VII international competition "New fairy tales". Literary competition "Love and Magic"


There is no registration fee, those who wish can order certificates and / or certificates (see below).

In 2017-2018 academic year children's literary competition "Tale in new year's eve will be held for the seventh time.

Children from different parts of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Bulgaria, USA, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Spain and other countries take part in the competition every year.

In total, over the years of its existence, the competition was attended by over 5000 children. We invite you to take part in the competition!

Usually, following the results of the competition, we publish a printed collection the best works sponsored by the authors' parents.

You can:

Apply for the contest >>>

Regulations on the Seventh International Children's Literary Competition "A Tale on New Year's Eve"


1. General Provisions

1.1 The regulation on the children's literary competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) was developed and approved by the editors of the Vektor-Success..

1.2 These Regulations determine the main goals and objectives of the Contest, the procedure and conditions for its conduct.

1.3 The competition is international.

1..rf, in particular, teachers of the Russian language and literature, philologists, teachers primary school and etc.

1.5 Complete official name Competition: VII Children's International Literary Competition "A Tale on New Year's Eve".

1.6 Location of the Organizing Committee of the Competition: 603111, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Raevsky, 15-45.

Editorial office phone: +7-920-0-777-397. Opening hours Mon-Fri 11:00 - 18:30 Moscow time.

1.7 Official site of the Competition Vector-success.rf

1.8 Basic terms used in these Regulations:

  • The founder is the media "Vector-success.rf - a portal for children and adolescents", laureate of the Runet Prize-2011;
  • Author - the author of a work that meets the requirements of the competition;
  • Mentor - a teacher or parent who systematically works with the Author literary creativity; conducts correspondence with the Organizers of the competition, is the representative of the Author.
  • The jury is a group of experts that evaluates the competitive works and determines the winners of the competition.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. Identification of talented children and creation of conditions for their self-realization.

2.2 Introducing children to literary work, incl. children with disabilities and those in difficult life situations.

2.3. Support for the Russian language in Russia, as well as in countries near and far abroad.

3. Terms of the Competition

3.2 The works of the participants of the Contest are accepted December 18, 2017 to February 11, 2018

Works uploaded after February 11, 2017 24:00 UTC are not allowed to participate in the Contest.

3.3 Publication of the list of participants on the website: from February 25, 2018 to March 13, 2018. The terms of publication of the list may be changed due to the extension of the deadline for accepting works.

3.5 Announcement of the results of the Contest: until April 27, 2018 G. The results are published on the official website of the competition

The timing of the publication of the list of winners is subject to change due to the extension of the deadline for accepting entries and unexpected a large number participants.

4. Nominations of the Competition

4.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • Tales of the New Year, Christmas and Winter - prose.
  • Stories about the New Year, Christmas and winter.
  • Poems about the New Year, Christmas and Winter.

Each category has the following age categories:

  • preschoolers, grades 1 - 2;
  • 3 - 4 class;
  • 5 - 6 grade;
  • 7 - 9 grade;
  • 10 - 11 class, students.
  • special child (O.R.).

Students of special (correctional) institutions of types V-VIII can register either in their main age category and compete on an equal basis with everyone else, or in a special age category. special child". The decision to apply to the main age category or to the special age category is made by the author together with the mentor.

6. Requirements for competitive works

6.2 Collective creativity is not accepted.

6.3 Works must be written in Russian in compliance with its norms.

6.4 Work design and volume:

  • Mandatory title lines:
    • Job title.
    • Nomination.
    • Age category.

Page design requirements:

Not allowed: the use of frames, pictures, photographs, headers and footers, as well as a font color other than black, the use of abbreviations, bold, italic, underlined text styles.

Text formatting requirements: font Times New Roman, 14 pt, spacing - 1.15; fields are normal: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm

Minimum and maximum amount of work (excluding title page):

  • Prose: not less than 1/3 and not more than 6 A4 pages.
  • Poem:
    • at least 8 lines - for preschoolers and students in grades 1-2, participants in the "Special Child" category;
    • at least 12 lines - for students in grades 3-4;
    • at least 16 lines - for other age categories.

6.5 Works sent to in electronic format, must be saved in the following formats: .doc, .odt, .rtf. Works in .pdf, .jpg format are not accepted for consideration.

6.6 Each work is placed in a separate file.

6.7 Works for the Competition are uploaded by mentors independently through the Form for submitting works in the Personal Profile on the page accepted by e-mail- see below).

