Tests to test the "residual" knowledge of students in the course "Russian oral folk art. What is the symbol of the sun on Shrove Tuesday? Define a proverb


Questions and tasks for the whole topic Folklore Compare the text of one of the historical songs with the epic. What elements of the epic narrative, language, artistic features did you find in it? What do you see the differences between an epic hero and heroes historical song? Plots of historical folk songs based on real events and fictional incidents with historical figures. But, even referring to events related to history, folk songs use the usual epics techniques: repetitions (“Take it, take it, white king, take us with you ...”), constant epithets (red gold), exclamations-addresses ( “Oh, you are a goy ...” or “Oh, you are a goy ...”).

The epic hero-hero was created by folk fantasy. The reader does not try to connect his appearance and fate with a specific historical figure. In historical songs, the characters are always authentic. Some liberties and inaccuracies are possible here, but all the same, events with real participants are at the heart of the historical song.

State the plot of your chosen historical song. What is the central event in it?

climactic? How did you define it?

The song "Pravezh" tells about the fair trial of Ivan the Terrible; the song “Peter I is recognized in a Swedish city” describes the “reconnaissance” of the tsar in the capital of a state hostile to him.

You can retell each of them, be sure to use the techniques characteristic of folklore work. “Pravezh” reproduces only one episode, and in the song about Peter I, a story that is more entertaining to retell: there is a plot - a description of the preparations for a secret trip to foreign lands, the wanderings themselves through the “Glass State”, recognition of the king, his successful flight from his pursuers.

All these steps should be conveyed as close to the lyrics as possible. The culmination is the successful reconnaissance of Peter I: “It’s not a merchant who walks around the city.” Here, a turn, characteristic of folklore, is used - a negative comparison.

Prepare an expressive reading of one piece (of your choice).

For expressive reading you can prepare not the whole song, but one of its fragments.

Often, to prepare an expressive reading, a fragment depicting the flight of Peter I from his pursuers is used.

You can start with the words: “Take it, take it, peasant, plenty of money ...” - and until the end of the song.

This short fragment contains not only a story about the events, but also the appeals included in this story: Peter to the peasant, to the sailors and soldiers on the ship and “chase” to the king. The whole episode should be read quickly, and the appeals cut it into pieces and at the same time only increase the pace of the story.


  • Compare the text of one of the historical songs with the epic What elements
  • state the plot of your chosen historical song
  • golden carriage
  • Artistic features of Russian epics
  • right song plot

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Other works on this topic:

  1. Compare the poems of I. A. Bunin, K. D. Balmont, E. M. Vinokurov. What feelings did the poets express when they turned to epic motifs and plots? Why are these feelings so...
  2. Which of the poems made you feel the most strong impression? Why? Read the poem by heart. Everyone chooses a poem to their liking. Often these are Pushkin's Stanzas and Evening...

14. Connect with arrows proverbs that are close in meaning.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds. The word is not an arrow, and

worse than arrows

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it. With darling and paradise in

Even if you live in a forest hut, Can't get it without hard work

A With to be loved. fish from the pond

15. In fairy tales, each character plays a certain role. The main character has helpers and pests. Distribute

them in two columns.

Horse, Serpent Gorynych, Pike, Geese-swans, Stove, Baba Yaga, Koschei

Immortal, the Frog Princess




F.I. ______________________________________________

I option

    Folklore is:

a) literature of ancient times;

b) folk art, most often it is oral; artistic collective creative activity people, reflecting his life, views, ideals, principles;

d) artistic Literature XIV century;

    What genre not applicable to folklore?

a) tongue twister;

b) a riddle;

c) a proverb;

d) a story;

    Counting is it?

a) variety children's folklore;

b) beginning in a poem;

c) the name of a Russian folk tale;

d) an insert in the epic.

4. K folk tales relate?

a) philosophical;

b) satirical;

c) magical;

d) New Year's.

