How to make a magic wand at home: tips from a smart mom. The One Biggest Thing in 'Harry Potter' That Will Fall Off Your Broom


Get a wand. Find a straight stick 14 inches long (about 35.5 cm) and steam it in a bath to remove the bark from it. After that, cover it with white, black, gray or brown paint. If you do not have the opportunity, just paint it with markers and give it a realistic look.

Get some blank notebooks. Label one of them "Charms", another "Potions", and the last one "Homework". Do a Google search for spells from the Harry Potter books and write down one spell per page with a description. In your potions notebook, write down the ingredients of various potions. Look for information about other subjects on the Internet and do "homework" on them in the last notebook.

Select faculty. Choose a faculty that suits you, on your own or take an online test.

Use pen and ink instead of pen and pencils. This will certainly convince others that you are a young magician. Some shops sell pens cheaply, so all you have to do is get the ink. Why is this? Have you ever seen Harry writing ballpoint pen notes during class?

Get classmates. You can pretend that Harry, Ron or Hermione are the same age as you and occasionally mention things like "Hermione helps me with my homework sometimes" or "Ron eats like a pig" in conversation. But this should be done only in the presence of those people who have not read books.

Family. Choose a character from the Potteriana and think of the degree of your relationship. You can be a sister, cousin, brother, etc. For example, “Draco is my cousin, but not by blood. His widowed aunt married my single uncle.”

Your friends can play the roles of the characters you like the most. If you don't have best friend in a real school, get one. But it can't be Harry, Hermione or Ron individually. If you choose one of the trio, you must be friends with the whole trio. They are inseparable.

Get some enemies. Kind of like Slytherins.

Decide on your blood status. Are you a pureblood, Muggle-born or half-blood?

Think about the possibility of acquiring such animals as a cat, rat, mouse, snake, etc. It should be quite small in size. DO NOT buy an owl and Merlin save you, you should not bring an animal to school. Just mention in conversation that “(Your pet's name) is very useful. And I like him." If you are asked what in question, say it's just your pet. If you have a rat, snake, or spider, they may be disgusted. Trust me.

British actor turns 25 Daniel Radcliffe, who played the main wizard of the XXI century Harry Potter in all eight film adaptations of novels Joanne Rowling. By the time filming began in the first part of the epic, 11-year-old Daniel was, unlike Emma"Hermione" watson And Rupert"Ron" Grint, no longer new to cinema. He played his first - and immediately main - role - David Copperfield - in the 1999 television miniseries on novel of the same name Charles Dickens. A year later, work began on "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" directed by Chris Columbus, and in 2001 the film was released, forever changing the life of a little actor.

In order to become the idol of millions of children around the world and after completing all eight films - the highest grossing actor of the decade, Daniel had to drop out of school, put on round glasses and practically settle in film set. On-screen Harry Potter grew up along with the book, and Radcliffe, in front of the eyes of the whole world, turned from a child into a teenager and a young man. The actor celebrates his 25th birthday in the status of a world-class movie star, and fears that the image of Potter will interfere with the continuation of his career do not seem to be justified - new films are released one after another, plans are scheduled for several years ahead, and this is not counting the work in theater and television. The actor himself does not regret at all that 14 years ago he became the face of the "Potteriana", and willingly talks about how the shooting went, especially since for the audience he is still "the boy who survived." In honor of Daniel Radcliffe's birthday, recalls how it all began and how he managed to get the coveted role.

Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 2001.

According to JK Rowling herself, who invented her wizards and their magical world in 1995 and published the first book in 1997, she was not directly involved in the casting, but the creators of the first film consulted with the writer and told her about the chosen actors. They searched for the main character longer than the rest: Rupert Grint had already been approved for the roles of Hermione and Ron, but the ideal Harry Potter could not be found. The obstacle was required condition, put forward by Rowling, - only the British were to star in the film. It was because of this that the American who claimed the role of Harry was rejected. Liam Aikin- director Chris Columbus, who had previously worked with the boy on the film Stepmother, insisted on his candidacy. As a result, the role, in a sense, found the actor on its own, because everything that happened to him before the start of filming can hardly be called a mere coincidence.