6.8 One participant may submit to the Competition one job.

6.9 Accepted creative work students only own composition, previously not published anywhere. Works previously published in part or in full on the Internet (including on the website educational institution, class, on social media pages, etc.), are not allowed to participate. The uniqueness of the text of the work must be from 95% and above (check on the site

6.11 Entries are not accepted for the competition. containing:

  • violation of the requirements for the design and content of competitive works;
  • plagiarism and / or works with incorrect quoting of works of third parties (in any quantity);
  • language illiteracy ( big number errors). We draw the attention of the Authors that a small number of typos and errors is acceptable. A work containing syntactic or grammatical errors in small quantities may be accepted for the competition;
  • profanity;
  • political, religious and national expressions.


7. The responsibilities of the Contest Organizer include

7.1 Ensuring wide publicity of the Contest.

7.2 Establishment of the procedure for conducting and terms of the Contest.

7.3 Creation of equal conditions for all participants of the Contest.

7.4 Development of requirements for the design and content of competitive works, criteria for their evaluation.

7.5 Collection and verification of competitive materials.

7.6 Formation of the composition of experts of the Contest.

7.7 Coordination of the work of the Jury during the competitive event.

7.8 Prevention of disclosure of information about the final results of the Contest before the date of their official announcement.

7.9 Rewarding the participants of the Contest.

7.10 Distribution and popularization of works that have become the best according to the results of the Competition.

8. The organizer has the right

8.1 Do not accept work for the Competition in case of violations of the requirements for competitive works. Submitted works are not reviewed.

8.3 Publish competitive works on the pages of the site Vector-success.rf: and vector-success.rf, in official groups V in social networks, in the distribution.


9. Composition and functions of the jury

9.1. The composition of the jury of the Competition is determined by the Organizer. Members of the jury are active users of the site Pedsovet. su And Vector-success.rf.

9.2 The Jury evaluates the entries and determines the winners of the Competition in accordance with the voting procedure described in these Regulations.

9.3 The list of Jury members will be announced additionally after summing up the results of the competition.

10.1 Works that scored maximum amount points become winners (I, II, III places). The authors of these works are awarded diplomas. The organizer of the contest reserves the right to establish additional prizes. Each nomination and each age category provides 3 (three) winners.

10.2 Evaluation of competitive works takes place in 2 stages. At the first stage, the jury members determine by voting whether the work submitted for the competition has artistic value. Selected works move on to the second stage of the competition, where each work is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • correspondence genre structure fairy tales, stories, poems (10 points);
  • creativity(originality, unusual plot) (10 points);
  • logic, sequence of narration (10 points);
  • possession artistic means language (10 points);
  • literacy of presentation, compliance with the norms of the Russian language (10 points);
  • expressiveness and emotionality of the work (10 points);
  • consistency of style (10 points);
  • harmony of syntactic constructions (for a poetic work: harmony of rhythm, clarity of rhymes) (10 points);
  • general impression from work (10 points).

10.3 The Jury evaluates the works nominated for participation in the Competition, taking into account the criteria specified in paragraph 10.2 of these Regulations on a ten-point scale.

10.4 The final score of each participant is formed by summing the scores of all Jury members for all criteria.

10.5 The results of the Contest are not subject to revision. The summary table of evaluations of the jury members is not disclosed, the rating of the participants is not published.

11. Duties of the Jury members

11.1 To conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to them for the examination of the works of the Contest participants.

11.2 Do not disclose information about the results of the Contest before the date of its completion.

11.3 Do not distribute the works sent to the Contest, information about the participants of the Contest.

12. Awarding of winners

12.1 The winners of the Competition are awarded with diplomas in paper form. Diploma submission deadlines until May 12, 2018 Diplomas are sent for free.

12.2 The organizer of the competition reserves the right to attract sponsors of the competition, establish additional nominations.

13. Consent to the Competition Regulations

13.2. By submitting a work to the Competition, the mentor agrees to be informed within the framework of the competition by e-mail, push notifications, namely:

  • receipt of notifications by e-mail about the registration of the mentor and the author, about the receipt of the work to the Organizing Committee, about the consideration of the work, about the receipt of payment (in the case of paying for souvenirs), about sending documents, etc. Unsubscribing from informing is possible only in case of refusal to participate in the competition .
  • after summing up the results of the competition, all mentors automatically subscribe to the main current newsletter of the Vector-success website. Unsubscribing is possible at any time directly from the letter.

14. Change of the Competition Regulations

14.1 In case of unforeseen situations, as well as in case of unexpected admission to the Contest a large number works, the Competition Organizer reserves the right to change the dates of the Competition. All relevant information is published on this page.


Those who wish will be able to order certificates of participants and mentors of the competition, as well as certificates of publication.

Author and Mentor Certificate

The main participants in this competition are children, it is they who prepare the competitive work, so there are 2 options for obtaining certificates in the competition: either only for the child (author), or for the child and the mentor at the same time. A mentor cannot order a certificate only for himself.

