Different types of theaters in kindergarten. "Types of puppet theaters in kindergarten and at home


Scenario for the Day of the elderly for children of preschool age. Theme: Day of Kindness and Respect

Integration educational areas : "Communication", "Socialization", "Music", "Cognition", "Reading fiction».

Target: expand knowledge about your family.

Tasks: to cultivate respect for grandparents, to form the desire to do good deeds in relation to older family members.

Planned results: emotionally subtly feels the experiences of close adults; shows sensitivity to artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels rhythm and melody poetic text; speech becomes the main means of communication; the speech that accompanies the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech; in Everyday life himself, without a reminder from adults, uses "polite" words; is able to reason and give adequate causal explanations if the analyzed relationships do not go beyond his visual experience.

Content of organized activity

1st leader.

Today is a special day: how many smiles in it,

Gifts, and bouquets, and affectionate "Thank you!".

Whose day is this? Answer me. Well guess for yourself:

Autumn day on the calendar, and the guests are back in the hall.

2nd leader.

A warm autumn day is gilded by the sun,

The wind is preoccupied with joyful work.

Spinning fall leaves of autumn in delight,

He caresses gray hair as if it were your reward.

On this October day at the behest of the century

Honoring the nature of the elderly!

1st presenter. Our dear guests, dear grandparents, we are glad that you came to us today. Both you and the guys have been looking forward to this day.

2nd host. Your grandchildren and granddaughters prepared very responsibly for today's event in order to please you with their creativity - songs, dances, to give their skills and warmth loving hearts. Let's meet them!

Children enter.

1st child.

Today is a holiday, an autumn day, how many joyful speeches!

Accept congratulations from us, from the kids!

2nd child.

Grandparents, dear, dear,

After all, you were young once too!

And they walked in shorts, and weaved pigtails,

And you played together like bunnies, foxes.

3rd child.

Now you are our grandmothers, this is your craft,

Now you are our grandfathers, we are very lucky!

4th child.

We love you very much, and we wish you not to get sick,

And we want to sing our song together in congratulations.

The song "Golden Wedding" (music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Reznik).

1st leader. Folk wisdom says: “A fire lit on the top of a mountain will not warm those at its foot,” and happiness is that there are those who live among us who do not talk about good, but do it, daily, hourly giving the warmth of their hearts to relatives ; who kindles his fire so that people can warm themselves with him. Thanks to you, our older generation, the family is friendly and close-knit, and the grandchildren are loving and, of course, loved. The following dance gift has been prepared for you.

dance under musical composition"Waltz" (music by E. Doga).

2nd host. It's no secret that grandmothers are wonderful storytellers, interesting conversationalists and, of course, keepers. folk wisdom. No one knows so many proverbs, sayings and riddles. Can you guess our new sayings? To confuse you, we took the converted sayings of avid dog breeders. How do they sound right?

These are still puppies, dogs will be ahead.

A gifted dog is not looked into the pedigree.

Each dog praises his kennel.

A cat is not a friend to a dog.

. You can't spoil Chappie with meat.

If you like to walk - love to put on a muzzle.

1st presenter. Well, now we meet those for whom our fairy tales are intended - our children.

1st child.

It is better not to find a friend - go around the whole world!

There is no better grandmother in the whole world!

2nd child.

I feel sad - my grandmother will come to me,

“Dry your tears, everything will pass!” He will quietly tell me.

3rd child.

Mom and dad are talking and smiling

Friendship is strong.

“Song about Grandma” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

2nd leader.

No, we dare not deny the difference in age, and yet:

Next to the grandfather, the grandson is smarter, next to the grandson, the grandfather is younger.

There is no higher reward if grandfather hears:

"Grandfather is my very best friend: I am my grandfather's first grandson!

Children enter.

Child. There are many different songs in the world about everything,

And now we will sing a song about your grandfather!

The song "Such a good grandfather" (muses, S. Tulikov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

1st leader. We are sure that our grandparents are faithful to the proudest and most beautiful wisdom on earth: “Do not feel sorry for yourself!”. After all, to live life is not a field to cross, and you know the ego well, having overcome many life roads. Howling the eldest in the family is the most hectic profession. It requires from the first step of maturity to the last step wisdom and courage along the way.


Grandma - the sun, grandfather - verse,

A lot of health for you two,

I wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Happy Elderly Day!

The song “Beautiful is far away” sounds (music by E. Krylatova, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

1st presenter. Dear grandparents! You, like no one else, know that the most spontaneous, sincere and unpredictable creatures are small children. Sometimes they give us such aphorisms and tell us such stories that you will not read in any book. I want to take a pencil and immediately write down a child's statement.

2nd host. What we did! Let's remember once famous transmission"Through the mouth of a baby", where children shared their opinions about different things, and adults had to guess what they had in mind. So listen to our explanations. What is it about?

They are called people's representatives.

They sit for a very long time, everyone thinks, thinks, they can decide for mothers for the birth of children more money pay, grandmothers - to increase the pension.

Until they are chosen, they promise a lot, and as soon as they become them, they forget the promises and do not fulfill them.

They are allowed to have a car with all sorts of flashing lights and other signals. (Deputies)

1st presenter. Next explanation:

They are different: visitors, metropolitan, who came to the house to Yum sometime.

Invited and uninvited, long-awaited and unwanted.

They can bring something, such as gifts, or they can come without anything, empty-handed.

They need to be fed, treated, tea to drink, entertained. (Guests)

2nd leader.

They go and go.

Romances are often sung.

Most of them, probably, in banks.

Often, when children ask their parents to buy something, and parents, so that the children do not bother, say that they cannot do this, because there is nothing, they are not there, they have not received it yet.

Do not be upset if they are not. You can waste time too. (Money)

1st leader. Thank you for your replies, you made our job easy. Probably, the great experience of communicating with children affects ... And now we meet our artists!

Dance to the musical composition "Old Grandmothers" (music by V. Dobrynin, lyrics by S. Osiashvili).

1st child.

Don't get sick, don't get old, never get angry,

So stay young forever!

2nd child.

So let the sun always shine, sparkling, for people, We will never upset you, relatives.

3rd child.

And today your children, grandchildren, granddaughters are happy to say: Although we are small in stature, we are not white-handed at all!

2nd host. Accept with all your heart modest gifts as a token of our respect and love. (Children present gifts to guests) This song sounds for you.

The song "We wish you happiness!" (music by S. Namin, lyrics by I. Shaferan).

1st leader.

We meet everyone with bread and salt, we bring the samovar to the table.

We do not miss tea, we invite you to the table soon!

2nd host. Thank you children for your efforts, thank you guests for your attention!

Ryazanova Marina Alexandrovna, Bolotina Maya Vladimirovna, music directors of the Children's School No. 53 "Yolochka", Tambov

Music sounds. Slides appear on the central wall. Backstage host reads a poem by Viktor Pavlov


Years like birds flew over you,

You created the happiness of life in labors.

Childhood - the beginning of the path,

A happier time is hard to find.

Youth opened the way to the universe

A time of great knowledge in life.

Years of study, struggle and labor,

Many have been hardened by the war.

Survived in battles, had children,

New songs were sung with enthusiasm.

Believed in a miracle for all time

Love gave happiness then.

The children grew up, you matured too

The best people of a great country.

They built castles, grew wheat.

The cosmos has opened the frontiers for you.

In general, it was not in vain that this world was visited,

The world on the planet has changed slightly.

Children have already given you grandchildren,

There is a continuation of great Russia.

