Oblomov main characters their characteristics. Introduction


I. A. Goncharov in his novel "Oblomov" carefully draws each image. All characters have solid characters. Each of them is the bearer of the features of modern society to I. A. Goncharov.


The main character of the work is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is 32 years old. This is a landowner who is not distinguished by diligence. He is very lazy and inactive. His days are spent on the couch, he loves to eat and sleep. Oblomov - typical representative philistines with outdated views, for whom nothing awaits in the future. However, Oblomov's soul is pure and naive. He is incapable of harming anyone. The reason for his lifestyle lies in his upbringing: early childhood they took care of him, they did any, even the smallest work for him. Having fallen in love with Olga Ilyinskaya, Oblomov begins to change, but in the end everything returns to normal. Still idle, he marries Agafya Pshenitsyna, and then dies.


Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is a friend of Oblomov. He is the opposite of the main character. Stolz was not used to being lazy; for him, the future does not exist without constant development. The main pleasure for the hero is work. He not only dreams like Oblomov, but also makes dreams come true. However this hero lack of warmth. He is persistent, callous and somewhat rude.

Heroes so different in worldview and way of life still respect each other. Stolz appreciates him in Oblomov pure heart. Both Oblomov and Stolz have both positive and negative features.

Olga Ilinskaya

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya - Oblomov's beloved, Stolz's wife. This is quite a strong female image. The heroine is self-confident, constantly striving for development. Olga was not so beautiful, but her image is distinguished by harmony. A rich spiritual life is important for the heroine. Having fallen in love with Oblomov, Olga believes that she can change him and put him on the true path. However life values the characters are so different that they have to part. Olga, like Stolz, loves work. That's why she gets along with him. However, it cannot be said that she is completely happy with him.

Agafya Pshenitsyna

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna - Oblomov's wife. She is the antipode of Olga Ilyinskaya. She is not particularly educated, but also very kind and disinterested. This is the most touching image novel. Like Oblomov, Pshenitsyna is a typical representative of the old world, where a woman does everything for her husband. You can tell she doesn't have own opinion, tries to indulge Oblomov in everything. Pshenitsyna wants to make his life without difficulties. She is not interested in anything but life. She really loves her husband, and after his loss loses the meaning of life.


Zakhar is Oblomov's servant. He is like his master: quite lazy and very sloppy. To Oblomov, he can bring fallen food or food in a dirty plate. Everything around him either breaks or breaks. But, despite his absent-mindedness, Zakhar protects Oblomov and takes care of him. He is a servant of the old order who loves his master and everything connected with him. Zakhar's life is completely dependent on Oblomov's life. Therefore, when Oblomov dies, Zakhar also ceases to exist. He leaves Pshenitsyna's house and stands on the porch. When Stolz accidentally meets this poor old man and invites him to leave for the village, he refuses, because he cannot leave Oblomov's grave unattended.


Anisya is Oblomov's cook and Zakhar's wife. She is a hardworking hostess. She is distinguished by meekness, kindness, calmness. Like Agafya Matveevna, Anisya personifies a real Russian woman. After Anisya appeared in Oblomov's house, she almost replaced Zakhar, but he did not like it. And he wouldn't let her do his job. Being an intelligent woman, Anisya gives her husband various pieces of advice. The heroine becomes a necessary part of the house. After Oblomov's death, she takes care of Zakhara and considers herself incredibly happy. Anisya dies of cholera.


Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov is the brother of Pshenitsyna, who serves as a secretary in the office. At first glance, it seems that Mukhoyarov is quiet and virtuous person However, in reality, he is cunning and insensitive. This is a vivid negative image in the novel. During the service, the hero takes bribes, thanks to which he was able to accumulate a fairly large capital. The hero is used to making money on everything. Mukhoyarov, together with Tarantiev, manages to draw up a plan in order to rob Oblomov. However, Stolz reveals this scam and helps Oblomov.


