Male and female names. Complicated female names


Who tried for himself or his child, inventing long name, which is no longer found in any corner of the world? And how do they live now with such names?

Long female names

They say that the fate of a person depends on his name. In some cases, this is indeed the case. After all, often the name is the first thing that another person can learn about us. Interesting name conceals originality and individuality, and this is especially important for the beautiful half of humanity. In addition, people who have a very long name become quite popular in the society around them.

Surely, parents who choose very long names for girls are guided by this. No one will call a daughter with such a special name a gray mouse! True, it often happens that they refuse to call by name. One Hawaiian restaurateur was so happy about the birth of his daughter that he decided to give her a beautiful poetic name "Many beautiful flowers of mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance." Everything would be fine, but when the girl began to go to school, her classmates at the first meeting decided to come up with a shorter name for her.

Even less lucky with the name of a 35-year-old woman from Montana. All we know is that it consists of 598 letters and starts something like this - with. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken. All friends call her much shorter - Snowal, and those closest to her shorten it to "Oli".

Well, the longest female name was given to a girl born in 1984 in Texas. For parents, it turned out to be an unpleasant surprise that the graph in the metric could not accommodate the fruits of their imagination. "Roshandiatlineshyaunneweshenk Koyaanfsquatsiouti Williams" was all that could be written there when registering the child's name. But the father did not leave his idea and subsequently filed an application in which he asked to increase the first name of his daughter to 1019 letters, and the second to 36 letters.

Long male names

If girls are called mostly by proud fathers, then long names for boys are usually given to themselves by the boys themselves. After all, this is a great opportunity to show the whole world how different they are from others. But in some countries, long names of people are not at all uncommon, but quite common.

In order not to go far, it is enough to recall the well-known artist Pablo Picasso. It is already difficult for many people to understand his work, and if it is still signed by him full name... It sounds like this: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomukeno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. If you manage to learn it, you can always show off this knowledge in a society of creative people.

And in the city of Edinburgh there is a man who literally made a name for himself. His father named him quite trivially - Nicholas Usansky. His life has developed in such a way that he does not have a wife or children. Although he had already chosen the name Marmadyuk for his future son. The desire to change his name came to Nicholas a long time ago, but his father only approved this idea just before his death. It all started with the humble name of Barnaby Marmaduke Usanski. But after a couple of months, the man realized what he was missing, and decided on more. After all the changes made, his full name is Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benji Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jaden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obyahulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky. One can only guess where his imagination will lead him if he does have children. By the way, Nicholas's friends continue to call him Nick, ignoring all the changes in his metric.

Unlike Nicholas, our next hero got his name at birth. It consists of as many as 31 words and 201 letters. Everyone just calls him Derek, and he's not so reverent about what's written on his passport. Moreover, he himself does not always remember all the components of his name. It sounds like this - Derek Perlane Stein Jackson Hunter McCloy Kennedy Scott Forsyth Henderson Boyd Robertson O'Hara Johnstone Miller Dawson Armor McDougall McLean McKean Fife McDonald Jardine Young Morris Denny Hamilton Watson Greig Wallace McQueen.

Long Russian names

Well, in our home country names were very easy. Except for some points. So, after the October Revolution, which thundered in the most remote corner of Russia, popularity instantly gained amazing names. It seems that the parents of the 20s competed with each other who would name their child especially patriotic. As a rule, they tried to form neologism names. In memory of these days, we are left with people with the curious names Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Dazdrasmygda (Long live the bond between the city and the countryside), Oyushminalda (O.Yu. Schmidt on an ice floe) and others, no less unusual.

Fortunately, this period was very short-lived. Society gradually calmed down and the names of the children began to be given quite normal. Now there is a noticeable fascination with primordially Russian names, sometimes almost forgotten. But to be honest, real names ancient Rus' were more like nicknames. Beautiful and sonorous church names came to us from completely different languages, mainly from Greek.

It is believed that the longest male Russian name This is Konstantin. It is very common in modern world. Although, if we recall Appolinaria and Panteleimon, they will be one letter longer. But these names are now extremely rare. And among the female Russian names, Alexandra and Efrosinya are in the lead.

The longest name in the world

And finally, it's time to find out which lucky person has the longest name in the world. In combination, this is also the longest male name, and it belongs to a man from India. It is no wonder that everyone prefers to call him by his last name, because it is quite simple - Brahmatra. But in his name there are no more, no less than 1,478 letters! If you try to read it, be prepared for the fact that it will take about 10 minutes. And the task will be very difficult, since all these letters make up only one word. No one knows how it actually sounds, because no one has ever dared to say it out loud. But it consists of the names of geographical places, the names of scientists, diplomats, in general, not a name, but a whole encyclopedia.

Of course, such cases are quite rare. In general, people choose for themselves and their children simple beautiful names. And, probably, this is correct, because it is not the name that should adorn a person. And even the most unpretentious name in the world can be made famous and memorable.

