Persian proverbs. Proverbs and sayings



1. Careless and dead are the same
2. Enemies are divided into three types: the enemy, the enemy of the friend, the friend of the enemy
3. A fool loves praise
4. If children's prayers were fulfilled, not a single teacher would be left alive
5. If there was a partnership good deed, then God would take a companion
6. If there is no gate, why the gatekeeper?
7. If the donkey does not fit the load - move the load to the donkey
8. Complaining is a woman's business
9. Stone breaks stone
10. When I could, I didn’t know, but when I found out, I couldn’t
11. Who is generous does not need to be brave
12. Love your mother - do not insult mine
13. A sword that is not polished will rust.
14. You can kill the living, but how to revive the dead?
15. A man who closes his mouth and rolls up his sleeves
16. A man who bought second pants is already thinking about a new wife.
17. Eat your fill of fruit - do not break branches
18. Knife stumbled on a bone
19. Do not be afraid of the loud, but be afraid of the silent
20. If you have already become the wife of a donkey, carry a donkey load
21. It didn’t work out the way I wanted, but it turned out the way God wanted
22. If you don't give, you won't receive
23. An inexperienced thief climbs into a barn with hay
24. A thief not caught is a king
25. You can’t drive everyone with one stick
26. An uncovered dining table has one flaw, but a set one has a thousand.
27. No wife - no sadness
28. I have no wealth, I would have at least an honor!
29. Not a single cat will catch mice for God's sake
30. A beggar knows better who is stingy
31. Knife does not cut its handle
32. Offend friends - please enemies
33. One rose is not yet spring
34. From a lot of running around, only shoes are torn
35. He is an excellent swimmer, but he cannot find water
36. No rot takes a bad eggplant
37. Called the dog - pick up a stick
38. As long as there are fools in the world, the ruined will not be left without bread
39. The field of dreams is spacious
40. Before stealing a minaret, dig a hole (to hide it there)
41. Working for nothing is better than idleness
42. Solved the riddle seems easy
43. Expenses for a late guest - at his expense
44. Rose is a friend of the thorn
45. With a fortune teller he is a poet, with a poet he is a fortune teller, with both of them he is nobody, without them he is both
46. ​​Conspire with the headman and rob the village
47. The heart is not a tablecloth, you won’t open it in front of everyone
48. Scorpio stings not out of malice, but by nature
49. Blind in his work sighted
50. Word begets word
51. First get along with friends, and then attack enemies
52. The dog barks, but the caravan moves on
53. Consult with a thousand people, and reveal your secret to one
54. Haste is bad, but in a good deed is commendable
55. A sleeper will not wake a sleeper
56. One hundred friends - few, one enemy - many
57. The strictness of a teacher is better than the affection of a father
58. Score by score, and brother by brother
59. My calf grew old, but did not become a bull
60. What you read, we know by heart
61. The donkey pulls the strap, and the nag eats
62. He who does not have a donkey has no sadness
63. The mind of people is in their eyes
64. A smart enemy is better than a stupid friend
65. A scientist even knows, but he will ask, but an ignoramus does not know and does not ask
66. If you want to do a good deed, drop your hesitation
67. Man is hidden behind his words
68. The more you dig, the more it stinks
69. What is appropriate is pleasant
70. I got married to dye my eyebrows, not sew patches

Meaning of PERSIAN PROVERBS in the Wiki Quote


Data: 2009-07-27 Time: 12:09:36

* Careless and dead are one and the same.

* God knew what a donkey was, and therefore did not give him horns.

* Be afraid of the one who is afraid of you.

* Enemies are divided into three categories: the enemy, the enemy of the friend, the friend of the enemy.

* high name better than a high roof.

* Bay is not worse than gray.

* Mountain will not come to mountain, but man comes to man.

* A fool loves praise.

* If the prayers of the children were fulfilled, not a single teacher would be left alive.

* If partnership were a good thing, then God would take a companion for himself.

* If there is no door, why the gatekeeper?

* If the donkey does not fit the load - move the load to the donkey.

* If happiness is turned away, what good is courage?

* If you consider yourself tired, then consider your friend dead.

* Complaining is a woman's business.

* And a comrade to thieves, and a friend to the caravan.

* Stone breaks stone.

* When he could, he did not know, and when he knew, he could not.

