Pencil drawing for preschoolers. What does drawing give children


Drawing - first look creative activity child. WITH early age children take up pencils and paints, creating their own picturesque “masterpieces” with their still naughty pens. TO primary school drawing becomes a conscious, systematic exercise. At this stage, it does not matter at all whether the child has artistic talent. Painting lessons for him - required condition formation of a versatile, harmonious personality.

The role of drawing in child development

A picture painted by a small artist is a source of pride for any parent. However, for the development of the child, painting is valuable not as a result, but as a direct creative process.

The benefits of drawing for children are undeniable and justified with scientific point vision:

  1. Artistic activities develop fine motor skills, and this is the stimulation of brain regions responsible for thinking, speech, visual and motor memory, and coordination. During drawing, both hemispheres of the brain are involved, interhemispheric connections actively arise.
  2. The child develops spatial intelligence and imagination.
  3. In the process of work, the child receives real result- drawing. This teaches him goal-setting and forms an orientation towards effective activity.
  4. Through the drawing, the child expresses himself, projects his psychological state onto the paper.
  5. Drawing is considered a soothing and peaceful activity. It is especially useful to draw for children prone to whims, depression and neurosis.
  6. Systematic painting lessons teach the child to structure time, develop perseverance, form discipline.
  7. Through painting, children learn to think creatively the world and to understand that each person has his own perception of reality, sees objects and phenomena in his own way.
  8. Drawing is a process that involves experimentation, creativity, individual vision of objects. It is in the process of working on a drawing that a child learns to perceive his mistakes - but as a chance to create something new and unique. Such an approach helps the artist to be liberated, to become more independent and successful.
  9. The process of creating a picture allows a person to feel himself not as a “grain of sand”, but as a creator, which favorably affects his self-esteem and self-identification.
  10. Looking at pictures, choosing a palette, bringing the work to perfection, the child learns to distinguish between nuances, to see the general and the particular, to compare and generalize.
  11. The main thing that drawing gives children from the point of view of aesthetic education is familiarization with global culture through the fine arts.
  12. Developing associative thinking, skills of orientation in space, projection on a plane, drawing is important for schoolchildren as a key to understanding mathematical, physical models and mastering other disciplines.

How boys and girls draw

Surprising but true: children's drawing you can determine who drew it - a boy or a girl. Psychological differences between the sexes leave their mark on the perception and artistic reflection of reality.

In girls, the hemisphere of the brain responsible for creative thinking, imagination, emotions. Therefore, the little representatives of the fair sex pay special attention to trifles, careful drawing of living characters.

Boys are more typical technical details and schematic representation of people. Actively involved right hemisphere in men, it is responsible for logic, analysis and literal perception of symbols.

The same task will be performed differently by a student and a student sitting at the same desk. The boy will focus on the detailed study of cars, buildings, not paying much attention to the "decorations" and the population of a fictitious city. Girls are interested in decorating, they will be happy to depict curtains on the windows, a flower bed, draw faces and outfits of residents. At the same time, the house itself may well exist on paper in a schematic form.

The importance of drawing lessons at school

Modern educational standards welcome individual approach to the students. The task of the teacher of fine arts is a comprehensive creative development children, the formation of a harmonious personality involved in the global artistic culture, taking into account individual characteristics every child. The teacher creates conditions for the manifestation of fantasy, supports the independence of children, demonstrating only the basics of drawing.

What does drawing give students if they are not taught at the fine arts, as before? The former principles of the lesson, when the class was offered a single task, without the opportunity to show their own "I", today are morally obsolete. Psychological differences between the sexes, different levels of giftedness in the team require a free form of training. The teacher does not teach children directly the techniques of painting, but only arouses in the student an interest in the fine arts, teaches them to understand and appreciate beauty, pushes them to self-expression through drawing.

Even if the child does not aspire to become an artist, the skills acquired in the process of drawing will definitely come in handy in adulthood:

  • accuracy of vision and observation are necessary qualities for scientists, engineers, physicians, investigators, technicians;
  • a musician, a surgeon, a driver, a mechanic, a worker at a machine tool cannot do without a clear coordination between the hand and the eye;
  • developed imagination have inventors, researchers - people pushing forward science and technology.

The task of adults is to encourage in every possible way in the child the desire to pick up paper and brush, and the sooner this happens, the better.

Comprehending the world around them, children try to express their impressions about it by means of cognitive and creative activities: playing, drawing, telling. Drawing provides a huge opportunity here. To enable kids to express themselves in a variety of ways, you can engage in drawing with your child as in traditional techniques ah, and in the most unusual. The more interesting the conditions in which the child’s visual activity will take place, the faster his creative abilities will develop. Let's see what children's drawing techniques can be used for the development of the child.

Traditional drawing techniques

The basis of the general comprehensive development of the child is laid at a younger preschool age. Drawing is one of the most important means of child development, during which the baby learns the world, forms an aesthetic attitude towards it.

When drawing, a child develops a wide variety of abilities, namely:

  • the child learns to visually evaluate the shape of an object, navigate in space, distinguish and feel colors
  • trains eyes and hands
  • develops the hand.

“Did you know that drawing is one of the main ways for the versatile development of a child, his sensations, fine motor skills of hands, a sense of shape and color? With the help of this simple and exciting activity, children convey their attitude to reality.

The success of education and training depends on what forms and methods a teacher or parent uses in creative activities with a child.

So, the main technique for younger children up to school age is a demonstration of how to use a pencil and paint. At the same age, passive drawing is effective: when an adult leads the baby's hand. When the baby grows up a little, visual activity they teach using the information-receptive method: children study the shape of an object, circling it with their hand, feeling the outlines. Such a study of the subject helps the baby to create a more complete picture of the subject. The next step is the choice of drawing technique.

