The story of the fairy tale snow white and the seven dwarfs. Did Snow White really die at the hands of her stepmother: who was the prototype of the fairy-tale heroine

    • Russians folk talesRussian folk tales The world of fairy tales is amazing. Is it possible to imagine our life without fairy tales? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about the extremely important things in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, to resist evil, to despise the cunning and flatterers. The fairy tale teaches to be faithful, honest, makes fun of our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness. For centuries, fairy tales have been passed down orally. One person came up with a fairy tale, told another, that person added something from himself, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the story got better and better. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many different people, the people, which is why they began to call it - “folk”. Fairy tales originated in ancient times. They were the stories of hunters, trappers and fishermen. In fairy tales - animals, trees and herbs talk like people. And in a fairy tale, everything is possible. If you want to be young, eat rejuvenating apples. It is necessary to revive the princess - sprinkle her first with dead, and then with living water ... The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from bad, good from evil, ingenuity from stupidity. A fairy tale teaches not to despair in difficult moments and always overcome difficulties. The tale teaches how important it is for every person to have friends. And the fact that if you do not leave a friend in trouble, then he will help you ...
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    • Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - writer, writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, lyricist of two hymns Soviet Union and the anthem of the Russian Federation. They begin to read Mikhalkov's poems in the kindergarten, choosing "Uncle Styopa" or the equally famous rhyme "What do you have?". The author takes us back to the Soviet past, but over the years his works do not become obsolete, but only acquire charm. Mikhalkov's children's poems have long become classics.
    • Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev - Russian Soviet children's writer, illustrator and animator. One of the pioneers of Soviet animation. Born in the family of a doctor. The father was a gifted person, his passion for art was passed on to his son. WITH youthful years Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, periodically published in the magazines "Pioneer", "Murzilka", "Friendly Guys", "Iskorka", in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda". Studied at MVTU im. Bauman. Since 1923 - an illustrator of books for children. Suteev illustrated books by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, D. Rodari, as well as own works. The tales that V. G. Suteev composed himself are written laconically. Yes, he does not need verbosity: everything that is not said will be drawn. The artist works as a multiplier, capturing every movement of the character to get a solid, logically clear action and a vivid, memorable image.
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    • Tales of Leo Tolstoy Tales of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lev Nikolayevich (1828 - 1910) - one of the greatest Russian writers and thinkers. Thanks to him, not only works that are part of the treasury of world literature appeared, but also a whole religious and moral trend - Tolstoyism. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote many instructive, lively and interesting tales, fables, poems and stories. His pen also includes many small, but beautiful fairy tales for children: Three bears, As Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest, Lion and a dog, The Tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers, Two brothers, Worker Emelyan and an empty drum, and many others. Tolstoy was very serious about writing little fairy tales for children, he worked hard on them. Tales and stories of Lev Nikolaevich are still in books for reading in elementary school.
    • Tales of Charles Perrault The Tales of Charles Perrault Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French storyteller, critic and poet, and was a member of the French Academy. It is probably impossible to find a person who would not know the tale about Little Red Riding Hood and the gray wolf, about a boy from a finger or other equally memorable characters, colorful and so close not only to a child, but also to an adult. But they all owe their appearance wonderful writer Charles Perrault. Each of his fairy tales is folk epic, its writer processed and developed the plot, resulting in such delightful works that are still read today with great admiration.
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      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this section you will find your favorite fairytale heroes. Riddles about fairy tales with answers help magically turn funny moments into a real show of fabulous connoisseurs. A funny riddles perfect for April 1st, Maslenitsa and other holidays. Riddles of snag will be appreciated not only by children, but also by parents. The ending of the riddle can be unexpected and ridiculous. Riddles tricks improve mood and broaden the horizons of children. Also in this section there are riddles for children's holidays. Your guests will definitely not be bored!
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Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

brothers grimm

Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs summary:

The fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is an interesting story about a beautiful girl. Her stepmother was very jealous of her stepdaughter's beauty. And often the stepmother asked the magic mirror: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the most beautiful in the whole country?” But the mirror kept telling her that Snow White was a thousand times more beautiful.

The stepmother could not stand it and sent Snow White to the forest to certain death. But there Snow White met a good seven dwarfs and began to live with them. No matter how the evil queen tried to kill Snow White, she failed. Snow White was saved by the prince. And they got married.

This fairy tale teaches to live honestly, not causing harm to other people, to be hardworking and do good. Good wins and saves, removes from evil and helps those who are sincere and good-natured in life.

Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs read:

On a winter day, while the snow was falling in flakes, one queen sat and sewed under the window, which had an ebony frame. She sewed and looked at the snow, and pricked her finger with a needle until it bled.

And the queen thought to herself: “Ah, if I had a baby white as snow, ruddy like blood, and dark as ebony!”

And soon her desire was definitely fulfilled: her daughter was born to her - white as snow, ruddy as blood, and black-haired; and was named Snow White for her whiteness.

And as soon as the daughter was born, the queen mother died. A year later, the king married another.

This second wife of his was a beauty, but also proud and arrogant, and could not stand that anyone could equal her in beauty.

Moreover, she had such a magic mirror in front of which she liked to stand, admire herself and say:

Then the mirror answered her:

You, queen, are dearer to everyone here.

And she walked away from the mirror, contented, contented, and knew that the mirror would not tell her lies.

Meanwhile, Snow White grew up and became prettier, and by the age of eight she was as beautiful as a clear day.