* If you are a surgeon, set your own intestines first.

* He who is afraid of wolves does not breed sheep.

* He who is generous does not need to be brave.

* Wherever you go, the sky is the same color everywhere.

* A lion will not eat dog leftovers even if he is starving.

* If you love your mother, don't insult mine.

* A sword that is not polished will rust.

* You can kill the living, but how to revive the dead?

* The man is the one who closes his mouth and rolls up his sleeves.

* A man who has bought second pants is already thinking about a new wife.

* I ate my fill of fruits - do not break branches.

* Knife stumbled on a bone.

* Do not be afraid of the loud, but be afraid of the silent.

* Do not be the wife of a donkey, and if you have already become - carry a donkey load.

* It didn't work out the way I wanted it, but it turned out the way God wanted.

* If you don't give, you won't receive.

* An inexperienced thief climbs into a barn with hay.

* A thief not caught is a king.

* The bride does not leave the house because she does not have a veil.

* You can not drive everyone with one stick.

* An unlaid dining table has one drawback, but a laid one has a thousand.

* No wife - no sadness.

* Not a single cat will catch mice for God's sake.

* A beggar knows best who is stingy.

* The knife does not cut its handle.

* Both litigants do not return from the judge satisfied.

* Offend friends - please enemies.

* One guest hates the other, and the host hates both.

* One rose is not yet spring.

* He has peas for every soup.

* From a lot of running around, only shoes are torn.

* He is an excellent swimmer, only he cannot find water.

* Bad eggplant does not take any rot.

* Sweep your friends' house and don't knock on your enemies' doors.

* Called the dog - pick up a stick.

* As long as there are fools in the world, the ruined will not be left without bread.

* The field of dreams is spacious.

* Before stealing a minaret, dig a hole (to hide it there)

* Working for nothing is better than idleness.

* The solved riddle seems easy.

* Expenses for a late guest - at his expense.

* The rose is a friend of the thorn.

* Kiss the hand that you cannot cut off.

* With a fortune teller he is a poet, with a poet he is a fortune teller, with both of them he is nobody, without them he is both.

* No matter which way you stop the decline, there will still be profit.

* Conspire with the headman and rob the village.

* The heart is not a tablecloth, you will not open it in front of everyone.

* Scorpio stings not out of malice, but by nature.

* A blind man is sighted in his work.

* The word begets the word.

* First get along with your friends, and then attack your enemies.

* The dog barks; and the caravan moves on.

* Consult with a thousand people, and reveal your secret to one.

* Hurry is bad, but in a good deed it is commendable.

* A sleeper will not wake a sleeper.

* A hundred friends are few, one enemy is many.

* The severity of the teacher is better than the caress of the father.

* Account by account, and brother by brother.

* My calf grew old, but did not become a bull.

* What you read, we know by heart.

* The donkey pulls the strap, and the nag eats.

* He who does not have a donkey has no sorrow.

* The mind of people is in their eyes.

* A smart enemy is better than a stupid friend.

* At least a scientist knows and asks, but an ignoramus does not know and does not ask.

* If you want to do a good deed, drop your hesitation.

* Man is hidden behind his words.

* The more you dig, the more it stinks.

* What is appropriate is pleasant.

* I got married to dye my eyebrows, not sew patches.

* Tongue made of meat, wherever you turn, it turns there.

