How to make beautiful brown. Do-it-yourself beauty: how to get a blue color and what paints you need to mix for this


Have you ever wondered how professional artists work with different colors to create paintings? Do they stock up on every possible shade of color for their work? Of course not. As a rule, they have in their arsenal several base colors and with the help entertaining science- colorists - get hundreds of desired shades.

Purple in the color palette

This article is all about purple, the latest color in the rainbow.

It is not base in the palette. The main colors are blue, yellow and red. What does it mean? By mixing them, you can get a huge variety of colors and their shades. It is worth mentioning two more colors. It's black and white. They cannot be obtained by mixing. So in essence, artists use five colors when creating their magnificent masterpieces - these are three base colors plus black and white.

A bit of history

Violet (aka purple) is considered a cold and deep tone.

Its history is interesting and shrouded in mystery. Purple has always been considered a mystical and "royal" color.

In Byzantium, the purple color was called blattion and was considered imperial. Purple was very often used in stained glass in cathedrals in medieval times. Purple smalts can be found in Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna.

In Rus' purple bore the name yubagr. And in England in the second half of the 16th century, only members of the royal family or royalty.

The purple color has special meaning and in Christianity. It represents the seventh day of the creation of light and is considered a day of rest. Takovo spiritual meaning this color.

For Catholic Christians traditional clothes clergymen is a cassock - this is a split dress to the floor. Only bishops can wear such a purple robe, it is forbidden for ordinary clerics.

How to get purple? The easiest way

Coloring is a very entertaining and interesting science. All children like to watch how, with a wave of a magic wand, two or three colors form a completely different, fourth. It really looks like a mystic.

For example, in order to get Brown color, on the palette you need to mix blue, red and yellow.

For orange - red and yellow, green - yellow and blue.

But how do you get purple? You only need to mix two colors - red and blue.

The depth and brightness of the resulting purple will depend on a number of indicators:

  • tones of the original colors;
  • quantities of this or that paint, their proportion.

How to get different shades of purple?

But after all, artists are not content with just one shade of purple when writing their paintings. It would then not be art, not magic. Yes, they can create dozens of different tones of this mysterious color.

How to get dark purple color?

There are two ways.

  1. Add a few drops of black to red.
  2. Mix red and blue, adding more of the latter, and also adjust the intensity by adding black. It will turn out a very dark, muted, but purple color.

How to get magenta tint?

It is necessary when mixing red and blue paints, put more red. If there is more blue in proportion, then purple will turn out to be brighter and more pronounced.

How to get a light purple hue?

You need to mix pink and blue paints on the palette.

How to make the resulting color lighter?

In this case, you just need to add white to the mass.

Features of working with gouache and watercolor

The above methods are ideal if you are wondering: "How to get purple with gouache?". This type of paint is thick and well pigmented, the artist will have no problem adjusting the intensity of the color. But there is one pitfall that you should not forget about: when dried, gouache brightens by several tones. This is always worth remembering when getting the desired purple hue.

In some ways it is easier, and in some ways more difficult to work with watercolors. It does not have such a rich texture as the same gouache. How to get purple paint color and desired shades with watercolor?

The way it works is exactly the same. But if there is no white, then the pallor or saturation of the desired shade must be adjusted already with the help of water (diluting the paint with it). And, of course, it is quite clear that the same color saturation cannot be achieved from watercolor as from gouache.

Methods for dyeing mastic in purple

When preparing their delicious masterpieces, confectioners very often color mastic. And just like artists, they do not have to have all the shades and colors of dyes in their arsenal. To answer the question: “How to get the purple color of the mastic?”, You need to determine how this delicious “plasticine” fell into the hands of the master?

If the mastic is homemade, then there is nothing easier than adding two dyes - blue and red - to the still liquid mass during its preparation. They can be both dry and gel type.

If the mastic is purchased and white, then it will be easiest to first paint two balls in different colors - red and blue. And only after that mix them in different proportions, resulting in the desired shade.

The effect of purple on humans

There is such a science - chromotherapy. She studies the effect of different colors on the human condition. So purple has a very beneficial effect on almost all organs and senses.

  1. Promotes a more rapid production of priceless hormones of joy - endorphins.
  2. Rejuvenates.
  3. It has a calming effect on insomnia and migraines.
  4. It has a tonic effect on the pituitary gland and eyes.
  5. Increases immunity.

