Nirvana band history. History of the group


Today we will talk about where Kurt Cobain was born and how Kurt Cobain became famous. The songs performed by him as part of the Nirvana group are still listened to by many people. They are a reflection of his rebellious soul. Want to know how Kurt Cobain died? Are you interested in the details of his personal life? You will find all the necessary information in the article.


Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in the small town of Hoquaim, located near Seattle. Then the whole family changed their place of residence. They settled in the city of Aberdeen. Father (Leland) worked as an auto mechanic at a service station. And the mother (Wendy) managed to change several professions. She was both a waitress, and a secretary, and an educator in preschool. In 1979, Kurt had a little sister. The girl was named Kim.

Our hero from an early age demonstrated creative abilities. What exactly did Kurt Cobain do? The boy composed songs literally on the go. He listened to the compositions of such groups as the Beatles and the Munks. As a child, Kurt was fond of drawing. On sheets of paper, he depicted his favorite characters from Disney cartoons. A few years later, live music was added. Cobain Jr. tried to play the guitar. But he didn't do it well. Then Aunt Mary gave Kurt a drum set.

hard fate

In 1975, the parents of our hero get divorced. Kurt's mother was tired because her husband did not give her time. He was more interested in baseball and basketball. The future rock star has a stepfather, whom Kurt immediately disliked. At some point, he decides to move in with his dad. But he is no longer alone. The man married a second time. Kurt's stepmother had two children. And soon their common baby with Leland was born.

Our hero had to live either with his father or with his mother. In fact, he was not needed by his parents. In moments of sadness and sadness, Kurt wrote poetry. He could entrust his emotional experiences only to paper.

Searching for yourself

When the boy was 14 years old, his uncle gave him a guitar. And Kurt enjoyed learning to play this instrument. Then our hero became interested in such a musical direction as punk. In one of the newspapers, Kurt read an article about the Sex Pistols. He wanted to listen to their compositions. In the city of Aberdeen it was impossible to get records of performers of this level. The guy dreamed that he would one day create a group that would surpass the Sex Pistols in popularity.

Kurt soon met members of a local musical group called the Melvins. The guys played punk and hard rock. Cobain joined them, but not for long. Our hero dropped out of school without finishing the 10th grade. This news infuriated his mother. She gave her son an ultimatum - either he gets a job, or he packs his things and leaves home. Kurt chose the second option. For a while the guy lived under the bridge. In such conditions, he wrote several songs. Later Kurt Cobain quotes will fly around the world.


In 1985, our hero, along with Greg Hokanson and Dale Crover, created the Fecal Matter team. But after a few months the team was disbanded. Kurt did not despair. Soon he managed to create a new group called Nirvana. In 1989, the team released their first album, which gained immense popularity among listeners. About "Nirvana" started talking in many countries. The second disc was released in millions of copies. It was a real success.

Personal life

Kurt has always been popular with girls. There is nothing to be surprised here. He had a good-looking appearance and natural charisma. Cobain Jr. did not seek a serious relationship. Our hero changed girlfriends like gloves. But one day his heart trembled.

In 1989, Kurt met Courtney Love. The boy and girl immediately fell in love with each other. But none of them dared to talk about the relationship. It wasn't until 1990 that Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl did his best to get the pair together. Kurt and Kourtney began a dizzying romance. The musician did not look at other girls. After all, his chosen one was perfect - beautiful, smart and feminine.

In 1992, the wedding of Kurt and Courtney took place. The young ones glowed with happiness. In addition, the bride at that time was in interesting position. In August 1992, the couple had a daughter, Frances. The musician could not stop looking at his little blood.

Drug addict

Many people know that the musician used heroin. However, Kurt Cobain's death was not due to drugs. He was treated several times for this harmful addiction. But heroin took over his mind.

In March 1994, Courtney Love sends her husband to a rehabilitation center. In a conversation with the doctor, Kurt claims that he no longer takes heroin. But the specialist does not believe his words. On April 1, the musician manages to escape from this institution.

Death of Kurt Cobain

For Nirvana fans, April 8, 1994 will forever be remembered as a terrible date. The famous Kurt Cobain passed away on this day. His disfigured body was discovered by an electrician. The scene is the musician's home in Seattle. The electrician immediately called the police. Arriving at the scene, experts found the corpse of a musician. There was a gun nearby. Kurt Cobain's suicide note was also found. In it, the musician asked for forgiveness from relatives and friends. He also wrote that he voluntarily passes away.

So what caused Kurt Cobain's death? The official version is suicide. Investigators concluded that the leader of the Nirvana group shot himself in the forehead with a gun.

But what reasons did the 27-year-old, who had built a brilliant musical career, have for suicide? To understand this, it is enough to study the quotes of Kurt Cobain. Here is one of them: "Better to be dead than cool." And there are many such examples.


The death of Kurt Cobain is shrouded in many mysteries and oddities. After 20 years, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get to the bottom of the truth. In any case, Nirvana fans love and remember this talented musician and performer.

Biography of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain was the leader of the band Nirvana, a multiple platinum record winner who changed the music of the 90s with his grunge style.

Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in the small town of Hoquaim, located 140 kilometers from Seattle. His mother worked as a waiter in a bar, and his father worked as an auto mechanic. Soon Cobain moved to the nearby city of Aberdeen, where life was dull to death.