Wiki Quote. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is PERSIAN PROVERB in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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Allah knows, but the slave also guesses. Turkish proverb
Appetite comes with the first bite, quarrel with the first word. Arabic proverb
Assyrians after long conversations are bound to be relatives. Assyrian proverb
The poor are not afraid of being poor. Pashtun proverb
Without people, what is the use of swords? Arabic proverb
Beat the innocent so that the guilty confess. Arabic proverb
Beware of everyone you have done good. Turkish proverb
Careless and dead are one and the same. Persian proverb
A beaten donkey runs faster than a horse. Turkish proverb
A close enemy is better than a distant friend. Arabic proverb
God knew what a donkey was, and therefore did not give him horns. Persian proverb
Pain makes you cry, love makes you talk. Turkish proverb
Brother is a wing. Arabic proverb
Will the shadow be straight if the trunk is curved? Arabic proverb
In conversation, the path is shortened. Arabic proverb
In battle, a saber is not loaned. Turkish proverb
The camel was asked: "Which do you like more - the ascent or the descent?" He said: "There is also a third abomination - dirt." Pashtun proverb
The winds don't blow the way the ships want. Arabic proverb
In the evening, no matter what he lied to, but in the morning he will refuse everything. Turkish proverb
Instead of opening your mouth, open your eyes. Turkish proverb
In every beauty there is a flaw. Arabic proverb
The wolf loves fog. Turkish proverb
A thief is a thief - whether he stole an egg, whether he stole a bull. Kurdish proverb
A thief is not ashamed to steal, but you are ashamed to catch him! Pashtun proverb
You cannot drive the enemy away from the gates of the city, where the defense is weak. Sumerian proverb
The hound is not a watchman. Sumerian proverb
You pay a friend with evil - what will you pay your enemy with? Sumerian proverb
Friendship for a while - slavery forever. Sumerian proverb
Not to know beer is not to know joy. Sumerian proverb
The wolf cried to God: “I am so alone!” Sumerian proverb
Enemies are divided into three categories: enemy, enemy of a friend, friend of an enemy. Persian proverb
Be at enmity with the emir, but don't be at enmity with the watchman. Arabic proverb
Listening to lies is harder than talking. Turkish proverb
The doctor of the proud is Allah. Turkish proverb
Everyone knocks on the door to the one who knocks on all doors. Kurdish proverb
Anything in abundance gets boring. Arabic proverb
Everything you give away will stay with you. Kurdish proverb
A high name is better than a high roof. Persian proverb
I guess - everything turns out well, but I can’t wait for the sweet one. Pashtun proverb
Where the goose appeared, the chickens do not regret it. Turkish proverb
Where there is honey, there will be flies. Turkish proverb
Where there are calves, there are cows. Assyrian proverb
The eye will not see - the heart will not love. Kurdish proverb
A fool is forgiven seventy mistakes, and a scientist is not one. Arabic proverb
The stupid gave, the cunning ate. Turkish proverb
Anger sweeter than honey. Turkish proverb
Bay is not worse than gray. Persian proverb
Say what you hear, don't say what you see. Pashtun proverb
The hungry think: “We won’t get enough,” and the full one: “I won’t get hungry.” Turkish proverb
The hungry know no mercy. Turkish proverb
Naked water is afraid. Pashtun proverb
You can't catch a snake with your bare hands. Turkish proverb
Mountain does not come to mountain, but man comes to man. Persian proverb
The guest does not eat what he expected, but what he found. Turkish proverb
The guest who comes after dinner gets firewood. Turkish proverb
May Allah protect us from lack of food and from excess of words!
Come on - don't be afraid, take it - don't be shy! Kurdish proverb
No one will cut off the hand that gives. Turkish proverb
Two things find their value after losing them - youth and health. Arabic proverb
Two foxes are better than one lion, two lions are the best. Kurdish proverb
The door of disaster is wide. Arabic proverb
Movement is good, slowness is death. Arabic proverb
Give nine, take ten. Kurdish proverb
The day of joy is short. Arabic proverb
Money in the purse of the disease will not drive away. Assyrian proverb
The length of a road is determined by its width. Kurdish proverb
A long wedding will teach you how to dance. Arabic proverb
A pugnacious woman without dogs guards the whole village. Assyrian proverb
The fool is always waiting for the good day to come. Turkish proverb
A fool finds a fool. Turkish proverb
A fool loves praise. Persian proverb
