What role does television play in human life? What role does television play in the life of a modern person - essays, abstracts, reports


Akimova Irina Aleksandrovna

This article is devoted to the analysis of television as the main mass media, which has its own specifics. Modern television, conceived as a means of democratizing society and raising its educational and cultural level, turned out to be capable of generating a new socio-cultural "media" reality. Television has the ability to imperceptibly influence a person's perception of the surrounding reality and form attitudes and opinions about the social world. Article address: www.gramota.net/materials/372017/10-271.html


Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice

Tambov: Diploma, 2017. No. 10 (84) : in 2 parts, Part 2. C. 13-15. ISSN 1997-292X.

Journal address: www.gramota.net/editions/3.html

© Gramota Publishing House

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Philosophical Sciences

This article is devoted to the analysis of television as the main mass media, which has its own specifics. Modern television, conceived as a means of democratizing society and raising its educational and cultural level, turned out to be able to generate a new socio-cultural "media" reality. Television has the ability to imperceptibly influence a person's perception of the surrounding reality and form attitudes and opinions about the social world.

Keywords and phrases: mass communication; television as communication; television and socialization; home culture; media reality; cultivation of beliefs.

Akimova Irina Aleksandrovna, Ph.D. PhD, Associate Professor

Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman [email protected] gee


New coil scientific and technological progress contributed to the expansion of the possibilities of mass communications, which can be likened to the circulatory system of modern society. Mass communication, like a web, covers modern society. And the parameters of its placement are able to determine the algorithm of development (or change) of both the society itself and the person existing in it.

Introduction of new information technologies in modern society causes a wide scientific interest in the formation of public and personal ideas about the world by the media (media).

The power of the media extends to almost all areas of society to a greater or lesser extent. This is most clearly manifested in the political and social spheres, but the sphere of spiritual life and even the personal life of a person do not go unnoticed by the media.

Television and the Internet play a decisive role in this process. Despite the rapid and widespread use of the Internet, television has not yet lost its importance as the main source of information (52% of the Russian population think so, according to VTsIOM). Television is perceived as a media with a high degree of responsibility, and Internet resources give too mosaic and contradictory picture, which raises doubts about its reliability.

Since its inception, television has been based on the latest, yet insufficiently mastered by the public consciousness, technologies for creating models. new reality. Invented as technical means in order to transmit information over a distance, television, according to the inventors, had to democratize society, expand the information space and provide equal access to it for all segments of the population. The introduction of color television was also met with great enthusiasm, which made it possible to significantly increase the emotional perception of the audience. People not only received information about the world around them, but fell into the so-called "media reality".

As the presence of media grows both in society and in the private life of the individual, rave reviews of television as a positive tool social change(R. Williams) were replaced by more restrained statements (M. McLuhan). Among them there were also statements about the negative role of television for society and for the individual.

Television helps a person to easily enter a special intellectual and valuable environment, characteristic of today's era and broadcast on the screen. Being an authoritative agent of socialization and ensuring the existence of a person in a complex and contradictory urban environment, television provides a huge contingent of people of different ages and genders with functionally suitable mechanisms for representing what is right and what is wrong in behavior, desires, aspirations, etc. We see that television can influence the formation of a creatively thinking and active personality. This person is able to create around him a special cultural environment, the center of communication of which becomes an individual place of residence.

A special type of domestic culture is being formed, in which a person, without leaving his place, feels connected with the whole world through the TV screen. The audiovisual information presented by the TV screen is enough for a person to feel like a competent participant in world events, an expert in various fields life. The difference in cultural level can only be determined by the choice of programs.

It is precisely the fact that television has become an always accessible and familiar part of household use that makes it quite dangerous for people, turning them into passive viewers and consumers of not always high-quality information. By distributing certain content, television forms the level of aesthetic tastes, political views, moral norms, etc. A person cannot always critically evaluate what he sees. As a result, he becomes incapable of forming his own judgments and fully participating in social discourse, public or private.