Most During his childhood, Cobain suffered from bronchial asthma. The situation worsened even more when his parents divorced. The boy was only seven years old when he decided that he no longer had anyone to seek protection and love from. After the divorce of his parents, he turned into a difficult, unsociable and withdrawn child. Cobain claims that the pain of a parental breakup has been the material for many of his songs. Nirvana.
After the divorce of his parents, Cobain began to wander around relatives, and at one time even lived under a bridge.
At the age of 11, Cobain heard the British group Sex Pistols, which he really liked. After the disappearance of the ensemble, Cobain, along with his friend Chris Novoselic, continued to listen to British bands such as Joy Division, the nihilistic post-punk band that many believe was the impetus for the birth of the very Nirvana, in terms of the mood, melody and lyricism of their music.
Cobain's artistry and iconoclastic stance did not find approval among his peers who studied with him at the university, and sometimes even served as the reasons for severe beatings on their part. In 1985, Cobain left Aberdeen for Olympia. Before becoming Nirvana in 1986, Cobain tried to form and remake a number of bands. Nirvana became an uneasy alliance for Cobain, bass player Chris Novoselic, and drummer and multi-instrumentalist Dave Grohl.
By 1988 Nirvana already in full gave concerts and recorded demo versions. In 1989, the band recorded their first draft album, Bleach, for Seattle's local independent Sub-Pop label.
In Great Britain Nirvana received deep recognition from the audience, and in 1991 the musicians signed a contract with Geffen. Three years after the release of the first C.D. "Bleach", "Nevermind" is born, a collection of completely different, screaming songs, which, along with their first single "Smells Like Teen Spirit", take the group straight to the top of the star.
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" wins Best Song Nirvana, immediately received public recognition. Very few people can make sense of the original lyrics of this composition, but Cobain managed to hook the listener. "Nevermind" went on sale in 10 million copies, earning the musicians US$550 million and suddenly making the band members millionaires. Cobain was shocked at how gratefully the public accepted his purely personal and passionate music, constantly repeating to journalists that no member of the group had ever dreamed of such success. It was immediately obvious that the obsessively sick and sensitive 24-year-old couldn't handle the lifestyle of a rock star. Kurt started taking heroin in the early 90s. According to him, it was easier to endure heavy tours and the never-ceasing pain from stomach ulcers. During these intense tours, Cobain continues to write his lyrics purely personal nature.
Cobain was amazed to learn that what he writes and how the listener interprets it are completely different things. He was stunned by the news that "Polly", a funny song promoting a life without violence, served as the backdrop to a gang rape. Later, he addressed his fans with an appeal: "If any of you don't like boys or girls or black people - get out." Cobain understood that in an instant he became a millionaire, he lost control of himself. He also believed that his band had turned into corrupt musicians, attracting the attention of completely the wrong fans (referring to the gangs that once beat him in dark alleys).
In February 1992, Cobain fled to Hawaii and married the already pregnant Courtney Love there. A little bit later Nirvana writes "Incesticide", and in August Cobain goes to treatment after a heroin overdose. Soon Francis Bean Cobain is born. In early 1993, "In Utero" hits the top of the music charts. This album is very well received by the music press and contains some of Cobain's most outrageous work. "In Utero" became a more open album for the public than previous records Nirvana. Songs like "All Apologies" and "Heart Shaped Box" flaunted details of the often shaky family life Cobain, compositions like "Scentless Apprentice" told the listener about the struggle and agony that the musician had to endure.
Nirvana goes headlong on the road, recording an acoustic performance for MTV, which first appeared on screens in November 1993. The group's decision to honor the groups and people who influenced the formation Nirvana and Cobain's unbridled, intense vocal performance, especially on "Where Did You Sleep Last Night", outperformed those who thought Kurt was untalented. There were rumors that the show recorded for MTV would be the last performance Nirvana, after which the group will disband.
Cobain was fond of firearms, always keeping some of them with him. In the cold winter of 1993-94. Nirvana organizes a huge tour of Europe. After 20 concerts, Cobain gets a sore throat, and the tour schedule shifts until the musician recovers. During treatment, Cobain flies to Rome to visit his wife, who is also preparing to tour with her band.
On March 4, Cobain is taken to the hospital in a coma after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, when he washed down with champagne a shot of painkillers, 50 times the dose prescribed by the doctor. Officially, a suicide attempt is publicized as an accident, without even reaching close friends and acquaintances. A few days later, he returns to Seattle. Wife, friends and managers persuade Cobain to undergo treatment for drug addiction in Los Angeles. But, according to some reports, he escaped from the clinic after a few days.
On April 5, Cobain locked himself in his grandmother's apartment, put the barrel of a gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger. April 7, Thursday, two days before the doctor's conclusion that Cobain shot himself, and the day before the musician's body was found, the police say that Courtney Love was admitted to a Los Angeles hospital with a diagnosis of a drug overdose. After being released on bail, Love enrolled in a rehabilitation center, but left the clinic immediately after she learned of Cobain's death.
Cobain's body was found by an electrician inspecting building security. Since no one opened it for him, he decided to look through the window. The worker thought it was a mannequin on the floor until he saw a pool of blood near Cobain's ear. When the police broke down the door, they found the musician lying on the floor, dead. The muzzle of the gun was still resting on his chin, and nearby lay a suicide note, written in red ink, addressed to Love and then 19-month-old daughter, Frances Bean.
The suicide note ended with the words: "I love you, I love you." Two days later, 5,000 people gathered in Seattle to pay tribute to the musician. The frenzied crowd chanted famous songs, burned flannel T-shirts and fought with the police. They also listened to a tape made by Cobain's wife, where she reads excerpts from his suicide note. Several teenagers in the US and Australia have committed suicide as a result of the impact. The press came under heavy criticism for their lack of respect and understanding for youth culture.

