May from home 2 now. May Abrikosov, biography, news, photos


Former star of the reality show "Dom-2" - May Abrikosov eight years after leaving the project did loud confession. 33-year-old Roman Tertishny (the real name of the ex-star. - Approx. ed.) said that while participating in the TV show, he used illegal substances with the producer of the project Alexei Mikhailovsky. According to May, it was Alexei who put him on the powder. Young people “sniffed” in the producer’s rented apartment, but this stopped when Abrikosov noticed a video camera in the house and suspected that their meetings were being recorded:

“During one of the“ friendly ”conversations, I looked into Alexei’s room and saw a tiny video camera charging there, - Abrikosov writes on his website in notes on participation in "House-2". He noticed my attention to her and became very nervous. Then I realized that he was secretly filming some of our conversations. I drew conclusions and took retaliatory measures. I allow Alexei to put on the Internet everything that he filmed then! I have nothing to fear! I don't blame Alexei for getting me hooked on the powder. It's only my fault."

By the way, these are not the first revelations of the backstage of the “television” published by Abrikosov on his Internet resource. The reason for the long “Internet war” waged by the ex-star of “House-2” with the project management is money. According to May, producer Mikhailovsky embezzled 125,000 rubles, which Abrikosov was once allocated by the authorities of Doma-2.

“A few years ago, my family and friends had a fire. Among them are children - a six-year-old girl (a disabled person of the 1st group) and an 11-year-old boy. I turned for help to the leadership of "House-2" - Valery Komissarov. He immediately responded and gave me 250,000 rubles through Alexei Mikhailovsky. But the "noble" producer, after delaying 2 months, reluctantly gave me only 122,000 rubles. Mikhailovsky knew about the fire, knew why I needed help, and his hand did not tremble! — Abrikosov explains his actions.

The man also demanded that TV producers immediately conduct a drug addiction test among the participants and employees of Doma-2. Abrikosov did it himself first by publishing the results own analyzes, indicating that now he does not suffer from drug addiction. Abrikosov went to the medical examination voluntarily, after he was accused of inadequacy after the unusual selfies.

- Once again, I openly appeal to the leadership of the TNT channel with a persistent proposal - to the entire "House-2", presenters, all participants and organizers to urgently undergo the same drug tests, take tests to identify if there are any drug addicts among them with a single or long-term experience and systematic drug use! —

Roman Tertishny, better known as May Abrikosov, was born on August 19, 1981. From childhood, he was distinguished by extraordinary creativity: wrote poetry, drew well, loved and knew how to dance. He sometimes liked to run away into nature with a pen and a notebook in order to be able to write down thoughts about life.

At school, where he played in the drama circle after classes, he was predicted to have an acting career. This is exactly what Roman wanted. However, after school, being an obedient son, at the insistence of his mother, he entered the law school.

Roman Tertishny - real name Maya Abrikosova

In 2001, the guy takes exams and enters the Voronezh state academy arts for the acting department. No one has any doubts that Tertishny chose the right path, he has no equal in acting classes. IN educational productions the guy is entrusted with the main roles. In addition, Roman is interested in directing, writing scripts and plays. At the Voronezh Youth Theater he staged "Hamlet". In co-authorship he wrote the script for the musical "Princess of the Elves" for the production of the Voronezh Puppet Theater "Illusion".

Roman Tertishny is interested in painting, literature, philosophy. Unusual young man and attracts everything unusual.

"House 2"

In 2004, Tertishny went to storm creative Moscow. In the same year, he enters scandalous show"Dom-2", where he becomes May Abrikosov.

May Abrikosov gave 2 years and 174 days to the Dom-2 project. Millions of viewers remembered him as a romantic, passionate young man. A charming guy liked the girls. Golden curls, sweet smile, soft look and original thinking attracted the attention of fans.

May Abrikosov, like anyone real actor loves attention. He literally bathed in it, enjoying it. It was because of the constant filming in the TV show that he failed to graduate from the Voronezh State Academy of Arts. May was expelled from the last course.