Volkov is the first guest of Oblomov and his kind of double. We meet him at the very beginning of the story. This is a rich nobleman. He loves social life, is a fan of fashionable clothes. Almost every day a hero, dressed in the most fashionable clothes happens in society. Like Oblomov, he is lazy. But if the main character shows this in lying on the couch, then Volkov - in attending various balls and holidays. It works only once every few weeks and does not benefit society in any way. Goncharov, in the image of Volkov, presented a man who spends his whole life on empty entertainment.


Sudbinsky is the second guest of Oblomov. For the hero, service plays a huge role in life. In the image of Sudbinsky, the author personifies bureaucratic Petersburg. The hero builds his career, tries to get everything from it. Sudbinsky works hard, thanks to which he achieves a promotion. Oblomov also began to serve with him, but he left the service. Main character believes that the pursuit of a career does not bring joy, but only spoils the essence of a person.


Penkin is Oblomov's third guest. This is the image of a writer, which is depicted in a rather caricature. As a writer, he is empty, superficial, writes about everything. To earn money, Penkin publishes articles and stories twice a week in popular newspapers and magazines, and often writes at night. This is a work of art for sale. Oblomov notes that in the works of such writers there are no feelings, there is no life as such. The author's position is expressed in the words of the protagonist.

Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin are a kind of doubles of Oblomov. Their life is as inactive as the life of Oblomov.


Alekseev is the fourth guest of Oblomov. He is a quiet and unremarkable person. He is so invisible that many people forget his last name and call him Afanasiev, Vasiliev, Andreev. Alekseev is used to crawling, he constantly adapts to others. This is exactly what Oblomov likes. Alekseev is absolutely not interested in anything, and he has no opinion of his own. The hero is poor enough, so he comes to Oblomov in order to eat and spend time. Alekseev is in many ways similar to Oblomov. They are both quiet calm people who are not interested in anything. They are used to living a measured life without sudden events.


Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev is the fifth guest of Oblomov. Goncharov describes this image sharply negatively. This is a rude, rude and uneducated official. He is also a fan of eating at a party, however, unlike the quiet Alekseev, he loves to insult and swear at everyone. Criticizing people is par for the course for Tarantiev. By nature, he is a fraudster, ready to pull off various scams. He only knows how to come up with various ideas in theory, he does not know how to implement them. Therefore, Tarantiev finds a performer - Mukhoyarov, who is ready to do any thing for the sake of money. Together they are trying to take over the village of Oblomov, and it is important for Tarantiev to earn as much money as possible from this.

Dr. Oblomova

The doctor is a young and experienced specialist. He, judging by the expensive suit, treats wealthy clients, he treats them very carefully. The doctor advises Oblomov to change his lifestyle: move more, eat less, go to theaters and communicate with the opposite sex. However, all his advice was intended for rich people. He did not recognize labor, it was forbidden even to think. The doctor suggests replacing the sofa with the same useless things. Therefore, the doctor's recommendations could not save Oblomov from spiritual decay. Even medicine cannot help here.

Thus, I. A. Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" showed not only an image that is in complete idleness, but also the environment in which this character is formed. It is the conditions of landlord life that give rise to lack of will and inaction. Oblomov's fate is tragic: "Oblomovism" wins, Oblomov dies on his couch without doing anything useful.

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/ Heroes of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

I.A. Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" showed quite solid characters. Both the main and secondary characters are modern writer society.

The main characters of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

is the protagonist of the novel. This is a lazy, inert representative of the bourgeoisie. Big role in the description of the character plays the image of a sofa on which he spends most Oblomov's life. It is a symbol of inaction and apathy. The author pays attention to the reasons for such an inactive lifestyle: they lie in the upbringing of the hero. Childhood, in which Oblomov was constantly patronized by adults, bore fruit in adulthood. I. A. Goncharov shows that such people, similar to Oblomov, have no future, they are doomed to tragic fate. That is why when the main character of the work dies, the story still continues.

- one of the main images of the novel, Oblomov's friend, who is his complete opposite. Labor for a character is one of the main life components. He believes that without diligence, the embodiment of all his desires and the constant development of himself as a person, the future is impossible. Stolz is opposed to Oblomov not only in relation to labor, but also in spiritual qualities. The German, unlike Oblomov, is rude and callous. He lacks that spiritual warmth inherent in the main character. This image is on the way of ideal and strong personalities, according to the author.