  • Name of the author in full, full name of the mentor in abbreviated form.
  • The class in which the author is studying.
  • The name of the institution.
  • Name competitive work.
  • Nomination.
  • Age category.

The mentor certificate states:

  • The name of the competition and its status is "international".
  • Full name of instructor.
  • Mentor position.
  • The name of the institution.
  • The wording "issued to the participant's mentor".
  • Date of issue of the document, its number, signature of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, stamp.

The certificate does not indicate the address (URL) of the publication of the work
and publication date.

Certificate of publication of the author's work

The certificate of publication of the work on the site indicates:

  • Name of the author in full, name of the mentor in abbreviated form
  • The class in which the author is studying
  • Institution name
  • Title of the contest entry
  • Internet publication address (URL)
  • Publication date
  • Date of issue of the document, its number, signature of the site editor, stamp

The certificate does not indicate the name of the competition, the name of the nomination
and age category of the author.

Document order

Participants and mentors can receive documents in electronic form:

  • 150 rub. - any electronic document.

Documents for a mentor are issued only when documents are ordered for at least one of its participants.

How to pay for certificates?

Certificates can be paid online with plastic cards or electronic money, as well as by receipt at any bank in the Russian Federation. After registering an application for the competition, an instruction on email address payment instructions are sent. You do not need to pay anything before registering your work for the competition.

Terms of payment and sending certificates

Certificates can be paid on any day until February 28, 2018 inclusive. In the event of an extension of the acceptance of works for the competition, the payment deadlines will also be extended, this will be announced later.

The Union of Writers publishing house announces a competition of poems and fairy tales for children. By tradition, the author's competition is accompanied by a children's drawing competition. Children will be able to read your work, and then decorate it with their own illustrations.
As a result of the competition, the following are issued: an exclusive edition of "New Tales - VII" in electronic format with children's drawings, "New Tales - VII" in printed format with illustrations by the artist Alisa Dyachenko, as well as all authors who have passed the second round (optional) can publish baby books from their works with children's drawings.

Competition dates:
Acceptance of applications for participation: August 27 to September 20 inclusive.
Discussion, criticism of the sent texts, work of the authors on the mistakes until October 31.
Opening of the competition of illustrators - November 1.
Announcement of results: - 14 November.

The winners of the "New Tales" competition are determined by the competition committee.
The collection "New Fairy Tales - VII" with works that have passed to the second round will be published within a year after the end of the competition " Young artist-designer". The winners in each nomination will receive two editions of 1 copy and a diploma.
The works of the finalists and winners of the competition will be included in the collection "New Fairy Tales - VII" with illustrations by the artist.

The terms of participation:
Participation in the competition is free.
Works for the competition are sent to the address of the editorial office according to the form on this page. Be sure to attach your completed application. Works without an application will not be accepted for the competition.
Works that have already been published on the Internet and participated in other competitions, but not laureates of previous New Tales competitions, can take part in the competition.
Volume - up to 15 thousand characters with spaces for prose and 240 lines for poetry, written in Russian. Substitution of works after the start of the discussion stage is not allowed!
Authors from the age of 16 can participate, regardless of nationality and religion. The works must be educational, have a main character, it is desirable to use dialogues or monologues.
The competition takes place on the forum of the site of the publishing house "Union of Writers" http://website/forum/
Registration on the contest website is required to be able to communicate with readers and illustrators. If you yourself cannot register on the site, then write to the address of the organizing committee, and we will help you create an account.
After evaluating the competitive selection by at least one member of the jury, the text from the competition is not deleted! Insulting the Organizing Committee or members of the jury leads to the closure of the competition theme.

Information for thought
(is not prerequisite when participating in the competition)

If you wish, you can contribute to the fund of the New Fairy Tales project, and we, for our part, will issue a certificate of patronage in electronic form.
The amount of your contribution and convenient way transfers you can specify in the application for participation in the competition.

Recommendations for the design of works
We kindly ask you to fill out applications for participation in the competition correctly, and submit the text itself exclusively in txt or docx formats. All files of the same nomination must be in one file, otherwise only the work from the first file will be placed.
Don't forget that dialogue is formatted with a "dash" before the hero's line, not bulleted lists. There must be one space between the "dash" and the beginning of the sentence.
It is better to align the text of fairy tales (not poems!) to the width of the page, and verses to the center or to the left.
Illustrations for fairy tales and poems of the winners will be made by children who will take part in the competition "Young Designer". Drawings by authors or illustrations from other books will not be placed on the pages.
Do not send sheets from e-books and scans of book pages.
Works that are not designed correctly will not be accepted for the competition!