Traditional children's drawing techniques:

  1. Drawing with a simple pencil.
  2. Drawing with colored pencils.
  3. Drawing with markers.
  4. Drawing with a brush - watercolor, gouache.
  5. Drawing with wax crayons.

When starting to choose a drawing technique for a crumb, you need to pay attention to his age and interest. To be useful and educational, drawing must first of all be fun.

Drawing with paints and pencils

Children enjoy drawing, especially if they are good at it. Even drawing with such traditional techniques as drawing with paints and pencils requires certain skills. If there are no skills, then the drawing may not turn out the way you intended. little artist, as a result of which the child may be upset and no longer want to draw. Younger preschoolers are not yet skilled enough in drawing.

Let's see how you can teach your kid to draw with paints and pencils.

Learning to draw with paints

Today, the first use of paint by a child is finger painting. As soon as the baby has learned to hold the brush in his hand, invite him to draw with it. For the first lessons, it is better to use: it does not need to be diluted with water and it leaves a bright mark. Show your child such a drawing technique as “sticking”: you need to attach a brush with paint to the paper with all the pile. This will turn out to be an imprint - a leaflet, a light, a trace of an animal, a flower, etc. Children can use this simple technique when depicting natural phenomena familiar to them. It will be interesting to draw on paper dark color(for example, blue) white gouache. So you can depict, say, a snowfall. The next stage of drawing with paints is the image of straight and wavy lines.

Usually the baby masters the work with paints and brushes by 3.5 - 4 years. From this age, the crumbs can be given paints at his disposal: let him draw what he wants. And parents just need to suggest topics for drawing and show the right techniques.

Starting to draw with a pencil

At first, it is better for the baby to give not a pencil in his hand, but a felt-tip pen: they leave a bright mark even with a slight pressure of the child's pen. When the hand gets stronger, put a pencil in his hand. Draw different figures together, moving the child's hand. So gradually he will understand how to move the pencil in order to get the desired drawing. Repeat the movements many times, fixing them.

"Advice. Keep your child interested in drawing by providing good conditions for creativity: high-quality accessories, a separate table and chair in a bright place, corresponding to the growth of the child.

Children's non-traditional drawing techniques

Unconventional Techniques child drawing stimulate the development of imagination and creative thinking, the manifestation of initiative and independence, the baby. In the process of such drawing, a preschooler will improve his powers of observation, form an individual perception of art and beauty, and try to create something beautiful. And non-traditional drawing brings children a lot of positive emotions.

Let's see what non-traditional techniques drawing you can do with your child at home.

For younger children preschool age:

  1. Finger drawing. The kid dips his fingers in gouache and paints on paper.
  2. Drawing with palms. The baby applies gouache to the entire palm and makes prints on paper, which can later become funny pictures.

For children of middle preschool age:

  1. Foam print. The child dips a piece of foam rubber into the paint and makes an imprint on paper.
  2. Cork imprint.
  3. Combined drawing with wax crayons and watercolor. Kid draws a picture wax crayons on paper, and then paints only a sheet of paper with watercolor, without affecting the drawing.
  4. Drawing with cotton swabs or drinking tubes. By dipping them in paint and applying them in different ways, you can make an interesting picture.

For older children:

  1. Painting with sand or salt.
  2. "Spray". By picking up paint on a brush and hitting it on cardboard over paper, the child will receive a whole firework of splashes of paint that will fall on paper.
  3. Drawing with crumpled paper. Pieces of crumpled paper are dyed and pressed against the paper where the painting plans to appear.
  4. Classography. Through a cocktail tube, you can blow multi-colored blots. And you can put them with an ordinary plastic spoon. Using fantasy, blots can be turned into funny characters or landscape elements.
  5. Monotype. Covering thick paper or ceramic tiles with a thick layer of paint, and then attaching a sheet of paper, we get a blurry print on paper that can become the basis for a landscape.
  6. Engraving (grattage). Having painted over a sheet of paper with a dense layer of gouache, try scratching it out with your child using toothpicks.

We use different materials

“Did you know that a variety of non-traditional children's drawing techniques are becoming more popular every day? Drawing, kids act as they like.

The beauty of non-traditional drawing techniques is that in the creative process, the child can use a variety of different materials and their combinations. That is why these drawing methods are very interesting for both children and adults: there is no limit to imagination and self-expression.

What combinations of materials when drawing can be used to creative process brought pleasure, and the picture turned out to be unusual and expressive?

  1. Imprints of natural materials. If cover different colors leaves, cones, flowers, and then attach to paper, you get an imprint. Having completed the missing details, the child will have an excellent one.
  2. Plasticine. From plasticine, you can not only sculpt figures, but draw them on paper. This method is called plasticineography.
  3. Everything at hand. With the help of a wooden spool for thread, the thread itself, buttons of various sizes and shapes, a cardboard tube, a fresh orange peel, a corn cob, knitting needles and everything that can be found in the house and adapted for creativity, you can draw. Each item leaves its own unique imprint. With a little imagination, you can create unusual paintings with the help of common household items. The coil will leave a mark that looks like a wheel or two tracks, a button - a circle with dots. Unusual stamps can be cut from the peel of an orange, for example, in the form of a spiral. And the function of the paint roller will be performed by a corn cob or a cardboard tube.

Drawing is a great leisure activity for a preschooler, a job that should not be forced. However, it is important to support the child and positively evaluate the results of his work. Expand your child's creativity. traditional drawing will teach the child to properly handle a brush, paints, pencils and felt-tip pens, teach to recognize and draw different forms to distinguish colors. And non-traditional drawing techniques will help him become more creative, emotionally stable, confident in his abilities, proactive.

drawing for preschoolers

Advice for parents

Educator MKDOU No. 42 "Mother's School" Nevinnomyssk Zolottseva E. B.