Celebrate today, heroes of labor

Congratulations to your native country!

Leading: Hello our dear friends! Today is a special holiday, a day of respect and reverence for the elderly. This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, the Day of the elderly began to be celebrated in Europe,

then in America, and in the late 80s all over the world.

December 14, 1990 The UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 international day older people, and Russian Federation This holiday has been celebrated since 1992. Since then, annually, in gold autumn time we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

Years fly by, you can't keep up with them -

Hurrying hours, changing day after day. ..

But I know I won't stop wondering

In the meantime, we are calling in the fall.

mature age, wise people often called the autumn of life... As each season is beautiful in its own way, the age-related “seasons” of our life are also unique. No matter what troubles overshadow her, all the bad things are forgotten. And we again enjoy life, dream of happiness, of love... After all, life is beautiful!

Dance with leaves. Performed by pupils of groups No. 7, No. 8

Leading: These were pupils of groups No. 7, No. 8! Applause! Dear guests, it's good that it has become good tradition celebrate the Day of the elderly. This day is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of your hearts, for the strength given to work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation, with your children and grandchildren - that is, with us. Today in our hall there are many who wish to congratulate you on this significant day. And I invite children to the stage vocal studio who congratulate you (children exit).

Children read poetry


Dear, dear,

After all, once you too

Were young!

And they were wearing shorts

And braided pigtails

And you taught poems

Like bunnies, foxes.

Now you are our grandmothers -

Here is your craft

Now you are our grandfathers,

We are very lucky!

Mom and dad are busy

Always at work

You tell us a story

And sing a song!

Pies and pancakes

Grannies are cooking

And they play patty

With granddaddy's grandchildren.

We love you very much,

And we wish not to get sick,

After a vacation at the cottage

Fly to the Canaries!

"Grandfather and grandmother side by side." Performed by the children of the vocal studio


Today is a holiday, an autumn day,

How many joyful speeches!

Accept congratulations

You are from our kids!

Dance "Top-top". Performed by children of younger groups


Here in the hall gathered the most relatives,

Grandparents are our dear ones

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

So that you are healthy

To make your grandchildren love you

Visited more often.

And now the pupils of groups No. 3, No. 4 will tell us how they love their grandmothers.

Ditties about grandmother. Performed by pupils of groups No. 3, No. 4

Leading: This is how our children love their grandparents, and... tell us how he loves his grandpa

A poem by Tatyana Bokova.

Respected at work

He's the boss, I'm not afraid to say

But he comes home from work

and I become the boss.

I climb onto his shoulders,

I try on glasses

And more about him every night

I train my fists.

Grandpa walks with a light gait,

Dinner eats everyone faster

No mustache or beard on the face. ..

Well, what is my grandfather grandfather?!

But when I make him sad

If he is ashamed of me,

I notice with fear in my soul,

How grandfather's back stoops,

How wrinkles intertwine in a network,

In the hair of gray hair - white chalk.

And I'm ready to give everything in the world,

So that my grandfather does not get sick!

(curtain closes. Children line up to dance with umbrellas)

Leading: Life is a series of meetings and partings, events of which it, life, actually consists. But it is very important to preserve the fire of the soul, which was once given to us from above.

Years flew by, and there were adversities,

And as if you did not notice them,

And if bad weather comes again

You will remember the songs of the young winds!

Song "Bad weather"

Performed by musical directors. The curtain opens


A cloud in the sky oh-oh-oh!

Everyone is running, hurrying home.

I'm the only one laughing

I'm not afraid of the black cloud.

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder,

I walk under an umbrella!

Dance with umbrellas

Performed by pupils of groups No. 10, No. 9


We are grateful to you for the past years,

For the fact that you are bad weather to spite everyone,

Overcoming all storms and hardships,

Laugh so fervently and lightly.

Thank you for the sparks of fun

They will delight anyone

And the autumn of life in an instant

Blooming spring wrapped.

Thank you for your concern.

You are our vanguard and reliable rear.

Your character, friends, is of such a nature,

That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

We love you, optimistic, cheerful,

For not wanting to sag.

Thank you for the wisdom of good songs,

It's more fun to walk through life with them!

With respect, we bow our heads before you.

We could compose poems for you.

For the fact that you live next to us,

From the bottom of our hearts we say “Thank you!”

Leading: Dear grandparents! It does not matter that the years go on, you always remain young in soul. And we believe that our future is in our children, in these mischievous fidgets, sometimes capricious and cheerful.

Final song “The most important thing in the world is our children”

Performed by children and teachers

Project passport

Objective of the project: the formation of spirituality, moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children in relation to the older generation.

Project objectives:


Expand children's understanding of the family, strengthen ties between generations.


Development creativity.


Continue to cultivate a respectful attitude towards others (to relatives and friends, the elderly); improving the skills of a culture of behavior. To cultivate the desire to please the elders with their good deeds;

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, educators, music director, parents, grandparents of children.

Project type: creative.

Project implementation period: 2 weeks.

Relevance. The lack of close contact of children with the older generation of the family leads to the loss family traditions, ideas about the continuity of generations are torn. Therefore, today it becomes relevant to search for ways and means of a valuable attitude towards the representatives of the older generation, increasing their activity in matters of education.

Annotation. October 1 is International Day of Older Persons. The decision on this was taken by the UN General Assembly in 1990, in the Russian Federation this day has been celebrated since 1992.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team:

Educator: organizes educational situations, joint productive activities, counseling parents.

Musical director: selects and learns the movements of dances, songs and round dances.
Children: participate in educational and play activities.
Parents: grandparents reinforce the knowledge gained by children in practice.

Educational area.

Types of children's activities

Social and communicative development

Thematic sessions on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
"Rights and Responsibilities in the Family".
Compilation of the "Family Tree", albums "Traditions of our family".

Game activity

Role-playing game"Home", "Family"; "Salon of clothes for the home", etc.
Dramatization games based on the works: "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Ryaba Hen".

Speech development

Creative storytelling of children on the topics “A day off in my family”, “My loved ones”, “Our journey”, “The world of family hobbies”, “How I help at home”, stories based on pictures “My family”.
Creation of albums "My family" (drawings, photographs).

Proverbs and sayings about the family.
Reading fairy tales "Wild Swans", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka".
Odoevsky "Town in a snuffbox", L. Tolstoy "Stories for young children."
"My grandmother" S.Kaputikyan, "My grandfather" R.Gamzatov, "Grandmother's hands" L.Kvitko, "Grandmother - care", "Our - grandfather" E.Blaginina. “Family” by M. Burakaev, “Grandfathers” by R. Miftakhov, “Hands of my grandfather” by R. Baibulatov, “My Grandmother” by F. Mazhitov. “Roots” by F. Gubaidullin (translated by V. Uvarov), “Do not grow old, granny”, “From the history of the family” by F. Gubaidullin. (translated by A. Petrov and L. Kerchina).

cognitive development.

"My family", Drawing up a plan-scheme "My house"


What grows in the garden of grandparents.


"Box for small things" as a gift.

Artistic and aesthetic.


Drawing "My family", "Portrait of grandparents".
Modeling "Grandfather and grandmother side by side",


Dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Kolobok".


Listening to "Tell me a story" Ya. Galperin, music. Y. Moiseeva. singing "Grandma" M. Ivensen, music. N. Demina.

1. Organizational stage of the project.

Definition of the topic, formulation of goals and objectives.

Selection of methodological and fiction literature, work with parents on compiling albums, selection musical repertoire, script development, attributes for role-playing and dramatization games.