American rock band formed by the legendary Kurt Cobain and became a cult for the youth of the 90s. Nirvana spawned a new subgenre of alternative rock music called "grunge".

The prototype of the future group was the musical group The Melvins, with the participants of which I once met Kurt Cobain. He was so impressed with the music performed in the style of heavy metal, punk rock and hard rock at the same time that he decided to create his own musical group. Kurt and his friend and colleague Chris Novoselic meet the drummer Aaron Burkhard, after which the guys create a group that later became legendary Nirvana. During the first few months of existence, the band changed several drummers and names ("Skid Row", "Pen Cap Chew", "Bliss Thrroad Oyster", "Windowpane" and "Ed Ted Fred"). As a result, in 1988 they settled on the name Nirvana, under which the group first performed on stage in March of the same year. The band's drummer was Chad Channing.

In 1989, the group released their first album Bleach at the studio sub pop. The album immediately becomes popular on small university radio stations in America. June 22, 1989 Nirvana goes on a tour of 26 American cities.

Early 1990 Nirvana begins work on the second album on " Smart Studios» in Madison (Wisconsia). During recording, there is a gradual discord between Nirvana And Chad Channing, who expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that his opinion is not taken into account when writing songs. Chad leaves the group, replaces him for a while Dale Crover from The Melvins. After a while the soloist The Melvins Buzz Osbourne brings to the group Dave Grohl, who becomes the permanent drummer of the group Nirvana.

In 1990, after signing a contract with DGC Records, Nirvana starting work on second album "Nevermind". The group works with a producer they know Butcham Vig, but already Sound City Studios V Van Nuys. The recording was mixed by the band's mixer Slayer Andy Wallace.

First single from the album "Smells like Teen Spirit", quickly became a hit on radio and television, and Nirvana's 1991 tour sold out instantly. In January 1992 "Nevermind" topped the billboard chart.

February 1992 Kurt Cobain marries the lead singer of a rock band Hole Courtney Love, and already on August 18 of the same year they had a daughter Francis Bean Cobain. The group cancels the planned next tour of America and gives only a few concerts, including the famous concert at the festival Reading in England.

In December 1992, a collection of rare recordings and back sides of singles was released. Incesticide.

Having decided to record another album in a hard sound and without unnecessary studio processing, the band Nirvana invites a producer Steve Albini. The album was recorded and mixed in two weeks. After additional processing of some songs ("Heart Shaped Box" And " All Apologies»), the first versions of which did not satisfy with their sound Kurt Cobain, album "In Utero" led in Billboard 200 in September 1993. But to achieve the same commercial success that "Nevermind" he still didn't succeed.

In 1993 Nirvana recording an acoustic concert MTV Unplugged". Of the previously known songs, only "All Apologies" And Come as You Are. Performance Nirvana was shown on MTV December 14, 1993.

In early 1994, the group went on a big tour of Europe. March 1, 1994, immediately after the concert in Munich, Kurt Cobain seriously ill with bronchitis and laryngitis. A few days later, the wife finds Kurt unconscious in his hotel room. Musician taken to the hospital, and all tours Nirvana canceled.

Due to the re-emergence of a long-standing heroin addiction Kurt Cobain he is sent to a rehabilitation clinic, from where he escapes to Seattle literally one week after the start of treatment. April 8, 1994 Cobain found dead in his house Seattle. The official version of death is suicide: the singer shot himself in the mouth with a gun.

After that Nirvana breaks up . Chris Novoselic And Dave Grohl continue their musical activities in different groups and projects.

Released in November 1994 MTV Unplugged in New York". The album includes a full recording of an acoustic concert on MTV. This album is followed by a video compilation titled « Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!.

In October 1996, a collection of live recordings from concerts was released. From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah.

October 29, 2002 released a collection called Nirvana, consisting of hits from previous studio albums, as well as alternative versions of early songs and a new composition "You Know You"re Right" - the group's last studio song.

A collection of early demos, rehearsals and various performances by a band called "With The Lights Out" was released in November 2004.

Albums were re-released from 2006 to 2009 Live!Tonight! Sold Out!!, MTV Unplugged in New York andBleach.


Studio albums

  • In Utero (1993)
  • Nevermind (1991)
  • Bleach (1989)

Concert albums

  • Live at Reading (2009)
  • From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah (1996)
  • MTV Unplugged in New York (1994)


  • Sliver: The Best of the Box (2005)
  • With the Lights Out (compilation of rare records) (2004)
  • Nirvana (greatest hits) (2002)
  • Incesticide (1992)

Nirvana is an American rock band formed in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987 by vocalist/guitarist/bassist Krist Novoselic. Several drummers have changed in the band; the longest-serving drummer with the band was Dave Grohl, who joined Cobain and Novoselic in 1990.

In 1989, Nirvana became part of the Seattle music scene with the release of their debut album, Bleach, on the indie label Sub Pop. After signing with major label DGC Records. Nirvana acquired unexpected success with a song from their second album, Nevermind, released in 1991. Subsequently, Nirvana entered the musical mainstream by popularizing the alternative rock subgenre called grunge. Kurt Cobain became in the eyes of the media not just a musician, but the "voice of a generation", and Nirvana became the flagship of "Generation X". In 1993, the group's third and final studio album, In Utero, was released, the compositions of which were musically very different from previous works team.