But you need to use this color wisely, without overloading your space with it. Too much purple can lead to melancholy.

Now you know how to get purple. You know how it affects the human body and you can successfully apply the knowledge gained in practice, whether it is color treatment or the creation of a confectionery or artistic masterpiece. So multifaceted, from pale purple to almost black, this color personifies everything sensual, mysterious and mysterious.

In this article, we will tell you about what colors to mix to get brown. This information will be of interest primarily to novice artists, because painting professionals are well aware of all the secrets of colors. Great, if you now have gouache, watercolor or tempera on hand, you can immediately start following the recommendations from our article. By experience, you will see how easy it is to get different shades of brown.

The easiest way

Warm brown is a mixture of black and red. You can get it by simply mixing cinnabar and black paint. Only the proportions of these two ingredients should not be equal: red in such a mixture should somewhat prevail. Perfect option: first squeeze cinnabar or cadmium red onto the palette from a tube and then slowly start mixing

If you prefer to paint with watercolors, then you can use another interesting trick obtaining the desired colors and shades. At first, red is applied with light strokes on paper, and after it dries, a transparent and watery black is superimposed on top. The effect is as if two transparent pieces of glass were superimposed on each other.

What happens if you mix blue with orange?

How do you think? Yes, yes, it will turn out exactly the color that we need, i.e. brown! We hope you will not have any difficulties obtaining it. Just in case, we will say that it can be obtained by mixing red (there should be more of this color) and yellow paint. Happened? Fine! Now add some blue and stir, then add some more blue. As a result, you should get a beautiful chocolate brown paint.

If the shade doesn't suit you and you want something brighter, then mix in more orange to get a light brown color. Blue can be in the form of ultramarine, or cobalt.

Experimenting with green and red

First we get green by mixing blue and yellow. Remember: if there is too much of the latter, then the greens will turn out to be too bright, and if you overdo it with blue, then, on the contrary, it will be too dark. It is best to achieve the golden mean. To the resulting green you need to mix red. You already know that shades of brown can be very diverse, and this depends on which particular paint prevails in the composite color.

If, as a result of the manipulations done on the palette, a warm red-brown turned out, and this absolutely suits you, then the experiment can be considered completed. But in the event that you want something else, try adding more green (chrome or emerald green). Perhaps you will be able to invent a recipe for your signature brown paint.

purple and yellow

We continue to look for the answer to the question of what colors to mix to get brown. In our searches and experiments, we turn to mixing yellow and purple. To begin with, we get a dark royal violet and combine blue and red in equal proportions. Isn't purple a very pretty color? And now there is nothing left - to mix in this beauty yellow paint.

If there is a lot of it, then it will turn out, and if there is more purple, then final result will come out darker and deeper. A lot depends on what kind of yellow paint you use: bright cadmium or perhaps a discreet yellow light ocher.

Mixing all primary colors

You haven't found yet desired shade? Then we continue our creative research. We take 4 black, and, of course, red. The process of creating brown begins by combining equal amounts of green and blue. Next, we mix black to them, then red and at the very end yellow (the more it is, the more light brown you will get).

Learning to use ocher

Once upon a time, artists made their own paints and used only natural pigments for this. The most accessible and widespread paint was ocher (golden, yellow, red), which was extracted from ordinary clay. Look at the ancient Russian icons - they are dominated by a restrained color - brownish-golden. You, too, can learn how to get these shades of brown if you use ocher instead of yellow paint when mixing.

The key is proportions.

Take a ready-made set of watercolors and gouache, in it you will definitely find brown paint, sometimes even more than one. Why do artists prefer to mix different colors, rather than use ready-made ones? The answer is very simple: nature rarely uses pure colors, she paints in thousands, millions of shades. Well, artists can only take an example from her and, before starting to work, find out what colors to mix to get brown, gray, purple, etc.

By changing the proportions of the mixed colors, you can achieve amazing results. Try it! Sometimes it is enough to change the shade of paint by adding just one extra drop of something on the palette - this is a very interesting creative process.