However, more strong personality in the work is Oblomov's beloved, and later - Stolz's wife. This image always strives for development, even more than Stolz. Olga was not particularly beautiful, but she was always confident in herself. With Ilyinskaya, words will never match actions. She is a business person. The heroine is sincerely trying to change Oblomov's lifestyle, but when she comes to the understanding that nothing will work out for her, she breaks up with him. Because she cannot connect her life with an apathetic person. And even being married to Stolz, she misses, because there is no such hero that would suit her strong character.

Opposed Ilyinsky image Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. This is Oblomov's wife, distinguished by her kindness and mercy. Such a heroine is the ideal of Oblomov, both of them are representatives of the old world. Pshchenitsyna is not interested in anything but household. She truly loves Oblomov and is ready to do anything for him. After the death of her husband, she loses a part of herself and withdraws.

Secondary characters of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

Zakhar is a servant of Ilya Ilyich, who is somewhat similar to his master. He is lazy and untidy. The author ironically shows how all things around break or break. However, such character traits do not prevent the hero from taking care of his master. He, like Oblomov, is a representative of the old order, in which the master for the servant is everything. We can say that the life of Zakhar is in connection with the life of Oblomov. Therefore, when the main character dies, his servant also dies mentally, for whom his wife, Anisya, nevertheless tries to look after.

Anisya is Oblomov's cook, somewhat similar to Agafya Matveevna. Both of them are the embodiment of a real Russian woman. Anisya so easily joined the Oblomov family that she has already become an inseparable part of it. She is hardworking, kind and worldly smart.

The work highlights negative images, which include Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov - Pshenitsyna's brother. This is a cunning and indifferent person, although initially it seems virtuous. Mukhoyarov is used to getting money in any way, honest or dishonest, he is used to taking bribes. He has nothing sacred, the hero, together with Tarantiev, is trying to create a scam with which they will be able to rob Oblomov. However, Stoltz reveals their plans.

Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev is the same insensitive swindler and swindler, ready to do anything for the sake of money. It is he who comes up with a plan to rob Oblomov, but he cannot fulfill this plan alone, so he chooses the performer - Mukhoyarov. Tarantiev is a rude, immoral person who criticizes everything and everyone.

Important in the work are the images of Oblomov's peculiar doubles, which include Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin. The author shows that their life is as inferior as that of Oblomov. Volkov, although he does not lie on the couch, also spends it uselessly on entertainment and visiting various holidays. Sudbinsky is the embodiment of bureaucratic life. He really works hard, which helps him achieve a high position. However, according to Oblomov, this pursuit of a career spoils all people, it is not capable of making a person happy. Penkin is a writer who writes about everything in the world and publishes meaningless and insensitive works. The hero is the personification of corrupt creativity, which, of course, was not supported by I. A. Goncharov.

Another guest in Oblomov's house is Alekseev. This is a person who adapts to others and does not have his own opinion. Nobody remembers his name. Alekseev is similar to Oblomov in that they are both quiet, unremarkable people.

Importantly among secondary characters is Dr. Oblomov, who treats only wealthy people. He gives advice to the protagonist: to live by public rules that time. However, in essence, he offered Oblomov to change the sofa for the same useless things.

Thus, I.A. Goncharov showed not only "Oblomovism", but also the society in which this phenomenon is formed.

Andrey Stoltz - closest friend Oblomov, they grew up together and carried their friendship through life. It remains a mystery how different people, with such different views on life, could maintain a deep attachment. Initially, the image of Stolz was conceived as the complete antipode of Oblomov. The author wanted to combine German prudence and the breadth of the Russian soul, but this plan was not destined to come true. As the novel developed, Goncharov realized more and more clearly that under the given conditions this was simply impossible. Stolz is so mired in the routine bustle of life that he could not get out of it. Andrei is a man of action, he is not able to stop and contemplate, like Oblomov, he needs constant movement forward. Life for Stolz is the life of the mind prevailing over the heart. Olga Ilyinskaya is much closer to Stoltz than to Oblomov.