5. A small genre of folklore in which objects and phenomena are reproduced in the form of a question for guessing:

a) epics;

b) sayings;

c) riddles;

d) fairy tales.

6. What is folk tale ?

a) an action-packed story about space heroes;

b) the genre of oral folk art;

V) historical tale;

c) storyteller;

8. Define the genre of folklore:

Sat on the golden porch

king, prince,

king, queen,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who will you be?

Speak quickly

Don't delay honest and good people!

a) a riddle

b) a poem;

c) counting rhyme;

d) tongue twister.

9. Mikula Selyaninovich is a hero:

a) fairy tales

b) legends;

c) lyrical song;

d) epics.

a) historical;

b) love, family - household, coachman, soldier, remote;

c) magical, fantastic;

d) adventure.

11. What is the symbol of the sun on Shrove Tuesday?

a) a bonfire

d) birch.

12. What did they do on the holiday of Ivan Kupala?

a) jumped over the fire;

b) braided birch;

c) guessed;

d) baked pancakes.

13. Guess the Russian folk tale and indicate its type.

Name of the fairy tale and type: ____________________________________________

15. Explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings:

Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter

You can't even catch a fish out of the pond without effort.


The word is not a sparrow: fly out - you will not catch -



F.I .______________________________________

Final test on the topic "Folklore" Grade 5.

II option

b) chronicler;

    Which of the following genres applies to folklore?

a) a story

b) a fairy tale;

c) story;

    What is a proverb?

a) a figurative combination of words;

b) musical and poetic form of art;

c) a phrase in which one word depends on another;

d) a complete statement of an instructive nature.

    What are the types of folk tales?

a) magical social and household, about animals;

b) adventure, biographical, historical;

c) historical, space, artistic;

    What is the difference between proverbs and sayings?

a) proverbs are based on a fairy tale, and sayings are based on a myth

b) a proverb is a complete judgment, a saying is a part of a judgment;

c) the proverb must be guessed, and the saying quickly pronounced;

d) foreign language constructions.

6. Small genres of folklore include (multiple answers):

a) proverbs

b) fairy tales;

c) sayings;

d) riddles;

d) epics.

    Musical and poetic form of folklore art

b) a fairy tale;

c) counting rhyme;

d) proverb.

    Define the genre of folklore:

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats,

whoever undresses him sheds tears.

a) a proverb

b) a rhyme;

c) a riddle

d) tongue twister.

    What events were sung about in historical songs?

a) about love experiences;

b) about family - everyday problems;

c) about robbery;

d) about a specific historical event Russian people.

10. Epics are ...

a) epic songs-tales about heroes and general historical events in Ancient Rus';

b) a story about animals;

V) fairy tale;

d) love songs.

    What are the names of the Christmas songs?

a) carols;

b) stoneflies;

c) ditties;

d) lullabies.

12. What did the girls do at Christmas time?

a) jumped over the fire;

b) drew;

c) guessed;

d) baked pancakes.

13. Guess the Russian folk tale. Specify its type.

Fairy tale name and type: _________________________________

14. Connect the types of fairy tales with their definitions with arrows:

magical The purpose of a fairy tale is to tell fun and instructive

antics of animals.

household The task of the tale is to test the hero who has entered

in the fight against magical powers.

About animals The purpose of a fairy tale is to tell about the unusual

incident; action takes place in

normal environment.

I option.

    Legends that convey the beliefs of ancient peoples, telling about the gods and legendary heroes explaining the structure of the world, natural phenomena are:

a) a fairy tale, b) a legend, c) a myth, d) a legend.

    Myths were created for:

a) own entertainment,

b) explanations of the structure of the world,

c) evil and deceit,

d) goodness and justice.

    Folklore is:

a) fiction

b) spiritualization of nature,

c) the oral creation of the people,

d) pretentiousness.

    Genres of oral folk art:

a) short story, novel, short story,

b) tragedy, comedy,

c) ballad, poem, poem,

d) fairy tale, proverb, saying.