Melon lying down grows. Turkish proverb
As soon as we were going to steal - the day started. Kurdish proverb
If Allah closes one door, He opens a thousand others. Turkish proverb
If two talk - do not be the third! Turkish proverb
If the brothers were good, God would have created a brother for himself. Assyrian proverb
If everyone were smart, there would be no one to feed the cows. Turkish proverb
If the prayers of the children were fulfilled, not a single teacher would be left alive. Persian proverb
If partnership were a good thing, then God would take a companion. Persian proverb
If you hit, hit hard, if you scream, scream loudly. Arabic proverb
If the camel does not follow the camel, then the camel must follow the camel. Turkish proverb
If time doesn't get along with you, you get along with time. Turkish proverb
If two people say you're drunk, go to bed. Assyrian proverb
If gold falls into the mud, it will not become bronze. Turkish proverb If you can't swim, what can you do at the seaside? Turkish proverb
If someone conceived something without consulting you, you do not need to congratulate him on happy outcome affairs. Arabic proverb
If you cannot achieve everything, you should not give up a part. Arabic proverb
If there is no door, why the gatekeeper? Persian proverb
If you don't have what you want, want what you have. Arabic proverb
If the donkey does not fit the load, move the load to the donkey. Persian proverb
If happiness is turned away, what good is courage? Persian proverb
If you consider yourself tired, then consider your friend dead. Persian proverb
If you become an anvil, be patient; if you become a hammer - strike. Arabic proverb
If you are a chicken, then why are you laying goose eggs?
If you don’t have barley flour, can’t you find at least pleasant speeches? Turkish proverb
If this world has an up, then it has a down. Turkish proverb
If you want to help the truth, make friends with the lie. Assyrian proverb
If you want to get to the dignitary, make friends with the doorkeeper and the storekeeper. Arabic proverb
If you want to know their secrets, ask their children. Arabic proverb
A lot of water will flow away while this porridge is cooked. Assyrian proverb
The thirsty one breaks the jug. Arabic proverb
Complaining is a woman's business. Persian proverb
The desire of the heart - the head of trouble. Kurdish proverb
The one who wants good is like the one who does good. Arabic proverb
The stomach is the enemy of man. Arabic proverb
Marry young so that the children have time to become your comrades. Kurdish proverb
Marries a neighbor - what to drink water from a tinned cup. Turkish proverb
Marriage is joy for a month and sadness for life. Arabic proverb
A woman without shame that the food is 6es of salt. Arabic proverb
The bride and groom are getting married, and the village fools are having fun. Assyrian proverb
live dog better than dead lion. Arabic proverb
A live donkey is better than a dead philosopher. Arabic proverb
A live jackal is better than a dead tiger. Pashtun proverb
Try your breakfast, taste your lunch, postpone dinner - you will live a hundred years. Assyrian proverb
The hare was angry with the mountain, but the mountain did not know. Turkish proverb
Health is from Allah, salary is from the king. Turkish proverb
And a comrade to thieves, and a friend to the caravan. Persian proverb
And you didn't and I didn't; so why should we put up with it? Pashtun proverb
Only what is in it can be poured out of the jug. Arabic proverb
Roses come out of the thorns. Arabic proverb
An apology will not fill the stomach of a hungry man. Arabic proverb
The name is loud, but the village is poor. Assyrian proverb
Figs look at figs and ripen. Assyrian proverb
Looking for a calf under a bull. Turkish proverb
They are looking for our dead donkey to remove the horseshoes from it. Assyrian proverb
Each pot has a lid. Turkish proverb
You can't grab everyone by the beard. Turkish proverb
Every ascent has a descent. Kurdish proverb
Like a drum: the voice is loud, but inside is empty. Arabic proverb
How easy war is for spectators! Arabic proverb
No matter how high the mountains are, there is a pass. Turkish proverb
As you treat others, so will they treat you. Assyrian proverb
Like threshing barley: a lot of noise, little use. Arabic proverb
As the blind looks at God, so God looks at the blind. Assyrian proverb
As soon as the fool fills his belly, his eyes look at the door. Turkish proverb
Like a poplar: no fruit, no shade. Turkish proverb
What good is the stars if the moon shines?
What is at nine years old, such is at ninety. Turkish proverb
What does the wolf care about how much the mule costs? Kurdish proverb
Stone breaks stone. Persian proverb