Stage 2 - implementation of the project for the Day of the elderly.

Stage 3 - presentation.

Celebrating the Day of the Elderly.

Evaluation of project results.

    Children know and call the names and patronymics of their grandparents.

    They show interest in the history of their family and its traditions.

    Show respect for the elderly, help them.

    They understand that grandparents are the parents of mom and dad, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers are the parents of grandparents.


In conclusion, I would like to note that all the tasks set were successfully completed, children, parents, grandparents took an active part in the project. The result has been achieved.

(Attachment 1)

Day of the elderly.

Purpose: to form spiritual and moral values;

Contribute to the creation of friendly family relations;

Develop interpersonal communication skills between children and adults;

Raise respect and love for grandparents.

Entertainment progress.

Children enter the hall to the music one after another.

Hello dear guests! We are very pleased to welcome you to our festive hall today.

October 1 is International Day of Older Persons. The decision on this was taken by the UN General Assembly in 1990, in the Russian Federation this day has been celebrated since 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. The respect for all members of society, the recognition of their merits and the significance of their work is evidenced by the fact that in our country, along with many holidays and monuments of dates, an exciting and pleasant holiday for many people has been introduced - the Day of the Elderly.

1 child.

Outside the window a golden blizzard

The wind whirls through the autumn leaves,

Why do flowers bloom here

Like a summer, green time?

2 child.

Because today is a holiday

We have guests in our garden again.

3 child.

All the guys today said:

Elderly people will be asked to come.

4 child.

But where are they?

Wow, how quickly the minutes fly by!

You guys probably don't understand

Ox they are sitting in front of you.

5 child.

Are you joking with us?

Are there older people here?

Well, some wrinkles on the faces,

And the eyes are very young!

I guys understand your surprise. Is it possible to call old, elderly people whose eyes glow with youthful enthusiasm? Nothing that the wrinkles on the faces, the hair turned white, any of our guests can say that the soul is still young and the thirst for life and activity has not faded over the years. Let's applaud our guests, give them some more good mood.

The song "What are our grandmothers made of ..." music Y. Chichkova

Every day in our garden

Miracles happen

Like we live in a fairy tale

And the fairy tale never ends!

2 child.

We just need to start

Together a new game

The tale continues

Like magic!

Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

How nice it is in autumn in the forest!

What a beauty!

That yellow leaf, then the red leaf

They drop trees.

I hasten to my grandmother,

I bring her pies.

Autumn bouquet for her

I collected in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

Nobody scares me

And my favorite song

I sing everywhere.

Little Red Riding Hood sings the song "If it's long, ..."

Oh, the weather is gloomy,

The cloud is moving.

Gotta get under the birch

Wait out the autumn rain.

Hiding under a birch. Noise effect.

Now the rain has stopped

Another clear day has come

Round dance "Birch" musical composition. G. Vikhareva.

I will stay in the autumn forest.

I will find some mushrooms for my grandmother.

Let's help Little Red Riding Hood find edible and inedible ones.

The game "Who will find more mushrooms."

Rules of the game: choose edible mushrooms from all mushrooms.

The wolf comes out.

Teeth, I sharpen my teeth.

I want to eat all the girls!

I'm tired of girls -

And stick your nose everywhere.

Life is simply not given.

Teeth, I sharpen my teeth.

I want to eat all the girls!

Red Riding Hood.

I'm not afraid of your teeth!

What are you, stupid

Today, the guys have a holiday

We came to congratulate grandparents.

Don't yawn, but sing ditties.


Grandma comes out.

Oh, how fun you have, your legs are in a hurry to dance.

I'll dance - I'm for you.

Leading. Grandchildren came to congratulate you on the holiday! Happy seniors day.

Grandmother. Thank you grandchildren. I am also preparing a gift for you, I knit warm socks. So far I've tied one.

Leading. Oh, what a beautiful, warm. You won't get cold in this sock. Maybe my grandfathers, grandmothers will update the sock, put something in it. (collects forfeits)

Games with phantoms

    Who will pick up loops faster.

    For a fun ditty.

    For a crazy dance.

    From geometric shapes - assemble a mitten.

    Who will be the first to dress the grandson.

    Who will pull out the spoon faster.

Grandparents' Day today

We have a wonderful holiday.

We wish you happiness, health

And now let's dance for you.

Round dance with grandmothers (N.Kadyshev's "Poplar").

We wish you dear

Always be healthy

So that you live long - long

Never getting old.

Let the good, let the beautiful

In your life there will always be

Good morning, clear sky

Well, cloudy days never!

The song "We wish you happiness"


nature changes color

The weather is changing

And the golden sun

The rains follow.

And for the warmth of bad weather.

Behind grief there will be happiness

And youth into old age

A person changes.

So life goes in circles.

Years rush to each other

But joy, hope

The year and century are filled.

And on a clear autumn day

Accept flowers, gifts,

Our elderly beloved

Our good man.

Presentation of gifts.

(Annex 2)

Lesson "My family".

Target: to clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the family, about who the relatives are; form an idea of ​​​​the composition of the family, using a family tree, improve the ability to compose short story about his family, naming the names and patronymics of relatives; give an idea about the protection of the rights of the child by family members and the state; develop coherent speech cognitive interests; cultivate love and respect for their family members.

Vocabulary work: prosperous friendly family, care, show respect, respect.

Materials and equipment. Children's works "Family Tree", a symbol of "the right to know your parents and the right to care for them."

preliminary work. Modeling "My family", drawing "My grandfather and grandmother", reading poems and stories about the family. Joint work of children and parents in compiling family tree. Learning with children poems, proverbs and sayings of the peoples of Russia about the family.

Course progress.

If the daughter is not stubborn,

If dad is not angry,

If grandmother is on mother

Doesn't look down,

If kind words

We hear from the morning

So, dad, grandfather,

Mom, grandma and me

Very friendly family!

Vl. What is this poem about? (About family)

What do you think a family is? (A family is people who love each other, care for each other, help, pity, sympathize, treat each other with respect.)

The family unites relatives: parents and children, grandparents, brothers and sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives.

There are many guys in our group. Everyone has their own family. Do you think families are all the same? What is the difference? (Families are all different - there are big, small. People from different families differ in surnames, names, they live in different houses, in different apartments.)

Tell us about your family, about the pedigree (children's stories from the "Family Tree")

The family is the most important, the most precious thing a person has, therefore, at all times, people have made proverbs and sayings about the family.

    Everyone in his family is big.

    Every bird loves its nest.

    The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

    The bird rejoices in spring, and the baby of the mother.

Phys. minute. Finger gymnastics"My family".

This finger is a grandfather.

This finger is a grandmother.

This finger is a daddy.

This finger is mommy.

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

Educator. Why do people say: without a family there is no happiness?

How do your loved ones take care of you?

What are your feelings about this?

How do family members take care of each other?

All family members are obliged to take care of their child, protect and protect from trouble, because he is still small and cannot learn everything on his own. Every child has the right to know his parents and the right to their care and love. The right to live in a family with one's parents is a very important right.

Who do you think should take care of a child left without a family? different reasons? (The state, the baby house, the orphanage, the new family should take care of him.)

Our state takes care of a child who is left without parents. Orphanages and shelters are open for orphans, where children are fed, dressed, treated, and given knowledge. But this care is not enough for children's happiness. Such children are deprived of parental love, maternal warmth, paternal protection. Therefore, take care of your parents, take care of them so that they are always with you.

Solving riddles.

She radiates light

From a smile - a dimple ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than dear ... (mommy).

