Little man from the fairy tale about snow white. Did Snow White really die at the hands of her stepmother: who was the prototype of the fairy-tale heroine


It was in the middle of winter, snowflakes were falling like fluff from the sky, and the queen was sitting at
window, - its frame was of ebony, - and the queen sewed. She sewed, looked
on the snow and pricked her finger with a needle, and three drops of blood fell on the snow. And red on white
the snow looked so beautiful that she thought to herself:

"If I had a child, white as this snow, and ruddy as blood,
and black-haired, like a tree on a window frame!

And the queen soon gave birth to a daughter, and she was white, like snow, like blood, blush, and
as black as ebony, and that is why they called her Snow White. And when
the child was born, the queen died.

A year later the king took another wife. She was a beautiful woman, but proud and
haughty, and she could not stand it when anyone surpassed her in beauty. had
her magic mirror, and when she stood in front of it and looked into it, then

And the mirror answered:

You are the most beautiful queen in the country.

And she was pleased, because she knew that the mirror was telling the truth. snow white for it
time grew up and became more and more beautiful, and when she was seven years old, she was
as beautiful as a clear day, and more beautiful than the queen herself. When the queen asked
at your mirror:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

It answered like this:

Yet Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful!

Then the queen was frightened, turned yellow, turned green with envy. From that hour he will see
she is Snow White - and her heart breaks, so she began to hate the girl. AND
envy and arrogance grew like weeds, higher and higher in her heart, and did not
From now on, she had peace neither day nor night. Then she called one of her rangers
and said:

“Take the child to the forest, I can’t see her anymore.” You must kill her and bring
me as proof of her lungs and liver.

The huntsman obeyed and led the girl into the forest, but when he pulled out his hunting knife and,
wanted to pierce the innocent heart of Snow White, she began to cry and

“Ah, dear huntsman, leave me alive, I will run far into the dense forest and never
I won't come home.

And because she was beautiful, the huntsman took pity on her and said:

“So be it, run, poor girl!”

And it was like a stone fell from his heart when he did not have to kill Snow White.
At that time, a young deer just ran up, and the huntsman stabbed him, took out his lungs and
liver and brought them to the queen as a sign that her order was carried out. The cook had
ordered to boil them in salt water, and the evil woman ate them, thinking that they were light and
Snow White's liver.

And the poor girl was left alone in the big forest, and she became so scared,
that she looked at all the leaves on the trees, not knowing what to do next, how I burn
help. She started to run, and ran over sharp stones, through thorny thickets, and
wild animals jumped around her, but did not touch her. She ran as far as she could, and
it was already getting dark, she saw a small hut and went into it to rest. And in
everything was so small in that hut, but beautiful and clean, whatever you say in a fairy tale,
can't describe with a pen.

There was a table covered with a white tablecloth, and on it were seven small plates,
each plate with a spoon, and seven small knives and forks and seven small
cups. There were seven small beds against the wall, one next to the other, and they were covered with
white blankets. Snow White wanted to eat and drink, and she took from
each plate a little of vegetables and bread, and drank a drop from each goblet
wine.” She didn't want to drink all of it. And since she was very tired,
tried to go to bed, but none of them suited her: one was
too long, the other too short, but the seventh turned out to fit her, she lay down in
her and, surrendering to the mercy of the Lord, fell asleep.

When it was already completely dark, the owners of the hut came, and there were seven dwarfs,
who mined ore in the mountains. They lit their seven lamps, and when in the hut
it became light, they noticed that they had someone, because not everyone was in that
in the order it was before. And the first dwarf said:

Who was sitting in my chair?

Who ate this from my plate?

Who took a piece of my bread?


Who ate my vegetables?

- Who took my fork?

- Who cut with my knife?

The seventh asked:

Who was drinking from my little goblet?

And the first one looked back and saw that there was a small wrinkle on his bed, and

Who was that on my bed?

Then the rest ran up and began to say:

“And there was someone in mine, too.

The seventh dwarf looked at his bed, he saw that Snow White was lying in it and sleeping. called
he then the rest, they ran up, began to shout in surprise, brought seven of their
light bulbs and lit up Snow White.

- Oh, my God! Oh my God! they exclaimed. - What a beautiful one
child! They were so happy that they did not wake her up and left her to sleep in
bed. And the seventh dwarf slept with each of his comrades for an hour - and so
the night has passed.

Morning has come. Snow White woke up, saw seven dwarfs and got scared. But there were
they are affectionate with her and asked:

- What is your name?

“My name is Snow White,” she replied.

How did you get into our hut?

And she told them that her stepmother wanted to kill her, but the huntsman took pity on her,
and that she ran all day, until at last she found their hut. The gnomes asked:

- Do you want to run our household, cook, fluff up the beds, wash, sew and knit,
keep everything clean and in order - if you agree to this, you can stay with us, and
you will have enough of everything.

“Very well,” said Snow White, “with great pleasure.

And stayed with them. She kept the hut in order, in the morning the gnomes went to the mountains
look for ore and gold, and in the evening they returned home, and she was supposed to
prepare food for them. The whole day the girl remained alone, and therefore her good gnomes
warned and said:

- Watch out for your stepmother: she will soon know that you are here, watch out, do not let anyone in
to the house.

And the queen, having eaten Snow White's lungs and liver, again began to believe that she was the most
the first and most beautiful of all women in the country. She went to the mirror and

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered:

You queen are beautiful

But Snow White is there, beyond the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs outside the walls

Then the queen was frightened - she knew that the mirror was telling the truth, and she understood
that the huntsman deceived her and that Snow White is still alive. And she began to think again
invent how to lime it; from envy she did not have peace, because she was not the most
the first beauty in the country. And then, finally, she thought of something: she painted her face,
dressed as an old merchant, so that it was impossible to recognize her. She went through
seven mountains to seven gnomes, knocked on the door and said:

Snow White looked out the window and said:

— Hello, kind woman, what are you selling?

“Good goods, fine goods,” she answered, “the laces are multi-colored.” - AND
the queen took out one of the laces, showed it, and it was woven from motley silk.

“This honest woman can be let into the house,” thought Snow White,
opened the bolt of the door and bought herself a beautiful lace.

“How does it suit you, girl,” said the old woman, “let me lace you up like

Snow White, not expecting anything bad, stood in front of her and let her draw
new laces, and the old woman began to lace, so quickly and so tightly that Snow White
gasped and fell dead to the ground.