A rolling stone does not overgrow. Assyrian proverb
When the bull falls, many knives rise above him. Arabic proverb
When you lend, you are a friend; when you demand it back, you are an enemy. Arabic proverb
When he could, he did not know, and when he knew, he could not. Persian proverb
Whenever you catch a fish, it is always fresh. Assyrian proverb
When the harvest is in, the vineyard needs no watchman. Turkish proverb
If there is youth, a spring garden and a beloved - what more could you want? Kurdish proverb
Whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown. Kurdish proverb
You are a surgeon, save your own guts first. Persian proverb
The cauldron said to the cauldron: “Your bottom is black!” Turkish proverb
Steals money from a beggar's bowl. Turkish proverb
The fortress is taken from within. Turkish proverb
He who is afraid of wolves does not breed sheep. Persian proverb
Those who are afraid are beaten. Arabic proverb
Whoever holds honey licks his fingers. Turkish proverb
Whoever desires peace must be deaf, blind and dumb. Turkish proverb
Who is looking for a friend without flaws, remains alone. Arabic proverb
Whoever speaks little is always calm. Turkish proverb
Who gives little - gives from the heart, who gives a lot - gives from wealth. Turkish proverb
Who knows a lot - a lot and wrong. Kurdish proverb
Who does not beat his children - beats himself. Turkish proverb
Who does not keep a cat, he feeds mice. Turkish proverb
Whoever does not become a wolf will be gnawed by wolves. Arabic proverb
Who fears wolves prepares dogs. Arabic proverb
Who entrusts the work to the child, he himself follows him. Turkish proverb
Whoever gets up in anger will sit down with a loss. Turkish proverb
Who said and did - a man, who did not say and did - a lion, who said and did not - a donkey. Kurdish proverb
Those who are generous do not need to be brave. Persian proverb
Wherever you go, the sky is the same color everywhere. Persian proverb
Lie so that there is salt in the lie. Kurdish proverb
A lion will not eat dog leftovers even if he is starving. Persian proverb
There is no forest without jackals. Turkish proverb
An extra piece in the throat will not get stuck. Kurdish proverb
A clever thief will make it so that the owner will be to blame. Turkish proverb
Go to bed with an empty stomach and wake up refreshed. Assyrian proverb
It would be better if God shortened their life, but would add to their mind. Assyrian proverb
It is better to be a master in a village than a servant in a city. Assyrian proverb
Better to keep a son in the market than money in a chest. Arabic proverb
It is better to make your son cry than to cry for him later. Arabic proverb
Better to go in the middle than ahead. Turkish proverb
It is better to let the lion tear to pieces than the fox will deceive. Assyrian proverb
If you love your mother, don't insult mine. Persian proverb
A loving heart does not look at beauty. Assyrian proverb
People don't like what they don't know. Arabic proverb
The frog said: "If I don't croak, I'll burst." Kurdish proverb
A small mind is a great burden. Kurdish proverb
The mother of a coward has no reason to cry. Turkish proverb
The mother of the murderer forgets, but the mother of the murdered does not. Arabic proverb
The measure is large, but the barn is empty. Turkish proverb
A sword that is not polished will rust. Persian proverb
The experienced is better than the wise. Arabic proverb
You can kill the living, but how to revive the dead? Persian proverb
Pray until you are tired, eat until you are satisfied, sleep until the morning comes. Turkish proverb
Don't send a young man to marry, an old man to buy a donkey
Silence is the brother of consent. Arabic proverb
Silence is the attire of the wise and the mask of the fool. Arabic proverb
My head will rest if your tongue stops. Turkish proverb
A man rejoices twice: the first time - when he marries, the second - when he is left without a wife. Assyrian proverb
The man is the one who closes his mouth and rolls up his sleeves. Persian proverb
The man who bought the second pants is already thinking about a new wife. Persian proverb
They have a handful of flour - and twenty ovens! Pashtun proverb
A fly lands on rotten meat. Assyrian proverb
The fly is caught with honey. Turkish proverb
We eat the same piece, why are you staring at me?
We were silent when he entered, so he brought the donkey in. Arabic proverb
There is a milkmaid for every cow. Arabic proverb
For every tear there is a laugh. Kurdish proverb
Anyone can climb a low wall. Arabic proverb
Don't laugh at the living, don't cry at the dead. Turkish proverb
I ate my fill of fruit - do not break the branches. Persian proverb
The laughs end in a fight. Pashtun proverb