The short but bright history of the group was interrupted due to the death of Kurt Cobain on April 5, 1994, but in subsequent years the team's fame only grew. In 2002, an unfinished demo of the song "You Know You're Right", which the band had been working on shortly before Cobain's death, took the first lines of the world charts. Since the release of their debut album, Nirvana recordings have sold over 25 million copies in the US and over 50 million worldwide.

Group history

early years

And Krist Novoselic first met at Aberdeen High School, but, according to Cobain, did not communicate for a long time. They became friends by frequenting The Melvins' rehearsal space. Cobain wanted to create his own musical group with Novoselic, but Krist did not agree for a long time. Three years after they met, Krist finally listened to a recording of Fecal Matter, Cobain's first project, and suggested that Kurt start playing together. The band's first drummer was Bob McFadden, who left the band a month later. In the winter of 1987, Krist and Kurt hired drummer Aaron Burkhard. Initially, the trio performed compositions by Fecal Matter, but soon the musicians began to write new material.

Poster for the March 1988 concert

Burkhard left the band a few months later and was temporarily replaced by The Melvins member Dale Crover. With his participation, the first demo recordings were made. Crover was soon replaced by new drummer Dave Foster. During the first months of existence, the group changed several names: "Skid Row", "Pen Cap Chew", "Bliss Thrroad Oyster", "Windowpane" and "Ed Ted Fred". The members eventually settled on the name Nirvana in early 1988, which Cobain said was chosen because he was "thinking of a name that was pretty and nice or cute instead of a rough, dirty punk rock name like Angry Samoans. Their first performance under this name took place on March 19 of the same year at the Community World Theater. A couple of months later, permanent drummer Chad Channing appeared.

First record releases

Nirvana's first official record was "Love Buzz/Big Cheese", released in 1988. In June 1989, the band released their first album, Bleach, on the Sub Pop label. The album was produced by Jack Endino. Bleach's sound was heavily influenced by The Melvins, Mudhoney and 1970s rock bands such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. On June 22, 1989, Nirvana embarked on a major American tour, performing in 26 cities. Novoselic told Rolling Stone magazine in 2001 that while sitting in his van during this tour, the band listened to a cassette that had an album by The Smithereens on one side and an album by the black metal band Celtic Frost on the other. -metal, and that perhaps this combination also greatly influenced their playing. Bleach immediately became the top rated album on smaller American college radio stations (especially KCMU, the University of Washington radio station).

The money for the recording of the album, in the amount of 606 dollars and 17 cents, was given by Jason Everman. Dylan Carlson introduced him to Cobain, and Everman had known Channing since the fifth grade. Everman began to conduct free time with the band, and when the musicians needed money to record Bleach, he, having worked by then for several summer seasons as a fisherman in Alaska, easily loaned them the necessary amount. On the cover of the album, in the list of musicians who participated in the recording, it is indicated: "Jason Everman - guitar", although Everman himself did not participate in the recording. Krist Novoselic later said that members of Nirvana"We wanted Everman to feel like he belonged in the band." After the recording was completed, Everman briefly remained with the band as a second guitarist, but left after the first American tour. He subsequently played bass in the band Soundgarden and later joined Mind Funk. Nirvana never returned the money for the album to him.

In late 1989, Cobain noted in an interview that the band's music was changing: "Our first songs were really evil... But over time they get pop and pop as I get happier and happier. Now the songs talk about conflicts in relationships, emotions towards other people.” In early 1990, Nirvana began working on material for a new album with producer Butch Vig at Smart Studios in Madison, Wisconsin. While in the studio, Kurt and Krist decided that Chad wasn't the right drummer for the band; Channing himself expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that he had little influence on the songwriting process. As a result, Chad left the group. Dale Crover of The Melvins played drums for a few weeks before being replaced by Mudhoney drummer Dan Peters. With him, Nirvana recorded the song "Sliver", which was released as a single in 1990. A few weeks later, Buzz Osbourne of The Melvins introduced Kurt and Krist to Dave Grohl, who was then playing in the Washington hardcore band Scream, which disbanded in September 1990. A few days after Grohl arrived in Seattle, Kurt and Krist set up an audition for Grohl, and, as Novoselic later said, "we knew within two minutes that he was the right drummer."

After working at Smart Studios, Nirvana decided to look for a major label. Following the advice of Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth, the band signed with DGC Records in 1990 and began recording their next album, Nevermind. The label offered the team several producers to choose from, but Nirvana demanded Butch Vig. This time the musicians decided not to record in Madison, but to go to the Sound City studio, located in the Van Nuys area of ​​Los Angeles. In two months of work in the studio, Nirvana created many songs. Some of them, such as "In Bloom" and "Breed", have been in the band's repertoire for several years, while others, such as "On a Plain" and "Stay Away", have not yet had finished lyrics. After the recording was completed, Vig and the band members started mixing, but the actual recording of the material took too long, with the result that the rushed mixes were considered unsatisfactory. Nirvana brought in Andy Wallace, Slayer's mixer, to do the final mixing. After the release of Nevermind, the band members expressed dissatisfaction with the "polished" sound that Wallace gave to the album.