Avoid dirty shades

Beginning artists often sin by the fact that, in pursuit of originality, when obtaining one or another shade, they begin to combine too many colors with each other at the same time and, instead of making up a beautiful color, they dilute ordinary dirt on the palette, which can in no way decorate the picture. Try to avoid dirty shades, follow the advice given in this article, they clearly indicate which colors to mix to get brown.


In the end, I would like to wish all novice painters not only creative success but also the courage to try new things. Create, try, dare, mix different colors, look for your unique color combinations! That's what all the great artists did. They were not afraid of anything and always went their own way, not paying attention to criticism. Who knows, perhaps success and deafening glory await you ahead!

    If you mix green and yellow in equal proportions, you get a color that we usually call light green. Depending on how light or dark the initial colors are, the shade of the result will vary from light green to olive.

    But if you mix green and yellow in clothes, nothing good will come of it) Only representatives of the winter color type can wear this combination, and then it’s not worth it)

    If you take yellow as a base and add green paint, then we get light green color or a shade, since everything will depend on the amount of paint that you want to add to the base color.

    If you want to continue the experiment, then you can add a little white paint to the light green and get a lighter and less saturated glow.

    Yellow will give green the opportunity to play with a variety of shades. There will be less yellow - green will only become slightly brighter, more golden, but if more, then it will be possible to bring the green color to light green. In general, decide what color you want to get at the output - more yellow or more green, and depending on this, select the desired proportion of mixed paints.

    Light green color you can draw fresh grass, leaves. He will give the picture a juicy spring character.

    And mixing green and yellow dyes is useful for cooks: it is this light green color that is most often found on flower petals on cakes.

    If you mix any two colors, you can get a lot of different shades. Moreover, depending on how much of one paint is mixed with another, the resulting color approaches either one or another color.

    If we have two colors: yellow and green, then the color mixing in equal proportions will give light green Colour.

    If you gradually add green to yellow paint, you can see how the resulting paint changes its color, approaching green with each new drop.

    Knowing how to get this or that color correctly, you can create completely unexpected shades. And if you add to the yellow and green paint one more color, then you can get, for example, the following colors:

    The answers to this question will be different if you do not specify the exact characteristics. The final color when mixing yellow and green depends on their initial hues and saturation. This is clearly seen in the figure below.

    If we mix light green and light yellow, we get a light green color.

    If we mix rich green and yellow, we get a rich light green color.

    If we mix dark green and dark yellow, we get an olive color. It can also be enhanced to a dark olive.

    By the way, in life, the combination of yellow and green is quite acceptable, for example, in clothes these colors are perfectly combined and refresh a woman, and for a man they are acceptable, although they are used less often. The same can be said about their use in the interior of, say, a bedroom.

    It will turn out acidic, poisonous-light green color - well, this is only in my personal opinion!)

    If you mix yellow and green, you get Blue colour. Depending on the proportions of the mixed colors, the shade of blue will change. If you add more green, you get dark blue color. And if yellow color and there will be more, it will turn out blue.

    Mixing green with any other colors will always give a color close to brown or even an indeterminate color.

    But adding green to yellow dates an olive color. If you add quite a bit of yellow, then the green color will become more saturated and dark.

    Mixing yellow and green colors, we get a bright lettuce color.

    But in order to actually get a bright light green color, it is necessary that the proportions when mixing colors are the same 1: 1.

    By adding a little more of one color and a little less of another color, then you can get different colors from brown to dark blue and from blue to cyan.

    By mixing green and yellow flowers a light green color of a different shade will come out, depending on the proportions of these colors. Up to olive color. In general, to put it simply, it will turn out just a light green color.

    It depends in what proportions you will mix yellow and green. If the proportions are the same 1 to 1, then you will get a light green color. Depending on the increase in any color, the hue will change. For example, more yellow, the color will become light green and vice versa.

Beginning artists may have a question about how to get brown, because it is not always found in gouache. This tone is not included in the main group and can be obtained from a mixture of the latter. But the wrong approach to combining colors often leads to a gray mass or not the shade that was originally required. To create a paint that does not differ from the store, you need to know the tricks of color.

Rules for mixing tones

All information about the compatibility of shades and the features of combining colors are united by the science of color. It is based on a color wheel with a variety of tones and their subtypes. There are three basic colors - red, yellow and blue. White and black stand apart, although they do not belong to the basic ones. All other tones can be obtained with, because they are called secondary (green, purple, orange, blue, etc.).