And at ten, and at seven, and at five

All children love to draw.

And everyone boldly draws

Everything that interests him.

Everything is interesting:

Far space, near forest,

Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances.

Let's draw everything!

There would be colors

Yes, a piece of paper on the table

Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

(V. Berestov)

Drawing for a child is not easy interesting activity. While drawing, he develops fine motor skills, trains memory and attention, learns to think and analyze, fantasize, measure and compare. Drawing is one of the most important means of correcting deficiencies in preschool children with developmental problems. In children, thanks to drawing, connected speech is formed. Drawing is involved in the construction of visual images, helps to master the forms, develops sensory-motor coordination. Children comprehend the properties of materials, learn the movements necessary to create certain shapes and lines. All this leads to a gradual understanding of the environment, the aesthetic feelings and abilities of the child develop.

For the comprehensive formation of drawing skills with children with developmental problems in our kindergarten, teachers conduct different kinds classes: subject drawing(performing work from nature, drawing by choice, drawing by representation, plot drawing, decorative drawing.

On initial stage teaching children to draw, teachers include in classes a large number of game moments, play around with objects. The main techniques of the preparatory period: display, "hand in hand" technique. In the future, techniques are more often used: partial display, explanation. In drawing classes, teachers of our kindergarten teach children: to navigate on a sheet of paper, draw objects of various shapes from life, place objects in perspective, convey the obscuration of objects in the far and near images (the house is in front of the tree, the sun behind the cloud, depict a person and animals in movement, draw according to the plots of fairy tales, make a pattern from elements of Dymkovo, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, hold the brush, pencil correctly while drawing, paint over in one direction without going beyond the outline, adequately use color, plan your work (talk about the content of the image, use special terminology).

Unfortunately, some parents consider drawing a frivolous matter and one-sidedly replace it with reading and other intellectually more useful, from their point of view, activities. However, we consider it necessary to consolidate the drawing skills acquired in kindergarten classes at home.


To get to know the world artistic creativity The child prefers to use pencils and paints. Pay attention to the choice of pencils for children. They should be soft enough to leave marks even with little effort. It is desirable to purchase paints in bright colors, be sure to have different brush sizes. Since when drawing with felt-tip pens, the child cannot control the force of pressure, therefore, we do not recommend using them.

For a child of 4-5 years old, you can not buy a sketchbook, but simply buy cheap printer paper. At this age, children draw a lot and quickly, and this option will be convenient for both them and their parents. Preschoolers who have to go to school next year, on the contrary, are best to buy real album for drawing. Let the child learn to draw on paper of this format, so he will feel more confident in drawing lessons at school.

To make the child comfortable, give him a table and a chair. It is desirable that their size matches the height of the preschooler.

From elementary school drawing and coloring depends very much. If you ignore how the child holds the writing object, this can affect the preparation for school. First of all, look at how correctly the child holds the pencil (brush). His hand should not be too tense, and the brush is rigidly fixed. Being engaged in drawing, it is important to have the possibility of uninhibited, free movement. This will make the strokes lighter and smoother. Pay attention to your posture. It is necessary to sit straight, coloring with one hand and holding a piece of paper or a notebook with a picture with the other. In order not to tire the spine too much, do not allow creative work for a long time. Such a large load will only bring trouble. Do not forget -best rest, it's a job change.

Show your child that you can color pictures with strokes of different lengths. Let there be very short strokes near the very edge, and long strokes closer to the center. It is necessary to paint over in one direction, without gaps, evenly pressing on the pencil. However, if it is difficult for the child, if the fine motor skills of the fingers are still undeveloped and he does not fall into the contour, at first you can use the “hand in hand” technique.

When drawing, pay attention to the adequate use of color. You can use the exercises: “Color also”, “What can be such a color”.

Do not finish anything in children's drawings, even if what is shown on a sheet of paper needs to be completed. By doing this, you will not only show the child that he cannot draw beautifully, but also do not give him the opportunity to analyze the drawing himself and understand what is wrong in it.

The plot of the drawing should not be criticized, on the contrary, any achievements of the child should be approved.

Make "albums" where you will put your child's drawings. Hang one or two of your kid's best work on the door or fridge and let him tell your guests about his drawings. This will not only amuse the crumbs' pride, but will help him in the future. The child will think about the technique of drawing and improve it.

These simple tips will help your child quickly master the techniques of drawing.

Drawing lesson for children 3-5 years old using geometric shapes

Teaching drawing to preschoolers

Simple drawing techniques using geometric shapes for preschool children

This master class is designed for children from 3 to 5 years old.

Goals and objectives:

To develop elementary drawing skills in children, to learn to build the process of doing work in stages, with the help of geometric shapes.

The study of geometric shapes in drawing, their location in space and scaling.

To instill in children an interest in drawing, creativity and artistic taste.

Development of thinking, attention and logical design in drawing.

Drawing at preschool age

Visual work is a safe and interesting activity for a child.

Trying to draw, the child does not try to depict the object as it looks, but depicts the main idea, the internal model. As a result, he schematically breaks the subject down into its main elements. The content of the picture is dominated by graphic templates borrowed from adults (house, sun, car, etc.)

drawing, especially childhood, makes it possible to expand the children's horizons, give the opportunity to compare what they saw, analyze, draw conclusions and try to independently transfer the result to paper, in the form of a drawing. With the help of a drawing, a child can convey not only visual characteristics (color, shape, size and placement in space), but also his vision of the image.