    What forms of fairy tales tell about everyday life of people:

a) magical

b) fantastic

c) about animals,

d) household.

    Which of the following is not characteristic of a fairy tale:

a) miraculous events

b) life of people,

c) presence magic items,

d) favorite number is three.

7. What is any fairy tale based on?

a) for good, b) for interesting events, c) on fiction, d) on knowledge.

8. Write down 3 animal stories?

9. Legend is:

d) the work of UNT, which tells about the events of an adventure or everyday nature with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.

10. Which of the genres of small folklore is characterized as a short wise saying having a complete thought.

a) a riddle, b) a legend, c) a saying, d) a proverb.

11. What subject are these proverbs united by?

"If you like to ride - love to carry sleds"

“You can’t take a fish out of the pond without labor,”

"What goes around comes around".

a) about teaching, b) about work, c) about human relationships, d) about the homeland.

12. How do you understand the definition of "allegorical meaning"?

b) direct meaning.

c) double meaning

d) incomprehensible meaning.

13. A poetic, intricate description of an object or phenomenon, made in order to test a person's ingenuity, is:

a) oral folk art,

b) fairy tale,

c) a riddle

d) proverb.

14. This expression "Chasing two hares .." is:

a) a proverb b) a proverb c) a riddle d) a direct question

16. "Like snow on your head ...". What is this?

Test on the topic "Myth and folklore" Grade 5.

II option.

    Who are the Hellenes?

a) gods, b) ancient Greeks, c) creators of myths, d) scientists.

    Leader and master of ancient Greek mythology:

a) Hercules, b) Perun, c) Prometheus, d) Zeus.

    The myth is:

a) oral folk story historical character,

b) an oral folk story based on a miracle,

c) repetitive set expression,

d) legends that convey the beliefs of ancient peoples, telling about gods and legendary heroes, explaining the structure of the world, natural phenomena.

    The story begins in...

a) in a riddle, b) in a myth, c) in a proverb, d) in a saying.

    The presence of sayings, beginnings, endings are characteristic of:

a) fairy tales, b) myths, c) legends, d) legends.

    What type of fairy tale is the fairy tale "White Duck"?

a) adventurous

b) about animals,

c) household

d) magical.

    Violation of any prohibition or kidnapping of someone is a feature of which fairy tale?

a) fantastic

b) about animals,

c) magical

d) household.

    What technique can not be used to construct a riddle?

a) personification

b) comparison,

c) direct comparison,

d) analysis.

    “The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - you won’t catch it.” What is this?

a) a proverb b) a riddle c) a proverb d) an anecdote

10. "Like snow on your head ...". What is this?

a) a proverb b) a proverb c) a riddle d) a myth

    The proverb is...

a) a short wise saying that has a complete thought,

b) short oral story historical character,

c) part of the judgment that does not have a conclusion, conclusion,

d) artistic technique in speech.

    artistic technique in speech when inanimate object or a natural phenomenon is depicted as living - this is ...

a) matching

b) personification

c) sound imitation

d) a riddle.

    What is the theme of these proverbs?

"Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water"

"Do not get into your sleigh"

a) about teaching, b) about work, c) about human relationships, d) about not one's own business.

14. How do you understand the definition of "allegorical meaning"?

a) figurative (secret) meaning,

b) direct meaning.

c) double meaning

d) incomprehensible meaning.

    It has no edifying (instructive) meaning:

a) a fairy tale, b) a proverb, c) a saying.

    Remark is:

a) fun dramatic work causing laughter

b) a conversation between two or more people,

c) a list of actors,

Description of work. This event can be hosted by teachers. elementary school as a lesson extracurricular reading or dedicated to the study of the section "Oral Folk Art".

Goals: to instill an interest in reading, to teach expressive and attentive reading, to enrich lexicon students to develop interest and attention to the world around them, popular word And folk customs to involve children in folk culture; develop attention, memory, Creative skills, educate love for the book, educate artistic taste, learn to work in a team, interest children in studying this material.