All the surrounding inhabitants marveled at her beauty and kindness when she walked and played on the lawns near the castle.

And when the queen once asked the mirror:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all?

The mirror answered her:

You, queen, are beautiful;
And yet Snow White is more beautiful.

The queen was horrified, turned yellow, turned green with envy. From the moment she used to see Snow White, her heart was ready to burst into pieces from anger.

And envy with pride, like weeds, began to grow in her heart, and grow wider and wider, so that at last neither day nor night did she have peace.

And then one day she called her kennel and said:

Take this girl out into the woods so I don't see her again. Kill her, and as proof that my order has been carried out, bring me her lung and liver.

The houndmaster obeyed, led the girl out of the palace into the forest, and as he took out his hunting knife to pierce the innocent heart of Snow White, she began to cry and ask:

Good man, don't kill me; I will run away into the dense forest and never return home.

The houndsman took pity on the pretty girl and said:

Well, go ahead. God be with you, poor girl!

And he himself thought: “Wild animals will quickly tear you to pieces in the forest,” and yet it was like a stone fell from his heart when he spared the child.

Just at this time a young deer jumped out of the bushes; the kennel pinned him, took out a lung with a liver and brought them to the queen as proof that her order was carried out.

The cook was ordered to salt and boil them, and the evil woman ate them, imagining that she was eating Snow White's lung and liver.

And then the poor thing found herself alone in a dense forest, and she became so frightened that she examined every leaf on the trees, and did not know what to do and how to be.

And she started to run, and ran over sharp stones and thorny bushes, and the animals scurried past her back and forth, but did not cause her any harm.

When Snow White sat down to rest, the forest animals played with her merrily and suggested which way to go next.

Everything in this hut was small, but it was so clean and beautiful that it was impossible to say.

In the middle of the hut stood a table with seven small plates, and on each plate a spoon, and then seven knives and forks, and with each utensil a glass. Around the table stood seven cots, covered with snow-white bed linen.

Snow White, who was very hungry and thirsty, tasted vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each glass, because she did not want to take everything from one.

Then, tired from walking, she tried to lie down on one of the beds; but not one suited her in measure; one was too long, the other too short, and only the seventh was just right for her. She lay down in it and fell asleep.

And in this house lived good cheerful gnomes.

When it got completely dark, her owners came to the hut - seven gnomes who were rummaging in the mountains, extracting ore.

They lit their seven candles, and when it became light in the hut, they saw that someone had visited them, because not everything was in the order in which they had left everything in their dwelling.

The first one said:

Who was sitting on my chair?

Who ate my plate?

Who broke off a piece of my bread?


Who has tasted my food?

Who ate with my fork?

Sixth: - Who cut me with a knife?

Who drank from my cup?

Then the first one turned around and saw that there was a small wrinkle on his bed; he immediately said:

Who touched my bed?

Everyone else ran to the beds and shouted:

And in mine, and in mine, too, someone lay down!

And the seventh, looking into his bed, saw Snow White lying asleep in it. He called the others, and they ran and began to exclaim in amazement, and brought their seven candles to the bed to light Snow White.

Oh my god! they exclaimed. How beautiful this little one is! - and everyone was so delighted with her arrival that they did not dare to wake her up, and left her alone on that bed.

And the seventh gnome decided to spend the night like this: in the bed of each of his comrades, he had to sleep for one hour.

With the onset of morning, Snow White woke up and, seeing the seven gnomes, got scared. They treated her very kindly and asked her:

What is your name?

My name is Snow White, she answered.

How did you get into our house? the gnomes asked her.

Then she told them that her stepmother ordered to kill her, and the kennel spared her - and so she ran all day until she came across their hut.

The gnomes told her:

Would you like to look after our household chores - cook, wash for us, make beds, sew and knit?

And if you do all this skillfully and neatly, then you can stay with us for a long time and will not suffer a lack of anything.

If you please, - answered Snow White, - with great pleasure.

And she stayed with them.

She kept the house of the gnomes in great order; in the morning they usually went to the mountains in search of copper and gold.

And Snow White worked at home with the housework - she carried water, put things in order, cooked food.

In the evening, after working in the mountains, the dwarves returned to their hut, and then food was always ready for them.

After dinner, the dwarfs and Snow White played funny Games, sang and danced.

Sometimes Snow White and the dwarves went to the forest for a walk, to have fun, to pick mushrooms and berries, to play with the forest animals, with whom Snow White and the dwarves were friendly.

When the dwarves went to work in the morning, Snow White was alone in the house all day.

Therefore, every time before leaving, the good dwarfs warned her and said:

Watch out for your stepmother! She will soon find out where you are, so do not let anyone into the house but us.

And the Queen Stepmother, after she ate Snow White's lung and liver, suggested that she was now the first beauty in the whole country, and said:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all?

Then the mirror answered her:

You are beautiful queen

The queen was frightened; she knew that the mirror never lied, and she realized that the houndmaster had deceived her and that Snow White was alive.

And she began to think about how she would exterminate her stepdaughter, because envy did not give her peace and she certainly wanted to be the first beauty in the whole country.

When she finally came up with something, she painted her face, dressed as an old merchant and became completely unrecognizable.

In this form, she set off on her way over the seven mountains to the hut of the seven dwarfs, knocked on their door and shouted:

Goods are different, cheap, selling!

Snow White looked out of the window and called out to the merchant:

Hello, aunty, what are you selling?

A good product, the first grade, - answered the merchant, - laces, ribbons of various colors, - and she pulled out one lace, woven from motley silk.

