Confused" by L. Voronkova, D. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail."

The diversity of "everyday" fairy tales is characteristic: social-everyday, satirical-everyday, novelistic and others. Unlike fairy tales, everyday fairy tale contains a more significant element of social and moral criticism, it is more definite in its social preferences. Praise and condemnation in everyday fairy tales sound stronger.

Mixed tales. AT recent times in methodical literature information began to appear about a new type of fairy tales - about fairy tales of a mixed type. Of course, fairy tales of this type have existed for a long time, but they were not given of great importance, because they forgot how much they can help in achieving educational, educational and developmental goals. In general, fairy tales of a mixed type are fairy tales of a transitional type.

They combine the features inherent in both fairy tales with a wonderful world, everyday fairy tales. Elements of the miraculous also appear in the form magic items, around which the main action is grouped.
Tale in different forms and scale strives to embody the ideal human existence. For example, the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Pot of Porridge".

Fairy tale belief in the self-worth of the noble human qualities, an uncompromising preference for the good is also based on a call for wisdom, activity, for true humanity. The fairy tales of our blue planet broaden one's horizons, arouse interest in the life and work of other peoples, and instill a sense of trust in all the inhabitants of our Earth who are engaged in honest work. Often it is the literary fairy tale that belongs to this type.

In literary criticism, there is still no single definition of the genre of a literary fairy tale, and no single classification has been created. There are a large number of definitions of a literary fairy tale, which can be conditionally divided into two types. The first type of definitions is an enumeration of individual characteristics that are usually inherent in a literary fairy tale, but in specific works These features may or may not be available.

The second type of definitions is an attempt at a generalized universal definition. Yu.F. Yarmysh noted that “A literary fairy tale is such a genre literary work in which moral, ethical or aesthetic problems are solved in a magical-fantastic or allegorical development of events and, as a rule, in original plots and images in prose, poetry and dramaturgy.

In a literary fairy tale, elements of fairy tales about animals, household and fairy tales, adventure and detective stories are intertwined. science fiction and parody literature.

In textbooks for literary reading 1-4 grades are included literary tales Russians and foreign writers. The task of teaching in each class is to deepen children's knowledge about works folk art, expand and enrich the reader's experience, introduce literary ideas and concepts. From class to class, the circle of reading expands, the level of erudition increases. Gradually, children form the concept of a literary (author's) fairy tale, types of fairy tales (magical, everyday, about animals), and a comparison of the author's fairy tales of foreign and Russian writers makes it possible to highlight similarities and differences, the "similarity" of plots, and the peculiarity of their language.

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A fairy tale is one of the main types of oral folk art. Artistic narrative of a fantastic, adventure or everyday nature.

A fairy tale is a work in which the main feature is "an orientation towards revealing the truth of life with the help of conditionally poetic fiction that elevates or reduces reality."

A fairy tale is an abstract form of local legend, presented in a more compressed and crystallized form: Primordial Form folk tales are local lore, parapsychological histories, and stories of miracles that arise as ordinary hallucinations due to the intrusion of archetypal contents from the collective unconscious.

The authors of almost all interpretations define a fairy tale as a kind of oral storytelling with fantastic fiction. The connection with myth and legends pointed out by M.-L. Von Franz takes the fairy tale beyond the limits of a simple fantasy story. A fairy tale is not only poetic fiction or fantasy play; through the content, language, plots and images, it reflects the cultural values ​​of its creator.

Since ancient times, fairy tales have been close and understandable to ordinary people. Fantasy intertwined with reality. Living in need, people dreamed of flying carpets, palaces, self-assembled tablecloths. And always in Russian fairy tales justice triumphed, and good triumphed over evil. It is no coincidence that A. S. Pushkin wrote: “What a charm these fairy tales are! Each is a poem!

Fairy tale composition:

1. Beginning. (“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state they lived, they were ...”).

2. The main part.

3. Ending. (“They began to live - to live and make good” or “They made a feast for the whole world ...”).

Any fairy tale is focused on a socio-pedagogical effect: it teaches, encourages activity and even heals. In other words, the potential of a fairy tale is much richer than its ideological and artistic significance.

The fairy tale differs from other prose genres in its more developed aesthetic side. The aesthetic principle is manifested in idealization goodies, and in the bright image of the "fantastic world", and the romantic coloring of events.

The wisdom and value of a fairy tale lies in the fact that it reflects, reveals and allows you to experience the meaning of the most important universal values ​​and life meaning generally. From the point of view of everyday meaning, the fairy tale is naive, from the point of view of life meaning, it is deep and inexhaustible.

The most important ideas, the main problems, the plot cores and, most importantly, the alignment of forces that carry out good and evil, in fact, are the same in fairy tales. different peoples. In this sense, any fairy tale knows no boundaries, it is for all mankind.

On this basis, a classification of types of fairy tales arises, although not quite uniform. Thus, with a problem-thematic approach, fairy tales dedicated to animals, fairy tales about unusual and supernatural events, adventure fairy tales, social and everyday life, fairy tales-jokes, shifting fairy tales and others are distinguished.

