A penny ruble saves the meaning of a proverb. A penny saves a ruble! What is the catch of the famous proverb? My interview for Anastasia Kalkavan's project


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Read the latest material right now and you will learn:

- My vision of a situation when a person says: “Happiness is not in money, the main thing is that ...”
How will your financial condition if you carefully shift bills and coins in your wallet?
- "A penny saves a ruble." What is the catch in the famous proverb?
- Why the film "The Secret" does not work?
At what age should children be taught financial literacy? And what to do for this?
- Where to start for those who decided to raise their standard of living? And financial as well.
Why don't I keep track of my expenses? And how do I manage to live without loans and debts?
— What to do if it is inconvenient for you to ask for a check at the store to manage your household budget?

Anastasia Kalkavan:
Hello Rimma! Welcome to the ICD community! In our community, we are looking for ways to self-realization, and the topic that we will reveal together today is very important for success. “Attitude towards money” is the topic of our conversation.

Very often in in social networks I see similar statuses: “Happiness is not in money, the main thing is that loved ones are healthy”, etc. Personally, I am very much outraged by such phrases. I even wrote a post on this topic in my blog “Happiness is not in money”. What do you think about such beliefs?

Rimma Kazri:
“Happiness is not in money, the main thing is that ...” Such a statement of the phrase reminds me of an attempt to justify my laziness.

Firstly, it is in this phrase that the emphasis is on money and its shortage. When a person says this, he is actually in dire need of an increase in his income. But in order to get out new level and finances, and life in general, you need to work a lot and for a long time. (Only it's not about employment! This is important!) But it's better to leave everything as it is and convince yourself that money is not important. Then you won't have to do anything.

Secondly, most of those people who have gone through inner work over themselves and changed themselves, their lives and achieved financial freedom, they understand: “The most The best way helping the poor is not being one of them.”

My personal and deep conviction: those who give alms to beggars on the street encourage doing nothing and breed poverty. Beggars walk with plates, boxes, hats, suitcases to the entrance of the store, metro, as if they were going to work. Why do something if they already take pity on you and give you bread? I touched on this topic in more detail in my article “The Gap Between the Poor and the Rich”.

The one who gives value to others always becomes rich. If a person cannot earn money, then he is socially useless. If a person helps to solve the problems of others, then he automatically generates a flow of money in his pocket.

Someone produces and receives money for it, and someone consumes and gives money for it.

Who will earn? The one who made the film and released it to the masses? Or the one who came and saw it in the cinema?

Who will receive the money? The one who baked the bread and took it to the shops? Or the one who came home and ate it?

Who will give money to whom? The one who wrote the book? Or someone who just read it?

The answer is obvious!

Fourth, people with a poor mindset always waste their energy on the fear of losing the money they have. Rich mindsets, on the other hand, focus their energy on looking for an increase in their income that will cover unexpected losses.

The other day was an interesting and revealing situation.

My annual mandatory car insurance has expired. If last year she paid something around 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles. (I don’t remember exactly), this year the pleasure cost me a little more than 7 thousand rubles.

When I found out the amount, I decided not to waste time looking for cheaper options. I just paid, completed all the documents and went on about my business.

When another client heard a similar amount, he released all his negativity on the manager and went to look for options in order to save 1-2-3 thousand rubles.

I bought time to work on increasing my income. And literally in two days I recaptured this amount. Wrote in more detail on your Vkontakte wall. And that man is probably still angry and looking for options on how to save money. (He probably, by the way, thinks that happiness is not in money, the main thing is that ...)

Let me summarize the above.

There should be enough money not to think about it when you want to buy something in the store. There should be enough of them to provide yourself with such a level and style of life that you dream of.

However! Making money shouldn't become main task person in life! After all, we do not come into this world for this! And poor people, just the same, denying the achievement of financial freedom, change their whole lives to get themselves a penny, which is barely enough for a miserable existence.