“Well, of course, I can let this merchant in here,” thought Snow White, unlocked the door and bought herself a beautiful lace.

Uh, child, the old woman said to Snow White, what do you look like! Come here, let me lace you up properly!

Snow White did not assume anything bad, turned her back on the old woman and let her lace herself with a new lace: she laced herself up quickly and so tightly that Snow White immediately took her breath away and she fell dead to the ground.

Well, now you won’t be the first beauty anymore! - said the evil stepmother and hastily left.

Shortly thereafter, in the evening, the seven dwarfs returned home, and how frightened they were when they saw Snow White stretched out on the ground; moreover, she did not move, and did not stir, she was as if dead.

They lifted her up and, seeing that she had died from too tight lacing, they immediately cut the lace, and she began to breathe again, at first a little, then completely came to life.

When the dwarves heard from her what had happened to her, they said:

This old merchant was your stepmother, the godless queen; beware and do not let anyone into the house in our absence.

And the evil woman, returning home, went to the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all?

And the mirror still answered her:

You are beautiful queen
But still Snow White, beyond the mountain

Lives in the house of the mountain gnomes,
Many will surpass you in beauty.

Hearing this, the evil stepmother was so frightened that all her blood rushed to her heart: she realized that Snow White had come to life again.

Well, now, - she said, - I'll think of something that will kill you right away! - and with the help of various charms in which she was skilled, she made a poisonous comb.

Then she changed clothes and assumed the image of another old woman.

She went over the seven mountains to the house of the seven dwarfs, knocked on their door and began to shout:

Goods, goods for sale!

Snow White looked out of the window and said:

Come in, I won't let anyone into the house.

Well, it’s true that you’re not forbidden to look at the goods, ”said the old woman, pulled out a poisonous comb and showed it to Snow White.

The girl liked the comb to such an extent that she opened the door to the merchant.

When they agreed on the price, the old woman said:

Let me brush you right.

Poor Snow White did not think of anything bad, and she gave the old woman full freedom to comb her hair as she pleased; but as soon as she launched the comb into her hair, its poisonous properties acted, and Snow White lost consciousness.

Come on, you perfection of beauty! - said the evil woman. "Now it's over with you," and she walked away.

Fortunately, this happened in the evening, when the gnomes returned home.

When they saw that Snow White was lying dead on the ground, they immediately suspected her stepmother, began to search and found a poisonous comb in the girl's hair, and as soon as they took it out.

Snow White came to her senses and told everything that had happened to her. Then they warned her again to be careful and not open the door to anyone.

And again, the life of Snow White and the dwarves flowed as before. But before leaving for work in the mountains, the gnomes each time began to check whether everything was well locked up. After all, no evil queen could penetrate through the locked doors of the magic house of the gnomes.

And meanwhile the queen, having returned home, stood in front of the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all?

And the mirror answered her, as before:

You are beautiful queen
But still Snow White, beyond the mountain
Lives in the house of the mountain gnomes,
Many will surpass you in beauty.

When the queen heard this, she trembled with rage.

Snow White must die! - she exclaimed. “Even if I had to die with her!”

Then she retired to a secret room, into which no one but her entered, and there she prepared a terrible poison.

Then she made a poisonous, poisonous apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, pouring, with ruddy barrels, so that everyone, looking at it, wanted to taste it, but just bite off a piece - and you will die.

When the apple was made, the queen painted her face, disguised herself as a peasant woman and went over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs.

She knocked at their house, and Snow White put her head out the window and said:

I dare not let anyone in here, the seven gnomes forbade me to do so.

And what's up to me? answered the peasant woman. - Where can I go with my apples? Here's one, I'll give you one.

No, - answered Snow White, - I dare not accept anything.

Are you afraid of poison? asked the peasant woman. - So, look, I'll cut the apple in two: you eat the ruddy half, and I'll eat the other myself.

And her apple was so skillfully cooked that only the ruddy half of it was poisoned.

Snow White really wanted to taste this wonderful apple, and when she saw that the peasant woman was eating her half, she could no longer refrain from this desire, stretched out her hand from the window and took the poisoned half of the apple.

But as soon as she bit off a piece of it, she fell dead on the floor. Then the queen-stepmother looked at her with malicious eyes, laughed out loud and said:

Here you are white as snow, and ruddy like blood, and dark as ebony! Well, this time the gnomes won't be able to revive you!

And when she, having come home, stood in front of the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all? —

The mirror finally answered her:

You, queen, are the sweetest here.

Here only her envious heart calmed down, as far as an envious heart can calm down.

The dwarves, returning home in the evening, found Snow White sprawled on the floor, lifeless, dead.

They lifted her up, began to look for the cause of her death - they looked for poison, unlaced her dress, combed her hair, washed her with water and wine; however, nothing could help her. Snow White was dead and remained dead.

They put her in a coffin and, sitting all seven around her body, began to mourn and mourned for exactly three days in a row.

Already they were going to bury her, but she seemed fresh in appearance, she was as if alive, even her cheeks burned with the same wonderful blush.

The gnomes said:

No, we cannot lower it into the dark bowels of the earth.

And they ordered another, transparent crystal coffin for her, put Snow White in it, so that she could be seen from all sides, and on the lid they wrote her name and the fact that she was a royal daughter in gold letters.

Then they took the coffin to the top of the mountain, and one of the dwarves constantly remained on guard with him.

