How to dance to dubstep. How to dance dubstep: strengthening your physical fitness


If you're asking about how to dance dubstep, it means you're serious because it's not the easiest dance to perform. If you need to learn it quickly, use videos and these instructions. Dubstep as musical genre appeared ten years ago, but is only gaining significant popularity now. It is characterized by the presence low bass and at a fairly fast pace. The elements of dancing to it resemble the movements of robots, and in order for them to be successful, you must be in excellent physical shape. Before you begin, take a sober assessment of your current state and prepare for regular training. So, let's learn to dance dubstep. To do this you will need enough free space and large mirror. This way you can effectively hone your skills.

Let's start with the simplest, and we assure you that after a while, having successfully mastered the basics, you will be able to come up with your own elements. How to dance dubstep? Its main movement is a broken wave. Learning how to do it is not difficult if you are flexible enough, but also technically skilled. Otherwise, you will have to study for a long time. They make a wave with both hands, sideways, apart, as well as with the whole body or just the body. There are enough options. As a rule, it takes an average of 2 weeks to a month to master everything. Of course, you will have to stock up on patience, but this is one of the main and most striking elements. Based on it, you will be able to make more complex connections in the future. And now about the famous one. This is not the easiest element, but it is worth it. Without learning it, it is impossible to say that you know what dubstep is. Dance lessons, offered in a wide variety, will undoubtedly help you master all the movements faster. But we assure that if you have a great desire and also free time, then video tutorials may be quite enough.

Mastery comes with experience

Undoubtedly, figuring out how to dance dubstep takes time. Thorough work on mistakes will help you do this faster. Film your lessons and analyze the mistakes you most often make. Chat on special forums for beginner dancers. As a rule, there are also professionals there who can often give useful tips. Watch videos of performances online - this will give you inspiration and motivation. As soon as it seems that you have gotten the hang of it, go to the club and demonstrate your skills. Don't be afraid of criticism, in this case it is the engine of progress. Take part in tournaments - nothing inspires more than a victory, even if it’s a small one. Exercise regularly, preferably at least 15 minutes daily. This will be much more effective than twice a week, but for two to three hours. This way the body will quickly get used to the loads, and the body will remember the movements better. The main thing is to believe in yourself, and soon everyone you know will be asking how to dance dubstep like you. Happy creativity!

How to dance dubstep?

If you decide to learn how to dance dubstep, you should first understand the essence of this dance, understand what it is in general. More often than not, when you ask about dubstep, you will receive information about the style of music. That’s right, dubstep is a genre of music that emerged relatively recently in south London (2000s). The specificity of the bright sound and rhythmic clarity of such music is achieved by creating large quantity low frequency bass. An unpredictable and stunning whirlpool of sounds carries away the person dancing to this music. So dubstep is a style of dancing to this music, that is, it would be more correct to say how to learn to dance to dubstep.

Understand the main points of music and dance; listen to music of this style and learn how to dance dubstep from video lessons - these are the tasks that must be completed in order to learn how to dance dubstep. We will help you theoretically.

Dubstep dance: basics

General technical side Dubstep dance is borrowed from electric boogie, while new elements are added. Electric boogie, in turn, is also a hodgepodge: elements of animation, liquid, popping and waving are combined into one whole and transformed mainly into an electronic-mechanical illusion.

That is, you can understand how to dance dubstep and learn it by understanding all these styles. The overall idea is mechanical, electronic movements, reminiscent of a dancing robot. At the same time, we must not forget that this is a dance. The clarity and sharpness of movements must simultaneously contain flexibility and plasticity. Like that bending pencil effect (when you hold the pencil by the center with two fingers and swing it, moving your hand up and down).