Anastasia Kalkavan:
Recently, a blogger, a successful businessman, spoke about his attitude to money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU4xGtH3Qlg In his video, he talks about how important it is to carefully place money in your wallet. I can honestly admit that the bills in my wallet are always neatly folded, but I still can’t learn how to pay due attention to small money, they are scattered in different pockets. For example, Robert Allen, in the book "Multiple Sources of Income" advises to save every coin, because from it, like a grain, a whole can grow. Money Tree. No wonder there is an old proverb: Kopek - ruble saves." Rimma, tell us about your attitude to money. What was it like before? And how do you develop in this direction?

Rimma Kazri:
I always have the main amount of free money for monthly expenses on deposit bank cards.

So I not only save my money from theft, but also receive monthly small accruals on the balance on the card. In fact, my money not only lies idle "in the wallet", but also does not lose much of its value from inflation.

Personally, I somehow do not get hung up on the fact that the bill lies strictly to the bill and in a certain sequence.

It's important to keep a balance here. Just from the fact that you will importantly and lovingly shift all the bills and coins in your wallet, nothing will change! To create cash flow, you need something more: create value and give it to people. Exactly what I was talking about when answering the first question.

It's the same with the dream collage technique, which became popular after the massive distribution of the film The Secret. This technique works! However, not all! From the fact that you just correctly placed your desires on a piece of drawing paper according to Feng Shui, your dreams will not come true. More action needs to be taken.

Feng Shui stuff is a good thing! But don't focus solely on them. We must keep a balance.

Well, about the fact that you need to save every coin and treat it with care, I agree.

A penny saves a ruble. Exactly! But there is a catch.

Someone perceives this expression as a call for savings and a heavy separation from the heart.

I think and understand this idea in a different way. A penny ruble CREATES. Money has to work. And very often you need to give a penny to get a ruble as a result.

Anastasia Kalkavan:
Since the release of The Secret, many have begun to think about the power of visualization. Many have an album of desires. There are communities on social networks in which people post pictures to fulfill their desires: banknotes, luxury cars, houses, etc. , but at the same time, very few actually achieved their goals. Why doesn’t visualization work in most cases, what do people lack to achieve their goals?

Rimma Kazri:
Already a little ahead of the question. And I mentioned it above.

Not enough ACTION!

You can dream of a fairy-tale prince on a white horse, and do nothing yourself to become a princess. Stupid, poor and ugly princes are chosen only in fairy tales.

You can dream of millions of dollars and not understand why you need that kind of money. Accordingly, do nothing, and live all your life in an acute shortage of finances with a beautiful and well-groomed visualization picture on the wall.

Dreaming is very good and useful. But action is also needed. Again, balance is needed.

If there is a bias towards dreams in pink clouds, nothing will change in life. Many spend all their energy on creating and maintaining the beauty and well-groomed collage on the wall. But the main fuse is useful precisely for the implementation of the planned and visualized!

If you act stupidly and do not build large-scale prospects, you will continue to swarm in small things, debts, loans. Going to work for hire is also an action. Yes, and what!

Brains must be attached to any action.

Anastasia Kalkavan:
I recently read Bodo Schaefer's book The ABC of Money, and I really liked how, using the example of a little girl, the author talks about how, by changing your thinking, you can come to financial success. And even a child can do it. I would be very happy if I read books on financial literacy as a child. At what age should you start teaching children in this direction, because our attitude to money is laid already in early childhood when we adopt our parents' money habits?

Anastasia Kalkavan:
It turns out that the difference between rich and poor people is in their thinking. "Money is evil!" "Money ruins people." Here is one example of a poor man's mindset. Money, like any other item, cannot be good or bad in itself, it is neutral. We ourselves endow them with positive or negative energy. I liked how Bodo Schaefer in his book focuses on the fact that money does not change us, it only emphasizes our essence. In hand good man money acquires positive energy and is directed to good deeds, and vice versa, a person with negative thinking directs it to bad goals. Where do you need to start, based on your experience, in order to start thinking in the right direction?

Rimma Kazri:
Each person is something in between the 5 people with whom he communicates. Therefore, you need to start with the environment.