The boy's father, literary agent Alan Radcliffe, worked with the mother of the future Philosopher's Stone producer David Heyman long before the whole story with Potter. The latter, already desperate to find a performer on leading role, remembered that his friend has a son right age, and asked Alan to bring the child to the audition - however, the initial conditions did not suit Daniel's parents, since the shooting was supposed to be carried out in America, and the audition had to be abandoned. Not without the intervention of Rowling, all the films were eventually shot in Britain, and the meeting between Radcliffe and Heyman did take place.

Arriving at the theater one day with his parents, Daniel was annoyed at how intently he was staring at him. unknown man on the next row. During the intermission, this guy was waiting for the Radcliffes in the street, hiding behind a column - and it looked quite suspicious and even frightening. “I didn’t pay attention to what was happening on the stage at all, I just looked at this boy,” recalls this same stranger, producer Heyman, who happened to be in the theater as the author of the stage version of the play that they all watched that evening. - He had big round eyes and a look as if a soul lives in the body of a child wise old man". Fascinated by the performance, Daniel, however, after some time stopped paying attention to the strange man, but the parents were sure that it was fate, as if someone from above was giving them a sign, and they signed up their son for auditions, and the producers called JK Rowling with the words "Looks like we found it." During the auditions, Radcliffe, like other actors, had to read excerpts from the book and the script, and then act out one of the scenes of the future film in front of the camera.

Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2011. The writer says that she first saw Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter on a tape from his audition, which Heyman sent her and which she watched while sitting in the living room at home. “I was incredibly moved. I called David back and said I felt like I was watching my own son play. By that time, I had not yet had a son (the first-born was born to J.K. Rowling in March 2003 - ed. note), but I always considered Harry Potter to be my child in some sense.

The idea to make a Harry Potter movie came to mind David Heyman already in 1997, but then no one - neither he nor even JK Rowling - could have imagined that the story would become a worldwide hit. Heyman had just opened his own production company in London and was looking for material for future projects. At the meeting, he asked the staff if anyone had read anything good in Lately. The secretary raised her hand. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." The name seemed strange to the producer, but the very idea of ​​​​a story about a boy who studies at the school of magic is good - and he immediately bought the rights.

A scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Photo: Rowling approved of all the performers chosen by the producers, although she did not conceive her characters as pretty. The author had to come to terms with some inevitable changes that affected the costumes or, for example, the color of the eyes. In the Harry Potter book they are green, but in Daniel Radcliffe they are blue. Director Chris Columbus, who carefully and respectfully treated original text, had to call Rowling: “We can, of course, use contact lenses or change the color of the image technically, after filming, but is it really important that Harry has green eyes? To this, the author replied that it was not a matter of color at all, but that Harry's eyes were the same as his mother's - so look for a blue-eyed actress for her role.

From 2001 to 2011, 8 films about Harry Potter, based on 7 novels by JK Rowling, were released - the last, most important book was divided into two full-length films. At the premiere of the final episode, the actors could not hold back their tears, because for 10 years the scenery of Hogwarts had become their home, and they got used to seeing each other more often than their parents. In an interview, Daniel Radcliffe says that almost none of the actors wanted to know in advance what would happen to their characters in the final, but one day he could not stand it and asked Rowling if Harry would die in the final, to which she replied evasively: you will be the scene of death. As a result, the boy survived once again - having made the ending happy, Rowling stated that she would not return to the history of Harry Potter again, and Daniel Radcliffe said with confidence that he would not be filmed in any continuation of the Potter series. JK Rowling has already broken her promise and in July 2014 published on the Internet short story, in which Harry, Ron, and Hermione meet thirty years later. Next up for Daniel Radcliffe.