The knife hit the bone. Persian proverb
Do not be afraid of the loud, but be afraid of the silent. Persian proverb
Do not be the wife of a donkey, and if you have already become, carry a donkey's load. Persian proverb
Do not be too soft - they will crush, not storms and too hard - they will break. Turkish proverb
Don't be too sweet, you'll be eaten; don't be too bitter, you'll be thrown away. Kurdish proverb
If there were no stupid people, the smart ones would go unnoticed. Assyrian proverb
Not every beholder sees. Turkish proverb
Don't choose your wife through the eyes of a bachelor. Turkish proverb
It didn't work out the way I wanted it, but it turned out the way God wanted it to. Persian proverb
Do not iron up - you will not fall down. Kurdish proverb
If you don't give, you won't receive. Persian proverb
Don't make your friend cry and don't make your enemy laugh. Turkish proverb
Not to know - not ashamed, ashamed not to ask. Turkish proverb
An inexperienced thief climbs into a barn with hay. Persian proverb
Don't open a door you can't close. Arabic proverb
Don't die, donkey! Spring is coming! Kurdish proverb
A thief not caught is a king. Persian proverb
You don't buy, you don't sell - what do you do in the bazaar? Turkish proverb
Don't tell your secret to a friend, don't tell your friend to an enemy. Turkish proverb
Do not sit in the front rows, so as not to be transplanted to the last. Assyrian proverb
Don't be stingy! I don't ask for more of you. Kurdish proverb
Don't look at his blanket - look at his greyhound. Turkish proverb
Don't look at the one who speaks - look at the one who makes you speak. Turkish proverb There is no better answer to the ignoramus than silence. Turkish proverb
He does not sleep hungry, chilled and frightened. Arabic proverb
Do not hold others back from what you yourself follow. Arabic proverb
No one who leads a camel can hide. Arabic proverb
Do not teach an orphan to cry. Arabic proverb
The bride does not leave the house because she does not have a veil. Persian proverb
You can not drive everyone with one stick. Persian proverb
An unset dinner table has one drawback, but a set one has a thousand. Persian proverb
No wife - no sadness. Persian proverb
I have no wealth, if only I had honor!
It is not good to be the youngest in the house and the eldest in the caravan. Pashtun proverb
Not a single cat will catch mice for God's sake. Persian proverb
Does nothing, but the plate is full. Assyrian proverb. Assyrian proverb
An insignificant person is one who needs scoundrels. Arabic proverb
The beggar knows best who is stingy. Persian proverb
The beggar owns half the world. Arabic proverb
The knife does not cut its handle. Persian proverb
The night is one, and there are thousands of thieves. Kurdish proverb
Both litigants do not return from the judge satisfied. Persian proverb
To offend friends is to please enemies. Persian proverb
The usual occupation of lovers is silence. Kurdish proverb
The leopard kills the sheep, and the jackal eats their meat. Pashtun proverb
One hair is not a beard. Arabic proverb
One sip of water is worth seven steps of the way. Turkish proverb
One says: “What would you like to eat?” - and the other says: “Who would you like to treat?” Pashtun proverb
One guest hates the other, and the host hates both. Persian proverb
One eats, the other looks - that's why the fight. Turkish proverb
One baked bread is better than ten pounds of dough. Kurdish proverb
There is one horseshoe, it remains to buy three more and a horse. Assyrian proverb
One rose is not yet spring. Persian proverb
You can't cover your face with one finger. Arabic proverb
He is a pea for every soup. Persian proverb
A weapon in hand is half the battle. Kurdish proverb
A donkey remains an ass, even if it carries the Sultan's treasury. Arabic proverb
The donkey is the same, only the saddle has been changed. Assyrian proverb
From a lot of running around, only shoes are torn. Persian proverb
From the water that you bring in your hands, the mill will not spin. Turkish proverb
From the father comes property, not dignity. Turkish proverb
From the one who does not eat garlic, garlic does not smell. Arabic proverb
You can't put a severed head back. Kurdish proverb
The dog is brave at the owner's door. Kurdish proverb
Pawn! When did you become a queen? Arabic proverb
The pick will not fit into the bag. Turkish proverb
The clerk writes, and the plowman plows. Turkish proverb
He is an excellent swimmer, but he cannot find water. Persian proverb
A bad wife is like tight shoes. Pashtun proverb
No rot takes a bad eggplant. Persian proverb
A bad customer either arrives early or late. Arabic proverb
Victory over the weak is like defeat. Arabic proverb
