Ballroom dancing benefits for children. Cons of ballroom dancing


In the life of any parent, sooner or later there comes a time when it is necessary to make a decision about where the child will study - in the sports section, theater studio or in art school. Are you the parent of a wonderful boy, but a little shy and unsure of himself? Or is your child a girl who dreams of becoming a princess? In this case, you should consider an option such as sports ballroom dancing for children.

Surely everyone, without exception, has seen a dancer perform at least once in their life. Agree that this is a very exciting spectacle - the flexibility, plasticity, and grace of the partners evoke sincere admiration. But all the stars of ballroom dancing began their journey to the pinnacle of success precisely at a young age, when the doors of a ballroom dancing school for children opened their doors.

Sports ballroom dancing is ideal for young romantic people - after all, they in a wonderful way develop plasticity, teach not only to hear music, but also to feel it. Many girls, having watched couples perform on TV, are completely delighted with the ambience surrounding ballroom dancing - music, twirling couples, beautiful dresses. Few girls can leave this spectacle indifferent - that’s why almost all of them visit ballroom dance studios with great pleasure.

Boys are most often brought to the ballroom dance studio by mothers who want to raise their sons to be real, well-rounded men. And this is quite true - not only are ballroom dancing classes for children a serious physical activity that will help the boy maintain excellent shape, they also remarkably socialize a person in the future. Believe me, a man who knows how to dance well will feel comfortable in any company.

Dance training also has the most beneficial effect on the overall development of the child, being an excellent means of both physical and moral moral education. In addition, it wonderfully reveals the whole creative potential child.

In addition, as already mentioned, ballroom dancing helps physical development child – train and strengthen the most different groups muscles, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems child's body. The child learns to master his body perfectly and use it to convey his feelings and emotions. In addition, ballroom dancing classes have a beneficial effect on the child’s emotional background and teach him to keep his emotions under control.

Ballroom dancing – to be or not to be?

Ballroom dancing is very, very beautiful. However, before you rush headlong to the nearest ballroom dance studio, you need to decide exactly whether you are ready for your child to study there. So what needs to be taken into account?

Ballroom dancing is a real art, but at the same time it is also a sport. Yes, yes, ballroom dancing is recognized as an official sport, so dancers are not only artists, but also athletes at the same time. And children who go in for ballroom dancing develop not only Creative skills and artistry, but also agility and endurance.

In addition, in ballroom dancing, as in any other sport, the spirit of competition is very great. That's why he plays enough serious role in shaping the child’s character, teaches him to be purposeful and hardworking, set goals and achieve them - in a word, helps the child grow into a purposeful and strong personality.

Since ballroom dancing is a real sport, like all its other types, it requires a fairly serious approach. If you want your child to take up ballroom dancing professionally, be prepared for the fact that, as in any other sport, the price of success can only be frequent and long-term training and the most serious approach and attitude to the matter, both on the part of the child and and from the parents.

Of course, before you decide to enroll your child in the ballroom dancing section, you need to know exactly what they are. So, ballroom dancing is divided into two programs:

  1. European program. The European program includes dances such as Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Tango, Quickstep.
  2. Latin American program. The Latin American program is the most exciting and includes dances such as cha-cha-cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive and Paso Doble.

In addition to these two directions, there is also sports rock and roll - a fairly heavy and complex dance, a peculiar mixture of complex sports exercises with elements of dance movements. In addition, there are also elements of folk ethnic dances.

Why is ballroom dancing recognized as a sport?

Not so long ago, ballroom dancing was considered just one of the trends in art, but today it is recognized as an independent sport. Why did this happen? This fact is explained very, very simply. Ballroom dancing requires dancers to display exactly the same qualities that are inherent in real athletes: agility, endurance, determination, daily hard work, and the like. Below are the main criteria that allowed ballroom dancing to be recognized as an independent sport:

  • Physical strength.

In ballroom dancing there are a huge number of different complex lifts, similar to those that can be seen in figure skating. By the way, many of the basic lifts used in figure skating were borrowed from ballroom dancing. And their successful implementation often requires remarkable physical strength.

  • Body flexibility and coordination of movements.