Competition procedure:
The members of the jury act as fairy tale characters. Real names jury members are not disclosed.
Anyone can comment on the work.

The first stage of the jury:
The author has the right to work on his text from the moment of receiving the review until October 31. Only one edit by the author is allowed. The corrected text must be sent to the address of the Organizing Committee konkurs@site in the following wording:

"Please put the corrected text on my contest page (link)." The text is attached as a file to the letter.

The members of the jury express their decision in the topics of the participants. If all or at least 4 members of the jury out of 6 are in favour, the work passes to the second round, otherwise the work is closed from comments and does not participate in the competition.
Competitive topics in the second round (competition "Young graphic designer") from comments are closed until the moment when the authors will have to choose best drawing to your work. All discussions of works remain in the topics of the first round.
In the second round there is a selection of works for the collection "New Tales", which will be illustrated by children from 5 to 14 years old. Getting your work into the collection will directly depend on the children-illustrators. If your work is illustrated by more than two participants - you get into the collection, if there are less than two drawings - the decision on publication is made by the editors.

Criteria for evaluating competitive works:
The priority of the highest rating will be given to fairy tales that are new both in content and in form. Innovations in the construction of the plot, exclusivity and creative approach to the creation of fairy tales are welcome. The creation of author's images, new heroes is welcome.
Fairy tales should not be ideological, express the positions of certain social groups. It is desirable that the author adhere to universal human values ​​when constructing a work.
Brevity, saturation with action, clearly defined images, interesting dialogues, lack of length - this is the list of necessary components of successful work.
The text must be edited and corrected at the level of the "editor" of the CP. Texts with a lot grammatical errors are not allowed to participate in the competition.
The author, who received comments from the jury members, is obliged to eliminate the shortcomings (unless otherwise specified in the application). If the author does not respond to comments, does not work during the competition, the work does not pass to the second round.
The author of the fairy tale must clearly understand that his work will be illustrated by children. It is advisable to consider the possibility of "oral drawing", the text should be colorful and cropped.

Publication of books for the participants of the second round:
According to the results of the competition, one drawing for the works is included in the general collection. Therefore, the editors decided to issue each finalist (at his request) a baby book with all the drawings for the work.
The publishing house performs the following work free of charge: layout, proofreading of the text, creation of a serial cover, placement of a book for circulation on demand in an online store with the possibility of receiving a fee from sales.
The condition for publishing a baby book: the presence of at least one drawing for the work, an order by the author of 10 copies. books.
A personal proposal for the publication will be sent by the manager after the end of the drawing competition.
! In 2017, the conditions for publishing baby books have changed. The minimum circulation of books is 50 copies. Sincerely, Organizing Committee.

You can send an application using the form below or to the email address: konkurs@site marked "New Tales". Nomination: "Fairy tale", "Poems for children" (specify as needed). Be sure to attach your completed application. Works without an application will not be accepted for the competition.

There is no requested mail form.

Have you ever dreamed of doing something new and different? Do you want to prove yourself in new areas? Summer is the best time to experiment! The hateful exams are over and it's time not only to enjoy summer days, basking in the sun, but also devote precious free minutes to self-development, try yourself in a variety of roles. If you consider yourself creative person, loving creativity in all its manifestations, then you should like the following selection of contests:

If you are fond of photography, run your video blog, dream of becoming a journalist, or just love literature, you can tell your friend the most Interesting Facts from the life of Russian poets and writers, then this contest is for you! All that is required of you is to visit any famous literary place(either Yasnaya Polyana or Mikhailovskoye), which, we are sure, you have been to more than once, and tell about the most interesting, unexpected, mysterious and unknown sights of this place associated with your favorite poet or writer. The competition is held in three categories:

  • "Reportage"
  • "Video report"
  • "Photo essay"

The most important condition is originality and bright presentation!

Entries are accepted until August 31, and the main prize will be a trip to literary places.

Find more detailed information, and you can also apply for participation on the website

Arkady Dragomoshchenko Prize

This competition is for those who bookshelves are busy not only with collections of great poets, but also with their own poetic works. The Arkady Dragomoshchenko Prize will help every aspiring poet develop his talent and find readers and fans of his work, because the owner main prize awarded not only cash prize in the amount of 70 thousand rubles, but also gets the opportunity to publish a book with his own texts by the Word Order publishing house. For those who are familiar with the work of Arkady Dragomoshchenko, it will not come as a surprise that the main criterion for choosing your particular poem will be innovative, relevant poetic practices that bring the work to new level understanding and reflection.

More full information can be found on the award website

Disney Literature Competition "Happiness is..."

The competition fulfills the dreams of those who yearn for viewers on all screens in the world to watch a film made according to their own script. An idea that pops into your head can become the basis Disney movie which will hit screens in 2019.