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Perceiving the TV picture as a reflection of the world, a person easily crosses the line between the real and the virtual, getting into the artificial world of media reality.

And this is due not only to the technical capabilities of television, not only to its ability to express social needs, but to the fact that it is the result of a certain ideological, political and economic choice of the media elite, mediacracy.

To an ordinary person the essence and structure of television is practically unknown. Everything that is reflected on television screens is also reflected in our minds as real events, and what is not recorded by a television camera does not seem to exist if a person is not a direct witness to certain events. The first is included in history, the second can become an element of the memory of an individual.

One gets the feeling that if an event occurs, and television remains indifferent, then there is no certainty whether this event occurred at all.

Television reality turns out to be the only one for people where they are accustomed to exist. By creating the world "more real than reality itself", television from the creator of events and images seeks to become the only tool for its cognition. And the knowledge of this world must follow the laws of the media. Television transformation of reality has its own logic of development and spatio-temporal characteristics. First, television can draw attention to events that lie outside the zone of our personal attention. Secondly, television, penetrating deeply into reality, seeks to change it and present it to the audience as the only real one.

In this new reality, television is a kind of device for switching human energy from one state to another, i.e. a kind of sublimation mechanism. This manifests itself in empathy with the events displayed in the plots presented on the "blue screens". Through television, the individual finds the necessary psychological balance. Screen « beautiful life"gives the layman the opportunity to go beyond his difficult, sorrowful, anxious life. And plots of reprisal, revenge, just retribution and extreme news (catastrophes, disasters, etc.) are used to splash out accumulated negative emotions: irritation, pain, annoyance, etc. Thus, television radically transforms the very environment in which a modern person lives and communicates, replacing reality with virtuality.

Television is the most powerful source of shared images and messages. This is the main current in the general symbolic environment in which we all live our lives. Belief cultivation is the process of forming opinions and attitudes in viewers. Television information and declared values ​​have become the central "instance" of socialization in modern society. At the same time, it should be noted that television affects not only the images shared by all, but also emotions.

The acquisition of knowledge through television is a classic theme in sociocultural and sociopsychological studies of its influence on personality. With the help of television, a person can learn not only data, facts, information, television can form attitudes and opinions about the social world.

The formation of attitudes and opinions about the social world is the central idea of ​​the "cultivation of beliefs", which was developed by a group of American media researchers led by Georg Gerbner. main idea is that television is the main social institution modern society. The influence of television lies not so much in the transmission of specific attitudes and opinions as in their cultivation. Watching television gives the viewer knowledge that they then (erroneously) assume is correct for real everyday situations.

Modern television is able to activate the mythological thinking of people, relying on the fact that the mythological type of consciousness is not a rudiment of the past, but is real. existing type. Television is a special intermediary between myth-makers and consumers of myths, as well as a "factory" for their production. Myth-makers today are the producers of modern cultural texts, meanings and artifacts. In modern popular culture the myth becomes part of the culture of everyday life and does not carry sacred meaning. There is a manipulation with visual and audio images, which are quite easily transferred to the language of modern television. In this process, technologies of psychological manipulation of consciousness acquire a special role. Television cannot be canceled, therefore, it is necessary to develop certain "protection filters" from the psychological destruction of some television programs.

Despite the fact that the Internet is now becoming a more popular means of communication than television, one cannot speak of the imminent disappearance of the latter. Television is developing both technically, and meaningfully, and aesthetically. The number of TV channels is multiplying, representing different broadcast formats and enabling viewers to learn different points of view, assessments and positions on a particular issue. Modern television has already come close enough to interactive broadcasting, which gives a person a wider access to the cultural and information space, represented by many "video windows" simultaneously displayed on the monitor screen and reflecting the possible diversity of the world. A person only needs to choose what he will watch / listen to, based on his needs at the moment. This is, of course, a creative choice, which leads to the fact that a personal picture of the world will emerge from the mosaic of television pictures.