And even animals, even birds, approaching the coffin, mourned Snow White: first an owl flew in, then a raven, and finally a dove.

And for a long, long time Snow White lay in the coffin and did not change, and seemed to be sleeping, and was as before white as snow, ruddy as blood, dark as ebony.

It happened somehow that the prince drove into that forest and drove up to the house of the gnomes, intending to spend the night there. He saw the coffin on the mountain and the beautiful Snow White in the coffin and read what was written on the lid of the coffin in gold letters.

Then he said to the dwarves:

Give me the coffin, I'll give you whatever you want for it.

But the little men answered:

We will not trade it for all the gold in the world.

But the prince didn't back down.

So give it to me, I can’t get enough of Snow White: it seems that life will not be nice to me without her! Present - and I will honor and appreciate her as a dear friend!

The good gnomes took pity on hearing such an ardent speech from the lips of the prince, and gave him the coffin of Snow White.

The king ordered his servants to carry the coffin on their shoulders. They carried him and stumbled over some kind of twig, and from this concussion the piece of poisoned apple that she bit off jumped out of Snow White's throat.

As a piece of apple popped out, so she opened her eyes, lifted the lid of the coffin and herself rose alive in it.

My God! Where am I? - she exclaimed.

The king said happily:

Snow White agreed. The gnomes and all the forest animals had a big feast.

Then Snow White and the prince went to the prince's castle, which was nearby.

Their wedding was played with great brilliance and splendor.

Snow White's evil stepmother was also invited to this celebration. As soon as she dressed up for the wedding, she stood in front of the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror, speak quickly,
Who is the most beautiful here, who is the sweetest of all?

But the mirror answered:

You are beautiful queen
And yet the newlywed is taller than beauty.

The evil woman, hearing this, uttered a terrible curse, and then suddenly she became so frightened, so frightened that she could not control herself.

At first she did not want to go to the wedding at all, but she could not calm down and went to see the young queen.

As soon as she crossed the threshold of the wedding hall, she recognized the Queen as Snow White. From anger, the heart of the cruel queen-stepmother stopped, and she died. Only no one complained about it.

Since then, Snow White and the prince lived happily and joyfully, and no one interfered with their happiness.

Sometimes Snow White and the prince, along with their children, went to visit the dwarves or invited them to their place - after all, they made such good friends.

Surely everyone knows the story snow whites from stories Brothers Grimm Or a Walt Disney cartoon. The evil stepmother envied the beauty of the young stepdaughter and poisoned her with a poisonous apple. But kiss true love broke the spell, and then everyone lived happily ever after. But, as you know, in every fairy tale there is some truth. Some historians claim they can tell the story of the real Snow White.

In 1994 the German historian Eckhard Sander ( Eckhard Sander) published his research titled Snow White: Myth or Reality? (Schneewittchen: Märchen oder Wahrheit?), in which he claimed to have found account in the archives of the Brothers Grimm, which shed light on the prototype of the real Snow White.

It's about about the young Countess Margarethe von Waldeck ( Margaretha von Waldeck), who lived in the 15th century in Bad Wildungen. The girl really had a stepmother (but not evil), and rumors about her beauty went far beyond the county.

At the age of 16, the girl moved to Brussels, where a few years later she fell in love with the future King of Spain, Philip II. The young man reciprocated her. But the relatives of the future monarch were not satisfied with such a party, and soon the countess died.

Zander believes she was poisoned by making the situation look like mysterious disease. This is evidenced by the will, which the countess wrote shortly before her death. The handwriting shows that Margaret had a tremor, which is typical for poisoned people.

The image of the seven dwarfs was also strongly associated with the von Waldeck family. Margaret's father owned several copper mines where the children worked. Due to malnutrition and harsh working conditions, many of them died, but those who survived looked like crooked dwarfs with deformed limbs.

With regard to the poison apple, Sander also found parallels to this event reflected in the history of the city of Bad Wildungen. It is about an old man who gave poisoned apples to children who he believed were stealing fruit from his garden.

The history of the beautiful countess was passed from mouth to mouth for several centuries, acquiring all sorts of details. And in 1812, the Brothers Grimm included the story of Snow White in their collection of fairy tales based on German folk tales.
Modern artists very often transfer fairy tales to modern realities and try to imagine what follows the phrase "they lived happily ever after." Dina Goldstein published a very interesting project called

snow white and the huntsman 2 snow white
"Snow White"(German Schneewittchen from the original Low German Sneewittchen: Snee - "snow", witt - "white") - a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, published in 1812 and supplemented in 1854, about beautiful daughter the king, who was sheltered in the forest by the dwarves, saving from the wrath of the evil stepmother, who owns a magic mirror. Tells of an enchanted dream main character and her awakening due to the intervention of the prince. classification system fairy tales Aarne-Thompson has the number 709.

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Interpretation and analysis of the plot
    • 2.1 The number "three"
    • 2.2 The number "seven"
    • 2.3 Alchemical interpretation
    • 2.4 Psychological interpretations
  • 3 Translations into Russian
  • 4 Theatrical productions
  • 5 Screen adaptations
  • 6 Interesting Facts
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes


One snowy winter day, the queen sits and sews by an ebony framed window. By chance, she pricks her finger with a needle, drops three drops of blood and thinks: “Ah, if I had a baby, white as snow, ruddy like blood and dark as ebony.” Her wish comes true and a girl is born, who was named Snow White, the dreams of the Queen Mother are embodied in her: she was with snow-white skin, black hair and a healthy blush on her cheeks. After the birth of her daughter, the queen mother dies, and a year later the king marries another, proud and arrogant beauty. When Snow White turns 7, the proud queen's magic mirror recognizes her stepdaughter as the most beautiful in the country. The queen instructs the kennelman to take the girl to the forest and kill her, and as proof to bring her a lung and a liver. Taking pity on Snow White, the dog-hound brings the queen a lung and a liver of a young deer, which she cooks and eats.