If you are over 18 and are studying at a university creative specialty(philology, journalism, design, marketing, directing, etc.), then you have the opportunity to take part in the "Scriptwriting Competition". To do this, you need to write a text that will be not only a statement of the main idea of ​​the future film, but also detailed description genre, the image of the characters, the division into episodes, as well as author's innovations. The scenario of the winner will be recreated on the screen.

If you are still in school or receiving higher education majoring in engineering, but adore literature and your head is full of ideas for Hollywood bestsellers, then you simply have to participate in another section of the competition called " happy stories". Member must create summary ideas for a short story for a future film. The site will post the work of all participants and open voting. If you win, your idea will become the basis for creating a complete script for the novel.

It should be noted that as a result of winning both competitions, your name will be indicated in the credits of the film - millions will know about you! Hurry, applications are accepted until September 30th. The official website of the competition is

New fairy tale 2017

Prize named after Sergei Yesenin "My Rus'"

If after the phrase “In this world I am only a passer-by” you involuntarily continue to quote Yesenin’s entire poem, and “Letter to a Woman” is a hymn of love for you, then you should not miss this competition. To participate, you must write a poem or prose work, inspired by the work of Sergei Yesenin, consonant with the themes raised by the great Russian poet. It can also be texts dedicated to the author himself, affecting his works. The winners of the award are awarded with a commemorative diploma. And the absolute winners get the right to publish their own book. The competition is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the poet's birth. Please note that entries can be submitted until July 31st. Official website of the literary award:

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Literary competition "History of the Popadans"

Previously unpublished works about hitmen with a volume of 50,000 characters or more in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "Love and Magic"

Previously unpublished works in the fantasy genre are accepted with a mandatory love line from 50 thousand characters in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.

Prizes: There is!

Literary award "Bella 2017"

Poems and essays in Russian and Italian are accepted.


Russian poem(for Russian-speaking authors aged 18-35)

– Literary-critical or biographical essay about modern poetry(up to 60 thousand characters without age limit)

– Optimism is the fragrance of life (Tonino Guerra nomination)

Prizes: There is!

Creative competition "New Year's non-stop"

Photos and notes about the preparation and celebration of the New Year in different cultures, countries and localities are accepted.


- Best photo essay

– Best note

- People's Choice Award

Prizes: There is!

Contest fantasy stories on the site ""

Stories with a volume of 5-15 thousand characters in the genre of science fiction (in all its diversity) on the topic "Do not regret anything" are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

International Essay Contest “Letter to the Hero of Aurora”

Essays will be accepted in the form of a letter to one of the four finalists for the 2016 Aurora Prize: Marguerite Barankitse, Sede Ghoulam Fatima, Tom Catena or Bernard Quinvi. The stories of each of the four finalists are presented on the competition website. The volume is up to 600 words in Armenian, English and Russian. There are strict application requirements.

Prizes: There is!

Bodley Head/Financial Times Essay Competition

Anyone aged 18-35 can take part. Dynamic, authoritative and vibrant essays of no more than 3,500 words in English are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Competition in memory of A.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

The competition is dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. Works for children in 2 nominations are accepted. Registration on the site is required.


– prose (up to 8 thousand characters)

- poems (up to 48 lines)

Prizes: There is!

Demon Love Romance Competition

accepted romantic stories up to 80 thousand characters on the theme "Love of the Demon". The competition is anonymous.

Prizes: There is!

Short story contest "High heels-8"


– Revelations

- Romantic comedy

Science Fiction and Fantasy Competition

Works in the genre of science fiction or fantasy with a volume of at least 200 thousand characters are accepted. No more than 3 works from each participant.

Acceptance of work: [email protected] Be sure to indicate in the title: "Competition - full name of the participant", in the letter provide all the information for the participant's profile.

Prizes: There is!

Russian-Japanese Tanka Poetry Competition

Citizens of Russia and Japan can take part. Accepted poems in the tanka genre in Russian or Japanese, which have never been published before. Theme: Mountains and waters.

Prizes: There is!

Essay Contest "Leader of Tomorrow"

Students who are not older than 1987 can participate in the master's or postgraduate program of any university. Essays up to 2100 words in English are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition for children and youth "For the good of the Motherland 2016-2017"

Children, boys and girls aged 7-25 can participate.

– Stories connecting thread

- Fate mother tongue

– Free theme


– prose (story, essay, essay, biography)

- poetry (poetry)

– journalism (reportage, interview, article, chronicle)

Prizes: There is!

Pioneer Song Creation Contest

Organizer: Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization. The texts of pioneer songs are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

XII International literary prize them. P.P. Ershov

The prize is awarded for works of prose, poetry, drama, works in the field of journalism that continue the best traditions of Russian culture and are aimed at readers of childhood and adolescence, regardless of publication and volume.