But with all the variety of technical innovations in television broadcasting, the main problems still remain the problems of the influence of television on the formation of a communicatively developed and harmonious social person. Not indulging the base tastes of the public, but improving the quality of the content of television programs for the upbringing and education of people should become a priority in the process of creating television content.

List of sources

1. Winterhoff-Spurk P. Media psychology. Basic principles. 2nd ed., corrected, revised. and additional / per. with him. A. V. Ko-chengina, O. A. Shipilova. Kharkiv: Humanitarian Center, 2016. 268 p.

2. Remembering Marshall McLuhan [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mcluhan.ru/articles/vspominaya-marshalla-makluena/ (date of access: 07/21/2017).

3. Internet versus television: the battle continues [Electronic resource] // All-Russian Research Center public opinion. Press release No. 3367 dated 05/03/2017. URL: https://wciom.ru/index.php?id=236&uid=116190 (date of access: 07/21/2017).

4. Gerbner G., Gross L., Morgan M., Signorelli N. Living with Television: The Dynamics of Cultivation Process // Perspectives on Media Effects / ed. by J. Bryant, D. Zillman. Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum, 1986, pp. 17-40.

5. Willifms R. Television. Technology and Cultural Form. Hannover - L., 1992. 234 p.


Akimova Irina Alexandrovna, Ph. D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor Bauman Moscow State Technical University [email protected] en

This article is devoted to the analysis of television as the main means of mass media having its own specificity. Modern television, conceived as a means of democratization of the society and the the possibility of increasing its educational and cultural level, turned out to be able to generate new sociocultural "media" reality. Television is able to influence insensibly a person's perception of the surrounding reality and to formulate attitudes and opinions about the social world.

Key words and phrases: mass communication; television as communication; television and socialization; domestic culture; media reality; cultivation of beliefs.

UDC 7.048; 72 Art history

The article presents a structural-semiotic study of plant motifs in Central Asia and Tatarstan, the determination of their appearance in the ornamental images of the cultures of these regions. The underlying functions of protection and the cult of fertility are highlighted. Folk ideas about the immortal gardens of the Muslim paradise, fantastic and real plant forms surrounding the inhabitants of oases are interpreted. Plant cults and ornaments of mountainous and lowland regions are compared.

Key words and phrases: plant motifs; Tatarstan; middle Asia; suzani; Suzani.

Baikova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor

Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A. baykovaekateg [email protected] gee


In visual art, signs that reveal the essence of an object or image are in all cases universal in nature and can be used as a tracing paper in any artistic text of visually perceived objects. It is these informatively significant features that floral ornament used in all art forms Muslim culture, taking the lead.

Ornament in Muslim countries had a special place and special meaning almost the only permitted image, refracted through the geometry of the drawing, he retained a living image of the surrounding world.

In the architecture of this civilization, in a number of cases, geomorphic images are used, which are involved both as an object of worship and as an element of decor or a constructive system.

Despite the similarity of motives and commonality of ideas, there are significant differences figurative system these cultures, each of which involves the reflection of pastoral and agricultural cults. Different geographic locations, climates and different environments of civilizations have left their mark. The strictest regulation of images still does not exclude the regional features of these essentially different cultures, united in a single Muslim civilization.

The largest English Arabist H. A. R. Gibb defined the term "Muslim art" as a phenomenon that reveals the universal style-forming features of the artistic culture of Muslims, in this context he also notes the specifics of "Islamic art", by which he means the artistic culture of the mainly Muslim Middle Ages over a vast area from India to Spain. "Community of art Muslim world reveals itself both in space and in time, which is due to the religious and philosophical worldview, adherence to the aesthetic canon and ideals

TV plays very important role in our life. This constant source of entertainment and information, a window through which the whole world can enter our homes. Some people consider watching entertainment TV shows to be the best way to spend their free time, while others find it better to watch political and educational programs. We can really see a lot interesting programs: information, music, sports, for children and adults.