May Abrikosov in the show "Dom-2"

On the project, Abrikosov tried to "build love", but both attempts were unsuccessful. Shortly after the end of the second relationship, Abrikosov left the project, having quarreled with the presenters.

After the project

After the project "Dom-2" Abrikosov in 2007 was invited to work in the program about mystical secrets, but later replaced by . Already in 2008, he plays in the TV series "Victory Wind, Clear Day", realizing his old dream of acting.

May Abrikosov in the series "Victory Wind, Clear Day"

Today May Abrikosov writes articles and notes, lives in the village of Korotyak, Ostrogozhsky district, far from show business, fuss, and fans. For a long time nothing was heard of him. However, recently May Abrikosov pleases with accusatory notes about the Dom-2 project.

Mai also comments on all the rumors about him and his "recluse" on his website.

Personal life

During your stay on scandalous project Abrikosov charmed two bright participants. The first romance with Olga Nikolaeva under the pseudonym "Sun" was long and interesting for the viewer. Two creative personalities united for beautiful love. After breaking up with the "Sun", May is forgotten in the arms of the fatal beauty. It was after breaking up with the last that Abrikosov left the project with a scandal.

According to May, this moment He met true love. His girlfriend's name is Olga, she is from Belarus.

May Abrikosov (see photo below) is an actor and ex-participant of the Dom-2 program. Was one of the brightest representatives this show. The biography of the actor will be presented next.


The real name of the hero of this article is Roman Tertishny (the pseudonym May Abrikosov received on the show "Dom-2"). He was born in 1981 in Voronezh. From childhood, the boy was distinguished by exceptional creative abilities: he knew how to dance, drew well and wrote poetry. He liked to occasionally run away into nature. At the same time, he always took a pen and a notebook with him to write down his thoughts about life.

At school, the boy played after classes in the drama club. Those around him prophesied acting career, after all, it was about her that Roman dreamed of. But the parents were of a different opinion. At the insistence of his mother, the guy entered the law college after school.

In pursuit of a dream

In 2001, Tertishny applied to the Voronezh Academy of Arts ( acting department). No one doubted that Roman was on the right track. In acting classes, he was the best in the group. In all educational productions, Tertishny was entrusted with exclusively the main roles. He was also interested in directing, writing plays and scripts. in Voronezh youth theater The novel directed Hamlet. And Tertishny also co-wrote the script for the musical "Princess of the Elves", which was a success in puppet theater"Illusion".

"House 2"

In 2004, Roman went to conquer Moscow. First of all, he went to the casting of the show "Dom-2". The actor successfully passed it and took the pseudonym May Abrikosov.

He stayed on the program for 2 years and 174 days. Millions of viewers remember him as a romantic and passionate young man. A charming young man liked the girls. Original thinking, soft look, sweet smile and golden curls attracted the attention of thousands of fans to him. And like any actor, May Abrikosov adored it. He literally bathed in the rays of glory. Due to constant filming on the project, the young man never graduated from the Voronezh Academy of Arts. Abrikosov was expelled from the last course.


May is fascinated by the talent of Faina Ranevskaya. He also adores Mayakovsky and is interested in the philosophy of Tao. Borges is his most favorite writer. Abrikosov is also fond of painting. The young man is especially admired by the paintings of Francisco Goya. Well, May's favorite musicians are Mylene Farmer and Marilyn Manson. With the latter he would very much like to meet.

Personal life

On the scandalous project, May Abrikosov managed to charm two participants. His first relationship began with Olga Nikolaeva ("The Sun"). Moreover, before that, young people were just friends and those around them did not even imagine that it would develop into something more. In addition, Olga met at that time with another participant in the project, so for the audience, the romance of Nikolaeva and Abrikosov became complete surprise. The whole country began to watch this unpredictable and intriguing couple: either they quarreled over trifles, or they were strong and harmonious union, then they began to compete for any reason. The relationship lasted a year and a half and ended due to Abrikosov's selfishness and the girl's inability to family life.