Equipment: handouts, an exhibition of books, drawings of students, samples of Dymkovo, Bogorodsk toys; image musical instruments, pictures depicting Russian folk costumes, Russian folk costumes for dancing, musical accompaniment, reward stickers for teams, puzzles, audio recording of Russian folk songs, chants, etc.

Game conditions: division of the class into teams, selection of team captains. The team that collects the most badges wins.

preliminary work: drawing competition, reading and telling fairy tales, listening to audio recordings, watching cartoons, rehearsal of Russian folk dance.

Preparation of diplomas and prizes for teams.

Teams answer in turn.

The course of the quiz game:

Host: Hello guys. Today we have gathered with you for a quiz: "Folklore - folk art". Let's remember what folklore is. Translated from in English the word "folklore" means folk wisdom, popular knowledge. Folklore combines the following elements: verbal, musical, theatrical. He is closely associated with folk life and rites. Russian dance, Russian song, Russian music is a part of the life of every Russian person. From infancy, you have already listened to small genres of folklore - these are your first lullabies (“Bai, bai”, “At the grumbling cat”, “Drema”), pestles, teasers, nursery rhymes. What genres of folklore can you list (children's answers). Well done. Now let's split into two teams. We will come up with a name for the teams and choose a captain. So let's start the game.

1 task. We start our game by listening to Russian folk songs. (Inclusion of audio - recordings). The song is the soul of the Russian people, they have been sung and sung to this day, as they say, "both in sorrow and in joy." Now name some Russians folk songs you still know and even perform in music lessons. The team with the most songs wins. (“You are my beloved land”, “Be healthy”, “Kalina”, “Timoshka accordionist”, “Like thin ice”, “Boots”, “In the garden in the garden”, “In the valley, in the meadow”, " Geese-swans”, “Curl, birch”).

2 task. Find types of oral folk art. Cross out the excess (handout on cards).

Tongue twisters, stories, counting rhymes, jokes, fables, incantations, fairy tales, literary tales, proverbs, nursery rhymes, pestles, poems, stories, boring tales, riddles, teasers, songs, fables.

3 task. Collect proverbs about work and kindness. Children are given cards of the following content.

finished the job-

And healthier from work.

Kind soon

What a spring day.

Walk boldly.

Will do the job

What makes a person sick from laziness

And the animals remember.

Sweet Nothing-

Reaches the heart

And man's work.

He doesn't eat.

That's why it's not sitting idle.

Labor, labor, labor

Here are three eternal treasures.

Don't sit back.

Good word.

The earth is painted by the sun.

Who is not working.

Who is accustomed to work

So there will be no boredom.

4 task. Collect the picture and say which Russian folk tale is depicted /puzzles/. After collecting the picture, a conversation about fairy tales.

Name the story and the main characters

What is the story about brief retelling by content)

What does this piece teach?

Examination of an exhibition of drawings based on fairy tales.

5 task. Guess the hero of the fairy tale.

What hero of the fairy tale lay on the stove all the time? (Emelya)

Who helped the apple tree, the stove and the river? (Masha)

To whom are these words addressed: “... prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass?” (Sivka-burka)

On the azure dress there are frequent stars, on the head there is a clear moon, such a beauty - you can’t think of it, you can’t imagine it, you can’t describe it with a pen. (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

6 task. Come up with riddles. The Russian people are famous for their wit, ingenuity, mystery, therefore great place in Russian folklore is given to riddles. Now you will practice making riddles.

7 task. Folk dance (folklore dance) is a manifestation of feelings, mood, emotions, performed first of all for oneself, and then for the viewer. Even your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers led round dances, arranged funny festivities. Now we will hold a competition for the best Russian folk dance(on commands; pre-trained children dance in Russian folk costumes with musical accompaniment).