Drawing in childhood calms, causes a keen interest in work and achievement. desired result, forms perseverance in children and of course develops artistic taste.

The process of doing work.

Step 1: Prepare a place for work and the tools necessary for its implementation. (A glass of water, a brush, gouache of the required color, a pencil and a blank sheet of paper).

I suggest you draw a pear, traditional techniques for beginners.

Step 2: On clean slate paper, in its upper part we draw an oval, in the center of our sheet. (You can choose the scale yourself, which one you need)

Step 3: Then, finding on the first oval, draw another one, but place it horizontally fig. 3 (as shown in the picture) . Try to apply the lines with jerky movements and without pressing the pencil, so that in the future there would be an opportunity to correct the imperfections. (So ​​we explain to children)

Step 4: Then we connect the two ovals, with streamlined lines, giving the sketch a natural, natural shape.

Here we have something similar to a pear.

Step 5: Now we can erase the construction lines of our drawing (i.e. ovals) with an eraser and draw the missing elements.

Step 6: Now let's give our pear a natural, color shade.

Let's start with the background. To make our drawing look more expressive.

Step 7: We paint over the pear with yellow gouache, giving it a natural shade and adding a little green to create a volume effect.

Step 8: And at the final stage we draw additional elements (stalk, leaf, etc.).

Here's what we got!

With the presented drawing technique, you can draw a lot, and on different topics, here are a few options for works drawn using geometric shapes.

The drawings are shown below.

More details on the site

What is a landscape? - The landscape depicts nature in different seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.


Objects that are close appear larger than the same objects that are further away. By drawing them larger, we thus, as it were, bring them closer. When drawing a landscape, you need to correctly convey the distance at which objects are from each other.

In the foreground of the picture, objects that are close are depicted. Therefore, they are drawn large. In the background - everything that is in the distance.

They are drawn much smaller. This is the perspective.

1. First, on the first layer of tracing paper, draw the background: the sky, hills, small trees.

2. Put a second sheet of tracing paper on top of the drawing and fasten the sheets with adhesive tape.

3. On the second layer of tracing paper draw some details. They need to be drawn larger than in the background.

4. Now apply the third sheet of tracing paper and also fasten it with the rest.

5. On the top, third sheet of tracing paper, draw what is in the foreground. These will be the largest items in our drawing.

6. Three layers of paper give a sense of the depth of the landscape. The trees are located in the distance, not very clearly visible, as is the case in life.

7. Final work.

Master the sequence of drawing perspective in a landscape.

Creativity and good luck for adults and children!


Drawing for preschoolers | We develop children ourselves

Drawing for preschoolers

One of the favorite activities for young children is drawing. And why is it necessary at all drawing for preschoolers? Is there a need to interest kids in this exciting process if they refuse to do so.

And why is this happening?

Every child in his life begins to draw. For some, this remains for life, for others, after a few years, interest disappears, and some children begin to avoid these activities altogether. Why is this happening?

And how should parents behave in order to drawing for preschoolers brought joy and contributed to the development of the child?

Age features

Children of three or four years old are confident with a brush, they know how to hold a pencil. They know how to draw a circle, a straight line and curved line, irregular shapes. But they still cannot draw similar objects.

At 4-5 years old, children begin to draw on certain topics, boys choose cars, war, and girls choose a house, flowers, people. In the children's drawings, the main subject is much larger than the others. They begin to learn to show several related objects at once, but in the form of a diagram, and not in the form of a spatial image.

Children over 6 years old learn to draw much easier and more efficiently. That is why it is so important that drawing for preschoolers at every stage was attractive, interesting and useful.

Basic drawing rules

Let me tell you, using our example, how important it is to monitor the child's posture.

Every day we draw with our grandson, we try different drawing techniques.

1. We, unfortunately, do not have children's furniture, which is simply necessary, since the child's back must remain straight throughout the session.

2. I have to put a pillow on a chair so that my grandson's chest is at the level of the table.

3. We have to remind you all the time that both hands should be on the table. With one hand, Vityushka draws, and with the other hand he holds a sheet of paper so that it does not slip.

4. Drawing for preschoolers not as simple as it seems. The grandson learned to use the brush well, but he holds the pencil, squeezing his fingers tightly, and his hand gets tired quickly. By the way, when a child paints with a brush with wide strokes, his hand relaxes.

Therefore, it is easier and more useful to paint with paints than to paint with pencils and felt-tip pens.

5. During classes, we perform a couple of exercises with him to relax the hand: we squeeze and unclench our fists, lift them up, place our fingers in different sides, strain them, and then shake them with the hands, gradually lowering them down.

6. It is more convenient to lay an oilcloth on the table, which is easy to wash, put an apron on the baby so as not to stain clothes. We prefer to draw in the evening, before going to bed, in panties, and then go to the bathroom for a swim.

How to teach preschoolers to draw

You can start training from the age of 2, after the baby learns to sit on his own and hold the brush in his hand. Finger paints begin to be used from 6 months. Teaching preschoolers to draw start with bitmaps.

Today we continued to study clouds, clouds and the sky. We painted with watercolors and mastered a new technique for both of us non-traditional drawingpointillism.

Multi-colored dots tried to betray the color and image of the sky and the sun. They painted with matches with wound cotton wool, worked painstakingly and for a long time, in several approaches. For the image of the sun, yellow and red paint were used, the merging of dots gave such an optical effect.

This technique helps to develop attention, awakens the imagination. My grandson and I talked about clouds, compared and analyzed their shape and color, tried to depict the differences between clouds and clouds.

And most importantly, such activities form perseverance, patience, because final result You can't get it quickly, you have to work hard. These qualities will come in handy at school, in the first grade.