Well, after parting with Nikolaeva, May forgot in the arms of the fatal girl Alena Vodonaeva. Then a break followed again, and the young man left the show with a scandal, having a big fight with the administrators.

After the project

After leaving Dom-2, Mai Abrikosov, whose biography was presented above, tried himself as a presenter and tried to act in various TV shows. For some time, the young man led the program "Secrets" on the TV-3 channel. But then he was replaced by Alexei Chumakov. The head of the channel considered that the singer was more suitable for this program. Mai made several more attempts to return to television, but they were all unsuccessful. After that, Abrikosov left for countryside, where he moved away from others and went headlong into religion. The young man rarely leaves the house. And if it is chosen, then only to a store or a temple.

Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the longest-running project on Russian television- "House-2". Over the years, several hundred participants have managed to check in on the show. But the audience remembers only the brightest. That was May Abrikosov.

A tall, handsome man with lush hair built a relationship with Olga, nicknamed the Sun, and courted Alena Vodonaeva. We tracked down the guy who disappeared from the screens three years ago...

Cried and ran away

After May was kicked out of the project, he began to be rude to everyone, including colleagues and producers. "A guy has star fever, the roof went on this soil! - said Ksenia Sobchak, who was then the host of the show. Abrikosov was invited to host a program about mysticism on the decimeter channel, but he did not stay there. Since then, nothing has been heard about the textured boy.

- I can’t get through to him - he changed his phone number, apparently he doesn’t want to communicate, - Stepan Menshchikov, an ex-member of Dom-2, shared with us. - They chatted that Mai became a hermit and lives in a village bathhouse.

Fans of the project were completely terrified: Abrikosov fell into a sect, was ill, and even allegedly drowned last spring. We went to the homeland of the ex-star, to the Voronezh region. The search began in the village of Petropavlovka. There, as it turned out, May's mother works in a local shop.

“There is his mother’s house,” the local men showed us, sipping beer at the store. - But now Natalya is selling it - she is moving to live with her son in the neighboring village of Korotoyak.

"He can't live alone," one of the drinkers said cryptically.

- Yes, this May is not all right with his head! the guys in Korotoyak told us. - He doesn’t work anywhere, he locked himself at home, he only goes out to the store, and then rarely. And people are afraid. Saleswomen in the store somehow pinned, asked for an autograph. Tears appeared in his eyes, Abrikosov turned around and ran away, leaving his purchases behind. And this winter, we remember, he walked down the street in an expensive coat (apparently, even when he was earning money at Dom-2, he bought it), a snow-white scarf and dirty sneakers of the 45th size. He saw that we were looking at him, put his head in his shoulders and ran.

Doused with water and threw a bucket

Neighbors down the street pointed to the house former star, giggling at his master like a village fool:

- And there is his house - white with multi-colored squares - they were painted by May, whose real name is Roman Tartishny, he sits for hours on the street with a brush. What does he live on? So the mother earns something, grows something in the garden ... But he does nothing. He did not marry, and who will marry him!

We knocked on Abrikosov's gate for a long time. But no one opened up to us. Only the cats meowed. Although it was clear: the owner of the house. "Get out of here!" - suddenly there was a bass familiar from the TV show. There was a hint of hysteria in his voice. A few seconds later, water splashed right on us from behind the fence, followed by a bucket.
Why did the television handsome man suddenly turn into a neurotic and lock himself in four walls? The locals have several versions of this.

First. May's father died suddenly three years ago - his kidneys failed. His death was a big blow to the TV star.

The second is that the show is to blame for everything. It is not easy to endure when for several years from morning to night the whole country is watching you.

“I remember how Romka came home as a king,” Volodya, a neighbor of the ex-burglar, told us. - I was with my Olya-Sun, accompanied by dozens of cameras. He was so pleased, he liked the attention so much. But when he left "House-2" - and the attention ended, and beautiful life. It did not work out on TV, I had to return home to the village. And then he was also teased: they say, he starred in Moscow, and he is good. And he fell into depression.