But what did we do before the advent of television? Before we let the "one-eyed monster" into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our free time. We had the opportunity to enjoy the achievements of Civilization. For example, it was okay for us to have hobbies, entertain our friends and entertain ourselves, go to the theater, cinema, go on hikes and sports competitions. We even used to read books and listen to music. All this belongs to our past. Now all our free time is regulated by the “box of miracles”. We rush home and rush to eat food in order to be in time for one program or another. We even stopped sitting at the table and having a leisurely dinner, exchanging the news of the day. The monster demands and receives absolute silence and attention. If a family member dares to open his mouth during the program, he is quickly silenced.

Entire generations grow up watching television, food left uneaten, homework left unfinished, and sleep lost. Television makes advances in passive gratification. We begin to be satisfied with second-hand events. It's so easy to sit in chairs and watch others work. Gradual television shields us from the real world. We become so lazy that we want to spend a beautiful day sitting in the semi-darkness, glued to chairs, instead of going out for a walk. Television can be a wonderful medium of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other. About how much television is not responding real life, we find out when we spend a vacation at sea or in the mountains, far from civilization, in a quiet, natural environment; we quickly discover how little we missed the hypnotic influence of the "one-eyed monster."

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Social motives

Sociologists believe that we watch TV for pragmatic reasons: to get information, to get high, to learn something fundamentally new, to merge negative emotions, to train our reactions to TV characters. Among the social motives in the first place are “Everyone is watching - and I am watching”, “I will have nothing to talk about at work”, “I am afraid to miss something important”. When everyone was watching the same thing, social motives were in the foreground. Television shaped national identity and outlook. We all became the Soviet people thanks to the Vremya and Kinopanorama programs. From the very beginning of the broadcasts, the theories of “strong television” dominated, which fatally determines the behavior of viewers. The first textbook on the theory of mass communication was published by the American Mills in 1959. And soon another American, McQuail, established the main functions of television: to inform society, to moderate it, to ensure the continuity of generations, to entertain, to mobilize in public purposes relating to politics, war, sometimes religion, and so on.

Today, most TV theorists acknowledge that social mission television is largely exhausted. Dominates and, most likely, will win the desire of people to have fun.

Psychological motives

Now that there is a choice of channels, individual psychological motives have become more obvious. It became clear that television (like the Internet) is a universal projective megatest, a mirror for millions, in which everyone is looking for an image close to himself, trying to solve deep psychological problems- from melancholy and loneliness to the release of aggression to the whole world.

To test this hypothesis, together with Fedor Marchenko, a graduate student at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we took the Luscher projective test (a set of colored cards) and asked 125 viewers, VGIK students, to rank them, as in a regular study. And then choose a card that, in the opinion of the viewer, would be most consistent with his personal TV. It turned out that's what.

- TV labels only latent, implicitly expressed problems. That is, watching TV helps to realize deep personal problems that the viewer is not yet aware of, but already feels something vague.

- Television marks mostly positive trends. This echoes the stable data that the "I" of a person has a positive modality. No matter what happens in a person's life, he still considers himself a good guy. From this, by the way, it follows that television material is filtered all the time. Only that which confirms the positive modality of the "I" is perceived and remains in memory. The rest is simply forgotten.

-Women and men look differently television programs. Women demonstrate openness and optimism and actively learn "by the TV", slicking everything from the model of clothes to the manner of speaking from the screen. Men demonstrate the opposite trend: closeness, unwillingness to admit that the problems of most people or characters on the screen are difficult for them too. According to the test, it turned out that men hide their true feelings even from the TV. And we still wonder how they manage to lead their own wives by the nose for years.

Butterfly style on different lanes

How do we watch TV? The answer "Lying on the couch" does not roll today, as well as "In the family circle." After massive viewing of the same programs, the viewer has become a lonely and resourceful manipulator. The question "Who is manipulating whom?" – television by the viewer or viewer by television – remains open.

Spectators can be ranked according to the degree of activity. "Fat penguin" on the couch is archaic. Because this "animal" armed itself with a remote control and, like a student killer, hooks up programs and presenters. Scientists were not too lazy, they installed video cameras and found that simple zapping, clattering through the channels is no longer fashionable. There are several more styles. Just like in swimming or figure skating!