There are basic laws of mixing dyes:

  • all shades are divided into chromatic (color) and achromatic (white, black, gray), the former differ in hue, lightness, saturation;
  • when mixing two colors located along a chord color wheel, an intermediate tone will be obtained;
  • when connecting two opposite colors a different achromatic shade is obtained from the circle;
  • you can mix paints mechanically (mix colors from two tubes) and optically (apply smears on top of each other).

You can combine gouache, acrylic, watercolor, water-based emulsion, oil, building paints on a white palette - this is how the finished shade is viewed in detail. If there is no palette, use a white faience plate, in extreme cases - white disposable (plastic) dishes or paper.

What colors make brown

You can even make brown from plasticine, felt-tip ink, but the best result will be achieved when using gouache. To create brown paint, you need to prepare yellow, blue, red, green, black and white - their various combinations will participate in obtaining a new tone.

There are several methods that allow you to make the desired color from other paints. It is necessary to take classic, pure tones without impurities. There are several options - basic, three-color and intermediate, and artists are also aware of a number of additional techniques for creating brown.

With primary colors

This method is the easiest, it will require only accuracy and high-quality colors.

Green with red

Even schoolchildren from drawing lessons know that brown will turn out if you add red to green. When green is not available, yellow and blue can be mixed together. The latter are taken in equal proportions to create a "classic" green tone, although individual desires can be taken into account. To get a more transparent brown, you can use a little more yellow.

It is important to introduce red color into green, but not vice versa. Add it drop by drop so as not to spoil the new tone, turning it into a taupe, rusty or brick. Green will serve as the main here, but red makes the brown tone warmer.

Orange with blue

First you need to make it bright Orange color(if it is not available). To do this, take red, gradually add yellow to it. The amount of yellow should not be large, 10-15% of the total mass of the final color scheme is enough. The final shade should be dark orange, light tone not suitable for making brown.

Purple with yellow

An intermediate way to get brown involves creating purple and combining it with yellow. First, take equally red and blue colors. As a result of their mixing, a noble purple is obtained. Next, they begin to gradually add a yellow color scheme, which will lighten the purple. Brown in this case will not be dark, but it will have a warm, pleasant glow. The addition of new portions of purple works in the opposite way- "cools" the shade. When using this technique, the introduction of a large volume of yellow paint allows you to get an ocher color.

Additional Methods

The combination of dark gray with orange also gives a brown color, however, it will remain cold even with the introduction of an increased amount of orange. Brown is also obtained by mixing green, purple and orange, however, such a multi-stage technique is complex.

In any of the above options, the introduction of additional portions of a dark color helps to get a dark brown tone. It's about about blue, green and purple colors. However, the shades of brown will be different, because each component contributes its own role to their creation.

There is another easy way to get a dark brown color from acrylic, oil or any other paints. A little black paint is dripped into the finished brown. But you need to work with it with extreme caution, otherwise the color will become dirty black. Professionals first mix black with a small amount of white, after which they prepare brown based on it. So the black will be softer, give a more pleasant dark brown tone.

Dark chocolate color can be obtained like this:

  • combine yellow and blue to get dark green;
  • separately mix red and a little yellow to make orange;
  • mix dark green and a drop of orange until you get the color of the grass;
  • mix ready-made herbal color with red, getting chocolate;
  • to prepare dark chocolate, add a drop of black paint.

For a milky chocolate color, white is added, for a golden chocolate color, yellow is added.

light brown color

A light brown tone is easy to make by diluting a regular brown with white paint. The more intense the whitening, the lighter the color will be. It is important not to overdo it here, because brown is a warm shade, and white “cools” it. Usually 1-5% white of the total mass of paint is enough to achieve a sufficient degree of clarification. Light brown can also be obtained if more yellow is initially added, although it is quite difficult to calculate the proportions so accurately.

medium brown

To obtain a brown of medium intensity, mix yellow, blue in equal parts, then add 20% red by weight of the mixture. Next, adjust the depth of the shade by adding black or white - depending on the need.

Red-brown shade

The secret to creating brown with a hint of red is to introduce more red color into it. When you add it to green, you first get the usual brown, then bring it to the desired shade. The intensity will depend on the amount of color. In addition, the desired color is created by mixing red, blue and yellow. by the most simple method To "tint" brown is to add a drop of red to the finished brown color scheme.