Initially, DGC Records managers planned to sell 250,000 copies of Nevermind, that is, to provide approximately the same level of sales as for the album Goo by Sonic Youth. However, the first single from the album, "Smells Like Teen Spirit", quickly became popular, mainly due to the fact that the video for this song was often shown on MTV. During a tour in late 1991 Nirvana musicians they began to notice that tickets for their performances were rapidly sold out, TV journalists regularly appeared at all concerts, and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was constantly playing on almost all radio stations and music channels. By Christmas 1991, Nevermind was selling 400,000 copies a week in America. On January 11, 1992, it reached number one on the Billboard charts, displacing Michael Jackson's Dangerous album. The record also topped the charts in many countries around the world. The month that Nevermind hit No. 1, Billboard stated, "Nirvana is one of those rare bands that has it all: critical acclaim, industry respect, pop appeal, and a formidable college alternative base."

In February 1992, after a major tour of the Pacific Rim, Cobain married Hole frontman Courtney Love. On August 18 of the same year, their daughter Frances Bean Cobain was born. Citing fatigue, the band members decided not to do another American tour in support of Nevermind. Instead, they played only a few shows that year. A few days after Frances Bean's birth, Nirvana had one of its finest headlining performances at the Reading Festival in England. At that time, there were rumors about Cobain's poor health and about the possible breakup of the group. For the sake of a joke, Kurt was brought onto the stage on wheelchair, after which he rose and joined the other members of the collective, playing a large number of songs, both old and completely new, at the concert.

Less than two weeks later, Nirvana performed at the MTV Video Music Awards. MTV wanted the band to play "Smells Like Teen Spirit", but the musicians wanted to play new song, which was called "Rape Me" (Russian. Rape me). MTV executives were unhappy with the song because, according to the show's producer Amy Finnerty, they thought the lyrics were about them. They insisted that Nirvana would not play "Rape Me", threatening that they would not let the band play on the show and stop showing their videos on MTV. After a heated argument, MTV and Nirvana agreed that the band would play the song "Lithium" from their then-latest single. When Nirvana started their set, Kurt suddenly played and sang the opening of "Rape Me" before playing "Lithium". Near the end of the song, Novoselic, unhappy that his amp had stopped working, tossed his bass into the air for dramatic effect, but couldn't catch it and it hit him over the head. Krist fell off the stage, almost losing consciousness, then got up and ran out of the studio. At this time, Cobain was breaking equipment, and Grohl grabbed a microphone and began to shout: "Hey, Axl!" (Hi, Axl!), referring to Guns N "Roses vocalist Axl Rose, with whom Nirvana had a small spat before the performance.

In December 1992, Nirvana released a collection of rarities and b-sides called Incesticide. A large number of radio recordings and early unreleased material from the band circulated, and the purpose of the album's release was to combat such piracy.

For 1993's In Utero, the band hired producer Steve Albini, already known for his work on the Pixies' Surfer Rosa album. Nevermind won acclaim from an audience that was largely ignorant of the alternative, obscure and experimental musicians that Nirvana considered its forerunners. Therefore, Albini's invitation seemed to be a well-considered move by Nirvana members who wanted the album to sound rough, raw and without excessive processing. For example, in one of the songs, ironically titled "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter", there is a continuous sharp feedback sound. However, Cobain emphasized that Albini's sound is exactly what he always dreamed of: a "natural" sound without unnecessary overdubs and studio effects. The studio sessions with Albini were short but intense and productive: the album was recorded and mixed over the course of two weeks at Pachyderm Studios in Cannon Falls. Its production cost 25 thousand dollars.

A few weeks after the recording of the album, the Chicago Tribune and Newsweek magazines printed information that the management of DGC Records was not satisfied with the recorded material and might refuse to release it. As a result, fans decided that the band's free work was influenced by label bosses. While the rumors about DGC's refusal to release the album were untrue, the Nirvana members did disagree with some of Albini's musical decisions he made while mixing the album. In particular, they believed that the producer turned down the bass frequencies too much. Cobain also felt that "Heart-Shaped Box" and "All Apologies" did not sound "perfect". Long time producer R.E.M. Scott Litt was brought in to mix these two songs. As a result, additional instruments and background vocals were added.

In Utero debuted on the Billboard 200 in September 1993, reaching number one there. Christopher John Farley, in his review of the album in Time magazine, wrote, "Despite what alternative music fans feared, Nirvana hasn't gone mainstream, although this powerful new album could once again force the mainstream to go Nirvana." However, while commercially successful, the album did not achieve the success of Nevermind. In autumn the group went to the first big tour in the US for two years. Nirvana hired Pat Smear from the punk band Germs as second guitarist for the event.

Final months and Cobain's death

In November 1993, Nirvana performed with Smear at the MTV Unplugged Acoustic Concert. The band played only two of their hits, "All Apologies" and "Come as You Are". Grohl later said, "We knew we weren't going to do an acoustic version of 'Teen Spirit'... that would be terribly stupid." Among the songs were also some relatively obscure ones, such as three songs by the Meat Puppets, who joined Nirvana for their performance. While rehearsals were problematic, MTV Unplugged producer Alex Coletti said the performance itself went quite well, with every song recorded on the first try. The concert itself lasted less than an hour, which was uncharacteristic for the usual unplugged performances. After performing the final song (a cover of Leadbelly's "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?"), Coletti asked the band to play an encore, but Cobain refused. Coletti later recalled: "Kurt said, 'I can't beat that last song.' And when he said that, I stepped back. Because he knew he was right." The band's performance was first shown on MTV on December 14, 1993.