But, as the editors of the site managed to find out, some people would even be happy to wear rare names and last names. More about the most popular Russian surnames can be found out.
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Asked the hardest, big name? Female/male set by the author Just Tolkyn the best answer is The longest name in the world consists of 1478 letters. It takes at least ten minutes to read it. It is a series of names merged together historical sites, the names of famous diplomats, theologians, scientists and God knows what else. This name has not yet been read by anyone ...
10th place: famous artist Everyone knows Pablo Picasso. But not everyone knows the full set of his first and last names. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomukeno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. There are 93 letters in his first and last name. After all, Picasso is a Spaniard, and in Spain such a magnificent set of names is not at all uncommon.
9th place: In the Hawaiian Islands, one of the schools in the city of Honolulu entered youngest daughter the owner of one of the local restaurants. Her first and last name consist of 102 letters. Here they are: Napu-Amo-Hala-She-She-Aneka-Vekhi-Vekhi-She-Hivea-Nena-Wawa-Keho-Onka-Kahe-Hea-Leke-Ea-She-Nei-Nana-Nia-Keko-Oa -Oga-Wan-Ika-Wanao. She could not be included in cool magazine. In Russian, this means: "Many beautiful flowers of mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance."
8th place: The longest name in the world was mentioned above. And the name of Miss S. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken, who was born in 1979 in Montana, USA, is no match for him. The first letter C is the beginning of her name, which consists of "only" 598 letters. Relatives call her Snowal or simply Oli. Well, the census takers, apparently, even simpler: "Oh, Lord! Again she!"
7th place: Lorierik - "Lenin, October Revolution, Industrialization, Electrification, Radiofication and Communism" Uryurvkos - "Hurrah, Jura in space! "Kukutsapol ("Corn is the Queen of the Fields"), Lagshmivara ("Schmidt's Camp in the Arctic").
6th place: It seems that after that a girl named Princess Diana and a boy baptized by Hamlet, who were born in Kharkov in 1998, will seem to you just a small innocent prank of their parents.
5th place: "Hello, Two kilograms of rice!", "Hello, Silver dollar!" - this is how two residents of the Kandhmal district in the Indian state of Orissa greet each other when they meet. This corner of India holds the championship in the most unusual names that parents invent for their children. Two kilograms of rice is a memory of a gift sent down by the state: it is this measure of rice that is given out by decision of the authorities for each child born.
4th place: In one village of Kandhmala there is a guy named I love potatoes.
3rd place: Psychologist John Train prepared a book of the most awkward titles that some Americans suffer from. For example, the Mai family from New Orleans chose names for their daughters: Mu, Wu, Gu.
2nd place: And the Jackson family from the city of Chicago branded their five children, naming them: Meningitis, Laryngitis, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, Tonsillitis.
1st place: Some time ago, a family lived in France, deprived of the most ordinary surname. Instead, she "wore" a set of numbers - 1792. And four sons in this family bore the names of the months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents, it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange family, "Mr. March 1792", died in September 1904.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Fancy and strange names

Men's and female names

Unusual and strange names always carry a challenge to the norms generally accepted in society. On the one hand, this is an unusual fate, on the other hand, it is an increased burden on a person.

Brief energy-informational characteristics of some names


Daniel- blocks the 6th and 7th energy centers. Slightly blocked 1st center. But the 3rd, a little 2nd and even less 4th centers are activated.

The vibrations of this name significantly dull mental capacity. A woman with this name will not achieve career development. Will most likely do physical labor. There is a possibility that she will go into prostitution to earn a living with her body.

She doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t know how to think, she doesn’t have a desire to get an education, so she will try to make money with what she has. And there is only the body.

This is one of the most unfortunate female names. If a woman was given this name, then she has very heavy karma, mostly negative spiritual developments of past incarnations.

The color of the name is orange with a black halo.

The image of the name is a masculine woman of 35-40 years old carrying a sleeper in the rain.

The name Daniela carries with it absolutely opposite qualities and a different destiny compared to Daniel.


Wanda- the name activates female sexuality quite well. In sex, she will be irresistible. Men will be crazy about her. She also loves men very much. Children will be born easily.

She will most likely have a penchant for learning foreign languages. She is sociable and smart.

She is unlikely to make a career, but in material terms will feel good.

It is best for her to work in a male team, or sell goods for men.

This name promises a woman interesting life. With this name, a woman can be truly happy.

The name is material.

A good choice for woman.


Agena- All human energy is concentrated along the spine, that is, there is a concentration of energy along the spine. This makes a person assertive, concentrated, capable of any decisive action.

This name is suitable for a woman who has decided to make a career, earn money and accumulate material wealth.

About personal happy life you can’t dream with this name, although if a person has good spiritual developments and is able to withstand the pressure of the hard energy of this name, then personal life can develop.

The color of the name is black and red. This is the color of the planet Pluto.

This name is perfect for a woman who does practical magic, that is, which conducts specific magical actions.

Agena is a material, magical person, can be dangerous.

This name helps a woman to become self-confident, self-sufficient, to succeed in society. But the name is somewhat aggressive.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Unusual and strange names. Male and female names


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Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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