Lucky - that's dressed up. Sumerian proverb
Sweep your friends' house and don't knock on your enemies' doors. Persian proverb
Called the dog - pick up a stick. Persian proverb
Shame is longer than life. Arabic proverb
While the rich man takes pity, the poor man will die. Turkish proverb
As long as there are fools in the world, the ruined will not be left without bread. Persian proverb
Until you see hell, you won't like heaven. Kurdish proverb
While one apricot is ripe, a hundred unripe ones will fall off. Assyrian proverb
Until you crack a nut, you won’t eat the kernel. Turkish proverb
While I have a caravanserai, and you are traveling, we will definitely meet. Turkish proverb
The field of dreams is spacious. Persian proverb
Reprimand is a gift from friends. Arabic proverb
Entrust the case to a lazy person - he will teach you the same! Turkish proverb
After the battle - a lot of warriors. Kurdish proverb
Loss teaches resourcefulness. Arabic proverb
The stream leaves - the sand remains. Turkish proverb The truth is in my club. Turkish proverb There is a right to learn, but there is nothing to receive. Turkish proverb Bring a bag of hay, lock the donkey in the stable, and let him do what he wants. Turkish proverb
Before stealing a minaret, dig a hole (to hide it there) Persian proverb
The addicted is worse than the mad. Turkish proverb
They came like donkeys and left like devils. Arabic proverb
Wet is not afraid of rain. Arabic proverb
Asking for shame, Not giving is a double shame. Kurdish proverb
Against angry dog gotta let the bad one out. Arabic proverb
Running water will not become dirty. Turkish proverb
I'd rather have a young husband and a tattered shirt than a smart shirt, yes old husband. Kurdish proverb
Let the honey stay in the jar until prices go up. Arabic proverb
Working for nothing is better than idleness. Persian proverb
Once caught - do not miss, and once you have missed - do not chase the lost. Kurdish proverb
Will the moon shine without the sun? Kurdish proverb
The solved puzzle seems easy. Persian proverb
Divide your lunch - stay for dinner. Arabic proverb
Expenses for a late guest - at his expense. Persian proverb
The child of an old man is like an orphan; the old man's wife is a widow. Arabic proverb
The rose is a friend of the thorn. Persian proverb
Dig a well, bury it: but do not leave the servant of the bases of business. Arabic proverb
The mouth is decorated with teeth. Pashtun proverb
Scold me, but be truthful. Arabic proverb
Kiss the hand you can't cut off. Persian proverb
Next to a man - you will be a man, next to a donkey - you will become a donkey. Turkish proverb
With a fortune teller he is a poet, with a poet he is a fortune teller, with both of them he is nothing, without them he is both. Persian proverb
No matter which way you stop the decline, there will still be a profit. Persian proverb
Eat and drink with the ignorant, but do not talk. Turkish proverb
Eat and drink with relatives, but do not trade. Turkish proverb
Don't get into the caravan with a lame donkey! Turkish proverb
A timely escape is a victory. Turkish proverb
Conspire with the headman and rob the village. Persian proverb
The heart sees before the head. Arabic proverb
The heart is not a tablecloth, you will not open it in front of everyone. Persian proverb
Don't dance while sitting. Pashtun proverb
Strong and proud do not get along. Sumerian proverb
Saying “come” is easy, but saying “go” is difficult. Turkish proverb
No matter how much you teach a dumbass, by morning everything will be forgotten. Arabic proverb
Scorpio stings not out of malice, but by nature. Persian proverb
A miser eats from his own bag, and a generous man eats from the bag of others. Arabic proverb
A blind man is sighted in his work. Persian proverb
The word begets the word. Persian proverb
The death of a horse is a holiday for dogs. Turkish proverb
Laughter begets laughter, and sadness begets sadness. Assyrian proverb
Beat the enemy first, then befriend him. Assyrian proverb
First censure, then punishment. Arabic proverb
Get along with your friends first, then attack your enemies. Persian proverb
Study first, marry later. Pashtun proverb
The dog barks; and the caravan moves on. Persian proverb
Women's advice suits a woman. Turkish proverb
Consult with a thousand people, and reveal your secret to one. Persian proverb
Forty years he sins, one year he repents. Turkish proverb
First food, then words. Turkish proverb
To hurry is bad, but in a good deed it is commendable. Persian proverb
Ability cannot be taught. Turkish proverb
Ask the one who asks you. Turkish proverb
The mule was asked, "Who is your father?" He replied: "The horse is my father." Arabic proverb
