Games based on fairy tales quests. Summary of the quest game "Journey through fairy tales

Quest - game "Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Equipment: stands with the design of stops, strokes of animals - fox, dog, rooster, wolf, "magic" wand, "flying carpet", music with wind noise recording, constructor, puzzles.

Target: formation of a positive attitude for the development of dynamic activity of children


    To consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales, the ability to stage a fairy tale, expressively conveying the dialogue of the characters.

    Develop creative abilities.

    Cultivate interest in folk art.

Lesson progress:

There is a knock on the door and Princess Frog(toy) Hello guys, I came to you today asking for help. The evil sorceress has bewitched me and now I cannot regain the appearance of the princess. To remove the curse, you need to say the magic word three times at midnight, which you can find out if you make a trip to the country of "fairy tales". There will be stops, at each of which you need to complete the task. The reward for him is a letter. Having visited all the stations and collecting all the letters, it will be possible to collect the magic word. Guys, help me lift the curse!

Well guys will help the princess? (children's answers)

And we will travel with you on a magic carpet.

Everyone get on the magic carpet. We just have to say: “Flying carpet, take us flying!”, as we immediately take off. Don't believe? Well, try saying: “Flying carpet, take us flying!” (everyone repeats the words, the noise of the wind is heard) Our flying carpet flies quickly, only the wind whistles in the ears. And here is the country of "Tales". Landing! First stop "Guess".

Stop "Guess" (there are a lot of books on the table)

Puzzles are on the table. They need to be sorted into two groups, put together a picture and name which fairy tale the episode is from. (Children are divided into teams, make pictures and call the fairy tales “The Fox and the Crane”, “Cinderella”)

Well done! We coped with the task and for this we get the first letter "M".

Next stop "Riddle".

There are mysteries here that we need to solve.

Near the forest on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

Three chairs there, three mugs there,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? ("Three Bears")

Looked a little like a ball

And rode down the track.

Rolled away from everyone

In addition to the "redhead" that's so laughter! ("Kolobok")

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little;

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("Golden Scallop Cockerel")

The fox has found a home

The mouse was kind

In the house in fact, after all,

There were many residents. ("Teremok")

And the road is far

And the road is not easy

Sit on a stump

I would eat a pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

someone for someone

grabbed tight

Oh no, don't pull it out!

Oh, stuck tight!

But more helpers

Soon they will come running

Will win the stubborn

Friendly common work

Who sat down so tight

Maybe this? ("Turnip")

Well, well done guys:

Solve all the riddles!

Here's a prize for you - the letter "U".

Our journey through the country of "Tales" continues. The third stop is "Teatralnaya". Now, guys, you need to become real artists - stage the fairy tale "Rooster and Dog". Behind good performance we'll get a prize. (Artists are appointed, costumes are put on, and a fairy tale is played out. The teacher reads the text from the author.)

Well done, together they coped with the task, get the letter "T"

The journey continues - the fourth stop "Warm-up". Now the fairy-tale hero (audio recording) will pronounce magic words, and you will have to perform movements in accordance with the text. You need to be very careful and not make mistakes. The award is the letter "A".

Physical education "Teremok"

Three bears were walking home

Papa Bear was big

Mom is a little shorter,

And Mishutka, baby, just

He was very small

Walked with rattles:

ding ding, ding ding.

In each fairyland there are locks. The sorcerers of the country "Fairy Tales" created a project of castles, but they cannot find the masters who would build it. Guys, let's try to build two castles according to the drawing ( teamwork children are divided into two groups.

Smart guys, the buildings were a success! Get the letter "B".

Sixth stop "Fabulous questions"

Guys, residents of the country "Tales" want to know how well you know fairy tales and have prepared questions for you.

Ivanushka's sister? (Alyonushka)

The name of the boy who was carried away by Geese-Swans? (Ivanushka)

Baba Yaga's home? (a hut on chicken legs)

Which of the heroes of the fairy tale helped to pull the turnip after the bug? (cat)

Who broke the golden egg? (mouse)

What did the fox offer the cockerel for him to look out the window? (polka dots)

Who crushed the tower? (bear)

What kind of hut did the hare have in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (bast)

Well done, the guys answered all the questions correctly, and you get the next prize - the letter "O". Our last stop is Game. To find the last clue, you need to move along the fairy-tale map (we take 5 steps forward, 2 steps to the left, 4 steps forward, 3 steps to the right, 6 steps to the right)

Well done, here is the last letter "R". Now let's add all the letters and find out the magic word (children add the word "Mutabor"). The frog princess thanks the children for their help and flies away to her kingdom.

Well, it's time for us guys to return to kindergarten. We all sit on the magic carpet and return to the group.

Did you guys enjoy your trip? Which stop do you remember the most? Why? What new did you learn about Russian folk tales?