This shade is made by combining orange and blue, followed by the addition of black paint. Also, a grayish or coffee color is obtained by mixing purple (magenta) and orange with the introduction of black.

Shades of brown - table

Below are data on the colors that must be mixed together to obtain brown, as well as their approximate proportions:

Artists advise buying ready-made brown if there is any doubt about the quality of mixing paints with your own hands. For example, when working with acrylic, problems may arise when applied to canvas or clothing - the color will look different on the canvas depending on the manufacturer and the specific components in the composition.

It is also better to carry out tinting in the store if you have to paint a large volume of walls in the house - it is almost impossible to get a second portion of exactly the same paint without special equipment. In other situations, do not be afraid to experiment and create new colors yourself - this will allow you to show your imagination to the fullest!

Thanks to modern technologies, interior designers become real wizards. In the blink of an eye, they will make any room stylish and original. AT recent times more and more attention is paid to color design. The most popular are non-standard shades that can be obtained by mixing colors.

Process Basics

Manufacturers of paints and varnishes presented a fairly wide range on the market. But it is not always possible to choose what is ideal for the interior. Combining multiple shades will save time and money.

In many specialized stores, you can use the services of a specialist who will help you make the right color. But if you know the basic rules of how to mix dyes, you can do it at home with your own hands.

One thing to keep in mind when mixing important rule: do not combine liquid products with a dry mixture. They have various indexes, so the coloring composition may eventually curl up.

The most interesting part of the process is creating the desired shade. There are four primary colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • green.

By mixing them, you can get any others. Here are illustrative examples:

  1. Brown is obtained by combining red and green. For a lighter shade, you can add some white.
  2. Orange is the result of mixing yellow and red.
  3. If you need green, you need to combine yellow and blue paints.
  4. To get purple, you need to mix blue and red.
  5. Red and white will result in pink.

So you can mix ad infinitum.

Mixing acrylic materials

Designers love acrylic paints the most. They are very easy to work with, the finished coating has excellent water-repellent properties. Their use has several nuances:

  1. The work surface must be perfectly flat and smooth. To do this, it needs to be sanded.
  2. It is important that the paint does not dry out.
  3. To get an opaque color use undiluted paint. Conversely, for transparency, you can add a little water.
  4. To be able to slowly choose the right color, it is recommended to use. Thanks to him, the tool will not dry so quickly.
  5. To distribute the paint, use the edge of the brush.
  6. Mixing is best done with a clean instrument. In this case, the colors should be directed towards each other.
  7. To make a light tone, you need to add a white dye to the solution, and to get a dark one - black. It is worth remembering that the palette of dark colors is much wider than light ones.

Here are some examples of mixing acrylic-based colorants:

  1. Apricot color is obtained by mixing red, yellow, brown and white.
  2. The recipe for making beige paint involves combining brown and white. If you need a bright beige, you can add a little yellow. For a light beige shade, you need more white.
  3. Gold is the result of mixing yellow and red.
  4. Ocher is yellow with brown. By the way, it is considered popular in the current season.
  5. Khaki can be made if mixed green dye with brown.
  6. Magenta requires three different colors: red, yellow, and blue.

Mixing oil paints

Oil-based paints are more fluid, which necessitates more thorough mixing of the compositions if mixing tones is performed. The specificity and properties of oil colors give the following advantages:

  • the tone will be the most uniform, so the paint is perfect for decorating any surface;
  • if desired, you can leave streaks in the paint, which will allow you to create unusual effects on a canvas or wall.

Oil stirring

Before work, it is important to evaluate whether it is possible to combine individual tones with each other, what will be the result. If you introduce a little glossy paint into a matte one, the result will be inexpressive. Adding a matte paint to a shiny one helps to make the latter a little more subdued.

It is possible by such methods:

  1. Mechanical. In one dish, on the palette, different colors are combined by mechanical mixing. The saturation of the finished mass is adjusted by adding brighter or lighter shades.
  2. Optic. This method is practiced only by professionals. Paints combine to obtain a new color when they are applied to the canvas, wall.
  3. Color overlay. By layering strokes, a new tone is created.