8 task. Folk art is always understood and loved. These can be toys made of wood, clay, dishes, carpets, lace. Each product carries joy, kindness, warmth, fantasy. Folk toy is figurative, colorful, original. Remember what types of folk toys you know and what you can tell about them (the most meaningful material is taken into account) Examples: Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol, Bogorodskaya toys.

9 task. What musical instruments did your great-grandparents play? Who knows? In the old days, people playing musical instruments were in a place of honor. Who will name musical instruments more (Ratchet - makes a lot of noise, used in wedding ceremonies supposedly this protects the young couple from evil spirits; bells, balalaika, whistle, button accordion, tambourine (used by buffoons), domra, zhaleyka, harp, kalyuk (pipe), spoons, ocarina (a kind of whistling vessel-shaped flute), horn, reed pipe).

10 task. Questions for teams (4 questions each).

Hero lullabies, a magical creature (Drema).

The hero of lullabies, lulling children to sleep by purring (cat).

The rite that was performed on children after birth (baptism).

Folklore. Folk wisdom (folklore).

The bed in which the babies were euthanized. old word(cradle).

The birth of a child. An old word (motherland).

What did the word "bayat" mean in the old days (to speak).

Host: So our game has come to an end. Today you have shown yourself to be true connoisseurs of Russian folklore. I think that folk art and folk wisdom will always be in your hearts.

Summing up and rewarding teams.

  • Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk art;
  • Develop figurative memory, creative thinking;
  • Develop the ability to use precise expressive language;
  • To cultivate a sense of respect for the Russian heritage, Russian folklore.

Design: posters: "Welcome to our holiday", "Oral folk poetry- this is immortal poetry", "Russian folklore", "Lullaby", "Games", "Teasers", "Counting rhymes", "rhymes-rhymes". Posters depicting festive Russian outfits.

At the entrance to the hall, children choose pre-prepared tokens (flower, sun). Thus, the children are divided into 2 teams.

Lesson progress

We came here to disperse boredom,
We came to have fun, to play,
Sing songs with you in chorus,
For fun, for fun to see.

Hello dear guys! We continue our acquaintance with Russian folk art or Russian folklore. Let's remember what Russian folklore is? (Tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, games, pestles, teasers, counting rhymes, etc.).

Today we will play a quiz game "Through the pages of Russian folklore".

Competition 1 "No, you can't live without a riddle."

What is a riddle? (This is a puzzle to be solved. This is poetic description object, its main features.)

1. On my feet in the morning, but they don’t know where they are going. (Shoes)

2. What leads to tears without pain and sadness? (onion)

3. In the hot summer, I stand, I take out the winter with a hat. (mountain)

4. No matter how you ride or walk, you can’t find the end here. (Earth)

5. They stood all summer, waited for winter, waited for the time, rushed off the mountain. (Sled)

6. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. (catfish)

7. If it were not for him, he would not say anything. (language)

8. Passes through us into the chest
And the reverse holds the way
He's invisible and yet
We cannot live without it. (air)

9. Balls hang on knots, turned blue from the heat. (Plum)

10. No arms, no legs, but climbs uphill. (dough)

11. Gray cloth stretches out the window. (twilight)

12. Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (tongue)

How many of you know what a proverb is? (A proverb is a genre of folklore, a short folk saying containing some kind of teaching. A proverb advises, teaches, instructs, warns.)

People respect proverbs, often use them in their speech. From this, speech becomes vivid and figurative.

Now we will find out if you know proverbs.

Competition 2. "Usek from a half-word."

Continue the following proverbs and sayings .

A woman with a cart: it’s easier for a mare;

Trust in God: do not make a mistake yourself;

What a pop: such a parish;

Alone in the field: not a warrior;

Houses and walls: help;

Home news: do not shake your sleeve;

By clothes they meet: by mind they see off;

With the world on a string: naked shirt;

The hut is not red with corners: it is red with pies;

Get up late: you can do little;

The world is illuminated by the sun: and man by knowledge.