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 89 in the city of Penza Sun Ray»


« Secrets of Far Far Away


senior preschool age

Completed by: Cheredova Oksana Nikolaevna,

Explanatory note

The methodological development proposed by us is a new pedagogical game technology that allows solving the problems of almost all educational areas, and most importantly - to enjoy the game, which also corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard, which is based on fundamental principles: supporting the diversity of childhood, preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood.

Quest is perfect new form both educational and entertainment programs which allows preschoolers to fully immerse themselves in what is happening.

Quest(questor) - from Latin word q u a e r o I'm searching, searching, investigating. Technology quest developed by San Diego University (USA) professor Dodge Burney in 1995 as a way to organize search activities in educational process. This is an adventure game in which the participants must solve certain tasks in order to progress through the story and to achieve a specific goal.

And in the quests there are, in our opinion, very important property- they provide participants with relaxation, relieve nervous stress, promote switching attention and help resolve conflicts.

The gaming technology we offer is based on guidelines TRIZ authors; methods of “stimulating the child's imagination” by Gianni Rodari, author of the book “Grammar of Fantasy”, methods of working with a fairy tale L.B. Fesyukova, teacher, author of the book “Education with a fairy tale”.

Location: municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 89 of the city of Penza "Sunshine"

Target: an increase in interest in books among preschoolers, an increase in reader activity and the competence of parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions.


    expand literary experience children, to form ideas about the laws of the genre of Russian folk tales ;

    to teach teamwork through games;

    develop cognitive activity, the ability to reflect and draw independent conclusions.

Integration by development areas: physical development child, cognitive development, social communication development, speech development of the child.

Integration by type of activity: motor, game, cognitive, speech.

Conditions and features of implementation: effectiveness of the proposed methodological development possible with the development active position child, therefore, work should be organized taking into account the minimum regulation of the behavior of children and the availability of samples of creative behavior.

Expected result:

    positive dynamics in the number of pupils of preschool educational institutions showing interest in reading;

    positive dynamics of reading competence of pupils' parents;

    strengthening the tradition of kindergarten in creative work with parents.

Experience in organizing such quests can be used by teachers and specialists preschool institutions, teachers additional education, parents for organizing leisure and holding a holiday.

Methodological advice on conducting.

Before the quest, preliminary work is supposed: within a month, both in a group and at home with parents, re-read Russian folk tales and watch M. Rowe's tales (recommended list: Appendix 1).

Each team has curator- parent, teacher preschool specialist, which helps children in reading tasks, communicates with the organizer. The organizer announces the reason for which everyone has gathered here, the legend and conditions of the game, recalls safety precautions and the rules of the game. The organizer can give his phone number to the curators of the teams in order to control the passage of the route, provide advice on the passage of stages or tasks, etc.

Several teams can participate in the quest. In this case, the teams go through the same stages, but in different sequence to prevent the route from crossing. Teams are given a name. Participants are given identification marks: emblems, badges, ribbons of different colors.

Quest Purpose– collect a keyword that will open doors in Far Far Away kingdom. The team receives a route sheet with the stages of passing the game.

At each stage, the team is met moderator- a parent, educator, specialist who offers tasks and monitors the correctness of their implementation and gives the participants a puzzle with a letter. If the team finds it difficult to answer or answers incorrectly, then the team can use a hint by peeling off the “magic ball” from the envelope. The team has 3 hints in total.

Equipment and technical means.

A multimedia screen, a presentation developed for the quest, a video clip about Penza regional library them. M.Yu. Lermontov

Musical arrangement: musical-thematic collection No. 166 for performances. 8

Didactic material:

    Route sheet:

Props: sports equipment: cones, a tunnel, a bag for jumping with handles, fitballs, skittles, balls large and small, net, target;

items: staff, bow and arrows, ring, feather, vessel with water.

    Organizing time.

The organizer of the quest gathers a team in music hall and informs that you can start the game by holding hands and wishing each other good luck. Only after that, the “Magic Ball” appears on the screen.

Slide 1. (Annex 2)“You probably already guessed who I am? If not yet, then I will introduce myself ... I am a Magic fairy tangle! Well, the one that in Russian folk tales always shows the right path to the heroes. Remembered? That is great!

I want to invite you on an exciting journey through fairy tales!

Are you already interested? Then - let's go! Oh, sorry ... I wanted to say - on the road!

On the screen (slide 2) Far Far Away Kingdom appears with closed gates. The organizer informs that a key word that must be collected can open the door to the Far Far Away Kingdom. The team receives instructions and a magic envelope in which to put the found puzzles.

The instruction is read by the curator of the team:

“The game can be started by collecting a keyword that will tell you the direction of the path. The route sheet will indicate where the letters are hidden.

The team is sent to search for a keyword.

    Game progress.