And the book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is already there, I wanted to remember about the game. I still have a disc with it, although I have not played for many years.

I got it as soon as they started showing up. computer games in stores, they brought them in a single copy and quickly sold out, although the price was not at all small.

I really liked the game, played it many times. The plot is exactly the same as the movie. At the time, it seemed incredible to wander around Hogwarts as Harry Potter, learn magic, look for hidden places, and solve mysteries with Ron and Hermione.

The graphics, of course, are not very impressive there, they cannot be compared with modern ones, but in those years the toy had many fans.

The interesting thing is that the rooms and halls, moving stairs are all present and very reminiscent of the original. And spells need to be learned by repeating certain movements, as in the movie. It has a lot of tips, easy to manage, but at the same time very exciting.

This game is also suitable for modern children and teenagers, it has something to think about.

A series of books about Harry Potter is known to almost every person on Earth. Many wonder how JK Rowling managed to attract such a huge audience without having any connections.

Before the publication of the first part of "Harry Potter" Rowling did not have much popularity and faced failures in dozens of publishers. Now her works are sold in multi-million copies, which cannot but arouse interest from other writers and ordinary people. For many years, there have been debates on the Internet about how the franchise managed to become so popular. Some believe that this happened due to "smart" and thoughtful PR, while others are sure that the matter is in the content of the books.

"Harry Potter", according to experts, is the so-called book-movie. While reading it, a person is immersed in a special atmosphere created by the author. To create such a world, you need to be a very skillful and professional writer. It was they who turned out to be JK Rowling, who very reliably described the thoughts and experiences of eleven-year-old children, and then "raised" the characters, gradually complicating and revealing them.

Some experts argue that the reason for the popularity of the series lies in the world itself, created by the writer. It is both similar and not similar to the reality in which readers live. Wizards move through space using fireplaces, brew potions and cast spells, turn teacups into frogs, and fly on broomsticks. In "Harry Potter" portraits can talk and move, but this does not negate some hard facts. fairy world, just like the real one, is constantly faced with corrupt press, cowardly politicians and mediocre teachers. The government is powerless in the face of the threat of terrorism, and children do annoying homework, sit in libraries, fall in love, quarrel and study for exams. The picture seems very familiar, but more interesting than real life.

Another lot important fact op - living characters. If in the first parts of the series certain characters were one-sided in terms of character coverage, then with each subsequent episode, Rowling manages to correct the situation. For example, in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" psychology becomes quite serious and high. The actions of certain individuals, events and incidents - all this provokes large-scale disputes among fans of the franchise. The same Severus Snape is able to cause both compassion and genuine hatred. People talk about it like it's not literary character, but their acquaintance, relative or worst enemy.

In addition, the author managed to masterfully convey the maturation of the characters. In the first book, Harry is a typical eleven year old. He is kind, sympathetic and interested in everything he has not seen before. In the fifth part, this is already a teenager in the puberty period, who is rude to adults, screams, breaks furniture and tries to overthrow authorities. At this age, he kisses a girl for the first time and falls in love.

A very important fact, because of which fairy-tale events are very similar to reality, is a thorough study of mythology. Creating it, the author relied on a lot of old legends and traditions. All this is harmoniously inscribed in literary traditions Europe and England in particular. Most of the customs are taken from the inhabitants of Great Britain, as well as part of the classical atmosphere.

In her works, JK Rowling raises many important ethical questions, although she does not impose her opinion directly. Readers have the right to decide how to perceive this or that information. Some prefer to see the world through Potter's own eyes, as described in the books, while others choose a different point of view. The simplest and most understandable allusion to the franchise is the death eaters. They allude to the National Socialists and Italian fascists, who also preferred dark colors and hated people with "dirty" blood. The organization's logo is a direct reference to German swastika. In addition, during the first trip on the Hogwarts Express, little Harry learns from an insert that Dumbledore is a Knight of the Order of Marion, who defeated a powerful sorcerer in 1945. This is a reference to the Second World War - one of the most discussed topics of our time. Caps can also be regarded as "Easter eggs" evil wizards, similar to the form of the right-wing radical group "Ku Klux Klan". Thus, the writer conveys to her fans her attitude towards fascism and Nazism, exposing them in the worst possible light.

