Metal trees by sculptor Anthony Howe. Kinetic sculptures by Anthony Howe


Kinetic sculpture is a special direction in contemporary art, based on the effect of the movement of the entire art object or its individual elements. Masters working in this genre managed to destroy the myth that real sculptural images should be static. Their creations are filled with movement and life. They attract attention, fascinate and make a person think about the impermanence of all things and phenomena surrounding him in this world.

Sculptures by Lime Young

Lime Young - contemporary artist from South Korea who creates unusual sculptures the most complex forms using microprocessors, circuit boards, stainless steel parts and other materials unusual for works of art. Set in motion by special mechanisms, his installations resemble unimaginable living creatures and have a truly magical effect on viewers. Understand how they work common man not under force. But this is not necessary, because any kinetic sculpture of Young is created in order to amaze the audience.

Creations by Bob Potts

Renowned American sculptor Bob Potts creates minimalistic installations imitating the flapping of bird wings, the movement of oars in a boat, etc. His sculptures are made of lightweight materials and are not burdened with unnecessary details, but this does not prevent them from taking viewers into indescribable delight. Particularly impressive to art lovers is the amazing accuracy with which Potts manages to recreate the trajectory of the objects on display.

U-Ram Cho and his artwork

Kinetic sculpture has completely captured the imagination of South Korean artist U-Ram Cho. All his works have complex structures and mechanisms. Made of various metals, they are supplemented with gearboxes, motors, all kinds of boards and microprocessors, thanks to which they are set in motion. Korean installations resemble outlandish birds, fish, insects and other creatures unknown modern civilization. To make unusual sculptures look more realistic, the master demonstrates them accompanied by light and sound effects.

Moving compositions by Anthony Howe

American Anthony Howe has been creating three-dimensional abstract compositions made of lightweight stainless steel, set in motion by the slightest breath of the breeze. All the author's creations consist of several dozen mobile elements and resemble unthinkable astronomical models or from the future. Some of Anthony Howe's kinetic sculptures stand firmly on the ground, but there are some among them that are displayed in a suspended state. Driven by the power of the wind, they mesmerize those around them with a change in their appearance every second.

Outlandish Animals by Theo Jansen

Kinetic sculptures Theo Jansen carry the idea of ​​preserving life on the planet. They are made from plastic bottles and pipes, insulating tape, adhesive tape, nylon thread, cardboard and other scrap materials. Jansen gives his creations the appearance of huge outlandish animals, which, according to him, feed on wind energy and can move independently. Despite their apparent lightness, they are able to maintain stability even under strong gusts of wind. Before creating the next figure, the wizard using computer program calculates the parameters of the model and only then assembles it and puts it on the beach, located near his home in Holland. Today, a whole family of outlandish animals has already gathered on it, peacefully adjacent to each other.

"Live" installations in Russia

Kinetic sculpture is popular not only in foreign countries. In Russia today there are many artists who are fond of creating moving installations. So, through the efforts of the participants of the capital artistic group ArtMechanicus has created a whole collection of wooden mechanical fish. There are among their creations and Fish-house, and Fish-ram, and Fish-knight. In addition to Muscovites, the creation unusual sculptures Ivan Poddubny from Yalta is engaged. He makes miniature installations of wood and leather, powered by a spring motor. Poddubny's works are perfectly combined with modern interior and are designed to decorate residential and office premises.

Anthony Howe is a kinetic sculptor based in the village of Eastsound, Washington. The sculptor works mainly with stainless steel. His sculptures come to life with every gust of wind, as if by magic, a fabulous, hypnotizing spectacle.

The video below shows best work Anthony Howe, it is noticeable that facial expressions change with a gust of wind and flashes of light.

Anthony Howe is a typical city dweller, in whose biography you can find references to such places as Manhattan or Seattle at every turn. And yet it was he, who grew up in the stone jungle, who managed to find mutual language with the forces of nature, making them allies in his work. Wind is the main component, without which Howe's sculptures simply could not exist.

OCTO 3 . Stainless steel. 7.6 m high × 9.1 m wide × 9.1 m deep. 3200 kg. 16 connected blades rotating on a circular shaft. Withstands wind speeds of 90 mph. Provided various options night illumination. Sold in Dubai, UAE.

Even the lightest breeze is able to set in motion dozens of rotating parts of the sculptures. Howe claims that he pays great attention to testing his sculptures for wind resistance. One way is to attach the sculpture to your Ford F-150 and then drive on the freeway.

About face . Stainless steel, copper. 2.2 m high × 1.6 m wide × 1.5 m deep. 100 individually balanced copper panels.