Stage "Group" (letter C)

"Fabulous Transport"

Moderator's word: "In every fairy tale there are magical vehicles, remember them and you will easily cope with the tasks"

Exercise 1. Question cards (the correct answer is a picture with reverse side) (Annex 2)

    On what did Emelya ride to the palace to the king? (bake)

    Baba Yaga's personal transport? (mortar)

    What kind of ship had to be built in order to marry the princess (Flying ship)

Task 2. Arrange the heroes of fairy tales according to the stations of the Fairytale Metro (Annex 3)

Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Emelya, Snegurochka, Geese-Swans, Ivan Tsarevich, the Frog Princess, Ivanushka from Sk. "Sivka-Burka", Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Stage "Speech therapist's office" (letter K)

"Fairy Helpers"

Moderator's word: "In magical Russian folk tales there are always helper characters who helped the main characters of Russian fairy tales, remember and answer questions."

    What is the name of fairy tree, which helped to hide from the swan geese sister and brother? (Apple tree)

    Which fairy-tale hero helps Ivan get the firebird? (sivka-burka)

    What did the Snake - the daughter of the snake king - give to Ivan for redeeming her and saving her from death? (magic ring).

    What animal helped little Khavroshechka to fulfill orders wicked stepmother? (cow).

    With the help of what thing Ivan penetrated into the kingdom of Koshchei, remaining invisible? (Invisible hat).

    What fish helped Emelya? (pike).

Stage "Teacher's office" (letter A)

"Fairytale Exam"

Moderator's word: "An exam awaits you, and not an easy one, but a fabulous one, you can do it if you correctly name the heroes of fairy tales"

Task 1. Questions about negative characters Russian fairy tales.

    Was this villain's death at the end of the needle? (Koschei the Deathless).

    Which fairy tale villain has one eye? (Fascinatingly one-eyed).

    This fairy-tale hero lives in a dense forest and knocks travelers out of the way? (The nightingale the robber).

    Who said: "We will rob, we will not rob, we will devour - we will not devour, we will beat - they will beat us"? (Robbers).

    The owner of a hut on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga).

Questions about fabulous beauties.

    What was the name of the princess whom Emelya made laugh on the stove? (Nesmeyana).

    The name of the heroine, who will wave the lake with her left sleeve, will wave her right sleeve - will white swans swim? (Vasilisa).

    In one fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich went for a firebird, he returned home with a horse, a firebird and a beautiful bride, what was her name? (Elena the beautiful).

    What beauty jumped over the fire and turned into a thin cloud? (Snow Maiden).

    What was the name of the beauty that Morozko gave royal gifts? (Nastenka ).

Task 2. Fairy tale experiment "Good adorns a person." ( Appendix 4)

Make a compliment to Baba-Yaga, with the help of the curator, write it down on a card, turn it over and see what transformations have taken place.

Stage "Watch" (letter Z)

"Museum of Fairytale Objects"

Moderator's word: "Each fairy tale has magic items, determine from which fairy tale the item is and who its owner is."


    Staff - Moroz Ivanovich - fairy tale "Morozko"

    Bow and arrows - Ivan Tsarevich - fairy tale "The Frog Princess"

    Ring - a gift from the Snake to Ivan - a fairy tale " magic ring»

    Feather - a gift from the father younger daughter Maryushka - fairy tale "Finist - a clear falcon"

    "Living Water" and "Dead Water" - the tale "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf»

Stage " Gym» (letter K)

"Fairytale Trials" (Appendix 5)

Moderator's word: "In fairy tales, heroes have to overcome a variety of difficulties and obstacles, try to cope with fairy tales too"


"Running on unknown paths» - obstacle course

"Sivkoburking" - fitball jumping

"Snowball"- throwing a ball at a target

"Kolobokobowling" - bowling

Stage "Music Hall" (letter A)

"Composing a fairy tale about ourselves"

Moderator's word: "Answer the questions, and you yourself will be surprised what fairy tale you got it"

    Action time - when?

    Location - where?

    The main character - who?

    The main enemy - with whom?

    The situation to be resolved - what happened?

    Assistants of the protagonist - who helped?

    Decoupling - how did it end?

Having received the last letter in the music room, the children put the found puzzles into an envelope and seal it. At this moment, on the screen, the puzzles are added to the word, which is read by the curator of the team.

Keyword opens the door to the distant kingdom.

slide 3 slide 4

The magic ball falls into a fairy tale.

    Final moment.

The organizer of the quest thanks everyone for their help and cooperation, but the secrets of the Far Far Away Kingdom do not end there. Ask everyone to say fairy spell:

Open the magic door

Magic is calling

The Far Far Away Kingdom on the screen turns into the Penza Regional Library. M.Yu. Lermontov. The organizer reports that this is the real Far Far Away kingdom, once you get into it, you will be able to unravel more than one mystery. Invites everyone to visit the library.