There are, for example, background and concentrated, continuous and "clip" styles of television viewing. Typical situation: a person is busy with something of his own, and at this time the TV is on. In many homes, the TV turns on and off with the light. On the contrary, focused television viewing involves a concentration of attention on the content of the television program. Live broadcasts from sports championships still cause full involvement in the events on the screen and continuous watching. On the contrary, clipping is when you watch a program in fits and starts, being distracted and switching to other channels or activities.

With the introduction of remote channel control, the notorious zapping appeared - constant channel switching, simultaneous viewing of several programs on different channels. It is believed that men are more active zappers than more conservative women. Another type of clipping is surfing, smooth sliding “on the waves”, channels. And flipping is a long simultaneous viewing of two programs of a long format. So you can watch a movie and a talk show, a match and an information and analytical program at once. The viewer does not want to abandon one program in favor of another or does not know what is best for him. A significant increase in the number of channels allows you to watch another style of television viewing - grazing; the viewer selects three to seven channels and then “grazes” (graze – “graze”) for a long time on them.

Viewer activity levels

According to the degree of involvement in viewing and even in television production, the following types of spectator behavior can be distinguished:

- a passive recipient who will watch everything that is offered to him;

- a naive adept who will act exactly as the media demonstrates to him;

- an addict who cannot live a day without television, refusing other activities and real relationships;

- a fan who adores his TV stars and will watch all programs with their participation;

- an interested participant who answers the questions of the moderators;

- an activist who seeks to get on the program in order to express his opinion;

- a player who seeks to get on the program to become famous, become a TV star himself or win a prize;

- a professional who works as an extra during the program, sitting in the studio;

- a skeptic who turns off the TV as soon as he loses interest, and generally does not expect anything serious from television;

- a critic who watches TV to get confirmation of his pessimistic views on life and society;

- an aggressor, a fighter against television: a viewer who believes (for religious, ideological or psychiatric reasons) that all the evil in the world is from television; he writes letters expressing his indignation, participates in protest pickets, harasses TV workers by phone; one of the members of a plurality of audience groups within an audience of millions;

- a skilled user who programs TV viewing according to his individual tastes, interests, employment.

Our study using the projective Luscher test, by the way, showed that viewers are very poorly aware of how they watch TV. There are many contradictions in the answers. For example, a person may consider that television does not play a significant role in his life, and watch television for fifteen hours a week. He may insist that he only watches political talk shows, and call KVN among his favorite programs. We tend to give socially desirable responses while hiding our addiction or addiction to television.

Watching what we hate?

Television not only reveals the psychological problems of each of us, but also helps, albeit in a surrogate form, to solve them. If you remember simple model According to Berne, the structure of which includes the Child, Adult and Parent, then all genres of television or just cinema can be correlated with it. For example, sensory hunger, the need for stimulation of various modalities, is satisfied in comedies. The characters in romantic, picaresque, eccentric comedies behave like preschool children, directly and joyfully. They do not speak so much as interact with the world. A later level of personality development corresponds to male action films and female melodramas.

From eight to twelve years old, boys and girls are at enmity, live by their own laws and are guided by their idols. Pay attention to how many female corpses are in the same "James Bond". Girls are not really needed in the male world, they are not valued by either the authors of the cinema or the audience. And, on the contrary, how many emotions - just a juicer, not a movie - in a melodrama. No action, all emotions. This is a girl's world. And, finally, tragedy corresponds to the mature level of personality, a genre that compares any value with life in general.

When we watch something that we do not digest in real life, we expand the boundaries of our “I”, conduct a thought experiment, try on impossible roles yesterday. Only for teenagers such practices are dangerous, they borrow them too straightforwardly. Children do not watch what they understand little. They don't like porn, just like adult films. They hope to be more successful and certainly smarter when they grow up. And adults have already developed a system of antidote against immoral behavior. In my opinion, voyeurism, the tendency to peep while experiencing excitement, is not so much a perversion as ours. common feature helping to expand humanity's experience.