“You were the most beautiful,” said the queen, and quickly disappeared.

Shortly afterwards, towards evening, the seven dwarfs returned home, and how frightened they were,
when they saw that their dear Snow White was lying on the ground, not moving, not moving,
definitely dead! They lifted her up and saw that she was tightly laced, then
they cut the laces, and she began to breathe a little and gradually came to her senses. When
The dwarves heard what had happened, they said:

- The old merchant was actually an evil queen, beware, do not let her in
no one when we are not at home.

And the evil woman returned home, went to the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered her, as before:

You queen are beautiful

But Snow White is there, beyond the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs outside the walls

A thousand times more beautiful!

When she heard such an answer, all her blood rushed to her heart, so she
frightened, she realized that Snow White had come to life again.

“Well, now,” she said, “I will think of something that will surely ruin you.” —
Knowing witchcraft, she prepared a poisonous comb. Then she changed and
turned into another old woman. And she went over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, knocked on
door and says:

I sell good stuff! Selling!

Snow White looked out the window and said:

“Perhaps you can take a look,” said the old woman, took out a poisonous comb and,
holding it up, she showed it to Snow White.

The girl liked him so much that she allowed herself to be deceived and opened the door. They agreed
in price, and the old woman said: “Well, now let me give you a proper
I'll comb my hair."

Poor Snow White, suspecting nothing, let the old woman comb her hair, but only that
touched her hair with a comb, as the poison immediately began to act, and the girl fell without
feelings to the ground.

“You, written beauty,” said the evil woman, “now the end has come to you.
Having said this, she left.

But, fortunately, it was towards evening, and the seven dwarfs soon returned home. Noticing
that Snow White was lying dead on the ground, they immediately suspected her stepmother,
to find out what was the matter, and found a poisonous comb; and as soon as they pulled it out,
Snow White came to her senses again and told them everything that had happened. Once again
the dwarfs told her to be on her guard and not open the door to anyone.

And the queen returned home, sat down in front of the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered, as before:

You queen are beautiful

But Snow White is there, beyond the mountains,

At the seven dwarfs outside the walls

A thousand times more beautiful!

She heard what the mirror was saying, and she trembled and trembled all over with anger.

“Snow White must die,” she called out, “even if it cost me

And she went into a secret room where no one ever entered, and prepared
there is a poisonous, poisonous apple. It was very beautiful on the outside, white and ruddy, and
anyone who saw it would want to eat it, but whoever ate even a piece of it,
he would surely die. When the apple was ready, she painted her face,
dressed as a peasant woman and set off on her way, over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs. She
knocked, Snow White stuck her head out the window and said:

“It’s not allowed to let anyone in, the seven dwarfs forbade me to do this.

“Yes, that’s good,” answered the peasant woman, “but where will I put my apples? Want,
shall I give you one of them?

“No,” said Snow White, “I am not ordered to take anything.

“What are you, afraid of poison?” the old woman asked. - Look, I'll cut the apple into
two halves, you will eat the ruddy one, and I will eat the white one.

And the apple was made so cunningly that only its ruddy half was
poisoned. Snow White wanted to taste a beautiful apple, and when she saw,
that the peasant woman was eating it, then she could not restrain herself, put her hand out of the window and took
poisoned half. As soon as she bit off a piece, she immediately fell dead to the ground.
The queen looked at her with her evil eyes and, laughing loudly, said:

“White as snow, ruddy as blood, black hair like ebony!” Now yours
the gnomes will never wake you up.

She returned home and began to ask the mirror:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered at last:

You, queen, are the most beautiful in the whole country.

And then her envious heart was calmed, as far as such a heart can find
yourself peace.

The dwarves, returning home in the evening, found Snow White lying on the ground, lifeless and
dead. They lifted her up and looked for the poison: they unlaced her, combed her hair,
washed her with water and wine, but nothing helped - the dear girl was both dead and
dead and left. They put her in a coffin, sat down all seven around her and became her
mourn, and they wept for three whole days. Then they decided to bury her, but
she looked as though she were alive—her cheeks were beautiful and ruddy.

And they said:

- How can you bury it in damp earth?

And they ordered to make a glass coffin for her, so that she could be seen from all
sides, and they put her in that coffin, and wrote her name in letters of gold on it, and that
she was a royal daughter. And they carried that coffin up the mountain, and always one of them
remained on guard with her. And the birds also came to mourn Snow White: first
an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove.

And for a long, long time Snow White lay in her coffin, and it seemed that she was sleeping, -
she was white as snow, ruddy as blood, and black-haired as ebony. But
it happened that one day the prince drove into that forest, and he got into the house of the gnomes, so that in
him to spend the night. He saw a coffin on the mountain, and in it the beautiful Snow White, and read,
what was written on it in golden letters. And then he said to the dwarves:

“Give me this coffin, and I will give you whatever you want for it.

But the dwarves answered:

“We won't give him up even for all the gold in the world.

Then he said:

- So give it to me. I can't live without seeing Snow White.

When he said this, the good gnomes took pity on him and gave him the coffin.

And the prince ordered his servants to carry him on their shoulders. But it so happened that
they stumbled over some bush, and from the concussion a piece of poisonous apple fell out of
throat of Snow White. Then she opened her eyes, lifted the lid of the coffin, and then got up and

“Oh my God, where am I? - she exclaimed.

The king, filled with joy, answered:

“I have you,” and he told her everything that had happened, and said:

- You are dearer to me than anything in the world, let's go with me to the castle to my father, and
you will be my wife.

Snow White agreed, and they celebrated a magnificent and magnificent wedding.

But the Queen, Snow White's stepmother, was also invited to the feast. She dressed up in
Nice dress, went to the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?

And the mirror answered:

You, lady queen, are beautiful,

But the young queen is a thousand times more beautiful!

And then the evil woman uttered her curse, and she became so afraid, so
It's scary that she didn't know how to handle herself. At first she decided not to
go to the wedding, but she had no peace - she wanted to go and look at the young
queen. And she entered the palace, and recognized Snow White, and from fear and horror, as she stood,
so it froze in place.

But iron slippers were already placed for her on burning coals, and they brought them,
holding tongs, and set before her. And she had to step her feet into the red-hot
hot shoes and dance in them until, at last, she fell dead
to the ground.