Dubstep in dance: elements

  • In general, we decided that in order to learn dubstep, it is necessary to practice clarity of movements, sharpness while simultaneously being flexible, graceful, and smooth.
  • The dance includes short and longer movements, sudden accelerations, decelerations and even stops - it all depends on the track. The purpose of the dance is to play with the track, to join in with it, to play the track with the body, to convey its mood, rhythm, tempo, and character to the audience. It is necessary to practice the speed of movements, to be able to abruptly switch from fast to slow, but in such a way that it is beautiful.
  • You might think that everyone sees mood and character in their own way. This is the richness of dubstep dance; it provides opportunities for self-expression, creative imagination and initiative. And the tempo and rhythm are common to everyone and will serve as a guide. Dubstep is developing, and therefore everyone is able to contribute to it.
  • Body dancing dubstep- it's not just robot mechanics. All kinds of waves, bends, turns, sudden movements of every part of the arms, legs, and entire body - this is what a dubstep dancer needs to be able to do.
  • All kinds of transformations create various illusions in people (as if there are no bones, as if the body is bending where this is simply unrealistic). These transformations and illusions are based on continuous smooth (but quite clear) transitions from one movement to another, like flowing, wave-like movements.
  • The entertainment value of illusions is ensured by the speed of execution, surprise and skill (which is developed through practice) of the dancer.
  • Remember that the electronic nature of the dance is not without its emotional side. The curves of the body in virtual space are like a stream of numbers, but they are always emotionally charged. In dubstep dance, the body seems to be controlled by artificial intelligence.

To which it is performed. This genre emerged in the 2000s in South London. This type of music is characterized by specific rhythmic clarity and bright sound. The effect is achieved due to the abundance of low-frequency bass; this flurry of sounds carries the dancer into an unimaginable and unpredictable whirlpool of movements, as if a person is controlled by an artificial intelligence.

How to learn to perform dubstep dance?

First of all, you need to get into the rhythm of the music. Listen to dubstep, feel the “mood”, try to understand the main points of music and dance. Pay attention to successful dancers, study how they move.

The basis of the dance

Dubstep is a dance that combines several styles, borrowed mainly from electric boogie - dance; it is a real “Klondike” of various genres. This style combines animation, popping, liquid, waving, etc. All these elements form a single whole. Therefore, in order to learn dance technique, you will have to work hard and study all the mentioned styles.

The basis of dubstep are electronic ones that imitate a dancing robot.

What elements does dubstep (dance) consist of?

The rhythm, sharpness and speed of movements depend on the specific track. There is no universal solution - you need to listen and feel the music. It may be difficult at first, but over time it will definitely work out. To feel confident on the dance floor, you need to practice the basic elements in front of the mirror. It is important to achieve a clear and sharp, but at the same time graceful and flexible performance. Once your body remembers certain movements, you can use them randomly depending on the music playing.

Dubstep (dance) consists of sudden accelerations and decelerations. In some cases, even stopping is appropriate. Movements can be short and sharp, or they can be protracted. You may unexpectedly switch from slow movements to fast ones, and vice versa. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and organic.

The purpose of the dance is to convey the mood, tempo and rhythm of the track, to feel and imagine its character. You need to play the music in an original way and use your body to convey the mood to the viewer. You must completely merge with the unpredictable flurry of sounds.

All dancers feel the character and mood of the same track differently, therefore, dubstep is a dance that provides room for imagination, an opportunity for self-expression and initiative. The rhythm will be the same for everyone, so it will unite the dancing people.

There are no templates in this direction. There is only general principles. Everyone can use what suits them. Dance is developing, so you can not just copy other people’s ideas, but also put forward your own.

The abundance of technology variations is impressive. You can perform various turns, bends, waves, sudden movements of the whole body or just the arms or legs. During the dance, the viewer experiences various illusions. With fairly clear but smooth continuous movements, a feeling appears as if the dancer’s body is bending in places where this is impossible.

The more professionalism you have, the more spectacular your dance will be. Over time, you will learn to make quick and unexpected transitions and master this unpredictable and fascinating dance.


Dubstep is a style of music after which the dance was named. This trend originated in 2000 in the southern districts of London. Clarity and brightness of sound are the main features characteristic of this style of music. This effect can be achieved by using bass at low frequencies. It is due to them that an unimaginable style of dance movements is created, which creates the impression that a person no longer controls his body.