Howe starts with digital simulation, using as software Rhinoceros 3D, then the steel elements of the sculptures are made using plasma cutting and assembled using traditional technologies metal work.



In-Out Quotient


In Cloud Light

Kinetic Wind Sculpture

The creation of kinetic sculptures, that is, those that can move, as a direction in art arose not so long ago - in the mid-50s of the last century, but as additional example one can recall the works of Theo Jansen. However, unlike Jansen's plastic sculptures, Anthony works with metal, mainly with steel. Using steel rebar combined with forged curvilinear shapes and fiberglass coated discs, Howe creates fantastic sculptures. In calm weather, they surprise with their elegance, and with the slightest breath of wind they set in motion, whirling in a dance that only they can understand and creating an inexplicable secret harmony.

Anthony Howe has been creating kinetic sculptures for about 20 years. "I'm trying to create objects, appearance which will be associated with attributes science fiction just as with biological and astronomical models,” says the author.
The sculptor was born in 1954 in Salt Lake City (Utah, USA). Anthony Howe started his creative career as an artist and only after moving did New York move from painting to sculpture. The author gained wide popularity in the late 1990s.

Spine Tower

Anthony Howe ( Anthony Howe) is a typical urban dweller, in whose biography at every turn you meet mentions of places like Manhattan or Seattle. And yet it was he, who grew up in the stone jungle, who managed to find a common language with the forces of nature, making them allies in his work. Wind is the main component, without which Howe's sculptures simply could not exist.

As you may have guessed, Anthony Howe is engaged in the creation of kinetic sculptures, that is, those that can move. This trend in art arose not so long ago - in the mid-50s of the last century, and as an additional example, we can recall the works already mentioned on the pages of our blog. However, unlike Jansen's plastic sculptures, our hero works with metal, mainly with steel. Using steel rebar combined with forged curvilinear shapes and fiberglass coated discs, Howe creates fantastic sculptures. In calm weather, they surprise with their elegance, and with the slightest breath of wind they set in motion, whirling in a dance that only they can understand and creating an inexplicable secret harmony.

Anthony Howe has been creating kinetic sculptures for about 20 years. "I'm trying to create objects whose appearance will be associated with the attributes of science fiction as well as with biological and astronomical models," - says the author.

Of course, it is pointless to talk about kinetic sculptures, showing them only in photographs. An example of one of Howe's works in motion is in front of you, and you can get acquainted with the rest of his works on the website.

The sculptor was born in 1954 in Salt Lake City (Utah, USA). Anthony Howe began his creative career as an artist and only after moving to New York moved from painting to sculpture. The author gained wide popularity in the late 1990s.

This amazing person can easily be called the master of metal. He masterfully "conducts" steel, forged fittings and alloy wheels. He adds fiberglass to his works, and they are able to move under the breath of the wind. All creations Anthony Howe built on interaction with the environment.

He thinks static is boring and lifeless. Anthony made a kind of revolution: he created kinetic masterpieces, his works are full of movement. All of them are located in the countryside.

The structures spin around their axis, dance to nature and resemble living beings. The giant's face, consisting of iron plates, a composition on the theme of fantasy, windmills strange shapes and objects that look like a time machine. All these spiral works, pendulums and peculiar analogues of the sun move according to a pattern clearly set by the sculptor.

Anthony Howe was born in 1954 in the USA. Long years He was engaged in painting, and then became interested in sculpture. Anthony comprehended the world of wind kinetic sculptures, constantly developing new projects on 3D animation programs. Based on his three-dimensional drawings, he produced original designs. Fame came to him in the 90s. And with the development of the Internet, his work has become popular on all continents.

Anthony Howe has been doing his unusual business for over 20 years! Such experience allows him now to do without sketches and drawings - all objects are born right in his head! Creative inspiration can happen anytime, anywhere, even during a casual walk! Most favorite hobby Anthony - get inspired by a new idea and develop it on a computer.

All his works have balanced axes, which are symmetrically or asymmetrically connected to each other: due to this, a feeling of three-dimensionality is created.

But to make such a moving sculpture, it is not enough just to sit for an hour or two with a compass and a laptop. It is necessary to accurately calculate the direction and strength of the wind, due to which all this reinforcement will move. Most of Anthony Howe's work resembles the instruments of a physical laboratory: mechanisms, gears, spirals.

"I'm trying to create objects whose appearance will be associated with the attributes of science fiction, as well as with biological and astronomical models", - the artist shares his thoughts.

His sculptures are amazing. Howe destroys stereotypes and clearly proves that metal can easily fit into the composition of wildlife, organically moving in its rhythm.

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