She also lives by reason, not lingering long in one place. Stolz for Oblomov is a kind of demon tempter who is trying to drag Oblomov into a sparkling bustling world, and Ilya Ilyich desperately resists this. This state of affairs in no way overshadows their friendship, on the contrary, Stolz - only person to whom Oblomov trusts his innermost thoughts and feelings. It is to him that Ilya Ilyich speaks about his experiences, from which we learn that he is far from an unambiguous nature, that he, like any living person, is also overwhelmed by fears, doubts, contradictions. We learn that Oblomov tried to “live and burn, but his fire languished for twelve years, burning his prison, and finally went out.” Oblomov long years languished in the service, and did not make a career, because he did not want, or rather, could not stoop to petty intrigues that disgusted his nature.

The image of Oblomov is inextricably linked with the world of his things. The author masterfully uses literary device when, according to the description of the item, we learn a lot of interesting things about its owner. So, for example, Oblomov's shoes and dressing gown (wide, soft) seem to reflect the wide and soft disposition of their owner, his complaisant and good-natured character. Isn't that why his friends like to visit Oblomov so much? Let ideal order not reign in his apartment, let the owner himself meet them in an old dressing gown and shabby shoes, but this is almost the only place where you can rest your soul from the general fuss and spiritual coldness in this world where the mind reigns.

Unlike Oblomov, Stolz is a completely odious person, he is not prevented from living by “extra” thoughts about his destiny, place in life, and other philosophical delights. He knows exactly what, when and how to do it the right way. Oddly enough, the reader does not like this wholeness. I cannot say that there are no positive character traits in Stolz. On the contrary, this person can be admired, but he will never be as close to us as Oblomov. Rather it positive features hardened in this turmoil, when there is no time to think about loyalty to ideals, and even the ideals themselves, except for some mercantile interests, are almost gone. He firmly knows what he wants from life and how to achieve the task. So why stop and think about your fate. He is quite satisfied with petty burgher happiness, when “the house is a full bowl”, the admiration of friends, the respect of enemies, beautiful wife with a rich dowry, good connections What more could a person want? But no. It is these people who at the end of their lives often think that something is missing, which you can’t return, when everything seems to be there, but something is missing. The realization that they simply forgot to live, to enjoy every moment of being, does not come to everyone.

Until the very end, Stolz does not leave attempts to shake Oblomov, "bring him back to life", but he does not succeed. Yes, Oblomov is dying, his fire has long gone out, but he lived in harmony with himself, conscientiously keeping his ideals and not deviating from his principles in the slightest. Stolz is a representative of a new time, when traditions and customs do not carry such significance as in a patriarchal society. But this is the time when the very essence of the Russian spirit is lost, without which there is no longer that Russia that Goncharov was proud of.

Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to draw up detailed psychological portraits. The female characters in the novel were no exception. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the method of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such couples can be called “Oblomov and Stolz” and “Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna”. The last two images are complete opposites to each other, they can safely be called lines that will never intersect - they are simply in different planes. The only thing that unites them is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a young determined girl. Her demands on life are high, but she herself is ready to put in enough effort to get what she wants. Olga's life is like a stormy river - constantly in motion. Olga will not back down from the task, but she will not waste time on the implementation of her plans if she sees that the idea is doomed to failure. She is too intelligent to waste her precious time on nonsense. With her brightness and eccentricity, she attracted the attention of Oblomov. Oblomov fell in love with her with that pure, ingenuous and sincere love, which, of all Olga's entourage, perhaps only he is capable of. She delighted him, fascinated and at the same time tired. She loved herself too much to notice him in her dazzling brilliance. The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is ambiguously interpreted by critics. Someone sees in it a worthy synthesis of rationality, education and spirituality. Someone, on the contrary, blames her for superficiality and inability to have a high feeling. It seems to me that Olga is a common person striving for comfort and coziness, only her concept of well-being is somewhat different than that of Oblomov. In fact, they were too different people who at the time had the courage to admit it. Why was it necessary to torture each other, if it is clear that nothing will come of it? Olga is indeed more suitable for Stolz, the same sane person as she herself.