Third - the guy was knocked down by the fact that he lost his dream of housing in the capital. On the reality show, May, like many, went for a prize - a plot with a house in an elite area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Moscow Region. As they say in the village, "the women of Roma were never particularly interested." But then he had to "build love" on cameras. For the prize. And he built. But once it turned out: none of the participants will get the house - the show will continue. May wilted, found a reason to quarrel with his Olya ... And suddenly the producers announced new competition, winning - an apartment in Moscow. The audience chose, and they voted for Olga abandoned by Abrikosov. She got square meters in the capital. If May had stayed with her, maybe she would have shared, but no.

But the version that Abrikosov quietly takes something forbidden was completely rejected by the locals.

- He had a friend from school, they only went together. Both never abused anything - they did not drink and did not even smoke. I tell you this for sure, - summed up the neighbor Volodya.

"He must admit himself to be ill!"

We asked Ksenia Tumakova, ex-director of the psycho-neurological boarding school in the village of Orlovka, to comment on the condition of May Abrikosov Voronezh region:

- Sick or not, it is impossible to tell by behavior - a person needs to be examined. He can have both the usual prolonged neurosis and a more serious illness, which usually begins with a decrease in interest in everything that happens around. In any case, close people should always be nearby - to help and control, anything can happen.

The ex-participant of "House-2" May Abrikosov was remembered by the audience as a somewhat aggressive young man who could express his opinion at any moment. Behind him and high-profile novels with the brightest inhabitants of the television set - Alena Vodonaeva and Olga Solntse. After leaving the project, the young man realized how much the role of the participant in the reality show affected his reputation, people's attitude towards him, and even his attitude. After some time, May, whose real name is Roman Tertishny, left for his native village and began to lead a solitary life. The choice of this path somewhat puzzled the public - some concluded that he was tired of attention to himself, others decided to christen him a hermit, and still others believed that he had problems with the law. For quite a long time, the man refused to communicate with the media and explain the reasons for such a drastic change in lifestyle.

However, especially persistent journalists wanted to make an exclusive material about his family so much that they even broke into the territory of Roman's house with cameras without permission. This situation upset Tertishny's mother very much, her blood pressure rose, and the elderly woman had to call an ambulance. The ex-participant of the TV set invited the police so that the employees law enforcement recorded the incident.

The preparation of this material coincided with difficult events, but Roman found the strength to talk with StarHit and be as open as possible. The ex-participant of the TV show told how he feels about the Dom-2 project, why he left Moscow and why people completely unfamiliar to him seek to turn his life into hell.

Roman, you rarely get in touch with journalists... Why are they so fed up? What did you have to face that you are now being careful?

I don't like their obsession. Not all journalists manage to be delicate, show their ethics and professionalism, and also not stoop to slander when working on materials. The recent paparazzi attack on my house ended with the call of the police and the institution of a criminal case. We live in the 21st century, where there are modern means of communication that the press should be able to use. Now many people themselves are happy to share facts from their personal lives, start microblogs, offer publications reports about themselves. To get information, journalists do not have to go to the addressee, break into a home, or break laws.

One of the authors called you a "recluse" because you lead an atypical lifestyle for many reality TV stars. If you compare, where do you feel more comfortable: in the village or the capital? Wouldn't you like some secular life, parties?

Look up the meaning of the word "hermit" in dictionaries. I don't think this applies to me. A person who lives in a village, but with a population of several thousand, who has his own page on Instagram and an official website where his own essays, photos and videos are often published personal nature, can hardly be called secluded and detached from the world. If you think about whether I sit and suffer in Moscow, then there is no such thing. I received offers to go to the metropolis again, but rejected it, because constancy and stability are important to me. I led wild image life in the capital, I don’t want to return to parties at all, probably just matured.

You write poems, songs, scripts… What do you draw inspiration from?

Do you cooperate with any directors, singers, TV channels? Or are all works written “on the table”?