In early 1994, the team went on tour to Europe. After a March 1 concert at Terminal Eins in Munich, Cobain fell ill with bronchitis and severe laryngitis. The next show, which was to take place in the same hall the next night, was postponed. On the morning of March 4 in Rome, Courtney Love found Cobain unconscious in a hotel room and he was taken to the hospital. Later, the doctor at a press conference said that Cobain had taken Rohypnol prescribed to him and a large dose of alcohol. Touring, including numerous concerts in the UK, was finally cancelled.

In the weeks that followed, Cobain's longtime heroin addiction resurfaced. He was persuaded to go to a rehabilitation clinic. A few days later, he climbed over the clinic's fence and took a plane to Seattle. On Friday, April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle: it is officially believed that he shot himself in the mouth with a shotgun. The group broke up.

After Nirvana

After the collapse of Nirvana, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl did not leave the musical activity. Some time after Cobain's death, Grohl made several demos that later became debut album his new band Foo Fighters, who released several commercially successful albums in the following years. In addition to the Foo Fighters, Grohl played drums for bands such as Tom Petty. and the Heartbreakers, Queens of the Stone Age, Tenacious D, Nine Inch Nails and Killing Joke. He also collaborated with Paul McCartney and Mike Watt. Under the name Probot, Grohl recorded a heavy metal album on which he performed cover versions of the songs of his favorite early 80s artists. He is also currently the drummer for the supergroup Them Crooked Vultures.

Krist Novoselic created Sweet 75 after Nirvana. Later, he formed Eyes Adrift with Kurt Kirkwood of the Meat Puppets and Bud Gough of Sublime. Novoselic also performed at the only concert of the one-day band No WTO Combo with Kim Thayil of Soundgarden and Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys, whom he happened to meet at a WTO summit protest in 1999. In December 2006, he filled in for Flipper's Bruno DeSmartas on bass during their UK and Ireland tour and several US shows. In addition, Novoselic became a political activist, founding the JAMPAC committee to protect the rights of musicians. In 2004, he released a book called "Of Grunge and Government: Let's Fix This Broken Democracy" in which he talked about his musical background and current political aspirations.

On December 12, 2012, Grohl, Novoselic and Smear joined Paul McCartney at a concert benefiting the victims of Hurricane Sandy for the debut performance of the four-piece song "Cut Me Some Slack". A studio recording of the song was released on the soundtrack of Grohl's documentary about Sound City Studios.

Record releases after Kurt Cobain's death

Several Nirvana albums have been released since Cobain's death. The first of these, MTV Unplugged in New York, was released in November 1994 and contained the band's fully recorded performance at the MTV Unplugged acoustic concert in 1993. Two weeks after its release, a video compilation of Nirvana performances entitled Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!. Kurt himself selected much of the video footage for the compilation, which includes many of the recordings made during the tour in support of the Nevermind album. At first, MTV Unplugged was planned to be released along with a second disc, which would contain material from the band's "electric" concerts - as opposed to an acoustic performance. However, the remaining members of the team were forced to cancel their decision, as they did not then find the strength to work with the records of the deceased Cobain. A disc with recordings of live performances of the team was released in October 1996 under the name From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah.

In August 1997, at the dedicated music news The Wall of Sound website revealed that Grohl and Novoselic were working on a collection of Nirvana rarities. Four years later, the band's label announced that the compilation was complete and would be released in September, ten years after the release of Nevermind. However, just before the box set's release date, Courtney Love secured an injunction against its release and sued Novoselic and Grohl, accusing them of illegally using Kurt's works. Protracted litigation for ownership began musical heritage Kurt Cobain, which lasted over a year.

The main controversy erupted around the previously unreleased song "You Know You" re Right, the group's latest studio work. Grohl and Novoselic wanted to include it in the collection, thereby releasing all rare records at once. However, Love disputed this intention, stating that this the song is more important than the records usually called rarities, and it should be released on the collection of the best works of the group.Litigation lasted more than a year, and as a result, the parties came to a compromise: it was decided without delay to release a CD with the best songs of the group (including "You Know You're Right"). The disc was called simply - Nirvana. Love agreed to donate cassettes of Cobain's demos for use in the collection.

The Nirvana compilation was released on October 29, 2002. In addition to the song "You Know You" re Right ", the album included hits from all three studio albums, as well as some alternative versions of the band's familiar songs. The compilation With The Lights Out was released in November 2004. The collection included many early demos Cobain, filming of rehearsals and recordings of live performances from different periods team history. Selected tracks from the collection were released as a separate album called Sliver: The Best of the Box in autumn 2005. The CD contained nineteen tracks from the compilation and three previously unreleased recordings, including a version of the song "Spank Thru" from the 1985 demo of Cobain's early band Fecal Matter. In an interview with Jim DeRogatis, Love spoke about the countless rehearsal, demo, and home recordings (many of which Kurt made in his own bedroom) left over from Cobain's death.

In April 2006, Love announced her decision to sell twenty-five percent of her Nirvana songs for $50 million. The buyer was Larry Mestel, former Virgin Records executive and current head of Primary Wave Music Publishing. To forestall fans' concerns about the commercialization of what is considered an independent band's legacy, Love reached out to them with assurances that the music rights would not simply be sold to the highest bidder. In her message, Love wrote, "We will remain true to the spirit of Nirvana and be very selective in transferring music to new hands."