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is a completely different image. This is the type of a real Russian woman, mature, conscious, with a simple worldly wisdom which is much more useful than all the treatises on psychology put together. It will never occur to her to neglect the interests of the person living next to her, she will not rush to defend her rights. Perhaps, for her sake, a man will not accomplish a feat, but it is next to such a woman that he will feel needed and strong. Agafya Pshenitsyna will never think of trying to remake a person. Psychologically, she is much closer to Oblomov, it has that naturalness that helps to guess the secret thoughts of another person. Everything that Olga was deprived of, Oblomov finds in Agafya.

Olga and Agafya are complete antipodes both in terms of character and lifestyle. But it is no coincidence that Agafya Pshenitsyna appears in Oblomov's life to replace Olga. Goncharov sincerely believed that it was necessary to describe life as it is, without embellishment. That is why his works are completely devoid of any didactics, he trusts the reader that he will make a correct judgment about the novel. It seems to me that the heroes of Goncharov, being taken from real life, described without embellishment, are neither "bad" nor "good", just as an ordinary person cannot be only bad or only good. Olga is young, attractive, smart. Agafya, in turn, is a wise woman, her desires are similar to Oblomov's ideals. She wants simple female happiness and to be able to take care of someone. Oblomov, on the other hand, wants to experience the comfort that he yearned for. But Olga has other ideas about happiness, and in this case you can’t judge anyone.

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Characteristics of the main characters in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

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All the heroes of the novel "Oblomov"
(characteristic in the table)

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - nobleman, landowner. He is 32-33 years old. He lives in St. Petersburg and rarely leaves the house. He is a homebody, loves to sleep and eat delicious food. Kind and gentle person. But weak-willed and lazy. Falls in love with Olga Ilinskaya, but their romance ends in a break. Oblomov later marries the industrious widow Agafya Pshenitsyna.
Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is a friend of Ilya Oblomov since childhood. He is over 30 years old. Nobleman, former official. Half German - on my father's side. rose to high title court adviser. He travels a lot, is engaged in trade and stocks. Persistent, hardworking, energetic. Always helps Oblomov in his affairs. Appreciates Oblomov for his pure heart.
Olga Ilinskaya
Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya is a young noblewoman. She is 20. Olga is the beloved of Ilya Oblomov. Olga is smart beautiful girl. She is energetic and curious. Olga is trying to wean Oblomov from laziness and boredom. But she fails. At the end of the novel, Olga becomes Stolz's wife.
Agafya Pshenitsyna
Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is a poor widow with two children. She is 30 years old. Agafya is a woman of noble birth (possibly a noblewoman). She is the mistress of the house where Oblomov rents an apartment. Brilliant hostess. He knows how to do everything around the house: he cooks deliciously, sews, etc. She is hardworking, but somewhat stupid. She is - kind woman. At the end of the novel, Agafya becomes Oblomov's wife. They have a son, Andryusha.
Zakhar Trofimovich - Oblomov's servant. Zakhar for 50 years. He has served with Oblomov since his youth. Zakhar is like his master - he is the same lazy person. Zakhar steals food from Oblomov and often lies to him. But at the same time, Zakhar is devoted to Oblomov. After the death of Oblomov and his wife Anisya, Zakhar becomes a vagabond and becomes an inveterate drunkard.
Anisya is the cook of Ilya Oblomov. Anisie is 47 years old. Good hostess, a hardworking and agile maid. Sweet, quiet, kind woman. An intelligent woman (for a peasant woman). Anisya marries Zakhar's servant. A few years later, Anisya dies of cholera.
Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov is the brother of Agafya Pshenitsyna. For many years he served as a secretary in the office. Takes small bribes wherever possible. So he accumulated a large capital, which no one knows about. On the surface, he appears meek and quiet. But in his heart he is a vile, cunning, unscrupulous person. Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev pull off several scams and "pump out" money from the naive Oblomov.
Volkov is an acquaintance of Oblomov. Oblomov's first guest. Volkov is 25 years old. He is a wealthy nobleman, fashionista, and lover secular life. He wears the most fashionable clothes and hairstyle. Every day, Volkov goes to balls, to the theater, and so on. Oblomov and Volkov have common acquaintances in secular society.
Sudbinsky is a former colleague of Oblomov in the office. He is the second guest of Oblomov. Actively builds a career, receives awards and promotions. He has a good salary, but also works hard. The whole life of Sudbinsky is a service.
Penkin is an acquaintance of Oblomov. Oblomov's third visitor. Penkin is a fashionable writer and writer. He writes articles and notes about secular news, interesting incidents etc. He makes good money and goes to trendy restaurants.
Ivan Alekseevich Alekseev is an acquaintance of Oblomov. He is the fourth visitor to Oblomov. Small official. Inconspicuous, unremarkable, timid person. He goes to Oblomov to eat deliciously and be in silence.
Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev is Oblomov's friend, the fifth guest. Tarantiev is about 40 years old. He has been serving as a petty official for 25 years and has not been promoted in any way. A cunning and mean person. Acts rude and noisy. Tarantiev, together with Mukhoyarov, deceive Oblomov and "pump" money out of him.
Dr. Oblomova
The doctor is the sixth visitor to Oblomov. He is well acquainted with Oblomov. Attentive and reserved person. He treats wealthy clients. He advises Oblomov to lie down less and move more, otherwise Oblomov is threatened with early death from a stroke.