What to consider when drawing

Rules for holding drawing classes for preschoolers all parents need to know and follow:

Never laugh or say that the kid can't draw

It is not necessary for an adult to correct and finish drawing in the child's drawings for him

Do not force children to draw an image on the orders of an adult. After all, it destroys the imagination and imagination of children.

Children should be taught:

Use different drawing materials (paints, pencils, crayons, sponge, fingers, brush and comb, cotton swabs, cereals and plasticine, use foil and cardboard, paper and a hole punch)

Sample various methods non-traditional drawing

Non-standard approach to the image (even if there is no similarity at all)

Choose your own colors and colors

Draw together with your child

Hang his drawings around the apartment (we use frames into which we insert the grandson’s drawings and crafts in turn, we arrange an exhibition of his works in the corridor on the wall, we store his memorable works from the very beginning in several file folders early childhood)

Every time discuss with the baby what he depicts, how and why he chose this color

encourage when children show and talk about their work to guests and relatives

If necessary, create photo collages of their work

During classes, children make discoveries, create. After all, the process itself is important for them, and not the result, although it also pleases. Positive and vivid emotions overwhelm the children, they open up and reflect their inner world through the drawings.

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Drawing for preschoolers:: drawing:: Mom. RU

Ekaterina Khlomova11/20/2011 at 00:21 Child and family psychotherapist

The desire of parents to get a clear image, similar to the object of the outside world, at all costs, reduces interest in drawing, since the child cannot do what adults require of him.

At first, children have an interest in the movement of a pencil or brush, in the traces left on paper. Gradually, creative curiosity appears - the desire to get a result, to create a certain image.

There should always be an "endless" supply of paper and several types of drawing supplies at eye level. Then the child can start drawing instantly, as soon as inspiration appears. The desires of the baby are spontaneous, so if he cannot get paper or pencil, then in 80% of cases it will cut off the attempt to draw.

Provide your child with a comfortable table and chair where they can do their favorite activities. Get ready that the table surface may be dirty. To avoid such misunderstandings, the table can be covered with waterproof material.

You can buy special paper for drawing, but it's best to buy the cheapest printer paper in bulk.

How to teach a child to draw?

Do not criticize the work of a young child.

If you criticize him, he may refuse to draw.

Try not to finish anything in children's drawings.

By this you emphasize the inferiority of the child, that he himself cannot draw well.

You should not teach your child to draw any particular image.

This kills his imagination, imposes stamps on certain images (the child simply draws what his mother wants, instead of coming up with it himself). It is better to teach your child how to work with materials, drawing different forms, and from these skills he himself will benefit and will draw unusual images of this or that object or creature.

Encourage unorthodox solutions or ways of working.

Explain to the kid that the main thing is his imagination.

Review and discuss it previous work so that he does not forget that he already knows how to draw, that he already did it very well once; Try to hang your child's work on the wall.

Look at the drawings of other children so that he wants to draw as well.

View reproductions of paintings different artists go to art galleries.

Draw with your child. Ask your child to comment on their drawings. As a rule, he comments on his actions, but you need to find specific details in his drawing and ask him to describe them in more detail.

You can carefully ask: "Tell me more about this place" or: "Here I see dark color, tell me". It is very important that your commentary on the drawing be meaningful, for example: "How many trees are in the forest, I wonder what a dense forest is, and each tree is drawn in detail."

Arrange for a child personal exhibition at home. Hang pictures along the walls on ropes with clothespins: you need to make sure that the baby can reach the clothespins and hook his drawing.

Be sure to make "albums" that will store your child's work. Hang pictures on the door so they can be seen, and also let your child talk about his work to guests and relatives. When a child sees his work, he thinks over the technique and then starts not from scratch, but builds on what has been achieved.

Drawing is very useful for a child - it develops memory, attention, fine motor skills, teaches a child to think and analyze, measure and compare, compose and imagine. Thanks to this, the child's vocabulary is enriched, connected speech is formed.


Drawing lesson for preschoolers. Trees in September - essay-reasoning

Drawing master class. Leaf prints. "Trees in September"

"Children's drawing, the process of drawing is a particle of the child's spiritual life. Children do not just transfer something from the world around them to paper, but live in this world, enter it as creators of beauty, enjoy this beauty."

V. L. Sukhomlinsky.

Yellow circle in the sky.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

This master class is designed for preschool children.


The development of children's artistic creativity through non-traditional drawing techniques.


1. Introduce the techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques.

2. To instill interest and love for the fine arts.

3. Cultivate a sense of love for nature.


Gouache, wide brush, White list papers, sheets of paper different trees(preferably dry)


1. Collect a few leaves, lay them out on a piece of paper.

2. Prepare gouache and a wide brush.

3. Dip the brush into the paint and apply over the leaf.

4. Then carefully turn the leaf over onto a piece of paper and press lightly.

5. Carefully remove the sheet.

6. Leaves of different sizes and shapes can be used for prints.

7. This type of artistic creativity, such as non-traditional drawing with leaf prints, is great for preschool children.

8. The resulting drawing is finished with paints as desired.

Photo of the finished drawing

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow.

The leaves on the birch burn with gold.

Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale.

Birds have flown to distant lands.

How to download a free essay? Press and save. And a link to this essay; Drawing lesson for preschoolers.

Trees in September are already in your bookmarks. Spelling > Compositions by foreign literature> Drawing lesson for preschoolers. Trees in September Additional essays on the topic

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We teach to draw preschoolers

Parents, offering the child to learn how to draw, for some reason try to get a picture from the young artist as soon as possible, which will look like an object from the outside world, and cannot understand how the baby sees houses, people in the riot of colors and lines depicted in the album, nature.