Whole household: quinoa

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But always scrambled eggs

We will be fed ... (grandmother).

Gave trinkets -

Seven nesting dolls and a beaver...

But more expensive than all the toys

For me, my ... (sister).

This word has seven letters "I"

Guess what, friend! (A family).

Mother with daughter

Mother with daughter

Yes, grandma and granddaughter.

And only three. (grandmother, daughter and granddaughter)

Guess who is it?

Pager, tube, tie, hat.

I'm waiting, friends, for your answer.

Well done! Of course, …. (dad).

Soak in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved ... (grandfather).

I must confess to you:

I have a friend

But a hundred times more reliable

My protector, senior ... (brother).

Outcome. What did we talk about in class today?

What is a very important right we met today?

How should you take care of your close relatives?

Department of Education of the City of Moscow Southern District Department of Education State Budgetary educational institution Moscow city average comprehensive school № 514 (building 6)

Leisure for the Day of the elderly in group 10 (senior) and 9 (preparatory group) "WE HAVE A YEAR IS NOT A TROUBLE"

Guests gather in the hall. The leaders enter - educators of the senior and preparatory groups for school.

Presenter 1:

Outside the window, a golden blizzard, the wind is spinning with autumn foliage,

Why do flowers bloom here, as if in summer, green times?

Host 2:

Because today is a holiday, there are guests in our garden again.

All the children were told today: the elderly will be asked to come.

Presenter 1:

But where are they? Wow, how quickly the minutes fly by!

Host 2:

You probably didn’t understand something - here they are, sitting in front of you.

Presenter 1:

Of course you are joking with me! Are there older people here?

Well, a few wrinkles on the faces, but the eyes are very young!

Host 2: - I understand your surprise. Is it possible to call old, elderly people whose eyes glow with youthful enthusiasm? Nothing that the wrinkles on the faces, the hair turned white, any of our guests can say that the soul is still young and the thirst for life and activity has not faded over the years. Let's applaud our guests, give them some more good mood.

Today is your holiday, and we are glad that you came to our kindergarten. Our children have prepared for you a lot of interesting, funny, funny. Meet!

Musical entry to AUTUMN WALTZ K. Derr.

Child (preparatory group):

Our bow to you, our thanks for the sunshine of your eyes.

And for the fact that autumn began beautifully with your holiday.

Child (preparatory group):

Purchased gifts are empty, but so that you remember the holiday,

Today we will open our hearts to you, because we give our love!

Child (senior group) :

Grandparents, dear, dear,

After all, you were young once too!

And they walked in shorts, and weaved pigtails,

And you taught poems like bunnies, chanterelles.

Child (senior group):

Mom and dad are busy, always at work,

You will tell us a fairy tale, and sing a song!

Grannies cook pies and pancakes,

And they play patty with grandpa's grandchildren.

Child (senior group):

We love you very much and wish you not to get sick,

After resting at the dacha, fly to the Canary Islands!

What else can I say that you want today?

So that you do not have to wait long for a good law.

Child (senior group):

To give a pension every month - a million!

That's when you would say: "Wonderful Law" !

Child (preparatory group):

Summer flashed quickly, ran through the flowers.

Over the mountains he wanders somewhere and misses us there.

Child (preparatory group):

Well, we will not be sad - autumn is also good.

We will sing you a song together, let the soul have fun.

The song and dance about autumn is performed by the children of the older group.

Presenter 1:

The game LET'S BE FAMILIAR is being played.

Music sounds, the sheet is passed from hand to hand. The one who, with the end of the music, had a piece of paper in his hands, tells briefly about himself. (F. I. O, whose grandfather or grandmother, who works or worked).

There is a noise outside the door.

Host 2:

What's with the noise and chatter? Someone is coming to visit us!

Well, let's sit quietly.

Who is this? Let's see!

Baba Yaga flies on a broom to the music.

Baba Yaga:

In the dark thicket at the edge of the forest, I live in my hut.

I know how to conjure, famously fly on a broomstick.

I see it's full of guys... What is it?

Children: - Kindergarten!

Baba Yaga:

So, I didn't get lost in vain! So I got there!

Hello kids, girls and boys!

Goblin brother told me: you fly to kindergarten!

Children meet guests there, congratulate everyone on the holiday

But they didn’t invite me, they forgot about beauty!

I do not forgive insults, I cancel fun, I drive everyone out of here!

Host 2:

Stop being angry, Yaga! Well, where does it fit?

Yes, do not waste your strength in vain, we are not afraid of you!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you're not afraid of me? Okay, then hold on!

I'm about to scream now (shouting) how I will knock with a broom (knocking).

I'll let the evil boredom go! We are friends with boredom, you can’t cheer us up!

Host 2:

We are a cheerful people, we drive boredom out of the gate!

If only we want, and we will cheer you up!

Put your ears on top! Kindergarten sings ditties!

Children of the senior and preparatory groups perform PARTS OF GRANDS.

1. We will sing ditties to you at our holiday

How my grandfather and grandmother and I live a very fun life!

2. My grandmother tells me that it hurts all around me.

I sat with her for three days - I got sick.

3. I began to treat my unhealthy grandmother

And put a three-liter jar on her back

4. If necessary, my grandfather is strict, but in wrinkles - kindness.

Suddenly his legs ache, but he will say: "Nonsense!"

5. Grandmother began to dance and tap dance

So amused, the chandelier fell down.

6. At the dacha, we wave with a hammer all day long.

And our grandmother is not too lazy to cook power-porridge for us.

7. Today my grandmother and I went to play hockey.

I scored three goals for her, and she gave me thirty-three.

8. Pine trees, prickly, green,

Even our grandmothers are in love with our grandfathers!

9. If I were a girl, then I would become a grandmother.

Grandchildren, I would not scold, but only spoiled!

10. And my grandmother Elya does not scold, does not grumble,

On the "hanging out" walks with me, talks to suitors!

11. Having never offended us, grandfather and grandmother are sad.

If a few days will not take the grandchildren.

12. We sang ditties about you in full view of the city.

Be grandparents cheerful and young!

Baba Yaga:

OK OK! We won! You have cheered me up!

But I won't give up so easily. Not! This is not to be!

I will still take revenge on you, I will do some dirty trick anyway!

Presenter 1: - Well, that's enough, Grandma is angry because you have a holiday today too!

Baba Yaga: - I have? What holiday? day of the elderly kindergarten! Oh right, I'm a grandma too! Are you going to congratulate me too?

Presenter 1: - Of course, listen to what wonderful poems our guys have prepared for grandmothers.

Children of the preparatory group read poetry.

"DEAR GRANNY!" Ludmila Emberg

Dear Granny!

Do not count the years in vain, do not be sad that the whiskey has turned gray.

It always happens in nature: snowstorms leave a trail.

Even if your life was not easy, there was still joy and happiness in it.

Be strong, dear, hold on, they will bypass the side of bad weather.

After all, your wealth is WE: daughter, son, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren!

For a long, long time you still live, so that great-great-grandchildren also babysit !!!


Now, if I'm a grandmother, I swear I'll never forget,

What to give to the granddaughter, and maybe the grandson every day for lunch:

I will pour into right hand, I will pour in my left hand,

And just pour on a dish, a mountain of colorful, sweets!

Now, if I'm a grandmother, I swear I'll never forget,

That a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson, should not be scolded for deuces.

And just to dispel boredom, I will send to a cheerful friend

And I'll let you watch TV, I'll let you go for a longer walk.