- From the descendants of P.P. Ershov - for the preservation and development of the best traditions of Russian children's literature

– Connection of times — nomination named after V.G. Utkov, for the preservation and development of the best traditions of children's cognitive (popular science) literature

- Choice of a patron - for a work for children and youth that continues the traditions of the fairy tale genre.

Prizes: There is!

Story Contest "Life can be cruel!"

We accept stories about an event that severely affected your life or the lives of loved ones, people you know. Registration on the site is required.

Poetry competition "Mine is someone else's"

Poems are accepted about missed opportunities in love, about uncertainty in relationships, regret about what has been done or vice versa not done to save love. Registration on the site is required.

Film script competition about the exploits of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

At the first stage, detailed synopses of feature-length scripts are accepted. feature film in Russian with a volume of at least 20 pages. The script must save historical truth and memory of the heroic past of our Fatherland, to continue and develop the best traditions of Russian and Soviet drama, to form spiritual and moral values, responsible civil position and patriotism.

Prizes: There is!

7 Youth poetry competition"CaeRomania"

The competition is dedicated to the poet K.R. (Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov). Young poets aged 14-27 can take part. Authors aged 18-35 participate in a special nomination of the competition for young journalists. No more than 5 poems with a total volume of no more than 300 lines are accepted. Nominations:

– Mirror (remakes are accepted on famous poem Nikolai Zabolotsky "Love painting, poets!")

- The whole world is a theater ... (accepted philosophical reflections about the world and relationships between people or specific personal experiences)

– Optimistic (poems that have the size of a march are accepted)

– Offering to Pavlovsk (poems dedicated to Pavlovsk are accepted, inspired by its history, architecture, nature)

– An amazing meeting (a nomination for journalists, texts are accepted about an event, place, phenomenon, person in the field of culture and art that struck them)

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "The Little Prince"

The competition is dedicated to the work of Exupery "The Little Prince". Anyone under the age of 25 can participate. Need to come up with a continuation of the story about little prince, in which the hero Exupery arrives on the 8th planet and gets acquainted with its inhabitant. The language of the competition is French. The volume of the competitive work is up to 2500 characters.

Prizes: There is!

Competition of stories "Algebra of the word"

Stories up to 20,000 characters are accepted. There are no genre or theme restrictions.

Competition of short stories "Dialective"

We accept stories for children aged 8-14 in the dialectic genre with a volume of up to 60 thousand characters. The story should reveal the dialectical process and show its beauty. For details about the genre of dialects, see the link.

Prizes: There is!

Short story competition “Russia. It's time for a change. Alternatives»

The competition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary October revolution. Accepted stories in the genre of alternative history of the times of 1917-18 years in the amount of 2-20 thousand characters. The competition is anonymous.

International scenario competition "Potential 2017"

Screenwriters and directors aged 18-35 can take part. Scripts for short films in Russian with a duration of 7-15 minutes are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Translation competition "Sensum de Sensu 2017"

Anyone under the age of 30 can participate. We accept transfers from foreign languages into Russian specially prepared tasks from the competition website.


– translation of special text from English

literary translation prose from English

– translation of a special text from German

– literary translation of prose from German

– literary translation of poetry from German

– literary translation of poetry from Polish

– literary translation of poetry from Czech

– translation of a special text from Spanish

– literary translation of prose from Spanish

– literary translation of poetry from Spanish

– translation of the text from French

International Literary Competition of Popular Science Works "Polar Explorers' Wives"

Essays dedicated to wives, girlfriends, brides, muses of famous polar explorers are accepted. The work must be based on real historical facts and contain links to archives, documents, chronicles, diaries. Attention: there are strict requirements for registration of the application!

The proposed list of heroines: Eva Nansen, Jane Franklin, Kathleen Scott, Josephine Dibich Piri, Juliette Jean, Galina Kirillovna Papanina, Vera Fedorovna Schmidt, Vera Valerianovna Sedova, Sofia Fedorovna Kolchak. Also, participants can choose the heroines themselves.

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian competition theater reviews "I write about the theater"

Students of grades 9-11 of schools and students of professional educational organizations(colleges, technical schools, etc.) living in Russia. Theatrical reviews are accepted for any repertoire performance of any of the theaters in Russia with a volume of at least 5 thousand characters.

Acceptance of work: [email protected]

7th International Grushinsky Internet Contest

Literary nominations:

– poetry (a selection of 3 works up to 120 lines)

small prose(essays, articles, stories up to 15,000 characters)

For information on other nominations, see the link below.