Attempts to teach a child to draw "correctly" end with the fact that his interest in this activity is reduced. The kid cannot, and does not want to do what is expected of him.

At first, the child has an interest in the movement of a brush or pencil, felt-tip pen, in the traces that they leave on paper. After some time, he has a desire to create something specific on paper, to depict some object or plot.

To teach a child to draw, it is desirable,so that at the level of his eyes there is always a supply of paper and drawing supplies. It is best if there are several of them, to choose from: paints or pencils.

The child will be able to draw as soon as he has such a desire. If he is not given paper and pencils to draw as soon as he wants, then in most cases the baby will abandon this idea and do something else.

To make it convenient for a child to draw, give him a table and a chair. A preschooler is unlikely to be very careful while drawing, so get ready for the fact that he himself can get dirty and dirty the table at which he will draw. Therefore, it is best to cover the surface of the table with oilcloth, as you once had to do in elementary school lessons.

For a child of 4-5 years old, you can not buy a sketchbook, but simply buy cheap printer paper. At this age, children draw a lot and quickly, and this option will be convenient for both them and their parents.

Preschoolers who have to go to school next year, on the contrary, are best to buy a real sketchbook. Let the child learn to draw on paper of this format, so he will feel more confident in drawing lessons at school.

How to teach a child to draw?

No need to criticize the drawings of a young artist. If you harshly evaluate his work, then he may stop classes, because preschoolers cannot stand criticism.

Do not draw anything in children's pictures, even if what is shown on a sheet of paper requires completion. By doing this, you will not only show the kid that he cannot draw beautifully, but also do not give him the opportunity to analyze the drawing himself and understand what is wrong in it.

There is no need to teach a child of 4-6 years old to draw a certain image, to show how to draw, for example, a tree. So your baby will start drawing what you want, instead of trying to come up with something yourself.

Instead, teach your child how to draw different shapes, how to work with materials, or how to create different shades of the same color. From what you show, he will benefit and will create the images that he wants, and not the ones that you want.

If a preschooler has demonstrated an unusual way of working or some kind of non-standard solution, then praise him. Explain to the child that the main thing in drawing is his imagination.

Consider the baby's previous drawings, discuss them, but only in a positive way. If possible, hang his work on the wall.

Show your child what masterpieces can be created with paints. Go with him to art gallery or just look at the reproductions of the artists' paintings in the relevant books. Discuss them with your child.

When the child draws, suggest that he comment on his actions.. Ask him to describe in detail the details in the picture. For example, you can gently ask him: “Tell me a little more about the place you drew here” or “I see an orange (blue, green, etc.) color here, tell me.”

If you want to please a child, show him that you appreciate his talent for drawing, then arrange a personal exhibition for him at home. Hang his paintings on clothespins along the walls. Best of all, if he himself can hang them the way he wants.

Make "albums" where you will put your child's drawings. Hang one or two of your kid's best work on the door or fridge and let him tell your guests about his drawings. This will not only amuse the crumbs' pride, but will help him in the future.

The child will think about the technique of drawing and improve it.

These simple rules will help the preschooler draw beautifully and vividly. And about how you can teach a child from 6 months and older to work with paints, read our article “Drawing for Babies”.

Drawing for a child is not just an interesting activity. While drawing, he develops fine motor skills, trains memory and attention, learns to think and analyze, fantasize, measure and compare. Thanks to drawing, a child develops connected speech.

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Visual activity- This is a specific figurative knowledge of reality. And like any cognitive activity it is of great importance for the mental education of children. Mastering the ability to portray is impossible without the development of purposeful visual perception- observations. In order to draw, sculpt any object, you first need to get to know it well, remember its shape, size, design, color, arrangement of parts.

Drawing- a type of visual activity, the main purpose of which is a figurative reflection of reality. Drawing is one of the most interesting for preschool children: it deeply excites the child, evokes positive emotions. Very early, the child also begins to strive in the most diverse way, to express the impressions received by him: with movement, words, facial expressions. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to expand the area of ​​expression of the images that he has formed. We must give him material: pencils and paper, teach him how to handle this material. The material expression of the existing images serves as an excellent means of verifying and enriching them. Children's creativity must be encouraged in every possible way, in whatever form it may be expressed.

As a rule, children love to draw, getting the opportunity to convey what excited them, what they liked, what aroused their interest. Drawing as a kind of art activity is of great importance for the comprehensive education of preschool children. Children reproduce in the drawing what they perceived earlier, with which they are already familiar. For the most part, children create drawings from imagination or from memory. The presence of such representations gives food to the work of the imagination. These ideas are formed in the process of direct knowledge of the objects of the image in games, on walks, specially organized observations, etc. Children learn a lot from stories, from works of fiction.

In our opinion, drawing is perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to express in his drawings his impression of the world around him. At the same time, drawing is invaluable for the comprehensive development of children, the disclosure and enrichment of their creative abilities. Drawing is the most important means of aesthetic education. And the artists Ancient Greece believed that learning to draw was necessary not only for many practical crafts, but also important for general education and upbringing.

Drawing affects what is commonly called "fine motor skills", that is, the child develops hands, fingers. These are subtle coordinations that, on the one hand, strengthen the connections between the neurons of the brain and the nerves in the hands. On the other hand, feedback signals from still naughty fingers force the brain to process new arrays of information and, consequently, to develop. While teaching children to draw, they get acquainted with the works written by great masters. This, of course, broadens one's horizons, teaches one to think more broadly than it suggests. everyday life. But the impact on the soul and mind is not only this. A child, trying to depict something on paper, begins to relate to the world around him in a completely different way. Looking at everything, he sees not chaotic pictures, but proportions, proportions, colors. The world acquires depth and richness.