The quest ends with watching a video business card about the Penza Regional Library. M.Yu. Lermontov. (slide 6)


    Lakotsenina T.P. Magic world knowledge. Issue 1 and 2. Fairy alphabet. - Rostov n / a: Teacher, 2005.

    Rodari J. Grammar of fantasy. - Alma-Ata, 1982.

    Russian folk tales. - M.: Det.lit., 1984.

    Strelkova L.P. Fairy tale lessons. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989.

    Fesyukova L.B. Fairy tale education. M., 1996.

    Fesyukova L.B. Creative tasks and schemes for children 4-7 years old. creative center"Sphere", 2007.

Video footage:

    Video business card

Audio materials

    Musical-thematic collection No. 166 for performances (magic, fabulous transformations). Site "Dramateshka".

    "Princess Frog"


    "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"

    "Swan geese"

    "By pike command»

    "Finist - Clear Falcon"

    "Snow Maiden"



    Fairy tale "Frost" - directed by Alexander Rou - 1964.

    The fairy tale "Finist - the Bright Falcon" - directed by Alexander Rou - 1975.

    Fairy tale "At the command of the pike." Soyuzmultfilm - 1984

    Fairy tale "Magic Ring". Soyuzmultfilm - 1979

Presentation materialsAppendix 2

Appendix 3

fabulous transport

Appendix 4

Fairy Metro

Annex 5

fairy tale experiment

Compliment 2

Compliment 3


Compliment 1


Appendix 6

Fairy Trials

"Running on unknown paths"- obstacle course

"Sivkoburking"- fitball jumping

"Snowball"- throwing a ball at a target

"Kolobokobowling" bowling

"Quest-game based on fairy tales".

for older children preschool age.


Abdullina Z.Z.

Target: creating conditions for the development of children's interest in fairy tales through a quest game.



To form in children knowledge about one of the genres folklore - folk fairy tale

Replenish literary baggage with fairy tales, riddles, stories;


Develop the ability to competently, expressively express their thoughts, speech, logical thinking;

Create conditions for the development of memory, attention, imagination;


Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Musical arrangement:

"Visitingfairy tales » composer V. Dashkevich.

Quest game progress:

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tight

And we smile at each other.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? In ancient, ancient times, people could neither write nor read. And in order to amuse their kids, adults began to invent for them fairy tales, jokes, nursery rhymes. The kids grew up and their children told, transmitted "word of mouth". And these children are for their children. In Russian folk tales there are various items that have magical properties: tablecloth - self-assembly, Magic wand, boots - runners, magical fruits and fruits, a flying stupa, etc. Magic items help heroes overcome difficulties, obstacles, overcome the extraordinary power that ordinary person cannot give in.

Magical properties are endowed, most often with the most ordinary household items that heroes use every day: buckets, oven, mirror, ball of thread.

And most importantly, magical fairy tales always end in victory "of good" above "evil" and in the end fairy tales the main character is waiting for a reward.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Children love fairy tales

Everyone wants to visit

And play a little

We'll go for the ball

Let's get into a good fairy tale!

(While we were following the ball along the magical path, our parents were preparing to meet us in fairyland)

Russian folk tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, because it is not for nothing that in many fairy tales you can read phrase: "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".

Guys, the ball brought us to the apple tree, look who meets us? (Masha and the Bear) What fairy tale are they from? ( "Masha and the Bear")

Apples on an apple tree are not simple, but with riddles.

Mashenka told us riddles.

There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

On the window he was chilling

Took then and rolled away

To be eaten by a fox. ( "Kolobok")

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became cute, beautiful, handsome. ( "Princess Frog")

Opened the goat door

And they all disappeared. ( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Helped a good, blue river,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to mother and father.

Who took the brother? Name the book! ( "Swan geese")

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Rolled through the village

And he married a princess. ( "By pike command» )

The chicken needs to run.

Save the cockerel

He was in such a hurry

The poor man choked "Cockerel and bean seed» )

girl sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home ... ( "Masha and the Bear")

Well done, you solved all the riddles! Our path continues.

We'll go for the ball

And where will we go?

The ball brought you and me to the hut, and who is sitting next to it? (Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

What dear guests have come to me! How glad I am for you, otherwise they completely forgot me, they abandoned me. What it came to, they bypass, be afraid, consider evil. And I'm not like that at all. I'm pretty good too! I read fairy tales. Do you want me to tell you? Oh no, I better check if you know well fairy tales.

Baba Yaga showed us illustrations for fairy tales and we guessed them.

Baba Yaga:

Well done! well know fairy tales!


Well, well, Baba Yaga is not evil at all. Guys, let's play a game with her "At Grandma Malania"?

A game "Grandma Malanya"(Everyone stands in a circle, in the middle of which there is a child depicting grandmother Malanya. Children in a circle, together with adults, begin to sing a funny song, accompanying it with expressive movements).