If there is no person in the environment who has achieved such a standard of living that you still only dream of, you must urgently find him and learn from him.

If in real life this is difficult to do, look on the Internet, look in books. Follow successful, famous and rich people. Analyze their behavior, read and watch movies that they mention in their social networks.

Being successful is a big and long work on yourself!

Anastasia Kalkavan:
“The richer, the greedier” is also a common belief. This is probably due to the fact that rich people constantly count their money, and this absolutely does not mean that they are greedy. By the way, in many books on financial literacy, the authors advise you to keep track of your income and expenses, even if you are not friends with mathematics, you still need to learn to “read” the numbers, or you can hire a person who will do it for you. Robert Allen also recommends splitting your expenses into different folders: rent, utilities, food, entertainment, household goods, clothing, etc. and put checks and receipts in them. For example, it is not always convenient for me to ask for a check if they forget to give it to me. How are you doing with the calculation of expenses, and why do you need to keep them?

Rimma Kazri:
To be honest, personally, I will not come to keep my costs down to kopecks. So far, I don't see the point in this for myself.

The main money for monthly expenses I have on bank cards. And all utility bills, car maintenance, clothes, toys for children, purchase of books and trainings, etc. I carry out directly from the cards. As long as the money is on the card, it is easy for me to keep them from unnecessary waste.

Well, for the purchase of products, inexpensive toys for children, etc. in ordinary small shops I always have some cash. And I know exactly how much I need each month for such expenses. I just allocate this amount and try not to go beyond it.

If I feel that I do not fit into the usual amount of different reasons(for example, how with insurance it turned out to unexpectedly spend three times more than expected), I just set myself a specific goal to recapture this money. If we are talking about amounts of 10-40 thousand rubles, it is not difficult for me personally to do this.

Let me summarize. I do not keep track of expenses, but I clearly plan my income. I paint my expected costs, the price of my dreams, and then I look for options to earn the necessary and specific amount of money. That is, I start not from what is in my wallet, but from how much I NEED to have in my wallet. In order not to think about how and where to save money, but instead to use all my energy to form and increase cash flow in my pocket.

I’ll add a little more about the phrase: “For example, it’s not always convenient for me to ask for a check if they forget to give it to me.”

Analyze where the legs grow from in such a state? Why is it not always convenient to ask? Are you afraid of what they will think of you? Then do not care about the opinions of others, if this check is important for you to achieve your goal! Are you afraid to strain the seller and knock out a check? So this is his job, and he chose it himself!

If you have a goal, then never let anyone move you from this path! Even if it suddenly gives someone extra gestures! If you pay the quoted price, you are fulfilling your obligations. This means that the other party must fulfill them in full.

Paying in full for your purchase and, if you wish, receiving a check for it is as natural as demanding full payment from you for goods (services). After all, sellers are not shy, do not forget, do not feel inconvenience when they take from you an amount up to a penny for a product at the full price. Why should you be embarrassed when you want to receive your legitimate check?!

Anastasia Kalkavan:
Thank you very much for the useful and interesting information you shared with us. We wish you even more success and good mood!

Rimma Kazri:
Anastasia, thanks for the questions. Happy to voice your thoughts. And I will be glad if they help everyone who reads to become freer and more successful.

Always yours,
Rimma Kazri,
young mother and creator of the New Rich from Childhood project.

If you liked my answers, and you also want to interview me, write about it on I will gladly share interesting information and valuable content for your target audience. Ready to talk on topics: business in the network marketing industry, financial literacy, raising a successful child.

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  • The saying “A penny saves a ruble” emphasizes the need to be frugal. Thrift is very important in life. You need to spend less than you earn and save some for the future. We need to learn how to spend money wisely and make sure that spending does not exceed income.

    In life, you need to be restrained and patient in order to properly plan your spending. Saving is the way to success. The money you save can come in handy hard times, for example, when some health problems suddenly arise. This money can also be invested somewhere, thereby increasing the initially set aside amount. That is why they say that a saved ruble is a earned ruble. After all, saving is money.