I don’t know about you, but after learning all this, I began to treat both the TV and myself with great respect. Tired of this eternal self-deprecation and continuous excuse: “I don’t watch this dirty, nasty TV!”

I look to understand myself and others.

Expert opinion

Vladislav Andryushin, CEO of the ProBono Alliance of Helping Practitioners

It's a matter of life

For many, switching channels distracts from the unpleasant experiences associated with loneliness. TV helps temporarily “plug the hole” of longing for close communication and avoid a frightening meeting with yourself. Other TV programs, on the contrary, help to realize and accept the rejected aspects of their lives. Tangled plots life situations TV shows show that life goes on no matter what. “It’s something everyday,” said the hero of the cartoon “Kid and Carlson” in such cases. What was rejected in your life as terribly repulsive becomes commonplace. The negative consequences of such "acceptance" are not so obvious. Under the influence of television, a passive-superficial attitude to life is formed in each of us. Everything that happens to us is perceived as a kind of TV show - frivolous and reversible. A false sense of security in our lives remains with us regardless of watching TV.

  • II. The impact of radioactive radiation on the human body
  • L-forms of bacteria, their features and role in human pathology. Factors contributing to the formation of L-forms. Mycoplasmas and diseases caused by them.
  • * The well-known publicist V. Kutyrev believes that television is likened to the "gifts of the Danaans." This is an illusory good, fraught with a threat, depriving a person of joy and direct communication.

    * V. Soloukhin wrote that the general enthusiasm for television programs forms a consumer attitude towards art and reduces cognitive and creative activity person. Most Interest cause entertainment programs, a special programs more likely to be of interest to the non-specialist.

    * I. Petrovsky in the essay “We Remain. Where are we to go?" writes with regret that there are few truly talented, useful, interesting programs on television. From year to year, the increasing disproportion between what the viewer needs and what is beneficial to television itself cannot but disturb people who think in the slightest.

    Computer abuse problem

    * Well-known publicist A.A. Zinoviev writes that computers "have become the omnipotent deities of our Global human life." According to the author, they are considered the materialization of our spiritual life, our souls, a kind of "confessors" of our thoughts.

    The problem of the development of science and technology

    * The well-known writer, publicist V. Soloukhin believes that technology has made the state and humanity as a whole more powerful. But he immediately asks the question: when will a person be left alone without these greatest inventions, will he be more powerful than all his predecessors on planet Earth?

    The problem of the relationship between a woman and a man

    *Love...What is this feeling? Why do people deify him? Light, gentle bliss or all-consuming passion? This is a question to which we will search for an answer, perhaps for the rest of our lives. Let us recall the poetic lines of W. Shakespeare:

    What is love?

    Madness from fumes

    Playing with fire leading to fire

    ignited a sea of ​​tears,

    Thinking - thoughtlessness for the sake of,

    A mixture of poison and antidote...

    * The well-known publicist O. Kozhukhova wrote: “Love exalts and has mercy, but it also punishes with the objectivity of an impartial, but strict judge, rejecting the insignificant, vile, petty. The power of attraction to a beloved being is able to overcome all obstacles and difficulties.

    In the cycle of poems "The Ballad of Love" V. Vysotsky argued that a great feeling unites all lovers in united country Love. The following lines sound unusually reverent.

    The media has always influenced the mass consciousness. As the number of various media increases, the emergence of new ones, their influence becomes more extensive and diverse. In the conditions of the modern development of Russia, when printed media and the Internet are not available to all groups of the population and regions, television remains the most mass medium communications.

    Today, the viewer often becomes a hostage to television programs. One need only think of any interactive television show to confirm this. If viewers devote so much time to television leisure, accordingly, everything they watch has an impact on them. We strive to copy the mannerisms and gestures of the heroes of the series, we try to wear the same clothes as the heroes of the TV programs, we try to cut our hair or apply the same make-up as they advise us in a fashion show on style.