At Malania, at the old woman's (children move in a circle, holding hands).

Lived in a small hut

seven sons,

All without eyebrows (cover eyebrows with hands).

With such ears, (show "large" ears)

With such noses (show "a big nose")

With such a mustache (showing mustache)

With such a head, (show "big" head)

With such a beard, (show "long" beard)

Didn't eat anything (squatting down) Sitting all day

They looked at her

They did it like this. (repeat any movement after the leader)

Baba Yaga:

Thanks guys, you made me laugh. Looking forward to seeing you, see you soon!

For the ball we will go

And where will we go?

And the ball led us to Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa the Wise:

Hello guys! My name is Vasilisa the Wise. I came to you from fairy tale. Rumors have reached me that you are very fond of playing fairy tales. So I want to play a game with you "Guess".

What song did the bun sing?

What did the goat sing to her kids?

What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

What words did the wolf help himself to catch fish on his tail?

What did the animals ask in the fairy tale "Teremok" before entering?

What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

Well done! I am very pleased with your knowledge! The magic ball is calling you on the road, and I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

You roll, roll ball,

Through fields and woods

Show us all the tracks

Where would our legs go?

And the ball brought us to visit the goblin.

I am an old, decrepit goblin,

I live in the forest moss

When the evening comes

I mourn about the past.


Koschey was visiting yesterday.

What did you do, just ah!

Mixed up all the pictures

He confused all my stories.

Pictures you must collect,

Name a Russian fairy tale.

Unexpectedly for all of us, a gray goat came to visit Leshy. It turns out he was looking for guys.

gray goat:

Fairy-tale dwellers are in trouble! We must help them! I received letters asking for help, but I can't figure out who they came from. Please help me!

-"Save, we were eaten by a gray wolf". (goats)

-“Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg. (mouse)

-“Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole”. (wolf)

“Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon". (Masha)

-"Help, my brother has turned into a goat". (Alyonushka)

-“Disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair”. (teddy bear)

Thank you guys for your help! Goblin, let's go rescue fabulous inhabitants! Goodbye, see you again!

You roll, roll ball,

Through fields and woods.

We will follow the ball and where will we get to?

I am Mary the Artificer

Russian beauty!

And I can do everything, and I can do everything!

Weave a blanket, I will embroider stars on it,

Forests and fields, as well as the moon.

I'll bake a pie, I'll put on a samovar,

And I will invite you all to the feast as soon as possible.

marya mistress:

Guys help me please.

I found objects in the forest, but I don't know whose they are. They are in this basket.


Well, guys, let's help Marya the Artisan find the owners of these items? (Yes)

Marya the Artisan takes turns taking out items from "Magic Basket", what about children They say: from which fairy tale lost things.

Pie - "Masha and the Bear", "Swan geese".

Egg - "Ryaba Hen".

Turnip - "Turnip".

Apple - "Swan geese".

Fish - « Chanterelle sister and gray wolf, "By the Pike's Command".

Skalochka - "Fox with a rock".

Three spoons - "Three Bears".

Marya the Artisan:

Well done boys! You know many fairy tales. What is the most important thing in Russian folk tales? (good triumphs over evil)

It's time for me to say goodbye to you. See you again in magical land Fairy tales! I wish you a good journey, and on the path I will give sweet gift!


And so our storytelling journey comes to an end. You have seen many fairy tales today. Which of the fairy tale characters did we meet? (Masha and the Bear, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa the Wise, Goblin, the gray Goat, Marya the Artisan) What words do fairy tales end with? ( "They began to live - live, but make good". "That'sfairy tale end, and who listened, well done ".)

Where is our magic ball?

Roll on, roll on

magic ball,

Directly to the house, on the threshold!

There are many fairy tales in the world

Kind and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

Give for warmth

May goodness forever

Irina Kolmakova
Game-quest "Through the pages of Russian fairy tales"

"By pages of Russian fairy tales»

Prepared: Irina Sergeevna Kolmakova, teacher of the OCHU "First Moscow Gymnasium", 2016-2017 academic year.


Instill in children the idea of ​​wealth Russian culture through familiarity with folk fairy tales.


Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Learn to recognize fairy tales on assignment.

Consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tale as a literary genre.

Develop memory, thinking, coherent speech, imagination.

Develop teamwork skills.

Enrich lexicon children.

Cultivate an interest in literary reading.

Contribute to the cohesion of the children's team.

Materials and equipment:

Book Russian folk tales with a portrait of Baba Yaga, a note from Baba Yaga.

A ball of thread is a magic ball.

Scotch tape, envelope with questions "Quick response", sheet of red paper. - 1 page - red.

Envelope, cards with riddles and portraits fairytale heroes, paper orange color. - 2 page - orange.