Name: Snow White (Schneewittchen)

A country: Germany

Creator: Brothers Grimm

Activity: princess

Family status: Married

Snow White: Character Story

The Brothers Grimm showed girls around the world what will happen to those who do not heed wise advice. Sleepy Snow White dead sleep in a coffin, does not look like a sweet girl chirping with forest birds. But the gnomes warned the beauty about the deceit of her stepmother! But the character traits of the gullible princess caused her death. However, we all know that the beauty will wake up and meet the real prince.

History of creation

The tale of a sweet child sent by an evil stepmother to the forest was included in the book "Children's and family tales". Like most ancient tales, the fairy tale has no author. Who came up with the fairy tale about Snow White is unknown, the Grimm brothers only wrote down and edited the story that was walking among the people. Folklorists published a collection of tales in 1812. The Legend of Snow White took 53rd place in it.

After the release of the second edition, Ferdinand Siebert, a gymnasium teacher in Kassel, offered another version of the tale, which the publishers happily inserted into the book. IN new version there was much less violence and bloodshed. Therefore, the biography of Snow White, which has come down to our days, differs from the original.

In 1994, a stunning article by the German historian Eckhard Sander came out. The scientist said that Snow White is a real-life young lady. Prototype name fairy tale heroine- Margaret von Waldeck. The daughter of a German count at the age of 16 was kicked out of the house by her stepmother. The girl fled to Brussels, where she met Prince Philip. The novel developed rapidly, which did not suit the parents of young people. Margaret died at 21 mysterious circumstances. By the way, the father of the deceased owned the mines where the children worked.

The second German historian insists that Maria Sophia von Erthal served as the prototype for Snow White. The daughter of a Bavarian prince was left an orphan in infancy. The father married a second time, and, as usual, the stepmother dreamed of getting rid of her stepdaughter. A glass factory was located next to the prince's estate, and mines were located nearby. Rumor has it that a talking mirror hung in the house.


Snow White was born into a family of reigning monarchs. Spouses for a long time remained childless. One day the queen made a wish:

“Oh, if I had a baby, white as snow, ruddy like blood, and dark as ebony!”

In the near future, the desire of a woman came true - a beautiful girl. But after the birth of the child, the queen dies. A year later, the inconsolable widower marries a local beauty who captures the attention of a man.

Even in infancy, Snow White is left to her own devices. The father is busy with his new wife and politics, the stepmother despises and dreams of destroying the child. Despite the difficult family atmosphere, the girl grows up kind and cheerful. Snow White is hardworking, picky and friendly with others. The princess spends a lot of time alone with herself. Pleasant appearance and good upbringing made the heroine a favorite of servants, nobles and even forest animals.

With the onset of the age of seven, the girl's stepmother's patience comes to an end. The magic mirror that the evil queen looks into every day confirms that Snow White is the most beautiful child state and grow into the most beautiful girl in the world. The woman summons an overseer for hunting dogs and orders her stepdaughter to be taken to the forest.

An unsuspecting girl happily goes for a walk with a familiar man. The girl is used to trusting her father's servants and does not ask questions. The hunter takes the child to the forest and leaves it in the clearing.

Left alone in the dense forest, Snow White is looking for a place to sleep for a long time. Suddenly, the girl comes across a cozy house. Inside, the gullible child finds a set table and small beds. The owners of the house turned out to be seven gnomes working in the mines.

The little people gladly adopted the girl, and later invited Snow White to live with them. The gnomes worked hard and needed a person who would look after the house and help with the housework. Unlike Snow White, men were not naive, so they forbade the child to communicate with strangers.

The evil stepmother decides to check her own suspicions and asks the mirror if she has become herself. beautiful woman in the world. The magic mirror confirms the Queen's guess - Snow White is alive. Well, now the villainess is taking matters into her own hands.

Snow White lives quietly with the dwarves and is unaware of her stepmother's plans. One day there was a knock on the door of the house. An elderly woman stood on the threshold, who offered the girl to buy herself a new lace for her dress. Snow White liked the goods, and the princess let the merchant into the house. A kind woman helped to choose the right lace and try on a new thing. Only the lacing was so tight that the girl lost consciousness. The dwarves returned in time to save Snow White.

Time passed, the case with the lace flew out of the head of a careless girl a long time ago. One day there was a knock on the door unknown woman. The merchant offered Snow White to buy a new comb. The trusting girl let the stranger into the house and allowed her to comb her hair. The poisoned comb took effect immediately, and Snow White fell to the floor, unconscious. The beauty was again saved by the gnomes, who pulled the comb out of the girl's hair.

The evil stepmother decides on a third attempt. To do this, a woman dresses up as a peasant woman and, with the help of witchcraft, poisons half an apple. The witch comes to the house of the gnomes for the third time and calls Snow White to treat the girl.

The beauty still remembers the attacks, so she does not let the old woman into the house. But seeing with what appetite the peasant woman crunches a juicy apple, Snow White holds out her hand for the second half. One bite is enough to fall into oblivion. This time the dwarves were unable to help.

The girl remained beautiful even after her death, and the little men decided not to bury her body. The dwarves made a glass coffin and hung it in the forest at the edge. The little men took turns on duty next to the body of the pet.

A prince from a neighboring state was passing by. One glance was enough to make the young man lose his head from the beauty of Snow White. The young man begged the coffin with the princess from the gnomes. When the court servants carried the glass creation, they caught on the branches. Snow White swayed, and a piece of poisoned apple fell out of the girl's mouth. Beauty woke up from oblivion.

The prince, the dwarves and servants were dumbfounded by what had happened. The young man invited Snow White to become his wife, and she agreed. The princess lived with her beloved all her life and wisely ruled the kingdom, helping and supporting her subjects.

Screen adaptations

The first appearance of the princess on the big screen took place in 1916. The American silent film "Snow White" was filmed on an unprecedented scale for those years. main role played by Marguerite Clark. The picture became the artist's breakthrough to the Hollywood Olympus.

In 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released. The studio created the first feature-length cartoon. The live model for the character was the dancer Marge Champion. The voice of the painted princess was given by Adriana Caselotti.

In 1997, American screenwriters brought Snow White into the modern world. Horror movie "Snow White: scary tale"Shows the audience what would happen to the beauty in reality. The role of Lillian Hoffman, nicknamed "Snow White" was played by Monica Keena.

An interesting take on the story of the princess is shown in Once Upon a Time. In the course of the story, viewers will see an unusual image of their beloved heroine. Snow White will fight for her family and prove that tenderness is not a synonym for weakness. The role of the princess went to .