In order to move freely on the floor without getting confused when performing dance lines and figures, partners must have well-developed coordination of movements and body flexibility. By the way, these qualities are necessary in most sports, and not just in ballroom dancing.

  • Musical ear and sense of rhythm.

Because we're talking about about dancing, it is quite natural that both partners should have ear for music and a sense of tact. Otherwise, they will not be able to interact properly.

  • Endurance.

Endurance is very important for dancers. And this is not surprising - all ballroom dancing competitions are held in several stages - from the qualifying round to the final round. And in each round, the performing couple must perform five dances, which last on average two minutes each. Agree that it is not difficult to imagine the level of stress on the body of the participants. But the life of dancers is not only about performances, it is also about regular, exhausting, hard, long hours of training.

  • Strict discipline and ability to work in a team.

Ballroom dancing, by the way, is a team sport. Moreover, a team can consist of more than just two partners. The largest ballroom dancing team consists of 16 people, that is, 8 couples. Judge for yourself what level of discipline the dancers should have in order to successfully interact with all members of the team at once.

Clothes and shoes for ballroom dancing

When deciding whether or not to have ballroom dancing in your child’s life, you cannot help but take into account such an aspect as financial side question. Ballroom dancing is one of the most expensive sports. And it’s not even about the cost of ballroom dancing training, although it’s not cheap either. However, the most expensive thing is ballroom dance costumes for children.

In addition to the fact that a child needs at least two training suits and a pair of training shoes, they also need performance suits. You can buy workout costumes in stores that specialize in selling dancewear. However, with costumes for performances the situation is a little more complicated - they have to be sewn only to order. And this applies to both boys and girls. And the cost of such a suit can vary greatly - starting from several hundred dollars.

And since our article is about children involved in ballroom dancing, we need to remind parents that the costume for performances will last for a maximum of one year. After all, children, unlike adults, grow very quickly, outgrowing expensive suits.

In addition to all the above nuances, one should not lose sight of such an expense item as travel to competitions. Not only will you have to pay fees, you will also have to pay for travel to the competition site, room and board. And this is also a considerable amount. It is much wiser to assess the family’s financial capabilities in advance than to later inform your child that you have no money. Believe me, this will be a severe disappointment for him and a strong blow to the child’s psyche.

At what age should you go on the floor?

So, the decision has been made and there will still be ballroom dancing. And here another question arises: at what age should you send your child to a ballroom dance studio? It is quite difficult to answer this unequivocally. On the one hand, in ballroom dancing, like in any other sport, in order to achieve results it is necessary to introduce a child at a very tender age. On the other hand, it is quite difficult for children who have not reached at least five or six years of age to correctly perceive and evaluate the demands of the coach.

There are ballroom dance studios that accept children from about three to four years old. However, before you take your baby there, really evaluate his strength. If the baby is not yet able to concentrate his attention, coordinate his movements and gets tired quickly, you should not rush things and send him to a ballroom dance studio.

However, if the child is developed enough to perceive the coach’s commands, has a good memory, the ability to coordinate his movements well and has an ear for music, you can try and send the baby to dance. However, experts still say that the optimal age to start ballroom dancing is six years old.

How a trainer works with children

Of course, parents are interested in knowing how they work with children in a ballroom dance studio. So, your child has been accepted into a ballroom dance studio - what next? Typically, at the beginning of training, the trainer will conduct Parent meeting, where parents will be given a list of what their child needs to purchase for further training.

During the first year of classes, children most often dance alone. Children are initiated into the basics of dance secrets. At this stage of training, the trainer’s task is to teach children the basics of rhythm and choreography, as well as basic movements in ballroom dancing. The basics of the main dances are studied - Cha-cha-cha, Slow Waltz, Jive, Quick Step, as well as some auxiliary dances such as Blues, Polka, Disco.

In the second year of training, when the children are 6–7 years old, the coach places the children in pairs. During training, children begin to learn to perform the same movements that they learned last year, but in pairs. It is in the second year of study that children begin to take part in the first ballroom dancing competitions in their lives.