Snow White finds a hut in the forest, in which a table is set for seven people and, in order to satisfy her hunger, she takes some vegetables, bread and wine from each serving, and then, having crossed herself, falls asleep on one of the beds. When it gets dark, the owners come to the hut, which turn out to be seven mountain dwarves-miners. They see the baby and are carried away by its beauty. In the morning, after listening to the story of Snow White, the gnomes offer the girl to stay with them and take care of the household. Also warn against contact with strangers, fearing the machinations of her stepmother. Having learned from her mirror that Snow White is still alive beyond the seven mountains, the queen comes three times, disguised as different people, in her arsenal - a suffocating dress lace, a poisonous comb and a poisoned apple. Twice Snow White is saved by the dwarves, but the third time they fail to recognize the reason for the death of their favorite. But even breathless Snow White was fresh and ruddy, so the dwarves do not dare to betray her to the earth, they make a transparent crystal coffin with a golden inscription and put it on top of the mountain. Even animals and birds come to mourn the king's daughter, and the good gnomes, one at a time, keep watch in shifts. The evil queen receives confirmation from her mirror that from now on she herself is more beautiful and sweeter than everyone else.

snow white very for a long time lies in a coffin, seems to be sleeping and still looks beautiful. One day, the prince passes by and, seeing the girl, falls in love with her. The prince asks the dwarves to exchange for gifts or give him a coffin, since he can no longer live without looking at his beloved. Out of sympathy, the dwarves hand over to his servants the coffin with the beauty, which they carry on their shoulders, but stumble, and a piece of poisoned apple jumps out of Snow White's throat. Her life returns. The prince and Snow White celebrate their wedding, to which the evil queen is also invited. Learning from the mirror that the newlywed is more beautiful than she is, the queen panics. However, curiosity takes over and the stepmother appears on wedding celebration where he recognizes his stepdaughter. punishment for her deeds, the villainess must dance in red-hot iron shoes until she falls dead.

Interpretation and analysis of the plot

The tale includes a variety of information blocks and associations, touching upon aspects of psychology, sociology, history, Christian theology, mythology, and cosmology. The image of Snow White is one of the most recognizable and is reflected in painting, music, sculpture, cinema, literature and pop culture.

The most important symbolic motifs in the tale are the poisoned apple, the number 7, the magic mirror, the belt and comb, the contrasting colors: black, red and white, blood and snow.

The motif of a death-like dream is also found in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", a version of which was also written by the Brothers Grimm. The Grimms' "Snow White" is very similar to Pushkin's "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, written in the fall of 1833 in Boldino.

The number "three"

Three drops of blood in the snow, along with an ebony frame, is the initial picture for the appearance of the special beauty of Snow White in a fairy tale. The number "three" is also present in the stepmother's three visits, during which she passes on the "three attributes of Venus" (girdle, crest and apple) in the form of deadly gifts.

The number "seven"

The number "seven", which in "Snow White" is present in the number of dwarfs and mountain peaks, connects this tale also with following tales Brothers Grimm: "Seven Crows", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". The notion that the number of dwarfs has a chronological meaning, for example, in naming dwarves after the names of the days of the week, has found its way into both theory and cinema. 7 dwarfs and 7 mountains would thus be a metaphor meaning seven objects and seven time periods.

The plot of the tale is comparable to ancient astronomical notions: Snow White and the seven dwarfs are associated with the Moon, accompanied (according to the knowledge of that time) by the Sun, Earth and five planets on the ecliptic. Moreover, the metaphor of Snow White and the seven dwarfs may point to the ancient notion of the coincidence of the seven known "celestial bodies" with the seven days of the week: Snow White and the seven dwarfs, however, are probably a coded picture of the structure of the cosmos, according to which the Earth is accompanied by seven celestial bodies, correlated with time intervals: Sun (Sunday), Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday) and Saturn (Saturday).