Adventure film "Snow White and the Huntsman" was presented to the public in June 2012. The image of Snow White brought to life.

She played the evil stepmother. The film is a free interpretation classic plot, touching only the main points of the tale.

  • Snow White is officially recognized as the youngest princess - a girl of 14 years old.
  • The heroine of the fairy tale central character in the video of the group "Rammstein". The girl appears as a tyrant and usurper of the gnomes.

  • The plot of "Snow White" noticeably echoes the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Both girls are poisoned and awakened from a meeting with her betrothed. But creation originates from the legend of the Sun, Moon and Thalia. Snow White's predecessor is unknown.
  • Walt Disney illustrators were going to make Snow White blonde. IN last moment Plans have changed.

By chance, she pricks her finger with a needle, drops three drops of blood and thinks: “Ah, if I had a baby, white as snow, ruddy like blood and dark as ebony.” Her wish comes true and a girl is born, who was named Snow White, the dreams of the Queen Mother are embodied in her: she was with snow-white skin, black hair and a healthy blush on her cheeks. After the birth of her daughter, the queen mother dies, and a year later the king marries another, proud and arrogant beauty. When Snow White turns 7, the proud queen's magic mirror recognizes her stepdaughter as the most beautiful in the country. The queen instructs the kennelman to take the girl to the forest and kill her, and as proof to bring her a lung and a liver. Taking pity on Snow White, the dog-hound brings the queen a lung and a liver of a young deer, which she cooks and eats.

Snow White finds a hut in the forest, in which a table is set for seven people and, in order to satisfy her hunger, she takes some vegetables, bread and wine from each serving, and then, having crossed herself, falls asleep on one of the beds. When it gets dark, the owners come to the hut, who turn out to be seven mountain dwarf miners. They see the baby and are carried away by its beauty. In the morning, after listening to the story of Snow White, the gnomes offer the girl to stay with them and lead household. They also warn against communicating with strangers, fearing the intrigues of her stepmother. Having learned from her mirror that Snow White is still alive beyond the seven mountains, the queen comes three times, dressed in different people, in her arsenal - a suffocating lace for a dress, a poisonous comb and a poisoned apple. Twice Snow White is saved by the dwarves, but the third time they fail to recognize the reason for the death of their favorite. But even breathless Snow White was fresh and ruddy, so the dwarves do not dare to betray her to the earth, they make a transparent crystal coffin with a golden inscription and put it on top of the mountain. Even animals and birds come to mourn the king's daughter, and the good gnomes, one at a time, keep watch in shifts. The evil queen receives confirmation from her mirror that from now on she herself is more beautiful and sweeter than everyone else.

Snow White lies in the coffin for a very long time, seems to be sleeping and still looks beautiful. One day, the prince passes by and, seeing the girl, falls in love with her. The prince asks the dwarves to exchange for gifts or give him a coffin, since he can no longer live without looking at his beloved. Out of sympathy, the dwarves hand over to his servants the coffin with the beauty, which they carry on their shoulders, but stumble, and a piece of poisoned apple jumps out of Snow White's throat. Her life returns. The prince and Snow White celebrate their wedding, to which the evil queen is also invited. Learning from the mirror that the newlywed is more beautiful than she is, the queen panics. However, curiosity takes over and the stepmother appears on wedding celebration where he recognizes his stepdaughter. As punishment for her deeds, the villainess must dance in red-hot iron shoes until she falls dead.

Interpretation and analysis of the plot

The tale includes a wide variety of information blocks and associations, touching on aspects of psychology, sociology, history, Christian theology, mythology, cosmology. The image of Snow White is one of the most recognizable and is reflected in painting, music, sculpture, cinema, literature and pop culture.

The most important symbolic motifs in the fairy tale: poisoned apple, number  7, magic mirror, belt and comb, contrasting colors: black, red and white, blood and snow.

The motif of a death-like dream is also found in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", a variant of which was also written by the brothers Grimm. The Grimms' Snow White is very similar to Pushkin's The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs, written in the autumn of 1833 in Boldino.

The number "three"

Three drops of blood in the snow, along with an ebony frame, is the initial picture for the appearance of the special beauty of Snow White in a fairy tale. The number "three" is also present in the stepmother's three visits, during which she conveys the "three attributes of Venus" (belt, comb and apple) in the form of deadly gifts.

The number "seven"

The number "seven", which in "Snow White" is present in the number of dwarfs and mountain peaks, connects this tale also with following tales Brothers Grimm: "Seven Ravens", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". The notion that the number of dwarfs has a chronological meaning, such as naming dwarfs after the days of the week, has found its way into both theory and cinema. 7 dwarfs and 7 mountains would thus be a metaphor meaning seven objects and seven time periods.

The plot of the tale is comparable to ancient astronomical notions: Snow White and the seven dwarfs are associated with the Moon, accompanied (according to the knowledge of that time) by the Sun, Earth and five planets on the ecliptic. Moreover, the metaphor of Snow White and the seven dwarfs may refer to antique performance about the coincidence of seven known " celestial bodies"with seven days of the week: Snow White and seven dwarfs, at the same time, are probably an encoded picture of the structure of the cosmos, according to which the Earth is accompanied by seven celestial bodies correlated with time intervals: the Sun (Sunday), the Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday) and Saturn (Saturday).