A note from Baba Yaga, three envelopes with split pictures on fairy tales - 3,4,5 pages - yellow, green, blue.

Ball, envelope, sheet of paper of blue color - 6 page - blue.

Chest, book, note from Baba Yaga with questions, sheet of paper purple – 7 page - purple.

Conduct form: quest game.

preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, viewing illustrations for fairy tales, literary games "Guess the Hero", "Name fairy tale» .

Game progress:

Organizational moment.

Creating a problem situation

Guys do you love fairy tales?

Why do you love fairy tales? children's answers.

Why do you think fairy tales called folk? because the people made them.

Yes, fairy tales passed from one person to another, by word of mouth. That's why fairy tales belong to oral folk art.

Some fairy tales were composed by the Russian people. This Russian folk tales. I brought you today new book Russian folk tales. Look how beautiful she is!

The teacher opens the book, the children see that there are no pages in the book.

Guys, where do you think they disappeared to? book pages? - children express their assumptions.

Look, instead of one of pages- a portrait of Baba Yaga and a note. Reading:

“Hello, kids - girls and boys!

Can't find pages of your book? It was I, Baba Yaga, who asked the Mighty Wind to scatter them around Land of fairy tales!

Seek, you may find!

But don't expect help from me!

Bye bye!

Baba Yaga.

caregiver: Baba Yaga cannot live without doing harm. We have a difficult exercise: find book pages so that we can read it. Where is Land of fairy tales - we do not know. And how to go there? Who will show us the way? - children's statements.

caregiver: In many Russian folk tales There is magic item, which points the way to the heroes. Do you remember what this item is? - magic ball.

caregiver A: I just have a glomerulus. But how to turn it into magic. I came up with it to become magical, it must be magic power endow: let's pass the ball to each other and call Russian folk tales. The more we fairy tales, the more strength the glomerulus will have.

Exercise 1: "Name fairy tale»

Children are asked to remember and name as many as possible. Russian folk tales. Children pass around the ball, call fairy tale, it is important that the names fairy tales are not repeated.

caregiver: Look what a magic ball we got! Guys, are you afraid of difficulties? Then let's say the magic words and hit the road!

Help us, little ball!

IN bring the land of fairy tales!

The teacher throws the ball, the ball rolls, on the way there is block: the exit from the game room is blocked. The teacher with the children find an envelope with questions.

Task 2: "Quick response"

The teacher reads the questions to the children, after answering all the questions, the teacher takes out the first letter from the envelope. book page - red.

1. What was the name of the girl who was afraid of the sun? - Snow Maiden.

2. Aircraft Baba Yaga? - Stupa.

3. Shoes that help you move quickly. - Walking boots.

4. At the end of which object is the death of Koshchei the Immortal. - At the end of the needle.

5. What is the name of the giant dinosaur with three heads? - Dragon.

6. Fairy air mode of transport. - Carpet plane.

7. What kind of vegetable - a giant grew up in the garden. - Turnip.

8. Who taught the kolobok a lesson for boasting. - Fox.

9. What was the name of the girl who lived in the bear's hut? - Masha.

10. Who helped pull out the turnip? - Mouse.

11. Which resident of the swamp became the wife of Ivan - Tsarevich? - Frog.

12. How many kids did mother Goat have? - Seven goats.

13. Who broke the tower? - Bear.

14. What pet did brother Ivanushka turn into? - In a goat.

Help us, little ball!

IN bring the land of fairy tales!

Task 3: "Name fairytale heroes»

The teacher takes out a card from the envelope, reads a riddle, the children guess, attach a guess - a portrait fairy tale hero on the board. After guessing all the riddles, the teacher gives the children from the envelope the second page for the book - orange.

It was baked from flour

The window was cold.

Run away from grandma and grandpa

And to the fox, he became dinner.


gobbling up rolls,

There is a guy on the stove.

Goes straight to the palace

Who is this fellow?

I persuaded my brother

older sister:

“You drink from a puddle of it

Muddy water."

The boy did not listen

He turned into a goat

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing sheds tears.

Snow Maiden

Alyonushka's sister

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high.

They look far.

Swan geese

On a swamp tussock

The bride is waiting

When for her

The prince will come.

Princess Frog

caregiver: So I found another one page. Say the magic words and move on.

Help us, little ball!

IN bring the land of fairy tales!

The glomerulus leads the children to the next task. Finding envelopes with split pictures "Collect fairy tale» and a note from Baba Yaga. Reading a note from Baba yagi:

“Well done, kids!

the road to found a country of fairy tales and managed to get two pages. Just don't be too happy, look at what I'm your favorite fairy tales turned.

Baba Yaga.

Task 4: "Collect fairy tale»

Children find split pictures in envelopes. Children need to collect split pictures and name fairy tale. The work is done in pairs.

caregiver: Guys, we need to collect pictures and name fairy tales. I propose to split into pairs and take one envelope.