    It is also worth noting that in modern society, television advertising is an important and widespread part of television. It can be a video in an ad block, an ad break, a text in a running line, a TV ad, a virtual ad, etc. Advertising creates a virtual world, a performance in which fictional images live. People know this, but still obey the laws of advertising.

    Television is not only films, news, TV shows and advertising, but also a powerful tool for agitation and propaganda. The susceptibility of the human psyche to the suggestion of information has made television a tool for disseminating messages that affect public consciousness. Therefore, today the role of television cannot be underestimated, because today information has become an instrument of power.

    In total, the audience of television is millions, a small group of people usually gathers at the screen, most often family groups, and viewing takes place, as a rule, at home. This is a very important circumstance. If newspapers, magazines, books are originally intended to be read alone, moreover, in the most different conditions(including on the road and even at work), if listening to radio broadcasts can also take place in a variety of conditions and mostly individually, then television (related in its audiovisual characteristics to cinema and theater - art forms that have long been established as collective spectacles) requires the ability to handle both to an audience of millions and to small group people, contact with which should take place at a high level of confidence. At the same time, this does not exclude broadcasts from large halls showing large groups of viewers, when the nature of communication with the audience turns out to be different, close in type to a "rally of millions."

    The mass audience turns to television mainly in their free time, most often in the evening after a working day or on rest days, which requires journalists to be able to combine information saturation with high level fascination, with the ability to “fit” programs into hours of rest and preparation for the next working day. "Forcing" TV programs, ie. the impossibility for the viewer to change the time of watching programs, their order, structure and tempo-rhythm requires a particularly careful approach to programming.

    Thus, the role of television in modern world huge.

    It informs us about the latest events that have taken place in the world, entertains us, develops, but at the same time has a great impact on our psyche, both positive and negative.

    Based on the foregoing, we identify the main functions of television.

    1) Information function (the main function of television, which is the ability to satisfy the information needs of an individual, society, state. Of course, compared to its predecessors, television is a more predominant type of media, since it disseminates information more fully, faster, more reliably and emotionally. Despite the fact that in the modern world television has a serious competitor - the Internet, television is still in demand among people.

    People want to be aware recent events taking place in the country, the world, this is a necessary condition for full participation in modern life, and television copes with this function. People receive timely information from all over the world. Information can be from a wide variety of areas: politics, military events, medicine, culture, sports and much more. Each area finds its admirers.)

    • 2) Cultural and educational function (Any TV Broadcast in one way or another introduces the viewer to the culture. Even in informational releases, the very appearance of the people shown, their manner of communication, the degree of literacy have an impact on viewers' attitudes. So, every TV show has to do with culture or its absence. But there are such programs and special channels on television that were specially created to familiarize the audience with the achievements of science and culture.)
    • 3) Integrative function (All mass media, primarily television, by their nature are capable of maintaining the normal functioning of the society to which they influence. The very fact of regular viewing of the program different people already testifies to their certain commonality. The larger and more diverse the community to which a broadcast is directed, the more careful programming must be done to ensure that no part of the audience is discriminated against. In addition to national and religious characteristics, attention is paid to social (including class), socio-psychological, and age differences of people.)
    • 4) Socio-pedagogical function (managerial function) (Assumes the direct involvement of television in the system of administrative influence on the population, in the promotion of a certain way of life with an appropriate set of political and spiritual and moral values, the formation of opinions and motivation for action come from the government. The degree of this involvement and the degree of influence depends on the nature of the state.

    This function is close to the managerial and integrative function)

    • 5) Organizing function (Organization of any joint actions of masses of people. This may be the dissemination of information about changing the bus route or the organization of various fairs, holidays)
    • 6) Educational function (Educational programs are broadcast, as a rule, on a channel specially designated for this purpose. They are distinguished by a systematic, periodicity)
    • 7) Recreational function (Recreation is rest, restoration of human strength expended in the labor process. This includes various films, series, and other programs that are easily perceived, do not require mental ability and allow a person to regain lost strength)

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