Alchemical interpretation

Interpretation of the plot by alchemists
primary matter, primary matter
“... the snow was falling in flakes, one queen was sitting and sewing under the window, in which the frame was ebony ... and she pricked her finger with a needle until it bled. And the queen thought to herself: “Oh, if I had a baby white as snow, ruddy like blood, and black-haired like ebony!” White, black, red - stages of the Great Work
"... as soon as the daughter was born, the queen mother died." Dies in childbirth.
"... the king married another." Snow White has an evil stepmother. Primordial coexists with envy, striving for power.
The stepmother-queen had "a magic mirror in front of which she loved to stand, admiring herself." She is superficial, content only appearance and does not delve into the essence of things.
Snow White "grew up and became prettier, and by the eighth year she was beautiful." What the magic mirror reported to her stepmother. The mirror sees not only the external form.
Sent to the forest, Snow White “ran over sharp stones and thorny bushes, and wild animals scurried past her back and forth ...”. Stones, shrubs and animals are the three natural kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals).
The stepmother orders the hunter: "Kill her and bring me her lung and liver as proof." The lung is sulfur, the liver is mercury. The first two qualitative beginnings.
“The cook was ordered to add salt and boil them, and the evil woman ate them…” Added a third quality start- salt.
Snow White finds herself in the hut of the seven dwarfs. Dwarf - from "gnosis", higher, esoteric and mystical knowledge. Gnomes represent one of the four elements - earth.
“... I tasted vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each cup ...” Snow White feeds on the dwarves (chemical processes)
"... she lay down and fell asleep." Alchemical action: mixed stand.
Returning home, the dwarfs are fascinated by the beauty of Snow White and "rejoiced at her arrival." The next day, "the gnomes said to her, 'Would you like to look after our household items?'" They fed her, it was her turn to feed them.
The queen's stepmother questions the mirror again, and it claims that Snow White is alive. Then the stepmother “painted her face, disguised herself as an old merchant and became completely unrecognizable. In this form, she set off on her way over the seven mountains to the hut of the seven dwarfs. Seven mountains - seven notes of the scale, among them there are "keys".
The stepmother, in the role of a merchant, sells a strangling lace for a dress to Snow White, who "let her lace herself with a new lace: she laced up quickly and so tightly that the Snow Maiden immediately took her breath away and she fell to the ground dead." Lose your breath - lose sulfur, which is taken away by the witch stepmother.
The dwarves who returned home, “seeing that she had died from too tight lacing, immediately cut the lace, and she began to breathe again, at first a little, then completely came to life.” Snow White regained her breath. New breath - purification of sulfur.
The Queen resorted to sorcery for the second time: "with the help of various charms in which she was skilled, she made a poisonous comb", from which Snow White "lost consciousness". Consciousness, spirit is Mercury. The sorceress makes a second attempt to take it away, since it did not work out with Snow White's liver.
The dwarves who returned home “found a poisonous comb in the girl’s hair, and as soon as they took it out. The Snow Maiden came to her senses ... ". The returned consciousness is the purification of Mercury.
The witch stepmother “has made a poisonous edible apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, pouring ... ". Apple (lat. pomum) - fruit secret knowledge good and evil.
““Are you afraid of poison? asked the peasant woman. “So, look, I’ll cut the apple in two: you eat the ruddy half, and I’ll eat the other myself.” And her apple was so skillfully cooked that only the ruddy half of it was poisoned. In an apple, the white half is mercury, the red (ruddy, poisonous) is sulfur.
Snow White "took the poisoned half of the apple. But as soon as she bit off a piece of it, she fell dead on the floor. Then the queen-stepmother looked at her with malicious eyes, laughed out loud and said: “Here you are as white as snow, and ruddy as blood, and dark as ebony!” About white, red and black, see above
The returning dwarves found Snow White “spread on the floor, lifeless, dead. They lifted her up and washed her with water and wine.” Water and wine are white and red liquids.
"They put her in a coffin and mourned exactly three days in a row."
The gnomes “were going to bury her, but she looked fresh, she was as if alive, and they ordered another, transparent crystal coffin for her, put her in it, so that she could be seen from all sides.” A vessel transparent on all sides.
The dwarves "... on the lid wrote in gold letters her name and that she was a royal daughter." Mention of gold.
The dwarves "... carried the coffin to the top of the mountain." The primary substance is exposed under the rays of Light for the purpose of purification.
The prince "saw the coffin on the mountain and the beauty in the coffin and read what was written on the lid of the coffin in golden letters." Light appears in the person of the prince (beautiful prince), the messenger of the gods of Mercury.
The prince's servants carried the coffin on their shoulders, "but they stumbled over some kind of twig, and from this concussion that piece of poisoned apple jumped out of the throat." The prince marries Snow White, the stepmother is invited to the wedding, who "... was forced to put her feet in red-hot shoes and dance in them until she fell dead on the ground." Hot iron shoes and a dancing stepmother are a crucible with matter “dancing” inside until it calms down and freezes (dies).

Psychological interpretations

According to the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, the stepmother in many fairy tales is the archetype of the "shadow" or "destroying and absorbing foremother".

According to the anthroposophy of Friedel Lenz, the house of dwarfs represents the body of the child, and the dwarfs themselves represent its elemental forces. The number 7 symbolizes time. The tales of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood form a sequence of mental decline. By eating an apple with her stepmother (the disguised stepmother ate the unpoisoned half), Snow White identifies with the temptress. And only at the cost of her own efforts can she spew poison, contributing to the mystical wedding (alchemy) between the soul (princess) and the spirit (prince).

On the erotic level of Snow White, the folklorist Lutz Rehrich notes that beauty is intertwined here with love, but in an extremely perverse form. The tales of the Brothers Grimm themselves are asexual. According to Heinz Relleke's research, this trend is reinforced in later editions.

Translations into Russian

Wikisource has texts on the topic
  • P. Field (1839-1902) - "Snow Maiden"
  • G. Petnikov (1894-1971) - "Snow Maiden"
  • W. Waldman (1884-1962) - "Snow White"
  • A. Vvedensky (1904-1941) - "The Snow Maiden"
  • G. Shalaeva - "Snow White"
  • V. Solovyov - "Snow White"
  • G. Sergeeva - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • E. Ivanova - "Snow White"
  • A. Korotkov - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • N. Terentyeva - "Snow White"
  • A. Vasilyeva - "Snow White"
  • E. Nevolina - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • O. Vernikovich - "Snow White"
  • N. Kirillova - "Snow White"
  • N. Aleshina - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • O. Trifonova - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • A. Faykova - "Snow White"
  • E. Peskovskaya - "Snow White"
  • E. Peskovskaya, P. Polevoy, A. Fedorov-Davydov - "Snow White"
  • S. Kuzmin - "Snow White"

The Russian reader is most familiar with the classic translation of the tale from German, edited by Polevoy.