Visual activity is a specific figurative knowledge of reality. Like any cognitive activity, it is of great importance for the mental education of children.

Mastering the ability to depict is impossible without purposeful visual perception - observation. In order to draw any object, you must first familiarize yourself with it, remember its shape, size, color, design, arrangement of parts.

For the mental development of children, it is of great importance to gradually expand the stock of knowledge based on ideas about the diversity of forms of the spatial arrangement of objects in the world around them, various sizes, and a variety of shades of colors.

When organizing the perception of objects and phenomena, it is important to draw children's attention to the variability of shapes, sizes (child and adult), colors (plants at different times of the year), different spatial arrangement of objects and parts (a bird sits, flies, pecks grains, a fish swims in different directions etc.).

Learning visual activity is impossible without the formation of such mental operations as analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization.

The faculty of analysis develops from a more general and coarse discrimination to a more subtle one. Knowledge of objects and their properties, acquired in an effective way, is fixed in the mind.

In the classroom for visual activity, children's speech develops: the assimilation and name of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations contributes to the enrichment of the dictionary; statements in the process of observing objects, when examining objects, buildings, as well as when looking at illustrations, reproductions from paintings by artists, have a positive effect on expanding vocabulary and forming coherent speech.

As psychologists point out, for the implementation different types activities, mental development of children are of great importance those qualities, skills, abilities that they acquire in the process of drawing, application and design.

Visual activity is closely related to sensory education.

The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space. Children define and name these properties, compare objects, find similarities and differences, that is, perform mental actions.

Thus, visual activity contributes to sensory education and the development of visual-figurative thinking. Children's fine art has a social orientation. The child draws not only for himself, but also for others. He wants his drawing to say something, to be recognized by him.

The social orientation of children's fine art is also manifested in the fact that in their work children convey the phenomena of social life.

The value of drawing classes for moral education It also lies in the fact that in the process of these activities, moral and volitional qualities are brought up in children: the need and ability to bring what has been started to the end, to concentrate and purposefully engage, to help a friend, to overcome difficulties, etc.

Drawing as a kind of visual activity should be used to educate children in kindness, justice, to deepen those noble feelings that arise in them.

In the process of visual activity, mental and physical activity are combined. To create a drawing, it is necessary to make efforts, to carry out labor actions, to master certain skills. The visual activity of preschoolers teaches them to overcome difficulties, to show labor efforts, to master labor skills. At first, children have an interest in the movement of a pencil or brush, in the traces they leave on paper; gradually new motives of creativity appear - the desire to get a result, to create a certain image.

Preschoolers acquire many practical skills that will later be needed to perform a wide variety of jobs, acquire manual skills that will allow them to feel independent.

The development of labor skills and abilities is associated with the development of such volitional qualities personality, as attention, perseverance, endurance. Children are taught the ability to work, to achieve the desired result. The participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning jobs contributes to the formation of diligence and self-service skills.

The main significance of visual activity lies in the fact that it is a means of aesthetic education.

In the process of visual activity, favorable conditions are created for the development of aesthetic perception and emotions, which gradually turn into aesthetic feelings that contribute to the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality.

The direct aesthetic feeling that arises when perceiving a beautiful object includes various constituent elements: a sense of color, a sense of proportion, a sense of form, a sense of rhythm.

For the aesthetic education of children and for the development of their visual abilities, acquaintance with works of fine art is of great importance. Brightness, expressiveness of images in pictures, sculpture, architecture and works applied arts cause aesthetic experiences, help to perceive the phenomena of life more deeply and more fully and find figurative expressions of their impressions in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Gradually, children develop artistic taste.

Being engaged in drawing, children learn different materials (paper, paints, crayons, etc.), get acquainted with their properties, expressive possibilities acquire the skills to work with them. In drawing classes, the development of children's creative abilities takes place, they also learn the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations, which contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary. Statements in the process of observations and phenomena in the study of objects, as well as when looking at illustrations, reproductions from paintings by artists, have a positive effect on the formation of connected speech and personal development child. In the process of analyzing the work at the end of the lesson, the children talk about their drawings and make judgments about the work of other children. Attracting figurative comparisons, poetic texts for the aesthetic characteristics of objects contributes to the development of figurative, expressive speech in children.

When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such qualities as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity and independence. For the first time to draw is a great happiness for a three-year-old kid. In the process of modeling or drawing, the child remembers the phenomena and events that he wants to express, re-experiences the feelings that they caused, which positively affects the development of the child's personality.

The role of the educator V child development teach the baby to hold the brush and pencil with three fingers (between the thumb and middle, holding the index finger on top), while the hand lies on the table up to the elbow or can be raised, leaning on the drawing pencil (or brush, chalk, etc.). Draw with a pencil with different pressure (lightly touching the paper for light shades and thin, light lines and pressing harder to get bright color and strong energetic lines). This will allow you to achieve expressiveness of lines and images, since the line is one of the main components of the drawing. When drawing with a brush, children learn to draw lines with the entire pile and its end to get wide and thin lines.

The correct development of fine motor skills in children teaches children how to paint over images (draw lines in one direction without changing it within the same contour, do not draw strokes outside the contour; transferring a smooth texture, paint over without gaps, and rough - with gaps). Children acquire the ability to adjust the length of strokes and lines in order to depict objects, their parts and texture.