After completing the task from a large envelope, the teacher takes out more book pages - yellow, green, blue.

caregiver: Oh, guys, our path is long the land of fairy tales. Let's get some rest.

Dynamic pause in progress "Turnip".

Here we planted it. - Leaning forward.

And then poured water. - Imitation of movement.

The turnip grew well and strong. - Spread your arms out to the sides.

During dynamic pause the teacher, imperceptibly for the children, replaces the magic ball with a ball.

caregiver: Oh, guys, while we were resting, Baba Yaga changed our ball and turned it into a ball. She offers us to play. The game is called"You to me - I to you".

Task 5: "You to me - I to you"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher - in the middle of the circle. The teacher throws the ball and names the animal. The children take turns saying which fairy tale meets this hero. For example, a cow "Havroshechka".

Goat - "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Bear - "Masha and the Bear", "Kolobok".

Wolf - "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", "Kolobok".

Geese - "Swan geese".

Fox - "The Fox and the Wolf", "The Fox and the Thrush", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Fox and Hare", "Kolobok".

Chicken - "Ryaba Hen".

Hare - "Hare - brag", "Fox and Hare".

Horse - "Sivka - Burka".

Pike - "By magic".

caregiver: Here's another one we found the page. Children are awarded - 6 book page - blue. Look, the ball led us to a magic chest.

Children with a teacher approach the magic chest. Baba Yaga appears (adult dressed as Baba Yaga).

Baba Yaga: Oh, how smart and reasonable! Everything about you know fairy tales. Now answer my questions!

Question 1: How a fairy tale is different from a story?

Question 2: What words fairy tales begin?

Question 3: What words fairy tales end?

Baba Yaga: Here, well done fellows! Everybody knows! Get your latest page - purple.

caregiver: Guys, look how unusual pages we have collected.

Children: It's a rainbow.

caregiver: Rainbow is a miracle, it's magic.

Baba Yaga: Put your book in my magic chest. Speak the words with me magical: "Snoop! Snap! Snure!"

Children together with Baba Yaga pronounce words. Then Baba Yaga opens the chest and takes out the Collection Russian folk tales.

Baba Yaga A: Here is your book. Read for health! Don't be mad at me old lady. I got bored alone fairy tale. Here I decided with you to play. Now go back to your kindergarten.

Children, together with the teacher, return to the playroom.

caregiver: Well done boys! You are the most the best connoisseurs Russian folk tales. Did you enjoy our trip? Was it difficult? children's answers.

caregiver: Do you know what helped us cope with all the tasks? children's answers.

caregiver: Your knowledge and our friendship!

Children together with the teacher look at the book fairy tales.

A game was carried out within the framework of the project "On the roads fairy tales"

Stepanishina Irina Pavlovna teacher of the 1st category of GBDOU kindergarten No. 80 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development" , « Speech development» , « cognitive development» , "Artistic and aesthetic development" .


Development cognitive activity preschool children in the process of playing activities.



  • Learn to recognize a fairy tale by illustrations, riddles
  • create conditions for active cognitive activity children;
  • to instill interest in folk art, in fairy tales;


  • To create conditions for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions and conclusions
  • Create conditions for the development of thinking, imagination, visual memory, observational.


  • Raise interest in Russian folk tales
  • To form the skill of cooperation, benevolence.
  • Develop fine motor skills fingers, encourage improvisation by means of facial expressions, expressive movements
  • Cultivate a culture of behavior, the ability to hear another
  • to promote rapprochement and organization in the group, to master the ability to work in a team.

Use of modern technologies:

  • Receptions of health-saving technologies (change of activities, elements of eye gymnastics, relay game, finger gymnastics).

Participants: children and teacher of the middle group

Preliminary work:

  • Reading Russian folk tales.
  • Examining the illustration.
  • The game is a dramatization based on a Russian folk tale "Teremok" .

Methods and techniques:

  • surprise moment
  • Conversation
  • Answers on questions
  • Riddles
  • Pedagogical assessment, rewards


  • Demonstration, viewing illustrations.


  • Solving a problem situation
  • search actions
  • Game - staging a fairy tale
  • Fizminutka - eye gymnastics
  • Breathing exercises.

Spatial environment:

Five locations located in the sports (musical) kindergarten hall.

Subject-practical environment:

  • A ball with a letter and a hint;
  • Five exhibits from the museum of fairy tales;
  • Frogs of emotions and 2 swamps;
  • 6 heroes of a Russian folk tale "Teremok" and a set of geometric shapes;
  • Attributes for staging a Russian folk tale "Turnip" ;
  • Attributes for the relay game "Theatre of Karabas-Barabas" ;
  • Cards with fabulous riddles;

Quest game progress:

The music of the song “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds. Children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello! Let's greet our guests, let's say to them together "Hello!"