Features of mixing paints

The mechanical method is the simplest, therefore it is recommended for beginners. When using color overlay, the result may differ from what was intended, which must be taken into account in advance. You can apply the glazing method - first apply a darker color, then lighten it with strokes light paint. Better practice in connection oil paints on their small portions, learn how to create original effects, and then proceed to create paintings or decorate the interior.

The working process

By mixing several different colors, you can get a large number of a wide variety of shades. What?

shades of gray

Quite often used in interior design. Help to create a shadow or unobtrusive color, as well as:

  1. You can create regular gray by mixing black with white.
  2. To create cold shades, you need to add a little green to gray, and for warm ones - ocher.
  3. Grey-green is gray with white and green.
  4. Gray-blue - gray, white and a little blue.
  5. Dark gray is the result of mixing gray and black.

brown tones

To dye, you need to mix:

  • green with red;
  • red with blue and yellow;
  • red with white, black and yellow.

How to create other original tones:

  1. Mustard will turn out if you add red, green and black dyes to yellow paint.
  2. Tobacco shade is red, green, yellow and white.
  3. Golden brown is the result of combining yellow, red, green, white and blue. In this case, there should be more yellow pigment.

Red tones

  1. The basis for the pink shade is considered to be White color. Red is added to it. The brighter the desired shade, the more red should be added.
  2. To get a rich chestnut, you need to mix red and black.
  3. Bright red-orange color - red and a little yellow. The more of the latter, the paler the result will be.
  4. You can give the dye a purple tint by mixing a few drops of bright blue and yellow colors and red pigment.
  5. To create crimson, according to the recipe, you need to mix bright red + white + brown + blue. The more white, the pinker the shade.

Deep green is formed when yellow and blue tones. The saturation of the finished dye depends on the amount of each of them. To create shades, you need to add other colors to green:

  1. For mint you need white.
  2. To get an olive color, you need green and a few drops of yellow.
  3. A shade of grass can be obtained by mixing green with blue. Yellow paint will help even out the color.
  4. The color of the needles is the result of mixing green with black and yellow.
  5. Gradually mixing green with white and yellow, you can make an emerald tone.

purple tones

Purple is made by mixing blue and red. You can also use blue and pink paints - the final color will be light, pastel. To darken the finished tone, artists use black paint, which is added in very small portions. Here are the nuances for creating shades of purple:

  • for light purple, you can dilute the finished color with white in the right ratio;
  • for magenta, you need to enter more red paint than blue.

Orange color

When creating a classic orange, they combine one part of yellow and red paint. But for many types of paint, you have to take more yellow, otherwise the color will turn out to be too dark. Here are the main shades of orange and how to get them:

  • for light orange, take pink and yellow, you can also add a little white paint;
  • coral requires dark orange, pink, white in equal proportions;
  • peach needs colors such as orange, yellow, pink, white;
  • for red, you need to take dark orange and a little brown.

Important Rule

Many people ask the question: is it possible to mix paints and varnishes from different manufacturers? It is desirable that the dyes to be mixed be made by the same company. It's even better if they are from the same batch. Mixing dyes from different companies is not recommended. Often they have different properties, such as density, brightness, etc. Because of this, the finished coating may curl.

If there is a desire to take a chance, you can combine a little bit of one and the other paint and apply the resulting solution to the surface. If it thickens or clumps, the experiment is not a success.

Computer help

You can mix several colors correctly using special computer programs. They help to see the final result and determine in percentage terms how much of one or another tone needs to be added. Such programs will help you figure out what shade can be obtained from the funds that are available. They consist of several elements:

  1. A button that removes tones from a set.
  2. Color names.
  3. Lines of input or output to or from a calculation.
  4. samples.
  5. A button that introduces colors into the set.
  6. Result windows.
  7. New selection window and list.
  8. The composition of the finished dye as a percentage.

Mixing several various colors- a fairly common technique among designers. Unusual shades will help to advantageously decorate the interior, make it original or even unique. You can mix dyes even at home. There are many recipes for creating a particular shade. For example, to get beige, you need to combine white and brown, and for pink, white and red.

It is recommended to always have a thinner on hand to prevent the paint from drying too quickly. Do not mix products from different manufacturers, because the result will be a poor-quality coating. To find out the final result of mixing, you can use a special computer program.

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