Ballroom dancing competition

In the second year of study, when the children are already paired up and go to their first competitions in their lives, they begin their performances in the “Beginners” category. The competition judges show a little more leniency towards such kids than towards other participants - after all, they are not only beginners on the floor, but also the youngest in age.

If the year went well and a pair of young dancers showed good results, she is awarded dance class"E -4". In this class, children compete in four ballroom dances: Quick Step, Slow Waltz, Jive and Cha Cha Cha. Children's dance couples who have been assigned this class are already considered full-fledged athletes. They participate in various types competitions, both in class and in open groups at children's ballroom dancing competitions, in the Children group - 1.

If this year at least one of the dancers in a pair turns ten years old, the pair automatically falls into the next age group “Children - 2”. In this group, the competition is much more serious than among kids. Moreover, a great advantage is given to those couples who, by the time they move to the Children - 2 group, have reached class D, which means that children dance not four, but eight dances at competitions: 4 dances from the European program - Slow and Viennese Waltz, Tango , and Quick Step, and 4 dances from the Latin American program - Rumba and Jive, Cha-cha-cha, Samba.

Children take part in ballroom dancing competitions in the Children - 2 class for only two years. As soon as one of the partners in a couple turns 12 years old, the couple is automatically transferred to dance group Juniors – 1. In this age group children dance ballroom dancing almost like an adult dance program. And the judges’ requirements for such couples are also very strict - just like for adults. In addition, in this age group the requirements for appearance dancers - to their shoes, costumes and hairstyles.

Of course, not all the children who come to the ballroom dance studio will grow up to be Alexander Berezin or Victoria Rudkovskaya. However, in any case, ballroom dancing lessons for children will not be in vain. The elegance and grace of your son or daughter will allow them to always remain the center of attention!

By influencing the body, we not only contribute to the healing of the body itself, but also psychological wellness person.

Wilhelm Reich (psychologist, creator of body-oriented therapy) came to the conclusion that muscle tension and psychological stress- It is the same.

The body records fears, pain, problems, uncertainty, doubts, suppressions, prohibitions, experiences, tensions, all the stress a person has experienced, psychological trauma, and emotional stress. All this prevents the body from being healthy, beautiful and strong, and psychologically has a depressing effect on a person.

V. Reich called this phenomenon “muscular armor” and described it as traumatic experiences of the past that remain in the human body in the form of muscle blocks.

In response to stressful situations people develop defensive behavior, which is expressed in chronic stress separate groups muscles - “muscle clamps”. There is also a connection between the chronic tone of a particular muscle group and suppressed emotions.

“Muscle clamps” unite to form a “muscle shell”. In the physical sphere, this leads to limitations in mobility, posture disorders, poor circulation, and pain (all these are causes of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, many skin problems, and somatic diseases).
Kneading, elaborationmuscle tension provides powerful healing effect on soul and body. After all changes in the body also cause changes in consciousness.

And besides, in itself expression of emotions and feelings- This prevention psychosomatic disorders , that is, bodily ailments caused by certain mental phenomena.

Dance helps safe for the body to unblock muscle tension recorded in the body, disturbances in the flow of energy, suppressed emotions, overcome stress.

have a beneficial effect on all body systems, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, immune, nervous, endocrine and others.

Dancing makes us more flexible, strong And hardy.

Dancing improves blood circulation and protect the heart. Italian researchers have proven that people with heart failure who engage in dancing as a form of physical activity improve their health, their heart and improveyoursbreath. Their quality of life also improves significantly compared to those who exercise on exercise bikes or treadmills.

Dancing helps lose weight And give energy. A study published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition found that dancing weekly improves physical fitness and makes people more energetic.

Dancing makes us happier and relieve stress and depression, increase self-esteem, help to become more confidentin itself. Depression is becoming an increasingly common problem among adolescents and adults. A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience showed that therapy including dance moves, not only helps get rid of depression, but also helps fight stress as it regulates the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body. Considering that dance is also social action, it helps relieve feelings of loneliness and provides many opportunities to meet other people. It has been proven that dance good and warm relationships can prevent mild depression and make dancing man more confident.