Competition of novels "Witch secrets"

Novels based on a detective mystery are accepted. The volume is not less than 420 thousand characters. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

Essay competition "Ideas of Likhachev and the present"

Young people aged 15-18 can participate. Essays are accepted for the competition, in which a specific provision is developed from the scientific and socio-political heritage of Academician D.S. Likhachev, formulated in one of the proposed quotations.

Prizes: There is!

Citizens of the Russian Federation 14-30 years old can participate.


- screenwriting skills

– Artistic skill

Prizes: There is!

Competition for students "Encyclopedia of Tourism"

Students from Russia can participate without any age limit. Acceptance of work at [email protected] with clear filling of the application (see website)


– Design “Postcard from the Little Motherland”

– Essay “I was born in…”

– Photo project “My view”

– Research “My Small Motherland in national cinema"

– Encyclopedia of tourist sites

– Encyclopedia of tourist routes

– School Museum

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian creative competition"Thanks for the victory!"

Students from Russia can participate without any age limit. Acceptance of works with a clear filling of the application (see website)


– Social poster (for participants aged 13 and over)

– Drawing’ (for participants under the age of 12 inclusive)

- Essay "Why I say thank you!"

– Faces of Victory (photographs of veterans of the Great Patriotic War)

– Conversations with veterans (film-interview with veterans of the Great Patriotic War - participants in the Battle of Moscow)

– Excursion "Route of Victory" (to the places of military and labor glory in the Great Patriotic War)

Prizes: There is!

Topic: “Imagine you are an advisor to a new Secretary General UN. What global problem would you help him decide in the first place? What advice would you give to help him deal with her decision?” Volume up to 20 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "Hacked Future"

Accepted stories that are dedicated to difficult life a person in the rapidly approaching world of global communications and digital surrogates, total surveillance and invisible cyber warfare, artificial intelligence and unusual social structures. The genre and themes of the stories may be broader than classic cyberpunk, however information Technology should be a key element in the plot. Volume up to 30 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

VIII international competition"New Children's Book"

Works in Russian and not previously published in commercial editions (over 1000 copies) are accepted.


– Poems and fairy tales for the little ones (works for children under 5 years old, up to 20 thousand characters)

– World of fantasy (works for children aged 10-16 years old with a volume of 320-600 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

S-T-I-K-S Universe Novel Competition

Novels with a volume of 420,000 characters or more are accepted. based on Artyom Kamenisty's series "S-T-I-K-S". Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

Competition of novels "Love extraterrestrial"

Novels with a volume of 420,000 characters or more are accepted. in the romantic fantasy genre, both serious and humorous. The main condition is that one of the heroes should NOT be human. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

8 Literary competition "North - a country without borders 2017"

Stories in Russian are accepted up to 20 thousand characters without spaces, where main character- North

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian competition of journalists "Entrepreneurship in Russia: history, problems, successes"

Journalistic materials in Russian are accepted (publications, news reports, radio, TV spots, illustrations and photographic materials) informing about the activities of entrepreneurs and the investment climate in Russia in order to create a positive image of an entrepreneur and a professional in Russian society.


– Material about entrepreneurship on TV

– Material about entrepreneurship on the radio

– Material about entrepreneurship or the investment climate in Russia in a print publication, online media, on the website news agency or in the blogosphere

– Illustration for the theme of entrepreneurship or investment climate

– Material on the topic staffing investment projects in regions

Prizes: There is!

III All-Russian literary competition "Heroes of the Great Victory-2017"

Anyone can participate. Accepted stories, essays, poems, songs, highlighting the feat, fate real hero, military-historical and heroic event.

Prizes: There is!

International literary competition "Warm words 2017"

accepted literary texts dedicated to the original Russian traditions of the stove business.


- Song of the stove-maker (poems dedicated to the stove business, the work of stove-makers with a volume of up to 2 thousand characters)

– Tale by the fireplace (fairy tales, stories from fantastic plot, using images of a stove or fireplace, up to 10 thousand characters)

– Warm deeds of the master (realistic stories, essays, essays on the stove business, the fate of stove-makers up to 20 thousand characters)

– The stove is the head of everything (poetry and prose based on the work of the winners of the All-Russian drawing competition “The stove is the head of everything”, held in 2016, the volume is up to 10 thousand characters)

Acceptance of work: [email protected]

Prizes: There is!

Creative competition "World Pushkin"

Anyone under the age of 35 can participate.


literary criticism and journalism on the work of A.S. Pushkin (article, review, review up to 40 thousand characters)

- literary translation of a poem by A.S. Pushkin into a foreign language

Prizes: There is!

Literary Prize. S. Yesenin "My Rus'"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. The competition accepts works both dedicated to Sergei Yesenin and inspired by his work, stylistically or in spirit consonant with his poetry. There are no explicit volume limits. Registration on the site is required. Attention: participation is paid!