But my grandmother, obviously, forgot that she loved sweets as a child.

And, apparently, she wore only fives from school.

And her girlfriend did not go to her, and she did not whisper in her ear,

That the loser grandfather Kolya was waiting for her at the window.

Children of the older group read poetry.

Grandmother, like the sun, will warm everyone with her eyes,

How good it is for grandchildren to be with their grandmother next to them!

Grandma will give everyone warmth and affection,

Gently caress us and tell a fairy tale.

Grandmother, my dear,

More than anything in the world, I love you.

I'll run my hand over your wrinkles...

There is no such grandmother in the whole world.

I will never disappoint you.

Just be healthy my grandmother!

bear cub (humming):

For my beloved grandmother, I will sing now.

I want to tell everyone how much I love her ...

Lisa appears.

Fox: - What are you singing here, Mishenka?

Bear: - And I composed a song about my grandmother. You know how good my grandmother is.

Lisa: - But why is she good?

Bear: - Brings me honey, berries. She has no pity for me.

Fox: - Honey, berries... That's all! But my grandmother, my grandmother is better than yours!

Mishka: - Why is that?

Fox: - Yes, because my grandmother teaches me all sorts of tricks.

Bear: - What kind of tricks?

Fox: - How to catch ducks, how to pinch chickens, how to catch up with hares, how to cover up traces. My grandmother is the best in the world!

Bear: - No, mine!

Fox and Misha are arguing. A frog appears.

Frog: - Kwa-kva-kva! You made me laugh ... Yes, all the frogs know that it’s better not to find my grandmother: she sings songs for me, swallows mosquitoes faster than anyone else, and also protects me from herons. My grandmother is the best! Qua!

Bear: - No, mine!

Fox: - And I say - mine!

The animals argue. A girl appears and sings a song.


And nowhere else in the world is there another like it.

The girl sees the animals.

Girl: - Are you so angry, little animals? What cheeks puffed out? Or offended by someone?

Animals: - We were offended by each other.

Girl: - Why?

Bear: - We argued whose grandmother is better.

Girl: - Oh, you stupid little animals! Is there anyone who can compare with my grandmother?! What pies she bakes, what fairy tales she tells, what warm mittens she knits for me for the winter! It is better not to find my grandmother in the whole wide world!

The animals look at the girl questioningly.

Girl: - Remember the debaters, dear children: For each grandchild, everyone is better in the world ...

Together: - Your own, dear, dear grandmother!

Baba Yaga: - Oh, how you love your grandmothers. And I want to be loved the same.

Presenter 2: - For this you need to improve, be kind and not scare the children.

Baba Yaga: - Well, I'll try. It's great, here you are, only I got bored.

Presenter 2: - Well, we are not bored! Let's keep having fun! We know that grandmothers know their grandchildren well. But I think it will be interesting for everyone to know how well children know their grandmothers.

Children stand in a circle eyes closed, and the grandmother calls her grandson or granddaughter, but not by name, but affectionately, for example: sun, kitten. Children must guess who is called.

Presenter 1: - Now, dear guests, I propose to remember those times when you hurried to the dance every day. Let's remember how it was and have a fun dance workout “There are only grandparents on the dance floor” . Meet!

There is a DANCE COMPETITION for grandmothers.

Familiar dance melodies sound - grandparents are dancing.

Baba Yaga: - You tired me, I can no longer.

Presenter 1: - And sometimes our grandparents have no time to dance. Since autumn has come, you need to harvest. And grandparents will help us to harvest.

The relay race is being held HARVEST.

Each team has 4 people (grandfather, grandmother and two children):

  • the first hoop plows the field,
  • the second is planting potatoes,
  • the third puts it in the car,
  • the fourth one is driving the car.

Baba Yaga: - But I know that all children love fairy tales. They have heard many stories from you. And now we will check if you remember them well. And your grandchildren will help you with this.

Quiz FAIRY TALES is being held.

Baba Yaga asks children questions about the knowledge of fairy tales.

  • Which bakery product ran away from grandma and grandpa? (Kolobok)
  • Whose grandmother is the longest in the world? (Boa constrictor)
  • Which character is very fond of jam? (Carlson)
  • Which hero has the most a long nose? (Pinocchio)
  • name the girl with blue hair (Malvina)
  • In what fairy tale did the grandfather have to call for help from all the household members in order to pull out a huge plant? (Turnip)
  • Which heroine flies in a mortar with a broom? (Baba Yaga)
  • What hero does not like chocolate or marmalade. Does he only love small children? (Barmaley)

Presenter 2: - Now it's time to talk about grandfathers!

Children of the oldest group read poems.


My grandfather dear, we are all proud of you!

And I’ll tell you a secret: it’s better not to have a grandfather in the world!

I will always try

Equal to you in everything!

Our grandfather is very businesslike:

Walks around the house, forgot about peace.

He helps his grandmother all day,

Doing this is not at all lazy for him.

He constantly loses points,

He will break something, then he will break it,

Always in a hurry, but tired of business,

He sits down with a newspaper - already snoring.

Children of the preparatory group read poems.

If you suddenly have a hard time, a friend will save you from various troubles.

I am very much like a friend, because he is my grandfather.

On Sundays, my grandfather and I are on our way to the stadium,

I love ice cream with jam, and he loves cartoons.

With such good grandfather not boring even in the rain,

With such a good grandfather, you won't get lost anywhere!

Presenter 2: - Let's remember what games you and your grandchildren play on the street? And I invite two grandfathers for the competition. We all know that boys love to play with cars more than anything else. Now you will play with these excellent machines on a walk. The task is this. You have equal distances, without leaving your chair, twisting the rope on a pencil, bring the car to you, the winner is the one who has the car in his hands faster.

Car competition is held.


  • 2 cars on a string
  • 2 chairs.

Song "Vest" performed by the children of the preparatory group.

Baba Yaga:

I rejuvenated my soul, I used to dance, sing songs.

But it's time to know the measure, you need to run into the forest as soon as possible!

Don't forget me henceforth

Invite more often! Goodbye!

Presenter 1:

Well, our holiday has come to an end.

All that is the best in life, we wish for you today!

The sun of clear, well-being, warm words and friendly eyes.

Host 2:

Well, most importantly, let them not age your soul for a year,

Health is stronger so that you don’t get sick for a century, don’t grieve to live, and don’t grow old in your soul.

Presenter 1:

We wish the heart to beat rhythmically, so that the years slow down.

Host 2:

So that troubles disappear, sadness does not occur, and happiness is enough for a century.

Holiday Day of the elderly in kindergarten is over.

Conversation for children of senior preschool age about the theater

This conversation is designed for preschoolers 5 - 7 years old and is carried out as part of the study lexical topic"Theater" at the theater week at the preschool educational institution

Target: acquaintance with the theater, raising interest in it.

To introduce children to the theater, the history of the theater, types of theater
Introduce children to theater
Introduce children to theatrical culture

The history of the theater.

What is this beautiful building with columns that looks like a palace? This is a theatre.
The theater is a magic house!
You will see the story in it.
Dancing, music and laughter
Presentation for everyone!