Alchemical interpretation

Snow White primary matter, primary matter
« ... the snow was falling in flakes, one queen was sitting and sewing under the window, in which the frame was ebony ... and pricked her finger with a needle until it bled. And the queen thought to herself: “Oh, if I had a baby white as snow, ruddy like blood, and dark as ebony!”» White, black, red - stages of the Great Work
« ... as soon as a daughter was born, the queen mother died.» Dies in childbirth.
« ... the king married another". Snow White has an evil stepmother. Primordial coexists with envy, striving for power.
The queen's stepmother had " a magic mirror in front of which she liked to stand, admired herself». She is superficial, content only appearance and does not delve into the essence of things.
Snow White grew up and became prettier, and by the eighth year she was beautiful". What the magic mirror reported to her stepmother. The mirror (reflection) sees not only the external form.
Snow White sent to the forest she ran over sharp stones and thorny bushes, and wild animals scurried past her back and forth ...». Stones, shrubs and animals are the three natural kingdoms (minerals [inorganic], plants, animals [organic]).
The stepmother orders the hunter: Kill her and as proof […] bring me her lung and liver». Lung - sulfur, liver -. The first two qualitative beginnings.
“The cook was ordered to salt and boil them, and the evil woman ate them…” Added a third quality start- salt .
Snow White finds herself in the hut of the seven dwarfs. Dwarf - from "gnosis", higher, esoteric and mystical knowledge. Gnomes represent one of the four elements - the earth.
« ... I tasted vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each cup ...» Snow White feeds on the dwarves (chemical processes)
« ... she lay down […] and fell asleep.» Alchemical action: mixed stand.
Returning home, the dwarfs are fascinated by the beauty of Snow White and happy to have her". The next day " the gnomes said to her: “Would you like to look after our household items?“» They fed her, it was her turn to feed them (reciprocal chemical processes).
The queen's stepmother questions the mirror again, and it claims that Snow White is alive. Then the stepmother painted her face, dressed as an old merchant and became completely unrecognizable. In this form, she set off on her way over the seven mountains to the hut of the seven dwarfs.». Seven mountains - seven notes of the scale, among them there are "keys".
The stepmother, in the role of a saleswoman, sells a strangling lace for Snow White's dress, who " she let her lace herself with a new lace: she laced it up quickly and so tightly that the Snow Maiden immediately took her breath away and she fell dead to the ground». To lose breath is to lose sulfur, which is taken away by the witch stepmother.
Dwarfs returned home when they saw that she had died from too tight lacing, they immediately cut the lace, and she began to breathe again, at first a little, then completely came to life.». Snow White regained her breath. New breath - purification of sulfur.
The queen resorted to witchcraft for the second time: with the help of various charms in which she was skilled, she made a poisonous comb", from which Snow White " passed out». Consciousness, spirit is. The sorceress makes a second attempt to take it away, since it did not work out with Snow White's liver.
Dwarfs returned home they found a poisonous comb in the girl's hair, and as soon as they took it out. The Snow Maiden came to her senses ...». The returned consciousness is the purification of Mercury.
Witch stepmother " made a poisonous-poisonous apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, bulk ...». Apple (lat. pomum) - fruit secret knowledge good and evil.
« “Are you afraid of poison? asked the peasant woman. “So, look, I’ll cut the apple in two: you eat the ruddy half, and I’ll eat the other myself.” And her apple was so skillfully cooked that only the ruddy half of it was poisoned.» In an apple, the white half is, the red (ruddy, poisonous) is sulfur.
Snow White took the poisoned half of the apple. But as soon as she bit off a piece of it, she fell dead on the floor. Then the queen-stepmother looked at her with malicious eyes, laughed out loud and said: “Here you are as white as snow, and ruddy as blood, and dark as ebony!”» About white, red and black, see above.
Returning dwarves found Snow White sprawled on the floor, lifeless, dead. They lifted her up, […] washed her with water and wine». Water and wine are white and red liquids.
« They put her in a coffin and […] and mourned exactly three days in a row». holding time
Gnomes " they were going to bury her, but she looked fresh, she was as if alive, […] and they ordered another transparent crystal coffin for her, put her in it […] so that she could be seen from all sides». A vessel transparent on all sides.
Gnomes " ... on the lid they wrote in gold letters her name and the fact that she was a royal daughter». Mention of gold.
Gnomes " ... carried the coffin to the top of the mountain». The primary substance is exposed under the rays of Light for the purpose of purification.
Royal " saw the coffin on the mountain and the beautiful [Snow White] in the coffin and read what was written on the lid of the coffin in golden letters». Light appears in the person of the prince (beautiful prince), the messenger of the gods Mercury.
The king's servants carried the coffin on their shoulders. Yes, they stumbled over some kind of twig, and from this concussion that piece of poisoned apple jumped out of [Snow White's] throat". The prince marries Snow White, the stepmother is invited to the wedding, who " ... they made her put her feet into hot shoes and dance in them until she fell dead to the ground». Hot iron shoes and a dancing stepmother are a crucible with matter “dancing” inside until it calms down and freezes (dies).

Psychological interpretations

On the erotic level of the fairy tale "Snow White", folklorist Lutz Rehrich notes that beauty is intertwined here with love, but in an exceptionally perverted form. The tales of the Brothers Grimm themselves are asexual. According to the research of Heinz Relleke, this trend is reinforced in later editions.

Translations into Russian

Theatrical performances

Screen adaptations

  • 1916 - Snow White - silent film (production: USA).
  • 1937 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs snow white and the Seven Dwarfs) is the first feature-length cartoon by Walt Disney Studios (produced in the USA).
  • 1955 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Production: Germany).
  • 1992 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - a film directed by Ludwig Razh (production: Germany - Czechoslovakia).
  • 1993 - "The New Adventures of Snow White" - a cartoon based on a fairy tale with its own plot, directed by John Hawley (production: USA).
  • 1997 - “Snow White. Scary fairy tale "(Eng. Snow White: A Tale of Terror) - horror, fantasy. Directed by Michael Cohn. (production: USA).
  • 2001 - "Snow White" - a film directed by Caroline Thompson (production: Canada, USA, Germany). Snow White is played by Kristin Kreuk (star of the TV series Mysteries Smallville)
  • 2011 - "Once upon a time" (eng. Once upon a time) - American television series on ABC in the fantasy genre. Snow White is played by Ginnifer Goodwin.
  • 2012 - "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves" (Eng. Mirror mirror) - a fantasy comedy film directed by Tarsem Singh (production: USA). In the role of Snow White - Lily Collins.
  • 2012 - "Snow White and the hunter" (eng. Snow White & the Huntsman) - American fantasy adventure movie directed by Rupert Sanders based on the fairy tale (production: USA). Snow White is played by Kristen Stewart.
  • 2016 - Snow White and the Huntsman 2 is an American fantasy adventure film.

It was winter. In the castle, a beautiful queen was sitting by the window. While sewing, the queen looked out the window and thought. She really wanted to have a black-haired girl with snow-white skin and rosy cheeks. Soon, her wish came true. She gave birth to the daughter she dreamed of. The queen gave her beautiful name- Snow White.

Immediately after the birth of the girl, the queen passed away. The child was left without maternal caress. Time has passed. The king remarried. The new queen was an evil and calculating woman. She was not interested in Snow White's life. Every day, the queen looked into her magic mirror to find out who was the most beautiful of all. And in response, an ambitious woman always heard that she was the most beautiful in the world.