Characteristics of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complex and mysterious. Oblomov separates himself from the outside world, fences himself off from it. Even his dwelling bears little resemblance to habitation.

From early childhood, he saw a similar example among his relatives, who also fenced themselves off from the outside world and protected it. In his home was not allowed to work. When he was still a child, he played snowballs with peasant children, then he was then warmed up for several days. In Oblomovka, they were wary of everything new - even a letter that came from a neighbor in which he asked for a beer recipe was afraid to open for three days.

But Ilya Ilyich happily recalls his childhood. He idolizes the nature of Oblomovka, although this is an ordinary village, nothing particularly remarkable. He is brought up rural nature. This nature instilled in him poetry and a love of beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, only complains about something all the time and engages in verbiage. He is lazy, does nothing himself and does not expect anything from others. He accepts life as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and talk about their lives, he feels that in the hustle and bustle of life they forget that they are wasting their lives in vain ... And he does not need to fuss, act, do not need to prove anything to anyone. Ilya Ilyich simply lives and enjoys life.

It's hard to imagine him in motion, he looks funny. At rest, lying on the couch, he is natural. It looks at ease - this is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize what we've read:

  1. The appearance of Ilya Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is a young man, 33 years old, of good appearance, of medium height, overweight. The softness of his expression betrayed in him a weak and lazy person.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, Oblomov is unmarried, lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel, he marries and is happily married.
  3. Description of the dwelling. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street. The apartment is neglected, the servant Zakhar rarely sneaks into it, who is as lazy as the owner. The sofa occupies a special place in the apartment, on which Oblomov lies around the clock.
  4. Behavior, actions of the hero. Ilya Ilyich can hardly be called an active person. Only his friend Stolz manages to bring Oblomov out of his slumber. The protagonist lies on the couch and only dreams that he will soon get up and go about his business. He cannot solve even the most pressing problems. His estate has fallen into disrepair and does not bring money, so Oblomov even has nothing to pay for the apartment.
  5. The attitude of the author to the hero. Goncharov sympathizes with Oblomov, he considers him kind, sincere person. At the same time, he sympathizes with him: it is a pity that young, capable, not stupid man lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude to Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and weak-willed, so he cannot command respect. Sometimes he just infuriates me, I want to come up and shake him. I don't like people who live their lives like that. Perhaps I react so strongly to this character because I feel the same shortcomings in myself.

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