The word theater Greek origin. In Greek, it meant the place for the spectacle and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art arose a very long time ago and developed along with the life of mankind itself.
One of the main elements of theatrical art is the game. It all started with her. The infancy of the theater was the games and rituals of primitive peoples. In these games, the first "actors" appeared - good and evil forces. They were expressed not by people, but by deities, spirits, natural phenomena, the meaning of which people did not yet understand. Magic was considered one of the most important means of achieving success in business. It consisted in the fact that before any action, a mimic scene was played out with labor, depicting the successful implementation of this process. Participants of ritual games used complex pantomime, accompanying it with music, dances, songs.
The birthplace of the theater can be considered Ancient Greece. The ancient theaters were open and reached enormous sizes, they could accommodate up to 44 thousand people. Actors enjoyed great respect in Greece. They had to be able to sing, dance, master the art of the word.
In Russia, as in other countries, the emergence of the national theater is associated with folk games and rites. The first steps of the Russian theater are also associated with various rituals. So, before the hunt, the ancestors of the Slavs performed special dances. And the pre-spring holidays were the most fun: it was necessary to appease the deity so that it woke up earlier, then the harvest would be richer. And it was possible to appease him only with fun, jokes, laughter. In all these rituals, games, holidays, people began to stand out who, with their ability to sing, dance, joke, play musical instruments, and tell fairy tales, attracted everyone's attention.
So in the 11th century, buffoons appeared in Russia - itinerant actors, comedians. For several centuries, they staged their performances right on the streets, squares, fairs. They played small funny scenes own composition, sang funny songs, showed acrobatic numbers, trained animals. Main character buffoon performances - a cheerful and dexterous man, who always knew how to outwit an evil and stupid master. Buffoons were itinerant artists. Performances with a learned bear - "bear fun" - were very popular.
There was no permanent theater in Russia then. Such a theater opened its curtain in Yaroslavl. Its founder was our countryman Fyodor Grigoryevich Volkov. Fedor Grigorievich Volkov was born on February 20, 1729 in a merchant family in Kostroma, and from the age of 10 he lived in Yaroslavl. He was quick-witted, observant, hardworking, loved books, music, composed songs himself, played the harp, liked to participate in home performances. Boys while studying at the Moscow Academy all free time gave to his favorite hobby - the theater.
Returning to Yaroslavl in 1749, Volkov created a theater drama troupe and puts on performances in an ordinary barn, later a wooden theater is being built. Many people came to watch the performances and admired the talent of the troupe. The fame of the Yaroslavl theater reached the capital, to Empress Catherine. In January 1752, the Volkov troupe was summoned to St. Petersburg by decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, where the Yaroslavl people gave several performances at court, as well as public ones, after which the four best actors were left in the capital, including Volkov and his brother Grigory. Both of them were assigned to the court theater. On August 30, 1756, a decree was issued on the establishment of a permanent Russian theater for the presentation of tragedies and comedies. The director of the theater was the playwright A.P. Sumarokov, whom Volkov first helped in managing the theater, and then replaced him. Volkov possessed many talents: he was a wonderful actor, poet, painter, musician, sculptor.
Our theater is the first national theater in Russia. It is named after its founder: the Academic Drama Theater named after Fyodor Volkov.

Theater types
The theater is an amazing place where performances are shown, music sounds, poetry is read, where they dance and sing, where you can laugh and cry, where there is something to think about and something to be surprised at. Sometimes it's scary, but more often it's fun. The theater was created for the audience to come and watch performances. Theater is a special art. There are different theatres.

There is an opera and ballet theater, where the main thing in the performance is music. In an opera (musical and dramatic performance), for example, opera artists do not speak, but sing arias. The voices of the singers in the opera are very beautiful, clear. But apart from the voice opera artist acting skills are also needed - after all, this is not just a concert, but a whole performance with its own plot. In opera, it is important not only what the singer sings, but also how he does it, what feelings he conveys to the audience.
How is opera created? First select any literary work, for example, a fairy tale. According to it, the libretto is written - the text - the basis for the future performance. The composer composes music, the singers learn their arias. In an opera, there can be an aria by one singer, and a duet when two people sing, and a choral performance by many artists, and just musical inserts. All this adds up to a performance. Combination beautiful music, beautiful voices and a beautiful story - isn't that great! In our time, the first in the world was created in Moscow Musical Theatre for kids. It was founded by Natalia Ilinichnaya Sats. She staged the operas Morozko, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, Three Fat Men, The Giant Boy at the theater for children ...

There is an operetta theater. Operetta is a cheerful performance with music, songs, incendiary dances, witty dialogues.

Ballet art is a kind of theater where the content is conveyed to the audience without words: music, dance, pantomime. The word "ballet" comes from the Latin "to dance".
The creation of a ballet performance begins with the author writing a libretto - a script for a future performance, summary what the audience will see. The libretto outlines the plot, tells what events and with the participation of which characters will unfold on stage. Then, based on the libretto, the composer writes music. Then the choreographer, the ballet director, gets down to business. Roles are entrusted to artists - dancers. Together they create a performance, dance. Ballet dancers tell about all the events, the relationship of the characters with each other with the help of dance. To create a certain mood, atmosphere, scenery, scenery created by artists is used. The costume plays a special role in ballet: it should be light, comfortable for dancing, and beautiful. Do you know how many ballets are based on fairy tales? "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", "Humpbacked Horse". The dancers convey a variety of feelings with their movements, and the audience rejoices and mourns along with the characters, just as if they heard their speech.

And in the drama theater the main means is the word. Not by chance drama theatre sometimes called colloquial.
The word "drama" in Greek means "action". A drama or a play is a special text that is written to be shown to the audience, the public in the theater. There are no descriptions in the drama, as in a story or a fairy tale. About heroes, about events, a playwright - a writer who composes a drama - tells in a dialogue, a conversation. If a play were written about us, the playwright would put us on the list. actors, and then I would put our conversations - dialogues in the play. Dramatic performances are different - comedy, tragedy, melodrama. Comedy is a merry play, tragedy is a serious and sad one. After all, in life there is not only joyful events. Tragedy makes people think. A melodrama is a play in which sad events take place, but everything ends well. good heroes become happy, and evil - get what they deserve.
Which theater is the most unusual? There are many such theatres.
For example, the theater of animals. There are animals out there. The roles in the performance are played by cats, dogs, mice or even elephants.
There is another theater - a puppet theater. We all know the fairy tale of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino." It tells about the adventures of the wooden Pinocchio doll. And the fairy tale ends with a performance in the puppet theater "Lightning", where the puppets themselves write plays in verse and play them themselves. The puppet theater appeared in Ancient Rome. Gradually puppet heroes appeared in many countries. In Italy, Pulcinella became the favorite of the audience, in France - Openchinelle, in England - Punch, in Russia - Petrushka ... On contemporary scene puppet theater puppets can play together with the actors. it wonderful theater and there are different types of dolls. There are riding glove puppets (the artist puts them on like a glove on his fingers, and hides behind a screen), there are puppets on strings (the puppeteer controls them from above, pulling first one string, then another. Puppets of this system are often called puppets, but this is wrong , because in many countries any theater puppet is called a puppet), cane puppets (they are held by a stick that passes through the entire puppet. The actor controls the puppet's hands with thin sticks - canes that are hidden from the viewer in the sleeves or in the puppet's clothes), mechanical, shadowy... In the theater of shadows, puppets are not visible at all, only their shadows are visible. The main puppet theater in our country has become the Central Puppet Theater in Moscow, its founder and leader is Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov.