Snow White grew up, and every year her beauty blossomed brighter and brighter. And here, in Once again while asking the mirror, the queen heard a different answer. The mirror said for the first time that Snow White is the most beautiful of all. The evil queen was angry and swore to get rid of the girl from the world. She ordered the forester to secretly lead the princess into an impenetrable thicket and kill her. She hated her stepdaughter so much. The forester brought the girl to dark forest and let go, taking pity on her. And the queen said that her order was carried out.

For a long time the princess wandered through the forest, and only in the evening on her way did she meet small house. Entering it, she saw that there was no one in the house. But from the plates, chairs and beds, it was clear that seven people lived here. The girl was very tired, lay down on one of the beds and fell asleep soundly.

When it was completely dark, seven gnomes came to the small house from work. They saw the princess and, after listening to her story, offered her to stay and live with them: to look after the household. The gnomes liked the girl immediately. Every morning they went to work in the mountains in the mines and returned late in the evening. The princess was alone at home all day. The dwarves, leaving, warned that Snow White was afraid wicked stepmother. At this time, the Evil Queen learned from the mirror that Snow White was still alive and decided to act on her own. Three times she, inventing various intrigues, tried to kill the girl. Twice the dwarves managed to save her from death. But for the third time, her plan came true. Dressed as an old woman, the queen came to the house of the gnomes. She offered her stepdaughter an apple in which she put poison. Having bitten the apple, the girl died.

The dwarves failed to save the royal daughter this time. They placed her in a glass coffin, which they placed on the very top of the mountain. Every day they took turns on duty, guarding the peace of the princess. Even the animals came to mourn the girl.

Years have passed. A young prince rode through the forest. He saw the royal daughter on the mountain in a glass coffin and fell in love with her. The prince persuaded the dwarves to take her with them to the castle and guard her. The gnomes agreed. As the prince's servants carried the coffin, they stumbled. The bitten part of the apple fell out of the princess's mouth, and she came to life. The girl also fell in love with the prince. Their evil stepmother was also invited to their wedding. When she found out that Snow White had come to life, and now she was waiting for a long happy life died of envy.

This fairy tale teaches to believe in kindness and justice, fight evil and find a way out of any difficult circumstances.

A picture or drawing of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Other retellings for the reader's diary

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    Main action this work conducted from a person, one young young man, whose name is Jake Donahue. His life is not equipped, he has no permanent and reliable housing

  • Summary of My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell

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  • Summary of Shmelev Fear

    Events unfold on March 13, 1881, at a difficult time, when reigning emperor Alexander II is assassinated. Underage main character works lives with mom, older sisters and brother

  • Summary Shukshin Microscope

    Andrey Erin, a carpenter in a rural workshop, unexpectedly for himself and for those around him, discovers a craving for science. Behind a large amount money, one hundred and twenty rubles, without asking his wife, Erin buys a microscope.

snow white and the huntsman 2 snow white
"Snow White"(German Schneewittchen from the original Low German Sneewittchen: Snee - “snow”, witt - “white”) - a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, published in 1812 and supplemented in 1854, about the beautiful daughter of the king, who was sheltered in the forest by dwarves, saving the evil from the wrath stepmother who wields a magic mirror. Tells of an enchanted dream main character and her awakening due to the intervention of the prince. classification system fairy tales Aarne-Thompson has the number 709.

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Interpretation and analysis of the plot
    • 2.1 The number "three"
    • 2.2 The number "seven"
    • 2.3 Alchemical interpretation
    • 2.4 Psychological interpretations
  • 3 Translations into Russian
  • 4 Theatrical productions
  • 5 Screen adaptations
  • 6 Interesting Facts
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes


One snowy winter day, the queen sits and sews by an ebony framed window. By chance, she pricks her finger with a needle, drops three drops of blood and thinks: “Ah, if I had a baby, white as snow, ruddy like blood and dark as ebony.” Her wish comes true and a girl is born, who was named Snow White, the dreams of the Queen Mother are embodied in her: she was with snow-white skin, black hair and a healthy blush on her cheeks. After the birth of her daughter, the queen mother dies, and a year later the king marries another, proud and arrogant beauty. When Snow White turns 7, the proud queen's magic mirror recognizes her stepdaughter as the most beautiful in the country. The queen instructs the kennelman to take the girl to the forest and kill her, and as proof to bring her a lung and a liver. Taking pity on Snow White, the dog-hound brings the queen a lung and a liver of a young deer, which she cooks and eats.

Snow White finds a hut in the forest, in which a table is laid for seven people and, in order to satisfy her hunger, she takes some vegetables, bread and wine from each serving, and then, having crossed herself, falls asleep on one of the beds. When it gets dark, the owners come to the hut, which turn out to be seven mountain dwarves-miners. They see the baby and are carried away by its beauty. In the morning, after listening to the story of Snow White, the gnomes offer the girl to stay with them and take care of the household. They also warn against communicating with strangers, fearing the intrigues of her stepmother. Having learned from her mirror that Snow White is still alive beyond the seven mountains, the queen comes three times, disguised as different people, in her arsenal - a suffocating dress lace, a poisonous comb and a poisoned apple. Twice Snow White is saved by the dwarves, but the third time they fail to recognize the reason for the death of their favorite. But even breathless Snow White was fresh and ruddy, so the dwarves do not dare to betray her to the earth, they make a transparent crystal coffin with a golden inscription and put it on top of the mountain. Even animals and birds come to mourn the king's daughter, and the good gnomes, one at a time, keep watch in shifts. The evil queen receives confirmation from her mirror that from now on she herself is more beautiful and sweeter than everyone else.

Snow White lies in the coffin for a very long time, seems to be sleeping and still looks beautiful. One day, the prince passes by and, seeing the girl, falls in love with her. The prince asks the dwarves to exchange for gifts or give him a coffin, since he can no longer live without looking at his beloved. Out of sympathy, the dwarves hand over to his servants the coffin with the beauty, which they carry on their shoulders, but stumble, and a piece of poisoned apple jumps out of Snow White's throat. Her life returns. The prince and Snow White celebrate their wedding, to which the evil queen is also invited. Learning from the mirror that the newlywed is more beautiful than she is, the queen panics. However, curiosity takes over and the stepmother appears at the wedding celebration, where she recognizes her stepdaughter. punishment for her deeds, the villainess must dance in red-hot iron shoes until she falls dead.