Theatrical performances

  • 1956 - "Snow White", ballet by Tatyana Gzovskaya to music by V.-A. Mozart, Berlin Ballet.
  • 2008 - "Snow White", ballet by Angelin Preljocaj to music by Gustav Mahler, Ballet Preljocaj (2009 - filmed).
  • 2013 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (music - Tibor Kochak, choreography - Gyula Harangozo). Rostov State Musical Theater

Screen adaptations

  • 1916 - Snow White - US silent film.
  • 1937 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (eng. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is Walt Disney's first feature-length cartoon (produced in the USA).
  • 1955 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - German film.
  • 1992 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - a film directed by Ludwig Razh (production: Germany-Czechoslovakia).
  • 1993 - "The New Adventures of Snow White" - a cartoon based on a fairy tale with its own plot, directed by John Hawley (production: USA).
  • 1997 - “Snow White. scary tale"(Eng. Snow White: A Tale of Terror) - horror, fantasy. Directed by Michael Cohn. (production: USA).
  • 2001 - "Snow White" - a film directed by Caroline Thompson (production: Canada, USA, Germany). Snow White is played by Kristin Kreuk (Smallville star)
  • 2011 - "Once Upon a Time" (Eng. Once Upon a Time) - American television series of the ABC channel in the fantasy genre. Snow White is played by Ginnifer Goodwin.
  • 2012 - "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves" (Eng. Mirror Mirror) - comedy fantasy film directed by Tarsem Singh (production: USA). the role of Snow White - Lily Collins.
  • 2012 - "Snow White and the Huntsman" (eng. Snow White & the Huntsman) - American fantasy adventure film directed by Rupert Sanders based on a fairy tale (production: USA). Snow White is played by Kristen Stewart.
  • The video for the song "Sonne" by the German rock band Rammstein (since 1994) is a rather loose interpretation of the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Rammstein play gnomes who work hard in the mines, extracting drugs for Snow White there (according to another version - gold dust). one fine day, the beauty overdoses and the saddened gnomes put her body in a glass coffin. The gnomes are going to leave this coffin on the hill, but as soon as the coffin falls to the ground, an apple falls from the apple tree standing nearby and breaks the glass, and of course, Snow White comes to life.

see also

  • The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs
  • Tales of the Brothers Grimm
  • magic mirror


  1. Heidi Anne Heiner. Tales Similar to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Retrieved September 22, 2010. Archived from the original on May 21, 2013.
  2. this plot is similar to the French fairy tale "Three Bears"
  3. Robert Ranke-Graves: Die weiße Göttin - Sprache des Mythos, S.474, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-499-55416-X
  4. Robert Ranke-Graves: Die weiße Göttin - Sprache des Mythos, S. 306-321 und S.339, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-499-55416-X
  5. Caroline Thompson: Snow White" 2001, mit Miranda Richardson and Kristin Kreuk
  6. Hedwig von Beit: Symbolik des Märchens. Bern 1952, S. 259
  7. Patirick Burensteinas. From Matter to Light: philosopher's stone, model of the world = De la Matière à la Lumière: Pierre philosophale, modèle du monde. - Le Mercure Dauphinois, 2009. - S. 71-75. - 78 p. - ISBN 9782356620118.
  8. Here and below, quotes are based on the text of Peter Polevoy "The Snow Maiden".
  9. Eugen Drewermann: Schneewittchen: Märchen Nr. 53 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung. In der Reihe Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet, Zürich 1998. ISBN 3-530-40021-1
  10. Friedel Lenz: Bildsprache der Märchen. 2. Auflage. Urachhaus, Stuttgart 1972, ISBN 3-87838-148-4, S. 30-47
  11. Lutz Röhrich: … und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind …, Anthropologie, Kulturgeschichte und Deutung von Märchen. Böhlau, Koln/Weimar/Wien 2002, ISBN 3-412-11201-1
  12. Tomi Ungerer: Tomi Ungerer's Erzählungen für Erwachsene., München 192, ISBN 3-453-05598-5
  13. Snow White on the Fantasy Lab website
  14. Shepeleva E. Ballet with a hint of Disney // City N. - 2013. - March 26.

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Snow White Information About

We all read in childhood a wonderful fairy tale about a beauty with snow-white skin and jet-black hair, telling about how little magical people sheltered her in the forest. We were worried about the fate of the princess and angry at the intrigues of the terrible stepmother when we saw the embodiment of the plot of the mentioned fairy tale in numerous adaptations (especially magnificent disney cartoon). But how many people know who is the author of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? Let's try to clarify this issue. In this case, there are definitely more authors than one. These are the brothers and Wilhelm. And also - albeit indirectly - all the people of the German land of Westphalia.

The life and work of Grimm

The weather brothers were born in the town of Hanau. Jacob - in January 1785, and Wilhelm - in February 1786. In addition to them, the family had an even younger brother and three little sisters. Father, Philipp-Wilhelm, worked first as a lawyer, and since 1792 as a judge in Steinau. It was he who instilled in his sons a love of reading and drawing. But in 1796, his father died, and Jacob, at the age of 11, became the head of the family. Soon the eldest sons went to Kassel to graduate from the Lyceum, go to university and become lawyers. This creative tandem appeared there - the author of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Because at the university the brothers met new people, from whom they learned about folk songs and tales of the people of Westphalia.