In 2006 Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! was re-released on DVD; the complete uncut version of MTV Unplugged in New York was released on DVD in 2007. Live at Reading, the band's 1992 performance at the Reading Festival in England, was released on CD and DVD in November 2009. Nirvana's first Bleach album was re-released in 2009 on CD and vinyl, twenty years after the original release. In addition to the newly mixed songs, the album featured a previously unreleased recording of the band's concert on February 9, 1990 at the Pine Street Theatre, Portland, Oregon. In September 2011, a Nevermind anniversary edition was released, dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the album's release.

musical style

Kurt Cobain described the band's early sound as "copying Gang Of Four and Scratch Acid". When Nirvana was recording Bleach, Cobain decided that they needed to live up to Sub Pop's expectations for a grunge sound; this stifled his desire to write lighter songs.

Cobain sought to create a mixture of heavy and light sound. He said: "I wanted to be like Led Zeppelin, play extreme punk rock and make slow pop songs." When Kurt heard the Pixies album Surfer Rosa (released in 1988) after recording Bleach, he felt that it had exactly the sound that he wanted to achieve, but could not, trying to play heavier grunge songs. The subsequent popularity of The Pixies convinced Cobain to follow his musical instincts.

Nirvana in their songs used sharp transitions from slow, quiet sound to loud. Shortly before his death, Cobain said that the group was tired of the monotonous formula for writing music, but at the same time expressed the opinion that the band members were hardly skillful enough to try anything else. Cobain's style of rhythm guitar playing, which relied on power chords, low riffs and sloppy playing right hand, contained key components group songs. Cobain often played the song's verse riff in a clean tone, then doubled it with a distortion guitar, repeating the part already played. He rarely played guitar solos, which were light variations of the song's main melody. His solos were mostly blues-based and out-of-tune guitar sounds.

Grohl's drumming "took Nirvana's sound to new, more energetic levels". Azerrad, the band's biographer, writes that "Grohl's powerful playing elevated the band's level by more high bar, both visually and musically", noting that "although Dave plays the drums very hard, he is musical enough - it's not hard to tell what song he's playing, even if no one is accompanying him."

During live performances, Cobain and Novoselic always tuned their guitars to E flat tuning. Cobain once said, "We play so hard we don't have time to tune our guitars." The band had a habit of destroying equipment after gigs. Novoselic said that he and Cobain created this "chip" in order to quickly leave the stage. Cobain stated that it all began as an expression of his negative emotions that appeared due to the fact that he and Chad Channing made mistakes during concerts.

Songwriting and lyrics

The musical basis of each song, the manner of performance and the lyrics were created by Cobain. He usually composed melodies with acoustic guitar. He emphasized that Novoselic and Grohl "played big role in deciding how long and how many parts the song should be. That's why I don't like being considered the only songwriter." When asked which part of the composition he writes first, Cobain replied: “I don’t know. I really do not know. I guess I start with the verse and then move on to the chorus."

Cobain usually wrote the lyrics to songs a few minutes before recording them in the studio. He said: “When I write a song, the words are the least important to me. Two or three different themes may intersect in my song, and the title may mean absolutely nothing.” In a 1993 interview with Spin magazine, Cobain said he "didn't give a damn" about the lyrics to the songs on the Bleach album, while the lyrics to the Nevermind songs were taken from poems he wrote over two years, which he cut and chose the most liked lines. Regarding the latest In Utero album, Cobain stated that the lyrics were "more focused on certain topics".

Legacy and influence

Stephen Thomas Erlewine, musical critic wrote that prior to Nirvana, "alternative music was not taken seriously by the major record labels." After the release of Nevermind, "everything has changed, it is not clear whether for the worse or for the better." The success of Nevermind not only made grunge popular, but also showed "the cultural and commercial potential of alternative rock in general". Other bands have had hits before, but according to Erlewine, it was Nirvana who "broke down the barriers forever" between the worlds of alternative rock and popular music. Erlewine also notes that Nirvana's breakthrough "didn't wipe out the underground" but "opened it up" to listeners. In 1992, Jon Pareles, a journalist for The New York Times, wrote that after the Nirvana breakthrough, record companies became interested in groups playing alternative music. Company representatives made deals with them and tried to quickly reach the mainstream.

Erlewine claims that Nirvana's breakthrough "popularized the so-called Generation X and slacker culture". Immediately after Cobain's death, the Nirvana frontman was talked about as the "voice of a generation", although he himself denied this label during his lifetime. Ten years after Cobain's death, Eric Olsen of MSNBC wrote:

“Over the past decade, Cobain, a small, frail, but attractive man in life, has become an abstract Generation X icon, looked upon by many as the last true rock star… a messiah and martyr whose every utterance has been plundered and analyzed.”

Many music bands and artists have repeatedly claimed that Nirvana had a great influence on their work and on their decision to start making music. Among them are Limp Bizkit, Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars, Seether, Flyleaf and others. Tim Ritchie, Music Director of Radio National, in comparing the Sex Pistols and Nirvana (thereby comparing the climaxes of the punk movement and the grunge movement, respectively), wrote that "Nirvana's influence is much greater than the Sex Pistols", as Nirvana did not just influence musicians , she influenced the entire mainstream as a whole. Craig Methieson, author of two books on the rise of the Australian indie scene in the 1990s, wrote (as did Erlewine) that Nirvana's main merit is that it removed the barriers between corporate labels and indie music.