How to become one of those who dance dubstep? You just need to feel this music, let it pass through you, understand its mood and become a part of it. Then you need to understand the basics of this dance, feel the style and features of the music. Videos of successful dancers will help a beginner with this. You just need to watch how they make certain movements, how they combine them into a single dance.

Dubstep is a mix of various styles, genres and trends. Its basis is electric boogie - dancing. IN this style animation, waving, liquidation, dpopping and many other areas are successfully and appropriately combined. But at the same time, all these elements are successfully combined, forming one single direction.

To become a successful dubstep dancer, you need to master all the styles that make up it. But still, the basis of dubstep is mechanical movements that emulate the dance of a robot. Still, what are the main parts of dubstep? It all depends on the specific song or track - rhythm, speed of movements, sharpness of movements. To dance in this direction you just need to feel the music, let it pass through you. Since there are no specific rules and canons in this style. Of course, not everyone will succeed the first time, although in fact it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To overcome shyness on the dance floor, you just need to practice popular elements in front of a mirror and practice. It must be remembered that sharpness and clarity must be combined with ease and flexibility of movements. A beginner will feel much more confident when the body does all these movements “automatically” and can use what they have learned depending on the track.

Dubstep affects acceleration, slowness, and sometimes stops, respectively, movements can also be slow and smooth, or very fast and sharp. the main task- convey the mood musical composition, its rhythm. To do this, you need to learn to merge with the music, allow it to become a part of you.

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If you decide to learn dubstep, then first understand the essence of this dance. If you start searching the Internet for dubstep, you will immediately be given information about the style of music. That's right, it's a genre of music that has recently emerged in south London. Rhythmic clarity and brightness of sound is specificity given music. To achieve this, musicians create a huge amount of low-frequency bass. The stunning whirlpool and unpredictability of the sounds of this music can carry away a dancer. That is, dubstep is a style of dancing to this music.

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In this article we will help you with theoretical aspects, but you can practice it in the video lessons presented at the end of the article.

The basis of dubstep

The technical side of the dance is taken from electric boogie, but new movements have also appeared. In turn, electric boogie also consists of elements of other dances: waving, popping, liquid and animation, but everything is transformed into an electronic-mechanical illusion.

That is, you can figure out how to dance dubstep by first understanding all these styles. The overall idea is electronic, mechanical elements that resemble a dancing robot. However, do not forget that this is a dance. The sharpness and clarity of movements must contain both plasticity and flexibility. Like the effect of a bending pencil, when you hold it by the center with two fingers and swing it.

Dubstep elements

  • Do not forget that the electronic nature of the dance should not be devoid of emotion. In dubstep, the body seems to be controlled by an artificial intelligence.
  • Skill, surprise and speed of execution make the illusion spectacular. But this requires practice and a lot of training.
  • Different illusions and people are created from all kinds of transformations (as if there are no bones, as if the body is bending where it is unreal). These illusions and transformations are based on smooth, continuous, but clear, transitions from one element to another, similar to the flow of liquid.
  • A dancer's body is not just mechanical work. Sudden movements body, legs, arms, various turns, bends, waves - this is what you need to be able to do.
  • It can be assumed that each person feels character and mood in his own way. This is the richness of dubstep, it gives you the opportunity to express yourself, take initiative and creative imagination. And the rhythm and tempo are common to everyone. The music is the same, but everyone can contribute.
  • The dance consists of short and long elements, sudden stops, slowdowns and accelerations - it all depends on the music. The purpose of the dance is to play with the track, play it with the body, join the track, convey the character, tempo, rhythm, and mood to the audience. You need to work on the speed of your movements, learn how to suddenly switch from slow to fast, but so that it looks beautiful.
  • To learn dubstep, you need to work on clarity and sharpness of movements, but also at the same time on smoothness, grace and plasticity.

Video lessons

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