Dance improves memory and makes us more smart. Scientists have discovered that dancing improve memory and help prevent shrinkage of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory. Thanks to scientists, the benefits of dance for the mind have been proven. Basic quality smart person- This decision making ability. The ideal way To develop this skill is to do something that requires you to constantly make decisions quickly (in seconds). In general, learning something new has a good effect on intelligence and intelligence; here we are talking about any new skill. And dancing stimulates your brain, forcing it to come up with new solutions. Difficult activities are best suited for this, as they make it necessary newneural connections.

Dance helps you free yourself from what is holding you back. improves health and figure, physical skills, reveals individual characteristics and talents, develops femininity and masculinity, helps to better understand oneself and others.

Communication and interaction skills improve. Dance is one of the ways to find language in relationships, not only in dance, but also in life.

During ballroom dancing classes for girls a sense of one's true nature develops femininity, sophistication, they learn to trust their partner and consciously follow the man.

Men reveal my charisma And masculinity, master the technique soft control, which is necessary not only in dance, but also in life.

A definite advantage for men who dance is success among women. Once men show the public at least part of their skills and dancing skills in a club or restaurant, it definitely makes an impression and all women are conquered. Even if there are no restaurants the right music and large space, you can adapt to any musical accompaniment and create any movements.

Man doing ballroom dancing develops harmoniously, How physically, so mentally, emotionally And socially.

Ballroom dancing is music, beauty and movement. These are masculinity and femininity, sensuality, passion and emotions. Dancing is pleasure and inspiration, creativity and joy.

This dance improvisation as an interesting form of leisure and communication. It is the expression of individuality and feelings through music and dance.


The art of dance is magnificent means of education and development little man . It enriches spiritual world, helps the child to reveal himself as a person.

Unfortunately, modern conditions life does not always help our children grow up healthy. Huge study loads, poor nutrition, inability to plan school time, sometimes not very healthy influence of peers and society, lack of understanding of the vital need for healthy development are the causes of the occurrence and development of childhood diseases.

According to the world's leading pediatricians, the main component of this comprehensive approach should be regular sports activities child.

Many studies by psychologists have proven that children who dance achieve greater results. success learning than their peers, and also ahead of them V general development . The research of many famous pediatricians has already repeatedly noted the fact that dance classes can significantly speed up the development process child. People who danced as children are able to achieve great success in life than their non-dancing peers.

Thanks to dancing, a child develops not only physically, but also emotionally And intellectually.

Dancing is one of the best physical practices for a growing body, thanks to which the child opens up and begins to feel your body and applies its plasticity for the purpose expressions own emotions and feelings.

Dancing classes help your child relax and relieve tension study load , give good mood and a sense of self-confidence.

Knowing how to dance helps deal with stress. If we talk about brain activity, dance stimulates both hemispheres of the brain to work. The first one, responsible for creative thinking, the second - for logic, they create strict geometry and improvisation of dance. Dance also develops brain functions such as memory, coordination movements, logical and imaginative thinking, etc.

Dance helps to form the child’s initial mathematical and logical concepts, trains spatial orientation skills; develops speech. Dancing classes help develop such qualities as purposefulness, organization And hard work, improve moral and moral qualities.

Dance classes teach children look good, teach you to take care of yourself. Thanks to this, the child will be fit and neat throughout his life, and this is an important factor in communicating with people.

Through dance, a child begins to look at the world with different eyes, perceives any problems of his children's world much more positive.

All children enjoy moving to music. Dancing childasserts itself. On the parquet dance studio or at home in front of the mirror, his inner “I” is updated. Babies remain at the bodily level of development until they are 3 years old. And the better we work on a child’s body, the more harmonious his psyche is! Also in adolescents and adults the body is the foundation of personality. Therefore, if you say to yourself “I have no ability to dance,” then maybe you didn’t get enough of something in childhood.

It happens that in life a baby experiences negative feelings, receives sharp shouts, and inattention. And at the moment of testing negative feelings his body shrinks. Here it is dance that can best help in removing physical tensions and restoring emotional balance. And if a child dances regularly, he will be given many chances for “psychotherapy.”

Dancing classes will make your daughter feel... a real princess in beautiful ball gowns, and the boys will turn into noble gentlemen during their performances.