Competition 3. "Do you know proverbs?".

Match the proverb to the text.

Igor lost a game of chess to Boris and, instead of admitting defeat, began to get excited, to prove that he had made a wrong move by mistake, that he could have easily won. With what proverb did Boris answer him? (After a fight they do not wave their fists).

The school fuse blew and the lights went out. One student fiddled for about 10 minutes, nothing came of it. Then a member of the circle came up young technicians and half a minute later the light came on. Which proverb fits this case? (the work of the master is afraid)

Sveta sat down to do her homework, but she saw her friends through the window and asked her mother for permission to take a walk. What proverb did Sveta's mother remind you of? (Finished business, walk boldly. Deed time is fun hour.)

For a long time his new friends did not visit Alyosha at the hospital. But a friend with whom Alyosha had known since childhood came to visit him on the very first day. What proverb did Alyosha remember? (An old friend is better than two new ones).

Competition 4 "Fight of tongue twisters".

Then let us start the fight of tongue twisters,
Let someone speak quickly, I ask the rest to be silent.
Who will pronounce the phrase aloud three times without error,
He will certainly bring a point to his team.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a miss.
The one who makes the least mistake will win the battle!

  • The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood, how ridiculous he is in a hood;
  • Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha;
  • The baker Peter baked pies;
  • Praise to halva;
  • Varvara cooked, cooked, but did not boil;
  • You can’t talk all the tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak.

Grandmother comes out - a storyteller:
The story is rich in wisdom
Let's say a fairy tale: "Come!"
This is a tip guys.
The story is ahead.

Children listen to an audio recording of a Russian folk tale. (Option: to the Russian folk melody, children listen to their grandmother's fairy tale - storytelling)

Competition 5 "Oh, these fairy tales."

Everyone knows stories. And do you know them, now check. Name the fairy tales, excerpts from which you will hear.

"Crane knock - knock on the plate with his nose. Knocked - nothing helps" (Fox and crane)

"Who, who lives in a little house? Who, who lives in a low house?" (Teremok)

"Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie" (Masha and the Bear)

"And the fox sits and says:" The beaten unbeaten one is lucky "" (Wolf and Fox)

"Ivan Tsarevich went into a swampy swamp. Looks, a frog is sitting:" (The princess is a frog)

"The mouse ran, waved its tail:"

"The kids opened the door, the wolf ran into the hut and ate all the kids:" (Wolf and seven kids)

"Man, I'll break you. Don't break me, bear:" (Man and bear)

Competition 6 "Compose a fairy tale."

Children are invited to compose a fairy tale (any) themselves. You can do this as homework. Next, one of the team is invited to play the role of a grandmother - a storyteller and tell a composed fairy tale. (6 minutes are allotted for this competition. Both the fairy tale itself and the quality of storytelling are evaluated)

We continue our game. Guests came to us and I would like to ask them to stand in a circle and play a song from the spring rite. (Guests in Russian folk costumes)

Spring is red, why did you come?
On a plow, a harrow, on a mare - a crow.
Oh you larks larks,
Fly into the field, bring health
The first is cow, the second is sheep,
Third - human!

Pay attention to the costumes of our singers. In Russian clothing, two colors red and white predominate, as symbols of the sun and light. And when the holiday came, there was already a huge variety of outfits and decorations for them. What do you think, children participated in the holidays and rituals of adults? Yes, and the song performed now was a confirmation of this. It was fun and easy for the kids. Children have developed their own special kind of folk art, called children's folklore.

What do you think is included in this section? (counters, teasers, riddles, games, peepers, pity, etc.)

Competition 7 "Count - ka".

Which team will remember more counting rhymes.

So our quiz game has come to an end.

Now we will summarize, but for now I want you to answer the questions:

Have you learned something new?

An epigraph to our lesson "The oral poetry of the people is immortal poetry." Do you agree with this? Why?

Results, awards.

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