Yes, in currently I am negotiating with two TV channels at once. As I already said, I want to solve everything more profitable and more stable. The fact is that I have ready-made concepts for a TV show, which I am gradually implementing.

Have you thought about doing a movie? Are you going to audition? Do you follow movies?

Of course, I would like to try to perform in different roles. I go to auditions, I agree, I experiment, I refused only the role of an unconventional character. I already had such an image in my filmography, I'm not interested anymore. Sometimes it happened that I was suitable for the director, but not for the channel that ordered the TV movie. That's when it was really embarrassing. I try to avoid low-profile series and sitcoms, I'm out of this age. Of the actors, I like Khabensky, Bezrukov, Makovetsky, Sukhorukov, Gurchenko, Tatyana Kravchenko. Recently I watched a film with the participation of Konstantin Khabensky "Collector", it's impressive.

Do you often remember your participation in the Dom-2 project? Doesn't it annoy you that many people associate your name primarily with a reality show?

I consider participation in Dom-2 my personal decline and creative collapse. I wasted my time, to the detriment of myself. Yes, mentions of the project annoy me. If I had the opportunity to turn back the clock, I would prefer to finish my last six months at the Academy of Arts, and otherwise I would be engaged in the development of the profession. Then, I remember, I was seriously passionate about directing ...

Do you keep in touch with any of the guys from the TV set? Follow the fate of former comrades?

I don’t follow their fate specially, sometimes I read the news on the Internet. If this can be considered communication, then on some former members I am subscribed to Instagram, I exchange messages with them periodically. Among the players of "House-2" I have no enemies. Even fleeting quarrels that arose on the project happened only because I was forced to be active and bright.

Why do you think this project is so popular to this day? What can you say about the new members, many of whom have become real stars?

I left Dom-2 with a dubious reputation, so I can’t judge the success of this show. New stars do not know. I think only the "oldies" are worthy of attention, as they already understand to a greater extent what they want to get from the show in their next comeback.

In your opinion, who are they - the audience of "House-2"?

People who habitually watch from the first episodes or from the middle of the project, and then by inertia continue to follow it. And some turn on Dom-2 during household chores so that the TV speaks in the background.

How did your relationship develop with the hosts of the show? Did you feel any pressure? How did you react to the appointment of Olga Buzova as the host of the project?

My favorite presenter was Ksenia Sobchak. In fact, it's a myth that supposedly we didn't get along. At least I didn't feel any hostility or pressure from my side. And Ksenia Borodina always considered a kind and simple girl. The third presenter, Olga Buzova, fit right in with the big picture project. Absolutely the right decision of management to entrust this position to her. I don’t see myself as the host of Doma-2. I don’t think this is a man’s business - running around the benches, whispering, discussing gossip and washing the bones of lovers.

In general, follow the fate of Olga? For the past few months, her name has appeared in the headlines of dozens of publications due to a conflict in the family. What can you say about it?

I read about a family conflict, and about an attack by hackers on Olga Buzova. It is sincerely a pity, because it is probably unpleasant when they climb into your personal life and take out your underwear. Sorry. Soon everything will be forgotten, a new positive streak will begin for her, I am sure of this. Buzova's break with Tarasov surprised me. It seemed that their popular couple would withstand any test. But alas ... If such things happen - run, Olga, this is not yours! I don't feel sorry for her. Why is it necessary? She is a fighter, a warrior, a workaholic, she will rise, dust herself off and move on. I consider Olga Buzova to be the head of the list of all former participants of Dom-2. She has achieved a lot and I think that she will not stop there.

What do you think drives the ex-participants of "House-2" when they continue to live for show, posting sometimes very intimate moments of life on social networks? And why do you personally run social networks?

I lived for show, apparently because there was not enough worldly wisdom. It seemed to me that the more scandalous my behavior, the more successful I was. In the end, it turned out that he simply trampled on his own reputation. I was often asked by readers of my essays to start a page on the social network, and it is also very convenient for work, I receive messages with suggestions. Sometimes I share my news, jokes, photos and other material.

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