Here, the important role of the educator for the development of the child is to trace the process of assimilation by children various ways works with a brush and paints: on a dry background, on a wet background, by a blur method. They are taught to mix paints with white (in gouache) and dilute with water (in watercolor) to obtain different shades of colors; use different ways drawing and obtaining shades of color, apply when creating an image different techniques(a simple pencil and paints - gouache, watercolor: colored wax crayons and gouache or watercolor, etc.). Mastering the technique of drawing develops the motor skills of children, allows them to freely reflect their creative intent in the drawing, create interesting expressive drawings!

Drawing as a child has a huge impact on comprehensive development personality of the child and, above all, on his aesthetic development. It is important at this age to bring the baby to an understanding of beauty, to form the ability to create beauty himself, to cultivate aesthetic feelings (sense of form, color, composition). Drawing classes teach the baby to act independently, to be busy with business.

Elena Nikitina

Drawing one of the most favorite activities for children. Drawing in unusual ways evokes even more positive emotions in children. Using non-traditional drawing techniques development of thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative abilities. The child has an interest in drawing as a result of the desire to create.

Today I will tell you and show you how paint without using a brush.

1. Drawing with cotton buds. We collect paint on a stick and decorate the image on a sheet of paper with dots. (Herringbone, snow, teapot, sundress, rowan branch).

2. Hand drawing. Pour the paint into a flat container. We dip the palm of our hand and press it against a sheet of paper. (Flowers, fish, Santa Claus, swan, carrots).

3. Drawing with cotton pads. Cotton pads can paint by folding them in half, in a quarter or whole. (Moon, snowdrifts, various flowers).

4. Drawing with prints. Simple way of drawing: Ink is applied to the surface to be printed and the print is placed on a sheet of paper. (use: flowers, shells, fruits, vegetables).

5. Blotography. A spot is made on a sheet of paper or a blot is made of watercolor paint. We take a tube and blow air onto the blot.

6. drawing with a fork. We collect paint from a flat plate on the fork and an imprint is made with the flat surface of the fork. Can draw grass, fence, flowers, hedgehog.

7. thread drawing. The best thing draw with woolen thread. We dip the thread in paint and apply it to a sheet of paper and create a pattern by imprinting with the movement of the thread. The woolen thread creates a whimsical pattern that is suitable for the image of a cloud, a cloud, a sheep, an unusual flower.

8. Drawing sponge or piece of foam rubber. We clamp a piece of foam rubber with a clothespin, lower it into the paint and apply prints that create the texture of the object. They draw animal fur, fluffy clusters of flowers, clouds, tree crowns.

9. Spray painting. You will need a toothbrush and comb. We take a little paint on the brush and spray it with a comb. Over a sheet of paper we drive with a brush along the comb. You can apply paints of different colors, it will turn out very beautiful.

10. Drawing with stamps. The stamp is easy to make from plasticine. Plasticine is applied to a block, cube, etc. With any sharp object, we depict on it some object or an abstract pattern. The stamp is ready. We make a pillow from a sponge. Pour the paint on the sponge. We apply the stamp to the sponge with paint. Now you can print. A stamp can be made from the bottom plastic bottle make beautiful flowers.

11. Drawing prints of cups and necks of different diameters. Pour the paint into a flat plate. We lower the cup into the paint and apply the drawing on a sheet of paper.

12. Comb drawing. We need a comb with frequent teeth. Apply multi-colored paint (next to each other) on a sheet of paper in the form of a drop. Then we draw a comb over all the drops of paint, connecting and smearing them. It makes an amazing rainbow. It is also possible draw different patterns adding drops and moving the comb in different directions.

13. Drawing with wax crayons. With colored wax pencils or wax crayons, we draw a drawing on a sheet of paper. Then cover with one or more layers of watercolor. It turns out an unusual and bright pattern. (Can draw stars, flowers).

14. Grating (waxography). We paint the surface of the entire sheet of paper with wax crayons, then cover the sheet with black gouache. When everything is dry, we scratch the paint and create a drawing with lines. You can scratch with a pointed stick, skewer, toothpick.

15. gauze drawing. We apply a layer of gauze to a wet sheet of paper, straightening it. The gauze must be motionless on the paper. On top of the gauze we draw with a brush with paint. Let the drawing dry. We remove the gauze - a drawing remains on the paper in the form of an imprint of the texture of the gauze fabric. (Landscape, sky, tree, grass)

16. Drawing using plastic film. We draw a picture. While the paint is not dry, quickly apply the film to the drawing in the right place and gently, with rotating movements, create film wrinkles on paper. Paint collects in wrinkles. Let dry and carefully remove the tape.

17. Monotype. We draw symmetrical objects. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half and draw an object on one half. Before the paint dries, again fold the sheet in two. On the second half you will get a print, After that, the image can be draw or decorate.

18. Drawing air bubble wrap. With the help of this wonderful material, you can very easily draw falling snow. We apply white or pale blue paint to the film and apply it to a sheet of paper with a pattern. With the help of this technology you can make an unusual background for a winter application.

19. salt painting. On a sheet of colored cardboard we apply a drawing with PVA glue. We draw a picture on the theme of winter. Sprinkle salt on top. When everything is dry, shake off the excess salt.

20. decoy drawing. For drawing in this technique used colored paper or cardboard. PVA glue is applied to the outline of the drawing. Semolina is poured on top and a sheet of paper is tightly applied on top. Then remove the paper and shake off the excess semolina. So way the next part is created.

21. candle drawing. On a thick sheet of paper or cardboard, children draw with a candle according to plan. The sheet is painted over watercolor paint. Wax images will emerge through the watercolor. (Christmas tree, snowflakes, animals).

You can also use these methods non-traditional drawing: pen drawing, finger drawing, drawing stenciled with a tampon, poke drawing, drawing soap bubbles , crumpled paper drawing, leaf painting.

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