The sleeper will not wake the sleeper. Persian proverb
A hundred friends are few, one enemy is many. Persian proverb
The strictness of a teacher is better than the kindness of a father. Persian proverb
The fussy one will not find satisfaction, the angry one will not find joy, the dull one will not find a friend. Arabic proverb.
Every day is a holiday for a madman. Assyrian proverb
The knot took over the carpenter. Arabic proverb
The happiest of all is the one who is still in the cradle. Turkish proverb
Happiness found - evil lost. Sumerian proverb
Score by score, and brother by brother. Persian proverb
The son of a wolf will not become the brother of a man. Kurdish proverb
The son of a son is the son of a beloved, the son of a daughter is the son of a stranger. Arabic proverb
Well-fed - it is difficult to treat. Turkish proverb
The well-fed cuts slices for the hungry slowly. Arabic proverb
The secret is kept by two people, provided that one of them is not alive. Assyrian proverb
Such a shepherd is such a sheep. Turkish proverb
My calf grew old, but did not become a bull. Persian proverb
Patience is the key to joy. Arabic proverb
What you read, we know by heart. Persian proverb
Only the thief is asked where this thing comes from. Assyrian proverb
The one who calls for dinner must take care of the lodging for the night. Arabic proverb
The one who comes 6ez out of invitation sleeps without a bed. Arabic proverb
He whose house is made of glass does not throw stones at people. Arabic proverb
Three things evoke love: faith, modesty, and generosity. Arabic proverb
You tell the truth, then let the sky fall through. Assyrian proverb
You must obey the one you want to serve. Arabic proverb
The donkey pulls the strap, but the nag eats. Persian proverb
The rich man has money, the poor man has children. Turkish proverb
He who has no donkey has no sorrow. Persian proverb
Love has no advisers. Arabic proverb
He had two legs, he borrowed a couple more and gave him a goad. Assyrian proverb
They have more dogs in their herd than sheep. Pashtun proverb
The glutton has no friends. Turkish proverb
A dog has no memory, but its owner does. Turkish proverb
Shy children do not happen. Turkish proverb
Run away - escape. Assyrian proverb
The mind of people is in their eyes. Persian proverb
A smart thief in his neighborhood doesn't steal. Arabic proverb
A smart enemy is better than a stupid friend. Persian proverb
A smart person will understand if you wink, and a fool will understand if you push. Arabic proverb
Drowning, the fly said: “Let the water fill the whole world!” Assyrian proverb
A learned man speaks like a philosopher and lives like a fool. Assyrian proverb
The scientist at least knows, let him ask, but the ignoramus does not know and does not ask. Persian proverb
Learning is gold: it will not decay, but wealth is rubbish: it will rot! Kurdish proverb
The owner favors - the dog does not bite. Sumerian proverb
The owner is not in the house - and the hostesses are not afraid. Pashtun proverb
If you want to live in peace - do not take and do not lend. Assyrian proverb
If you want to do a good deed, drop your hesitation. Persian proverb
The price of a raincoat is known in the rain. Turkish proverb
What I did not take - I will not give, what I did not see - I do not know. Turkish proverb
What does the wolf want? - Wind and rain. Pashtun proverb
Man is the enemy of what he does not know. Turkish proverb
Man is hidden behind his words. Persian proverb
Man is harder than stone and softer than a rose. Pashtun proverb
Friends spoil a man. Turkish proverb
The more you dig, the more it stinks. Persian proverb
Your mother's womb will not bring you an enemy. Arabic proverb
What you put in the cauldron is what you eat. Kurdish proverb
What's in the cauldron, then in the spoon. Pashtun proverb
What does the donkey know about this world? Kurdish proverb
What to hang, what to plant on a stake! Turkish proverb
What they brought on their backs they carried away in their stomachs. Assyrian proverb
What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity. Arabic proverb
What will blow the wind off the cliff? Turkish proverb
What is appropriate is nice. Persian proverb
Anything is better than nothing. Arabic proverb
The wide road is for those who have no debts. Turkish proverb
This world will not go to a rose or a nightingale. Turkish proverb
A young man is a mirror of beauty. Kurdish proverb
I got married to dye my eyebrows, not sew patches. Persian proverb
I am the emir and you are the emir. Who will drive the donkeys? Arabic proverb
Tongue made of meat, wherever you turn, it turns there. Persian proverb
Do not break the stone egg. Arabic proverb

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