Fabulous nav and political reality

In order to understand the fate and work of the Brothers Grimm, it is necessary, at least briefly, but to describe the political situation that developed at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries in Germany. Then the country was split into many principalities - each with its own language, ruler, minted coin, and so on. Little Westphalia was easily captured in 1806 by Napoleon's army. The kingdom was headed by Bonaparte's brother Jerome. He invited Jacob to become a librarian, to which he agreed. The author of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" actively collects legends, songs and tales of the region.

After the French were expelled from Westphalia, the brothers serve as librarians in Kassel, and then, in 1840, accept an invitation from Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia to move to Berlin. Even then, Grimm became known to the general public as the author of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as well as 82 more fairy tales. In Berlin, they continued to create: to collect, like valuable pearls, samples folk poetry, rework folklore and explore Germanic linguistics. They died - Wilhelm in 1859, and Jakob in 1863 - while working on the first dictionary of the German language.

Oh those storytellers...

Now about the period when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appeared. The author, or rather, a creative tandem, published their first collection when they were still green youths, in 1812.

It was released in a modest softcover and included only eighty-three tales. Later, the authors repeatedly renewed the circulation, constantly replenishing the book with new stories. Now the collection of "Children's and Family Tales of the Brothers Grimm" consists of 200 works.

What is significant about "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

In this fantastic story, many motifs that are present in other stories of the Brothers Grimm are woven together. This is an evil stepmother who wants to get rid of her stepdaughter (compare with Hans and Gretel). The motif is also present in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". The idea of ​​the insidious "gifts" of the stepmother - a belt, a comb and an apple, in which a reader familiar with Greek myths, easily recognizes the attributes of Venus. In the multifaceted work of the authors, there is a much deeper meaning than it might seem at first glance. On the lands of the former Roman Empire, the ancient myth is defeated by the Germanic legends about the gnomes.

It was winter. In the castle, a beautiful queen was sitting by the window. While sewing, the queen looked out the window and thought. She really wanted to have a black-haired girl with snow-white skin and rosy cheeks. Soon, her wish came true. She gave birth to the daughter she dreamed of. The queen gave her a beautiful name - Snow White.

Immediately after the birth of the girl, the queen passed away. The child was left without maternal caress. Time has passed. The king remarried. The new queen was an evil and calculating woman. She was not interested in Snow White's life. Every day, the queen looked into her magic mirror to find out who was the most beautiful of all. And in response, an ambitious woman always heard that she was the most beautiful in the world.

Snow White grew up, and every year her beauty blossomed brighter and brighter. And here, in Once again while asking the mirror, the queen heard a different answer. The mirror said for the first time that Snow White is the most beautiful of all. The evil queen was angry and swore to get rid of the girl from the world. She ordered the forester to secretly lead the princess into an impenetrable thicket and kill her. She hated her stepdaughter so much. The forester brought the girl to dark forest and let go, taking pity on her. And the queen said that her order was carried out.

For a long time the princess wandered through the forest, and only in the evening did she meet a small house on her way. Entering it, she saw that there was no one in the house. But from the plates, chairs and beds, it was clear that seven people lived here. The girl was very tired, lay down on one of the beds and fell asleep soundly.

When it was completely dark, seven gnomes came to the small house from work. They saw the princess and, after listening to her story, offered her to stay and live with them: to look after the household. The gnomes liked the girl immediately. Every morning they went to work in the mountains in the mines and returned late in the evening. The princess was alone at home all day. The dwarves, leaving, warned that Snow White was afraid of the evil stepmother. At this time, the Evil Queen learned from the mirror that Snow White was still alive and decided to act on her own. Three times she, inventing various intrigues, tried to kill the girl. Twice the dwarves managed to save her from death. But for the third time, her plan came true. Dressed as an old woman, the queen came to the house of the gnomes. She offered her stepdaughter an apple in which she put poison. Having bitten the apple, the girl died.

The dwarves failed to save the royal daughter this time. They placed her in a glass coffin, which they placed on the very top of the mountain. Every day they took turns on duty, guarding the peace of the princess. Even the animals came to mourn the girl.

Years have passed. A young prince rode through the forest. He saw the royal daughter on the mountain in a glass coffin and fell in love with her. The prince persuaded the dwarves to take her with them to the castle and guard her. The gnomes agreed. As the prince's servants carried the coffin, they stumbled. The bitten part of the apple fell out of the princess's mouth, and she came to life. The girl also fell in love with the prince. Their evil stepmother was also invited to their wedding. When she found out that Snow White had come to life, and now she was waiting for a long happy life died of envy.

This fairy tale teaches to believe in kindness and justice, fight evil and find a way out of any difficult circumstances.

A picture or drawing of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

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  • Summary of My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell

    The narrator is Jerry Durrell. The boy is ten years old. His family is moving to the island. In addition to the boy, the family has four more children: Larry, Leslie, Margot. Family members want to improve their health in Corfu.

  • Summary of Shmelev Fear

    Events unfold on March 13, 1881, at a difficult time, when reigning emperor Alexander II is assassinated. Underage main character works lives with mom, older sisters and brother

  • Summary Shukshin Microscope

    Andrey Erin, a carpenter in a rural workshop, unexpectedly for himself and for those around him, discovers a craving for science. Behind a large amount money, one hundred and twenty rubles, without asking his wife, Erin buys a microscope.

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