There are all sorts of theaters
And what they just do not have!
Here performances will play for you,
Drama, opera, ballet.
Here on the stage you can meet
Various dolls and animals.
Children love the theater
So let's go there quickly.

theater building
The theater building is home to magical performances. The modern theater building is saturated with technology, electronics, optics, like a large industrial enterprise.
And the theater building began with a simple open area, as it was in ancient times. Greek theater. Much later, in the 17th century, the "theatrical building" of buffoons - puppeteers consisted of a piece of brightly colored canvas. In the middle of the square at the fair appeared an actor - a puppeteer in strange clothes: around the waist hung almost to the ground krasina - something like a skirt. The actor raised his hands and the “skirt” raised up covered the entire upper part of his body. And then upstairs, along the edge of such a makeshift screen, dolls appeared and played out their stories. Sometimes theatrical performances were played right on the squares.
Today, only a team of specialists can service the complex structure of the theater, especially the stage. Of particular importance in the design and construction of theater buildings is their acoustics - the creation of the best audibility from any place. This is what acoustic scientists do.

Here is the hall. On the stage theater curtain. It opens only during the performance. Curtains are of great importance: there is a fire iron curtain, separating, if necessary, the stage from the auditorium, intermission lowering, intermission sliding, a silencer that absorbs various unnecessary noises.
There is a huge beautiful chandelier in the hall. During the performance, the lights in the hall are not on, but the stage is lit. Upstairs there are spotlights - spotlights. There are many of them in the hall, both on the sides and above the stage. They illuminate the stage and the actors with beams - sometimes muffled, sometimes bright, sometimes white, sometimes colored.

The stage is the main part of the theater building, a platform for the actors to play.
The stage is the part of the theater building where the performance takes place. Scene is a Greek word.
AT ancient Greek theater it was a light building, where the artists changed their clothes and from where they left. And they played in the orchestra - a round or semicircular open space in front of the stage, under open sky. Later, a platform formed by a high decorative building in front of the stage became a place for the actors to play. In the ancient Roman theater, she occupied most orchestras and became known as the proscenium. From it the modern scene developed.
Everything is here. And underworld, where complex mechanisms are hidden, it is called a hold. Holds, depending on their purpose, are of different depths. Here, for example, if necessary, the hero of the play can fall through - as if through the earth. The floor of the stage - a tablet - consists of separate shields measuring 2 * 1.5 meters. The hold and tablet make up the lower stage.
There are sky-high heights, where grates, gratings, lifting devices for scenery are located. A magician, Baba Yaga, can ascend into this theatrical sky...
The modern stage is a stage - a box. It is separated from the audience by a portal arch. The part of the stage that protrudes in front of her is the proscenium, a place intended mainly for insert episodes of the play. The front part of the stage, closely adjoining the curtain, is the proscenium; the space behind it is a game stage, and at the back wall there is a rear stage, where the design of the performance is located, and sometimes prepared in advance. On both sides of the portal arch near the side walls of the stage there are spaces hidden from the audience - pockets. Here the artists are preparing for the exit and the parts of the design necessary for the performance are stored.
On the sides of the stage different levels there are working platforms from which workers raise and lower hanging decorations. The working platforms rise in several tiers and form the so-called upper stage. Above the upper stage there is a grate - grate. It has blocks for hanging decorations.
The equipment of the upper stage consists of a complex lifting system that serves to bring part of the scenery onto the stage and clean it under the grate.
Thanks to the mechanical equipment of the lower stage, an object or person can instantly disappear from the stage. Sometimes in performances the stage can spin. It is equipped with very complex mechanisms. The floor near the stage is not solid; a rotating circle is built into it. The scenery on this circle rotates, the wings move around on wheels, and the scenery replaces each other right during the performance.
The ramp is the boundary between the stage and auditorium. Along it, along the very front edge of the stage, lighting devices are installed that are invisible to the audience (this is only part of the lighting equipment of a modern theater).
There is an orchestra pit in front of the stage. There are different chairs musical instruments. The word "orchestra" comes from the Greek term orchestra. So in the Greek theater the round platform was called, on which the actors performed. Until the middle of the 18th century, the location of the musicians during the performance was called the orchestra. Only later did the word acquire its modern meaning.
An orchestra is a group of musicians who perform a piece of music together on various instruments. Orchestras are divided into symphony, opera, variety, military, brass, orchestras folk instruments. The ceremonial attire of the musicians is the same for everyone: men wear black tailcoats, women wear long black dresses.
The words conductor, to conduct, come from German and French words that mean "to guide", "to lead". A conductor is necessary for the musicians to play harmoniously, at the right tempo and rhythm, as a single ensemble. The conductor determines the interpretation - the mood piece of music. So, for example, a dance tune can be performed sadly or cheerfully. The conductor becomes a co-author of the composer. A conductor is needed in every performance that is accompanied by music.
Sometimes during the performance, birds sing on the stage, the wind rustles. This is not an orchestra, but the work of a sound engineer. It included a recording - a phonogram. The theater has a whole collection - a record library of all kinds of sounds. You can turn on the sound of rain, the rumble of waves, the rumble of the crowd, the whistle of the wind ...
The stage is equipped with complex lighting equipment: a ramp (lower light), suspended spotlights (upper light), remote light (from the auditorium), backlight (from the back of the stage), local light, hidden suspensions, lighting effects, individual lamps. All of them are equipped with color filters of the finest shades, due to which the color of the light changes. Light creates the right mood and atmosphere, various stage effects (rain, snow, sunrise…) Lighting specialists are illuminators. Each performance is scheduled strictly by the minute: when and which spotlight should turn on, what kind of light should be directed at the main character ... The illuminators have their own role - how to depict on stage, for example, dawn, lightning flashes, starry sky ...
In the theater, performances have light and sound scores: when the orchestra should sound, when to turn on the soundtrack.
Now let's go up to the platform. This is another name for the site where the theatrical action takes place. Let's look over the edge of the curtain. Someone brings something, takes it away, arranges it. It's the scene workers who have time to change the scenery for the next action. A hut in the forest, a tree, a bench - these are all decorations.
Artists perform on stage. In front of her is an orchestra pit, behind her is the stalls. The stalls are the most comfortable seats. And then the floor rises in a slide - this is an amphitheater. Above the amphitheater there is a dress circle, above it are tiers, then a gallery, then a box and a balcony.
We learned about the premiere
Give us a ticket in the stalls.
But there are no tickets in the theater -
Give me at least in the amphitheater,
On the balcony, in the mezzanine,
We'll even sit in the gallery.
Only heard in response:
Everything! Full house! There are no tickets.

Before the audience goes to auditorium, they will fall into the foyer. Here you can also take a walk during breaks in the performance. Often in the foyer, photographs of theater artists, photographs of scenes from performances hang on the walls.

The theater has its own rules, for example, if the performance is good, then the audience applauds the actors. And if the audience wants to see the performance again, they clap and shout "Bis!", "Bravo!"
No noise is allowed in the theatre, especially during the performance. You can applaud after the performance or at the beginning if you liked the stage design. If a well-known artist is involved in the performance, he is greeted with applause, you can clap after the end of the action.