    We can invest our money different ways- buy shares, receive a share in investment funds, or you can think of profitable idea and start your own business.

    Only by assuming responsibility to the greatest extent possible can one be free, and only free man can make responsible choices between right and wrong, saving and spending, giving and receiving. — Paul Ryan

    Today we see that the prices of land and gold are increasing significantly, and they are much higher than the prices of other commodities. Thus, by investing in gold or real estate, we will double our money within a few years.

    We can also double our money by learning to control our spending. The art of frugality must be learned, and by doing so, we can earn more in our lives by investing our savings in the future. Let's be responsible people, not throwing money away right and left, especially not spending it on exorbitantly expensive things that are not so necessary in our lives.

    Let's spend money only on essentials and save the rest. Then we can use the savings as capital, and start our own business or finance companies that can bring more profit in the future, and from this profit we can buy the things that we want to have.

    There are many ways to start controlling your spending. For example, you can make a list of things that you need to buy before going to the market. So you don't buy anything extra. You can stop visiting shopping centers where shopping is expensive and unprofitable.

    Savings can be anything. You can start by saving on electricity and phone calls. Those are just two things you can save a lot on. In the case of electricity, the main thing is that everyone be vigilant and turn off the lights, fans and other electrical appliances immediately after using them. You can, for example, install solar-powered lights. Similarly, in the case of a telephone, you can save money by buying affordable models and talking less on the phone.

    Thus, we see that the saying “A penny saves a ruble” still works in the twenty-first century. Savings not only provide an advantage, but also help in saving environment by preventing losses and contributes to the economic growth of the country.

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    Bar of laundry soap

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    Good day dear readers and guests of the blog.
    Every person, at least once, tried to save money for certain needs, but this did not always work out. This is not surprising, because the process of accumulating money is fraught with many difficulties. To learn how to save money correctly, you need to follow certain principles, and then you will definitely be able to achieve desired result.

    Of course, it is clear that money is never superfluous, and it is very difficult to save a certain amount, given the constant rise in prices. However, everything is possible if a person pursues the goal of achieving what he wants no matter what.

    Remember the golden words: a penny saves a ruble.

    Before you start saving money, you need to ask yourself why you need it, analyze your expenses and income, taking into account your budget for the month. Find out what is a must-have purchase and what can be skipped.

    At least 10% of your salary should be set aside every month. It is this amount that will not change your lifestyle and will not create a feeling of lack of money.

    You can keep the money you save in a banal piggy bank.
    If you understand that you will not be able to withstand the accumulation process, then the most successful will be a deposit account, from which you can withdraw money only in full with a loss of interest. This option will save you from temptation. There are also certain deposits that are replenished automatically according to the scheme. The agreed amount is transferred from the current account to the deposit.

    The process of saving money eventually becomes a habit and even begins to give pleasure.

    How to quickly save money

    To accumulate a decent amount as quickly as possible, you must first of all give up spending that you can do without, for example, entertainment and expensive clothes. If the accumulation process promises to be long, then in this case you need to make small indulgences in saving money, but still adhere to the principle of minimizing costs.

    A person should also understand that if the difference between his living wage and the budget is not enough to achieve the goal, then you should think about an additional source of income, while finding at least a small part-time job. You can start doing something that you have been thinking about for a long time. Money from additional part-time work will go to the piggy bank.

    How to smartly reduce your expenses

    In order to analyze your expenses and put them in order, you need to start doing bookkeeping after receiving your salary. Entries can be made either in a notebook or in a special computer program, or program on mobile phone. They should be as detailed as possible. You need to count absolutely everything, up to buying a pack of ice cream or cigarettes, replenishing your phone account. This will help you understand where your money is going. If at the end of the billing period the amount of expenses exceeded income, you need to worry.

    It is important to stick to the main items of your expenses and avoid unplanned purchases, because when a person sees discounts or promotions, it confuses him. You can check the boxes next to those things that you can completely do without, and in this way you will see how unnecessary your expenses can be.

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