When little children dance, it's easier for them to find mutual language, they are brought together by melodic music, the atmosphere of a dance class and communication with the teacher. Partner dance teach communication culture between girls and boys, between athletes different ages. Help the guys improve their social and communication skills- they are studying work in a team, they will develop a sense of trust and cooperation.

Dancing for children is good for mental health children, as they increase self-esteem, develop a sense of confidence and ability express emotions. Children's dancing is liberating - if you have a modest and shy child, training will remove barriers and make him more courageous. Dancing is a kind of training that allows you to get rid of a lot of personal complexes, acquire emancipation, additional self confidence.

Dance classes develop in children aesthetic feelings, ear for music, the ability to perceive music, they learn to control their body, train motor skills and coordination movements. Ballroom dancing classes contribute to the development of a child’s physical strength, endurance, flexibility, strengthen muscles, improve performance respiratory And cardiovascular systems.

Dancing classes and participation in various competitions develop a child's stress resistance, skills adaptation to rapid changes modern life, form good habits and organize internally. By practicing ballroom dancing, children learn to achieve their goals, but not because “you have to,” but because “you will definitely succeed!”, and this is a big difference.

Ballroom dancing classes are an opportunity replenish your portfolio cultural and sporting achievements.

Dancing is also a great way improve your health.

Gradually dancing brings the body to physical and spiritual improvement, and this is the main benefit of dancing. Compared to other sports, ballroom dancing has an important advantage - it is less traumatic.

If the baby is poorly developed physically, dancing will not require a miracle from the first lesson, at first they will only adapt the body to minor loads, gradually accustom the muscles to regular work, accelerate metabolism, will help develop a breathing pattern.

No other sport corrects the back as well as promotes health and alignment. spine.

Dancing effectively strengthens nervous system, work gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, correcting incorrect posture people, improve mood, help solve psychological problems.

Sports ballroom dancing for children: answers to popular questions parents

In the past, ballroom dancing was a noble pastime reserved for high society, and learning this art was considered a sign of refined taste and good upbringing. Why was the ability to dance so valued? One has only to look at the grace, aristocratic posture and demeanor of professional dancers - and everything becomes clear. Today, dancing is no less popular; it not only decorates social events, but is also included in the program of international sporting competitions.

Do you want your child to be a successful professional dancer? Sports ballroom dancing is what you need. However, first, let's look at the pros and cons of this activity, evaluate the training program and learn some secrets of success. As the saying goes: “forewarned is forearmed.”

Is it worth it?

Any activity has its pros and cons. When choosing a particular sport, it is worth carefully analyzing all the positive and negative arguments.

Benefits of sports ballroom dancing for children:

  • development of the child’s respiratory system, increased immunity and general condition health;
  • uniform development of all muscle groups;
  • excellent physical form and well-developed muscle corset of dancers;
  • development of musical ear;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • prevention of complexes in children;
  • development of willpower, confidence, self-control;
  • improvement of posture and flexibility.

Disadvantages of sports ballroom dancing:

  • high probability of injuries, unsuccessful falls;
  • large monetary costs for costumes, participation in competitions, trips, etc.;
  • Ballroom dancing takes a lot physical strength and time for both children and parents;
  • Difficulties in relationships in a couple are possible (grievances and disagreements between dance partners can accumulate over years and negatively affect the child’s morale and the quality of classes).

So, you have made the final decision in favor of dancing. What about the child? Don't forget about his desires and capabilities. Pay attention to how your baby reacts to music, how he moves, and how artistic he is. If a child's behavior does not change when he hears rousing music, dancing is obviously not suitable for him.

When to start?

It's never too late to take up dancing, but in sports it's important not to miss the right age to start. However, there is also no need to rush when bringing a three-year-old child to dance. Excessive loads in early age may harm the growing body. Classes for 3-4 years old can take the form of casual play, but for serious studies it is important to have a formed psyche and endurance. The most suitable age to start learning sports ballroom dancing is 6-7 years old.

How to prepare a child for dancing?