– poetry

Prizes: There is!

XV All-Russian competition " best lesson letters-2017"

Students from schools, universities, colleges, cadet corps, art studios etc., as well as school principals, teachers of schools and universities, leaders of children's clubs, etc. Children's letters and drawings are accepted.


- I glorify the Fatherland, which is, but three times - which will be (together with the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov)

- There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland ... (with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

– Dedicated to the Year of Ecology: What am I doing to save the nature of Russia (together with the Ministry of natural resources and ecology Russian Federation)

- Recipes happy family(supported by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives)

– Generation of Caring: Warm Heart (supported by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives)

- From the depths of time. Stories and legends of my family (with the support of the Writers' Union of Russia)

– I have an Amur tiger living at my house, the nomination is aimed at students of secondary and lower grades. Held with the support of the Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger Population

Let's imagine that ten years later you become the president of a bank. Your first steps… (together with Post Bank)

- Cool story. Stories happen to those who know how to tell them… (with the weekly children's publication ‘ Cool magazine’)

– The best methodical development conducting a writing lesson (together with the editors of CJSC "Teacher's newspaper")

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "George Ribbon"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. Works of a historical and patriotic orientation are accepted, glorifying the civil and military prowess of Russian soldiers and home front workers, as well as the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace on earth. Attention: participation is paid!


- poetry (a selection of 10 poems with a total volume of up to 250 lines)

– prose (story, essay, essay up to 40 thousand characters)

Literary competition "Writer of the Year"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. Works are accepted but one of the nominations in prose. Registration on the site is required. Attention: participation is paid!


- Writer of the Year

- Fantastic

– Memoirs

- Children's literature

In contact with

Quite a different story...

At the porcelain ballerina
Sorrow froze on the face -
She is at the behest of the props
In the glass palace toiled ...

There's nowhere to hide within these walls
Relax for a moment...
Other people's eyes were taken captive,
And the hot glare went out of the eye ...

The theater will be empty at midnight
Lights will go out in the vault
Hurry to run away
She is from all sorts of troubles

To the Nutcracker on the bottom shelf...
He was armed with a sword
Looked laughing at rumors,
And was arrogantly condemned

Rag doll from the stalls
And a blue clockwork elephant,
Soldiers and cavalier
With whom the impudent dwarf is friendly...

One day little nutcracker
Forgotten on stage...
The soldiers rubbed their hands -
The path to the cherished goal is open ...

Creeping and sneaking viciously shadows,
The girl rushed about in the glass,
And, standing on fragile knees,
Whispered to the lantern in the window:

"Please don't go out tonight...
You can save my life...
Only you are capable of shredding shadows
Break from anger on the way ... "

On the stage, the light has long been extinguished,
The Nutcracker jumped off the table
And the darkness is like sticky soot
Between him and the doll lay ...

But, feeling the way with my heart,
The hero bravely went to the call ...
Keeping anxiety in my soul
He was ready for action...

On the stairs he lingered--
With difficulty, he reached the edge,
But with a big satchel
The Nutcracker is nearing the end...

Cleaning lady leaving the brush
Gone home a long time ago
And the plan worked warrior clearly ...
"The hook laughs at me,

But I can take it off--
Eyes are used to the dark...
And fear disturbs the coldness of the back -
Porcelain is so fragile in silence...

The evil shadows crept closer and closer...
The lantern blinked at last time,
Leaving the Ballerina with those
Whose thoughts the Devil has commanded...

She rushed about in the walls of the castle--
Looking for a bright spot
But evil today was in the ladies,
Having played a couple of disturbing notes ...

Glass weather vane at the top
It was barely lit...
The doll climbed, crumpling the ruffles ...
The clock chimed loudly...

She was able to overcome
Difficult and dangerous path
She was not tormented by the dilemma:
Fall or penetrate the essence of the Light...

And then the doors opened with a bang...
The Nutcracker understood in a brief moment
The deceit of daring infidels,
And the thoughts of the back door comprehended ...

Got the cavalier in the hat
And a gnome on steep sides,
The soldier finished off the damned
Dirty twisted hands...

When people came to the theater
They were all amazed
Pogrom in the Temple of verbiage...
Like an echo of a small war

Soldiers cut to pieces
The dolls look impossible...
"Democrats walked here ..."
Someone said...

The best of the dolls are gone--
The Nutcracker is an ancient exhibit,
And the figurine is a gift from the old woman,
Given a hundred years ago...

They were not found in the whole theater ...
Nobody looked at the attic
And there, under the canopy of gauze
Kept two dolls twilight ...

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