We'll all take hands
And we smile at each other.
Friend on the right and friend on the left
Let's smile all around!

Amazing! We gave each other a smile, from which it became lighter, warmer and more comfortable. And we start our game.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Educator. I am glad that you all love fairy tales, I also love fairy tales very much. What do you think a fairy tale is?

Children's answers

Educator: That's right guys, a fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events and adventure.

Guys, when I came to our group in the morning, I saw a magic ball on the table and the following note was attached to it: “Baba Yaga stole all the exhibits from the museum of fairy tales and hid them in your kindergarten. We ask you to find them and return them to their places. But the road will not be easy, different adventures will await you. If you are brave, dexterous and courageous, then hit the road!”

Educator: Guys, we will help you find fabulous exhibits and return them to their places. Then let's try to get into the country where fairy tales live.

Let's say the magic words:

Clap twice
Stomp three times
Turn around yourself
And find yourself in a fairy-tale land!

And we will begin our journey and clues, which was also attached to the ball.

The teacher shows a card on which the first station is drawn. Guys, who do you think this is? (Frog)

1st station - "Swamp of the Princess Frog" (socio-communicative development)

Educator: What fairy tale are we in?

And who came up with this fairy tale? (people, therefore the fairy tale is called Russian folk)

Guys, look, we have 2 swamps: one is bright and cheerful, the second swamp is kind of gloomy and dull. The cheerful croaking of frogs is not heard.

What do you think, what kind of frogs live in a cheerful swamp?

What do you think, what kind of frogs live in a sad swamp?

Let's populate them with frogs, shall we?

Well done, you did well.

Here is the second clue where we should move on and the first stolen museum exhibit (kolobok)

2nd station - "Glade of fairy tales" (speech development.)

Educator: You and I ended up in a clearing of fairy tales. To release the next exhibit, we need to guess the fairy-tale character

1. The guy tears from his favorite stove,
Went to the river for water.
Caught a pike in the hole
And since then, I have not known worries. (Emelya)

2. From flour, he was baked,
The window was cold.
Run away from grandma and grandpa
And to the fox, he became dinner. (Kolobok)

3. Granddaughter went to her grandmother,
She brought the pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
Cheated and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Well done on the riddles. Or maybe one of you knows poems about the theater and fairy tales?

Children read excerpts from poems

1. Fairy tales walk around the world,
Harnessing the carriage at night.
Fairy tales live in glades
They roam at dawn in the mists.

2. Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
It is worth closing my eyelashes -
Suddenly Sivka-burka will dream.

3. Some hero lives in every fairy tale,
The hero dreams of making friends with me,
And the magic key from the door in the wall
Bring Pinocchio to me.

Educator: Well done guys, you coped with the task., Here we released the second exhibit from the museum of fairy tales. (golden egg from a Russian folk tale "Ryaba Hen" )

3rd station "Karabas-Barabas" (physical development)

Educator: In order to cope with this task and release the next exhibit, we need to cope with one relay race ..

Children overcome the obstacle course in turn and complete the task.

Educator: What good fellows you are, how quickly you completed the task. So we released another exhibit from our museum. (Turnip). We continue our journey.

4th station "Theater" (artistic and aesthetic development)

Educator: Here we are with you and popoli into a fairy tale "Turnip" . What kind of task awaits us here? Let's see if it's the same finger theater- tramplers. Let's act out this story.

Children are divided into roles, stage a fairy tale.

Educator: Not only performances take place in the theater, but various musical works are also heard. Let's get to know these works.

Children listen to excerpts from musical works and call them (march, lullaby, dance).

Educator: What good fellows you are. How well you did it! Here is another free exhibit. ("Teremok" ) We continue our journey.

5th station - "Teremok" (cognitive development)

Educator: Here we are next tale. Look at the table are the heroes of this fairy tale. What is this fairy tale?

Children's answers

Educator: That's right, it's a fairy tale "Teremok" . Tell me please, are all the heroes of this fairy tale the same size? What kind of house do they need?

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. All heroes are different sizes and they need a different size house. Let's put the houses in ascending order from the smallest to the largest and put the animals in them.

Children complete the task on the magnetic board.

Educator: Guys, tell me how many heroes are in the fairy tale "Teremok" ? Who is in front of the rabbit? After the fox? And what is the number of the wolf?

Children's answers

Educator: So you did the last task. Well done, the next exhibit of the museum is free. Let's take them back to the museum.

Children put exhibits in place.


Educator: Guys, what fairy tales did we visit today?

Children's answers: "Teremok" , "Princess Frog" , "Teremok" , Pinocchio

Educator: Did you like our adventure?

For today, our story comes to an end. Guys, do you remember what words Russian folk tales usually end with? (And I was there, drinking honey, flowing down my mustache, but my mouth didn’t hit)

The children go to the group.

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