To date, the following classification of Russian folk tales has been adopted:

1. Tales about animals;

2. Fairy tales;

3. Household fairy tales.

Animal Tales

In fairy tales about animals, fish, animals, birds act, they talk to each other, declare war on each other, reconcile. Such tales are based on totemism (belief in a totem beast, the patron of the clan), which resulted in the cult of the animal. For example, the bear, which became the hero of fairy tales, according to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, could predict the future. Often he was thought of as a terrible, vindictive beast, not forgiving offenses (the fairy tale "The Bear"). The further the faith in that goes, the more confident a person becomes in his abilities, the more possible his power over the animal, the "victory" over him. This happens, for example, in the fairy tales "The Man and the Bear", "The Bear, the Dog and the Cat". Fairy tales differ significantly from beliefs about animals - in the latter, big role plays fiction associated with paganism. The wolf in beliefs is wise and cunning, the bear is terrible. The fairy tale loses its dependence on paganism, becomes a mockery of animals. Mythology in it turns into art. The fairy tale is transformed into a kind of artistic joke - a criticism of those creatures that are meant by animals. Hence the proximity of such tales to fables ("The Fox and the Crane", "The Beasts in the Pit").

Fairy tales

Fairy tales of the magical type include magical, adventure, heroic. At the heart of such fairy tales lies a wonderful world. The wonderful world is an objective, fantastic, unlimited world. Thanks to unlimited fantasy and the wonderful principle of organizing material in fairy tales with a wonderful world of possible "transformation", striking in their speed (children grow by leaps and bounds, every day they become stronger or more beautiful). Not only the speed of the process is unreal, but also its very character (from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden". "Look, the Snow Maiden's lips turned pink, her eyes opened. Then a living girl shook off the snow and came out of a snowdrift. ""Conversion" in fairy tales of a wonderful type, usually occur with the help of magical creatures or objects.

Household fairy tales

A characteristic feature of everyday fairy tales is the reproduction of everyday life in them. The conflict of everyday fairy tales often consists in the fact that decency, honesty, nobility under the guise of rusticity and naivety oppose those personality traits that have always caused sharp rejection among the people (greed, anger, envy).

Tales ... this word makes the heart of both the child and the adult tremble. The children are looking forward to meeting with magical world, adults - remember childhood. Traditionally, it is believed that fairy tales should be told by a grandmother - gray-haired, wise and ancient, like the Universe itself - and kind, like Mother Earth. Or maybe mom read fairy tales, opening a big book with bright pictures ...

Whatever the acquaintance with a fairy tale, it becomes that necessary “school” through which every child passes. However, there are also completely non-childish fairy tales - let's remember Ch. Perrault's "Donkey Skin", after all, not every parent will dare to read to a child a fairy tale about a king who intends to marry his own daughter, and even O. Wilde's cruelly sad fairy tale "The Infanta's Birthday" heavy for children.

Chronologically, the most ancient can be considered fairy tales about animals. They date back to the era of totemism, when a person considered himself a descendant of an animal - and this allowed him to be on a par with those whom we now call "our smaller brothers." common feature such tales are animals acting like people. A typical example is a fairy tale about a fox and a hare who built their own huts - ice and bast ...

The animal in such tales correspond to certain human types: the fox is cunning, the wolf is angry and aggressive, but not very smart, the bear is also not smart, but kind, the hare is peaceful and defenseless ... It is interesting that these types are international. Discover the poem by J. W. Goethe "Reinicke the Fox", based on the medieval "Romance of the Fox", which in turn goes back to folk tales about animals - and you will see all the same "animal-human types" that are familiar to us from Russian fairy tales.

A special category of fairy tales about animals are those in which a person is present. The relationship between man and animals can be different. Yes, in famous fairy tale“Tops and Roots” a person triumphs over a bear - apparently, this plot was born already when a person realized himself as a rational, thinking being, capable of dominating nature to a certain extent.

Another category is fairy tales. Speaking of "fairy tales in general", most often they mean exactly them. There is everything here that goes beyond the framework of everyday reality: “some kingdom-some state” (from the point of view of ancient man- the other world), wizards, fairies, people turning into animals, objects with miraculous powers, spells, otherworldly creatures like Western elves or our Baba Yaga ... Often the basis of such plots is the motive of initiation - the rite of passage: the hero must trials to marry a princess, get half a kingdom, etc. - in a word, to be reborn in a new quality. That is why the motive of "difficult tasks" is typical for magical initiatory tales: to build a palace in one night, etc.

And finally - household tales. There is nothing miraculous about them - in such stories we meet with ordinary people, however, more interesting, quick-witted or remarkable for something else. These include, for example, fairy tales about an experienced soldier (the most famous is “Porridge from an ax”). These fairy tales are very young - they were born after the era of Peter the Great ... and in general, everyday fairy tales can be considered the youngest. Perhaps they began to compose them already when the worldview of a person became less "mystical"?

Of course, such a division is somewhat arbitrary - for example, in fairy tales there may well be humanized animals (such as gray wolf helping Ivan Tsarevich). And yet this classification to a certain extent reflects the path traversed by mankind.

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