Interpretation and analysis of the plot

The tale includes a variety of information blocks and associations, touching upon aspects of psychology, sociology, history, Christian theology, mythology, and cosmology. The image of Snow White is one of the most recognizable and is reflected in painting, music, sculpture, cinema, literature and pop culture.

The most important symbolic motifs in the tale are the poisoned apple, the number 7, the magic mirror, the belt and comb, the contrasting colors: black, red and white, blood and snow.

The motif of a death-like dream is also found in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", a version of which was also written by the Brothers Grimm. The Grimms' "Snow White" is very similar to Pushkin's "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, written in the fall of 1833 in Boldino.

The number "three"

Three drops of blood in the snow, along with an ebony frame, is the initial picture for the appearance of the special beauty of Snow White in a fairy tale. The number "three" is also present in the stepmother's three visits, during which she passes on the "three attributes of Venus" (girdle, crest and apple) in the form of deadly gifts.

The number "seven"

The number "seven", which in "Snow White" is present in the number of gnomes and mountain peaks, connects this tale also with the following fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: "The Seven Crows", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". The notion that the number of dwarfs has a chronological meaning, for example, in naming dwarves after the names of the days of the week, has found its way into both theory and cinema. 7 dwarfs and 7 mountains would thus be a metaphor meaning seven objects and seven time periods.

The plot of the tale is comparable to ancient astronomical notions: Snow White and the seven dwarfs are associated with the Moon, accompanied (according to the knowledge of that time) by the Sun, Earth and five planets on the ecliptic. Moreover, the metaphor of Snow White and the seven dwarfs may point to the ancient notion of the coincidence of the seven known "celestial bodies" with the seven days of the week: Snow White and the seven dwarfs, however, are probably a coded picture of the structure of the cosmos, according to which the Earth is accompanied by seven celestial bodies, correlated with time intervals: Sun (Sunday), Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday) and Saturn (Saturday).

Alchemical interpretation

Interpretation of the plot by alchemists
primary matter, primary matter
“... the snow was falling in flakes, one queen was sitting and sewing under the window, in which the frame was ebony ... and she pricked her finger with a needle until it bled. And the queen thought to herself: “Oh, if I had a baby white as snow, ruddy like blood, and black-haired like ebony!” White, black, red - stages of the Great Work
"... as soon as the daughter was born, the queen mother died." Dies in childbirth.
"... the king married another." Snow White has an evil stepmother. Primordial coexists with envy, striving for power.
The stepmother-queen had "a magic mirror in front of which she loved to stand, admiring herself." It is superficial, content only with appearance and does not delve into the essence of things.
Snow White "grew up and became prettier, and by the eighth year she was beautiful." What the magic mirror reported to her stepmother. The mirror sees not only the external form.
Sent to the forest, Snow White “ran over sharp stones and thorny bushes, and wild animals scurried past her back and forth ...”. Stones, shrubs and animals are the three natural kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals).
The stepmother orders the hunter: "Kill her and bring me her lung and liver as proof." The lung is sulfur, the liver is mercury. The first two qualitative beginnings.
“The cook was ordered to salt and boil them, and the evil woman ate them…” A third qualitative beginning is added - salt.
Snow White finds herself in the hut of the seven dwarfs. Dwarf - from "gnosis", higher, esoteric and mystical knowledge. Gnomes represent one of the four elements - earth.
“... I tasted vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each cup ...” Snow White feeds on the dwarves (chemical processes)
"... she lay down and fell asleep." Alchemical action: mixed stand.
Returning home, the dwarfs are fascinated by the beauty of Snow White and "rejoiced at her arrival." The next day, "the gnomes said to her, 'Would you like to look after our household items?'" They fed her, it was her turn to feed them.
The queen's stepmother questions the mirror again, and it claims that Snow White is alive. Then the stepmother “painted her face, disguised herself as an old merchant and became completely unrecognizable. In this form, she set off on her way over the seven mountains to the hut of the seven dwarfs. Seven mountains - seven notes of the scale, among them there are "keys".
The stepmother, in the role of a merchant, sells a strangling lace for a dress to Snow White, who "let her lace herself with a new lace: she laced up quickly and so tightly that the Snow Maiden immediately took her breath away and she fell to the ground dead." Lose your breath - lose sulfur, which is taken away by the witch stepmother.
The dwarves who returned home, “seeing that she had died from too tight lacing, immediately cut the lace, and she began to breathe again, at first a little, then completely came to life.” Snow White regained her breath. New breath - purification of sulfur.
The Queen resorted to sorcery for the second time: "with the help of various charms in which she was skilled, she made a poisonous comb", from which Snow White "lost consciousness". Consciousness, spirit is Mercury. The sorceress makes a second attempt to take it away, since it did not work out with Snow White's liver.
The gnomes who returned home “found a poisonous comb in the girl’s hair, and as soon as they took it out. The Snow Maiden came to her senses ... ". The returned consciousness is the purification of Mercury.
The witch stepmother “has made a poisonous edible apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, pouring ... ". Apple (lat. pomum) is the fruit of the secret knowledge of good and evil.
““Are you afraid of poison? asked the peasant woman. “So, look, I’ll cut the apple in two: you eat the ruddy half, and I’ll eat the other myself.” And her apple was so skillfully cooked that only the ruddy half of it was poisoned. In an apple, the white half is mercury, the red (ruddy, poisonous) is sulfur.
Snow White "took the poisoned half of the apple. But as soon as she bit off a piece of it, she fell dead on the floor. Then the queen-stepmother looked at her with malicious eyes, laughed out loud and said: “Here you are as white as snow, and ruddy as blood, and dark as ebony!” About white, red and black, see above
The returning dwarves found Snow White “spread on the floor, lifeless, dead. They lifted her up and washed her with water and wine.” Water and wine are white and red liquids.
"They put her in a coffin and mourned exactly three days in a row."
The gnomes “were going to bury her, but she looked fresh, she was as if alive, and they ordered another, transparent crystal coffin for her, put her in it, so that she could be seen from all sides.” A vessel transparent on all sides.
The dwarves "... on the lid wrote in gold letters her name and that she was a royal daughter." Mention of gold.
The dwarves "... carried the coffin to the top of the mountain." The primary substance is exposed under the rays of Light for the purpose of purification.
The prince "saw the coffin on the mountain and the beauty in the coffin and read what was written on the lid of the coffin in golden letters." Light appears in the person of the prince (beautiful prince), the messenger of the gods of Mercury.
The prince's servants carried the coffin on their shoulders, "but they stumbled over some kind of twig, and from this concussion that piece of poisoned apple jumped out of the throat." The prince marries Snow White, the stepmother is invited to the wedding, who "... was forced to put her feet in red-hot shoes and dance in them until she fell dead on the ground." Hot iron shoes and a dancing stepmother are a crucible with matter “dancing” inside until it calms down and freezes (dies).