Studio albums

1989 - Bleach
1991 - Nevermind
1993 - In Utero

Live albums

1994 - MTV Unplugged in New York
1996 - From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
2009 - Live at Reading


1992 - Incesticide
2002 - Nirvana (Greatest Hits)
2004 - With the Lights Out (Compilation of rare records)
2005 - Sliver: The Best of the Box

Composition of the group

Classic composition

Kurt Cobain - vocals, guitar (1987-1994)
Krist Novoselic - bass guitar (1987-1994)
Dave Grohl - drums, backing vocals (1990-1994)

Included in the main composition in different years

Aaron Burkhard - drums (1987-1988)
Dave Foster - drums (1988)
Chad Channing - drums (1988-1990)
Dan Peters - drums (1990)

Played with the band during tours

Jason Everman - guitar (1989)
Pat Smear - guitar (1993-1994)
Lori Goldston - cello (1993-1994)
Melora Krieger - cello (1994)

The legendary band Nirvana, which existed for a short time, remained in the history of world rock forever. The hits of this cult American group enjoyed by the whole world. Nirvana was loved and hated, but never remained indifferent to it.

History of creation and composition

Song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana

In February 1992, Cobain and the leader of the rock band Hole entered into an official marriage. In mid-August of the same year, the couple had a daughter. Citing fatigue, the band decided not to go on another tour in support of the second album, having played several concerts, including a performance at the Reading Festival in England.

Then there were rumors about Kurt's poor health and the possible collapse of the team. Knowing these speculations, the participants decided to joke and took Cobain to the stage in a wheelchair, and after a short pause, the musician stood up, joining the rest of the participants.

To record the third album "In Utero", the team invited producer Steve Albini. His invitation was a deliberate move by the members, who wanted their third album to sound brash, raw, and with minimal processing.

The disc was recorded within 2 weeks, but was not released immediately. The final sound of some songs did not satisfy the musicians, so Scott Litt was invited for their information. The album "In Utero" debuted on the Billboard 200 in the fall of 1993, reaching number one. After the release of the record, Nirvana went on a big tour of the United States, inviting Pat Smear as the second guitarist.

Death of Kurt Cobain

In early 1994, a team of musicians left to tour Europe. After the concert, held in Munich, Cobain became seriously ill: he was diagnosed with bronchitis and laryngitis. The performance, scheduled for the next day, was postponed.

After 3 days, the wife found Cobain unconscious, he was sent to the hospital. Later, at a press conference, the doctor announced that the musician had drunk the prescribed drug and a substantial dose of alcohol. After that, numerous concerts were finally canceled.

In the days that followed, Kurt's long history of heroin addiction resurfaced. He was persuaded to go to a rehabilitation clinic for treatment, but a few days later he climbed over the fence and flew to Seattle. On April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead in his home. The official version of death says that the musician shot himself with a gun. The group broke up.

Nirvana after the breakup

Since Kurt “took” the Nirvana group with his departure, the musicians after a while began to engage in their own work. However, after the tragic death of Cobain, several Nirvana albums were released, the first of which appeared in November 1994. After 2 weeks, a video collection of speeches was published, Kurt selected the bulk of the material on his own.

In August 1997, Novoselic and Grohl worked on a compilation of Nirvana's rarities. After 4 years, they announced that the collection is ready and will be released in the fall, 10 years after the release of 2 albums. But just before the release date, Cobain's widow secured a ban on the release of the collection by suing the musicians with accusations of illegal use of Kurt's work.

The dispute broke out around the song "You Know You" re Right, Courtney insisted that this track be published in the collection of the best works of the group. Litigation lasted more than a year, but, in the end, the parties reached a consensus. The musicians and Courtney decided to release a collection of hits, including the aforementioned one, which was simply called "Nirvana". A disc of rare early Cobain recordings was released 2 years later under the title "With The Lights Out".

The song "You Know You "re Right" by Nirvana

In the spring of 2006, Love decided to sell 25% of her Nirvana songs to Larry Mestel. So after 3 years, the band's first album was re-released on CD and vinyl, 20 years after the appearance of the original edition.

In addition to the newly mixed tracks, the album contained a previously unreleased live recording from February 9, 1990 in Portland. Every year there were more and more fans of the defunct Nirvana, so the release of the anniversary edition of Nevermind did not go unnoticed.

Krist tried to create groups, but these projects were not crowned with particular success. In 2004, the musician released a book where he spoke about the past and plans for the future.


Studio albums:

  • 1989 - Bleach
  • 1991 - Nevermind
  • 1993 - In Utero

Live albums:

  • 1994 - MTV Unplugged in New York
  • 1996 - From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
  • 2009 - Live at Reading
  • 2011 - Live at the Paramount
  • 2013 - Live and Loud (Nirvana)


  • 1992 - Incesticide
  • 2002 - Nirvana (Greatest Hits)
  • 2004 - With the Lights Out (Compilation of rare records)
  • 2005 - Sliver: The Best of the Box

Mini Albums:

  • 1989 - Blew
  • 1992 - Hormoning


  • smells like Teen Spirit
  • Breed
  • The Man Who Sold The World
  • You Know You're Right
  • Heart Shaped Box
  • lithium
  • In Bloom
  • about a girl

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