Awakening interest in sports is the first step towards success. You should not force your child to dance; it is important to interest the child and show him the benefits and beauty of this activity. Watch competitive performances with your child, ask his opinion, offer to try. Don't put too much in front of your baby high bar trying to satisfy his ambitions. Let the child go to a few training sessions and decide. If after 3-4 lessons there is no interest in sports, do not insist.

What is included in the ballroom dance program?

Before starting classes, it is important to learn as much as possible about sports ballroom dancing in order to compare the level of future loads with the child’s capabilities. Sports ballroom dancing is divided into two programs: European and Latin American. All dances of these programs together make up the so-called “competitive top ten”, presented at all competitions. Each dance has its own unique charm, its own history and style. Find the most interesting information about this sport and tell it to your future dancer.

European Ballroom Dance Program

Dance name


Dance style

Music style


Additional Information

Slow waltz

appeared in Austria in the 18th century.

Social, ballroom dance with smooth, pendulum movements.

orchestral music, classical works with characteristic melody.

31 beats per minute.

The slow waltz is the basis of the European program. This dance has the unofficial title of “king of dances.”

Viennese Waltz

Derived from Austrian folk dance in late XVIII century.

Social, ballroom with characteristic circular rotations of partners, slides and sharp turns of the head.

Instrumental waltz music with high tempo.

60 beats per minute.

Viennese Waltz contains least amount figures from all European dances.


Appeared in the 19th century in Spain and Argentina

Social, ballroom with progressive movements and unusual diagonal directions.

Instrumental music with a slow tempo.

30-32 beats per minute.

Tango is one of the most complex and vibrant dances in the European program.


Appeared in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Social, ballroom with elongated lines and continuous movements.

Rhythmic, swing music.

29-32 beats per minute.

Foxtrot is the most a slow dance European program

Quickstep (fast foxtrot)

Appeared on the eve of the First World War in England.

Social, ballroom dance, requiring lightness and mobility.

Orchestral music, high tempo jazz and swing.

48-52 beats per minute.

Quickstep is the most dynamic dance in the European program.

You stand at a crossroads: what sports section, circle or command to send your child.

You have a quiet and shy boy, you understand that he is a creative person, but at the same time, he lacks physical training.

You have a girl who, when asked “what do you want to be?”, immediately answers: “of course, a princess!”

In this case optimal solution There will be ballroom dancing. After all, this is a whole complex of different dance styles and directions where every child can choose what he likes. Sports ballroom dancing includes the following programs:

  • European. This includes such styles as slow waltz, Viennese waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep.
  • Latin American (cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, jif, paso doble).
  • Sports rock and roll.
  • Some styles of folk dance

Developmental features of ballroom dancing

In addition to the intellectual and creative education child, ballroom dancing is also a serious physical activity. Dance exercises develop all muscle groups, have a beneficial effect on the cardiological and respiratory systems of the body, and correct incorrect posture. Dancing helps you feel your body, control it, and use the plasticity of your body to express your emotions and feelings.

Children who regularly take part in competitions become more responsible and collected, learn to make decisions and help their neighbors. Ballroom dancing classes, as a type of physical training, also have a positive effect on mental and emotional processes and have a positive impact on the development of the child’s personality.


Before sending your child to ballroom dancing, you should know that this is a very expensive type of competition. The main part of the costs here is associated with the high cost of dance costumes and special shoes. The suits themselves, as a rule, are made to order in specialized studios. Shoes are also required to be high quality and quite expensive. In addition, regular contributions are required for participation in competitions, etc.


As in any other sport, in dancing, to achieve results you need regular workouts And serious attitude. This is especially true during the period of preparation for competitions, when absences training sessions unacceptable.


Ballroom dancing is the most perfect view sports for girls. They learn to hear music and develop a sense of rhythm. And what an entourage! Beautiful dresses, swirling couples, Beautiful music. Every girl deep down dreams of being a princess and dancing at the ball.

Boys are brought here, as a rule, by romantic parents who want to raise a real prince. Ballroom dancing can hardly be called a manly sport (despite the very serious physical activity), but in the future it will serve the boy well. He will be able to show off his skills at a disco, and will also feel confident with the opposite sex. After all, not a single girl will refuse an offer to dance.

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