According to some sources, the popularity of the series lies not so much in its quality, but in the right approach. In other words, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone came out at that time and place. The book was published in 1997 in the UK, when it had no analogues, and therefore no competitors. It was then that children needed magic and characters they could identify with. Due to the fact that Rowling's works are written plain language and include huge world, they managed to tear millions of kids, teenagers and adults away from TV screens. In addition to this, many experts argue that at the time the franchise appeared, the era of "infantilization" reigned on Earth, when 30-, 40- and even 50-year-old people wanted to plunge into their own youth and remember what it was like.

It turns out that becoming Harry Potter is quite real. You are unlikely to be able to get hold of a "working" magic wand, but with a mass useful knowledge- Please.

Where to study? In the US and UK. At major and respected universities in long history there are objects on the basis of which the Harry Potter phenomenon is explored. They study not only the influence of the works of JK Rowling on modern culture, but also some "chips" from the magical saga of the British writer.

Item: Fight with Voldemort
University: Swarthmore (Swarthmore, Philadelphia)

It all started with the fact that a few years ago, Professor Melinda Finberg decided to give freshmen a seminar on literary theory on the theme of "Harry Potter". Using the example of Harry's adventures, the students found out "why we love to invent stories in which people, in order to realize their humanity, have to fight otherworldly forces." Among other things, the use of curses and the alignment of the scarred wizard were discussed. Since then, introductions to literary theory have begun at Swarthmore with Harry Potter.

Item: Find yourself a Patronus
University: Oregon State (Corvalis, Oregon)

Mamta Akkapaldi, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, reasoned that in a playful way, using the example of Harry Potter, it would be easier for first-year students to explain how campus life works, which teachers are only evil in appearance, but in fact are real charmers, and which, on the contrary, are wolves in sheep's clothing. According to Mamta, this subject allows students to quickly integrate into student life and easier to perceive the realities of life outside the parental home.

Item: Christianity and Harry Potter
University: Yale (New Haven, Connecticut)

Yale graduate Daniele Tummino, using the Potter books as an example, considers such biblical themes like sin, redemption, resurrection, good and evil. This subject has become, perhaps, the most discussed among all those inspired by Potter. Tummino, a big fan of Rowling's books, decided to give a balanced and reasoned answer to those critics who called "Harry Potter" anti-Christian.

Item: Harry Potter Library
University: Kansas State (Manhattan, Kansas)

In this subject, students are busy reading books about Potter and then discussing them - that's all. Lectures turn into noisy debates, students want to show off their literary erudition, pointing out which books inspired Rowling, and which, in turn, were inspired by her work. The subject is taught by Professor Philip Nel, who ate a dog on the Potterian - he wrote a reader's guide to the Harry Potter novels.

Item: Science in Harry Potter
University: Frostburg (Frostburg, Maryland)

One of the oldest Potter subjects, taught since 2003. Professor George Pitnick talks about the basics of physics and scientific innovations using the example of books about a bespectacled wizard. How is relativity applied in books? Is it possible to actually create a flying broom using anti-gravity? How to use diamagnetism and electromagnetic radiation to learn how to fly? Professor Pitnick seriously discusses these things with students. The funny thing is that he reads his lectures on the subject in the costume of the director of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

Item: Six Degrees of Harry Potter
University: St. Catherine's (Saint Paul, Minnesota)

In this class, taught by Harry Potter fan Professor Cecilia Conchar Farr, students read books, watch movies, play games, learn about toys, etc., all of which have something to do with Potter. Of course, Farr has no shortage of listeners. The exam in the subject is given in a free form. You can write research work, or you can create some kind of Potter character for a computer game!

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