Psychological interpretations

According to the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, the stepmother in many fairy tales is the archetype of the "shadow" or "destroying and absorbing foremother".

According to the anthroposophy of Friedel Lenz, the house of dwarfs represents the body of the child, and the dwarfs themselves represent its elemental forces. The number 7 symbolizes time. The tales of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood form a sequence of mental decline. By eating an apple with her stepmother (the disguised stepmother ate the unpoisoned half), Snow White identifies with the temptress. And only at the cost of her own efforts can she spew poison, contributing to the mystical wedding (alchemy) between the soul (princess) and the spirit (prince).

On the erotic level of Snow White, the folklorist Lutz Rehrich notes that beauty is intertwined here with love, but in an extremely perverse form. The tales of the Brothers Grimm themselves are asexual. According to Heinz Relleke's research, this trend is reinforced in later editions.

Translations into Russian

Wikisource has texts on the topic
  • P. Field (1839-1902) - "Snow Maiden"
  • G. Petnikov (1894-1971) - "Snow Maiden"
  • W. Waldman (1884-1962) - "Snow White"
  • A. Vvedensky (1904-1941) - "The Snow Maiden"
  • G. Shalaeva - "Snow White"
  • V. Solovyov - "Snow White"
  • G. Sergeeva - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • E. Ivanova - "Snow White"
  • A. Korotkov - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • N. Terentyeva - "Snow White"
  • A. Vasilyeva - "Snow White"
  • E. Nevolina - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • O. Vernikovich - "Snow White"
  • N. Kirillova - "Snow White"
  • N. Aleshina - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • O. Trifonova - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • A. Faykova - "Snow White"
  • E. Peskovskaya - "Snow White"
  • E. Peskovskaya, P. Polevoy, A. Fedorov-Davydov - "Snow White"
  • S. Kuzmin - "Snow White"

The Russian reader is most familiar with the classic translation of the tale from German, edited by Polevoy.

Theatrical performances

  • 1956 - "Snow White", ballet by Tatyana Gzovskaya to music by V.-A. Mozart, Berlin Ballet.
  • 2008 - "Snow White", ballet by Angelin Preljocaj to music by Gustav Mahler, Ballet Preljocaj (2009 - filmed).
  • 2013 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (music - Tibor Kochak, choreography - Gyula Harangozo). Rostov State Musical Theater

Screen adaptations

  • 1916 - Snow White - US silent film.
  • 1937 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (eng. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) - the first full-length cartoon by Walt Disney Studios (production: USA).
  • 1955 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - German film.
  • 1992 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - a film directed by Ludwig Razh (production: Germany-Czechoslovakia).
  • 1993 - "The New Adventures of Snow White" - a cartoon based on a fairy tale with its own plot, directed by John Hawley (production: USA).
  • 1997 - “Snow White. Scary Tale ”(eng. Snow White: A Tale of Terror) - horror, fantasy. Directed by Michael Cohn. (production: USA).
  • 2001 - "Snow White" - a film directed by Caroline Thompson (production: Canada, USA, Germany). Snow White is played by Kristin Kreuk (Smallville star)
  • 2011 - "Once Upon a Time" (Eng. Once Upon a Time) - American television series of the ABC channel in the fantasy genre. Snow White is played by Ginnifer Goodwin.
  • 2012 - "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves" (Eng. Mirror Mirror) - comedy fantasy film directed by Tarsem Singh (production: USA). the role of Snow White - Lily Collins.
  • 2012 - "Snow White and the Huntsman" (eng. Snow White & the Huntsman) - American fantasy adventure film directed by Rupert Sanders based on a fairy tale (production: USA). Snow White is played by Kristen Stewart.
  • The video for the song "Sonne" by the German rock band Rammstein (since 1994) is a rather loose interpretation of the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Rammstein play gnomes who work hard in the mines, extracting drugs for Snow White (according to another version, gold dust). one fine day, the beauty overdoses and the saddened gnomes put her body in a glass coffin. The gnomes are going to leave this coffin on the hill, but as soon as the coffin falls to the ground, an apple falls from the apple tree standing nearby and breaks the glass, and of course, Snow White comes to life.

see also

  • The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs
  • Tales of the Brothers Grimm
  • magic mirror


  1. Heidi Anne Heiner. Tales Similar to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Retrieved September 22, 2010. Archived from the original on May 21, 2013.
  2. this story is similar to French fairy tale"Three Bears"
  3. Robert Ranke-Graves: Die weiße Göttin - Sprache des Mythos, S.474, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-499-55416-X
  4. Robert Ranke-Graves: Die weiße Göttin - Sprache des Mythos, S. 306-321 und S.339, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-499-55416-X
  5. Caroline Thompson: Snow White" 2001, mit Miranda Richardson and Kristin Kreuk
  6. Hedwig von Beit: Symbolik des Märchens. Bern 1952, S. 259
  7. Patirick Burensteinas. From Matter to Light: philosopher's stone, model of the world = De la Matière à la Lumière: Pierre philosophale, modèle du monde. - Le Mercure Dauphinois, 2009. - S. 71-75. - 78 p. - ISBN 9782356620118.
  8. Here and below, quotes are based on the text of Peter Polevoy "The Snow Maiden".
  9. Eugen Drewermann: Schneewittchen: Märchen Nr. 53 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung. In der Reihe Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet, Zürich 1998. ISBN 3-530-40021-1
  10. Friedel Lenz: Bildsprache der Märchen. 2. Auflage. Urachhaus, Stuttgart 1972, ISBN 3-87838-148-4, S. 30-47
  11. Lutz Röhrich: … und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind …, Anthropologie, Kulturgeschichte und Deutung von Märchen. Böhlau, Koln/Weimar/Wien 2002, ISBN 3-412-11201-1
  12. Tomi Ungerer: Tomi Ungerer's Erzählungen für Erwachsene., München 192, ISBN 3-453-05598-5
  13. Snow White on the Fantasy Lab website
  14. Shepeleva E. Ballet with a hint of Disney // City N. - 2013. - March 26.

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