Decoration performance
The performance is created and prepared not only on the stage, but also in the theatrical backstage.
Artist - director - very important person in the theater, one of the creators of the play, its decoration. The artistic design of the performance is made up of scenery, props, furniture, costumes, make-up, lighting.
First of all, the artist writes sketches of the future design of the performance. According to his sketches, a layout is created - a model of the future scenery. Theatrical layout is a reduced model of the design of the performance. It reproduces the stage, scenery, furniture, props, even lighting - everything that will surround the actors on stage. This layout looks like a dollhouse. There are also dolls - figures of actors.
Accurate drawings are made according to the proven layout. Then the production of scenery, furniture and props begins by carpenters, props and decorators. Finished scenery is transferred to the stage for mounting.
Scenery - the design of the stage and performance by the artist, general form places of action.
Today decorative art, the creation of a stage setting began to be called scenography. Decorations are made in artistic and production workshops. There is a painting and decoration workshop: the artists of the workshop soft scenery they paint the backdrop of the stage, backstage, furniture upholstery, tablecloths ... Ordinary burlap is turned into velvet with the help of paints. In the workshop of hard scenery, joiners - cabinetmakers, turners, carvers make theatrical furniture. It should be lightweight, durable, collapsible. After all, the scenery is transported on tour. Next to the carpentry workshop is a locksmith. Metal specialists work here, they make antique goblets, wire lampshades, fake swords.
Working scenes do not get confused where to put and attach what. Before the performance, they practice in order to know how and when to change the design, change the scenery, not mix anything up.
Here, for example, the forest on the stage - painted. The drawings are on screens along the stage. These screens are backstage. The artist who works on the design of the performance paints both the backstage and the backdrop - a large picture in the back of the stage. It is convenient for actors from behind the scenes to watch the performance, to see when they go on stage.
The props come from Latin word, which in translation into Russian means "necessary". This is the name given to authentic and sham things needed during the performance: a briefcase, a bicycle, a fan, glasses, dishes, lamps and much more. This is necessary so that the viewer can better imagine the situation and the time of the action of the characters.
Props is an Italian word meaning rubbish. Props - items used in theatrical performances instead of real ones: furniture, sculptural decorations, weapons, costume parts, chandeliers, candlesticks…
They do not differ in appearance from real ones, but are made from lighter and cheaper materials: cardboard, papier-mâché, wood, plaster, canvas ... Plywood, tin, wire, polystyrene, plasticine are used. And large fake items are made detachable.
For example, dishes are made of papier-mâché, fruits are made of foam rubber, weapons are made of wood... But there are also real things on the stage: food, matches... Everything that is destroyed during the performance is prepared anew each time.

The theater employs a lot of people whose professions are very important and interesting: lighting engineer, sound engineer, musicians, make-up artists, employees of theater workshops ...
A lot of people are working on the show. Who is the most important?
There is a person who organizes everything that happens on the stage, although he himself does not appear in front of the audience. This is the director. main man theater director. It depends on him what new performance how the actors will play, how the play will sound. The director chooses the play, assigns the actors to the roles, performs the staging on the stage, together with the artist decides how the performance will look externally, what the scenery will be, monitors the selection of light, makeup, sound, scenery, costumes, music. The director conducts rehearsals with the actors, explains to them how to move correctly, when to pause, what words to pronounce louder, quieter. Rehearsal in Latin means repetition. In rehearsals, in repetitions and consists main way preparation for any performance. During rehearsals, the director and actors first read the play, discuss it, and think about the characters' characters. Then the rehearsals are transferred to the stage. And on the eve of the premiere - the first performance - is held dress rehearsal.

Actor, artist
The art of an actor is the art of creating on stage the image of a person, the hero of a play. The artist, as it were, turns into his hero, reincarnates, as they say in the theater.
Role is a theatrical concept. Previously, a theater actor chose one role for himself for life - a role: funny roles or roles of villains, roles of heroes or simpletons. Now this concept is fading away. Modern actors are universal - they play different roles and characters.
Reincarnation is sometimes only external: the artist changes his face with the help of makeup, puts on a wig, tries to change his voice, invents a gait.
But the artist must also show the character of his hero, convey his thoughts and feelings.
In his work, the artist uses the body, facial expressions, voice, speech, gestures. He is helped by memory, observation, imagination, emotionality. The artist must speak correctly, competently, beautifully. Scenic speech- a special art that is taught in theatrical educational institutions. When we are happy, sad, angry, experiencing any feeling, even when we are just bored, the muscles of our face involuntarily begin to move. Looking at a person, we can determine what his mood is without any words. These movements of the facial muscles, changes in facial expressions are called facial expressions. On stage, facial expressions are an important part of acting.
Acting is very difficult. acting skills they study for years: they learn to control their voice, body, gestures, facial expressions, they learn to be observant so that the role is more truthful. First, the artists play roles in extras, then they get small roles, and the most talented get the main roles and become famous. But there are examples when an actor made a masterpiece out of a small role. No wonder they say: there are no small roles, there are small actors. An actor is an important profession, he is the main person in the play. Theater is a collective art. Each actor must coordinate his performance with the performance of his partner.
Make-up rooms - a room where the actors change clothes, relax, prepare to go on stage. In the room large mirror, a lamp, in front of the mirror there are a lot of jars, boxes with paints, makeup, brushes. The actors sit in front of the mirror, and the make-up artist puts on makeup - paints the face. Make-up artist - interesting theater profession. An experienced make-up artist can change the appearance of an actor beyond recognition - he can use false mustaches, beards, eyebrows, noses ...; make an old man out of a young man - draw wrinkles, glue a beard ... Make-up is constantly used in the theater. The nature of makeup depends on the work of the actor on the image, the director's intention. The make-up artist puts a wig on the artist's head. Different wigs, mustaches, beards are made in the wig shop by stylists.
The costume helps convey the character of the hero. In concept theatrical costume includes all kinds of clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry and other items. The costume for the role is chosen not to the taste of the artist. Sketches, sketches of all types of clothing for the characters of the performance are performed by the artist, the one who draws up the entire performance. According to his sketches, costumes are sewn in the costume workshops of the theater.
In the theater studio you can find a lot of costumes and shoes. The theater also has a shoe shop.
The artist will draw the costume, the tailors will select the fabric. You can even dye the fabric - this is done by fabric painters.
Actors do whatever the director tells them to do. But everyone brings something different to the role. Everyone in the theater must be talented.
To take place in the theater premiere,
It takes a long time to prepare her costumers,
And illuminators, and decorators,
And playwright, and sound engineers,
Chief artist, cashier, props,
A lot of good actresses and actors
Carpenter, workers, turner, make-up artist,
And the director is responsible for everything.

Before buying tickets to the theater, you need to choose the performance that we want to see. Acquaintance with the repertoire of the theater will help us in this. Repertoire - a list, a list of performances going on in the theater in a given season. help us and playbill- a bright, beautiful ad. The name of the performance is written on it, for example: “The Bremen Town Musicians. Musical comedy based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Premiere". The word "premiere" means "first" - the performance is completely new.
Here is the inscription "Cashier". Above it is a sign "Full House" - all tickets for the performance are sold. This word comes from the German words "poster", "announcement". This is the name of a special announcement at the box office that all tickets for the performance are sold out. The word "sold out" can also be used to mean a full gathering - instead of saying "the hall was full." So the show is good.
Theatrical performance is divided into parts - actions, or as they are also called - acts. Different performances have a different number of actions. Intermission - a break between actions, acts. This word comes from French words meaning "between" and "action" in translation. The first meaning of the term is a break between acts or actions of a performance, concert or performance. It is intended for performers to rest and change scenery. But it is also called a small piece of music(musical intermission). It is performed before the start of the next action in an opera or performance with music.
The play is divided into acts
Intermissions between acts
But then the first bell rings, the second. The performance begins after the third bell.

To help theatrical business, to try to "stop" the bright stage moments, theater museums are being created. They store and exhibit paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs dedicated to the theater. Curators and researchers of theater museums collect, cherish, study and show visitors sketches of scenery and costumes for performances, the costumes of great actors themselves, stage life items, rare photographs, letters, documents, diaries and sound recordings of outstanding stage masters.
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